Legal Profession Reviewer KNB

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Legal Profession
FOR MEMBERS OF THE IBP (BAR MATTER 850) Prosecutor and Asec of the DOJ
5. SolGen and Asst SolGen
6. Gov’t Corporate Counsel, & his Deputy
EME and Assistant Corpo Counsel
• Ensure that lawyers are abreast with law 7. Chairmen and Members of ConCom
and jurisprudence 8. Ombudsman, Overall Deputy Omb &
• Maintain ethics of the profession Deputy Omb and Special Prosec of Omb
• Enhance standards of practice of law 9. Heads of Gov’t agency exercising quisi-
judicial functions
Requirement – Every 3 years at least 36 hours 10. Incumbent deans, bar reviewers and
professors of law who have teaching
9H – substantive procedural laws &
experience for at least ten (10) years in
accredited law schools
6H – legal ethics 11. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and
members of the Corps of Professors and
5H – alternative dispute resolution
Professorial Lecturers of the Philippine
4H – trial and pre-trial skills Judicial Academy; and
12. Governors and Mayors.
4H – Legal writing and oral advocacy
2H – international law and int’l ACTIVITIES
a. Shall have significant intectual or
6H – Prescribed by MCLE practical content
CATEGORIES OF CREDIT UNITS b. Related to legal subj and leg prof
c. Conducted by provider w/ adequate
1. Participatory professional experience
Ex. Seminar, Conferences, d. If more than 1 hour, must distribute
Conventions, etc. or as Panelist, substantive written materials to
Reactor, commentator, speaker, participants
moderator etc, Teaching in law e. If in-house educ activities, it must be
school. scheduled at a time and location to
2. Non-participatory be free from interruption like phone
Ex. Author/Co-author of book, calls and other distractions
editing al aw book, law journal WHAT CONSTITUTES NON-COMPLIANCE:
or legal newsletter
Failure to:
a. Complete educ requirement within
1. Pres. VP, Secs, Usecs of Exec Depts. compliance period
2. Senators, Reps b. Provide attestation of compliance
3. CJ, A-Justices, (incumbent or retired); c. Provide satisfactory evidence of
incumbent members of JBC & incumbent compliance
court lawyers covered by continuing d. Satisfy educ requirement of
judicial education compliance within prescribed period
Legal Profession
e. Provide fee within prescribed period SCOPE:

WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF NON- Lawyers who appear in behalf of parties in courts
COMPLIANCE? of law and quasi-judicial agencies:

1. Will pay non-compliance fee a. NLRC

2. Will be listed as delinquent member of b. Nat’l Conciliation and Mediation
IBP Board
3. Membership fee will accrue c. DOLE-Regional Offices
d. DAR-Adjudication Board
e. Commission for Indigenous Peoples.
1. Must comply with MCLE
2. Pay non-compliance fee 1. Gov’t employees and elective officials
2. Lawyers who by law are not allowed to
Termination and listing is administrative in
appear in court
nature and shall be made by the MCLE
3. Supervising lawyers of students in legal
aids & Lawyers of NGOs & People’s Orgs
----xxx---- like FLAG.
4. Lawyers not covered under
subparagraphs (1) to (3) including those
who are employed in the private sector
but do not appear for and in behalf of
Every practicing lawyer is required to render a parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial
minimum of sixty (60) hours of free legal aid agencies
services to indigent litigants in a year. Said 60 hours
shall be spread within a period of twelve (12) WHO ARE PAUPER LITIGANTS?
months, with a minimum of five (5) hours of free
legal aid services each month. However, where it Pauper litigants was found in Rule 3, Section 22
is necessary for the practicing lawyer to render which provided that:
legal aid service for more than five (5) hours in one
month, the excess hours may be credited to the Section 22. Pauper litigant.—Any court
may authorize a litigant to prosecute his
said lawyer for the succeeding periods.
action or defense as a pauper upon a
PURPOSE: proper showing that he has no means to
that effect by affidavits, certificate of the
This Rule seeks to enhance the duty of lawyers to corresponding provincial, city or municipal
society as agents of social change and to the treasurer, or otherwise. Such authority[,]
courts as officers thereof by helping improve once given[,] shall include an exemption
access to justice by the less privileged members from payment of legal fees and from filing
of society and expedite the resolution of cases appeal bond, printed record and printed
brief. The legal fees shall be a lien to any
involving them. Mandatory free legal service by
judgment rendered in the case [favorable]
members of the bar and their active support to the pauper, unless the court otherwise
thereof will aid the efficient and effective provides.
administration of justice especially in cases
involving indigent and pauper litigants.
Legal Profession
1. Will be declared member “not in good LEGAL EDUCATION, CREATING FOR THE
2. Cannot practice for 3 months FOR OTHER PURPOSES.
ON MATTERS FOR MCLE Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Legal
Education Reform Act of 1993."
SECTION 8. Credit for Mandatory Continuing
Section 2. Declaration of Policies. - It is hereby declared the
Legal Education (MCLE). - A lawyer who renders
policy of the State to uplift the standards of legal education
mandatory legal aid service for the required in order to prepare law students for advocacy, counselling,
number of hours in a year for the three year- problem-solving, and decision-making, to infuse in them the
period covered by a compliance period under the ethics of the legal profession; to impress on them the
Rules on MCLE shall be credited the following: importance, nobility and dignity of the legal profession as
an equal and indispensable partner of the Bench in the
two (2) credit units for legal ethics, two (2) administration of justice and to develop social competence.
credit units for trial and pretrial skills, two (2)
credit units for alternative dispute resolution, Towards this end, the State shall undertake appropriate
reforms in the legal education system, require proper
four (4) credit units for legal writing and oral
selection of law students, maintain quality among law
advocacy, four (4) credit units for substantive schools, and require legal apprenticeship and continuing
and procedural laws and jurisprudence and six legal education.
(6) credit units for such subjects as may be
prescribed by the MCLE Committee under
Section 2(9), Rule 2 of the Rules on MCLE. Leg Ed in Phil is geared to:

