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A.Y. 2019-2020

PE 213
(Friday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm)
(History, Equipment Used, Basic Fundamental Skills,
Rules and Regulations, & Officials and Their Duties)





(History, Needed
ALERTA, Equipment,
ANTHONY Fundamental
Skills, Rules
And Regulation,
& Officials And
Their Duties)

(History, Needed
Skills, Rules
And Regulation,
& Officials And
Their Duties)

(History, Needed
Skills, Rules
And Regulation,
& Officials And
Their Duties)
General Objectives
By the end of the topic, the students can:
1) Comprehend the historical background of each traditional games that will be
2) Know the materials and equipment used in every game “Laro ng Lahi.”
3) Can conclude and be knowledgeable enough of the rules and regulations of every
4) Share and spread the learnings grasped by them to other people.
1) Be able to enhance their physical ability that is needed by playing the game.
2) Comprehend the mechanics in particular to the game.
3) Explain the duties and role of the assigned Officials of the game.
1) Give value to our past ancestors through the years of passing the game from
generation to generation.
2) Appreciate how the game is being constructed and ruled out.
3) Acknowledge the role of the officials of a specific game
4) Value the health, mental and physical benefits of the game.
5) Build good relationship towards others not only inside but outside of the game.
6) Give insites and comparisson of today’s games and traditional recreational games.

LARO NG LAHI: Tumbang-preso


At the end of the topic, a student will be able to:

1) Understand the concept of the game.

2) Know enough of the rules, regulations
3) Follow the mechanics of the game.
4) Familiarize the materials and equipment’s needed to play the game.
5) Recognize the officials use and their role in the game,


Tumbang preso ("knock down the prisoner"), also known as tumba lata ("knock down the
can") or bato lata ("hit the can"), is a traditional Filipino children's game. It is usually played in
backyards, parks, or in streets when there is little vehicular traffic.

Playing Tumbang Preso could benefit them more because they will cherish these memories
in playing and spending time to others. It can also help in bridging a connection between the kids
and their elders, because these are the same games that were enjoyed by their parents and

The equipment needed is an empty milk can or any kind of can or bottle, and a slipper as a
pamato for each player. To make the game enjoyable and exciting, there should be no more than
nine players. One player guards the milk can (the "It") while the others stay behind the toe-line
with their pamatose. The objective is for the players to hit and knock down the milk can with the
pamato, and for the It to put back the can inside a small circle a few meters away from the toe-
line. When a player is tagged while recovering their pamato, they become the It.

Needed Equipment

- Slipper
- Tin Can
- Chalk (for marker of where the can is to be put and the distance of the player towards
on hitting the can).

Basic Fundamental Skills

The element of health-related and skill-related fitness required for this game is speed and
accuracy to hit the can using a slipper as a pamato.

Rules & Regulations

How to play Tumbang Preso:

- The game is played by placing the can in the designated spot, usually at the center
where the “it” has to stand near the can.
- The rest of the players has to hit the can with the slipper a 7 meters away.
- When the can is hit the “it” has to run after and tag the other players.

Officials & their Duties

As per competition purpose which is done by team in school, barangay or other specific
events, the officials role and duties is to keep an eye of the possible anomaly that may happen
throughout the game.

LARO NG LAHI: Patintero

At the end of the topic, the students can:

1) Be able to know and acknowledge the game

2) Play the game fairly among other opposing team
3) Acknowledge the mechanics and rules of the game


Patintero is derived from Spanish word tinte ("tint" or "ink") in reference to the drawn
lines. It is also known as harangang-taga or harang-taga (lit. "block and catch"), referring to the
game mechanics.

This game is played by boys and girls, ages 5 to 10 years old in mixed teams. Adults though
tend to rank themselves according to sex. There are two sets of this game. One requires six players
to a team while the other needs eight players. The game is played outdoor at anytime of the day
and at night when the moon is out.

The game is prepared on the ground by drawing a rectangular field (usually five to six
meter with four parallel lines inside) using either water, stick and charcoal on the ground to define
the boundary. To play, one set of taggers or the 'it' situate themselves inside the lines of the
rectangle while the runners will try to get through both ends of the field and back without being
tagged or blocked. When caught, they right away change roles. The group that has lesser tagged
incidents is declared winner.

