Karadžić - The Opening Statement

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MARCH 1–2, 2010

1.–2. MART, 2010
The Opening Statement of Dr. Radovan Karadžiü
THE OPENING STATEMENT OF before the International Criminal Tribunal
in The Hague ʊ March 1–2, 2010.
DR. RADOVAN KARADŽIû First published 2015.
Translation Copyright © 2015 by Milo Yelesiyevich.
The Publisher wishes to make this book as widely available as possi-
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL ble. Any properly attributed selection or part within the “Fair Use”
FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA guidelines may be used without permission.

IN THE HAGUE Unwritten History, Inc.

UPS Store #1052
MARCH 1–2, 2010 PMB 199, Zeckendorf Towers
111 E. 14th Street
New York, NY 10003
UVODNA RE^ e-mail: unwrittenhistory@hotmail.com
website: www.unwrittenhistory.com
DR RADOVANA KARAXI]A ISBN: 978-0-9709198-5-4
1.–2. MART, 2010
a definitive bilingual edition
transcribed and translated from the original Serbian


Milo Yelesiyevich

Unwritten History, Inc.

New York, New York
“There are laws ʊ and then there are laws.” ................................ 191
CONTENTS The Serbian Role in the Formation of Yugoslavia ........................ 195
The Patriotic League ..................................................................... 197
ACRONYMS .......................................................................................... vii
The Crisis Centers ......................................................................... 199
TRANSLATOR’S INTRODUCTION .......................................................... ix
Tuesday ʊ March 2, 2010 .............................................................. 209
Monday ʊ March 1, 2010 ................................................................... 3 The Serbs Reluctantly Establish the SDS ..................................... 209
The Usurpation of Governing Authority by the SDA ....................... 9 The Illegal Referendum and Proclamation of Independence ........ 225
No Balkan War Was ever Fought without the Component The Lisbon Agreement ................................................................. 229
of a Fratricidal Civil War.............................................................. 19
The Murder of Wedding Guests.................................................... 233
The Creation of the Republika Srpska ............................................ 23
Alija Izetbegoviü Reneges on the Lisbon Agreement ................... 235
Charges of a Joint Criminal Enterprise ........................................... 25
The Joint Croatian-Bosnian Muslim Attacks on Bosanski
Reasons for the Outbreak of War .................................................... 37 Brod, Sijekovac, and Kupres ...................................................... 241
Appeals Made by Prominent Muslims to Izetbegoviü .................... 49 The Crisis in Bijeljina ................................................................... 247
Statements Made by Prominent Authorities on the Break- Izetbegoviü Orders a General Mobilization .................................. 253
Up of Yugoslavia .......................................................................... 53
The Reign of Terror in Sarajevo ................................................... 255
The Role of Germany in the Break-Up of Yugoslavia.................... 61
The OTP’s Charges against Karadžiü Are False ........................... 259
The October 15 Session of the B-H Assembly ............................... 67
The Front Lines Match the Borders of Serbian Areas .................. 263
The Cunning of Warfare — Markale .............................................. 69
The Bosnian Muslims Usurp Control of the MUP........................ 265
The Testimony of Corporal Demurenko ......................................... 71
Bosnian Muslim Manipulations of the MUP ................................ 277
Supreme Injustice of the ICTY ....................................................... 75
The OTP’s Cornerstones of Serbian Guilt .................................... 287
Lord David Owen’s Observations................................................... 79
Sarajevo Was a Divided City ........................................................ 299
Propaganda War .............................................................................. 85
A Reply to the Charges of a Joint Criminal Enterprise ................. 337
Penny Marshall’s Mendacious Documentary for ITN .................... 87
Directives No. 4 & 7 ..................................................................... 359
The Serbian-Muslim Historic Agreement ....................................... 91
Srebrenica ..................................................................................... 363
Radovan Karadžiü’s October 15 Speech before the
Assembly ...................................................................................... 95 Charges of Taking Hostages ......................................................... 375
The Intercepted Telephone Conversation between Karadžiü Conclusion .................................................................................... 383
and Miloševiü .............................................................................. 103 (1'127(6
The ICTY’s Upside-Down Logic ................................................. 105 EXHIBITS ........................................................................................... 
A Brief History of Serbs in Croatia .............................................. 111 ANNEX I ʊ SAMPLE OF THE HAGUE TRANSLATION ...................... 
A Genuine Indictment ................................................................... 117
Shocking Measures Taken against Serbs in Croatia ..................... 119 HAGUE TRANSLATION................................................................... 4
The Špegelj Tapes ......................................................................... 121
CHRONOLOGY OF THE BOSNIAN WAR ............................................. 
A Genuine Indictment II ............................................................... 129
Croatia’s New Constitution........................................................... 131 SUGGESTED READINGS ..................................................................... 4
The Serbs Were the Last to Form an Ethnic Political Party .......... 135 INDEX................................................................................................. 4
The OTP Needs to Present Karadžiü as a Monster ....................... 139 
An Overview of the Events of 1990.............................................. 143
The Formation of a Government of Experts ................................. 153
The SDA Brings Criminals into the MUP .................................... 157
Alija Izetbegoviü and the Islamic Declaration ............................. 161
The Aborted Council of Nationalities ........................................... 189

B-H Bosnia-Herzegovina
BSL Bosnian Serb Leadership
HDZ Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica, the Croatian
Democratic Union, Franjo Tuÿman’s political
JNA Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija, the Yugoslav
People’s Army
MBO Muslimanska-Bošnjaþka Organizacija, the Mus-
lim-Bosniak Organization, a Muslim political
party which called for a democratic Yugoslavia
and supported Yugoslavia at the expense of the
sovereignty of individual republics.
MUP Ministarstvo Unutrašnji Poslova, the Ministry of
Internal Affairs, in charge of law enforcement
NDH Nezavisna Država Hrvatske, the Independent
State of Croatia, the Nazi government in power
during WWII
SDA Strana Demokratske Akcije, Alija Izetbegoviü’s
Muslim party
SDS Srpska Demokratska Stranka, the Serbian Dem-
ocratic Party
SNB Savet nacionalna bezbednosti, the National Se-
curity Council [Bosnian Serbian]
TO Teritorialna Odbrana, Territorial Defense Units

criminal who does violence to the English language just as he

did violence unto others. The Opening Defense Statement, cast
Dr. Radovan Karadžiü, who has been defending himself pro in such language, is most prejudicial to any attempt by
se at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugo- Dr. Karadžiü to defend himself and it guarantees that his argu-
slavia (“ICTY”) in The Hague, delivered his Opening Defense ments will remain unconvincing.
Statement (ɍɜɨɞɧɚ ɪɟɱ) on March 1 and 2, 2010. He has been At length, I found a video version of the Opening Defense
charged with two counts of genocide, as well as nine other Statement that was recorded during the live broadcast made by the
counts, including murder, extermination, persecution and forced ICTY and was posted in forty-six parts on YouTube.2 This version
deportation. Dr. Karadžiü refers to the ICTY judges as “Your contained approximately ninety percent of Dr. Karadžiü’s Open-
Excellencies” instead of “Your Honors” because he believes the ing Defense Statement. As I transcribed the Serbian text, I com-
ICTY is an illegal institution and that its charges against him are pared it to the version created by the ICTY’s simultaneous transla-
false. tors. The comparison confirmed that the official translation pullu-
There is no need here to summarize the events of the Bosnian lates with errors, omissions, and mistranslations.
War or to explain Dr. Karadžiü’s conduct. He does that authori- Attorneys, in order to make their cases, and judges, in order
tatively in his Opening Defense Statement. We must, instead, to render their decisions, rely on a faithful transcript of legal pro-
ask: Why is a new translation necessary? ceedings, which is called the record. According to the Standards
for Performance and Professional Responsibility for Contract
In Search of the Original Text Court Interpreters in the Federal Courts: 3
The ICTY posted an English translation1 of the Opening De-
Interpreters shall render a complete and accurate in-
fense Statement soon after Dr. Karadžiü delivered it; however,
terpretation or sight translation that preserves the lev-
the ICTY has never made the original Serbian version available el of language used without altering, omitting, or
to the public. adding anything to what is stated or written, and
It became apparent, after having examined this English ver- without explanation. The obligation to preserve accu-
sion of Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Statement, that it was an racy includes the interpreter's duty to correct any er-
unedited and uncorrected transcription of the work-product cre- ror of interpretation discovered by the interpreter dur-
ing the proceeding.
ated by the ICTY’s simultaneous translators. The text is often
garbled or simply unreadable, and it creates the unfortunate im-
pression, perhaps unintended, that Dr. Karadžiü is a garrulous
2. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW0VAmvYwIs (last ac-
cessed 11/3/14).
1. See http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/trans/en/100301IT.htm 3. http://www.uscourts.gov/uscourts/FederalCourts/Interpreter/
(last accessed 11/3/14). Standards_for_Performance.pdf.
xi xii

The ICTY’s interpreters failed to fulfill these requirements. Reception of the Opening Defense Statement
Despite the apparently unlimited resources at the ICTY’s dispos- Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Statement was met with scorn
al, no funds were allocated and no personnel were charged with by Western media. It was characterized as a performance for the
the responsibility to either transcribe the Serbian original of benefit of a domestic Serbian audience. Dr. Karadžiü’s exposition
Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Statement or to check the Eng- of the Muslim strategy of cunning and deceit, such as the intention-
lish work-product of the interpreters against it. al bombardment and snipering of their own people, was treated as
Such malfeasance, rather than being an oversight, appears to be scurrilous and reprehensible evasion of evident truth. His claim that
standard operating procedure for the ICTY. Historical precedent the Serbs did not start the war, but acted defensively, instead, was
for such judicial obscurantism was established by the Austro- dismissed. Several headlines summarize the reception of the Open-
Hungarian Empire during the trial of Gavrilo Princip, which took ing Defense Statement: As Trial Resumes, Karadzic Calls Bosnian
place in 1914. A German edition of the trial transcript (of uncer- Serb Cause ‘Just and Holy’ (The NYT); Karadzic Blames Muslims
tain provenance) was published in 1918 by a pseudonymous au- for Bloodshed (CBSNews); Radovan Karadzic Denies Bosnian
thor. This text was truncated and skewed in order to place the Atrocities (BBC). These and other articles presumed Dr. Karadžiü
blame on Serbia for starting WWI. A definitive Serbian text was to be guilty and his conviction a foregone conclusion.
not published until 1954, forty years after the trial. A complete Marshall Freeman Harris, a former U.S. State Department of-
translation did not appear in English until 1984, seventy years af- ficial, summarized the prevailing view of Karadžiü’s trial:
ter the trial. If that were not enough, the Western media memorial- “The nature of the conflict is that Serb nationalists
ized the centennial anniversary of WWI by resurrecting many of tried to take the territory of others to create their own
the old Austro-Hungarian arguments that blamed the Serbia for state, and were willing to kill and drive out Muslims
causing the war. The EU, of course, considers itself to be the legit- to do so,” Mr. Harris said by phone. “That’s what
imate heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. happened and everything else is obfuscation or con-
fusion. What Karadzic is saying is not only inaccu-
Stefan Karganoviü, an American attorney who has represent-
rate, but reprehensible. He is in the dock because
ed a number of Serbian defendants at the ICTY, put me in touch what he is saying is not true.”4
with Peter Robinson, Dr. Karadžiü’s legal advisor, who, through
the agency of the case manager, Aleksandar Vujiü, was kind
enough to provide me with the ICTY’s official audio recording
of Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Statement. The initial tran-
scription of the YouTube video was checked and revised against 4. Radovan Karadzic denies genocide charges at war crimes tribu-
this official audio recording, and the missing passages were re- nal, Christian Science Monitor, March 2, 2010.
stored. Karadzic-denies-genocide-charges-at-war-crimes-tribunal (last ac-
A blackline comparison of a sample passage showing the cessed 11/11/14).
changes in the new translation against the ICTY’s official ver-
sion has been appended as Annex II.
xiii xiv

Widely quoted was Subra Kolenoviü, a member of the Moth- The order to use all available fire-arms against the
ers of Srebrenica, who said: “He [Karadžiü] should be given the convoy that was moving down Dobrovoljaþka Street
was issued by Ejup Ganiü.5 I heard it myself. This is
Nobel Prize for lying.”
when about 20 young men, age 19 to 21, were killed.
The BBC used the language of melodrama to portray They were military conscripts, doing their regular
Karadžiü as a classic stage villain: “He smiled and joked with his military service. They worked at the command and
legal team, throwing back his head, with his silver mane of hair, communications centre there, and they were going
as he laughed.” The BBC also quoted Dr. Karadžiü as saying: “I home unarmed.
stand here before you not to defend the mere mortal that I am, Dr. Karadžiü also on July 8, 2010 introduced an audio record-
but to defend the greatness of a small nation….” This was widely ing (Exhibit D403) of a session of the Bosnian Muslim Presiden-
quoted to Dr. Karadžiü’s prejudice as an example of his bombas- cy dated May 6, 1992. Alija Delimustafiü, the Bosnian Muslim
tic insolence. Comparison to the original Serbian text, however, Minister of the Interior, is recorded saying:
reveals that this bombastic turn of the phrase was manufactured
Both we and his ministry made mistakes, like what
by the ICTY interpreters. A “mere mortal” in Serbian is ɨɛɢɱɚɧ
Bakir did or like [Deputy Minister of the Interior]
ɫɦɪɬɧɢɤ. What Dr. Karadžiü really said was ɦɚɥɟɧɤɨɫɬ ʁɟɞɧɨɝɚ Avdo Hebib, what he did, when he ordered the war to
ɱɨɜɟɤɚ, which translates as: “I stand here before you not to de- start, people to open fire, occupy barracks. He sent an
fend the insignificant person that I am but to defend the great- order to all centres without my knowledge. He de-
ness of a small nation.... ” Is this bombastic? clared war.6
Peter Robinson, Dr. Karadžiü’s legal advisor, remarked: “He Major-General David Fraser, an assistant to UNPROFOR,
does not want a show trial. He wants a real trial.” was called to the stand to testify as a Prosecution witness on Oc-
Revelations from the Trial that Remain Undisclosed by the Media
Momþilo Mandiü, the Deputy Minister of the Interior of B-H 5. Ganiü was arrested on March 1, 2010 at Heathrow Airport in Lon-
(1991–1992), gave testimony at Dr. Karadžiü’s trial on July 8, don pursuant to an extradition warrant issued by a Serbian court
2010. His testimony related to the attack on unarmed Yugoslav for the murder of forty Yugoslav People’s Army soldiers during
the attack on the Dobrovoljaþka Street barracks. In July 2010, a
National Army (JNA) troops who were evacuating their barracks UK court, ruling that the extradition proceedings against him were
on Dobrovoljaþka Street in Sarajevo. The withdrawal had been being used for political purposes, refused to honor the extradition
negotiated and agreed to by Alija Izetbegovic and General warrant and set him free.
McKenzie, the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) Commander 6. See It was Bosnian Muslims Who Declared War on the JNA (Yu-
goslav Army) in Bosnia, secret recordings reveal, posted by Grey
for Sarajevo. Mr. Mandiü told the court: Carter on http://theremustbejustice.wordpress.com on April 30,
2014. For the Mr. Mandiü’s trial transcript, see
http://www.ictytranscripts.org/trials/karadzic/100708IT.htm (last
accessed 11/11/14).
xv xvi

tober 18, 2010. He was expected to deliver damaging testimony Ulema Ceriü discussing “what would happen if a shell would hit
against Dr. Karadžiü. But when cross-examined by Dr. Karadžiü, the Markale market.” A few days later on February 5, 1994, it
Fraser disclosed that UN soldiers with whom he had served in really did happen, and it became the basis for the NATO inter-
Sarajevo told him that the Muslim Army of B-H had deployed vention.8
sniper detachments to target Muslim children in order to blame Bloggers Julia Gorin and Nebojsa Malic, who have been fol-
the Serbs for their deaths. “A protest was lodged against the lowing the Karadžiü Trial closely, reported that the ICTY had
Muslims for these types of actions,” he testified. even resorted to re-purposing Nazi anti-Serbian statements in or-
Fraser, moving to the topic of the shelling of Sarajevo, de- der to attribute them to the Serbs. Ms. Gorin quoted from an arti-
scribed an incident in which the shelling of Muslim civilians in cle that appeared in the July 12, 2013 edition of The New York
the Skenderia neighborhood had, in fact, been determined to Times to commemorate the alleged “genocide” in Srebrenica:
have been fired by Muslim forces. “It would appear that the in- For example, the judge said, evidence presented dur-
tent of the Muslims was to incite more casualties and put the ing the trial showed that in meetings with Karadzic
blame on the Serbs for the attack.” Fraser also testified that Bos- “it had been decided that one-third of Muslims would
nian Muslim forces, as a matter of policy, deliberately set up be killed, one third would be converted to the Ortho-
mobile mortars next to UN installations and hospitals, and then dox religion and a third will leave on their own.”
fired on Serbian positions in order to “draw a response from the As Ms. Gorin points out, this formula of murder, conversion, and
Serbs.” Regarding the Koševo Hospital, he said: “We would pro- expulsion by thirds was “the stated and executed policy of Hit-
test against the Muslims for firing weapons near places like hos- ler’s Croatian Ustashe regime.” Nebojsa Malic commented: “The
pitals or the use of mobile systems because it was trying to solic- ultimate result of Ustasha crimes being suppressed, denied and
it a response not against the target itself but the collateral dam- excused is that the SERBS get blamed for them.”9
age and that was unacceptable.”7
On February 17, 2014, Witness KW586, a member of the 8. See The ICTY Tribunal in Hague: The grenades at Sarajevo
Bosnian Muslim Special Unit Biseri (Pearls), who had been de- Markale market (1994) were shelled by Muslim Army of Bosnia
tailed to provide security for the Bosnian Muslim leadership, and Herzegovina, by order of Alija Izetbegoviü, posted by Grey
Carter on http://theremustbejustice.wordpress.com on February 17,
testified that he had overheard Alija Izetbegoviü and Reis-ul-
2014. For KW586’s complete testimony, see
http://www.ictytranscripts.org/trials/karadzic/140217ED.htm (last
7. See A spectre of Bosnia’s War, by Marcus Papadopoulos in Morn- accessed 11/11/14).
ing Star (UK), posted on 9. See Julia Gorin’s “You know the Karadzic Trial Isn’t Going Well
www.serbianna.com/analysis/archives/745 on November 23, 2010. When….” http://www.juliagorin.com/wordpress/?p=3066 (last ac-
Major-General David Fraser’s complete testimony may be found at cessed 11/26/14) and Nebojsa Malic’s “Big Lie”
http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/trans/en/101018IT.htm (last http://grayfalcon.blogspot.com/2013/07/ICTY-Budak.html (last
accessed 11/11/14). accessed 11/26/14).
xvii xviii