1. to prepare students for the practice of law;

2. to increase awareness among members of
the legal profession of the needs of the poor,
A lawyer who renders mandatory legal aid
deprived and oppressed sectors of society;
service for the required number of hours in a 3. to train persons for leadership;
year for at least two consecutive years within the 4. to contribute towards the promotion and
three year-period covered by a compliance advancement of justice and the
period under the Rules on MCLE shall be credited improvement of its administration, the legal
system and legal institutions in the light of
the following: one (1) credit unit for legal ethics,
the historical and contemporary
one (1) credit unit for trial and pretrial skills, development of law in the Philippines and in
one (1) credit unit for alternative dispute other countries.
resolution, two (2) credit units for legal writing
Specific Objectives:
and oral advocacy, two (2) credit units for
substantive and procedural laws and 1. to impart among law students a broad knowledge
of law and its various fields and of legal institution
jurisprudence and three (3) credit units for such
2. to enhance their legal research abilities to enable
subjects as may be prescribed by the MCLE them to analyze, articulate and apply the law
Committee under Section 2(g), Rule 2 of the effectively, as well as to allowthem to have a
Rules on MCLE holistic approach to legal problems and issues;
3. to prepare law students for advocacy,
---xxx--- counselling, problem-solving and decision-
making, and to develop their ability to deal with
recognized legal problems of the present and the
4. to develop competence in any field of law as is
necessary for gainful employment or sufficient as
Legal Profession
a foundation for future training beyond the basic but not to exceed a total of twelve (12) months.
professional degree, and to develop in them the For this purpose, the Board shall prescribe the
desire and capacity for continuing study and self- necessary guidelines for such accreditation and
improvement; the specifications of such internship which shall
5. to inculcate in them the ethics and include the actual work of a new member of the
responsibilities of the legal profession; and Bar.
6. to produce lawyers who conscientiously pursue 8. to adopt a system of continuing legal education.
the lofty goals of their profession and to fully For this purpose, the Board may provide for the
adhere to its ethical norms. mandatory attendance of practicing lawyers in
such courses and for such duration as the Board
1. Chairman, who shall preferably be a former 9. to perform such other functions and prescribe
justice of the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals such rules and regulations necessary for the
2. a representative of the Integrated Bar of the attainment of the policies and objectives of this
Philippines (IBP) Act.
3. a representative of the Philippine Association of Section 8. Accreditation of Law Schools. - Educational
Law Schools (PALS) institutions may not operate a law school unless accredited
4. a representative from the ranks of active law by the Board. Accreditation of law schools may be granted
practitioners; only to educational institutions recognized by the
5. a representative from the law students' sector. Government.
6. The Secretary of the Department of Education,
Culture and Sports, or his representative, shall be Section 9. Withdrawal or Downgrading of Accreditation. -
an ex officio member of the Board. The Board may withdraw or downgrade the accreditation
status of a law school if it fails to maintain the standards set
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE LEB for its accreditation status.
1. to administer the legal education system in the Section 10. Effectivity of Withdrawal or Downgrading of
country in a manner consistent with the Accreditation. - The withdrawal or downgrading of
provisions of this Act; accreditation status shall be effetive after the lapse ofthe
2. to supervise the law schools in the country, semester or trimester following the receipt by the school of
consistent with its powers and functions as herein the notice of withdrawal or downgrading unless, in the
enumerated; meantime, the school meets and/or upgrades the standards
3. to set the standards of accreditation for law or corrects the deficiencies upon which the withdrawal or
schools taking into account, among others, the downgrading of the accreditation status is based.
size of enrollment, the qualifications of the
members of the faculty, the library and other ---xxx---
facilities, without encroaching upon the academic
freedom of institutions of higher learning; DUTIES AND PRIVILEGES OF A LAWYER
4. to accredit law schools that meet the standards of
Section 20, Rule 138
5. to prescribe minimum standards for law 1. To maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
