Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Philippine Politics and Governance

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Philippine Politics and Governance

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students shall be able to:

a. To discuss the principles of separation of powers and check and balances.

b. To value the roles and powers of the Philippine president.
c. Display enthusiasm in the class activity.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Executive
b. Reference: Villanueva, Prince Aian G.“Philippine Politics and Governance”.Pages 74-92,DIWA
Learning System INC. Legaspi Village,1229 Makati City, Philippines, Article VII, 1987
c. Materials: Cartolina, pictures and laptop

III. Procedure
a. Daily Routine
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the past lesson
(The teacher will be asking some students to have a short recap of the previous lesson)
 What is the Presidential form of government in the Philippines?
 What is democracy?
b. Activity
Picture Perfect
(The teacher will call some students; the students will be shown pictures and they will
determine who is the President being shown)
c. Analysis/Discussion
 What are the principles of separation of powers and check and balances?
 What are the roles and power of the President?
 How should a President exercise his power?
 Are the powers of the President unlimited? Why?
d. Abstraction
 How would you know if the president is exercising his powers within the bounds of the
e. Generalization
 If you were the President, which among the given powers will you prioritize?
f. Application
The teacher will divide the class into three (3) groups, and they will make a role-playing
base on the situation below:
 How do you exercise your power in the following situation?
-As a class president;
-As the eldest son/daughter;
-As the president of the country.

Understanding of the topic-35%
IV. Evaluation

Short quiz

Read the statement carefully. Write X if it is false and Y if it is true.

1. Power of general supervision over local governments and autonomous regions.

2. Budgetary and fiscal power
3. Powers to check other branches of the government
4. Pardoning power
5. Power to nominate, appoint, and remove officials


On ½ size of paper write at least two achievements of the current president you are proud of.
Explain each achievement.

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