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Leadership and Development

Training for Silver's Gym

1. Preparing newly acquired Gym trainers in job culture

2. Securing employees and clients safety by providing safety tips and precautions

3. Up-skilling and updating existing and the newly hired Trainers skills for Proper
Exercise and Equipment’s

provide several different ways to exercise to clients.

4. Offers a variety of cardio and strength training and equipment as well as group
exercise programs.

5. Improving skills in making design for personalized programs for clients

🎯 Mission
Our mission is to provide a unique environment to enhance movement development
and boosting your health, mind and body through fitness and gymnastics for everyone
for a promotion of lifelong wellness and body confidence.r mission.

🎯 Vision
Behold as a premier provider of quality fitness and wellness in the Philippines.
Recognized for a unique and inspiring experience as the Philippines great-home for
body, mind and health care wellness but also leave a fun experience to clients.
🎯General Responsibilities of a Fitness
Fitness trainers provide a comprehensive, one-on-one personal fitness assessment and
training program. The purpose of the program is to assist clients in setting and
achieving realistic fitness goals based on each client's needs. Ultimately, the client
should be able to individually develop and follow goals based on the personal trainer's

Fitness Trainers are expected to work independently and adhere to the guidelines of
their certifying organization, as well as all company policies and procedures.

Fitness Trainers are responsible for the assessment, teaching, training and supervision
of a general population in fitness centers, health clubs, gyms and community recreation

Fitness Trainers may specialize in a number of areas such as personal training,

aerobics, aqua-fitness, and special population groups including senior fitness.

Fitness Trainers may also be employed as independents on commission and work at a

various locations.

🎯 General Precautions
◾ Your safety is your personal responsibility.

◾ Always follow the correct procedures.

◾ Never take shortcuts.

◾ Take responsibility and clean up if you made a mess.

◾ Clean and organize your work space.

◾ Ensure a clear and easy route to emergency exits and equipment.

◾ Be alert and awake on the job.

◾ Be attentive at all times to your work surroundings.

◾ When in doubt, contact your supervisor or manager for instruction, guidance, or


◾ Never take risks when it comes to safety.

◾ Obey safety signs, stickers, and tags.

◾ Take short breaks when you keep up a repetitive motion for a long period of time,
and sit, stand, or walk with good posture.

◾Report serious injuries immediately to a supervisor and get emergency assistance.

◾Keep things in perspective. Hazards may be limitless, so focus on the most likely
risks first.Strained backs and sliced fingers may be more popular in your work space
than would the risk of flooding (as in a basement office) or the risk of wild animals
cutting loose (as in a zoo)

🎯 A Gym Trainers performs the following

 Assess the needs and capabilities of individuals through fitness assessment
 Develop group exercise routines choreographed to music.
 Advise individuals on the correct method and use of exercise machines and devices
including weights.
 Develop individual exercise programs for individuals based on age and fitness level.
 Provide instruction in a variety of fitness activities including non gym related activities.
 Assist in the cleaning and general maintenance of the facility and ensure that equipment
is maintained and properly configured.
 Assist at the front counter.
 Liaise with doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians and other health professionals to
develop fitness programs for clients.
 Capable of recommending the right supplements to the needs of the clients.

🎯 Cardio Training and Equipment


Treadmills are designed to allow the user the ability to walk, jog or run, all while
indoors. Treadmills have been proven to burn more calories per time spent than many
other cardiovascular machines that are similarly categorized. The reason for this is the
versatile workout that treadmills offer, such as the walking and running options, as well
as the option to do either on an incline or decline.

Treadmills also offer constant speed options that allow users to perform a workout that
is ideal for maintaining an elevated heart rate. Working out on cardiovascular
equipment is also a great way to relieve stress, reduce anxiety and decrease symptoms
associated with depression, all while improving cardiovascular endurance and
sustainable stamina.

Another effective piece of cardiovascular workout equipment is the stair climber. The
stair climber mimics the action of walking up stairs. These machines offer a more
challenging workout than a treadmill, and may cause individuals to become fatigued
much more quickly.

You can program the settings for the stair climber so that the level of difficulty parallels
your physical capability. Stair climbers are not only effective at working the muscles
associated with the legs, but also at causing the human body to expend a higher level
of energy as well.

This directly results in more calories burned during a workout. Individuals that suffer
from back pain should probably consider an alternative type of cardiovascular workout
equipment, as stair climbers may exacerbate this pain.
Exercise Bikes
Stationary bikes are another great way to exercise the lower extremities of the human
body and achieve an aerobic effect at the same time. Stationary bikes are quite popular
among fitness seekers, and many individuals use them at the beginning of their
workout routines.