A list of such revelations made during Dr. Karadžiü’s trial attributable to extrajudicial execution, which is a war crime but
could go on and on. It is clear now Dr. Karadžiü has been telling not genocide. (See Rethinking Srebrenica, by Stefan Karganoviü
the truth all along. Yet the Western media has a simple and ele- and Ljubiša Simiü, in SUGGESTED READINGS at the end of this
gant way of dealing with unwelcome revelations from volume.)
Dr. Karadžiü’s trial that may force a reappraisal of the Bosnian And the ICTY is up to its old tricks again. It has posted a
War and undermine US/EU/NATO arguments for intervention on video of Dr. Karadžiü’s Closing Defense Speech, but the inter-
behalf of the Bosnian Muslims: It simply doesn’t report them. preters’ voices have been dubbed over Dr. Karadžiü’s voice, so
Thus, the diligent reporting of independent journalists and blog- we don’t know what he’s really saying. And once again, there is
gers is banished from the public forum. no Serbian transcript.
Serge Brammertz, who succeed Carla Del Ponte as Chief
The Fix Is On
Prosecutor for the ICTY, remarked: “I believe that Radovan
Dr. Karadžiü’s trial ended on October 2, 2014 after he com-
Karadžiü will receive life imprisonment.”
pleted his ten-hour Closing Defense Statement. He submitted an
It is worth recalling Hanna Arendt’s essay, Lying in Politics.
874-page brief10 on September 29, 2014 that showed the ICTY
The “political lie” does not obliterate reality but instead perma-
had not a shred of evidence against him. The judges are expected
nently substitutes it. If our world “erases memory in the very act
to render a verdict in a year’s time. Peter Robinson said that Dr.
of creating new events,” as Arendt says, then how will the origi-
Karadžiü remains hopeful of a not-guilty verdict. “What he ex-
nal text replace a corrupt copy or the truth the lie in the annals of
pects, he’s optimistic, he says if this is a real court, he’ll be ac-
history? This question, however, may be too broadly framed.
quitted, however, he’s not sure this is a real court under his defi-
Perhaps one should instead ask: How are the judges going to
nition so he might not be that optimistic about the outcome,” he
make a ruling on the basis of an opening defense statement
whose translation is manifestly unsatisfactory, if not dishonest?
All of the original charges against Dr. Karadžiü were reiterat-
One may suppose that it does not tend in the Defendant’s favor.
ed in the media coverage; none of the aforementioned revela-
Dr. Karadžiü said in his Closing Defense Statement:
tions were ever mentioned. The VOA and the BBC both cited
Dr. Karadžiü’s alleged responsibility in the alleged death of I come from a system where it was clear for 50 years
“8,000 men and boys” at Srebrenica, a figure they accept uncriti- that if somebody is sentenced to ten years in prison,
he must be guilty of something because for nothing
cally, even though the ICTY has proof of only perhaps a tenth of
people got eight years in prison. That was our jus-
this number, approximately half of which, some 400 deaths, are tice; however, the west hasn't faired [sic] much bet-
ter. When it was established that Dreyfus, totally in-
10. See: http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/custom5/en/140929.pdf nocent, life imprisonment was reduced to ten years in
11. http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/karadzic-ready-for-trial-
to-end (last accessed 11/11/14).
prison. So we've got two systems that have similar
results. They are particularly drastic and dangerous
when they meet one another: Western justice and our
Balkan fate.12


The text has been edited to eliminate repetitions and false

starts. All bracketed editorial matter, which was introduced for
clarity, is my own, as are the footnotes, except for those that
begin with the word SLIDE, which indicates that the text is taken
verbatim from the slide presentation that accompanied
Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Statement. Other slides, how-
ever, which introduce photographs and maps, have been marked
in the text by a bracketed [EXHIBIT NUMBER] and may be found
at the end of the present volume.
Any errors that may exist are, of course, my own.

Milo Yelesiyevich

12. http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/trans/en/141001ED.htm (last

accessed 11/29/14).
1.–2. MART, 2010 IN THE HAGUE — MARCH 1–2, 2010

1. mart, 2010
Monday ʊ March 1, 2010
[Ɂɚɫɟɞɚʃɟ ʁɟ ɨɬɜɨɪɟɧɨ]
[Open session]
[Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄ ɭɥɚɡɢ ɭ ɫɭɞɧɢɰɭ.]
[Karadžiü enters the court room.]
ɋɭɻɟʃɟ ɩɨɱɢʃɟ ɭ 9.00 ɱɚɫɨɜɚ.
— Upon commencing at 9:00 a.m.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɨɛɪɨ ʁɭɬɪɨ ɫɜɢɦɚ. ɉɨɡɢɜɚɦ ɫɭɞɫɤɨɝ
JUDGE KWON: Good morning, everyone. Will the Court Of-
ɱɢɧɨɜɧɢɤɚ ɞɚ ɩɨɡɨɜɟ ɩɪɟɞɦɟɬ.
ficer please call the case?
ɋȿɄɊȿɌȺɊ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɢ ɞɨɛɚɪ ɞɚɧ, ɱɚɫɧɢ ɫɭɞɟ. Ɉɜɨ ʁɟ ɩɪɟɞɦɟɬ
THE REGISTRAR: Thank you and good morning, Your Honors.
ɂɌ-95-5/18-Ɍ, Ɍɭɠɢɥɚɰ ɩɪɨɬɢɜ Ɋɚɞɨɜɚɧɚ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɚ.
This is case number IT-95-5/18-T, the Prosecutor versus Ra-
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ. Ⱦɚɧɚɫ ɧɚɫɬɚɜʂɚɦɨ ɫɭɻɟʃɟ dovan Karadžiü.
ɢɡʁɚɜɨɦ ɨɞɛɪɚɧɟ, ɤɨʁɚ ʁɟ ɡɚɤɚɡɚɧɚ ɡɚ ɰɟɥɨ ɩɪɟɩɨɞɧɟ ɞɚɧɚɫ ɫɚ
JUDGE KWON: Thank you. Today we are continuing the trial
ɧɚɫɬɚɜʂɚʃɟɦ ɫɭɬɪɚ ɭʁɭɬɪɨ. ɉɪɟ ɧɟɝɨ ɲɬɨ ɧɚɫɬɚɜɢɦɨ, ʁɚ ɛɢɯ
proceedings with the Defense opening statement, which has been
ɠɟɥɟɨ ɞɚ ɫɟ ɫɬɪɚɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɟ. Ɂɚ Ɍɭɠɢɥɚɲɬɜɨ, ɦɨɥɢɦ.
scheduled for the full morning today and continuing tomorrow
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: Ⱦɨɛɪɨ ʁɭɬɪɨ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɟɞɧɢɱɟ, morning. Before we proceed, I would like to have the appearanc-
ɱɚɫɧɢ ɫɭɞɟ. Ⱥɥɚɧ Ɍɢɝɟɪ, ɏɢɥɞɟɝɚɪɞ ɍɟɪɰ-Ɋɟɰɥɚɮ ɢ ɂɚɧ Ɋɢɞ es. For the Prosecution, please.
ɡɚɫɬɭɩɚʁɭ Ɍɭɠɢɥɚɲɬɜɨ.
MR. TIEGER: Good morning, Mr. President, Your Honors. Alan
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧe Tieger, Hildegard Uertz-Retzlaff, and Iain Reid appear for the
Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄu, ɦɨɥɢɦ ɜɚɫ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɟ ɱɥɚɧɨɜɟ ɫɜɨɝ ɬɢɦɚ ɤɨʁɢ ɫɭ Prosecution.
ɩɪɢɫɭɬɧɢ ɭ ɫɭɞɧɢɰɢ.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you, Mr. Tieger. Mr. Karadžiü, would
ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: Ⱦɨɛɪɨ ʁɭɬɪɨ, ȿɤɫɟɥɟɧɰɢʁɟ. Sa mnom ɫɭ ɦɨʁɢ you introduce the members of your team present in the court-
ɩɪɚɜɧɢ ɫɚɜɟɬɧɢɰɢ, ɝ. ɉɢɬɟɪ Ɋɨɛɢɧɫɨɧ ɢ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧ Ɇɚɪɤɨ room.
KARADŽIû: Good morning, Excellencies. With me are my le-
gal advisors, Mr. Peter Robinson, and Mr. Marko Sladojeviü.
4 5

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ. Ɍɚɤɨɻɟ ɞɚʁɟɦ ɧɚ ɡɧɚʃɟ ɞɚ ʁɟ JUDGE KWON: Thank you. I also note that Mr. Richard Harvey
ɨɜɞɟ ɩɪɢɫɭɬɚɧ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧ Ɋɢɱɚɪɞ ɏɚɪɜɢ ɩɨ ɧɚɥɨɝɭ ɉɪɟɬɪɟɫɧɟ is present here upon the instruction of the Trial Chamber. His
Ʉɨɦɨɪɟ. ȵɟɝɨɜɚ ɭɥɨɝɚ ɭ ɩɪɨɰɟɫɭ ɬɟɤ ɬɪɟɛɚ ɞɚ ɫɟ ɭɬɜɪɞɢ ɢ ɦɢ role in the trial is yet to be determined and we will do so after
ʄɟɦɨ ɬɨ ɭɪɚɞɢɬɢ ɧɚɤɨɧ ɭɜɨɞɧɟ ɢɡʁɚɜɟ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɚ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɚ ɢ Mr. Karadžiü’s opening statement and when the hearing of evi-
ɤɚɞɚ ɩɨɱɧɟ ɞɨɤɚɡɧɢ ɩɨɫɬɭɩɚɤ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɏɚɪɜɢ, ɞɚ ɥɢ ɛɢɫɬɟ dence begins. Mr. Harvey, I wonder if you could introduce the
ɦɨɝɥɢ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɢ ɱɥɚɧɨɜɟ ɫɜɨɝ ɬɢɦɚ ɤɨʁɢ ɫɭ ɞɚɧɚɫ other members of your team who accompany you today.
MR. HARVEY: Good morning, Mr. President and Your Honors.
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɏȺɊȼɂ: Ⱦɨɛɪɨ ʁɭɬɪɨ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɟɞɧɢɱɟ
I’m accompanied by Ms. Mirjana Vukajloviü today.
ɢ ɱɚɫɧɢ ɫɭɞɟ. ɋɚ ɦɧɨɦ ʁɟ ɞɚɧɚɫ ɝɨɫɩɨɻɚ Ɇɢɪʁɚɧɚ ȼɭɤɚʁɥɨɜɢʄ.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you, Mr. Harvey.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɏɚɪɜɢ.
MR. HARVEY: Thank you.
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɏȺɊȼȿɂ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦɚ.
JUDGE KWON: Before I give the floor to Mr. Karadžiü for his
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɉɪɟ ɧɟɝɨ ɲɬɨ ɞɚɦ ɪɟɱ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɭ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ
opening statement, I would like to note that this opening state-
ɡɚ ʃɟɝɨɜɭ ɭɜɨɞɧɭ ɢɡʁɚɜɭ, ɠɟɥɢɦ ɞɚ ɧɚɝɥɚɫɢɦ ɞɚ ɋɟ ɨɜɚ
ment is being given pursuant to Rule 84 of the Tribunal’s Rules
ɭɜɨɞɧɚ ɢɡʁɚɜɚ ɞɚʁɟ ɧɚ ɨɫɧɨɜɭ ɉɪɚɜɢɥɚ 84 ɉɪɚɜɢɥɧɢɤɚ
of Procedure and Evidence rather than Rule 84 bis.
Ɍɪɢɛɭɧɚɥɚ ɨ ɉɨɫɬɭɩɤɭ ɢ Ⱦɨɤɚɡɢɦɚ, ɚ ɧɟ ɉɪɚɜɢɥɚ 84 ɛɢɫ.
Mr. Karadžiü, you will have the opportunity at a later stage,
Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ, ɜɢ ʄɟɬɟ ɢɦɚɬɢ ɩɪɢɥɢɤɭ ɭ ɤɚɫɧɢʁɨʁ
should you so choose, to make a Rule 84 bis statement, in which
ɮɚɡɢ, ɭɤɨɥɢɤɨ ɬɚɤɨ ɨɞɥɭɱɢɬɟ, ɞɚ ɞɚɬɟ ɢɡʁɚɜɭ ɩɪɟɦɚ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɭ
case the provisions of that Rule shall apply and the Chamber can
84 ɛɢɫ, ɭ ɤɨɦ ɫɥɭɱɚʁɭ ʄɟ ɜɚɠɢɬɢ ɨɞɪɟɞɛɟ ɬɨɝ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɚ ɢ ȼɟʄɟ
decide what probative value, if any, to ascribe to your statement.
ɦɨɠɟ ɞɚ ɨɞɥɭɱɭʁɟ ɤɨʁɭ ɞɨɤɚɡɧɭ ɜɪɟɞɧɨɫɬ ʄɟ, ɚɤɨ ʁɟ ɢɦɚ,
There is one further matter to raise for [the] purpose of the
ɩɪɢɩɢɫɚɬɢ ɜɚɲɨʁ ɢɡʁɚɜɢ.
planning of the — today’s or tomorrow’s hearing. The Trial
ɉɨɫɬɨʁɢ ʁɨɲ ʁɟɞɧɚ ɫɬɜɚɪ ɤɨʁɭ ɬɪɟɛɚ ɩɨɦɟɧɭɬɢ ɡɚ ɩɨɬɪɟɛɟ
Chamber denied the Accused’s motion for the further postpone-
ɩɥɚɧɢɪɚʃɚ ɞɚɧɚɲʃɟɝ ɢɥɢ ɫɭɬɪɚɲʃɟɝ ɫɚɫɥɭɲɚʃɚ. ɋɭɞɫɤɨ
ment of the trial last Friday, 26th of February. In that decision,
ȼɟʄɟ ʁɟ ɩɪɨɲɥɨɝ ɩɟɬɤɚ, 26. ɮɟɛɪɭɚɪɚ, ɨɞɛɢɥɨ ɡɚɯɬɟɜ
the Trial Chamber set the dead-line for the Accused to make a
ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɨɝ ɡɚ ɞɚʂɟ ɨɞɥɚɝɚʃɟ ɫɭɻɟʃɚ. ɍ ɬɨʁ ɨɞɥɭɰɢ, ɋɭɞɫɤɨ
request for certification to appeal the decision, if he so wishes,
ȼɟʄɟ ʁɟ ɪɨɤ ɡɚ ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɨɝ ɞɚ ɩɨɞɧɟɫɟ ɡɚɯɬɟɜ ɡɚ ɫɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɰɢʁɭ
by today, and I was told just now that the Accused filed a request
ɡɚ ɩɨɞɧɨɲɟʃɟ ɠɚɥɛɟ ɧɚ ɨɞɥɭɤɭ, ɚɤɨ ɨɧ ɬɨ ɠɟɥɢ ɞɚ ɭɱɢɧɢ,
for certification to appeal the decision. Can I get the confirma-
ɩɨɫɬɚɜɢɥɨ ɞɨ ɞɚɧɚɫ, ɢ ɭɩɪɚɜɨ ɦɢ ʁɟ ɪɟɱɟɧɨ ɞɚ ʁɟ ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɢ
tion? I see nodding.
ɩɨɞɧɟɨ ɡɚɯɬɟɜ ɡɚ ɫɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɰɢʁɭ ɞɚ ɩɨɞɧɟɫɟ ɠɚɥɛɭ ɧɚ ɨɞɥɭɤɭ.
We need some voice for the purpose of transcript. Is it Mr.
Ɇɨɝɭ ɥɢ ɞɚ ɞɨɛɢʁɟɦ ɩɨɬɜɪɞɭ? ȼɢɞɢɦ ɤɥɢɦɚɬɟ ɝɥɚɜɨɦ.
Robinson or Mr. Karadžiü?
Ɍɪɟɛɚ ɧɚɦ ɝɥɚɫ ɪɚɞɢ ɬɪɚɧɫɤɪɢɩɬɚ. Ⱦɚ ɥɢ ʁɟ ɬɨ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧ
Ɋɨɛɢɧɫɨɧ ɢɥɢ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄ?
6 7

ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɊɈȻɂɇɋɈɇ: Ⱦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɟɞɧɢɱɟ. MR. ROBINSON: Yes, Mr. President. If I can take the indul-
Ⱥɤɨ ɦɨɝɭ ɞɚ ɭɡɦɟɦ ɨɞɨɛɪɟʃɟ ɨɞ ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɚ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɚ ɞɚ gence of Mr. Karadžiü to answer your question, I would say that
ɨɞɝɨɜɨɪɢɦ ɧɚ ɜɚɲɟ ɩɢɬɚʃɟ, ʁɚ ɛɢɯ ɤɚɡɚɨ ɞɚ, ɦɢ ɫɦɨ ɬɚʁ ɡɚɯɬɟɜ yes, we have filed that this morning.
ɩɨɞɧɟɥɢ ʁɭɬɪɨɫ.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you. I welcome you again. In that case,
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ. ȳɨɲ ʁɟɞɧɨɦ, ɞɨɛɪɨ ɞɨɲɥɢ. ɍ Mr. Tieger, I wonder whether we — the Chamber can have your
ɬɨɦ ɫɥɭɱɚʁɭ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ, ɠɟɥɟɨ ɛɢɯ ɞɚ ɡɧɚɦ ɞɚ ɥɢ ɦɢ, response by the end of today or you wish to respond orally first
ɬʁ. ȼɟʄɟ, ɦɨɠɟɦɨ ɞɨɛɢɬɢ ɜɚɲ ɨɞɝɨɜɨɪ ɭ ɬɨɤɭ ɞɚɧɚɲʃɟɝ ɞɚɧɚ thing tomorrow morning?
ɢɥɢ ɠɟɥɢɬɟ ɞɚ ɨɞɝɨɜɨɪɢɬɟ ɭɫɦɟɧɨ ɫɭɬɪɚ ɭʁɭɬɪɭ?
MR. TIEGER: That’s — that’s fine, Your Honor. I can probably
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: Ɍɨ ʁɟ — ɬɨ ʁɟ ɭ ɪɟɞɭ, ɱɚɫɧɢ ɋɭɞɟ. Ɇɨɝɭ respond first thing tomorrow morning or shortly before the con-
ɜɟɪɨɜɚɬɧɨ ɨɞɝɨɜɨɪɢɬɢ ɫɭɬɪɚ ɭʁɭɬɪɭ ɢɥɢ ɭɛɪɡɨ ɩɪɟ ɡɚɤʂɭɱɟʃɚ clusion of these proceedings. It should be no problem.
ɨɜɢɯ ɩɨɫɬɭɩɚɤɚ. Ɍɨ ɧɟʄɟ ɛɢɬɢ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦ.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you, Mr. Tieger. Then I now give the
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ. ɋɚɞɚ ɞɚʁɟɦ floor to you, Mr. Karadžiü, for your opening statement. Please
ɪɟɱ ɜɚɦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ, ɡɚ ɫɜɨʁɭ ɭɜɨɞɧɭ ɢɡʁɚɜɭ. bear in mind that we will need to break at approximately 10:20
ɂɦɚʁɬɟ ɧɚ ɭɦɭ ɞɚ ʄɟɦɨ ɢɦɚɬɢ ɩɪɜɭ ɩɚɭɡɭ ɨɞ 20 ɦɢɧɭɬɚ ɨɤɨ a.m. for 20 minutes’ break for the first break, and at 12:00 noon
10:20 ɢ ɞɪɭɝɭ ɩɚɭɡɭ ɨɞ ɩɨɥɚ ɫɚɬɚ ɭ 12.00 ɫɚɬɢ. Ɉɜɚʁ ɪɚɫɩɨɪɟɞ for half an hour for the second break. This regime will apply in
ʄɟ ɫɟ ɩɪɢɦɟʃɢɜɚɬɢ ɭ ɛɭɞɭʄɢɦ ɪɚɫɩɪɚɜɚɦɚ ɤɨʁɟ ʄɟ ɫɟ the future hearings that will take place in the morning session.
ɨɞɪɠɚɜɚɬɢ ɬɨɤɨɦ ɩɪɟɩɨɞɧɟɜɚ. Yes, Mr. Tieger.
Ⱦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ.
MR. TIEGER: Thank you, Mr. President. Just briefly, I wanted
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɟɞɧɢɱɟ. to mention the Prosecution’s motion of February 23rd regarding
ɋɚɦɨ ɤɪɚɬɤɨ, ɠɟɥɟɨ ɛɢɯ ɞɚ ɩɨɦɟɧɟɦ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ Ɍɭɠɢɥɚɲɬɜɚ ɨɞ a cautionary measure, and I don’t know if the Trial Chamber’s
23. ɮɟɛɪɭɚɪɚ ɭ ɜɟɡɢ ɫɚ ɦɟɪɨɦ ɨɩɪɟɡɧɨɫɬɢ ɢ ʁɚ ɧɟ ɡɧɚɦ ɞɚ ɥɢ remarks to date reflect its conclusions in that regard or if that
ɩɪɢɦɟɞɛɟ ɋɭɞɫɤɨɝ ȼɟʄɚ ɞɨ ɞɚɧɚɫ ɨɞɪɚɠɚɜɚʁɭ ɫɜɨʁɟ ɡɚɤʂɭɱɤɟ was — if that slipped off the agenda, but I wanted to point out
ɭ ɬɨɦ ɩɨɝɥɟɞɭ, ɢɥɢ ɫɟ ɬɨ ɢɡɝɭɛɢɥɨ ɫɚ ɞɧɟɜɧɨɝ ɪɟɞɚ, ɚɥɢ ɫɚɦ that the Prosecution does have that motion pending, and would
ɯɬɟɨ ɞɚ ɢɫɬɚɤɧɟɦ ɞɚ ʁɟ Ɍɭɠɢɥɚɲɬɜɨ ɩɨɞɧɟɥɨ ɬɚʁ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ ɢ hope that could be addressed before the Accused commenced.
ɧɚɞɚɦ ɫɟ ɞɚ ɫɟ ɬɨ ɦɨɠɟ ɞɢɫɤɭɬɨɜɚɬɢ ɩɪɟ ɧɟɝɨ ɲɬɨ ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɢ
JUDGE KWON: Thank you, Mr. Tieger, for your reminder. I
dealt with only part of it, and the remainder will be dealt with
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ, ɲɬɨ ɫɬɟ ɦɟ after the opening statement. Mr. Karadžiü.
ɩɨɞɫɟɬɢɥɢ. ȳɚ ɫɚɦ ɩɪɨɭɱɢɨ ɫɚɦɨ ɞɟɨ ʃɟɝɚ, ɚ ɨɫɬɚɬɚɤ ʄɟ ɫɟ
KARADŽIû: I would first like to greet all the active and passive
ɪɟɲɚɜɚɬɢ ɩɨɫɥɟ ɭɜɨɞɧɟ ɪɟɱɢ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧe Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄu.
participants of this session. I stand here before you not to defend
ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: Dozvolite mi da ɩɨɡɞɪɚɜɢɦ ɫɜɟ ɚɤɬɢɜɧɟ ɢ the insignificant person that I am but to defend the greatness of a
ɩɚɫɢɜɧɟ ɭɱɟɫɧɢɤɟ ɨɜe sednice. Oɜɞɟ sam ɩɪɟɞ ɜɚɦɚ ɧɟ ɞɚ small nation in B-H which, for five hundred years, had to suffer
8 9

and which has displayed a great deal of modesty and persever-

ɛɪɚɧɢɨ svoju malenkost jednog ~oveka, nego da ɛɪɚɧɢɦ
ance in order to survive in freedom. I don’t want to defend my-
ɜɟɥɢɱɢɧɭ ʁɟɞɧɨɝ ɦɚɥɨbrojnog ɧɚɪɨɞɚ ɭ Ȼɨɫɧɢ ɢ
self by claiming that I was not important or that I did not per-
ɏɟɪɰɟɝɨɜɢɧɢ ɤɨʁɢ 500 ɝɨɞɢɧɚ trpi ɢ ɩɨɤɚɡuje ɜɟɥɢɤi
form certain official duties while I was serving my people, nor
stepen izdr`qivosti i skromnosti ɞɚ ɨɩɫɬɚɧɟ ɭ ɫɥɨɛɨɞɢ.
will I shift the responsibility to anyone else. I shall defend our
Ne}u braniti sebe tvrdwama kako nisam bio va`an ili
nation and its cause, which is just and holy, and that is how I will
nisam bio ili nisam vr{io neku funkciju dok sam
be able to defend myself, as well as my nation, because my case
slu`io svome narodu, niti }u odgovornost prebacivati
is good. We have solid proof, and if I should have sufficient time
na nekoga drugo. Ȼɪɚɧɢʄɭ ɬɚʁ ɧɚɲ ɧɚɪɨɞ ɢ ʃɟɝɨɜɭ ɫɬɜɚɪ,
and resources to prepare my defense, it will be to our advantage.
ɤɨʁɚ ʁɟ ɩɪɚɜɟɞɧɚ ɢ ɫɜɟɬɚ, a ɢ ɧɚ ɬɚʁ ɧɚɱɢɧ ʄɭ ɦɨʄɢ ɞɚ se
Therefore, the only thing that I want and expect to receive
odɛɪɚɧɢɦ ɢ ɫɟɛɟ ɢ taʁ ɧɚɪɨɞ, radi toga {to imam dobar
here is the opportunity to present a well-prepared defense, to
slu~aj. Iɦɚɦɨ ɞɨɛɪɟ ɞɨɤɚɡɟ, ɢ ɚɤɨ budem imao dovoqno
confront the heart of the matter, which has yet to be discovered
vremena i dovoqno sredstava da pripremim tu odbranu,
and fully expressed.
ona }e biti u na{u korist.
Dakle, jedino {to ja o~ekujem i `elim jeste da The Usurpation of Governing Authority by the SDA
dobijem priliku da spremnu odbranu izlo`im ovde i I will review the situation in my country, which will speak
predo~im {ta je sve su{tina koja jo{ nije otkrivena i volumes to you. The elections in 1990 were the first democratic
nije do{la do izra`aja. elections in which many dissidents appeared because there had
Po~e}u jednom situacijom kod nas koja }e Vam odmah been no multi-party system prior to that. The Presidency of B-H
mnogo toga re}i. Na izborima 1990. to su prvi had seven members: two Serbs, two Croats, two Muslims, as
demokratski izobori na kojima su se pojavili mnogi well as a representative for minorities. My party, the Serbian
disidenti, jer pre toga nije bilo vi{e-partijskog Democratic Party [i.e., the “SDS,” Srpska demokratska stranka],
sistema. Imali smo u predsedni{tvu Bosne- nominated for the seventh seat of the Presidency the President of
Hercegovine sedam ~lanova: dva Srbina, dva Hrvata, dva the Jewish community in B-H, who was not a member of the
Muslimana i jedan za mawine. Moja Srpska demokratska SDS; however, we thought that he represented, in the best sense
stranka je na to sedmo mesto kandidovala predsednika of the word, the remaining members of national minorities, and
jevrejske zajednice u BiH koji nije bio ~lan SDS-a, ali apart from that, the community is significant in Sarajevo because
smo smatrali da on predstavqa u najboqem smislu te a great many Jews came to Sarajevo after having been persecut-
ostale, a osim toga ta zajednica je zna~ajna za Sarajevo ed in Spain, and because they have left a significant and lasting
jer je posle progona u [paniji veliki broj do{ao u mark on the development of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo i ostavio zna~ajne tragove u razvoju Sarajeva. The Party of Democratic Action [i.e., “SDA,” Strana demo-
Stranka demokratske akcije je presvukla vuka u kratske akcije, the Muslim party] put forth Mr. Ejup Ganiü, a
jagwe}u ko`u, Gospodina Ejuba Gani}a, nazvala ga wolf in sheep’s clothing, and rebranded him as a Yugoslav for
Jugoslovenom za ovu priliku. I naravno, on je izabran this occasion. And, of course, he was elected to this position
10 11

na to mesto koje pripada mawinama, odnosno, ostalima. which properly belonged to minorities, namely, the others. That
To je onaj poznati gospodin koji se proslavio pokoqem is the well-known gentleman who found fame with the slaughter
nevinih vojnika koji su se povla~ili kroz Sarajevo u of innocent soldiers who were withdrawing from Sarajevo on
Dobrovoqa~koj ulici i wegova poznata radio komanda: Dobrovoljaþka Street, when he gave the well-known order over
“^im Alija iza|e iz auta, pobij ih sve!” Tako su SDA i the radio: “As soon as Alija gets out of his car, kill them all!”
muslimanska zajednica u BiH ostvarile premo} u This is how the SDA and the Muslim community in B-H
jedmom telu u kome je bio predvi|en paritet. achieved supremacy in a government body for which parity had
Srbi su imali jo{ boqeg kandidata kojeg su mogli been foreseen.
tako da presvuku i koji se zaista i smatrao i The Serbs had an even better candidate whom they could
izja{wavao jedno vreme kao Jugosloven, ali smatrali have dressed for the part, someone who had already been con-
smo da se to ne radi u pristojnim dru{tvima. To nije sidered as, and had declared himself to be, a Yugoslav, but we
demokratija i to nije po{tena i dobra osnova za considered that such things were not done in a civil society. That
zajedna~ki `ivot i napredak. A to je gotovo nevina igra is not democracy and it is neither an honest nor sound basis for
u odnosu na ono {ta su dr`avni organi, zajedni~ki communal life with other ethnic groups and for our general ad-
dr`avni organi, radili u korist ratne politike vancement. But this was practically child’s play in relation to
Stranke demokratske akcije usmerene na pribavqawe what the state organs — the joint [B-H] state organs — did for
koristi toj zajednici i nano{ewe {tete hri{}anskoj the benefit of the SDA [by instituting] a policy of war that was
ve}ini koju ~ine Srbi i Hrvati. geared toward obtaining benefits for their own community while
Za{to su to uradile vo|e Stranke demokratske inflicting damage on the Christian majority, composed of Serbs
akcije? Ne samo zato {to je to osnovni model and Croats.
fundamentalisti~kog mi{qewa i delovawa — Why did the leaders of the SDA do this? Not simply because
dominacija, prevladavawe, privilegije (sto-posto it was the basic model of fundamentalist theory and practice:
vlasti kao u vreme Otomanske imperije), nego, pre domination, supremacy, privileges (holding one hundred percent
svega, da dobiju jo{ jedan glas u Predsedni{tvu za of the governing authority, just as in the days of the Ottoman
postizawe islamisti~kog ciqa dr`ave kako su Empire), but first and foremost, to gain one more vote in the
zamislili pre pedeset godina akteri na{e drame. Presidency in order to achieve the Islamist objective with respect
Bilo je ranije u Komunizmu tih skup{tinskih igara, to the government, just as those who played leading roles in our
kadrovskih itd., ali to ni{ta nije bilo prema ovome, national drama had envisioned it fifty years ago.
jer nisu ciqevi komunista bili takvi. Bili su Such parliamentary games, as well as the manipulation of
ideolo{ki, ali ovo su fundamenatlni ciqevi koji staffing and personnel, had been played during the Communist
mewaju sudbinu i izgled jednog regiona i sudbinu era, but it was nothing compared to this, because the Com-
nekoliko naroda. Dakle, secesija BiH ovoga puta bila munists had no such goals in mind. They had ideological goals;
je ciq, i to ne samo secesija nepravna koja nije mogla da however, these are fundamental goals that alter the destiny and
12 13

