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Websites 2


Ewout Saeys
Monika Rudyte
Boris Tai
Jasper De Temmerman
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Results/findings ................................................................................................................................... 3
Functionality .................................................................................................................................... 3
Future Water City ........................................................................................................................ 3
Swiss ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Apps ............................................................................................................................................. 3
ACME ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Cyclemon ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Danish Shipping ........................................................................................................................... 4
Dainty Jewells .............................................................................................................................. 4
CO.BO .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Ponto ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Warped Cigars ............................................................................................................................. 4
Orange Sprocket .......................................................................................................................... 4
Volvo Cars .................................................................................................................................... 5
Content ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Future Water City ........................................................................................................................ 5
Swiss ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Apps ............................................................................................................................................. 5
ACME ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Cyclemon ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Danish Shipping ........................................................................................................................... 6
Dainty Jewells .............................................................................................................................. 6
CO.BO .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Ponto ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Warped Cigars ............................................................................................................................. 6
Orange Sprocket .......................................................................................................................... 6
Volvo Cars .................................................................................................................................... 7
Authority.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Future Water City ........................................................................................................................ 7
Swiss ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Apps ............................................................................................................................................. 8
ACME ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Cyclemon ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Danish Shipping ........................................................................................................................... 8
Dainty Jewells .............................................................................................................................. 9
CO.BO .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Ponto ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Warped Cigars ........................................................................................................................... 10
Orange Sprocket ........................................................................................................................ 10
Volvo Cars .................................................................................................................................. 10
Attractiveness ................................................................................................................................ 10
Future Water City ...................................................................................................................... 10
Swiss .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Apps ........................................................................................................................................... 11
ACME ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Cyclemon ................................................................................................................................... 11
Danish Shipping ......................................................................................................................... 11
Dainty Jewells ............................................................................................................................ 12
CO.BO ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Ponto ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Warped Cigars ........................................................................................................................... 12
Orange Sprocket ........................................................................................................................ 12
Volvo Cars .................................................................................................................................. 12
We have evaluated the functionality, content, authority and attractiveness of the 12 websites listed
in the references section. This research was conducted on the bases of list evaluation criteria that
can be found in the appendix.

The websites where evaluated by the four team members on the bases of the criteria mentioned in
the appendix.

Content – Boris Tai

Functionality - Ewout Saeys

Authority – Monika Rudyte

Attractiveness - Jasper De Temmerman


Future Water City

The site that we will be discussing first is the one of Future Water City. When entering the site, you
immediately are in the main screen, the map. Everything is clear and the placement of buttons make
sense. The subheadings are hidden with a button on the right, because they aren’t really necessary
to understand the site.

The subheadings are there for if you would like some additional information about the company
itself, therefore it is a good feature that these are hidden.

Overall the site is functional, but I feel like when pressing a subheading, it takes too long to get you
on the actual page you want.


The first impression is that the site looks a bit chaotic, the videos aren’t aligned and there are no
titles or explanations below them. The subheadings are nicely arranged and make it easy to find
other information, but I don’t like that the subheadings do not move with the page when you scroll

This site isn’t as functional as you would expect. I had some issues finding where to see the
production process as all the buttons and subheadings are not near each other but placed around the
edges of the site. This site could be much more functional if they place there buttons a bit better.


The functional layout of this site is overall very good. The subheadings are there for a reason and
lead to a new page in a nice way. The only remark I found is that the button “scroll” has no use as its
normal for a person to scroll down, the button isn’t really adding any value to the site.


Cylclemon is a site which doesn’t look very functional at first. In the experiment tab, there was the
option to skip to certain parts on the right but this wasn’t very clear because no words were put next
to it if you didn’t hover your mouse over it. The other tabs made sense and were clear on how to use

Danish Shipping
There aren’t many functions to discuss for this site, it is basically 1 very long page with subheadings
on the right, which are according to me a bit difficult to read sometimes. On the other hand, the site
works just fine this way and there is no need for any other buttons

Dainty Jewells

Dainty jewels’ functionality is like any other clothing shop would build it’s site. Subheadings at the
top, moving along the page when scrolling down which is necessary for easy access. It is very easy to
navigate through this site with all buttons being placed in obvious locations, which makes it easy to
find them.


