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KLS : X2

The Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is a stunningly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the
reign of two kings, and Rakai Rakai Pikatan balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters
higher than Borobudur temple),the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire, to
show Hindu triumph in Java. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center,
in the middle area that is now a beautiful park.
There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. Once, a man
named Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro Jonggrang. Because of his love, Jonggrang
asked Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly
fulfilled when Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and to make a big fire that
created an atmosphere like the morning. New Bondowoso can make the 999 statues
cursed Jonggrang into the statue-1000 because he felt cheated.
Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu,
Brahma, and Shiva. The third temple is the symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All three
temples were facing east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the
west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition,
there are two temples wedge, four of the temple curtain, and 4 corner temples.
Meanwhile, the second page had 224 temples.
KLS : X2


Hello my friend , I’m here I’d like to talk about my pet .

The name of my pet is KENARI. KENARI is a male canary bird . I give the name
because I don’t have idea to give him name , so I give name from his call name in
indonesia . Canary bird is a pure bird from canary island one of land on African. I
get him from bird shop near my friend house.

He has a beautiful feather , the color of his feather whitish yellow and the feather is
smooth and cute. He can fly fast and can make a beautiful sound melodic . His
claw sharp but it will not hurt, the fuction of his claw is for open the fruit skin for
his food. I like him , because he is a present from my parent when I birthday, and
he can make a beautiful sound . He live in cage , but he seems happy because I
give him a food three times for a week , and always clean his cage every Saturday.

So maybe just about my pet , I apologize when any error , thank you for your
attention . Goodbye
KLS : X2

Descriptive Text: Sule "Prikitiw" - A Famous Comedian From Indonesia

His name full name is Entis Sutisna. People call him Sule. He is a famous comedian in
Indonesia. Sule was born on 15 November 1976 in Bandung, West Java.
He speaks Sundanese fluently. He also learn Javanese.

Sule is very unique. His hair is long with brown and yellow colour. He has oval face, flat nose
and slanting eyes. People know Sule as a ridiculous man and full of jokes.

He is very funny. His joke makes everyone smiling even belly laughing. Sule plays in several
TV shows such as Opera Van Java (OVJ), Awas Ada Sule, PAS Mantab, and Saung Sule. He
also can sing very well. He has very famous song entitled Susis (Suami Sieun Istri).
KLS : X2

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