se izvede na pravni na~in — ne tako — nego i appearance of a region as well as the destiny of several ethnic
uspostavqawe jednog sistema, jednog re`ima, jedne groups. Therefore, the goal in this case was the secession of B-H
dr`avne strukture koju }u Vam ovde argumentovano and it was not merely an illegal secession which could not have
predstaviti i za koju }e te na osnovu dokaza videti {ta been performed in a law-abiding manner — it was not that — it
je to trebalo da bude i {ta smo mi trebali.... was, instead, the establishment of a system, a regime, a state
Dakle, ta potreba je bila da se ima glas vi{e, a i to structure which I shall depict for you here with my arguments so
nije dovoqno, jer je su{tina zahteva stranke, zamisli iz that you will be able to see, on the basis of such proof, what had
Stranke demokratske akcije bila — sto posto Bosna. to subsequently take place, and what we were compelled to do.
To je matrica razmi{qawa. Bosna je na{a. Srbi su ovde So, they needed to have one more vote ʊ but not even that
gosti. Bogami i Hrvati sada, kada im ne trebaju da izi|u was enough because the essence of the SDA’s demand was the
iz Jugoslavije. I imaju da slu{aju. Tako se prema plan to control one hundred percent of Bosnia. That was the pat-
Hri{}anskoj ve}ini odnose sada. A kako bi se odnosili tern of their thinking. Bosnia is ours. The Serbs are guests here.
prema, kada bi wihovim politi~kim sredstvima By golly, the Croats now too, since they don’t have to leave Yu-
pove}ali svoj natalitet. Nema niko primedbu na goslavia anymore. And so they must obey. That was how they
prirodan i normalan natalitet. A ako bi politi~kim now behaved toward the Christian majority. And how would
sredstvima forsiranim doseqavawem Muslimana iz they behave when the Muslims increase their birth rate by using
Sanxaka, doseqavawe ~etiri miliona Turaka koji su political means? No one can criticize a natural and normal birth
navodno poreklom iz Bosne? To mo`ete sami da rate. But what would happen if, by political means, it came to a
zamislete kako bi izgledalo. A oni su nam rekli u forced settlement of Muslims from Sandžak and four million
svojim novinama i svojim pisanim materijalima. Turks who are allegedly descended from Bosnians? You your-
Kada su Sjediwene Ameri~ke Dr`ave 1995. odlu~ile selves can imagine what that would look like. They told us about
da zavr{e rat koji su vodile u BiH, Ambasador Holbruk it in their newspapers and printed materials.
i Bilt pi{u kako je Holbruk rekao muslimanskom In 1995, when the United States decided to end the war that it
vo|stvu: “[ta `elite da pregovaramo za vas? Da li da had been waging in B-H, Ambassadors Holbrooke and Bildt later
imate sto posto vlasti u 30% Bosne? ili 30% vlasti u wrote that Holbrooke had asked the Muslim leadership: “What do
sto posto Bosne? 100% vlasti u 100% Bosne ne mo`ete you want us to negotiate for you? Do you want to have one hun-
imati.” Tu se jasno vidi, i to je su{tina cele na{e dred percent of the governing authority in thirty percent of Bosnia
krize i rata, i krize koja i danas traje. I to se jasno or thirty percent of the governing authority in one hundred percent
vidi danas i Stejt Department i Ambasador Holbruk su of Bosnia? You cannot have one hundred percent of the governing
shvatili su{tinu, ali ba{ to {to nemogu dobiti, {to authority in one hundred percent of Bosnia.” This is clear, and it is
im ne priznaje ~ak ni wihov najmo}niji saveznik, ba{ the essential reason for this entire crisis and war, which still con-
to {to su hteli 1914, 1941, sada ho}e, naravno, u drugim tinues today. It is clear that the U.S. State Department and Ambas-
konstelacijama i sa drugim akterima. Sada ho}e sador Holbrooke understood the heart of the matter, but this was
14 15

islamski fundamentalisti od 1991–1995, i tako }e precisely what they [the Muslims] could not achieve — which
hteti (a `ivi bili pa videli!) sve dok ne budu even their most powerful ally would not recognize — they want
kodifokovane granice i ingerencije tih entiteta. Dok now, of course, to achieve the very same thing they wanted to
god iko u Bosni ima {ansu da uzme 100% Bosne, 100% achieve in 1914, in 1941 under a different constellation of condi-
posto vlasti u 100% Bosne, tamo ne}e biti mirne tions and protagonists. This is what Islamic fundamentalists have
Bosne. sought since 1991–1995, and they will keep on seeking it (and let
Da ne bude zabune, ja ne govorim o svim them live to see it!) until the borders as well as the jurisdictions in
Muslimanima, ne govorim ~ak ni o celoj Stranci these entities have been codified. There will be no peace in Bosnia
demokratske akcije. Ja govorim o jednom zavereni~kom as long as anyone has a chance of seizing one hundred percent of
jezgru koje je bilo odgovorno za sve ovo. Da se razumemo. Bosnia and of seizing one hundred percent of the governing au-
Ja ne plediram na to da Muslimani treba da budu Srbi, thority in Bosnia.
ali mi ih smatramo, mnogi ih smatraju Srbima. Svi In order to avoid any confusion, I’m not speaking about all
wihovi veliki umovi, duhovi od Mehmet-Pa{e Muslims, and I am not speaking about the entire membership of
Sokolovi}a, Osmana \iki}a, Hasana Rebca, Me{e the SDA. I’m talking about a conspiratorial nucleus that was re-
Selimovi}a, do dana{wih dana i velikana, i bili su sponsible for all this. Let’s be clear about this. I’m not making
Srbi i ostali su Srbi. I u srpskoj kulturi koja je the case that Muslims should be Serbs, but many of us do con-
wihova koliko i moja, ostvarali su velika dela. Ali, o sider them to be Serbs, and many of them consider themselves to
tome ne govorimo. Prosto, nek bude ko {ta ho}e. be Serbs. All of their great minds, from Mehmet-Paša
Me}utim, ~ak ni cela Stranka demokratske akcije Sokoloviü,1 Osman Ðikiü,2 Hasan Repþiü [phonetic spelling],3
nije kriva i odgovorna za ovo {to se desilo. U Stranci and Meša Selimoviü4 to their great minds of the present day,
demokratske akcije postoji jedno zavereni~ko jezgro were and remain Serbs. They did great things in the framework
koje su identifikovali vo|e Muslimanske bo{wa~ke of Serbian culture, which is as much theirs as it is mine. But, be
organizacije, jedne druge muslimanske partije. that as it may, we are simply not going to discuss it. Let people
Gospodin Zuflikarpa{i} i profesor Filipovi}, koji simply identify themselves as they wish.
su napustili SDA kad su videli to, i kad su shvatili o However, even the entire [membership of the] SDA is nei-
~emu se radi. A jedan od muslimanskih intelektualaca ther culpable nor responsible for what happened. The nucleus of
pre izbora je napisao Izetbegovi}u pismo kad je conspirators within the SDA has been identified by the leaders of
napustio SDA. Rekao je: “Misli{ li ti da su Srbi the Muslim Bosniak Organization,5 another Muslim political par-
budale i da ne vide {ta ti radi{?” Dakle, to je bio ty. Mr. Zulfikarpašiü6 and Professor Filipoviü7 left the SDA
razlog wegovog distancirawa. On, svakako, je video when they saw this, when they understood what it was all about.
dalekovido {ta }e se de{avati. And one Muslim intellectual, upon leaving the SDA before the
Ko je bilo to zavereni~ko jezgro u centru SDA? To elections, wrote a letter to Izetbegoviü. He said: “Do you think
su bili Mladi Muslimani. Oni su nastali kao that the Serbs are such fools that they don’t see what you’re do-
16 17

afiliacija, odnosno, kao neki pandan Muslimanskoj ing?” Therefore, this was the reason he distanced himself from
bra}i u Egiptu koji su, kao {to znate, ubili Sadata i the party. He was a man of vision and foresight who saw what
{ta sve nisu uradili. Tu`ili{tvo mo`e da ka`e nije was ultimately going to happen.
to va`no, to je tu quoque, wima se ne sudi. Ali za{to se Who were the members of this conspiratorial nucleus in the
wima ne sudi? Za{to su wihovi neposredni izvr{ioci heart of the SDA? They were the Young Muslims.8 They began
ogromnih zlo~ina (krvavih ruku do lakata) ovde as an organization that was modeled on and affiliated with the
oslaba|ani? Verovatno zahvaquju}i tome {to te Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood,9 which, as you know, assassinat-
optu`nice nisu bile kako treba i nije ih bilo te{ko ed Sadat and did goodness knows what else. The Prosecution can
osloboditi. To nije tu quoque. To je jednostavno say that this is not important, that this is tu quoque.10 They are
~iwenica koja se ne mo`e zaobi}i da je wihovo not on trial here. But why aren’t they on trial? Why have the di-
pona{awe u najpresudnijoj meri, u sto-posto, uslovilo rect perpetrators (their hands are soaked in blood up to their el-
na{e pona{awe. bows) of these egregious crimes been set free by this Court?
Ja imam tu zaista iznena|ewe i zabrinut kako Probably thanks to the fact that the indictments were faulty and
Tu`ila{tvo nastupa u raznim situacijama, kako bi that it was not difficult to acquit them. This is not tu quoque. It is
vrlo rado da bude su|ewe bez corpus delicti, ubistvo da simply an unavoidable fact that their conduct was prejudicial in
bude bez le{a, da bude prosto, jednostavno: “‘Ajde, da se the highest degree, and it created one hundred percent of the
dogovorimo da sudimo i osudimo.” Ali ova odbrana ima conditions that gave rise to our conduct.
primedbu na to, i ne}e dopustiti da se to tako odvija, I am surprised, as well as concerned, by how the Prosecution
mada sve izgleda kao da Tu`ila{tvo ima veliku acts in various situations; how delighted they would have been to
saglasnosti, veliki sporazum, veliko slagawe sa na{im have had a trial without a corpus delecti, [a charge of] murder
ratnim protivnicima, ili ~ak kao {to se kod nas — bez without a corpse, and to have kept it simple by merely saying:
ikakve {ale — ka`e, da Tu`ila{tvo poku{ava da ovaj “Come on, let’s just make a deal and agree to prosecute and con-
sud pretvori u Disciplinsku Komisiju NATO-saveza. A vict anyone we charge.” But this Defense is critical of such a
da nema preterivawa: ~u}ete od biv{ih visokih stance and it will not allow the Prosecution to proceed in this
funkcionera ovoga Tu`ila{tva kako svi koji su se fashion, even though it appears that the Prosecution is largely in
ogre{ili o NATO moraju da odgovaraju, i kako NATO agreement and has an understanding with our war-time oppo-
planira da Karaxi}a likvidira umesto da ga privede nents, or even as our people like to say in Serbia — all kidding
sudu. aside — that the Prosecution is trying to turn this Tribunal into a
disciplinary committee for the NATO alliance. This is no exag-
[PO~ETAK audio snimka]
geration: you will hear from former high-ranking officials of this
KARLA DEL PONTE: @elim da govorim very Tribunal how all those who offended NATO had to be held
samo o Karaxi}u. SFOR, i posebno to account for it, and how NATO was planning to liquidate
Sjediwene Ameri~ke dr`ave, oni }e Karadžiü instead of bringing him to trial.
18 19

poku{ati da prona|u Karaxi}a. Karaxi} [START ʊ audio recording]

zna, savr{eno zna da je u opasnosti, jer
CARLA DEL PONTE:11 I want to speak with you
ako ga otkriju, on ne}e biti preba~en `iv
about Karadžiü. SFOR, and in particular the
u Hag. To }e biti operacija, i nakon {to
United States, they will try to locate Karadžiü
ubiju Karaxi}a, re}i }e da je bio
and Karadžiü knows perfectly that he is in dan-
naoru`an i da je to bila reakcija na to.
ger because if they locate him, he will not be
Za{to to ka`em? Zato {to istra`ujem
sent to The Hague alive. It will be an operation,
sporazum izme|u Karaxi}a i Holbruka.
and after he shot down, they say he was armed,
Istra`ujem i dobijam neke dobre dokaze
was reacting. And why I’m saying that? Because
da je to istina, ali ako je istina [kao
I’m investigating about the agreement between
{to] i ~ini se u mojoj istrazi, to je
Karadžiü and Holbrooke.12 I am investigating
element [vi{e] zbog kojeg bi se trebalo
and I’m getting some good evidence that it’s
pla{iti da }e ubiti Karaxi}a.
true. But if it is true, as it seems in my investiga-
NOVINAR: Su{tina, predaja je boqa nego tion, it a more element to fear that they will kill
ubistva. Karadžiü.
KARLA DEL PONTE: Da, jer nema vi{e JOURNALIST: The substance is that surrender is
Parlamenta, nema vi{e Federacije. To je better than murder.
samo Bosna i Hercegovina. Republika
DEL PONTE: Yes, yes. No any Parliament any
Srpska vi{e ne postoji. Zavr{ena je.
more or government any more. It’s Bosnia-
Zavr{ena je Republika Srpska. Sada je to
Herzegovina. Don’t exist anymore Republika
samo Bosna.
Srpska. It’s finished. Finished Republika Srpska.
[KRAJ audio snimka] Finished. Now it’s only Bosnia.
Izgleda da sam u Tu`ila{tvo imao i prijateqe, jer ovo [END ʊ audio recording]
je neka boqa varijanta nego da me likvidiraju. Ali u
It looks like I even had friends in the Office of the Prosecutor,
svakom slu~aju, verujem da ovo ne mo`e danas da ne
because this is a better alternative than my having been liquidat-
ed. But, in any case, I believe that today this cannot fail to bring
Tu`ila{tvo poku{ava da izme|u ovog optu`enoga i
us to our senses.
haoti~nih doga|aja jednog gra|anskog rata — a hteo bi
da vas podsetim da nijedan rat na na{em prostoru nije No Balkan War Was ever Fought without the Component
pro{ao bez komponente gra|anskog i bratoubila~kog of a Fratricidal Civil War
rata. Uvek je okupator mogao da — odnosno agresor — The Office of the Prosecutor is trying to connect the Accused
mogao da okrene jedno protiv drugih i to je tako otkad to the chaotic events of a civil war but I would like to call to your
20 21

postojimo, naro~ito u modernim vremenima, u attention that not one single war in our part of the world was ever
devetnaestom i dvadesetom veku. Dakle, Tu`ila{tvo fought without the component of a fratricidal civil war. The in-
poku{ava da ovoga optu`enoga pove`e sa haoti~nim vader — namely, the aggressor — always managed to turn our
doga|ajima jednog gra|anskog rata koji se mogao people against one another, and it has been that way as long as we
o~ekivati i sa doga|ajima koji su se mogli o~ekivati i have existed but particularly so in modern times, in the nineteenth
koji su bili predvi|eni. Zna~i, mene poku{avaju da and twentieth centuries. Therefore, the Office of the Prosecutor is
optu`e da sam ~uv’o, provodio, planirao, pomagao, trying to connect the Accused to the chaotic events of a civil war
podsticao i {ta sve ne, uklawawe Muslimana i Hrvata that could have been expected, as well as to [subsequent] events
sa teritorija u Bosni i Hercegovini na koje su Srbi that could have been expected, that had, in fact, even been fore-
polagali prava, iako polagawe prava na sopstvene seen. This means they are trying to accuse me of fostering, plan-
teritorije, kao {to }ete videti, nije krivi~no delo i, ning, aiding, abetting, instigating, and whatever else they have in
~ini mi se, da ga Tu`ila{tvo tako i ne tretira. mind, the elimination of Muslims and Croats from the territories
Tu`ila{tvo se pona{a kao da jeste i to krivi~no delo. in B-H to which the Serbs had laid claim, even though laying
I ovo kao da }emo ~esto ~uti ovde, jer se ne mo`e claim to one’s own territories, as you will see, is not, it seems to
opisati la`nost cele situacije. me, a criminal act and I do not think that the Office of the Prose-
I Tu`ila{tvo brzo prelazi preko tog mosta i cutor treats it as such. The Prosecution is behaving as if this, too,
pona{a se kao da je i polagawe prava na teritorije were a criminal act. And we are going to hear this often enough,
sopstvene, i osnivawe politi~ke stranke i izlazak na because the falseness of the entire situation here cannot adequately
izbore, i politi~ka odbrana od politi~kih napada, i be described.
oru`ana odbrana od oru`anih napada, i samoodbrana, i The Prosecution quickly crossed this bridge, and is behaving
samoorganizovawe uslovima raspada dr`avnog as if laying claim to one’s own territory and establishing a politi-
organizma, i sve {to je bio srpski-demokratski odgovor cal party and taking part in elections and political defense against
na napade sa druge strane — i sve {to su Srbi ~inili u political attacks and armed defense against armed attacks and
nu`noj odbrani, sve to se tretira kao krivi~no delo self-defense and self-organization under the conditions of a dis-
radi toga {to se brzo prelazi na haoti~ne doga|aje koji integrating state organism, and everything that was the Serbian-
se u gra|anskim ratovima mogu predvideti. Bili su democratic response to attacks from the other side, and every-
predvi|eni i znalo se da }e tako biti. thing that the Serbs did as part of their own necessary defense,
E, sada, taj mali most izme|u optu`enoga i zbivawa all this is being treated as a criminal act because chaotic devel-
odbrana smatra jako va`nim i tra`i da se vratimo na opments quickly occur, which can be expected in civil wars. All
taj most, jer ta namera da se uklone ne-Srbi sa this had been anticipated and everyone knew that it would turn
teritorija na kojima su Srbi u Bosni i Hercegovini out this way.
polagali pravo. Odbrana ne `eli da pre|e i da u|e, {to Now, this fine little bridge between the Accused and those
bi se kod nas reklo u sitna crevca tih doga|aja, ko je events is something that the Defense considers extremely im-
22 23

