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A Critique Paper Presented to

Engr. Anecita C. Palacios, Ph.D
Educ 212 Professor
St. Michael’s College
Iligan City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in the

Subject Methods of Research


March, 2019
Specific Area/Section Guide Questions for Evaluation Comments/ Critique
Abstract 1. Does it explain the purpose of the  The answer to all these questions were
paper? answered and addressed by the paper.
2. Does it explain why the research was  I was just bothered with the word
carried out? “finally” and “and” at the ending of the
3. Does it include the main findings? abstract. I would just like to recommend
4. Is the significance of the study being that instead of finally and and, the
discussed? researcher may change these to “The
5. Are the conclusions fitted to the results of the findings can be helped
findings? through guided reading program with
6. Is the research method described the combined efforts of teachers and
briefly? parents.”
Problem statement and 1. What is the problem and/or purpose of  This study assessed the reading
purpose the research study? proficiency of the fourth year students
2. Does the problem or purpose statement at Lugait National High School, Lugait,
express a relationship between two or Misamis Oriental.
more variables? If so, what is/are the  The study does not express a
relationship(s)? Are they testable? relationship between two or more
3. Does the problem statement and/or variables. It only assessed the reading
purpose specify the nature of the proficiency of fourth year students.
population being studied? What is it?  The study specified the nature of
4. What significance of the problem, if any, population being studied. It was the
has the investigator identified? fourth year students of Lugait National
High School. However the total
population of the respondents are not
 The significance of the problem
identified were: There is no significant
relationship between the respondents’
profile and their reading proficiency,
and There is no significant difference
among the respondents’ reading
proficiency levels when grouped
according to their profile.
Theoretical framework/ 1. What concepts are included in the  The study was based on the formal and
Definition of Terms and review? Of particular importance, note linguistic schema theories. Since the
Review of literature. those concepts that are the independent study was designed to investigate only
and dependent variables and how they are the reading proficiency levels of the
conceptually defined. fourth year students.
2. Does the literature review make the  The relationship among the
relationships among the variables explicit independent and dependent variables is
or place the variables within a shown on the research paradigm.
theoretical/conceptual framework? What However it is confusing because the
are the relationships? profile of the students is not present in
3. What gaps or conflicts in knowledge of the previous statement of the problem.
the problem are identified? Also other variables included are not
4. Are the references cited by the author supposed to be termed as “profile of
mostly primary or secondary sources? Give respondents”, like availability of library
an example of each. materials, etc.
5. What are the operational definitions of  In the conceptual framework, the
the independent and dependent statement changed into “relationship
variables? Do they reflect the conceptual between the respondents’ profile and
definitions? their reading proficiency level.
6. Is the majority of the literature cited of  Most references are cited as secondary
recent origin? sources like Brown, 2001, Alderson,
 Most of the references cited are of
recent origin that is from year 2000 and
Hypotheses or research 1. What hypotheses or research
questions questions are stated in the study?  These are the hypotheses of the study:
2. If research questions are stated, There is no significant relationship
are they used in addition to between the respondents’ profile and
hypotheses or to guide an their reading proficiency, and There is
exploratory study? no significant difference among the
3. What are the independent and respondents’ reading proficiency levels
dependent variables in the when grouped according to their
statement of each hypothesis or profile.
research question?  There are 5 research questions in
4. If hypotheses are stated, is the addition with the two hypotheses.
form of the statement statistical  Null Hypotheses are used in the study.
(also called null) or research?  The hypotheses were tested at 0.05
5. What is the direction of the level of significance.
relationship in each hypothesis, if
6. Are the hypotheses testable?
Sample Size and 1. How was the sample selected?  The sampling method used in the
Respondents 2. What type of sampling method is used? gender of the students was stratified
Is it appropriate to the design? random sampling. Slovin’s sampling
3. Does the sample reflect the population procedure is employed in choosing the
as identified in the problem or purpose total respondents of the study.
statement?  The sample population was 153 senior
4. Is the sample size appropriate? high school students.
5. To what population may the findings be