There are no subheadings at the top, only a button at the top right leading to subheadings. The
overuse of visuals actually makes the site look less functional while it actually does what its supposed
to do.


This site was quite crazy, I couldn’t figure out where the info was or anything at all until I pressed
space. The functionality there was actually quite good, the subheadings moved along the page an
everything worked well. Only the entrance to the site was a bit weird.

Warped Cigars

Warped cigars is a site which looks quite functional overall. Buttons are distributed nicely along the
different tabs and lead to new pages in a proper way. Overall this site is very functional.

Orange Sprocket

Orange sprocket is very easy to use. There are pictures on the right, which when clicked take you to a
different page. The subheadings are placed in the top left but aren’t too difficult to find. The site
gives easy access to all of its tabs and has a functional overview.
Volvo Cars

Volvo Cars is overall a pretty functional site. There are 2 bars at the top with subheadings. One of
them moves along the page and is always visible while the other one disappears when you scroll
down but reappears when you scroll up again. All of the buttons seem to work fine.


Future Water City

The content is really well written and also interactive which makes it more interesting and unique for
the visitors to getting informed. It is very confusing for people who don’t know anything about this
company but their illustrations, videos and informative texts makes everything clear. This site shows
their content in a pleasant way to the visitors. Also there were no big errors founds on the website.


There is a lot of content on the website that pleased me. The content is written in a way that would
make me want to book via this airline. The reason for this is because their videos and pictures are
very appealing for the customers. There is a lot of content but no big spelling errors were found but
that is logical since it’s such a big company.


There isn’t much content on the site but there is enough for the visitors that they will directly knew
what it is about. The quality of the content itself isn’t that great because it’s basically all the same,
there isn’t much variety in their content. The only content is the cider which they describe and praise
in the same way for every kind of cider they have. No big errors are found but that isn’t hard if there
is barely content on the website.


This website did a good way to inform their visitors. A lot of people wouldn’t know what they do but
if you search for some info, they will provide you with a lot of pictures and some text to help the
visitors visualize what they do. In this way it is pleasant for the visitors getting informed. In the
content itself were no big errors found.

The content on this website is very empty. There is barely text on the website but they do provide a
lot of drawings of bikes so I first thought they would sell bikes. They don’t sell bikes after all, I found
that out after scrolling all the way down to under. They also have a teaser but for me it was very
vague and I didn’t learn anything about it. I had to click on ‘shop’ to finally have a description of what
they sell. This site is very vague for new customers and the content itself is very bad in my opinion.
There were no errors found but that’s is logical since it barely has text on the site.

Danish Shipping

The content is shown in a funny and original way that would make visitors to discover the whole site
because it’s unique. The site is very clear and to the point without errors.

Dainty Jewells

The content is shown in a way that is hard to read for the visitors of the website because the have
their text on pictures as background so it’s hard to differentiate the text. The content itself is sober
but clear without much errors.


The content is very vague, unclear pictures and also the text is very small. They use some special
effect on the website when scrolling down but that will make the visitors confused in my opinion.
The content itself is clear but reading it is not so pleasant.


The content itself is clear but the way they show it is very strange and makes It’s unpleasant to read
because the site is very strange. At first it wasn’t clear because there was just a bunch of random
pictures without really an explanation but after some searching it was clear what this company does.

Warped Cigars

The site is nice and it’s directly clear what they do as a company. A lot of content is provided in a
sober way but nice to read because it’s very informative for people who know nothing about cigars.

Orange Sprocket

There site is very bombastic but pleasant to visit because is very visual appealing because of their
pictures. The content is clear is pleasant to read because show it in a creative way.
Volvo Cars

The content is clear because they show all their products on the frontpage. Each model of Volvo has
also a lot of information on the website and it is pleasant to read and they show a lot of pictures of
the model itself which is probably the reason why people visit the website of Volvo.

