HSC Chemistry Lesson 13

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HSC Chemistry Lesson 13

Assess the evidence which indicates increases in atmospheric concentration of oxides of

sulfur and nitrogen


After the industrial revolution of the 1800s there was a great increase in the emissions of
sulfur dioxide in the air in growing industrial cities. Serious pollution from NOX and SO2
developed in the 20th century due to the increased use of motor cars and electricity.


The evidence which indicates increases in the atmospheric concentrations includes:

1. When snow falls, it traps little pockets of air which represent the concentrations of
particular gases in the air at the time in which the snow fell. As this snow turns to ice the
air becomes trapped. While there is limited new snow fall in Antarctica the displacement
of snow by high strength winds also has this effect. It is possible to bore down through
this ice to extract a sample and analyse SO2 and NOX concentrations within the trapped
pockets of air. This gives a record of changing gas concentrations over a time period
which enables comparisons to be drawn. Comparison has shown that there has been an
increase in the concentrations of these gases.
2. Damage caused by acid rain

When these gases enter into the atmosphere, they are able to dissolve into rain forming acid

SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)

2NO2(g) + H2O(l) → HNO2(aq) + HNO3(aq)

2H2SO3(aq) + O2(g) → 2H2SO4(aq)

In parts of Europe, acid rain over the past 50 years has caused more damage to priceless
statuary than the previous 500 years of weathering. Acid rain is able to dissolve limestone
structures and buildings

H2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s) → CaSO4(s) + 2CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Furthermore acid rain can also lower the pH of natural water ways. E.g. Great lakes of
America; making them uninhabitable for marine life. It also strips foliage of trees and leeches
nutrients out of the soil. E.g. Black forest in Germany. Direct measurements of levels of
oxides of sulfur and nitrogen

The concentrations of SO2 and NOX are only about 0.001ppm populated parts of the earth.
The chemical instruments able to measure low concentrations of these oxides (below 0.1
ppm) with sufficient accuracy have only been commercially available since the 1960’s. There
is a lack of data prior to 1650 about the emission of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. These
instruments show an increase in NOX and SO2 levels in the atmosphere


1. In the Antarctic ice samples the gas concentrations don’t change so the concentrations of
the individual gases remain constant.
2. The increase in occurrences of acid rain leading to increased damage to buildings and
monuments, lowered pH of waterways and damage to natural forests is evidence for
increasing concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere
3. The direct measurement mechanisms since the 1960s show an increase in NOX and SO2
concentrations in the atmosphere

However there are problems with the evidence:

1. It has been found that air in Antarctic ice samples is able to diffuse out of the samples
and so effect the SO2 and NOX concentrations
2. SO2 and NOX are water soluble and so wash out of the air, rather than building up,
making it difficult to measure SO2 and NOX concentrations
3. There is also very limited data prior to 1960s to allow for an accurate comparison.


Overall the evidence indicates that there has been an increase in SO2 and NOX concentrations
as suggested by Antarctic ice core samples, increased acid rain and direct measurements since
the 1960s. However problems with evidence remain and so research must continue into
analysing atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and NOX.

Use this space to make your own notes:

Calculate volumes of gases given masses of some substances in reactions, and calculate
masses of substances given gaseous volumes, in reactions involving gases at 0oC and 100kPa
or 25oC and 100kPa

It is best to gain practise for a dotpoint such as this. Below are some questions for you to

1. Sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride, water, and
carbon dioxide. Some hydrochloric acid was added to some sodium carbonate: 6.0 g
of sodium chloride were formed. What mass of carbon dioxide was produced?
2. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide released at 100kPa and 25oC by the reaction
of 10.0 g of calcium carbonate with excess acid.
3. If 1.00 L of hydrogen sulfide gas was collected at 101.3 kPa and 0oC from the
reaction of excess acid with iron(II) sulfide, calculate the mass of FeS.

Use this space to make your own notes:

Explain the formation and effects of acid rain

Most rain that falls to the earth is slightly acidic as the carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in
the water producing carbonic acid.

CO2(g) + H2O(l) H2CO3(aq)

These sulfur and nitrogen oxides generally come from combustion in car engines and power

NO and NO2 produced in combustion of fuel in motor vehicles and power stations

N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) which further oxidises to

2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2 (g)

The smelting of sulfide ores and the burning of fossil fuels:

CuS(s) + O2(g) SO2(g) + Cu(s)

2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO + 2SO2(g)

Therefore only rain with a pH <5.5 is considered to be acid rain. Acid rain is usually the
result of rain dissolving sulfur oxides, such as SO2 and SO3, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

SO2(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO3(aq)

2H2SO3(aq) + O2(g) → 2H2SO4(aq)

2SO2 (g) + O2  2SO3

SO3(g) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(aq)

2NO2(g) + H2O(l)→ HNO3(aq) + HNO2(aq)

2HNO2(aq) + O2 (g)  2HNO3 (aq)

There are some detrimental effects of acid rain:

 Acid rain causes the acidification of surface waters and lakes, which changes the
conditions for marine biology, changes which they cannot adjust to and their
populations diminish. This is apparent in the Great Lakes region in America and
Europe which are now too acidic to support marine life.

