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An Adaptive Intelligent Management System

of Advertising for Social Networks:
A Case Study of Facebook
Jose Aguilar and Gerardo Garcia

Abstract— At present, social networks are strongly used for certain failures occur, and to discover possible improvements
personal or professional purposes. The social networks have are also cumbersome tasks.
accumulated a large amount of information, which can be used Thus, this problem leads to several questions: How can
in different ways. One of such possible purposes is advertising.
In particular, when a company pays for advertising in a social we automate the process of production of advertising online?
network, it wants to get an ideal deployment of the ads on the How to perform a statistical analysis of the performance of the
network. The ideal behavior aims at reducing the high costs to advertising online? How to exploit this statistical information
pay, the number of hours to design advertising, the difficulty in to improve the performance of online advertising?
the creation of ads by lots, among other things. In particular, On the other hand, Facebook is an excellent marketing tool,
the optimization of the production of advertising on social
networks, based on the performance of the ads, is not an easy because it has an advertising system that allows using the
task. If we make an incorrect design, this can result in losses for a information of each user for a targeted advertising. However,
company. In this sense, this paper presents an intelligent system of some studies reveal that users’ purchase decisions are not
management of social network advertising, based on data mining influenced only by advertisements, and that users do not
techniques, to automatically produce ads. In addition, we test actively use Facebook as an information source [23]. In this
our adaptive mechanism of automated production (generation) of
online advertising on Facebook. Our system carries out automatic way, although Facebook provides an ideal platform for online
modifications and improvements of ads. Facebook is one of the advertising, it still needs some additional systems to exploit
more popular social networks, being widely used by companies its potentialities.
for advertising, in order to create contents attracting the attention In general, there is an extensive literature about online
of users. advertising on social networks. For example, the following
Index Terms— Decision support systems, Facebook, intelligent kinds of works can be found: the introduction of the main
systems, online advertising, social networks. aspects and trends considered in the online ads [6], [17],
[18], [43], the proposition of advertising methods [6], [13],
[26], [36], the description of the online consumer behavior
I. I NTRODUCTION [9], [10], [12], [28], [29], and the personalization of
ads [5], [31]. Other works analyze the concept of “social adver-
T ODAY, the production of online advertising in an efficient
manner is very difficult and complicated. Specifically,
social network advertising tends to be complicated since
tising” [2], [38], [39], in order to incorporate the user interac-
tions. Even more, there exist works reviewing the privacy of
the ads have a complex behavior that depends directly on the consumers, and its effect on the ad performance [26], [37],
the acceptance of the public. Getting an ideal behavior of as well as techniques to mine social network data that can be
the ads is understood as achieving high traffic at low cost useful to build ads [14], [15], [22], [30], in order to generate
per click (CPC). This surely means that the reader is pleased useful indicators that can be used to create ads [19]. These
with the ads, because they contain relevant information and investigations will be presented in detail in Section III.
an appealing image, among other desirable attributes. On the According to the literature and our knowledge, there is
other hand, making ads manually implies both high costs and no research about the automatic generation of online ads,
high number of hours of work. In addition, once ads are on exploiting the different sources of information in the social
the web, to extract statistical information, to recognize where networks. This type of system must integrate some results
already achieved in previous works, for example, to mine
Manuscript received October 20, 2015; revised December 27, 2016, social network data to discover information about the con-
July 6, 2017, and September 11, 2017; accepted September 28, 2017. The sumer or ads behaviors, and to determine the information to
work of J. Aguilar was supported in part by the Universidad Autónoma
de Chile and in part by the Prometeo Project of the Ministry of Higher be used to build good ads.
Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Ecuador. In this paper, we define an adaptive mechanism for the
(Corresponding author: Jose Aguilar.) automatic production of online advertising, which consider
J. Aguilar is with CEMISID, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101,
Venezuela, and also with the Department of Computer Science and Elec- these aspects. Specifically, we propose an intelligent system
tronics, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja 1101, Ecuador (e-mail: that automates the generation of advertising on Facebook. Our system carries out an automatic modification and improve-
G. Garcia is with CEMISID, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida 5101,
Venezuela. ments of ads manually made by users. The system uses a set
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSS.2017.2759188 of algorithms of classification and optimization, which have
2329-924X © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