Future Water City

Concerning domain authority, it has a good name. Less to nontoxic links. The information is relevant.
There is a lot of information converted into active links. There are internal and external link
connections. The information is not globally linked. It has 350 linking domains.

In regards to the page authority this webpage is no big multinational but rather a smaller private
company based and focused on a very specific topic in a specific place. (Denmark). Because the page
and the organisation are focused on such a specific topic it has a lower in the PA score. You have to
be very specific to find this webpage on the searching engines  Low prestige levels. This results in a
lot of competition from a higher PA webpage such as (PA: 45 DA:
61) the base of this organisation and the international factor results the higher score. It is quite hard
to find it in the web as it has a low PA  no prestige
This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.


From the following results we see that there is a very big improvement on the DA score. This first of
all has to do with the amount of the information (as this now is a multinational organisation). It has
way more external links to the internal and external partners. (the connections to the international
partners, hotels, flights, transport…) More external an internal links connected with each other. The
information is relevant and suited to the topic. It is correct and true to what it is. Website is mobile
friendly. It has 4100 linking domains.  has a lot of toxic links
The reason that is causing a lower PA is the big competition. Because this industry (tourism/traveling)
is very relevant there are a lot of similar organisations that have the same purpose. Such as: Emirates
(PA:36 DA:83) … It is easy to find it on the web as it had high PA score prestige
This website has asked for the privacy accord and the cookies. It also has a separate link for the Data

The page has less information. There are a lot of clickable links that lead to the internal links. There
are not really external links. It has 416 linking domains.
The page authority of this webpage is 30. This is a quite good score taking into account that it is just a
private beverage company. The 3-language options result as an added point to it, as now the same
information can be found in 3 different languages of choice. This company also has a lot of
competitors, and less external partners. It is quite hard to find it in the web as it has a low PA  no
This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.


This organisation is based in Dubai and focuses on industrial parts and projects. Once again it is
developing a very small industry sector that is why the DA is low. Its information is accurate to the
industry but has not enough links. Has a structured information concerning the different topics
mentioned on the website. It has 483 linking domains.
We can compare this webpage with the 1st one. It is quite hard to find it in the web as it has a low PA
 no prestige
This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.


The webpage has not a lot of information, but it has a lot of links. The links are internally and
externally liked. It has 1277 linking domains.

The links cause the high PA score.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.

Danish Shipping
The information on the website is accurate and related to the industry. There are additional tabs on
different topics. Information is not only connected to shipping but to sustainability and climate
issues. There is a lot of explanation and information about the company. Once gain there is not really
enough linking. It has 978 linking domains.

From the first glance it is very unusual why the shipping company that is concerned with
sustainability has such low score. But there is an explanation to that  this industry is still not
developed enough and is very new to the consumer. In addition to that there are a lot of shipping
competitors that have a higher PA score.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.

Dainty Jewells

This webpage as a few earlier mentioned has a relevant information for its topic. It is a mainly online
shopping website that does not ship online. So, the items speak for themselves. It has a strong base
in the US. It has 370 linking domains.

Has very high competition in the fashion industry, has limited range of connection.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.


This web page has the lowest score of all the websites w have used. It simply has not enough of the
information such as: internal links, external links, linkable content, and just the relevant information.
It has 8 linking domains.

Not enough information.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.


This webpage is actually very interesting and has a lot of information and content, but that content is
not linked to anything. It looks more like a blog that actually relevant information to one or the other
topic. It has 125 linking domains.
This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.

Warped Cigars
There is relevant and interesting content but once again it has not enough linkable content. It has
230 linking domains.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.

Orange Sprocket

The webpage has a lot of active links. It has a lot of information that provides the base for the links. It
has 980 linking domains. It has a lot of inter linked links.

The PA follows the DA.

This page does not ask you to accept cookies and the privacy statement. It does not ask the right to
uphold the information given by its users.