 Acid rain also kills of forest and plant life, due to the direct action of the acids and the
acidification of soils which inhibits plant growth. It also strips forests of their foliage
and leaching the soil of essential nutrients required for plant growth. Trees in
Queensland and Tasmania have been killed off like through this process as well as the
Black Forest of Germany and the Maples of Quebec have also been destroyed.

 Acid rain also increases weathering and erosion of priceless artefacts and statues
throughout Europe and America by dissolving the calcium carbonate in their

H2SO4(aq) + CaCO3(s) CaSO4(s) + 2CO2(g) + H2O(l)

In Europe It has caused more damage to statues and artefacts in the past 50 years then 500
years of natural weathering.

 Acid rain wears away steel and iron structures such as bridges:

H2SO4(aq) + Fe (s) FeSO4 (aq) + H2 (g)

This causes serious structural damage to the constructions.

 It is also able to dissolve the steel reinforcement of concrete causing concrete cancer
reducing the structural soundness of the structure.

Use this space to make your own notes:

Identify data, plan and perform a first-hand investigation to decarbonate soft drink and gather
data to measure the mass changes involved and calculate the volume of gas released at 25°C
and 100kPa

You will have conducted an experiment in class to address this dot point. In the space below
recount the method you utilised:

A sample method is provided:

1. Using an electronic balance calculate the mass of the soda can (250mL) and an empty
50mL beaker and record this.
2. Weigh out 5g of salt using the electronic balance and add it to the empty 50mL beaker and
calculate the mass of the beaker containing salt. Record the mass.

3. Open the can and record the mass of the open can

4. Using the electronic balance measure out 1g of salt and slowly add it to the open can.
Record if any fizzing occurs and reweigh the opened can

5. Repeat step 6 until the fizzing stops indicating that no more CO2 is present.

7. Repeat the experiment 10 times for more reliable results.

Use this space to make your own notes:

Analyse information from secondary sources to summarise the industrial origins of sulfur
dioxide and oxides of nitrogen and evaluate reasons for concern about their release into the


There are significant reasons for concern regarding the emission of NOX and SO2 into the


The release of SO2 and NOX has increased significantly from the industrial revolution of the
1800s when power plants and cars began to extensively be utilised. Today 90% of SO 2 and
the majority of NOX emissions are from combustion in cars and power plants.


Sulfur Dioxide has the ability to cause severe respiratory problems at concentrations as low
as 1ppm. Exposure of the body and breathing of air which contains sulfur dioxide can cause
illnesses such as bronchitis, chronic coughing, headaches, and severe problems for asthma
sufferers – B (Breathing Difficulties) E (Eye Irritation) A (Asthma) C (Chronic Coughing) H
(Headaches). In 1952, a deadly fog in London claimed 4000 lives- this was partly due to the
burning of coal with high levels of sulfur. The concentration of SO2 (g) in the fog was
approximately 0.4ppm.

Sulfur dioxide in the air can also result in the damage to other artefacts including paintings,
glass and textiles. For example, 5% of the British Library’s collections of manuscripts are
seriously damaged because the paper in them absorbs these gases and becomes brittle.


Nitrogen oxides irritate the respiratory tract and cause breathing discomfort at concentrations
above about 3-5ppm and does extensive tissue damage at high concentrations.
Photochemical smog occurs due to ozone in the air which is formed from NOX and sunlight,
first became a problem in LA in the 1960’s since it causes problems such as breathing
difficulties and fatigue.

NO2 (g) + UV Light NO (g) + O. (g)

O. (g) + O2 O3 (g)

The peroxyacetylnitrate (CH3CO-OO-NO2) in photochemical smog causes irritation to eyes,

causing them to water and sting.

Combined: Acid Rain SO2 and NOX

Both these oxides are able to dissolve in rain to form acid rain (pH <5.5).

CO2(g) + H2O(l) H2CO3(aq)

2NO2(g) + H2O(l) HNO3(aq) + HNO2(aq)

This is able to destroy plant life, reduce pH of soils, and inland lakes, and wear away metal

H2SO4(aq) + Fe (s) FeSO4 (aq) + H2 (g

and destroy structures

2HNO3 (aq) + CaCO3 (s) CO2 (g) + H2O (l) + Ca(NO3)2 (aq)

However there have been moves to offset these concerns. In 1986, catalytic converters were
made compulsory on all cars which break down NOX. Clean Coal is being used in power
plants reducing SO2 emissions, scrubbers clean industrial chimneys to reduce oxides and in
some cases acid rain has reduced the pH of alkaline soils as a benefit.


In evaluating reasons for concern about SO2 and NOX emissions, their effect on the natural,
built and human environment must be considered.


As can be seen the emissions of SO2 and NOX cause significant damage to the built and
natural environment as well as humans, in the form of acid rain and direct emission in the
atmosphere. If unchecked they would cause further devastation, therefore the release of these
oxides into the atmosphere is a major concern which must be monitored and restricted.

Use this space to make your own notes:


1. Evaluate the reasons for concern about the release of sulfur dioxide and oxides of
nitrogen into the environment (7 marks)
2. Explain the formation and effects of acid rain, using equations (4 marks)
3. Assess the evidence which indicates an increase in the atmospheric concentration of
sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen since the industrial revolution (5 marks)

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