Needed Equipment

- Line, Marker

Basic Fundamental Skills

The basic fundamental skills that is needed in order to be a succesful player of the game is
agility, the ability to change direction of motion quickly for you not to get caught by the opponent.
Rules & Regulations

How to play Patintero

4) Assign a student to the lateral line in the middle of the court and a student to each
horizontal line in the middle and at the exit line (not the entrance line).
5) Students assigned to the lines make up “defense.” Defensive players may only move
with their feet along the line they are assigned to and without stepping into the space.
6) The rest of the students create a recycle line outside the court and are offensive players.
7) The goal of the game is for the offensive players to get as many players through the
court without being tagged by the defensive players.
8) If an offensive player is tagged by a defensive player, he or she goes to the end of the
recycle line to wait for his or her next turn.

Officials & their Duties

As per officials, their duty is to see if there have been any contact with the opposing player
to the other. And then with that the game can be ruled out accordingly and farely.



1) Tumbang Preso is known as?

a. Knock down the can b. Knock down the prisoner c. Hit the can d. Kick the can
2) What skill will you develop as you play the game?
a. Accurateness b. Precisiom c. Speed d. Strength
3) The group is considered winner in patintero if they got:
a. lesser tagged b. quick players c. many team members d. none
4) The game is played on what time of the day?
a. Noon b. night c. anytime d. morning
5) Patintero is derived from a word:
a. glue b. tint c. hit d. line crossing
6) According to the report, pamatose is defined as ____ in the game
a. Stone b. Can c. It d. Slipper
7) When a player is tagged while recovering their pamato, they become the __.
a. It b. Can c. Taya d. Pamatose
8) The game is played by placing the can into an:
a. Is spot b. it spot c. if spot d. none
9) ________ players may only move with their feet along the line they are assigned to and
without stepping into the space.
a. Defensive b. offensive c. patintero d. all around
10) The rest of the players has to hit the can with the slipper ___ meters away.
a. 8 b. 9 c. 7 d. 6
11) If an offensive player is tagged by a defensive player, he or she goes to the end of the
_______to wait for his or her next turn.
a. Recycle line b. trash line c. spot line d. waiting line
12) The game is prepared on the ground by drawing a _____ field
a. Circular b. rectangular c. triangular d. spherical
13) Laro ng lahi is played in order to?
a. Make a connection with others b. to have fun winning c. to kill time d. to just play
14) Why is it necessary to play in a large area?
a. for fun b. to be comfortable c. for safety purposes d. nothing
15) Why will the younger generation is in need to play this kind of traditional games?
a. to preserve the game b. because it is fun c. it is healthy d. our ancestors told us

Answer Key
1) B
2) C
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) A
8) B
9) A
10) C
11) A
12) B
13) A
14) C
15) A


Tumbang Preso
1-7 8-12 12-15
& Patintero

Tiyakad & Cruz

1-8 12-15 9-11
ni Magellan

Sungka & Sipa 1-6 7-12 13-15

Name: ALGABRE, RENZ BRYLE E. Section: ME 2-2



At the end of this topic, the students can:

1) Understand the nature of the game.

2) Know what are the materials needed to play the game.
3) Have the idea about the important skills needed to play the game.
4) Apprehend the mechanics of the game.
5) Recognize the officials and their roles in the game.


Tiyakad was played during 19th century in the island of Cebu. It is mostly played by
Cebuano people until it was known by neighboring islands. This game is very popular not just for
children but also for adults before the advent of technologies and its modern games. It is a common
traditional Filipino game which is usually played in some barangay festivities and school events.
Basically, the game is played commonly using bamboo stilt with the height of 10 feet. But in the
present era, Filipinos modified the height of the bamboo stilt which made it higher to make it more

The game is considered as a team game having 10 members each group or more than
depending on the number of players agreed. The principle of the game is to walk on a pair of stilt
from a starting line to the finish line. The length to be travelled is basically 100 meters but
nowadays, it could be modified depending on the area where it will be played.

There are no recorded prominent people played this game because it is only played in
barangay festivities and school celebrations.

Tiyakad is not only for recreational activities but it could also be played during free time
with other people especially families and friends.
Needed Equipment

There are only two things needed in order to play this game; an area and wooden stilts.
Tiyakad requires a large open area without any obstruction to avoid accidents or harm to the
players. It also obviously requires bamboo stilts or any wooden stilts with stepladders, which have
an approximate height of 1 foot from the ground.