Volvo Cars

Volvo vars is a very big international company. It has a lot internal and external links. It has a lot of
information the site. It builds a strong base. It has a good domain name. It has links to the parts,
transport and governmental providers. It is closely linked with the consumer group as well. It has
5700 linking domains.  has a lot of toxic links

In this case the pa is a bitt low due to a very high competition in the same or similar webpages.

This website has asked for the privacy accord and the cookies. It also has a separate link for the Data

Future Water City
The website of Future Water City is one that resembles a city with a water plant, in this plant there
are different buttons that focus on the different services the company provides. These buttons are
subtle but still attractive, this is the same for the page that follows. These pages are nicely coloured
and the information that is on it is concise and are supported with relevant images. Within these
pages there are also movies, when played these movies have the same layout and colour scheme as
the website which makes it nice to watch. Also on the home page you can hear water on the
background which is a nice added sound affect.


SWISS uses only 2 colours on their website, red and black on a white background. There are no
interactive functions on the website. The company does have a lot of information on its website, you
have to click a lot to get where you want to be . I believe that this is also because they have a lot of
services. There is no advertising on their website.


When you open the website you get to see an apple tree which will get your attention right away.
This tree is actually an animation with a voice recording, by pressing certain letters on your keyboard
you will continue down the tree and receive further information about the drinks. The websites uses
5 colors to present their products. The images of the products are of high quality and attractive. The
website doesn’t have any ads on it.

Acme home pages is on of the nicest ones I have seen. They use a clear and extremely well
structured format to present their products service. the use of changing backgrounds when you
move your cursor is a nice added feature. There is a perfect balance between the amount of
information that is presented to a visitor and pictures. The website Is fun to use and responds
quickly, there is no apparent lag. There is no use of advertising.


They use bright/pastel colors to make their site attractive. The images that are used resemble their
posters that they sell, these images take up your full screen and then go over in to another poster.
There is very little information on the site which makes it hard to get from the get go what it is about.
Another thing is at first you have the feeling that everything is hard to do but after a while it starts to
sink in that this is not that of a sophisticated site.

Danish Shipping

The use of colours and relevant images is amazing, the first thing that catches your eye is how the
logo comes together by means of an animation on the compagnies home page. The high quality
pictures are supported by concise text. There is no advertising on their website. The ineractive
functions such as text that slides in from the left or rich or the company logo being formed in front of
your eyes are nice added features.
Dainty Jewells

When opening the website you get instant popups of discounts which is annoying. The website has
an overall basic layout, the colors that are used support each other. The websites doesn’t contain
interactive layout features. The pictures that are used are of high quality and are useful. The text
type that is used is somewhat hard to read at times. The structure of the website is more or less of
what you would expect from a clothing company, but it is not that appealing.


This webite is totally designed around interactivity for example you see a shoe sole being made by
every scroll down. The information is structured and clear. Downside is that the use of colors is
limited, the background is black which makes it extremely unattractive. But apart from that
everywhere where you move your cursor you will see something pop up. For instance when you
move over the work polyester you will see polyester molecules pop up. There are no ads on this


When you open the website you get a 360° view of an image, the feeling you are in the image. I
personally don’t find this of much added value and rather chaotic. Overall the structure of the
website Is rather simple and straight forward. They don’t use a lot of colors and the information that
is there is relevant. Personally I find that their aren’t that much pictures that have that of significant
meaning or that help to make the site more attractive. You have three pages on the site that show
basically the same thing 3 times but in a different format.

Warped Cigars

This website also uses a lot of black and white just like Co. Bo but they use it in a useful and
attractive way. They use it because it fits the cigar theme, when there is information on the website
for instance about the product it self they use a white background. This makes it clear to read the
info about the cigars. The site gives you a clear overview of the products by simply giving you
different interactive backgrounds. Also they have a nice balance between info and pictures, less is
more. The website doesn’t have any advertising that pops up. The interactive functions that are used
respond fast and are really an added value and are a creative way to showcase information.

Orange Sprocket
What Orange Sprocket does to make their website appealing, they use pictures and a lot of them.
they use this to tell you everything about them. The only downside of this much use of images is that
it is at times a little bit chaotic in a way. So to make everything more clear I would use a bit more text
where necessary. But the pictures that are used are colourful and relevant tot the little info there is.
There are no ads on the website.

