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Lesson Plan in English Grade vii (How My Brother Leon Brought

Home a Wife)

1. 1. Santa Cruz Institute (Marinduque) Inc. Lesson Plan in

English Grade VII Jomar Linga Santa Cruz Institute
(Marinduque) Inc. I. Objective At the end of the lesson,
students are able to: 1. Differentiate the life in a barrio
and city 2. Describe the setting in the story 3. Enumerate
the characters in the story II. Subject Matter Topic: How My
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife By: Manuel A. Arguilla
References: English Across Continents VII Materials: *visual
aids *pentel pen Prior Knowledge Who is Manuel E. Arguilla?
- Writer of the short story “How my Brother Leon Brought
Home a Wife” New Knowledge Manuel E. Arguilla is the author
of the short story “How my Brother Leon Brought a Home a
Wife.” He was an Ilokano writer in English, patriot and
martyr. Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activity *Prayer *Greetings *Checking of
Attendance *Physical Arrangement B. Drill “Class, I prepared
a set of rambled words on which you will try to make good
sentence out of it”. 1. lovely was she. 1. She was lovely.
2. “the rope me give”. 2. “Give me the rope”. 3. looked each
other They at. 3. They looked at each other. 4. at him she
smiling was. 4. She was smiling at him. 5. came she and
touched forehead Labang’s. 5. She came and touched Labang’s
forehead. C. Review “Class, last meeting we discussed The
Tale of Tonyo the Brave. Again, what was the main problem in
the story?” - “Sir, the main problem in the story was the
manlalayug who killed a man
2. 2. and eat their internal organ”. “Very Good.” “How this
problem solved?” - “Tonyo killed the manlalayug”. “Very
Good.” A. Introduction 1. Motivation “Class, I’ve prepared a
picture here, - (Answer may vary) could you tell us what is
in the picture”? - “A life in the city.” “Very Good.” “How
about this one?” - (answer may vary) - “A life in the
barrio.” “Very good. Now what is the - (Answer may vary)
difference between the barrio and city?” - “In the city
there are many buildings, vehicles, air is polluted and
different lifestyles, while in the barrio you can experience
a simple and peaceful daily living with fresh air, water,
fruits, vegetables and a lot more.” “Very Good.” 2.
Presentation “Class, this time we are going to study a short
story entitled, “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife”
written by Manuel E. Arguilla.” “But before we proceed to
our lesson do you know who is Manuel E. Arguilla?” - (Answer
may vary) “Okey, Manuel E. Arguilla was an Ilokano writer in
English, patriot and martyr. He is known for his widely
anthologized short story, “How my Brother Leon Brought Home
a Wife”. It is a short story of Baldo when his brother Leon
brought a wife to introduce to his family. Most of
Arguilla’s stories defict scenes in barrio Nagrebcan Bauang,
La Union where he was born. His bond with his birthplace
after the moved to Manila where he studied at the University
of the Phil. where he finished BS Education in 1933 and
where he became a member and later the president of the UP
Writer’s Club and editor of the University’s Literary
Apprentico. He married Lydia Villanueva, another talented
writer in English. He became a creative writing teacher at
the University of Manila and later worked at the Bureau of
Public Welfare as Managing Editor in the publication until
1943. He was later appointed to the Board of Censurs. He
secretly organized a guerilla intelligence unit against the
Japanese. In October 1944, he was captured, tortured and
executed by the Japanese army at Fort Santiago. “But before
we proceed to our lesson, let us answer first the activity
on the board.
3. 3. 3. Unlocking of Difficulties Direction: Match the
sentence in Column A with the sentence that has the same
meaning in Column B. Take note of the underlined phrases.
Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each
number. A B __1. She was fragrant like a morning whose a. It
is starting to get dark. papayas are in bloom. __2. The
Queen’s white coat glittered like b. She smell very nice.
beaten cotton. __3. There was a world of laughter between
them. c. It sparkled and shore. __4. The horse was fairly
dancing with impatience. d. They enjoyed each other’s
company. __5. The sun had sunk and shadows were stealing e.
Morning had come. into the fields. f. It was jigging and was
already restless. 4. Pre Reading “I will give you five to
ten minutes to read the selection silently.” 5. Silent
Reading “But before we start to read the selection, what are
the things to consider in “Sit properly, read the story not
your silent reading?” mouth but through your eyes and the
