Diagnostic Test in Creative Writing

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Directions: Read the statements carefully. On your answer sheet, write the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. What is wrong with this sentence: Watching the girls laying on the beach, we boys drink cocktails whilst stood at the
a. It’s sexist
b. “Whilst” should be “while”
c. “Laying” and “Stood” should be “laying’ and “Standing”
d. “Laying” and “whilst” should be “Lying” and “while”
2. A biography describes _______________
a. the individual's hobbies and career of an individual.
b. the childhood experiences, family, and career of an individual.
c. the mistakes one has made in life.
d. the birth of an individual's children.
3. Which of the following summaries could describe an autobiography?
a. A famous writer's life told by another author.
b. A famous basketball player's wife sharing memories of her late husband.
c. Michael Jackson's mother describing his childhood.
d. Helen Keller writing about her difficulties of being blind all her life
4. To support a main idea, writers often use __________________
a. persuasion to prove their point.
b. facts and details to help prove their point.
c. opinions and details to help prove their point.
d. summaries of details to help prove their point
5. Which of the following is NOT a question you should ask to find the main idea?
a. What is the author's purpose? c. What is the selection mainly about?
b. What point is the author trying to make? d. When did the author write the selection?
6. To change a word's meaning, you can add a prefix _______________.
a. to the middle of the word. c. to the beginning of the word.
b. to the end of the word. d. after the word.
7. Nonfiction has two major types that function to "tell a story" or "to give information.
a. Narrative and informative c. Narrative and Realistic
b. Expository and Narrative d. Expository and Persuasive
8. Which of the following kinds of selections do NOT tell a story?
a. Narrative b. Descriptive c. Persuasive d. Fiction
9. The primary purpose of an expository piece is to do which of the following?
a. to persuade you to change your mind. c. to help reader to understand main idea
b. to give out factual information. d. to entertain the reader
10. The primary purpose of a persuasive piece is ______________________
a. to change an opinion c. to entertain the reader
b. to give information d. to give directions
11. Who is the narrator of an autobiography?
a. another author b. unknown admirer c. a relative d. the author
12. When an author tries to change your opinion about something, then the author's purpose is to _______
a. inform b. entertain c. persuade d. express
13. When the author gives you factual information, the author's purpose is to ____________.
a. inform b. entertain c. persuade d. express

