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Research Design

The study utilized phenomenological research design. The goal of quantitative

phenomenological research design is to describe a “lived experience” of a phenomenon. It is more

focused on the meaning, the experience, behavior and the perception (J. Waters, 2017).

We agreed to use this design because the patronage of a single fast-food chain is considered

as a lived experience of an individual. To get the data, the researchers planned to conduct a survey.

The research method used is a survey. A survey is defined as a list of questions that aims

at extracting a specific data from a particular group of people. Surveys may be conducted by phone,

mail, internet, and etc. (Neilsen, 2010). It is easier to gather data from a survey that is why the

researchers used this method. With that researchers prepared a self-made survey questionnaire that

will be used as the research instrument.

All the things are now set to get the information needed to know the “Patronage of Fast-

food Chains by the Teenagers in Tacloban City.

Research Locale

The research will be conducted within the locality of Tacloban City. Aside from Tacloban

City is the capital of Leyte and it almost possess all necessity of the people, the researchers chose

Tacloban City as a research locale because the top five fast-food restaurants that are being

patronized of the customers are in there. McDonald’s, Jollibee, KFC, Chowking, and Greenwich

fast-food chain has branches in Tacloban City.

Figure 2. Map of Tacloban City (left) and vicinity view of Tacloban City (right)

Research Respondents

The teenagers are the research respondents. Young people are more likely to dine at fast-

food chains that is why the researchers choose them as the respondents. A total of twenty-five

respondents would be enough to collect data for the study.

Research Instruments

The researchers prepared a self-made questionnaire for a survey. The researchers

used this in order to get the information regarding the problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey questionnaire to answer the researcher’s questions and the

researchers translate it in a scale so that everyone could understand the difference of the teenagers’

patronage of among the five fast-food chains. After this, the researchers provided an interpretation

for the data they have gathered.

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