koga ubijao. I kako su se pona{ale prva, druga, tre}a portant, and we seek to revisit this bridge because of that inten-
ili ~etvrta strana, jer mi smo imali ~etiri strane tion to eliminate non-Serbs from territories to which the Serbs in
tamo u ratu, kao {to }e ovaj proces pokazati. Odbrana Bosnia had laid claim. The Defense does not wish to deal with
o~ekuje da se vratimo na taj most i da Tu`ila{tvo the minute details of these events, such as who killed whom.
doka`e tu osnovnu stvar bez koje nema nikakvog And how the first, second, third, or fourth parties behaved, be-
zlo~ina~kog poduhvata i nema zlo~ina koji bi bili cause, as this trial will demonstrate, there were four sides at war.
odgovornost Republike Srpske kao dr`avnog organizma The Defense expects to revisit this bridge and it is expecting that
i wenih organa, vlade, vojske, itd. the Prosecution will prove that fundamental charge, without
A evo nekoliko stvari za po~etak. Prvo, which there would neither be any [joint] criminal enterprise nor
Repupblika Srpska nije bila politi~ki ciq Srba u any crimes for which the Republika Srpska (as a governmental
Bosni i Hercegovini. Taj ciq je bila Jugoslavija. body), its official organs, administration, and army, etc., would
Drugo, Republika Srpska je stvorena iz nu`de, i kao be responsible.
vrlo bolan kompromis srpske strane da pristane da
The Creation of the Republika Srpska
izi|e iz Jugoslavije. Ali evo, ja }u prioritete srpske
I will present several matters to begin with. First of all, the
da nabrojim taksativno. Prvi je o~uvawe Jugoslavije
Republika Srpska was not the political objective of the Serbs in
{to ve}e. Kolika god mo`e od {est republika i to je
B-H. Their objective was Yugoslavia.
bio ciq nad ciqevima. Ako Muslimani i Hrvati iz
Secondly, the Republika Srpska was created out of necessity
BiH ne `ele da ostanu u Jugoslaviji, srpski ciq drugog
and as an extremely painful compromise on the part of the Serbs
reda bio je da Srbi sa svojim teritorijama ostanu u
in order to agree to leave Yugoslavia. But here, I am going to list
Jugoslaviji na na~in na koji je Zapadna Virxinija
the Serbian priorities individually. The first was the preservation
odlu~ila u gra|anskom ratu da se ne prikqu}i
of a Yugoslavia that was as large as possible. As large as it could
Konfederaciji, a do tad je bila jedinstvena Virxinija,
be from its six republics, and that was the most important objec-
nego je odlu~ila da sa svojim teritorijama ostane uz
tive. If the Muslims and Croats in B-H did not wish to remain in
Uniju i veliki predsednik Linkon je to prihvatio i
Yugoslavia, the secondary Serbian objective was for the Serbs to
~ak i nakon zavr{etka rata to je ostalo tako. Sada
remain with their territories in Yugoslavia just as West Virginia
imamo Zapadnu Virxiniju, a nemamo Isto~nu, nego samo
had decided not to join the Confederacy during the Civil War,
Virxiniju. E, sad, da li mi treba da `alimo {to nije
but until that time Virginia had been a unitary state, and it in-
vreme velikih predsednika pa da imamo mirno re{ewe
stead decided to remain with its territories as part of the Union,
Jugoslovenske krize i Srpskog pitawa u Bosni i na
and Lincoln, the great president, accepted this, and it remained
so after the war. Now we have a West Virginia, but we haven’t
Zna~i, na taj na~in je isto tako Severna Irska
got an East Virginia; instead, there is only Virginia. Must we
postala. Najve}i deo Irske je dobio nezavisnost, ali
now regret that this is not an age of great presidents, so that we
jedan deo, sa izme{anim stanovni{tvom, nije dobio
24 25

nezaviznost, ostao je kao jedinica u Ujediwenom could have had a peaceful resolution of the Yugoslav crisis and
Kraqevstvu. Ovu varijantu sa Severnom Irskom, to of the Serbian question in Bosnia and in the Balkans?
jeste, sa varijantom da Srbi sa srpskim teritorijama u Northern Ireland was established in the same manner. The
BiH, genuinim, jer su Srbi u BiH, kao {to }e te videti, largest part of Ireland gained independence; however, one part of
najstarije stanovni{tvo. I jesu i ostali i ve}ina Ireland, which had a mixed population, did not; it remained with-
ostalih su bili Srbi, ostanu u Jugoslaviji. in the United Kingdom. This variant with Northern Ireland is
Ta ideja potekla od g. Izetbegovi}a. On je tu ideju identical to the one with the Serbs and their territories, genuine
~ak i potpisao u svom sporazumu sa odnosnom Serbian territories, because, as you will see, the Serbs of B-H are
deklaracijom — sa g. Kraji{nikom, u septembru 1993. its oldest inhabitants. And they remain so, and most of the others
godine. Srpski prioritet tre}eg reda bila je were Serbs in the first place, and [they wanted to] remain in Yu-
nezavisnost Srpske konstitutivne jedinice dr`ave u goslavia.
BiH {to g. Izetbegovi} tako|e nije osporavao. This idea originated with Mr. Izetbegoviü. He even ratified
^etvrta veoma bolna varijanta bila je cela Bosna this idea in his agreement with a related declaration which he
da iza|e iz Jugoslavije pod uslovom da Srbi u BiH imaju signed with Mr. Krajišnik in September 1993. The third Serbian
svoju konstitutivnu jedinicu u BiH u nekoj vrsti priority was the independence of a Serbian constitutive unit in the
konfederacije, saveza bosanskih dr`ava. Ovu varijantu, state of B-H, which Mr. Izetbegoviü, likewise, did not oppose.
ali nepovoqniju u pogledu stepena integrisanosti The fourth extremely painful option was for all of Bosnia to
BiH, predlo`ila nam je Evropska Zajednica u okviru leave Yugoslavia on the condition that the Serbs in B-H would
konferencije koju je vodio Lord Karington, a kod nas have a constituent unit of their own in some kind of a confedera-
podkonferenciju za Bosnu, vodio ambasador Kutilero. tion, an alliance of Bosnian states. This option, though less favor-
To je poznati Lisabonski Sporazum i Kutiqerov Plan. able with respect to the degree of integration in B-H, was pro-
Ne treba da imate sumwe da }emo dokazati da je ovo posed to us by the European Community within the framework of
bila lista srpskih prioriteta. Svaka od ovih the Conference13 conducted by Lord Carrington, where Ambassa-
varijanata je obezbe|ivala o~uvawe mira i ostvarewe i dor Cutileiro was in charge of the subconference with us [i.e., the
hrvatskih i muslimanskih optimalnih ciqeva na ra~un various warring parties] on Bosnia. That was the well-known Lis-
srpskog popu{tawa. To dakle nisu bili ni maksimalni bon Agreement and Cutileiro Plan.
ni optimalni srpski ciqevi, nego minimalni. Koji
Charges of a Joint Criminal Enterprise
narodni udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat mo`e da
Let there be no doubt that we will prove that this was the list
opstane pred ovom ~iwenicom? I ja ovde nameravam da
of Serbian priorities. Each of these options ensured the preserva-
iznesem mermerne istine, ovo je jedna od tih mermernih
tion of peace and the achievement of the optimal objectives of
istina: da je sve ovo uspelo (vidite koliko varijanti
both the Croats and the Muslims through Serbian concessions.
imamo), {ta bi bilo od udru`enih zlo~ina~kih
These were, therefore, neither maximal nor optimal Serbian ob-
jectives, but minimum ones. What national joint criminal enter-
26 27

poduhvata? [ta bi mogli Srbi da po~ine da su svi prise could exist in light of this fact? My intention here is to pre-
srpski kompromisi prihva}eni? sent the rock solid truth, and this is one of those rock-sold truths:
Daqe, Tu`ila{tvo, konstrukciju na{e navodne if all this had succeeded (you will see how many options we
namere da isteramo Muslimane i Hrvate iz svoje ku}e, had), how could there have been a joint criminal enterprise?
zasniva na potpuno pogre{nom shvatawu da smo mi u to What would the Serbs have done if all the Serbian compromises
vreme svojom ku}om smatrali Republiku Srpsku. U to had been accepted?
vreme, kazati za Srbe svoja ku}a, to je bila Jugoslavija, Furthermore, the Prosecution bases its construct of our alleged
a ne BiH, i pogotovo ne Republika Srpska, koja jo{ nije intention to expel Muslims and Croats from their homes on the
bila nastala. Dokaza}emo da nikada nije postojala completely mistaken presumption that we, at that time, considered
namera, primisao, a kamoli plan koji bi se ostvarivao the Republika Srpska to be our home. At that time, the home of
da se Muslimani i Hrvati odstrane iz Republike the Serbs was Yugoslavia, and not B-H, let alone the Republika
Srpske. Srpska, which did not even exist yet. We are going to prove that
Evo {ta o tome ka`e jedno drugo Ve}e ovog there never was any such intention, any ulterior motive, let alone a
Tribunala u prvostepenoj presudi g. Kraji{niku. plan that would realize the expulsion of Muslims and Croats from
Dakle, ovde, to se odnosi na re~i Radovana Karaxi}a od the Republika Srpska.
14-og februrara, 1992-e godine. Neposredno pred rat, Here is what another Chamber of this Tribunal says in its ini-
gde Ve}e zakqu~uje da je Karaxi} na jednom partijskom tial judgment of Mr. Krajišnik.14 Consequently, it refers here to the
sastanku — zatvorenom plenumu — rekao da paze da se words of Radovan Karadžiü on February 14, 1992. The Trial
vr{i vlast na terenu odgovorno i da paze da ne bude Chamber concluded that Karadžiü, at a closed plenary meeting of
neke be`anije. Jer, u tom trenutku je ve} bila u nekoj the party [i.e., the SDS] just before the war, said that they should
fazi konferencija, postignuti sporazumi, jo{ nije exercise their authority carefully on the terrain for which they
bila potpisana, ali je postignut sporazum sa were responsible so that no one should flee from our areas.15 Be-
Holbrukom da }e biti tri Bosne. Dakle ova najbolnija, cause, at that moment, a conference was taking place, already in
najminimalnija Srpska varijanta, da }e biti tri Bosne, one of its later stages, where agreements had been reached but had
ve} je bilo postignuto, i Karaxi} govori pred dvesta not yet been signed, yet an agreement was reached with
qudi koji su odgovorni za `ivot na terenu da paze Holbrooke that there would be three Bosnias. Therefore, this was
dobro da ne budu neke be`anije iz na{ih zona. Ovo Ve}e the most painful, most minimal option for the Serbs, that there
to priznaje i ka`e da je Karaxi} jo{ uvek 14-og would be three Bosnias, which had already been settled, and
februara 1992-e godine vodio ra~una o interesima Karadžiü gave a speech before two hundred people who were re-
drugih. Dakle, sve pre toga 14-og februara 1992-e godine sponsible for life on the terrain [and he advised them] to take pre-
mora da otpadne. Do tada, nije bilo udru`enog cautions that no one should flee from our zones. This Trial Cham-
zlo~ina~kog poduhvata. ber acknowledges this and states that Karadžiü, even on February
14, 1992, was looking after the interests of others. Therefore, eve-
28 29

Moramo sada da identifikujemo koji je trenutak rything [i.e., all charges] relating to events before February 14,
ro|ewa i koji je ro|endan ili ro|en sat udru`enog 1992 must be dropped. There was no joint criminal enterprise up
zlo~ina~kog poduhvata koji se zove izbacivawe Hrvata to that time.
i Muslimana iz Republike Srpske. To je, dakle, deo We must now establish the birthday, the date and time of the
upozorewa Radovana Karaxi}a vr{iocima poslova. birth of this joint criminal enterprise that is referred to as the ex-
Ovo je slede}i — mi, zna~i, moramo pomeriti da pulsion of Croats and Muslims from the Republika Srpska. That
14-og februara nije bilo udru`enog zlo~ina~kog was, therefore, part of Radovan Karadžiü’s warning to those un-
poduhvata. Jo{ nije bio ro|en. 18-og marta nije bio dertaking these tasks.
ro|en radi toga {to je bio tada kad je bio postignut This is next ʊ we must change the February 14, 1992 date;
Lisabonski Sporazum. Sporazum je postignut bio u tom there was no joint criminal enterprise [at such time]. It had not
re{ewu. yet been born. It was not born on March 18, 1992,16 either, be-
Pa onda imamo 27-og marta, gde Karaxi} govori na cause that was when the Lisbon Agreement had been reached.
Skup{tini srpskog naroda, i, evo vidite {ta ka`e, da: The decision-making process resulted in an agreement.
“Rat u BiH ne}e re{iti ni{ta. Moramo da prou~imo Then we have March 27, when Karadžiü was giving a speech
situaciju, odnosno, moramo da sa~uvamo `ivote, at the Assembly of the Serbian People, and here you see what he
imovinu i teritoriju. Mi nemamo drugih planova.” says, that: “A war in B-H will not solve anything.17 We must
To je, zna}i, odgovor Karaxi}a na poslani~ko study the situation closely with respect to the saving of lives,
pitawe: “[ta }e biti ako nas napadnu? Imate li vi property, and territory. We have no other plans. [We should
neki plan?” Jedini plan srpski u tom trenutku je bio strive to maintain peace.]”
za{tititi teritoriju, za{tititi narod, za{tititi It was Karadžiü’s response to a question posed by one of the
imovinu i ~ekati politi~ko re{ewe. representatives: “What will happen if they attack us? Do you
Daqe moramo da pomerimo u vreme prema napred, da have a plan?” The only plan the Serbs had at the time was to pro-
pomerimo trenutak ro|ewa udru`enog zlo~ina~kog tect territory, protect the people, protect private property, and
poduhvata. wait for a political solution.
12-og aprila, kad je rat ve} izbio, mi smo potpisali We must shift the time-frame forward and re-date the time of
sa Ambasadorom Kutiqerom primirje, sve tri strane. birth of the joint criminal enterprise.
Mi smo 12-og marta potpisali primirje, a uve~e 12-og On April 12, when the war had already broken out, we
marta, muslimanska strana, SDA, je poslala — Hasan signed a cease-fire agreement with Ambassador Cutileiro with
Efendi} je poslao poznatu naredbu — instrukciju, da se all three sides. We signed the cease-fire agreement on March 12,
napadne svim silama JNA i Srbi, i SDS svuda {irom but on the evening of March 12, the Muslim side, the SDA, sent
BiH. Dakle, sa srpske strane, ni 12-og aprila nema — Hasan Efendiü18 sent this well-known order — instructions to
urdru`enog zlo~ina~kog poduhvata. launch an all-out attack against the JNA, the Serbs, and the SDS
30 31

22-oga aprila, Karaxi} iznosi platformu za throughout all of B-H. Therefore, on the Serbian side, there was
obustavu neprijateqstava i za re{ewe krize. Moram da no joint criminal enterprise even on April 12.
Vam napomenim da je 12-og aprila, u sklopu tog On April 22, Karadžiü presented a platform for the cessation
primirja, zakqu~eno da se ubrzaju radovi u okviru of hostilities and for a resolution of the crisis. I want to remind
Konferencije, radovi na mapama u okviru Kutiqerovog you that on April 12, in accordance with the terms of that cease-
plana. Dakle, ni 22-og aprila, nema tog udru`enog fire, we decided to accelerate our work within the framework of
zlo~ina~kog poduhvata. the Conference as well as to accelerate our work on the maps
Pa vide}ete u avgustu, recimo, kako se Karaxi} within the framework of the Cutileiro Plan. There was, therefore,
bori da se izaberu u Skup{tini, u sudovima, Muslimani no joint criminal enterprise even as of April 22.
i Hrvati. Do tada je predsednik predsedni{tva mogao Then you will see in August, for instance, how Karadžiü was
da imenuje i ja sam imenovao do tada osamnaest fighting to have Muslims and Croats elected to positions in the
Muslimana i Hrvata u sudove. ^im je po~ela Skup{tina Assembly and selected for positions in the judiciary. Until that
da se redovno sastaje, ta ingerencija je ponovo vra}ena time, the President of the collective Presidency could make ap-
Skup{tini. pointments, and I appointed eighteen Muslims and Croats to po-
E, ovde ka`e: “Kao {to smo ju~e rekli, treba da sitions in the judiciary. Once the Assembly began meeting regu-
gledamo da li je pogodna li~nost, a ne ko je on.” I ovde larly, these powers reverted to the Assembly.19
se identifikuje Karaxi} i Kosi}, a {to se ti~e drugih, It says here: “As we said yesterday, we should determine
morate biti svesni, uvek }e imati proporcionalno whether we have the right person for the right job regardless of
u~e{}e u vlasti. Rat je ve} po~eo nekolko meseci. ethnic background.” And Karadžiü and Kosiü are identified here,
Mnogo je krvi, mnogo je sukoba, i tu je veliki problem. but as far as the others are concerned, you have to bear in mind the
Ima jedno uzdr`avawe, ustezawe, da se izabere znatan fact that there will always be proportionate participation in the
broj Muslimana i Hrvata. Na primer, ako se wihova government. The war had already begun some months earlier.
deca i ro|aci bore, kako treba on da sudi. Sada i to je Plenty of bloodshed, plenty of clashes, and that was a big problem.
jedino bilo. Me|utim, i tu, Karaxi} i Popovi} i drugi There was an aspect of restraint, and some hesitation about ap-
koji tra`e da se sudije brzo izaberu, tra`e da se ne vodi pointing a significant number of Croats and Muslims. For exam-
ra~una o nacionalnoj pripadnosti, nego samo o ple, if their children and relatives were fighting [against us], then
sposobnosti i po podobnosti, a uz to upozorava da mora what kind of decisions were these judges going to render? And
biti zastupqena svaka nacionalna zajednica. that was the only question. However, Karadžiü and Popoviü, in
Dakle, moram da podsetim: Kako je to izgledalo 18- this case, as well as others who sought to have these judges select-
og marta? Vide}ete kako je cela ’91-a pro{la u te{kim ed quickly, sought to have ethnic background not taken into ac-
me|unacionalnim tenzijama i srpskim popu{tawima i count; instead, only personal capability and suitability, and along
predlozima najboqe vrste i najkvalitetnije od kojih bi with that, they cautioned that all the ethnic communities had to be
svaki obezbe|ivao mir u BiH. represented.
32 33