been used in the area of data mining, particularly, genetic incorporates user interactions [38], [39]. The resulting ad
algorithms and support vector machines (SVMs). Our system considers these interactions within ads content. This is a
generates online ads on Facebook, based on the performance of revolution for advertisers, because it means that they could
the ads and the behavior of target users on this social network. exploit the power of an individual’s social network, both to
We consider Facebook as case study, because this social target advertising and to engage their audience.
network provides helpful information for adapting online ads. We argue that the dynamic combination of these
aspects (personalized ads, individual’s social network, and
II. O NLINE A DVERTISING specific characteristics of the social networks) can improve
Social networks have changed the way to define online the efficiency of an advertising campaign. The integration of
ads, due to how they manage ads. It is crucial to understand these aspects in a system, in order to coordinate the adaptation
how the social networks manage online advertising and online of the online ads, can improve their performance in the social
shopping. Business people look for solutions about how to networks, reducing the costs and time for their production.
customize their ads, in order to maximize the gains based on Thus, the main contribution of this research is the definition
good ads (brand loyalty, etc.) and a good performance on the of an intelligent system that integrates these aspects to adapt
social network platforms (a lot of exposition, low cost of the online ads on the social networks. In this sense, considering
ads, etc.). There are a lot of papers about online advertising. these aspects, we propose an intelligent management system
However, normally such papers are limited to subjects such as: for social network advertising.
understanding online consumer behavior [12], [28], how an
ad impacts consumer attitudes and cognitions [2], [10], [15], A. Social Network Advertising and Facebook
how people use the Internet for shopping [5], [9], how ads Social network advertising is a term used to describe a form
can impact the user perception about a product [13], [37], and of online advertising that focuses on social networking sites.
how to personalize online ads [5], [31], [37]. One of the main advantages of social network advertising
Many Internet applications collect significant volumes of is that advertisers can take advantage of the demographic
personal data from their users, allowing their advertisers tar- information from users, and target their ads appropriately.
geting and personalizing ads [31]. Targeting advertising means From the advertisers’ point of view, it is very important to
that those ads are shown to only a specific target group, based discover where their target audiences lie, how much they can
on various criteria such as age, purchase history, or income. invest, etc. In this way, they can make the most out of their
Personalized ads partially reduce “waste circulation” [10], social network, and obtain the best return on their campaign.
because they determine the audience of an ad (prospective For all this, they need systems that help in the definition of the
buyers of the product or service being advertised). To increase content, and in general, in managing ads, in order to increase
the efficiency of advertisement, targeting normally exploits visibility, membership, and traffic across their ads [17]. The
the user’s information on the Internet (gender, age, residence, advertising performance criteria in social networks are the
hobbies, etc.). Nevertheless, it needs to exploit the specific following.
characteristics of the social networks, in order to get an ideal 1) Clicks: Representing the total number of clicks received
behavior of the ads when displayed on the networks. In this by an ad in a given time.
way, these data can create ads that fit the targeted user and 2) Scope: Indicating the number of unique people who see
social networks [31]. a specific announcement in a given time.
Targeted advertising is used by different platforms. 3) Click-Through Rate (CTR) of an Ad: Showing the num-
It enables companies to reach their target audiences efficiently. ber of clicks that an ad received divided by the number
For example, Amazon uses the history of users’ shopping of time instants (length of the time period) the ad was
and searching, in order to propose new products; Facebook shown.
matches ads with the interests of the users; etc. Most com- 4) Frequency: Indicating the average number of occasions
panies present in the web are using this type of advertising that each person sees a particular ad in a given time
in these mediums. For that, the data are processed using data period.
mining tools. In particular, there are a lot of papers about the 5) Interactions: Representing the total number of occasions
target advertising using information about the user’s prefer- that users interact with a page or publication in a given
ences to define target groups with similar purchase behavior, time period.
etc. [5], [31]. However, there are no works that consider 6) Price: Indicating the maximum fee that the adver-
the characteristics of the social networks. That precludes tiser is willing to pay for each click (CPC) or per
maximizing the efficiency of an advertising campaign, and the 1000 impressions (cost per thousand).
profitable utilization of the ad budget. Facebook is one of the more interesting social networks
Another very interesting aspect is the influence of the for advertisers, due to the availability of information about its
society, communities, etc., on the individual’s purchasing users [36]. Facebook offers advertisers more strategic value
behavior. The current personalized or targeted advertising does than any other social network. This has been accomplished
not reflect the target consumer social network. Nonetheless, with a mix of applications [20]: targeted display ads and
this is changing with the evolution of social networks, such sponsored stories, known as social ads and sponsored stories;
as and These have introduced a branded profiles, known as Facebook pages; a developer incen-
new form of advertising, called “social advertising,” which tive program to encourage the content development, called
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


“Predictive Behavioral Targeting” estimates the interest of the

buying users. “Geotargeting” delivers ads based on the location
of the user. “Social Media Targeting” defines different target-
ing options. The question of the effectiveness and benefits of
personalized advertisement are still vague.
In general, online advertisement has some problems. Online
ads do not receive much user attention, especially when they
are placed on the right side of the screen, a phenomenon
known as Banner Blindness. The placing of banners on the
right side is a common practice, also followed by Facebook.
Fig. 1. Advertising environment of Facebook. Eroğlu [12] observes that a placement at the edges of a
website leads to less attention from the user. Users neglect
the peripheral areas and see the headlines placed in the middle
Facebook developers; and the information of the brand-related and the graphic animations. They actively avoid looking at the
user behavior. Facebook social ads are targeted to specific banners.
users based on their profiles and behavior in the network. For Several papers study online consumer behavior. For exam-
instance, Facebook social ads can be delivered to users whose ple, Saxena and Khanna [31] analyze several models about the
friends have recently engaged with the brand’s Facebook online consumer behavior: the model of Intention, the model
profile, or visited the brand’s website. Even the location of of adoption and continuance, and the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell
delivery for social ads can be targeted with ads appearing next model. Some studies examine consumer attitudes on the
to news feeds of friends (a Facebook feature that allows friends marketing on social networks. Specifically, the consumers’
to update others on their recent activities) who mention the beliefs about advertising have been studied in [6], observing
brand, by delivering ad impressions that are related to news that the beliefs influence on the consumers’ attitudes, which
feeds. in turn affect their purchasing. Eroğlu [12] presents a the-
The Facebook advertising mechanism uses these compo- oretical explanation about the online consumer behavior.
nents to describe the behavior of the ads. The greater is Puerto and Aguilar [28] present a literature review about
the number of clicks received, the larger the traffic on a the online consumer behavior, focusing on online consumer
page or application. In this way, according to the response of purchase intention and online consumer loyalty, in the context
the users to an announcement, Facebook increases/decreases of Norwegian business students. This paper identifies three
the reach of the advertisement. If the answer to the announce- important variables about the consumer purchase intention: the
ment is positive, then the CPC of an ad tends to be lowered, online trust, the previous online purchase experience, and the
otherwise the cost tends to rise. The ideal behavior of the ads interaction on social networks. In addition, the paper finds two
consists of getting the most clicks at a lower CPC as possi- variables impacting online consumer loyalty: online shopping
ble. Fig. 1 shows the advertising environment of Facebook, enjoyment and online satisfaction.
presenting some statistics for the advertiser. The environment Bozkır et al. [9] examines the Internet usage to shop,
displays a graphic of the number of clicks and the user’s highlighting the consumers’ motivations and behaviors. The
subscription, as well as various statistics, which have been authors define several questions: Why do consumers prefer
described above (frequency, CTR, etc.). Facebook constantly online shopping to traditional shopping? Why do some individ-
offers updated data, such as the number of clicks on a page, uals utilize online shopping more than others? Is there a differ-
the CTR, among others [17]. ence between online shoppers and traditional shoppers? Which
factors are important in consumers’ decisions to shop online?
III. R ELATED W ORKS The authors analyze various approaches to answer these
The rapid global growth of social media has increased questions. These approaches are based on socio-psychological
the research in this area from the marketing perspective. theories. An important assumption of these theories is that
Particularly, there are a lot of papers in this domain, which the individuals are rational. When other factors are constant,
study different aspects of the subject: users’ behavior, how the rational individual focuses on the benefits and the costs
to define personalized ads, what “social advertising” means, of each factor. The benefits and the costs specified in these
etc. [6] establishes why social networks are important to approaches are not limited to the monetary dimensions. For
businesses as an advertising form, and studies the current example, the human sentiments as feeling good about oneself,
advertising methods. Svetlana et al. [36] examines the crite- the ego, the entertainment, the social acceptance, and the frus-
ria for a successful social network advertising. Specifically, tration, are the components of the cost function. The authors of
the authors consider as cases the Facebook, YouTube, and this paper propose the extended technology acceptance model,
MySpace networks. They review some of the existing metrics and an improved version of the technology acceptance model,
that are used by corporations, to measure their effectiveness based on socio-psychological theories, to explain the behavior
in reaching out to consumers. of the online consumer.
Today, a variety of terms are used for different kinds Chu et al. [10] examine the beliefs, the attitudes, and
of personalized ads [5], [15], [31]. Personalization means the behavioral responses toward social network advertising
limiting the number of people seeing an ad. For example, of the young users’. The authors found that social network
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