admission and minimum qualifications and Philippines and to support the Constitution and
compensation of faculty members; obey the laws of the Philippines.
6. to prescribe the basic curricula for the course of 2. To observe and maintain the respect due to the
study aligned to the requirements for admission courts of justice and judicial officers;
to the Bar, law practice and social consciousness, 3. To counsel or maintain such actions or
and such other courses of study as may be proceedings only as appear to him to be just, and
prescribed by the law schools and colleges under such defenses only as he believes to be honestly
the different levels of accreditation status; debatable under the law.
7. to establish a law practice internship as a 4. To employ, for the purpose of maintaining the
requirement for taking the Bar which a law causes confided to him, such means only as are
student shall undergo with any duly accredited consistent with truth and honor, and never seek
private or public law office or firm or legal to mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an
assistance group anytime during the law course artifice or false statement of fact or law;
for a specific period that the Board may decide,
Legal Profession
5. To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at
every peril to himself, to preserve the secrets of
his client, and to accept no compensation in CASES
connection with his client's business except from
him or with his knowledge and approval; WILLEM KUPPERS VS. ATTY JOHNSON B. HONTANOSAS
6. To abstain from all offensive personality and to Ponente: Justice Tinga
advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or
reputation of a party or witness, unless required Facts:
by the justice of the cause with which he is
Petitioner filed an administrative case against Atty.
Hontanosas through a letter complaint filed to the Court
7. Not to encourage either the commencement or Administrator which was referred to the Bar Confidant (BC).
the continuance of an action or proceeding, or Complainant was told by the Acting BC that in order for the court
delay any man's cause, from any corrupt motive to take cognizance of the case, a verified complaint must be
or interest; submitted in 19 copies and thus Kuppers was ordered to file an
8. Never to reject, for any consideration personal additional 13 copies. Kuppers complied.
to himself, the cause of the defenseless or
9. In the defense of a person accused of crime, by a. that he prepared and notarized contracts that are both invalid
and illegal as these contracts violated the limitations on aliens
all fair and honorable means, regardless of his
leasing private lands
personal opinion as to the guilt of the accused, b. served conflicting interests since he performed legal services for
to present every defense that the law permits, to adverse parties;
the end that no person may be deprived of life c. refused to furnish copies of the contracts he notarized to the
parties thereof;
or liberty, but by due process of law. d. notarized documents without keeping copies thereof and
e. failed to properly discharge his duty to his client Karl Novak,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- particularly when respondent allegedly refused to accept his
I submit that we have to STUDY/FAMILIARIZE CODE OF dismissal as counsel for Novak, failed to turn over Novak's
PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY page 66-77 (KNB) documents thereafter, handled legal matters without adequate
preparation, betrayed Novak's trust and refused to see Novak
---------------------------------------------------------------------- with a translator of Novak's choice.
The assailed lease contract, where it is also alleged that Respondent was
CANON 1 - A LAWYER SHALL UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION OBEY THE LAWS acting as counsel for both parties which signifies conflict of interest, was
OF THE LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW OF AND LEGAL PROCESSES. between spouses Busse and Hochstrasser which provides that the latter
would lease the spouses’ property in Cebu for 50 years renewable for
Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or another 50 years. Another lease was executed by respondent for 49 years
deceitful conduct. renewable for another 49 years. And, lastly, two deeds of sale between
Spouses Busse to Melchior (Filipina) and Novak (German)
Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance of
the law or at decreasing confidence in the legal systems. Atty Hontanosas, in his reply, answered that Kuppers should be the one
penalized for meddling with the affairs of his clients and making a mockery
Rule 15.07- A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance with the laws of the legal system. On the other hand, Complainant stated that respondent
and the principles of fairness. is like Pontius Pilatus (Digestor’s note: “Naghuhugas kamay”)