Volvo Cars
The company website gives a nice overview of the different products and services they provide in a
structured way. The background colour supports the picture so that the picture stands out and
catches your eye. The information is clear and relevant, these are supported by high quality pictures.
The website has no advertising on it or pop-ups. The most interactive feature is that you can have a
360° view inside any car of your liking.

Final Conclusions

Conclusion functionality

Functionality is often overlooked at first because visuals are always shown first but functionality can
make or break the overall feeling of a site. When a user can navigate to what he/she is looking for,
without having to search for a long time, the site will feel pleasant to use.

Functionality is closely linked with one’s feeling about a site. When I can’t find what I’m looking for
quickly, I get annoyed and would most likely move on to another site which has a better functionality
so I can find information more quickly. The functionality of a site should make sure that the site is
accessible for everyone, from people with almost no computer knowledge to professional IT experts.

To conclude, I would say that sites should make sure that they are as functional as possible because
this truly is one of the most important aspects of sites. Even if you have the most beautiful site in the
world, if it isn’t functional people will get annoyed and won’t visit it anymore.

Conclusion content

Most websites, the content was clear and useful but that’s logical since it has to make the visitors
stay and want to discover more of the website. There were some website were the content was very
vague and hard to understand but overall after some digging, everything you want to know could be
found on the website.
Conclusion authority

After doing my research I have made a very clear conclusion. The website authority is very important
for a webpage, but it is also very complex and tricky. Each webpage wants to be recognised on the
searching engines as prior, and each consumer wants the data on the website to be trustworthy and
relevant. So, it is very important to find the golden middle.

Data authority and page authority are influenced by many factors and there is no goal. Each web
page gets a score. The min is 0 and the max is 100. The higher the score the more trustworthy and
stronger is the webpage  it will have the priority in the search engines.

Its logarithmic scale means that it's much easier to improve your score if your domain authority is at
a 20 or a 30 than if it was at a 70 or an 80. Domain authority between 40 and 50 is considered
average, between 50 and 60 is considered good and over 60 is considered excellent

People think it is very important to get the score of 100/100, but that is mainly the mistake.

Let me give you an example:

You have 2 dogs. A small one and a big one. The speed and the abilities of the bigger dog will always
be bigger, no matter how much you will train the small dog.


If you have 2 small dogs. The powers become somewhat equal. If you also feed one nutritious food
and train him more, it will have more power and abilities even though It will be the same calibre
small dog.

We can apply this easily to the organisations and companies.

It is not the goal to reach 100/100 score and beat someone you can’t ever beat (YouTube, Facebook,
amazon…), rather it is better to improve your PA and DA to compete with the competitors from the
same calibre.

An example of a good website would be the one that:

 Has a good domain name

 Optimises their content
 Creates linkable content
 Improves the internal and external linking structure
 Removes bad and toxic links
 Mobile friendly website
 Become an authority within your niche.

Conclusion attractiveness

I can conclude that attractiveness is one of the most important and first things people look at. When
conducting my research I wasn’t motivated to look further at a website that wasn’t appealing.
Another remark that I have is that some websites want to overdo It by using to much interactive
functions. As a result you get an overload which gives you a chaotic feeling.
Companies also put some interactive features in their websites but actually these don’t work or work
badly for example a 360° view option. This as real disappointment as there is nothing worse than
looking at functions that don’t work.

Attractiveness also depends on which company you have, for example a digital design company will
generally speaking have a fancier website than a small shop. And a government website or a big
multinational is also more likely to have a good looking website as they have a high budget.

To finish my conclusion, I can say that companies in general put a lot of attention towards the
attractiveness of their website. But some do it better than others.

ACME. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Apps. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cobosrl. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Cyclemon. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Dainty jewels. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Futur Water City. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Navigationresponsibly. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Orangesprocket. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ponto. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Swiss. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Volvo. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Warped Cigars. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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