usage is positively linked to users’ responses, such as the on Facebook. The banners are targeted using different key-
attitudes and the behaviors. Their results demonstrate that words matching the users’ profile. The results reveal not only
the users with higher levels of consciousness are more likely a higher CTR for personalized ads than for nonpersonalized,
to have favorable beliefs and attitudes toward social network but also an increasing of the CTR for banners of minor target
advertising. Ragnar [29] identifies the belief dimensions that markets. Google, Inc. [17] reports the latest trends in social
influence the consumer attitudes toward the social network network advertising. Today, when a user thinks about buying
advertising in the context of South Asia. The authors also something, the user first goes to the Internet, searches for the
examine the influence of the consumers’ attitudes toward product, compares its price with other competing brands, and
social network advertising, on their ad clicking and online decides which one to buy. In [18], several aspects about the
buying behaviors. The results reveal a favorable attitude toward advertising through social networks are discussed, including:
the social network advertising, which influence the consumers’ What is the impact of social networks on the mainstream
ad clicking behavior. media? Why to advertise on social networks? What should
In [38] is analyzed the concept of “social advertising” be the strategy for social network advertising?
that incorporates user interactions. The authors explore the The social networks contain millions of unprocessed data.
effectiveness of social ads using data from Facebook. They By analyzing these data, new knowledge can be obtained.
compare the performance of social ads with conventional These data are dynamics, unstructured. To manipulate it,
targeted and untargeted ads. These ads contain the name the traditional data mining techniques are not appropriate,
of the fan, and are targeted to that fan’s social network while the web data mining is an interesting field and a
using its social relationships. Social ads are targeted to the new trend in this domain of research. [15] introduces a
friends of “fans” of a site on Facebook. They found that, framework that can be used to mine social network data. The
on average, these social ads were more effective than con- proposed framework handles the unstructured and dynamic
ventional targeted or untargeted ads. Their results demonstrate behavior of the web data. The framework adopts the Hidden
something new: social advertising may be more effective when Markov Model to predict the next status of the web data.
targeted toward groups of consumers who are not obvious Gayana et al. [14] identifie and analyze the existing web
customers of the product. However, when advertisers attempt mining techniques used to mine social network data.
to reinforce the social influence, consumers appear less likely Rongjing et al. [30] presents a study to understand the
to respond positively to the ad. This is important because the different variables on online advertising. The authors propose a
majority of advertising technologies on the web are based on model for measuring the advertising value through a structural
whether a consumer takes a certain action, like searching a equation based on the confirmatory factor analysis. Goyal [18]
product [37], [38]. studies how the college students perceive the advertisements
Other studies analyze how the privacy controls affect on online social networks. For that, they utilize the Zaltman
advertising performance, particularly, if online ads violate metaphor elicitation technique, arriving to the next conclu-
the privacy of consumers, what can generate resistance from sions: the users of online social networks do not dislike the
the consumers to the ad. This is a motivational state, called advertisements, but they simply do not notice them. Some
“reactance,” where the consumers resist something that they contents of online social networks mitigate the attractiveness
find coercive. Theoretically, if the privacy can be controlled, of the advertisements. In [13] is explored the viability of using
then the potential for customer reactance can be minimized social networks as a recruitment tool in a clinical research trial.
and the performance of the online advertising can be improved. The authors develop, as an example, an ad to recruit partici-
Todi [37] investigates how the internet users’ perception about pants to investigate the effectiveness of a behavioral support
the control of their personal information affects their probabili- program for smoking cessation. The participants recruited via
ties to click on online advertising. The increase in effectiveness social media were younger, but there were not differences
is greater to ads that do not use private information to with respect to socioeconomic variables or smoking charac-
personalize their messages, and to target groups who are more teristics, compared with the participants recruited via other
likely to use the privacy settings [37]. traditional means. This paper suggests that using online social
Online awareness and social network tactics have been used networks is a viable recruitment method for smoking studies,
to enhance the online advertising effectiveness. Angeline [5] and compliments other more traditional recruitment methods.
analyzes the online political advertising and how people In [44] are explored the social network trends, including their
use the Internet to shop. With respect to political advertis- opportunities, and the potential effects that these trends have
ing, the authors analyze how the online videos and ads can on advertising. In [26], theoretical foundations that can be used
impact the user assessment. Also, they examine the influence in the research on social networks are identified. This paper
of the communication on social networks, on the consumers’ identifies three key theoretical foundations that can be used
relationships with the brands. Finally, the authors study the in the research on advertising: the networking capability; the
male consumers’ motivations to use the Internet to shop image transferability; and the personal extensibility.
their preferred brands, and how online consumer behavior is Kaplan [22] explores the trends of the research on social
different in each gender. networks over the past fourteen years. The authors indicate
Bozkır et al. [9] investigate how the size of the target market that social media have gained an incremental attention among
influences on the CTRs of the personalized online advertising. the researchers, who are following the increased usage and
The authors examine the effectiveness of personalized banners impact of this medium. The authors suggest that, in the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