Canon 17 - a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be A. IBP Commissioners Findings/Recommendations
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. 1. Indeed, the lease contracts violated PD No. 471 since the
lease of private lands by aliens cannot exceed 25 years
Section 27, Rule 138 of ROC - Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by
2. Failed to prove other charges.
Supreme Court, grounds therefor. A member of the bar may be disbarred or
3. Recommends to suspend from practice of law for two (2)
suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any deceit,
malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly immoral
B. IBP Board of Governor’s Decision
conduct, or by reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude,
1. Disregarded the recommendation of commissioner in (A)
or for any violation of the oath which he is required to take before admission
2. Dismissed suspension since “respondent did not really
to practice, or for a willful disobedience appearing as an attorney for a party
perform an illegal act”
to a case without authority so to do
3. Dismissed the complaint out of compassion.

CANON 7 - A lawyer shall at all times uphold the integrity and HELD:
dignity of the legal profession and support the activities of the
integrated bar. The Supreme Court Rejected the decision of the IBP-BOG. Although there is
lack of proof in other allegations, the court held, that administrative cases
Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that adversely against lawyers are sui generes and as such the complainant in the case need
reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in public not to be the aggrieved party. The defense of respondent that the contracts
or private life, behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit of are valid under RA 7652 is without merit since it must be established that the
foreigner are foreign investors and even so, the allowable period is only 50
the legal profession.
years renewable for another 25 years.
Legal Profession
Violations: A. IBP Commissioner’s findings &
1. Attorney’s oath: “obey the laws of the Philippines.
1. Allegation was proven.
OF THE LAND AND PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW OF AND LEGAL 2. Ruled that respondent shall be suspended
PROCESSES. for three months in view of analogous cases.
3. Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or B. IBP Board of Governors – ADOPTED SUCH
deceitful conduct.
4. Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance RECOMMENDATION
of the law or at decreasing confidence in the legal systems. C. Supreme Court:
5. CANON 15 - a lawyer shall observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all his Violations:
dealings and transactions with his clients.
6. Rule 15.07- A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance with the laws 1. CANON 1 - A lawyer shall uphold the constitution,
and the principles of hairness. obey the laws of the land and promote respect for
7. Canon 17 - a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and he shall be law and for legal processes.
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him. 2. Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
8. Section 27, Rule 138 of ROC - Disbarment or suspension of attorneys by dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
Supreme Court, grounds therefor. A member of the bar may be disbarred 3. Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet
or suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any activities aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening
deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in such office, grossly confidence in the legal system.
immoral conduct, or by reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral 4. CANON 7 - A lawyer shall at all times uphold the
turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which he is required to take integrity and dignity of the legal profession, and
before admission to practice, or for a willful disobedience appearing as an support the activities of the Integrated Bar.
attorney for a party to a case without authority so to do
5. Rule 7.03 - A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that
adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor
The supreme penalty of disbarment is meted out only in clear cases of misconduct
should he, whether in public or private life, behave
that seriously affect the standing and character of the lawyer as an officer of the
in a scandalous manner to the discredit of the legal
court. While we will not hesitate to remove an erring attorney from the esteemed
brotherhood of lawyers, where the evidence calls for it, we will also not disbar him
where a lesser penalty will suffice to accomplish the desired end.
Moreover, respondent knew that reconstitution of land
The Court ultimately did not accept the recommendation of the IBP-BOG and as to the
will not exceed 20k php.
recommendation of the Investigating commissioner (2 months) was to light.