most important thing is understand what you are reading.” 6.
Motive Question “Class, as you read the story try to find
out this question. How did the father of Leon test Maria if
she is worthy to be Leon’s wife?” B. Interaction
Comprehension Check and answering the Motive Question. 1.
Who are the characters in the story? - Baldo – younger
brother of Leon, fetched Leon and Maria from the road to
Magnebcan. - Leon or Noel – older brother of Baldo who
studied in Manila where he met his wife. - Maria – the
beautiful and stunning wife of Leon from Manila. - Labang –
the bull whom Baldo considers as his favorite “pet”. -
mother - Aurelia – the sister of Baldo and Leon. 2. What
could be the purpose of Leon and Maria - To Introduce Maria
to his family as his in coming to Nagrebcan? wife. 3.
Describe the setting of the story. - The setting of the
story was in Nagrebcan, Bauag La Union. It was a farm where
Leon and his family lived. The barrio was very different in
Manila or city. The air was clean, free of dust and smoke.
4. What was Baldo’s impression to Maria? - According to
Baldo, Maria was lovely and tall. She was fragrant like
morning when papayas are in bloom. He was amazed by her
beauty as narrates
4. 4. their journey to their home in Nagrebcan. 5. What was
Baldo’s tasked to meet his brother - His father was the one
who tasked Baldo and Maria? to test Maria. 6. What was his
father’s purpose in asking Baldo - His father wanted to test
Maria to find to pass through the Waig instead of out if she
was worthy to be Leon’s the Camino Real? wife. 7. Why was it
is important to Leon to introduce - It is important for Leon
to introduce Maria Maria to his family? Do you think that to
his family because they love family members who are getting
each other. his family have the right married should do the
same? why or to meet his wife. why not? - Yes of course,
because their family need to meet and know better the
wife/husband of their family member to determine if he/she
is appropriate to become a new member of the family. 8. How
could you feel if your brother/sister - Mix emotion of
course, especially when comes home with wife/husband? they
are not yet ready or not in the right age to have a
wife/husband. C. Integration Generalization “Class, did you
understand the story?” - Yes Sir! Valuing “Now, what is the
moral lesson you get - (Answer may vary) from the story?” -
Social status is not the hindrance if you truly love each
other. - Introducing your special someone to your family
members is the right thing to do. - One may have to
sacrifice part of his/her life in order to have a happy
life. Application Direction: Put on the table below the
words or group of words that could describe a barrio or a
city located in the box. Barrio City IV. Evaluation “Class
get ¼ piece of paper and answer the following”. Direction:
Answer the following questions. Choose and write only letter
of the correct answer. 1. What is the title of the story? a.
The Pardoner’s Tale b. The Tale of Tony the Brave c. How my
Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife. polluted tall and big
buildings fresh air fresh vegetables and fruits free from
dust colorful lights many vehicles landmarks and malls
simple and peaceful life breeze of the trees
5. 5. 2. Who is the author of the story? a. Jose Rizal b.
William Shakespeare c. Manuel E. Arguilla 3. Where did the
story happened? a. Santa Cruz b. Canada Street c. Barrio of
Magnebcan 4. Who is the wife of Leon? a. Marcing b. Marie c.
Maria 5. What is the name of the favorite pet of Baldo? a.
Onyx b. Lucky c. Labang 6. What was the song that Leon sang
with Maria? a. Sky sown with stars b. Greatest love of all
c. How do I live without you 7. Who is the narrator of the
story? a. Baldo b. Leon c. Maria 8. According to Baldo,
Maria was..? a. She was fragrant like morning when papayas
are bloom. b. She was unkind, ugly and never helped their
parents. c. She was uncomfortable in Leon’s family and she
hated them. 9. What was the first word from Leon’s lips that
he pronounced after he had kissed his mother’s hand? a.
“Father…where is he?” b. “I want to eat banana.” c. “Where
are my brothers and sisters?” 10. Why did they have to go to
Waig instead of Camino Real? a. Because his father wanted to
test Maria if she is worthy to be Leon’s wife. b. Because
they wanted to see the beautiful views in the barrio. c.
Because they wanted to meet the relatives of Leon who lived
there. V. Assignment “Class for your assignment get your
notebook and copy the following questions for your
assignment.” 1. What is an Adjective? 2. What are the Uses
of Adjectives? 3. Give at least five sentences using

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