future, it is necessary a prospective utilization of the social

networks. Consumers are increasingly adopting active roles
in co-creating marketing content [19]. In turn, companies and
organizations are looking for online social marketing programs
and campaigns, in an effort to reach consumers that “live”
online. However, the challenge facing many companies is that,
although they recognize the need to be active on the social
networks, they do not understand how to do it effectively,
what performance indicators they should measure, and how
they should measure them. Also, as companies develop social
network strategies, platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and
Twitter are often treated as stand-alone elements, rather than
part of an integrated system. Tucker [39] offers a systematic
way of understanding and conceptualizing online social net-
works, as an ecosystem of related elements involving both
digital and traditional media. They carry out a best practice
case study of an organization, to leverage social media in
reaching an important audience of young consumers. Then,
they conclude with several lessons learned related to the
Fig. 2. General model of the intelligent management system for social
strategic integration of social networks into the organization’s network advertising.
marketing communication strategy.
The previous works analyze specific aspects that should be
considered, in order to make automatic online advertising; the ads. Fig. 2 shows the general model of our system. The
for example, to understand online consumer behavior, and main functionalities are as follows.
how to define personalized ads, or identify variables to be 1) Definition of the Characteristics of the Social Network
considered in online advertising. Nevertheless, there are not That Will Use Our System: The properties, tools, and
works that integrate these aspects, in order to adapt them measures available on the social network, useful to build
to specific requirements or characteristics of social networks, ads, are defined.
clients, consumers, or products. In this paper, we propose an 2) Definition of the Requirements of the Clients and the
intelligent system that integrates these aspects, in order to build Product: The product, and the interest of the client of
efficient ads. the social network (e.g., minimize cost, increase the
exposition of the ads, etc.) are characterized.
3) Definition of the Information About the Online Con-
sumer Behavior Around the Ads: Aspects about the
consumer, which we are going to use to characterize
This section describes an intelligent management system his/her behavior around the ads (if he/she makes a click,
for social network advertising. The main aspects taken into if he/she refers the ads to his/her friends, etc.), are
account by our architecture are the characteristics of the social defined.
networks; the requirements of the clients and the product; and
the online consumer behavior in relation to the ads.
Our intelligent system, for the advertising management V. O UR A DAPTIVE I NTELLIGENT S YSTEM IN FACEBOOK
in social networks can be used to promote a brand by an The characterization of our adaptive intelligent system in
advertiser. To do this, he/she must define the target audience Facebook is as follows.
and the subject to promote (product or service). The advertiser 1) Definition of the Characteristics of the Social Network
initially creates some ads, and then the system optimizes these That Will Use Our System: Facebook uses an unknown
ads. These ads are placed on the social networks during the mechanism to show ads to end users, which determines
optimization process to determine their behavior. The social the rate of display (frequency) of each ad according to its
platform displays the ads, determines the frequency at which quality. This quality is defined by Facebook in relation
these ads are shown to the users, and keeps statistics on the to the acceptance of ad by end users, controlling, in this
ads. With that information, our system proposes new best ads. way, the advertising performance.
In particular, our system takes the statistical data to learn 2) Definition of the Requirements of the Clients and the
and to optimize the ads. The statistical data represent user Product: In this specific case, the advertiser can add
reactions in face of advertisements, generic interests in an ad, filters by subject or product to promote. The advertiser
among other things. Thus, if a set of users reacts negatively also will set up the data from his Facebook account,
to an announcement, the system will decide what to do in this so that the program can access it, and export or import
case to improve the advertising. An announcement is important information about the ads. When everything is set up
on a social network if users click on the ad, they refer it correctly, the advertiser can run occasionally the system,
to their friends within the same social network, and follow to optimize his advertising campaign.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 4. Representation of the individual.