14. The makes a story humorous and funny because he wants to __________________.
a. inform b. entertain c. persuade d. express
15. Which of these statements is wrong?
a. The first paragraph in a new chapter is not normally indented
b. Each new person’s dialogue should start with a new paragraph
c. Paragraph stating with a dialogue do not need to be indented
d. it elevates your work to the rank of literary fiction if things are left unfini…
16. How many selling and / or punctuation error are there in this passage: “Their not going to like it’ said Joel. He dropped
the goldfish back in it’s bowl and watched it float to the surface. He shoed the stray cat back through the open window.
As he checked his smartphone for pet shops near by, Joel regreted ever signing up to the house-sitter
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
17. How can you prove that the following fact is true? Mrs. Smith's address is 636 Wilson Road.
a. Ask someone if she live there c. Telephone her at home
b. Visit Mrs. Smith at 636 Wilson Road d. Hire a private investigator to follow Mrs. Smith
18. Which of the following text structures are most likely to be found in a newspaper?
a. Chapter Titles b. Glossary c. Index d. Headings
19. Which text structure is most likely to be found in a textbook?
a. Table of Contents b. Subheadings c. Bold print d. All of the above
20. ISNB stands for?
a. Individual Standard Book Number c. Identification System Book Number
b. International Standard Book Numeral d. International Standard Book Number
21. What is the three act method?
a. A story structure involving set up, escalation, and final confrontation
b. A way of guaranteeing twins
c. Start, muddle, end
d. Structure used in plays to enable actors to perform more than one role
22. Writers use synonyms...
a. …when they’re lost for words c. …to avoid repeating themselves
b. …to find alternative prose d. …all of the above
23. When writing an authentic journal for private use or publication, which of the following is a good idea?
a. Trying to prompt your audience or reader into liking the narrative voice
b. Imitating a known writer as much as possible
c. Developing a specific and genuine narrative voice, whether the work will be published or not
d. Varying the narrative voice from section to section depending on whether you feel the work can be published
or not
24. How is a biography different from a memoir?
a. Biographies are more detailed than memoirs and require names and dates to be provided.
b. A memoir is fiction, while a biography is non-fiction.
c. A memoir is written by the author about him or herself, while a biography is written by an author about
someone else.
d. A biography is meant for personal use, while a memoir is meant to be published.
25. What is “objective truth” as opposed to “subjective truth”?
a. Subjective truth is independently verifiable, whereas objective truth is dependent on a limited point of view.
b. Objective truth is independently verifiable whereas subjective truth is dependent on a limited point of view.
c. They are both the same.
d. Objective truth is dependent on subjective truth.
26. Good critique tells a writer?
a. Not to waste their time on badly written prose
b. Where their writing works well with suggestions on how other areas could be improved
c. How many factual mistakes they’ve made
d. Why a completely different take on the story would be better
27. Which of the following is crucial for maintaining a journal with some regularity?
a. Keeping the journal locked c. Making daily entries in different colors
b. Making entries whenever the mood hits d. Having someone read the journal
28. Which of the following best defines “journal writing”?
a. A written account of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly and usually for private use
b. Writing articles to submit to newspapers
c. Writing a journal-like diary or memoir specifically for publication
d. All of the above
29. A college business paper would typically be considered an example of _______________ .
a. creative non-fiction c. creative design
b. fiction d. non-fiction
30. What is “rhetoric”?
a. Expressive writing as opposed to creative non-fiction
b. Simple prose that doesn’t draw attention to itself
c. Questions and statements mingled together
d. Argumentative or persuasive language
31. What is Creative Writing used for?
a. Any writing, say for example, complaint letter / letter to the forum / letter to your boss.
b. Any sad or disastrous piece of writing.
c. Any writing - example novels / resumes / short stories / fiction writing.
d. Any comedic writing.
32. What is the most important ingredient in Creative Writing?
a. Jokes b. True Stories c. Imagination b. autobiographies
33. What are Sensory Details?
a. Details that involve your sight.
b. Details that involve sense and sensibility.
c. Details that require common sense.
d. Details that involve your 5 senses - sight / hearing / taste / feel and smell.
34. Describe a simple writing technique
a. choose a topic / decide on your details / write
b. choose a topic you like / create your details / publish
c. choose an interesting topic / create your settings / write only once & publish
d. Choose an interesting topic / create a list to support your topic / prioritize your list & write
35. How to create an interesting setting?
a. Choose a scene / think very hard / write what you had thought about.
b. Choose a scene / Discuss / Write everything u discussed.
c. Choose a scene / Visualize / Write what u had visualized.
d. Choose a scene / Do lots of Research / Write what u had researched about.
36. How would you add character?
