Dr. Jonnifer Quiros: Fellow in Psychiatry

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Fellow in Psychiatry


June 18, 2019

This is a psychiatric evaluation done on spouses Jose Andres Baniaga and Maria
Filipina Baniaga regarding the petition for nullity of marriage.

General Data:

Petitioner: MARIA FILIPINA BANIAGA, is of legal age, married to Respondent,

Filipino citizen and with present address at Guimbal, Iloilo, currently working as
a Call Center agent.

Respondent: JOSE ANDRES R. BANIAGA is of legal age, married to Petitioner, a

Filipino Citizen, and with residence address at Arevalo, Iloilo, Philippines.

Reason for Referral:

For the petition for annulment of marriage.

Sources of Information:
1) Psychiatric History, Mental Status Examination, Physical and Neurological
Examinations of the petitioner and respondent on the following dates:
November 16, 2016, December 20, 2016, and February 13, 2017.

2) Psychiatric History, Mental Status Examination, Physical and Neurological

Examinations of the petitioner and respondent last December 20, 2016.

3) Collateral Informants:
a. Tristan Jabinigay, friend of Petitioner from Guimbal
b. House help of the couple, Faidah Macasawang

Examiner’s Qualifications:
Doctor of Medicine, specializing in Psychiatry
Fellow (Life) of the Philippine Psychiatric Association
Diplomate of the Philippine Board of Psychiatry
Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Western Visayas Medical Center
Professorial Lecturer in Psychiatry and Psychology


1. Petitioner’s Family Background

2. Respondent’s Family Background
3. Personality Analysis
4. Analysis of the Case
5. Recommendation

Analysis of the case:

The history, in my sessions with them, the dominant person in their relationship is
Jose. It was almost like whatever Jose says, goes. I have observed from Fina that
she hesitates in answering my questions in front of Jose. I have found Jose to be
chronically irresponsible, psychologically abusive and a pathological liar.

Chronic irresponsibility, or Responsibility Deficit Disorder (RDD)

In psychological terminology, is a type of antisocial personality disorder which
makes people careless, capricious or outright reckless. They forget their
appointments; they are always late; they neglect to plan ahead; they are
financially irresponsible; they don’t care about their belongings or relationships;
they ignore deadlines; and they act as though others should bail them out of
whatever trouble they get in to. These behavior is normal in adolescents or
teenagers, but it is abnormal for adults.:
1. One of the symptoms that Jose shows, that I base my findings on is his
inability to stay in one job. According to them, Jose was jobless at the time
he met Fina.
2. Another symptom is his financial irresponsibility.
3. Psychologically violent, emotionally abusive, or mentally abusive
4.Has a sense of entitlement ie, unreasonable expectations of especially
favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
5.Is interpersonally exploitative ie, takes advantage of others to achieve his or
her own ends
6.Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and
needs of others
7.Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
8.Shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes
This behaviors are often signs of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) which is a
long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships
with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.

Before the marriage, as part of his Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), the
respondent was known to be happy go lucky. With his excessive pleasure-
seeking behavior, he turned to his friends as a means of coping. He also did well
in school. His fondness for women was his way to continuously search for love,
since his early experiences revealed absence of mother as well as father in his
life. It set the stage for his future adult role wherein he was found to be a
womanizer, as he went about with many relationships with the opposite sex. His
being a ladies' man was the foremost manifestation of his Borderline Personality
Disorder (BPD).

During marriage, due to his Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), he was

prominently deceitful, as he felt entitled to have extramarital affairs. He
womanized despite the petitioner's availability as an available wife that resulted
in his series of infidelities. He continued to relate with several women to elevate
his self-image, despite being caught and found out, even by his own son.
Because of his Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), he was likewise
extravagant like a teenager who loved motorcycles, cars and gadgets. He felt
self-important and needed excessive praise. He depended on his relatives for
help in decision-making but never gave this honor to his spouse.

His pathological behavior became severe and drove him to leave home
frequently to be with his family or his women, leaving behind his wife and
children. As a result of his Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), he did not have
the capacity to carry out his responsibilities in marriage. He was not capable of
loving, caring and giving respect, and fidelity to his wife.

They remained separated as both exerted that he or she should be top priority
and should be the one that had to be followed by the other.

C. Remarks and Recommendations:

In view of the foregoing psychiatric evaluation, the RESPONDENT is found to
have a Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Chronic irresponsibility hinders the
husband from providing his family a decent life. In most cases, the husband
neglects the welfare of the family as long as he satisfies his own desires.
Psychological abuse is more often the cause of broken families. It will also
deprive the children of the opportunity, if not the right, to grow up in a loving
family. Children who grew up in a psychological abusive family, more often
become psychologically abusive themselves. Pathological lying damages trust,
which is a basic foundation of all relationships. If a spouse cannot trust the other
because the other is a pathological liar, their family relationship will be
estranged. As they say, trust lost is hard to earn back. It was the cause of their
problematic behavior in marital life.

His personality disorder made him incapable to do his marital obligations to love,
care, render respect and fidelity to his spouse. It was unlikely to respond to any
form of treatment as he is incapable of change because he possesses deeply
rooted habits that are highly resistant to conscious reasoning.

Her personality disorder made her incapable to do her marital obligations to

render support and respect to her spouse. It was unlikely to respond to any form
of treatment as she is incapable of change as well.

Due to the presence of the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). of the

PETITIONER this petition for nullity of marriage is highly recommended. Their
marriage did not yield a healthy atmosphere for them and for their children.
Their present status will give them the chance to lead a better life.

Dr. Jonnifer Quiros

Attending Psychiatrist

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