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Is 6:45 to 4:00 school hour adequate for learning?

A classic Filipino student often wonders why they are waking up early just so they can prepare and won’t
be late for school. They might also think why they doesn’t have enough time for their own leisure.
Leisure was utilized to express the free time that a student must have to feel the enjoyment along with
the purpose of learning. In line with this, a typical class hour that is being implemented in the Philippines
are somehow different compared with the other country. The classic 9-hour class which is between 6:45
to 4:00 o’clock is the schedule a Filipino student grew up with. That kind of class hours is reasonable for
it has its own benefits for the growth of the students.

First and foremost, the 9-hour class that will starts at 6:45 and end at 4:00 would strengthen the sense
of punctuality to the students. It will enhance the discipline of each student to have a proper
management of their time and the importance of being punctual. According to Psychology Today, school
days that starts early have many benefits for students especially those in middle and high school. Better
academic performance, fewer absences and even improved health are some of the benefits that are
included. Likewise, early start times do have some advantages that may be worth bearing in mind.
Students who begin earlier have more time for after-school jobs and activities; and parents might find
that an early start works better with their schedules. Starting the day early also means more time for
after-school tutoring. In some cases, students may need to travel, and an early start may mean more
time in the evening for homework and family.

Another advantage of having this kind of school hour is the possibility to avail discounts from
transportations. According to Secretary Arthur Tugade of the Department of Transportation, when he is
talking about the free passes for the Light Rail transit (LRT) and Metro Rail Transit (MRT), he also uttered
that the reason behind the early pass schedule is to shape the students if being punctual. As a
commuting student, it encourages me to go to school early since it will include me to the free
transportation pass, because who wouldn’t like free services? Surely, no one will disagree with me.

Moreover, having this schedule will help enhance the academic competence of the students for they will
be already equipped and prepared to face the adversities the world might give. This will also provide
training for students to practice discipline and it will serve as a daily remainder of what they will
experience in the future to come.

To sum it all up, a 6:45 to 4:00 o’clock schedule for classes has its advantages academically, mentally,
and even in the physical state of a student. Its sole purpose is to improve the wellbeing of every student
for their own good. Besides, it will manifest how each student address the struggles he or she will
encounter in the future. It will impose to the heart and mind of every student what the proverb, “The
early bird gets the worm” wants to depict.

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