18-og marta smo prihvatili da }e biti tri BiH u So, I must call this to your attention: How did this look on
okviru jedne BiH — dakle, da se izvr{i {vajcarizacija March 18? You will see how all of 1991 was spent in [dealing
BiH. Odnosno, da BiH bude ure|ena po tipu [vajcarske with] serious inter-ethnic tensions and [making] Serbian conces-
i da bude izvan Jugoslavije. To je najbolniji kompromis sions, and [we made] first-rate proposals of the highest quality by
srpski. Tada smo sve tri strane i prihvatili i izrazili which each side could have secured peace in B-H.
veliko zadovoqstvo. On March 18, we agreed that there would be three B-Hs
Sve tri strane su imale mape, iako je jedna strana, within the framework one B-H — that is to say, to recast B-H on
SDA, tvrdila da nema mape. Imali su mape, i the Swiss model. In other words, B-H was going to be organized
zakqu~ili smo da na tim mapama 80% teritorije nije according to Swiss principles, and it was going to be outside Yu-
sporno. Srbi priznaju do 80% {ta je nesporno goslavia. This was the most painful compromise that the Serbs
muslsimansko, hrvatsko, i obrnuto. Muslimani, Hrvati had to make. At that moment, we, all three parties, accepted this
priznaju do 80% {ta je srpsko. and expressed our great satisfaction.
E, sada, Muslimani su ~ak pro{li i najboqe i to All three parties had maps, although one side, the SDA,
ovaj gospodin, Ifran Ajanovi}, ka`e: da }e skoro cela claimed that it had no maps. They did have maps, and we came
muslimanska zajednica `iveti u wihovoj konstitu- to the conclusion that up to 80% of the territory was undisputed.
tivnoj jedinici. Osta}e dvadesetak procenata u Srpskoj The Serbs acknowledged up to 80% of what was indisputably
i u Hrvatskoj konstitutivnoj jedinici i niko nikad ne Muslim, Croat, and vice-versa.20 Muslims and Croats acknowl-
pomiwe nikakvu razmenu stanovni{tva niti edged up to 80% of what is Serbian.
preseqewa, osim dobrovoqnih ako neko bude `eleo da Well, you know the Muslims fared better than the others, and
se radi. Gospodin Izetbegovi} je imao vrlo dobre here is what this gentleman, Irfan Ajanoviü, said: that almost the
odnose sa mnom tokom rada na mapama — mi rekao — ja entire Muslim community would live in its own ethnically consti-
sam to ponovio na tom sastanku — molio me da pazim, da tuted unit. Twenty percent would remain in Serbian and Croatian
ne dr`im se op{tinskih granica, nego ako neko selo, ethnically constituted units, and no one ever mentioned any ex-
srpsko ili muslimansko, da mo`e da bude prikqu~eno changes of population or any kind of migration, except for those
susednoj op{tini, jer to je administrativna who would want to move voluntarily. Mr. Izetbegoviü enjoyed
organizacija — ne}e to biti Berlinski zid — i wegovo excellent working relations with me while we were working on
je bilo stanovi{te da pazimo da {to mawe nas bude kod the maps, and he told me — and I repeated this at that meeting —
wih i {to mawe wih kod nas. Zna~i, da se {to ve}i he asked me to make sure that I did not adhere too closely to coun-
procenat nacionalne zajednice zatekne, odnosno, `ivi ty borders; instead, some Serbian or Muslim village ought to be
u svojoj konstitutivnoj jedinici. Niko nikada ne able to join a neighboring county — because it was just adminis-
pomiwe nikakvu razmenu stanovni{tva. trative organization — it wasn’t going to be the Berlin Wall —
^ak Karaxi} to ka`e otvoreno na 3. maja na and his point of view was that we had to take care that the least
povratku iz Brisela, na pitawe novinara: “Da li }e possible number of our people should end up with their people,
34 35

biti razmene stanovni{tva?” Neko je pomenuo Indiju i and that the least number of their people should end up with us.
Pakistan. Ja sam rekao: “Mi to ne predvi|amo i to ne That means the largest possible percentage [of concentration] of a
preporu~ujemo. Bi}e mawina i wihova prava }e biti national community should be attained, in other words, so that
za{ti}ena recipro~no, i ne}e biti nikakvih they may live in their own constitutive unit. No one ever brought
problema.” up any kind of population exchange.
Kako pri ovoj mermernoj istini koja je poznata i Even Karadžiü said that publicly on May 3, upon his return
lako je dokazati — treba samo pogledati medije iz tog from Brussels, when answering a question posed by a journalist:
vremena — koji je udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat na umu “Is there going to be an exchange of populations?” Someone had
bosanskim Srbima? Koji nikada nisu izneverili brought up India and Pakistan. I said, “We do not envisage or
nijedan sporazum koji smo postigli tokom ovog vremena, recommend population exchange. There are going to be minori-
~ak ni sporazume o primirju — to }e vas Ujediwene ties and they will have their rights protected on a reciprocal ba-
Nacije uveriti svojim dokumentima — da je od dvanaest sis, and there won’t be any problems.”21
primirja, recimo, u Sarajevu jedanaest prekr{ila Faced with this truth which is written in stone, which is well
vojska Stranke demokratske akcije. Da li se iz svega known and easily proven — one only has to take a look at the me-
ovoga {to se do sada de{avalo do 18-og marta pa i daqe, dia reports from the time — what kind of joint criminal enterprise
gde se predvi|a i pretpostavqa i nema nikakve sumwe did the Bosnian Serbs have in mind? The Serbs never violated any
na Srpskoj strani, da }e to re{ewe biti tako. Da li se agreement reached at that time, not to mention a truce — the UN
mo`e iz toga izvu}i ta konstrukcija, namere Srba da will confirm this with its own documents — that of twelve cease-
elimini{u ne-Srbe iz delova BiH koji ne}e pripasti fire agreements, for instance, in Sarajevo, eleven were violated by
Srbima? Ali, uva`eni protivnici iz Tu`ila{tva the Army of the SDA. With all that was happening up to March 18
izbegavaju da doga|aje stave u kontekst, ne samo u Bosni and afterward [i.e., at the Conference], when it had been foreseen
nego i u Jugoslaviji, ali i u Jugoslovenski kontekst and presumed, there was no doubt on the Serbian side that this
bosanske doga|aje. Tada bi se jasno videlo ko je {ta solution was certainly going to work. Is it possible to extract such
radio i ko je za {ta odgovoran i bilo bi jasno da su a [legal] construct of the Serbs’ [purported] intention to eliminate
Srbi bili strana koja je popu{tala u ime o~uvawa non-Serbs from the parts of B-H that were not going to belong to
mira, a ne u ime ratnog re{ewa za koje je bila jedna the Serbs? But my esteemed opponents from the Prosecution are
druga strana. reluctant to place these events in context, not only in Bosnia and
Ovde moram da ponovo uka`em na to da je za nas ovaj Yugoslavia, but also in the Yugoslav context of the events taking
sudski sistem pora`avaju}i, neuobi~ajen u odsustvo place in Bosnia. Then it would be clear who did what and who
objektivne sudske istrage. Tu`ilastvo ima odre{ene was responsible for what, and it would be clear that the Serbs were
ruke i neiscrpne resurse da asambluje, sastavi sastav the party that was making concessions for the sake of preserving
optu`nice i prate}ih dokumenata kako ono samo `eli. peace, and that they were not in favor of war as a solution, because
I sada se ovde Srbin — a ne samo Srbin — nego bilo another party actually was actually in favor of it.
36 37

koji Balkanac — pojavi i brani se kao od nevidqivih I must now once again declare that this [legal] system, unu-
sila. Ne mo`e da se sna|e, nego po~iwe da se brani sual by its absence of objective judicial investigation, is destruc-
ovako i onako. Da, jer nema na~ina da parira svojom tive for us. The Prosecution’s hands are untied and it has inex-
istragom. haustible resources [at its disposal] to assemble, to compose an
Ali, da je Tu`ila{tvo uradilo objektivnu istragu, indictment, and to provide supporting documents as it alone sees
pore|alo hronolo{ki ovo {to se de{avalo u Bosni i fit. Now, you have a Serb — not just a Serb — but anyone from
na Balkanu, ta hronologija bi odmah pokazala pravu the Balkans — who appears here and defends himself as if
su{tinu. Ovako ispada da je rat po Tu`ila{tvu izbio against invisible powers. He cannot orient himself, but begins to
zato {to je ovaj optu`eni osnovao Srpsku demokratsku defend himself any way he can. Yes, because there is no way he
stranku u julu 1990. godine sa namerom da se otarasi ne- can parry with his own investigation.
Srba sa teritorija na kojoj }e Srbi jednog dana u If the Prosecution, however, had conducted an objective in-
neizvesnoj budu}nosti polagati pravo u Bosni koja u vestigation and had arranged chronologically the events that had
tom trenutku ne pokazuje nikakve secesionisti~ke taken place in Bosnia and in the Balkans, such a chronology
namere. E, pa sad, ovo je, verujte, i kreativno i would have immediately presented the heart of the matter. Now, it
fleksibilno i sa mnogo ma{te. turns out, according to the Prosecution, that the war broke out be-
Va{oj pa`wi preporu~ujem razloge za izbijawe cause the Accused had established the Serbian Democratic Party
rata koje je ovo isto Tu`ila{tvo navelo u jednoj drugoj in July 1990 with the intention of getting rid of non-Serbs from the
optu`nici. Zna~i, u mojoj optu`nici, rat je izbio zato territories to which the Serbs would one day, in the indefinite fu-
{to ja sam formirao Srpsku demokratsku stranku sa ture, lay claim in Bosnia, which at that moment had not yet ex-
ciqevima koji su Vam ovde predo~eni, a u ovoj drugoj pressed any secessionist intentions. Well, now, believe me, this
optu`nici ka`e se: “Slovenija je 25-og juna 1991. godine was done with a lot of creativity, flexibility, and a great deal of
proglasila nezavisnost od SFRJ, {to je doveo do imagination.
izbijawe rata.” Sla`em se. “Hrvatska je svoju
Reasons for the Outbreak of War
nezavisnost proglasila 25-og juna 1991. godine, {to je
I would like to call your attention to the reasons for the out-
dovelo do borbe izme|u Hrvatskih vojnih snaga sa jedne
break of the war which this same Office of the Prosecutor cited in
strane i JNA, paravojnih jedinica vojske Republike
another indictment. My indictment states the war broke out be-
Srpske Krajine sa druge strane.” Ne sla`em se za
cause I founded the SDS with the expressed aims it points out
paravojne jedinice, ali sla`em se. “B-H je proglasila
here, but this other indictment states that: “On 25 June, 1991 Slo-
nezavisnost 6-og aprila 1992. godine {to je posle 6-og
venia declared independence from the SFRY, which led to the
aprila dovelo do rata {irokih razmera.” Za{to u mom
outbreak of war.” I agree. “Croatia declared its independence on
slu~aju odustaje od ove istine?
25 June, 1991, leading to fighting between Croatian military forc-
I za uzrok rata progla{ava ne{to drugo, ali da
es on the one side and the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA), para-
vidimo {ta jo{ jedna istaknuta li~nost, koja je bila
military units, and the Army of the Republic of Srpska Krajina.” I
38 39

predsednik ovog Tribunala, profesor Kaseze, ka`e: don’t agree with these paramilitary units, but I agree [with the
“Dobro je poznato da je u Hrvatskoj i BiH, kao i u statement]. “On 6 March, 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina declared
nekoliko biv{ih Sovjetskih republika, secesija its independence, resulting in wide-scale war after 6 April, 1992.”
o`ivela stare mr`we i dovela do u`asnog 22
Why, in my case, does it omit this truth?
krvoproli}a.” The Tribunal declared something else to be the cause of the
Dakle, u mom slu~aju prema Tu`ila{tvu, rat nisu war, but let’s see what another eminent figure, Professor
izazvale secesije i tu mr`wu, nego Karaxi} sa svojih Cassese, who served as President of this Tribunal, says: “It is
osirotelih i osiroma{enih, pauperizovanih milion i well known that the secession in Croatia and Bosnia revived old
po Srbi u B-H i bez jednog saveznika osim Gospoda Boga animosities and led to terrible bloodshed.”
na svetu i nekolke male i neuticajne zemqe. I ustao je Therefore, in my case, according to the OTP [i.e., Office of
taj Karaxi} sa milion i po Srba na rat protiv sila the Prosecutor], secession and such hatred did not cause the war
nemerqivih i to na rat koji je bio suprotan svim but Karadžiü alone provoked it with his 1.5 million impover-
srpskim interesima, pa ~ak i suprotan i onim ished, destitute, and pauperized Serbs in B-H, and without a sin-
kriminalnim ciqevima koje je nam Tu`ila{tvo gle ally except the Good Lord and a few small uninfluential
pripisuje. Ni ti ciqevi se nisu mogli ratom ostvariti. countries. And Karadžiü rose to fight with a million and a half
Za{to bi Srbima bio potreban rat da bi wime Serbs against immeasurably greater forces in a war that was con-
postigli ne{to {to ve} imaju i {to ve} `ele? A to je trary to all Serbian interests, contrary even to those criminal ob-
`ivot u Jugoslaviji u kojoj `ive svi Srbi, svi Hrvati, jectives that the Prosecution has ascribed to us. Not even those
svi Slovenci, svi Muslimani, svi Makedonci, itd. objectives could have been achieved through war.
Za{to je Srbima potreban rat? Imaju to ve} {to `ele. Why should war have been necessary for the Serbs in order to
Za{to bi Srbi ono {to su imali, to je Savezna achieve something they already had? That was life in Yugoslavia
Jugoslovenska dr`ava, koju mogu o~uvati jedino u miru, where all Serbs lived along with all Croats, all Slovenes, all Mus-
bili za rat, kada ta Jugoslovenska dr`ava mo`e nestati lims, all Macedonians, etc. Why did the Serbs need war? They
jedino u ratu? A sa~uvati se jedino u miru? Gde je tu already had what they wanted. Why would the Serbs, who had the
razumno pona{awe? Gde je tu motiv na srpskoj strani da Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which could only have been pre-
to urade? served in peace, have been in favor of war when that Yugoslav
Jugoslavija je mogla biti razbijena jedino u ratu, i state could disappear only in a war? Where is the rational con-
to }e se ovde pokazati. To je isto tako jedna mermerna duct? What could motivate the Serbs to do such a thing?
istina koju ne}e mo}i nikakve magle da pomere. Ona je Yugoslavia could only have been destroyed by war, and this
mermerna, za sva vremena. will be shown here. This is another truth that is written in stone
Nasuprot Srbima, koji su hteli da sa~uvaju that no fog will ever obscure. It is written in stone for all time
Jugoslaviju, oni koji su hteli da dobiju nezavisnost and eternity.
republika, to su mogli samo da postignu ratom, i o tome
40 41

nema nikakve sumwe — ne samo da je Nema~ka Opposed to the Serbs, who wanted to preserve Yugoslavia,
ohrabrila, i rekla: “A, ako bude daqe sukoba, mi }emo were those who wanted to gain independence as republics, which
vas priznati.” [to je, naravno, ohrabrewe da se ide u they could achieve only by going to war, and there is absolutely
sukobe. Ali, to su nam priznali i potvrdili i no doubt about it — not only did Germany encourage them, but
neposredni na{i ratni protivnici u to vreme. even said: “If the conflict continues, we will recognize you.”
Predsednik Tu|man je rekao da: “Rata ne bi bilo da ga This, of course, is encouragement to keep on fighting. But even
Hrvatska nije htela.” I to je na Trgu u maju 1992. godine, our direct adversaries in the war acknowledged and confirmed
kad je wihov rat — tako re}i — bio zavr{en, ona prva this at that time. President Tuÿman said: “There would not have
faza, a rat u Bosni se razbuktao. been a war if Croatia had not wanted it.”23 And that is what he
Ja sam zahvalan Predsedniku Tu|manu i na ovome i said at a public rally [held in Ban Jelaþiü] Square in May 1992,
na mnogim drugim stvarima koje }e biti mi od koristi u when their war — so to speak — was over, its first phase, while
ovoj odbrani, a mogu biti zahvalan i Tu`ila{tvu {to the war Bosnia was bursting into full flame.
raste`e moju odgovornost i na Hrvatsku, radi toga {to I am grateful to President Tuÿman for this as well as for many
mi to pru`a priliku da poka`em kako to sve je other things that are going to be instrumental in my defense, but I
izgledalo i kako su nam iz Hrvatske tokom 1991. — pa can also express my gratitude to the Prosecution for extending my
~ak i 1990-e — ali 1991., stizale kolone i kolone Srba responsibility to Croatia, because that gives me the opportunity to
koji su isterani, koji su navrat-nanos be`ali preko show what all that looked like and how in 1991 — well, even in
srpskih prostora u BiH, jer bi ih u drugim prostorima 1990 — but in 1991, when column after column of Serbs were
ubijali kao ze~eve, a za tim Srbima su stizale i arriving who had been expelled, who were fleeing helter-skelter
granate. Na ovoj slici mo`ete da pogledate kako pre across Serbian areas in B-H because they were going to be killed
izbijawa rata u BiH, BiH polako nagoreva na rubovima, off like rabbits elsewhere, and after that even mortar shells were
a bogami, i u dubini. Ali [u] pograni~ni[m] gradovi[ma] reaching the Serbs. And in this picture you can see that before the
gine se u to vreme, dolaze izbeglice, a dolaze i granate war broke out, B-H was smoldering along the edges but it was
i ginu i gra|ani BiH. burning deep inside, as well. [EXHIBIT I] People were dying in
I na ovu }emo se mapu vratiti, i ona }e pokazati, border towns at that time, refugees were arriving, but so were
kao {to ovde pi{e: “Ko je ginuo do 6. aprila?” A za taj mortar shells and the citizens of B-H were dying.
period mene Tu`ila{tvo tereti, a vide}ete da su do We’re going to return at this map, and it will show, as it is
1-og aprila ginuli uglavnom samo Srbi. No, ja dugujem written here: “Who were the people who were being killed up to
zahvalnosti i g. Izetbegovi}u za otvorenost i April 6?” The OTP is charging me [with responsibility for events
iskrenost kojom me osloba|a, na najdirektniji mogu}i that took place] in that time period, but you will see that Serbs
na~in, skida sa mene odgovornost. On je to rekao 1993. were for the most part being killed up until April 1. I also owe
godine: thanks and gratitude to Mr. Izetbegoviü for his candor and hon-
42 43