a. Incorporate very sad stories
b. Invent as many interesting stories filled with humor.
c. Focus on a person's life story - the more disastrous the better.
d. Focus on a person, add such details as what that person would do or feel.
37. What else should be added to a story to capture the reader's interest?
a. Craziness and Chaos.
b. Birth, Life and Mishaps.
c. Moods - Laughter, Sadness and Humor or anything that will add to a reader's imagination.
d. Tragedy and Murder.
38. The first part of the story that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them wanted to read on is called the what??
a. Denouement b. Climax c. Well-thumbed page d. Hook
39. What is a plot plan?
a. a list of events in the story
b. Something Guy Fawkes was in dire need of
c. Main events of a story presented as an interrelated sequence
d. 13th century Tibetan philosopher
40. What are Literary Tools?
a. Literary tools are language devices that help you write better and creatively.
b. Tools that help us get in touch with our emotions.
c. Tools that help us sleep better at night.
d. Tools that allows us to have fun.
41. What do you call the power and act to create a literary production or composition?
a. Creative c. Writing
b. Creative Writing d. Imaginative Literary Writing
42. Who defined the writing as a way of communicating a message to a reader for a purpose through the literary use of
forms like narration, exposition and description?
a. Thomas Beckket c. Chamber Anderson
b. Noam Chomsky d. Lauri E. Rozakis
43. What do you call a category of creative writing that tells about made up of events and characters of imaginary
a. Semi-Fiction b. Non-Realistic c. Non-Fiction d. Fiction
44. What do you called a category of creative writing that tells about real people and events?
a. Semi-Fiction b. Non-Realistic c. Non-Fiction d. Fiction
45. What do you call a type of creative writing where it is about a person’s story of its own life?
a. Biography b. Autobiography c. Novel d. Fantasy
46. What do you call a type of creative writing where it is about a short work of non-fiction that takes us its own material
significant facts or events?
a. Short Story b. Song lyrics c. Article d. Drama
47. What do you call a type of creative writing where it is about a short work of non-fiction that takes us its own material
significant facts or events?
a. Diegesis b. Denotative c. Connotative d. Mimesis
48. What do you called the representation of actions in the writers own voice?
a. Connotative b. Denotative c. Telling d. Diegesis
49. What do you call the 2 imaginative processes in creative writing which are equiponderant and interrelated?
a. Writing and reading c. Imagination and creation
b. Speaking and listening d. Telling and showing
50. What do you called a type of creative writing in which words are selected for their beauty, sounds and power to
express feelings?
a . Poetry b. Novel c. Song Lyrics 4. Prose
51. A prologue is?
a. A computer language for illiterate programmers
b. Introduction intended to establish setting or give background to a story
c. A convenient place to throw in a load of boring backstory
d. A quote at the start of a chapter
52. A comma splice is?
a. Another term for the semi-colon c. a knot used to knit fractured sentences
b. a comma incorrectly used to join independent clause d. a comma separated list
53. Suspense is?
a. When facts are kept from the reader for dramatic effect
b. When a publisher leaves you hanging
c. When a story ends without resolving all its plot lines.
d. I’ll tell you later
54. Which of these examples demonstrates the correct use of apostrophe?
a. Childrens’ writer’s and artist’s yearbook c. Children’s writers’ and artists’ yearbook
b. Children’s writer’s and artist’s yearbook d. Childrens’ writers’ and artists’ yearbook
55. ‘If I had more time. I would have written a shorter letter’ is a famous quote meaning what?
a. The author of the letter wanted to save trees by using less paper
b. Given time, the author would have edited the letter to improve it
c. It was a letter of complaint
d. The author of the letter wrote it in capitals for speed
56. When would you write an epilogue?
a. When someone has died
b. When one ending isn’t good enough
c. When you have additional information to convey at the end of your story
d. At the start of a book to provide back story
57. It is commonly accepted creative writing practice to use adverbs?
a. Cautiously, sparingly, and not unnecessarily c. Within marketing literature
b. AS often as possible d. As a substitute for verbs
58. Show don’t tell is an often quoted creative writing mantra meaning what?
a. Don’t talk about writing, get writing
b. Keep your reader guessing until the last page
c. If you show me your manuscript, I’ll show you mine, but don’t tell anyone
d. Relay the story through the character’s actions, dialogue, thoughts, and senses not narrative description and
59. A twist ending is when?
a. The story ends with unexpected but believable note
b. The story ends back in the beginning
c. The story ends tragically
d. The story ends without resolving anything
60. Which of these statements is false?
a. Provided you can prove its yours, you have automatic copyright on your work after it’s written
b. Copyright only takes effect if you register your work with a copyright authority
c. Copyright is your legal right to ownership of your own work, not some form of patent style registration
d. Copyright law protects writers against plagiarism, unauthorized publication or misuse o of their work

Prepare by:


Subject Teacher, Creative Writing


Principal IV

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