The SVM is specifically used to identify new images. It con-

sists of three submodules: a submodule to find new images
on the Internet; another submodule takes images imported
from the Internet and determines theirs visual characteristics;
and the last one performs a classification of the images
retrieved from the Internet, to determine which ones are best to
be included in the new ads. To use SVM, we must previously
train it with images related to the desired ad.
The genetic algorithm performs the generation of announce-
ments until it converges. The first generation is made of
ads done by the advertiser. In this way, our system carries
out an automated modification, in order to improve the ads
manually made by the users. Upon completion of this phase,
the new ads are exported to Facebook. Then, Facebook
publishes the new ads, until it is again called our system.
Thus, there is a feedback process between Facebook and our

B. Genetic Algorithm
Fig. 3. System architecture.
The genetic algorithm is the best known evolutionary
3) Definition of the Information About the Online Con- algorithm [4]. There is a lot of research about it. It is based
sumer Behavior Around the Ads: Part of the information on a population of solutions, where each individual describes
retrieved from Facebook is about ads, sorted by number a solution to the problem to be solved. This population is
of clicks, products followed by the clients, etc. submitted to a set of genetic operators over a number of
generations, in order to improve its individuals according to a
A. Implementation of the Adaptive Intelligent fitness function.
System in Facebook In order to begin the automatic execution of our system,
The specific configuration of our model is shown in Fig. 3. we need to create some ads, which will be the initial popula-
The main elements are a genetic algorithm, an SVM, and tion of the program. This population will be optimized by our
a natural language tool. The genetic algorithm is used to system. In addition, the genetic algorithm needs to define the
generate ads, because it allows reproducing existing ads. The following elements:
SVM classifies the images extracted from the Internet, for their 1) The Structure of the Individuals: In our case, the chro-
utilization in the advertisements. The natural language tool mosome (individual) is a possible announcement (ad),
is used to modify the text in the ads. The natural language and is divided into three genes (see Fig. 4), which
tool recognizes each word of the original text, identifying its are: the ad image, the image dimension (maximum
meaning. In this way, our system is able to carry out a correct 100 × 72 px), and the ad text (90 characters maximum).
change of the text using synonyms. Additionally, the system 2) Fitness Function: It evaluates each possible solution to
has a bridge with Facebook, to export new ads to Facebook, the problem, and returns a value that indicates the solu-
and import statistics from Facebook. tion quality. Basically, in our particular case, the fitness
Among the information retrieved from Facebook are the ads function evaluates whether the selected image is the
sorted by the number of clicks. The number of clicks repre- most acceptable, in terms of its similarity with respect
sents the fitness function of each ad, in the initial population. to the images with better performances in the ad, i.e., it
In subsequent generations, the fitness function is calculated evaluates if the ad text is similar to the ad texts that
differently (explained later). Then, the genetic algorithm repro- have obtained the best values, and similarly, if the image
duces the population through generations, using two genetic dimension is within the range of ads that have obtained
operators, crossover and mutation of ads. The crossover the best values. Specifically, the following holds.
exchanges the ad features between pairs of ads (which could a) In the case of the image, the fitness function checks
be either text, image, and/or size of the ads). The mechanism whether the image score is positive, and if it has
of mutation can be: random image resizing, incorporating new the highest score among the set of images
images, or generation of new text. F(x) = max{Score(x)}. (1)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Crossover between two images of ads.

where Score(x) will be described in the next

b) In the case of the ad text, the fitness func- Fig. 6. Diagram of the mechanism of the image classification.
tion checks, using a lexical-morphological mech-
anism, if words can be replaced by synonyms. C. Support Vector Machine
If words can be replaced, then the announcement is In our system, SVM will be used for image classification.
rewarded with a positive constant, otherwise the ad The images will be characterized depending on the visual
is penalized with a negative constant. Additionally, content (for example, if the image contains a car, or does not
if the new ad text is similar to ad texts that have contain it). The resulting characterization of images is used
obtained the best values, then it is rewarded, else to search for images on an image database, with the aim of
it is penalized. acquiring images with a specific theme or visual content.
c) Finally, the image size is checked. If the obtained SVM is a supervised learning model with learning algo-
value of the dimension is in the range of the rithms that analyze data and recognize patterns. Usually,
accepted dimensions, then the ad is rewarded with it is used for classification and regression analysis prob-
a positive constant, otherwise the ad is penalized lems [27], [33]. In our system, the first step consists in prepar-
with a negative constant. Additionally, if the size is ing the image to be analyzed using SVM. The mechanism
similar to the images of the ads that have obtained consists in the following.
the best values, then the ad is rewarded, else it 1) Recognizing key points in an image, i.e., determining
is penalized. The above three values are added to visual features in small sections of the image; these
determine the fitness of each individual (online ad). features are given by the form of the figure and its
3) Genetic Operators: In our case, the evolution process orientation.
uses two operators, one for crossing genes from two 2) Determining a vocabulary of visual words. A visual
chromosomes/individuals, and another for the mutation word is a type of visual feature, or pattern, describing
of a chromosome. The crossover operator chooses a pair shapes contained in an image. For example, the corner
of chromosomes, and then takes a random point as the of the roof of a house, the edge of a window, etc. Using
crossing point of the genes. The gene may be the ad text, this vocabulary, it is possible to classify an image.
the image size, the image, or a combination of them. 3) To do this, we must execute the following steps
Fig. 5 shows an example. (see Fig. 6):
For each mutation, a chromosome is randomly selected, and 4) Dividing the image into grids. This segmentation can be
also, one of its genes is randomly chosen. With this, several based on the key points on the image.
types of mutation can be applied as follows. 5) Characterizing each grid, based on the visual words that
1) If the text must be mutated, then the system calls a contain. In this way, a vector of visual words is obtained.
text generation system that recognizes the words on 6) Establishing the frequency of each word by a visual
the current text, identifies their meanings, and chooses image grid. Each grid is represented in a histogram. The
synonyms from a database. final vector is a concatenation of these histograms.
2) In the case of the image dimension, the system chooses 7) Determining if the image belongs to a given cate-
randomly a value for the dimension. gory or not, using the kernel function obtained in the
3) Finally, if the system decides to mutate the image, training phase and the image histograms.
then it invokes SVM. SVM classifies a set of sample For the mutation process, the database of images must
images obtained from the Internet, in accordance to have an appreciable amount of images without specific topic
their similarity to the images of the best advertisements. (visual content). Also, this idea is used during the training
Once the new images are obtained with SVM, then phase of SVM, but now with a large number of images having
they replace the originals in the respective chromo- the desired visual contents, because their visual descriptions
somes. The following section details the use of this should be used to learn classes. Some concepts used here are
technique. as follows.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