esty because he absolves me of responsibility in the most direct

fashion. He said that in February 1993:
Mi smo napravili na{ izbor, a mogli smo
vrlo lako da krenemo i drugim putem. We made our choice, and we could have easily
Cijena koju smo platili je visoka, ali je done things differently. The price we paid is
morala biti pla}ena. Ako mene treba za high, but it had to be paid. If I am to be blamed
to kriviti, onda ne treba Karaxi}a. for it, then Karadžiü should not [be blamed for
Mogli smo da izbegnemo ovaj konflikt da it]. We could have avoided this conflict had we
smo ostali ujediweni kao Jugoslavija, ali remained united as Yugoslavia, but we wanted
mi smo `eleli nezavisnost. Krajem 1991 independence. Toward the end of 1991, we es-
godine, formirali smo Patriotsku Ligu tablished the Patriotic League….24
He chivalrously took the blame upon himself. And he ab-
On je to vite{ki uzeo na sebe. A mene abolirao, ali solved me [of responsibility], but the OTP, taking this occasion
Tu`ila{tvo, po svoj prilici, ne `eli Izetbegovi}evo as it sees fit, has no use for Mr. Izetbegoviü’s chivalry. It takes
vite{tvo. Ono uzima sve {to dobije od Izetbegovi}a everything it gets from Mr. Izetbegoviü at face value, even if it is
ako je to lukavstvo, trik, prevara, itd. Vite{ko cunning deceit, a trick, a con, etc. It ignores his chivalrous act of
priznawe koje potpuno ~ini izli{nim ovaj proces, nisu acknowledgment which renders this trial superfluous. There are
ni zapazili. Ima nekoliko ispravki za g. Izetbegovi}a. quite a few corrections [to be made] to Mr. Izetbegoviü’s [state-
Nije Patriotska Liga formirana krajem 1991-e ments].
godine nego 31. marta 1991. godine. Tokom ovog izlagawa The Patriotic League was not established at the end of 1991
}e te videti da je formirana, zna}i, dva meseca nakon but on March 31, 1991. Over the course of my presentation, you
{to smo mi formirali zajedni~ku vladu. I jo{ will see that it was established two months after we formed a joint
nekoliko ispravki, ali jedna najkrucialnija ispravka, government. There are several other corrections to come, but one
nije samo ostanak Bosne u Jugoslaviji — i Muslimana of the most crucial is not simply Bosnia remaining within Yugo-
bosanskih u Jugoslaviji obezbe|ivao mir — nego i na{ slavia — and securing peace for the Bosnian Muslims in Yugosla-
ostanak u Jugoslaviji, a da Muslimani i Hrvati iza|u via — but even our remaining part of Yugoslavia, while the Mus-
iz Jugoslavije po tipu Zapadne Virxinije. Zatim, i lims and the Croats could leave Yugoslavia according to the mod-
Lisabonski sporazum, odnosno Kutiqerov plan, po kome el of West Virginia. Afterwards came the Lisbon Agreement,
smo i mi Srbi dobili tek deli} onoga {to su imali namely, the Cutileiro Plan — by which we Serbs received only a
Muslimani i BiH u Jugoslaviji, da mi dobijemo u BiH fraction of what the Muslims and Croats had already enjoyed in
deli} te za{tite i tih prava. I u tom slu~aju se the former Yugoslavia — so that we could receive in B-H a small
izbegavao rat. Tada bi Srbi u BiH iza{li na portion of such protection and such rights. And, in that case, the
war could have been avoided.25 The Serbs in B-H would have then
44 45

referendum, dali mu legitimitet. Kako god se glasalo, come out and voted in the referendum and they would have given
dali bi mu legitimitet. it legitimacy.26 Whatever way they may have voted, they would
Mir se mogao sa~uvati — i na ovaj na~in — have conferred legitimacy upon it.
uprili~en referendum za nezavisnost. Radovan Peace could have been preserved — even in this fashion — by
Karaxi} i Muhamed ^engi}, podpredsednik SDA, na arranging a referendum on independence. On the eve of the Refer-
o~igled svih poslanika posti`u sporazum u Skup{tini endum on independence, Radovan Karadžiü and Muhamed
da vlada BiH hitno izvr{i regionalizaciju, a da Srbi ýengiü, the Vice President of the SDA,27 in the full view of all the
iza|u na referendum. Neko iz poslani~kih grupa kome representatives, reached an agreement in the Assembly for the
se ne dopada sporazumevawe sa Srbima upita ^engi}a: government of B-H to take urgent steps to regionalize the country,
“Ko te ovlastio da to predla`e{?” A ~uje se lepo na and for the Serbs to vote in the Referendum.28 But someone from
snimku, ^engi} ka`e: “Alija Izetbegovo}, ako ba{ a group of representatives who were not pleased with the agree-
ho}e{ da zna{.” ment with the Serbs asked ýengiü: “Who authorized you to pro-
Dakle, Alija Izetbegovi} je ovlastio Muhameda pose this?” And you can clearly hear on the videotape recording
^engi}a da Srbima ponudi jedno re{ewe koje spasava i ýengiü saying: “Alija Izetbegoviü, if you really want to know.”
Bosnu i mir. Srbi ga prihvataju oberu~ke, za petnaest So it was Alija Izetbegoviü who authorized Muhamed ýengiü
dana }e biti donoseni akti o reorganizacija i Srbi to offer the one solution to the Serbs that would have both rescued
izlaze na referendum, ali tu opet postoji neka Bosnia and secured peace. The Serbs accepted it whole-heartedly,
demonska sila koja g. Izetbegovi}a, po stoti put, and in fifteen days’ time legislative acts were going to be adopted
natera da odustane i posle pauze je taj dogovor for regionalization, and the Serbs were going to vote on the Refer-
Karaxi}a i ^engi}a pred celom Skup{tinom endum, however, once again, for the hundredth time, some de-
poni{ten. monic force compelled Mr. Izetbegoviü to renege [on what he had
Jo{ jedna ispravka Gospodina Izetbegovi}a. promised], and after a recess, this agreement between Karadžiü
Zahvaquju}i srpskoj fleskibilnosti, brojnim and ýengiü was annulled before the entire [B-H] Assembly.
koncesijama koji su Srbi ~inili, bilo je jo{ vi{e One more correction for Mr. Izetbegoviü. Thanks to Serbian
re{ewa koja su garantovala mir, izbegavawe rata, i flexibility, and thanks to the numerous concessions that the Serbs
cene koju pomiwe g. Izetbegovi}. A samo jedno re{ewe, had made, there were still more decisions [to be made] that would
samo jedno jedino re{ewe je vodilo u rat. I have guaranteed peace, avoided war, as well as the price [that had
muslimansko vo|stvo, vo|stvo SDA, zavereni~ko jezgro to be paid] mentioned by Mr. Izetbegoviü. But only one decision,
u SDA od Mladih Muslimana, ~vrsto se dr`alo samo only one single decision led to war. And the Muslim leadership,
tog re{ewa koje obezbe|uje rat. A to re{ewe glasi: the SDA leadership, the conspiratorial core of the SDA composed
“Suverena i nezavisna Bosna sto posto na{a.” To jest, of Young Muslims, firmly held to the decision that made war in-
onih Holbrukovih sto posto vlasti u sto posto Bosne, evitable. And that decision proclaimed: “Sovereign and independ-
ne mo`ete to dobiti. A oni ba{ ho}e. To je kqu~no ent Bosnia is one-hundred percent ours.” That was the one hun-
46 47

mesto koje je Tu`ila{tvu promaklo. Muslimani su dred percent of the governing authority in one hundred percent of
hteli za sebe, a to ho}e danas, i to }e hteti uvek, dok se Bosnia that Holbrooke had said they could not obtain. But that
ne kodifikuju granice entiteta u BiH-e i ingerencija was what they really wanted. This is the key area that has eluded
ili se ne razi|amo na miran na~in, uvek }e hteti ako the Tribunal. The Muslims wanted it for themselves, and they still
imaju {ansu. want it today, and they will always want it until the borders of the
Neke sile ih mra~ne, a vide}ete i koje, teraju na to. entities and their jurisdictions in B-H are codified or until we sepa-
Zahtevaju od wih da isporu~e, da obezbede jedan rate in a peaceful manner, they will always want it as long as they
mostobran za te interese u Evropi. Koji bi se to stand a chance of getting it.
Srpski udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat mogao zamisliti Certain dark forces, and you will see which ones, drove them
ili ostvariti ili razvijati da je g. Izetbegovi} to behave this way. They were demanding that they [the Bosnian
prihvatio predlog koji je bio tokom celog rata na Muslims] deliver and secure a bridgehead for their interests in Eu-
stolu, predlog koji je tek 1995-e doneo g. Holbruk? Do rope. What kind of joint Serbian criminal enterprise could have
1995-e su svi drugi donosili te predloge, i Evropska been imagined or realized or developed if Mr. Izetbegoviü had ac-
Unija i Kontakt grupa, i Vens i Oven, i Oven i cepted the proposal that had been on the table throughout the entire
Stoltenberg. Svi su donosili taj predlog, i Srbi su sve war, the proposal that was finally submitted by Mr. Holbrooke in
te predloge prihvatali. 1995? Up until 1995, everyone else submitted these proposals —
Imali smo pet konferencija, Ekcelencije. Pet the European Union and the Contact Group, Vance and Owen, then
konferencija. Pet mirovnih planova. Od tih pet Lord Owen and Stoltenberg. All of them made this proposal, and
mirovnih planova, ovaj optu`eni je prihvatio ~etiri. the Serbs accepted each of these proposals.
Koji bi udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat bio mogu} da je Your Excellencies, we had five [peace] conferences. Five
i druga strana prihvatila jedan od ta ~etiri? I kako je, conferences. Five peace plans. Of these five peace plans, I, the
molim Vas, Tu`ila{tvu moglo pasti na pamet onoga Accused, agreed to four of them. What kind of joint criminal
trena kada smo predali svoju krizu u ruke me|unarodne enterprise would have been possible if the other party had ac-
zajednice? Od toga trena, nije bilo dana kad nije bilo cepted one of those four? And how could the Prosecution have at
konferencije. Nije bilo {anse za fait accompli. all come up with this idea at the very moment we turned our cri-
Nije bilo {anse za uti possidetis juris: {to poseduje{, sis over to the International Community for resolution? From
to }e{ zadr`ati. Re{ewe je moralo biti politi~ko. I that moment on, there was not a single day that went by without
za{to bi Srbi sada uzimali teritorije koje nemogu da a conference. There was no chance of a fait accompli.
overe kroz konferenciju? I za{to bi Srbi uradili There was no chance for uti possedetis juris:29 What you pos-
ne{to {to na konferenciji ne}e biti prihva}eno? I sess, you may lawfully hold. The solution had to be a political
za{to bi Srbi uradili ne{to {to }e morati da vrate one. And why should the Serbs now take territories that they could
na sve mogu}e na~ine? Zna~i, to je osnovno pitawe. not validate through a peace conference? And why should the
Kako je mogu}e da Tu`ila{tvo ne vidi da Srbi Serbs do anything that would not be accepted at a [peace] confer-
48 49

prihvataju sve osim sto posto vlasti u sto posto Bosne, ence? And why should the Serbs do anything that they would then
i vra}awe u ropstvo iz vremena Otomanske imperije, have to undo by all possible means? That is the fundamental ques-
jednog naroda skromnog, tihog, trpeqivog koji zaista tion. How is it possible for the Prosecution not to see that the
trpi i ~uva svoju veru i svoju su{tinu i svoju kulturu Serbs would have accepted anything except for [the Muslims hav-
pet stotina godina u najnepovoqniji uslovima u ing] one-hundred percent of the governing authority over one
Evropi? Najnepovoqniji uslovi za Bosanske Srbe, i ja hundred percent of Bosnia, a remission [of the Serbs] — a modest,
se pred wima klawam ovde pred Vama — klawam se pred peaceful, tolerant, and suffering people who did, indeed, endure
tom wihovom sudbinom i oni zaslu`uju da i mi svi and preserved their faith, their essence, and their culture through
slu`imo, jer je to zaista ne{to {to se ne mo`e five hundred years of the most unfavorable conditions in Europe
zamisliti. — to the slavery [they endured] during the era of the Ottoman
Naravno, moram da Vam ka`em da su Srbi prelazili Empire? These were conditions most unfavorable to the Bosnian
na Islam naj~e{}e u dogovoru. Jedan brat pre|e da Serbs, as well — and I bow to them here before you — I bow to
{titi drugog i tre}eg brata. A onda ve} wihova deca su their destiny, and they are even worthy of having all of us serve
daleko, a wihovi unuci su neprijateqi. Dakle, oni prvi them, because it [i.e., their destiny] has been unimaginable.
konvertiti koji su pre{li na Islam nisu bili sre}ni Of course, I must tell you that Serbs did convert to Islam, but
{to prelaze na Islam, ali tako se to desilo. E, sada, most frequently it was based on an agreement. One brother con-
onaj deo, onaj brat koji nije pre{ao na Islam uz sve verted to protect a second and third brother. And then their chil-
trpwe, sve pritiske, sve nevoqe, ~uva sve to i sada neko dren grew distant from one another, and their grandchildren be-
treba da ga izda i neko da ga ponovo vrati u ta stawa. came enemies. Therefore, the first converts to Islam were not
Ja bih preporu~io va{oj pa`wi pozive, apele, happy about the conversion, but that was how it happened. Well,
istaknutih muslimanskih prvaka g. Izetbegovi}u da now, this part of the population, the brother who did not convert
promeni, odnosno, politiku i da se druga~ije pona{a. to Islam, had to endure suffering, all the pressures [to convert],
Rabija [ubi}, poti~e iz muslimanskog kruga, ali je and all manner of misfortune to preserve all that [i.e., faith, iden-
predsednica Socijalisti~ke partije BiH bila (i to je tity, and culture], and now someone has to betray him and once
multietni~ka partija i nije bila fundamentalisti~ki again reduce him to such circumstances.
orijentisana) naprotiv. Ona je napisala pismo na
Appeals Made by Prominent Muslims to Izetbegoviü
samom po~etku rata Izetbegovi}u i rekla je, nabrojala :
I would like to call your attention to all the invitations and ap-
Odbili ste formirawe Vije}a naroda u peals that were made by prominent Muslims to Mr. Izetbegoviü to
Skup{tini. Ve}a naroda u Skup{tini change his policy and to amend his behavior. Rabija Šubiü, who
B-H tra`ila je Srpska strana. hails from a Muslim background, but who was also the President
of the Socialist Party in B-H (and that was a multi-ethnic party
(Li~no ovaj optu`eni i Profesor Koqevi}. I jo{ za
that was not oriented to fundamentalism), was one of his oppo-
vreme Komunizma kad su pravqeni amandmani na Ustav,
50 51