SPS. AMADOR & ROSITA TEJADA vs. ATTY. ANTONIUTTI PALANA It is clear that he employed deceit in convincing
complainants to part with their hard-earned money and
Ponente: Justice Velasco the latter could not have been easily swayed to lend the
money were it not for his misrepresentations and failed
Facts: promises as a member of the bar.
Spouses Tejada filed a Complaint Affidavit before the Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with
IBP to initiate disbarment proceedings against respondent for his conditions. A high sense of morality, honesty, and fair
refusal to settle loan obligation to the complainants in violation of dealing is expected and required of a member of the bar
his sworn duty as a lawyer to do justice to every man and Rule 7.03
of Canon 7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. ATTY. ATONIUTTI PALANA WAS SUSPENDED FOR 6
1. That respondent took advantage of his legal
knowledge stating that he has a parcel of land and Ponente: Justice De Castro
barrowed 100k php for the reconstitution of said
land. Facts:
2. That he induced by sweet promises the spouses
that he will pay and that they will earn/receive 70k Complainant filed an administrative case against Atty
php totaling to 170,000php all in all and that he Limos on the grounds of deceitful and dishonest conduct. The case
shall pay within three months. Evidence of this was filed with the IBP La Union which was then forwarded to the
agreement (xerox copy) was presented. National Office.
3. That after receiving the 100k, he evaded that
spouses and did not pay his loan obligations.
1. Complainant hired respondent with regard to his
Respondent, despite due notice, failed to appear in the hearing and
intention to adopt his wife’s nephew.
thus IBP declared that Atty. Hontanosas, waived his right to submit
2. That notwithstanding their Lawyer client relationship,
evidence and participate in the proceedings.
Atty Limos barrowed 250k php. Loan stipulation states
that the interest is 24% per annum (60k) totaling to
3. That when the checks are being withdrawn, it was
returned due to insufficient funds
4. That despite the demands, respondent failed to pay
Legal Profession
Committee on Bar Discipline gave respondent 15 days to
answer the complaint but the latter filed a Manifestation and
motion requesting for a copy of the complaint and moved for Violations:
the re-scheduling of the mandatory hearing. On the schedule
hearing, however, respondent failed to appear and failed to 1. CANON 1 (see above)
file and answer. 2. C1, Rule 1.01 (see above)
3. Sec 27, Rule 138
A. IBP Commissioner’s Findings/Recommendation
1. Allegations were proven. On a final note, we reiterate that membership in the legal
2. Atty Limos Violated BP 22 which is considered a profession is a privilege demanding a high degree of good moral
crime involving moral turpitude as this mischief character, not only as a condition precedent to admission, but also
creates not only a wrong to the payee or holder, as a continuing requirement for the practice of law. Sadly, herein
but also an injury to the public. The Court has respondent fell short of the exacting standards expected of her as a
stressed that the nature of the office of an vanguard of the legal profession.
attorney at law requires that she shall be a person
of good moral character. This qualification is not ATTY. LIMOS WAS SUSPENDED FOR THREE MONTHS
only a condition precedent to the practice of law;
its continued possession is also essential for MAJORIE SAMANIEGO VS. ATTY ANDREW FERRER
remaining in the practice of law.
Ponente: Justice Quisumbing
3. Suspended for 2 years
B. IBP Board of Governors: Facts:
1. Adopted and Approved with modification the
recommendation in A. with modification Majorie filed a complaint with IBP against respondent
2. REPRIMANDED with STERN WARNING that a for immorality, abandonment, and willful refusal to give support
repetition of a similar conduct will be dealt with to their daughter.
more severity
Complainant herein was referred to Atty. Ferrer as potential client
Respondent’s DEFENSE and the latter agreed to take her case. Their Lawyer-client
relationship became intimate as Atty Ferrer courted the
The respondent explained her failure to attend the hearing. complainant and that the latter fell for their temptations. They
According to her, she was physically unfit and she was made to lived togethers as husband and wife and eventually had a daughter.
believe that the administrative complaint will be withdrawn in view Their affair ended in 2000 (after 3 years of relationship) when Atty
of the Affidavit of Desistance executed by complainant. And that Ferrer failed to give support to their daughter.
the loan was an accommodation for Hilario Inocencio (another
client) who did not pay her and who later died leaving respondent IBP Commissioner and Board of Governors – 6 months suspension
with any recourse. MTC in La Union dismissed the criminal case for
violation of BP 22 against respondent. Respondent’s Defense