generalized? What are the limitations in
Research design 1. What type of design is used?  The researcher employed a quantitative
2. Does the design seem to flow from method. It doesn’t state what type of
the proposed research problem, quantitative method is used.
theoretical framework, literature  The data collection method used in the
review, and hypothesis? study is questionnaire.
3. What type(s) of data -collection  Similar survey questionnaire was
method(s) is/are used in the study? administered in all of the respondents.
4. Are the data -collection procedures  Parental consent was not provided in
similar for all subjects? the study.
5. How have the rights of subjects  Only the principal’s approval of
been protected? administration of the study is
6. What indications are given that presented.
informed consent of the subjects
has been ensured?
Instruments 1. Is a rationale given for why a  The instrument used in the study is
particular instrument or method accurate because it is a standardize test
was selected? If so, what is it? of Quantitative Analysis Philippine
What provision is made for Informal Reading Inventory Test (PHIL
maintaining the accuracy of the IRI) 2008.
instrument and its use, if any?  There was no interview conducted.
2. Interviews: Who were the  To measure the reading levels of
interviewers? How were they students, the researcher used a reading
trained to minimize the bias? Is comprehension test, a text followed by
there evidence of any interview questions. The questionnaire for
bias? If so, what was it? background survey used is a checklist
3. Questionnaires: What is the type while for the questionnaire for
and/or format of the measuring attitudes towards reading is
questionnaire(s) (e.g. Likert, open - a likert scale.
ended)? Is (Are) it (they) consistent  Yes, these were appropriate statistical
with the conceptual definition(s)? tools to measure the problems stated in
4. Available data and records: Are the the study.
records that were used  On the questionnaire for measuring
appropriate to the problem being attitude towards reading, its reliable
studied? Are the data being used because it was adapted from Rhody
to describe the sample or to test Secondary Reading Assessment.
the hypothesis?
5. What type of reliability is reported
for each instrument?
6. What level of reliability is
reported? Is it acceptable?
7. What type of validity, if any, is
reported for each instrument?
Analysis of data 1. What level of measurement is used to  The analysis and data interpretation is
measure each of the major variables? too complicated and confusing as there
2. What descriptive or inferential statistics were so many variables being tested
are reported? and undergo statistical treatment.
3. Were these descriptive or inferential  The level of significance of the study is
statistics appropriate to the level of at 0.05.
measurement for each variable?  The tables and figures used in the study
4. Are the inferential statistics used meet the standards.
appropriate to the intent of the  The inferential statistics used are
hypotheses? appropriate to the intent of hypotheses
5. Does the author report the level of however the hypotheses were not
significance set for the study? If so, what is stated and answered in the
it? interpretation of data.
6. If tables or figures are used, do they
meet the following standards? Do they
supplement and economize the text? Do
they have precise titles and headings? Do
they not repeat the text?
Conclusions, 1. If hypothesis testing was done,  It placed hypotheses in the statement of
implications, was/were the hypotheses supported or the problem yet didn’t address or
recommendations. not supported? answer these hypotheses in the data
2. Are the results interpreted in the analysis.
context of the problem/purpose,  The researcher found out that solving
hypothesis, and theoretical the reading problem is a serious matter
framework/literature reviewed? that takes a long process but providing
3. What relevance does the investigator the solution is deemed urgent.
identify, if any?  A reading program is crafted as a
4. What generalizations are made? solution to reading problems.
5. Are the generalizations within the scope
of the findings or beyond the findings?  The study recommends to further study
6. What recommendations for future on the impact of secondary teachers
research are stated or implied? and teaching strategy in the reading
7. Are there other studies with similar progress of the students.
findings?  Yes, the application of the study is
9. Is direct application of the research feasible yet it requires more time and
findings feasible in terms of time, effort, close handling and supervision in
money, and legal/ethical risks? gathering data.

Reference List 1. Are all sources cited clearly and  Yes, all the sources are cited clearly with
with full bibliographic details full bibliographic details provided.
provided?  The references contain both classic and
2. Does the list contain both classic more contemporary literature.
and more contemporary  It clearly follows the APA format.
3. Does it follow the APA format?


P.S. Thank you Ma’am Annie…I learned a lot from this course.

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