Some stationary bike models allow for movement of both the arms and legs, thus
allowing several major muscle groups the ability to achieve a complete workout. All
stationary bikes promote an aerobic effect, caloric burning, weight loss and muscle
strengthening of the lower extremities.

Rowing Machines, Ellipticals and Circuit Weight Training

Other types of cardiovascular workout equipment include rowing machines, which

promote a full-body workout as well as the ability to achieve an aerobic effect. Each
individual needs to utilize the proper form when using the rowing machine, as this will
ensure that all major muscle groups are worked as intended.
Elliptical machines provide an ideal full-body workout without the impact of running.
Elliptical machines are essentially a combination of a stair climber and a treadmill. As
with aerobics, it is highly recommended that each individual work out on each of the
various types of cardiovascular equipment to determine which pieces of equipment best
support their personal fitness goals.

Another form of cardiovascular workout equipment is classified as circuit weight

training. Circuit weight training equipment is designed to eliminate the need for free
weights and dumbbells. Typically, each piece of circuit weight training equipment will
work a primary muscle group as well as a secondary muscle group. For example, bicep
curl circuit weight training equipment will exercise the biceps as a primary muscle group
and the forearms as a secondary muscle group.

Circuit weight training equipment exists for every major muscle group and several of the
secondary muscle groups as well. The intent is to perform each exercise on each of the
weight training machines, and to move quickly from one piece of equipment to the
next with as little rest as necessary.

When performing each exercise, it is important to maintain proper form. By moving

quickly from one piece of circuit weight training equipment to the next, an aerobic
effect can be achieved, lean muscle mass increased, bone density maintained, and
muscle, ligament and tendon strength and elongation improved.

🎯 Strength Training and Equipment

The type of strength-training equipment you use will depend on your individual needs
and preferences. Here are the key choices:
 Free weights. Barbells are long bars with weights attached at the ends. Dumbbells are
smaller, hand-held weights. The advantages of free weights are that they are
inexpensive and versatile. The disadvantage is that they require proper training and
technique to get the full benefit and avoid injury.

 Machines. Strength training with machines is as effective as free weights, plus

machines have the advantage of being safer and easier to use. Since strength training
machines are designed to exercise specific muscle groups, you can get a faster, more
efficient workout by moving from machine to machine. The disadvantage is that
machines are not portable and can be expensive, so you may be limited to using
exercise machines at a gym. For home use, you might investigate an all-in-one machine
that has different pulleys and stations attached, allowing you to work various muscle
groups with a single piece of equipment.
 Stability balls. These strength-training devices look like overgrown, colorful beach
balls, but can be very effective pieces of exercise equipment. By learning exercises that
involve body curves and rolls using different positions on the stability ball, you can
strengthen the important core muscles of your body. The advantage of the stability ball
is that it is inexpensive and adaptable to many uses. The disadvantage is that you need
some training and you may need an expert opinion to be sure you buy a ball of the right
size and pressure to fit your needs and abilities.

 Weighted body bars. Body bars are foam-covered weights that may be used in a total
body workout class to combine aerobic exercise with strength training. After you learn
the exercises, you can use a body bar when you exercise at home, too — they are
relatively inexpensive. Body bars are available in different weights to fit your strength
and ability. Because they are about 4 feet long, they can be cumbersome to carry
around, so they are not ideal to travel with.
 Exercise bands. Bands are portable and inexpensive. Basically, they are just big
elastic bands with different degrees of tension. Though the bands themselves weigh
almost nothing, by working your muscle groups against the resistance of the bands you
develop muscle strength and endurance. Once you learn how to use them, you can do
the exercises anywhere with just a chair for support. You do need to learn the proper
technique for each exercise, and as you strength increases, you will need to graduate to
stronger sets of resistance bands.
 Kettlebells. This fitness tool was developed in Russia for use in strength training and
aerobic exercise to work all muscle groups at the same time. The Russian kettlebell
looks like a cannonball with a handle and is another form of exercise equipment that is
inexpensive and versatile. A kettlebell workout is high-intensity and involves full range of
motion. It requires the ability to stretch and be flexible, so you will need some training
and time to work up to a full routine.

Rules and Regulations

 The staffs must render a total of 8 hours per shift.
 Under time is allowable if manager approves the request.
 Absences without leave is frowned upon and is due for penalties.
 Late in timing in is due with monetary loss.
 Do not bring gym bag or other personal belongings onto the fitness floor.
 Cursing in front of the client is prohibited.
 Do not sit or sleep on machines while resting.
 Dress code must be followed:
 Wear company gym shirts in the fitness area.
 Wear shoes always in the fitness area.
 Skirts are prohibited in the fitness area.
 Gym shorts
1.What are the 6 basic cardio and strength training and Equipment?

2. Give 6 general precautions?

3. What are the responsibilities of being a gym trainers?

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