3 Quarter Examination in English 10

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NAME: ________________________________ YR. & SECTION: __________________ SCORE: ________


DIRECTIONS: Choose from the pool of answers the correct word of the following meanings.
Write the letter of your choice on the blank before the number.

a. Giovanni Boccaccio b. Francesco Petrarch c. William Shakespeare

d. Petrarchan Sonnet e. Shakespearean Sonnet

_______1. Is also called Italian sonnet

_______2. It is usually 14 lines which are formed by three quatrains with a rhyming couplet for the last
two lines
_______3. He was an English poet, playwright and actor widely regarded as the greatest writer in the
English language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist.
_______4. He was the greatest Italian poet of the 14th century.
_______5. He was an Italian poet, Renaissance Humanist and writer of “The Decameron”.

a. The Decameron b. G.H. McWilliam c. Mother Theresa

d. Nelson Mandela e. Federigo’s Falcon
________6. Known as the translator of “The Decameron”
________7. It is comprised of 100 novellas told by ten men and women over a ten day journey away
from the plague-infested Florence.
________8. This person devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of
________9. He fought against racial discrimination (apartheid) in South Africa.
________10. A featured text from the Decameron told by Filomena on the last day of their 10 th day
journey away from the plague stricken Florence.


Directions: Read the descriptions of each item and determine the author’s main purpose (to entertain,
persuade, or inform). Then, in a sentence or two, explain your answer.

1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Depression in the
Midwest in the 1930s
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the
Midwest in the 1930s
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________
3. An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone
Author’s Purpose: _____________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

4. An article where the author argues that an iPhone is better than an Android phone
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

5. A poem about why the iPhone is the greatest consumer electronic device ever made
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________
6. The story of a young athlete who takes steroids and his life and future fall apart
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

7. A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body

Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

8. A speech written by a professional athlete listing the negative effects of steroids and urging young
athletes to not use steroids
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

9. A booklet containing the school rules and the consequences for violating those rules
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

10. A story written about a young boy who moves to a new school and is bullied, but he gains self-
confidence by joining a sports team and learns to stand up for himself.
Author’s Purpose: ______________________________________________________________________
Explain Your Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

Direction: Use correct punctuation marks following the APA format in the given information.
1. Title of book: Vanishing Wildlife of North America
Published on 1974
Author: Allen, T.
Printed in Washington, D.C
Published by National Geographic Society

2. Title of Article: Relativity

Title of Encyclopedia: In the New Encyclopedia Britannica
Published on 1993
Author: Bergmann, P.G.
Printed in Chicago
Publishing Company: Encyclopedia Britannica
Volume: 26
Page numbers: 501-508

3. Author’s name: Devitt, T.

Published: August 2, 2001
Title of Article: Lightning injures four at music festival
Title of Periodical: The Why? Files
Date accessed: January 23, 2002
URL: http://whyfiles.org/137lightning/index.html
4. Author’s name: Harlow, H.F.
Published on 1983
Title of Article: Fundamentals for Preparing Psychology
Journal articles
Title of Magazine: Journal of Comparative and Physiological
Volume number: 55
Pages number: 893-89


Directions: State the similarities and differences of the two sonnets using the Venn Diagram.


Direction: Fill in the graphic organizer with the appropriate information about the story.

Federigo’s Falcon Tone Main Theme


1. Mood Moral lesson


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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