TABLE I descriptors generated for the images using visual words. In this
P ROBLEMS IN THE I DENTIFICATION OF K EY P OINTS IN AN phase, a database with the desired images is used. The aim is
to determine an appropriate kernel function, which separates
the two classes, desired and undesirable images. This kernel
function can be [33]

K (x, y) = x i .yi . (2)

There are other nonlinear kernel functions with best per-

formance [33]. We will not give a detailed description of the
1) Key sections consist of a section of an image that training algorithm, for this go to [33].
may be useful to define an object contained therein. In general, the training algorithm using the chosen kernel
The key points of objects are extracted from a set of function (linear, etc.) performs a minimization of the error
images, and stored in a knowledge base. An object is for each training example, from the class where it falls with
recognized in a new image by comparing each feature respect to the target class where it must be. This minimization
of the new image with the knowledge base. The key is achieved as a consequence that the kernel function is
points are characterized by an object and its location, characterized by parameters (weights called by some authors),
scale and orientation, in the image. As we see, for the which are updated at each iteration as a function of the error,
identification of key points in an image, the system must according to a learning rate.
solve various problems, for which there are different
solution techniques. Table I presents the technique that D. Natural Language Processing
we use to solve them.
In our work, for the text mutation, it is necessary to obtain
2) Location of an object consists in recognizing where it
from an initial sentence a second one completely different.
is located in the image.
In this sense, it is necessary to recognize each word of the
3) Object scale is the size recognition of the object.
original text, identifying its meaning, and changing it by
It recognizes whether an object exists in the image, and
using synonyms. In order to recognize a sentence in natural
if in a larger or smaller size.
language, we must understand the sentence grammatically
4) Object orientation is the rotation recognition of an
[its components (noun, verb, object, etc.)].
object, in order to know whether an object causes
To do this, we use a natural language processing pack-
another pattern.
age [8]. With it, we can study the position of each word
5) Visual features in an image represent the patterns defined
in the text, and classify it with a label. This label indicates
in the key points (they identify objects or classes present
the component type (noun, verb, etc.), and if it is a verb,
on each key point). The visual features consist of prop-
then it indicates its conjugation. Thus, the natural language
erties that describe an object or image, such as color,
processing recognizes the type of word in a sentence using
shape, texture, orientation, or size of the object. Some
a morpho-syntactic tagger. Once implemented the labeling
of these features are invariant to the scale or rotation of
process, a dictionary of synonyms is used, and by a request
the image.
to the dictionary, synonym words are determined. The process
6) Visual Words and Vocabulary: Visual words are repre-
is performed to find synonymous words in the text from left
sented by small parts of an image, with some type of
to right, repeating the procedure per each word, until the end
information related to visual features. For example, a car
of the sentence. Once we obtain the synonyms for each word,
can be identified by its shape and texture.
the system applies the replacement of each one.
7) Histograms of Visual Words: First, a set of histograms
The rule for finding synonyms consists of identifying what
is calculated for each frame (grid) 4 × 4 (8 cells each).
type of label belongs to a given word, and looking for synonym
Basically, the number of visual words present in them is
words according to this specific label. In the case of verbs,
counted, and finally, the sum of all fields is calculated.
the verbs that can be replaced should be conjugated in the
This class determines the cumulative histogram of the
same way.
image. Thus, the histograms characterize the descriptors
of each 4 × 4 box, which then determine the over-
all image descriptor. Thus, the final image descriptor E. Implementation
becomes a vector of all the values of these histograms. The system is implemented using mainly Java (employed
With the descriptors based on the histograms, the images to implement the bridge to export and import data from
can be used both, in the training phase of SVM, and after, Facebook, the genetic algorithm, the mechanism for resizing
in the classification of new images. images, the text generation, the image search on the Inter-
1) Training Mechanism: It is based on the “Pegasos” algo- net, and the communication between the system and SVM),
rithm (primal estimated subgradient solver for SVM) [33]. in combination with MATLAB (employed to develop our SVM
The goal of this stage is to determine the support vectors for image classification). Fig. 7 shows an UML component
(kernel function). In our case, we need to find them from the diagram specifying the used libraries.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 8. Score of the best recognized images.

1) Evaluate the generated text; this is implicitly evaluated

by the fitness function.
2) Analyze the quality of an image resizing. Also, it is
implicitly considered in the fitness function.
3) Determine the number of clicks generated by each ad in
a day. Facebook keeps the clicks on an ad, so, in this
way, we can analyze the performance of the ads.
4) Calculate the average position of an advertisement in a
period, with respect to the best previous ads. The time
period is determined by the advertiser.
Fig. 7. UML diagram of system components.