Basic Fundamental Skills

Players need to have concentration and balancing skills in order to walk on a pair of wooden
stilts. These enable them to avoid being eliminated by getting off from the wooden stilts. Because
it is a racing game, speed is also an important skill in order to win the game. Lasty, teamwork and
sportsmanship are also valuable elements in playing tiyakad. These are basic skills used to
communicate with your teammates and even to your opponents.

Rules and Regulations

Each team has 10 members or depend on how many are agreed. The first players on each
team will use two stilt / kadang with one each per foot. Participants align behind the line first. Two
or more teams with contrasting as many will be involved.

1) In the signal of the facilitator, the first players of each team will walk with using stilt /
kadang, whip to pole which serves as the turning point and back, pass the next player
standing in line proceeding.
2) The first players walk in the back of the lane members without the stilt which he/she pass
to next player, while the second player will go forward.
3) The first team return in the usual place or position players are considered to be champion.

Officials and their duties

For competition purposes in barangay or in school, a facilitator is very important. A person

will be assigned as a facilitator who has knowledge about the rules and mechanics of tiyakad
because his/her role is to officiate the game.

Revolvy (n.d.). Tiyakad [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Yungco, M.R. (2012, August 15). Exploring the Kadang-Kadang [Web log post]. Retrieved from
LARO NG LAHI: Cruz ni Magellan

At the end of this topic, the students can:

1) Have an idea how the game started.

2) Know what are the materials needed by the game.
3) Understand the skills needed to play the game.
4) Grasp the rules and mechanics of the game.
5) Play the game with their own.


Cruz ni Magellan is a Visayan version of the game piko, which is a Filipino game for
American game ‘hopscotch’. Hopscotch traces back to the ancient form played by Roman children
but the first recorded references to the game was on the late 17th century. Francis Willughby
compiled a manuscript Book of Games between 1635 and 1672 which he refers the game to ‘Scotch

During the American colonial period (1898-1946) in the Philippines, they influenced
Filipinos in a lot of ways including their game hopscotch which later to be called as piko in the
country. Afterwards, the game piko has some other versions like Cruz ni Magellan in the Visayas
region. This game was named after the Magellan’s cross in Cebu during his expedition in the
Philippines on 1521. This game was very popular not just for the children but also for adults.

Cruz ni Magellan is an individual game. The principle of the game is to hop, with just a
foot, in a playing area drawn from a shape of a cross and take many homes or balay as you can.

Needed Equipment

Each player should have any kind of pebble/stone that will serve as their pamato or pa-ulo
in the game. The game also need a chalk to draw the playing area in the shape of a cross. This is
an outdoor game. The size of the playing area depends on the size agreed by the players.
Basic Fundamental Skills

Balance and hopping skills are very important in this game in order to hop from a box to
another by just a foot without touching the borders or committing any mistakes. Also, accuracy is
needed by the players in order to throw the stone inside the box.

Rules and Regulations

The objective of the game is to have ownership of the box in the court, known as balay in
the vernacular, and to have as many balay as possible. The players must go through the stages of
the cross before they can have ownership of the box or balay.


1) Lay-out the court in a flat, smooth surface.

2) Players will have their pa-ulo/pamato. Player’s stone that is nearest to the
paulohan will be the first to play in the game.
3) The player will throw the stone to the first box and hop to the other boxes to the
top of the cross, then go back to get the stone in the first box, then move out to
the base of the cross. The movement will be repeated until all the boxes/stages
are passed by the player.
4) When the player finishes all the stages, the player will now have the pagbalay
or capturing a home by throwing a stone from the base of the cross where the
player faces away from the cross. The box where the stone falls is where the
player has the balay. The player can write or draw symbols in the box as a sign
of the player’s ownership. Only the owner of the balay can step on the box. Other
players will skip the box that has a balay on it.
5) Players should be careful not to commit mistakes like stepping on the line, the
stone fell on the line, and the stone fell outside the box. If a mistake is committed,
the player will lose a turn and the stone will stay on the box/stage where the
player committed the mistake.
Officials and their duties

In this game, there are no referees or any officials included but the other players will have
the authority to act as the officials who will look out for mistakes in each player’s turn.