HELD: 1. Did not deny the allegations

2. He manifested his willingness to suppPraort their
Failure to pay just debts and issuance of worthless checks daughter
constitute gross misconduct. 3. He reasoned that it is unconscionable to leave his wife
and 10 children
Lawyers are expected to maintain not only legal proficiency 4. Begs the court the court for compassion
but also a high standard of morality, honesty, integrity and 5. Punishment will cause extreme hardship to his family
fair dealing so that the people's faith and confidence in the
judicial system is ensured. They must at all times faithfully HELD:
perform their duties to society, to the bar, the courts and to The court held that the charge of abandonment cannot prosper
their clients, which include prompt payment of financial since respondent did not abandon them, he only returned to his
obligations. (Barrientos v. Libiran-Meteoro) family. However, having admitted that he extra-marital affair, such
immoral conduct is subject to disciplinary action. And though,
Moreover, respondent did not disclose the Affidavit of complainant may be in pari delicto with respondent, this
Desistance (AOD) in her Manifestation. It was only investigation is about the latter as to his fitness to continue as
mentioned in her subsequent letter dated Dec. 14, 2006. member of the Bar.

As to the withdrawal, dismissal of criminal case (AOD) Violations:

No investigation shall be interrupted or 1. Rule 1.101

terminated by reason of the desistance, settlement, 2. Canon 7
compromise, restitution, withdrawal of the 3. Rule 7.03 Canon 7
charges, or failure of the complainant to prosecute
the same. (Sec 5, Rule 139-B Rules of Court)
Legal Profession
the court is not only required to refrain from adulterous
relationships or keeping a mistress but must also so behave himself
REBECCA ARNOBIT VS. ATTY PONCIANO ARNOBIT as to avoid scandalizing the public by creating the impression that
he is flouting those moral standards.

To reiterate, possession of good moral character is not only
a condition precedent to the practice of law, but a
Complainant filed an affidavit-complaint praying that continuing qualification for all members of the bar.
the Court exercise its disciplinary power against her husband on the
grounds of immorality and abandonment. Undoubtedly, respondent's act of leaving his wife and 12 children
to cohabit and have children with another woman constitutes
Allegations: grossly immoral conduct. And to add insult to injury, there seems
to be little attempt on the part of respondent to be discreet about
1. Rebecca alleged that she was continuously supporting his liaison with the other woman.
him in law school until his eventual passing of the bar.
2. That they go married on Aug. 20, 1942 and that they ATTY PONCIANO P. ARNOBIT IS DISBARRED
sired twelve (12) children.
3. In 1968 Atty Arnobit left the family home and cohabited ---xxx---
with Benita Navarro with whom he sired four (4)

Respondent’s Defense:
“A river cuts through a rock not
In his answer he denied having cohabited with Benita.
Reason for separation was because of his complaining
because of its power but its
wife and that she was "always traveling all over the persistence”
country, ostensibly for business purposes, without his
knowledge and consent, x x x thereby neglecting her
obligations toward her family.”

Hearings were conducted before the OSG and the IBP where
Rebeca presented her sister who identified a letter written by Atty
Arnobit asking for forgiveness; and Melecio Navarro who testified KING NOE A. BADONG 2018
about how respondent took his wife as mistress knowing fully well Leading, Learning, and Serving for Life
of their lawful marriage.
Fraternal Brother – Knights of Rizal
Affidavits of NBI Agents were presented to show the existence of a Non Omnis Moriar!
prima facie case of adultery. Birth and baptismal certificates of the
4 subsequent children were submitted to prove such allegations.

Despite due notice, Atty Arnobit failed to appeared cause

postponement and delay. He also did not comply with the
Commission’s directives to send his affidavits and doc exhibits
through mail in lieu of his absence.

IBP Commissioner and Board of Governor’s Decision – 3 months



The Court held that aside from the proven abandonment, Atty
Arnobit violated other canons and rules in the Code of Professional


1. Rule 1.01
2. Canon 7
3. Canon 7.03

As officers of the court, lawyers must not only in fact be of good

moral character but must also be seen to be of good moral
character and leading lives in accordance with the highest moral
standards of the community.A member of the bar and an officer of

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