We have used different libraries, the main ones are: B. Case Study
“Jgap” [24] in the case of genetic algorithms; “matlabcon-
We are going to evaluate the system performance con-
trol” [21] to implement the communication between Java and
sidering various case studies on Facebook. The following
MATLAB; “OpenNLP” [8] to develop the text recognition;
six subjects were studied.
and “selenium” for Java [7], [25] to develop the bridge.
1) Stem cells and cell therapy, abbreviated as CMTC. They
In addition, there were also used: the API of Google for
are ads related to skin rejuvenation.
Java [16], to implement the module to download images
2) Diabetes, abbreviated as DIAB, which are ads related to
from Internet; “awt” [17], to resize images; and SVM
diabetes, where the ads should contain images of people
“vlfeat” [11], [41] through the MATLAB API, to implement
in a medical consultation.
the image classification.
3) Alzheimer, abbreviated as ALZH. These are ads related
VI. E XPERIMENTS to Alzheimer’s, where the ads should contain images of
This section starts with the definition of the performance older people in consultation.
measures used during our experiments; next two types of 4) Parkinson, abbreviated as PARK. Alike that in the case
experiments are presented: experiments over our classification of Alzheimer, the advertising tries to assign the contents
system based on SVM to test its capability to recognize good of the images in consultation with older people.
images, and experiments over our intelligent system to deter- 5) Arthritis, abbreviated as ARTR. The images should
mine its capability to build optimal ads for Facebook; finally, contain people in consultation.
we carry out a comparison of our system with previous works. 6) Prostate, abbreviated as PROS. These are ads related
to inflammation of the prostate, prostatic hyperplasia,
A. Performance Measures in which the content should be adult men in medical
The performance measures to evaluate our system are as consultation.
follows: The first step is to assess the quality of SVM to classify
images. The data composition of the experiments used by
scores = W ∗ H + B. (3)
SVM for its training, and testing, is composed of images
1) To recognize the quality of the chosen image; this with these subjects or other subjects. In each experiment,
process consists in assigning a score to each image. The the number of images for the training phase and the number
way to assign the score to an image is. of test images were defined. The images for the training
where W is the weight vector obtained in the training phase phase are divided into positive images and negative images;
of SVM for the kernel function used, H is the vector of positive images are those that the system must recognize, while
histograms of the visual features of the image to rank, negative images are those that the system must not take into
B represents the value of bias. If this value is zero, then the account. We carry out several experiments, where we choose
score assignment is called impartial or unbiased. Suppose four manually the positive images. We have used one classical
images with the following scores 6.49, 0.40, −2.91, −1.51. criterion for evaluating our classification algorithm [1], [3],
There are two distant values (6.49 and −2.91) and two close [27], [42]: the precision. Next, we show one of the experiments
values (0.40 and −1.51). The image with value 6.49 assures with 400 positive images and 1000 negative for the train-
us that it is the best image of the desired class, while values ing (mix of both), and 200 test images (mix of both). Fig. 8
close to 0 indicate that the images are close to the border of shows the best images recognized by SVM (classification of
the class. the images retrieved from the Internet) in this test.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Fig. 9. Evolution of the case study “CMTC” (percentage of new ads in the
top 20 listing).

position (2) was obtained. In general, in the first iterations, our

system does not propose the best ads (the best position was 6,
In this case, the precision average result is almost per- for the CMTC subject), but at the end (six and seven iterations)
fect (99.17%), and the average scores of positive images our system proposes very good ads for Facebook (they are
is 0.82, while that of negative images is −1.89. According to generally among the two best).
our experiments, to avoid unnecessary computation operations, Fig. 9 shows another performance test. It illustrates the per-
and over-fitting, the ideal number of positive images during centage of new ads proposed by our system to reach the
the training phase is about 400, and of negative images first 20 positions, among the best ads on Facebook, for the
about 1000. With these values, we can obtain acceptable CMTC subject. The blue line is the percentage per day, while
results and avoid over-fitting during training. the red line represents the average percentage of new ads
The next step is to test our intelligent system as a whole. proposed by our system per iteration. Fig. 9 shows us that,
As a first result, we identify which of the ads given by over time, new ads created by the system override the old,
our system reached the first 20 positions, among the best i.e., our ads automatically renew the advertising campaign.
ads of Facebook advertising, after 7 days. This is the most Both experiments show that over time the system optimizes
important indicator of performance, because if the ads reach the ads (it learns). Another considered statistic was the amount
the desired ranking, then it indicates that our system based on of sample in the test images (images retrieved from the
the characteristics of the previous ads (text, content and size Internet). In general, with eight test images for all subjects we
of the image) optimizes the ads in real time. This process have obtained good results. If we increase the amount of test
was implemented during two months, seven iterations by images (to 16 or 24), then the difference in the optimization is
subject (six subjects). The iterations indicate when our system not palpable regarding the position reached by our ads. We see
is invoked to optimize the ads. Between the iterations, the that with a good quality of the classification phase, and then
ads compete with other ads. The same test was performed the ads have in excellent positions on Facebook.
for each ad, invoking our system between each 4 or 7 days, For the real-time performance measurement of our adap-
which is the estimated time to be able to acquire considerable tive intelligence system, remember that our system must run
data in real time (this is so because, after a few days, each 7 days, because this is the time period required to obtain
every ad tends to degrade its performance, according to the the information about the behavior of the ads, which is the
Facebook mechanisms). Normally, an ad tends to have a good needed input for the genetic algorithm (normally, an ad has
reception from users (tends to generate more clicks) during a good reception by the users of Facebook during this time
the first (4–7) days, but after this period the ad reduces the period). The classifier system is an off-line process, which
amount of clicks obtained by day [17], [23]. can be executed during these days to learn new positive
Table II shows the value of the average position of the best images. The genetic algorithm has been parameterized to be
new ad proposed by our system, in the first 20 positions, executed in a short time period (it is fast). We have got the
among the best ads of Facebook advertising. As can be previous results in a population of ten individuals, a mutation
seen from Table II, in each iteration, the average position probability of 0.1, and a crossover probability of 0.8. Table II
is improved. The ideal position is 1, indicating that our ads and Fig. 9 show excellent results for seven generations. The
are the best of all. In some cases, our ad reaches the best execution time is in milliseconds.
position, but in the next iteration the performance declines
(as in the ALZH’s case, from iteration 3 to iteration 4). This C. Comparison With Other Works
might be due to the fact that our system follows a stochastic Shalev-Shwartz et al. [34] focus on an intelligent automated
process that eventually makes certain good characteristics mechanism that optimizes the text of ads. The authors imple-
of some good ads disappear. For PROS, the ads remained mented different methods, in order to automatically generate
without improvements (iterations 2 and 3) for several days, text related to certain content, allowing them to reduce adver-
possibly because during that time the system did not obtain tising costs, and increasing the amount of clicks. Their meth-
relevant features to achieve a better position, but then a good ods are very similar to ours, with the same goal, but without
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


