Lab 3 - Cellular Respiration

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1. Identify the type of cell respiration in the yeast

2. 3intrepet the results on yeast reaction by using blue methylene as the artificial
hydrogen acceptor.


Cellular respiration is a process of food molecules oxidation to produce

energy in ATP form; it includes aerobic and anaerobic respiration. An anaerobic
respiration also known as a fermentation process, which occurs in the absence of
oxygen that uses an organic molecule as a final electron acceptor.

In yeast cells, the fermentation process produces 2 ATP, carbon dioxide

and wasteful product, ethanol. During this process, NADH will donate the atom
hydrogen to keep generating of NAD  and continue the fermentation process.


 Blue methylene 0.5%

 Fresh yeast 10% + Glucose 1%

 Test tubes

 Water bath (38C - 42C)

 Measuring cylinder 10 cm3

 Beaker 250cm3

 Rubber stopper


1. Labelled the test tubes A, B, C.

2. Poured 10 cm3 of fresh yeast into the test tubes.

3. Put Test Tube C in a beaker of boiling water for five minutes.

4. Put 10 drops of blue methylene into each of the test tube and shook well.

5. Placed all the test tubes in water bath (38C - 42C) for fifteen minutes. Recorded the
colour in each of the test tube (Column X in Table 3.1).

6. Then, put the Test Tube B into a beaker of boiling water for five minutes.

7. Inserted a rubber stopper into each test the and shook the test tubes. Recorded the
colour in each of the test tube (Column Y in Table 3.1).

8. Removed the rubber stopper and placed the test tubes in the water bath for fifteen
minutes. Then, recorded the colour in each of the test tubes (Column Z in Table 3.1).

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