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2018 Yearbook Staff Application 

Dear Students (Grade 5 to 12), 
This year , we intend to come up with an amazing Yearbook!. For this, we need a dynamic team of 
students and teachers who can come together and produce an outstanding piece of work. Here 
is a brief description of the vacancies and the job description for your reference. Lets come 
together and create a Masterpiece!! 
Editor  in  chief  ​(1  Position  open  to  Grade  11/12​   students  only)-  An  Editor-in-Chief  is  charged  with 
overseeing  the  entire  publication.  It’s  his  or  her  responsibility  to  bring together all the pieces that 
make  BHIS  yearbook  great.  Things  like  coordinating  with  the  yearbook  production company, the 
portrait  studios,  various  school  departments  and  student  organizations,  plus  keeping  the 
publication  on  time  and  on  budget. The role requires organization, perseverance … and more than 
a little patience. 

Assistant  Editor  ​(1  Position  open  to  Grade  9​   to  12  students  only)- The Assistant Editor can help the 
Editor-in-Chief  by  taking  on  important  tasks  related  to  the  publication  itself, such as making sure 
the yearbook has a consistent look and feel throughout, and that it reflects BHIS’s unique spirit. 

Photographers  +  Journalists  ​(2  positions  each  each  campus)   -  Photographers  should,  of  course, 
have  skills  and  interest  in  photography. But they must also be willing to attend a variety of events 
to  take  candid  photos.  ​Student  should  have  his/her  own  camera.  ​The  same  applies  to 
Journalists​.  These  committee  members  should  be  comfortable  interviewing  students,  parents 
and staff, and they should plan on attending multiple school events. 

Ad  Sales people ​(6 positions each campus) - Ad Sales people will be responsible for selling ads to 
parents,  local  businesses  and  community  members.  They  can  help  answer  any  questions  the 
advertisers may have, and help with ad layout in the final yearbook. 

​   ​(6  positions  each  campus)-  The  Copy  Editor  role  not  only  requires  keen  grammar, 
Copy  Editors
spelling and punctuation skills, but also creative storytelling abilities. Someone who enjoys writing 
and who understands the school community and the stories that are important to tell. 

Marketers  ​(6  positions  each  campus)  -  Marketers  are  one  of  your  most  important  yearbook 
committee  positions.  They  help  spread the word about the yearbook while it’s being created, and 
promote  it  once  it’s  finalized.  This can be by creating promotional materials like flyers and emails, 
or  through  fun  and  creative  guerrilla  marketing  tactics.  It’s  the  marketers’  job  to  get  everyone 
excited about the amazing publication which is about to be printed. 

Layout  Editor  +  Graphic  Designers  ​(4  positions)  -  The  Layout  Editor  will  take  all  of  yearbook 
material  and  do  what  the  name  implies  –  lay  it  out  into  a  design  that  flows from one page to the 
next.  This  involves  high  level  of  graphic  designing  skills  on  computers  and  use of DTP softwares 
like  CorelDraw,  Illustratrator  etc.  The  students  applying  for  this  position  should  be  familiar  with 
these softwares. 
The team will be working with yearbook Teacher coordinator supervised by Mr. Dinesh Bakshi 

​ ​ and return to FRONT OFFICE (for EPS students) by 28th June 2018
Please complete this form

Position applied for​ ______________________________________

Contact Information
Name: Phone:

Grade: Email:

Extracurricular Activities & Availability

Sports & Other Clubs You’re In: Other Activities Outside of School:

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Yearbook Committee meets ONCE every WEEK. Can you attend these meetings?

Why Yearbook?
What are three skills you will bring to What three things do you want to learn in
yearbook committee? yearbook committee?

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Why do you want to join yearbook committee?

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is “I breathe yearbook” and 1 is “Eh,” how committed
are you to year’s yearbook the best our school has ever seen? Circle the one that applies.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Yearbook Staff T-Shirt Design Proposal

For a creative exercise, please design a t-shirt that we could print so that the yearbook
staff can wear it with pride and help promote the yearbook.

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