TABLE III number of clicks that an ad receives, the number of times that
C OMPARISON OF O UR W ORK W ITH O THER A PPROACHES the ad is shown, and the maximum price to pay for each click.
An obvious question is: What is the reason for the success
of our system? One of the possible reasons is because we start
with a target audience, and try improving the quality of the
three criteria used, learning from the information generated
during the process. We do not know exactly the criteria used
by Facebook to determine the frequency of display of an
ad, but our system learns about the good characteristics of
the ads, and exploits them during its evolution. Our system
takes advantage of the genes (descriptors) that define the ads,
in order to optimize the performance of these.
We have developed an intelligent management system of
social network advertising, and considered Facebook as a case
study. To do this, the problem of data mining in social net-
works was analyzed, and important aspects were characterized
to achieve an automatic management of advertising. Among
these aspects, we took into account the ability of an ad to reach
the top positions, which depend on certain variables that define
the final quality of an ad (for example, if the content of the
image is relevant to the topic of the ad).
Our system represents an answer to the question about how
ads with images. Ragnar [29] performs the optimization of to automatically design advertisings for Facebook. This paper
images for banner ads, and analyzes how users accept these. answers this question by using data about different ads, and
They show that a banner with a high rate of similarity to the exploiting the information from Facebook. We consider three
content of the product generates 9 times more acceptation than aspects to be optimized: the image, the text and the size of
banners with images chosen randomly. They implement an the ad. Our system learns the best value on Facebook for
automatic generation mechanism, resulting in images that are these parameters in a given moment, and proposes ads to
directly related to the content of the product. Seckelmann [32] consumers that are very well evaluated by Facebook (with a
focuses on the control of the user responses, measured as the high frequency of display). Additionally, by the evolutionary
rate of clicks they do. Specifically, they present an objective approach followed, our system can adapt to new conditions on
function in order to maximize the feedback from users, to eval- Facebook (new users, other criteria to define the frequency of
uate the acceptance of the advertising. Our work represents a display of an ad, etc.).
hybrid in relation to previous research, especially for social It is very important, because this way the advertisers do
networks. We work with different types of components of not worry about how to redefine a new advertising campaign.
the ads (text, images), and incorporate the user’s information Of course, there are limitations to our study. First, we depend
through the Facebook evaluation of ads (CTR, etc.). Table III on only these three criteria. However, we can extend them
shows a comparison of our approach with respect to other to exploit social networks of consumers, with the informa-
works, using several criteria. tion brought from Facebook. Second, there is more available
Our approach, compared to other works, shows a good level information on Facebook that could be used, which we have
of performance, trying to focus on both, the image and the text not yet used. In further research, we will analyze additional
of an ad. That is, our system optimizes each part individually, information to be included in our model [37]. In this sense,
and as a whole. Additionally, its objective function considers the different research analyzed during the development of this
different aspects, such as the behavior of the ads, and the paper give us diverse ideas about how to extend our work.
quality of the images (not only the number of clicks). Our The techniques used were quite efficient. For instance,
system can be used in different social networks to optimize SVM can recognize generic images. However, it still requires
ads. Table IV compares the quality of our best ads with improvements to recognize specific details on the ads
respect to the best ads proposed in [32], for the same set of (for example, the mechanism failed in distinguishing old
experiments during a week, using the next Facebook criteria: people from young people). Our system has been tested for
clicks, scope, CTR, frequency, and interactions. These values Facebook, and case studies related to the medical industry.
represent the average of the best ads proposed for each method. Nevertheless, it can be implemented generically for any theme.
The experiment was repeated three times during two months. In addition, the system itself is generic to any social network
In general, our ads have the best performances for all Face- where ads can be characterized by 3 parameters (images, text,
book criteria. The difference between our approach and [32] and dimensions). The only new aspect to be implemented
is very important. In particular, our system optimizes the CTR would be the bridge between the social network and our
and the price, two very important criteria they define the system.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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Jose Aguilar received the engineer degree in system Gerardo Garcia received the engineer degree in
engineering from the Universidad de los Andes, system engineering from the Universidad de los
Merida, Venezuela, in 1987, the M.Sc. degree in Andes, Merida, Venezuela, in 2012.
computer sciences from the University Paul Sabatier, He is currently a Consultant in the use of social
Toulouse, France, in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree networks for companies.
in computer sciences from the University Rene
Descartes, Paris, France, in 1995.
He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the
Department of Computer Science, University of
Houston, Houston, TX, USA. He is currently a
Researcher with the Microcomputer and Distributed
Systems Center (CEMSID), University of Los Andes.
Dr. Aguilar is a member of the Mérida Science Academy and the Interna-
tional Technical Committee of the IEEE-CIS on Artificial Neural Network.

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