4As1CSolving Problems On NPR and NCR

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Competency: solves problems involving permutations and combinations

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. recall the difference between permutation and combination
2. solve problems in real life situations involving permutations and combinations


A. Lesson: Solving Problems Involving Permutations and Combinations
B. References
Mathematics 10 Learner’s Module
Pages 283 – 315
C. Materials
Powerpoint presentation, manila paper, marker
Activity sheets
III. Learning Procedures
A. Routinary Activities
i. Prayer
ii. Greetings
iii. Checking of Attendance
B. Presentation
The students will perform an activity which will serve as a review on their knowledge about
determining whether a situation depicts permutation or combination.

Identify whether each situation involves permutation or combination.

1. Opening the combination lock of the school’s computer laboratory
2. Winning in DSPC
3. Entering the 11-digit cellphone number of your class adviser
4. Choosing 5 questions to answer out of 10 questions in our Mathematics test
5. Matching your shirts and pants


a. The class will be divided into 8 groups. Groups 1- 4 will be given the same set of problems
involving permutations while Groups 5-8 will be given the same set of problems involving

Groups 1-4
Groups 5-8
1. Brgy. San Bartolome is having a
1. At Calda Pizza, there are seven different
basketball league. There are 8 basketball
toppings; where a customer can order any
teams competing for the top 4 standings in
of these toppings. If you family decides to
order to move up to the semi-finals. Find
dine at the place, with how many possible
the number of possible rankings of the four
toppings can you actually choose from?
top teams.
2. In a dance contest, each participating
2. San Bartolome National High School is
group must perform 3 kinds of dance. If
celebrating its founding anniversary. The
there are 4 choices for ballroom dance, 8
OIC decided to have a raffle draw which
choices for retro dance and 5 choices for
will give away three major prizes to
hip-hop, in how many possible ways can a
students. If there are 120 students who
dance group select their piece?
qualified for the raffle, in how many ways
can the first, second and third prizes be
b. Each group will select a leader.
c. The groups will be given 10 minutes to brainstorm on the problems assigned to them and
d. After the allotted time, the leaders from Groups 1-4 and the leaders from Groups 5-6 will be
comparing their solutions. They will decide among themselves which solution is the most
accurate and reasonable so that they will be the ones to present the answers afterwards.
e. The leaders will return to their respective groups and discuss their answers as well as what
has transpired in the meeting of the leaders (5 minutes).
f. The four chosen leaders will share their solution to the class.
Guide Questions
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did you decide if the situation assigned to you involves a permutation? A
3. What have you realized after performing the activity?

Emphasis on the following points:
1. A situation involves permutation if the arrangement or order of the entities is
2. A situation involves combination if the arrangement or order of the entities is not
Students will answer the question below.
Determine whether the situation below involves permutation or combination. Answer the problem.
Your Math teacher assigned you to be the leader of your group for your project. You were
given the freedom to choose 4 of your classmates to be your group mates. You have 8 best friends in
class and you want to choose your group mates from them. How many possible choices do you
Points Criteria
5 The student showed a complete solution and the answer was correct.
4 The student showed an incomplete solution; the answer was correct.
3 The student showed an incomplete solution; the answer was incorrect.
2 The student showed an entirely incorrect solution leading to an incorrect
1 There was an attempt to answer the given question.

Answer the following questions. Write your answers in your journal.
1. Which part of today’s session did you enjoy the most? Why?
2. Which part of today’s session did you enjoy the least? Why?
3. What mathematical concept/s did you learn today?

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