Alfarero, J. & Mejarito, C. (2014). Traditional Games in Leyte and the Values Learned by the
Players. Journal of Research, 269-280.
Gonzales, M. (n.d.). Piko. Retrieved from


1) What was the game introduced by the Americans in which its Filipino version is piko?
a) Hide and seek
b) Tag
c) Foursquare
d) Hopscotch
2) Who introduced the game ‘hopscotch’ to the Fillipinos?
a) Spaniards
b) Americans
c) Japanese
d) Chinese
3) What was the usual height of the bamboo used in tiyakad?
a) 6 feet
b) 9 feet
c) 10 feet
d) 7 feet
4) What skills needed in playing tiyakad?
a) Balancing skills
b) Speed
c) All of the above
d) Teamwork
5) When tiyakad was first played?
a) 18th century
b) 19th century
c) 17th century
d) 20th century
6) What are the occasions tiyakad usually played?
a) Barangay Festivities
b) Funeral
c) School Celebrations
d) Both a and b
7) Who first played tiyakad?
a) Davaoeños
b) Cebuanos
c) Ilokanos
d) Bicolanos
8) When was the first recorded references of hopscotch?
a) 19th century
b) 18th century
c) 17th century
d) 16th century
9) In present era, why does the Filipinos increases the height of the bamboo/wood in playing
a) To make it more helpful
b) To make it more challenging
c) To make it easier
d) To make it funnier
10) In the game Cruz ni Magellan, why is it important for a player to have accuracy?
a) To throw the stone inside the box.
b) To make it easier
c) For other people to see how you aim
d) For safety purposes
11) Why is it important to play tiyakad in a large and open area without any obstruction?
a) For other people to see the game
b) To breathe fresh air
c) For safety purposes
d) To be proud
12) How does the game Cruz ni Magellan played?
a) Hopping
b) Running
c) Climbing
d) Sitting
13) How can a player walk in a pair of wooden stilts in the game tiyakad?
a) Both b and c
b) By having concentration
c) By having balancing skills
d) By having agility
14) How the game tiyakad played?
a) By running in a pair of shoes
b) By walking in a pair of coconut shells
c) By walking in a pair of wooden silts
d) By jumping in a pair of slippers
15) How can players in Cruz ni Magellan win the game?
a) By having more homes/balay than other players
b) By running
c) By sprinting
d) By drawing a cross

Answer Key:
1) D
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) D
7) B
8) C
9) B
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) A
14) C
15) A


Tumbang Preso
1-7 8-12 13-15
& Patintero

Tiyakad & Cruz

1-8 12-15 9-11
ni Magellan

Sungka & Sipa 1-6 7-12 13-15

Name: AUTENTICO, ARVIN IYN S. Section: ME 2-2



At the end of this topic, the students can:

1) To understand the flow of the game

2) To know what are the materials that are been used in the game
3) To have the knowledge on how to play the game
4) Developed the skills needed in this game


Sungka is a Philippine mancala game, which is now also played wherever Philippine
migrants are living. Sungka was first described as Kunggit by the Jesuit priest named Father Jose
Sanchez in 1962. Father Jose Sanchez who had arrived on the Philippines in 1643 wrote that at the
game was played with seashells on a wooden, boat like board.

Sungka is similar to many other Southern Asian mancala games such as Naranj
(Maldives), Dakon(Java), Congkak(Malaysia) and Chongka’ (Marianas). The game differs from
Kalah which is known as multi-lap game. Sungka is distinguished from Congkak by being played
counterclockwise and also by some other minor rule difference.

In past times Sungka boards were also used for mathematical calculations, which were
researched by Indian ethnomathematicians. Although the sungka rules don’t differ much from
those of Congkak, Sungka is perceived as genuinely Philippine game by game players that has
been adapted by the people of Mindanao later on.

Needed Equipment

There are only two equipments needed in the game of Sungka. The game, Sungka, is
usually played on a long and narrow board that is usually carved from wood. There are many cups
cut into the Sungka Board, sixteen in total: two rows of seven small cups and a further larger cup
at each end. The other one equipment is the small shell. There should be 98 shells in a full set of

Basic fundamental skills

There are many fundamental skills that will be developed in this game. One of it is the
critical thinking of a player while playing this game. While playing this game it can develop the
player’s knowledge on how to create a move to oppose the move of its opponent.

