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@Vedic Astrology

Jyotisha of vedic times is called vedic astrology. It finds its root in Veda as ​Jyotisha is one of
the Vedanga. Vedic Astrology is also termed as Hindu Astrology or Indian Astrology.

Jyotisha - Light of God

Jyotisha ​is called as the of eye of Veda. Veda comes out from ‘​Vid’ root word, which means
‘to know’. Thus, meaning of Veda is knowledge or wisdom. It is believed that God has
directly given this divine knowledge to the ​‘Saptarishis’ in the inception of creation for the
benefit of world.

Jyotisha comprises two syllables ‘Jyoti” and ‘Isha’. ​Jyoti means light and ​Isha means God
(Ishwara). So, Jyotisha means ‘Light of God’. Light also refers as Gyana. It means, Jyotisha
also stands for knowledge of God.

As light dispels darkness and shows the path, ​Jyotisha also dispels the darkness of ​agyana
(Ignorance) in this life. Besides, it also throws light on the path of life and course of events.
Vedic astrology helps in knowing the happenings in life and prepares
human for facing the challenge by exercising free will.

Scope of Vedic Astrology

Astrology is the light of God. it empowers its practitioner to foresee the
future events and see the current scenario of life by study of ​rashi​, ​graha​,
nakshatra and theirs subtle influence on human beings. Besides, vedic
astrology helps in studying the quality of time. Vedic astrology gives
knowledge of sins and bondage of ​Karms carried forward from the previous
life and correction thereof in this life.

Importance of Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is is oldest science our great seers.
Vedic Astrology studies connection of microcosm and macrocosm.
Vedic Astrology is the only vedic science, which studies time and its
Vedic Astrology is the only vedic science which relates human to the
Vedic Astrology study of every aspect of human on the basis of
correlation of position of grahas.

This is the only vedic science which studies Karma and suggests ways
for dissipation of negative karma.

This is the only vedic science which predicts the future.

Purpose of Vedic Astrology

Rishis ​introduced vedic astrology with the purpose of welfare of

humankind. Vedic Astrology helps in understanding the purpose of life
and doing right karma at the right time. So that karma can bear
auspicious fruits in the course of time.

With the help of vedic astrology, human can understand himself and his
samskara (tendencies) and refrain from bad karma. In the ancient times,
teachings of ​Jyotisha ​were embedded in society and its customs.

Impact of Vedic astrology on Vedic culture and society

To understand the essence of Vedic Astrology, there is need of understanding Vedic

Culture. Vedic Culture has been established by our great saints on the basis of teachings of
vedas. They were aware of human’s traits and his tendency of remaining in the state of
Prakriti like beasts. Rishis were knowing that human is always susceptible to divert from his
righteous path and values of high order. Because, human is intricately trapped in shad
dosha, which are ​kama (lust), ​krodha (anger), ​lobha (greed), ​moha (delusion), ​mada (pride)
and ​ahamkara (ego). Due to these doshas man has tendency to do bad karmas or sins.
This is the state of ​Vikriti.​ On observing such traits, great sociologist Rishis weaved society
in such a way that human can be prevented from fall and deviation from his ​dharma (duty) &
karma (responsibility). For this, Rishis advised to practice vedic commandments in life to
attain the status of ​Samskriti​. So that harmonious state of microcosm and macrocosm can
be maintained. And human can fulfill his purpose of life and complete the mission of soul.

In Vedic Culture, Jyotisha was part and parcel of human life. Practical astrological teachings
were in-built in the Vedic Culture in India. Still now old man in the village of India has better
awareness for tithi, nakshatra, muhurta etc without any study of vedic astrology. They learnt
all these things from tradition.

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