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1. What is a theme of a story?

a. Underlying message of the story c. Big idea of the story

b. General truth d. All of the Above
2. Who are the main characters of the story “The Two Brothers”?
a. Anpu and Batu c. Anpu and Bata
b. Anpu and his wife d. Bata and his sister-in-law
3. What is the kind of relationship does Anpu and Bata have?
a. Father and son c. Brothers
b. Sisters d. None of the Above
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the work of Bata and Anpu in the fields?
a. They harvested the corn. c. They harvested milk, corn, and vegetables.
b. They hunt oxen for food. d. They do the plowing.
5. The story “The Two Brothers” is considered as an oldest piece of literature that is believed to have been
written ________________.
a. 2000 years before Christ c. 3000 years after Christ
b. 3000 years before Christ d. 2000 years after Christ
6. What is the appropriate meaning of point of view?
a. A perspective from which the story is told
b. A narrator telling a story
c. A viewpoint of the character of the story
d. A story told by another character that interacts closely with the protagonist of the story
7. What are the types of point of view?
a. First-person point of view, second-person point of view, third person point of view
b. Third-person limited, third-person objective, third-person omniscient
c. First-person point of view, third-person point of view
d. None of the Above
8. Who is telling the story in the viewpoint of the third-person?
a. The narrator outside the action of the story
b. The narrator exists as a character within the story
c. The narrator in the perspective of “you”
d. The narrator outside and inside the action of the story
9. What is the narrative’s viewpoint when narrator tells the story of “he” or “she”?
a. First-Person Point of View c. Third-Person Point of View
b. Second-Person Point of View 4. Third-Person Limited
10. What is the narrative’s viewpoint when the story is narrated from the perspective of “I”?
a. First-Person Point of View c. Third-person Point of View
b. Second-Person Point of View d. Third-Person Objective
11. “I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.” What is the type of point of view used in
the sentence?
a. First-Person Point of View c. Third-person
b. Second-Person Point of View d. Third-Person Limited
12. Saul came home from the shop. He was wondering what Jacob thought about their science project.
What type of point of view used in this sentence?
a. First-Person Point of View c. Third-Person Point of View
b. Second Person Point of View d. Third-Person Omniscient
13. “After class, he hurriedly left the room and rushed back to his dorm room. He changed his clothes and
read the reader’s digest intently, looking for a very striking information about healthy lifestyle.” What is
the type of point of view used in this sentence?
a. Third-person Person Point of View c. Third-Person Limited
b. First-Person Point of View d. Third-Person Objective
14. The fly is struggling. You saw him land on the flypaper, now you are watching him die. You almost feel
bad for him. With each struggle he gets stuck to a greater degree. Annoying as he was, this is an awful
way to die. You sip your iced tea. It was not a sweet as you had hoped. You add another teaspoon of
sugar and stir it again. "This will be sweet enough," you think. Another fly lands on the flypaper. What
type of point of view used in the sentence?
A. First-Person Point of View c. Third-Person Point of View
B. Second Person Point of View b. Third-Person Omniscient
15. Kevin stared at the spaceship like a thirsty man would look at a glass of water. He knew that if he could
just get behind the control panel, he would be home. Eleanor noticed Kevin staring at the ship. She saw
the look in his eye and inferred his thoughts. "It would be nice, wouldn't it?" Eleanor asked Kevin. He
nodded, slightly embarrassed to be caught daydreaming. Eleanor noticed this too. "Too bad you'd be
dead before you could get within 100 feet of it," warned Eleanor.” What is the type of point of view
used in this sentence?
a. Third-person Person Point of View c. Third-Person Limited
b. Third-Person Omniscient d. Third-Person Objective

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