Rules and Regulations

1) Clockwise
2) The goal of the game is to accumulate as many pieces in your own “head”
3) The first player will remove all the pieces from the hole on the extreme left of on his
side then distribute the shells anti-clockwise.
4) Omitting the opponent’s “head” but not a player’s own “head”
5) If the last piece distributed falls into a player’s own “head” then the player earns
another turn, which can begin at any of the seven holes on his side
6) If the last piece distributed falls into an empty hole on his side then the player captures
all the pieces in the hole directly across from his one.
7) The games end when no pieces are left in any hole on both sides of the board. The
players now count the number of pieces in their own “head” and see who has won.

Officials and their duties

While following the roots and origin of the game there are no specific officiating crew is
needed while playing this game. However, in tournaments there are officials to check the move
and how the players played the game.
Reference Philippines/sungka.html

At the end of this topic, the students can:

1) How this game is being adapted by our country

2) Know what are the materials needed to play the game
3) Developed skills that are needed to play this game


Sipa is considered as less trendy nowadays. It was introduced and taught to us by the
Spaniards way back 15th century. As time pass by this game was also adapted by the people in
Mindanao. Surviving mainly as a children’s, it derived its name from the object being used to play,
the Sipa. It is made of a washer (coin-like object), covered with cloth or a bunch of rubber-bands
or colourful threads attached to it, usually plastic straw.

Usually compared to the known game sepak takraw but there are a lot of difference in
playing both games. If the sepak takraw are played with 3 players each team, the Sipa can be
played by only single person. The only goal of this game is to hit the object itself as many as you
can while using only a foo.

Needed Equipment

There is only one equipment needed while playing this game it is the coin-liked object
covered with cloth. Some of the people are only using their bare foot to hit the object some are
using slippers or shoes to hit it. It’s up to player how he/she can be comfortable to play with it.

Basic fundamental skills

This game can develop some skills of a player. One of it is the balance of a player while
hitting the coin-liked object. The other one is being attentive while playing the game paying focus
on the object.
Rules and Regulations

There are few rules and regulations in this game unlike the game of sepak takraw. The
main rule of the game is to hit the object as much as you can. The player who has hit he object
more is the winner

Officials and their duties

In this game there are no officiating crew needed while playing only the players that are
playing the game who officiate also the game.




1. What was the game considered as Mancala game in the Philippine?

A) Sungka
B) Piko
C) Sipa
D) Tag
2. Who described Sungka as Kunggit?
A) Jose Rizal
B) Magellan
C) Jose Sanchez
D) Alberto Baltazar
3. What was the name given by the priest that described the sungka
A) Kunggit
B) Dakot
C) Chongka’
D) Kalah
4. Who introduced the concept of Sipa in the Philippines?
A) Italians
B) Japanese
C) Spaniards
D) British
5. How many shells is used in a game of sungka?
A) 98
B) 90
C) 92
D) 96
6. When was the Sipa introduced in the Philippines?
A) 16th century
B) 15th century
C) 17th century
D) 14th century
7. How the Sipa was is being played?
A) By throwing the object
B) By blowing the object
C) By hitting the object with bare foot
D) By hitting the object with a stick
8. How does the Sungka played?
A) By putting the shells into the hole
B) By throwing the shells away from the hole
C) By hitting the shells with stick
D) By blowing the shells away
9. How can the players in Sipa win the game?
A) By throwing away the object as far as they can
B) By hitting the object as much as they can
C) By hiding the object as much as they can
D) By collecting object in sipa as much as they can
10. How can players in Sungka win the game?
A) By letting your “head” empty
B) By capturing shells as many as you can in your “head”
C) By throwing the shells as much as you can
D) By giving your opponent shells as much as you can
11. How to put shells in your “head” in sungka?
A) Clockwise
B) Counter-clockwise
C) Straight
D) Alternate
12. How was order of the shells being put to the hole?
A) Equally
B) Alternately
C) Nothing is being put
D) Only the opponent has to put
13. Why is it important to play “Laro ng Lahi”?
A) To preserve the culture
B) To just play the game
C) To unwind
D) To beat your opponents
14. Why is it important to have accuracy in Sipa?
A) To hit the object continuously
B) To keep it higher while hitting
C) To throw it more further
D) To catch it properly
15. Why is it important to play Sipa in an open area?
A) To hit it properly
B) To have more opponent
C) To be seen by many people
D) To hit it far from the opponent



Tumbang Preso
1-7 8-12 13-15
& Patintero

Tiyakad & Cruz

1-8 12-15 9-11
ni Magellan

Sungka & Sipa 1-6 7-12 13-15

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