Ve}e naroda smo tra`ili koje bi moglo da spre~i bilo nents. She wrote a letter to Izetbegoviü at the very beginning of
kakav rat i bilo kakvo nasiqe. Dobili smo umesto toga the war, in which she said, enumerating her points:
neki Savet za nacionalnu ravnopravnost koji nije
You rejected the formation of a Council of Peo-
nikad radio.)
ples in the [B-H] Assembly, which the Serbian
Odbili ste istorijski sporazum sa side sought.
Srpskim narodom —
(The Accused, along with Prof. Koljeviü, personally [sought
O kome }ete Vi ovde ~uti. such a Council]. And even during the Communist era, when
amendments were made to the Constitution, we sought a Council
Odbili ste Beogradsku inicijativu.
of Peoples that would have prevented the outbreak of war or any
Pozivom za mobilizaciju svih Muslimana
other kind of violence. Instead, we got some sort of Council on
i Hrvata. 4-og aprila ste inicirali rat.
National Equality that never functioned.)
Pokrenuli ste sve svoje veze u Islamskog
svetu da do toga do|e, itd. You rejected a historic agreement with the Ser-
bian people.
Na kraju pisma, Rabija [ubi} ka`e:
Of which you will hear more during this trial.
Pozivamo Vas da pristupite po primeru
Vlasenice i Bratunca, gde su postignuti You rejected the Belgrade initiative. You started
dogovori izme|u Srba i Muslimana, i bez the war on April 4 by calling for the mobiliza-
ispaqenog metka i nasiqa, bez kriminala tion of all Muslims and Croats. You relied on all
i terora. your ties with the Muslim world so it would
come to that, etc.
E, vidite. U Bratuncu i u Vlasenici su prema
srpskim predlozima reorganizovali, postigli At the end of her letter, Rabija Šubiü says:
saglasnost da reorganizuju svoje op{tine da na tom
We call upon you to act according to the exam-
prostoru postaju dve op{tine. Vide}ete i za{to. I da
ples set by Vlasenica and Bratunac, where
je to mogu}e. Ova civilizovana `ena, evropske
agreements were reached between Serbs and
orijentacije, {ef multietni~ke partije, vidi tu
Muslims without a single bullet having been
situaciju i vidi da je to re{ewe. I u sli~nim
fired, without any violence, and without crimi-
situacijama su to videli i govorili i Adil
nals and terror.
Zuflikarpa{i} i Muhamed Filipovi} i Fikret Abdi}
(koji je bio pobednik izbora 1990-e) i Nijaz Durakovi}, There, you see. Bratunac and Vlasenica were reorganized ac-
i mnogi drugi, pa ~ak i neki Srbi kao Pejanovi}, koji cording to Serbian proposals, and they reached an agreement to
zastupa onih 1.5% Srba koji su bili za nezavisnu Bosnu reorganize their county so that two counties now existed in that
bez entiteta. Ovo podse}awe — area. You will see why. And that it was possible. This civilized
52 53

SUDIJA KVAN: G. Karaxi}, ovo }ete ~uti vi{e puta. lady, orientated to Europe, the leader of a multi-ethnic party, saw
Molim Vas, usporite zbog prevodilaca. Izvolite, the situation and saw that this was the solution. And in similar sit-
nastavite. uations Adil Zulfikarpašiü, Muhamed Filipoviü, and Fikret Abdiü
(who was the winner of the 1990 elections), and Nijaz Durakoviü,
KARAXI]: Ovo podse}awe na sporazum u Bratuncu i
and many others, even some Serbs like Pejanoviü, who represent-
Vlasenici inicira}e Stranku demokratske akcije da
ed the 1.5% of Serbs who were in favor of an independent Bosnia
otka`e te sporazume, koji su tako|e ~uvali mir u tim
without entities, saw and said this too. This is a reminder —
op{tinama, i posle {ta se desilo u Bratuncu i u
Vlasenici — vide}ete i ~u}ete — a Srebrenica je JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, you will be hearing this very
susedna op{tina — vide}ete i ~uti ovde tokom ovog often. Please slow down for the benefit of the interpreters. Please
procesa. A sve se to moglo izbe}i ovim {to je G|a. proceed.
Rabija [ubi} identifikovala kao sporazum u tim
KARADŽIû: This is a reminder that the agreement in Bratunac
op{tinama i u svim op{tinama {irom Bosne su bili
and Vlasenica prompted the SDA to cancel those agreements,
vo|eni pregovori o administrativnoj reorganizaciji
which had secured peace in those counties, and what happened
tih op{tina tako da se izbegnu tenzije i svako vodi
next in Bratunac and Vlasenica — you will see and hear plenty
svoje poslove.
— and Srebrenica is the neighboring county — and you will hear
Koji bi srpski udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat u
about and see [what happened there] over the course of this trial.
ovom trenutku bio mogu} kad se vidi {ta je sve u tom
But all this could have been avoided if what Ms. Šubiü had iden-
trenutku kad Rabija [ubi} pi{e g. Izetbegovi}u, {ta
tified as the agreement in those counties, and there were negotia-
je sve na snazi, {ta je sve na stolu?
tions taking place in counties throughout Bosnia on the adminis-
Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da se Jugoslavija raspala, i treba
trative reorganization of those counties in order to avoid ten-
sada zaista da posumwamo da li se Jugoslavija raspala
sions, so that people could go about their business.
— ili je razbijena. Ove strane koje su bile za razbijawe
What Serbian joint criminal enterprise could have been pos-
Jugoslavije sasvim sigurno ne bi mogle do toga dovesti
sible at that moment when one can see everything that was going
da nije bilo uticaja sa strane i to presudnog uticaja.
on when Rabija Šubiü wrote to Izetbegoviü, when all those forc-
Evo, sada bismo mogli da vidimo kako su i {ta su rekli
es were exerting their influence, and when all these things were
istaknuti autoriteti u me|unarodnoj zajednici o ovoj
on the table?
Statements Made by
Pa su, zna~i, ja sam iz prve ruke video Prominent Authorities on the Break-Up of Yugoslavia
kako je neposobnost i nesnala`qivost The Prosecution states that Yugoslavia disintegrated, but we
zapadne diplomatije ubrzala raspadawe must now, indeed, doubt that Yugoslavia disintegrated as the OTP
Jugoslavije, i doprinelo `estokom suggests — or was it broken up? The parties that were in favor of
nasiqu i krvoproli}u koje je pratilo the break-up of Yugoslavia certainly could not have brought it
54 55

dezintegracije zemqe.... Evo par primera: about unless there had been outside influences and unless those
prerano priznavawe Hrvatske pre nego influences had been decisive. Now we can see what prominent
{to su bile kakve garancije, gra|anska i authorities in the International Community had to say about this.
qudska prava date srpskom stanovni{tvu
I witnessed at first-hand how Western diplomat-
u Hrvatskoj, koja je zbog monstruoznih
ic ineptitude and clumsiness hastened the break-
doga|aja koji su se tamo desili tokom
up of Yugoslavia and contributed to the dreadful
Drugog svetskog rata, stvorilo to da
violence and bloodshed that followed the disin-
gra|anski rat bude neizbe`an....
tegration of the country. Here are a few exam-
Podstrehivawe Alije Izetbegovi}a da ples.... The premature recognition of Croatia…
povu~e svoj potpis sa takozvanog before any guarantees of civil and human rights
Lisabonskog sporazuma i da nastavi sa were given to the Serbian population in Croatia
referendumom za nezavisnost B-H za koji which, because of the horrendous events that oc-
su svi znali da }e dovesti do smrti i curred there during the Second World War,
preme{tawa desetine hiqade qudi. made civil war inevitable….
Xemz Biset, Kanadski Ambasador u Jugoslaviji. The encouragement of Alija Izetbegoviü to
withdraw his signature from the so-called Lis-
Najve}a gre{ka je bila priznavawe svih
bon Agreement and proceed with a referendum
onih mali zemaqa koje su po~ele
on independence in Bosnia, which everyone
odlu~ivati da su nezavisne. Srbi su
knew would lead to the death and displacement
imali dobrih razloga da se brinu da }e se
of thousands of people.30
na}i u zemqi pod muslimanskom
dominacijom. Nije to bila samo paranoja. James Bissett, the Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia.
Kolin Pauel, Ameri~ki General. The greatest — biggest mistake was recognizing
all these little countries when they started to de-
Prerano priznavawe od strane Evropske
cide they were independent. The Serbs had very
Zajednice je uni{tilo mogu}nost za
good reason to be worried about being in a Mus-
sveokupno dogovorno re{ewe za
lim-dominated country. It wasn’t just paranoia.31
Jugoslaviju i doprinelo je gra|anskom
ratu u Bosni. Odgovornost Nema~ke i Colin Powell, American General.
Vatikana za razbuktavawe krize je
The EC’s premature recognition had destroyed
the possibility of preventing an all-
Rolan Duma, francuski minister spoqnih poslova. encompassing negotiated position for Yugosla-
via and contributed to the civil war in Bosnia.
56 57

Ja sam duboko zabrinut da bilo kakvo The responsibility of Germany and the Vatican
rano selektivno priznavawe mo`e for the escalation of the crisis is enormous.32
ra{iriti postoje}i konflikt i doliti
Ronald Dumas, French Foreign Minister.
uqe na vatru na eksplozivnu situaciju,
pogotovu u B-H. I’m deeply worried that any early selective
recognition could widen the present conflict and
Perez de Kuejar.
fuel an explosive situation, especially in B-H.33
Nagrada obe}ana od strane Gen{era je
Perez de Cuellar.
imala svoj uticaj. Hrvatski separatisti
su intenzivirali svoja oru`ana The prize promised by Genscher had its effect.
delovawa. Blokirali kasarne JNA, wihov The Croat separatists intensified their armed ac-
pristup vodi i struji. Krvoproli}e se tivities, blockaded the JNA barracks, their ac-
nastavilo, i na kraju godine Nema~ka je cess to water and electricity. The bloodshed
isforsirala priznavawe Hrvatske. B-H, went on, and at the year’s end, Germany pushed
ta divna, mala Jugoslavija, je gurnuta u through the recognition of Croatia. B-H, the
katastrofalni gra|anski rat koji je wonderful small-scale Yugoslavia, was driven
trajao vi{e godina. into a disastrous civil war lasting several years.34

Ralf Hartman, Ambasador Nema~ke u Jugoslaviji. Ralph Hartmann, the German [GDR] Ambassador to Yugo-
Mi smo rekli, ako se Jugoslavija ne
raspadne mirno, bi}e stra{an gra|anski We said if Yugoslavia does not break up peace-
rat. Pravi problem je to {to je do{lo do fully, there’s going to be one hell of a civil war.
jednostrane deklaracije o nezavisnosti i The real problem was that there was a unilateral
upotrebe sile da se dobije ta nezavisnost declaration of independence and a use of force
umesto mirnih pregovora o nezavisnosti to gain that independence rather than a peaceful
{to je na~in na koji je trebao da se negotiation of independence, which is the way it
odradi. should have happened.35

Xems Beker, tada{wi dr`avni sekretar Amerike. James Baker, the U.S. Secretary of State at the time.

Prerano priznavawe Slovenije i The premature recognition of Slovenia and Cro-

Hrvatske bila je garancija da se raspad atia was a guarantee that the break-up of Yugo-
Jugoslavije ne}e re{iti mirnim putem. slavia would not be resolved by peaceful means.
Jo{ jednom je zapadna intervencija Once again, Western intervention had exacer-
pogor{ala, iskomplikovala ozbiqan bated and complicated a serious Balkan prob-
58 59

Balkanski problem. Jo{ jednom je lem. Again, the German intervention had little to
Nema~ka intervencija imala vrlo malo do with the actual problem faced on the ground
veze sa stvarnim problemima koji su in Yugoslavia.36
postojali na terenu Jugoslavije.
James Bissett, [Canadian] Ambassador.
Jemz Biset, tako|e [kanadski] ambasador.
My view has always been that to have stuck un-
Moje mi{qewe je bilo da tvrdoglavo yieldingly to the internal boundaries of the six
prihvatawe unutra{wih granica tih republics within the former Yugoslavia before
{est republika u okviru biv{e there was any question of any recognition of
Jugoslavije, kao granica nezavisnih these republics as being the boundaries for inde-
dr`ava, pre nego {to je postavqeno pendent states, was a folly far greater than that
pitawe priznawa tih republika, bila je of premature recognition itself.37
mnogo ve}a glupost nego samo prerano
David Owen, Mediator, Balkan Envoy.
Zimmermann told Izetbegoviü the following:
David Oven, posrednik.
“Look, why don’t you wait and see what the
Cimerman je rekao Izetbegovi}u: “Vidi, U.S. can do for you,” meaning we will recognize
za{to ti ne sa~eka{ i ne vidi{ {ta SAD you and then help you out, so don’t go ahead
mo`e da u~ini za tebe,” {to je zna~ilo: with the Lisbon Agreement, don’t accept the
Mi }emo te priznati, a zatim pomo}i Cutileiro Plan and just hold out for some kind of
tako da ne nastavqa{ sa Lisabonskim unitary Bosnian state. So this is a major turning
sporazumom, ne prihvataj Kutiqerov point in our diplomatic efforts.38
plan. Sa~ekaj neku vrstu unitarne
George Kenney, an official of the U.S. State Department
Bosanske dr`ave. Ovo je bila velika
who worked on these matters.
prekretnica u na{im diplomatskim
I don’t know myself whether to read all these statements or
whether they can be read on your screens. We have two or three
\or| Keni, zvani~nik, Stejt Department, koji je more to go.
radio na ovim pitawima.
Anyway, this kind of American intervention
I ja ne znam da li sve da ~itam ili se mo`e ~itati
guaranteed civil war in Bosnia and the death of
sa ekrana. Zna~i, imamo jo{ dva/tri.
thousands of people, and it acted as if the U.S.
Ova Ameri~ka intervencija je had decided to implement a policy which would
garantovala gra|anski rat u Bosni, i prevent a solution to the conflict in a way which
smrti, pomerawa hiqadu qudi. Delovalo would not be violent.
60 61

je kao da su Sjediwene Dr`ave bile James Bissett, Canadian Ambassador.

odlu~ile da sprovode politiku koja je
The premature recognition of Slovenia, Croatia
spre~ila re{ewe konflikta na na~in
and Bosnia by the EC and U.S. brought about
koji nije nasilan.
the war that is going on now.39
Xems Biset, kanadski Ambasador.
Cyrus Vance, Mediator, UN Envoy for Yugoslavia.
Prerano priznavawe Slovenije, Hrvatske
The German government was pushing for
i Bosne od strane Evropske zajednice i
recognition against the resistance of other Euro-
Sjediwenih Dr`ava je dovela do rata koji
pean countries and the result was a catastrophe.40
se sada vodi.
Our host, Ruud Lubbers, Dutch Prime Minister.
Sajrus Vens, posrednik, zaslanik Ujediwenih
Nacija za Jugoslaviju. The Role of Germany in the Break-Up of Yugoslavia
Once, when Izetbegoviü returned from Germany, he, nearly
Nema~ka vlada je forsirala priznawe
heartbroken, told Professor Koljeviü and me that he had received
protiv otpora drugih Evropskih zemaqa
an offer that he could not refuse and that he had to go for inde-
i rezultat je bio katastrofa.
pendence. I accuse, albeit with a heavy heart, those governments,
Na{ doma}in, Rud Luberz, Premijer Holandije. some of which had even been friendly, that ignited the third con-
Jednom, kad se g. Izetbegovi} vratio iz Nema~ke, flagration in the Balkans in the twentieth century. The evidence
gotovo skrhano je meni i Profesoru Koqevi}u, will show that some of these governments — first and foremost
wegovom kolegi iz Predsedni{tvo, je rekao da je dobio Germany — had foreseen, even during the time of Josip Broz Ti-
takvu ponudu da ne mo`e da je odbije i da mora da ide u to, the outbreak of war, its brutality, its content, and its results,
nezavisnost. Mada, te{ka srca, ja ovde optu`ujem te those which were advantageous for them, as well as those for
vlade, od kojih su neke bile i prijateqske, koje su which they did not wish. So, they were clairvoyant. One source of
zapalile tre}i po`ar na Balkanu u dvadesetom veku. such clairvoyance I have already mentioned: there never was a
Dokazi }e pokazati da su neke od tih vlada — a pre war in our country without a civil war, a fratricidal war as a com-
svega Nema~ka — jo{ za vreme `ivota Josipa Broza ponent. If there is going to be a war in the Balkans, then there is
Tita, predvidele izbijawe rata, wegovu `estinu, also going to be a civil war as a component and there is going to
sadr`aje, ishode, koji su za wih povoqni, ishode koje ne be internecine killing. How then can the Prosecution place the re-
`ele. Dakle, bile su vidovite. Jedan izvor te sponsibility for the content of the outbreak of civil war, and the
vidovitosti bio je ovaj koji sam napomenio, da nikad content of the civil war which Western governments and Western
nijedan rat kod nas nije pro{ao bez gra|anske [secret] services foresaw with such clairvoyance long before they
komponente, bez bratoubila~kog rata. Ako }e biti had ever heard of Karadžiü and the Serbian Democratic Party —
ratova na Balkanu, bi}e i gra|anska komponenta, i bi}e
62 63

me|usobno ubijawe. Kako onda mo`e Tu`ila{tvo da how can it link this to the Accused and place the entire burden on
odgovornost za sadr`aj, izbijawe gra|anskog rata i him?
sadr`aj gra|anskog rata, koje su zapadne vlade i zapadne The second source of clairvoyance that these governments
slu`be predvidele, na gotovo vidovit na~in daleko pre possessed was that they knew exactly how Yugoslavias came into
nego {to su ~uli za Karaxi}a i Srpsku demokratsku existence and vanished. This was not even the first Yugoslavia,
stranku — kako mo`e da ve`e za ovoga optu`enog i da and it was neither its first appearance nor disappearance. We’ll
stavqa wemu na teret? address that matter, if we get to it, in due course, but what I want
Drugi izvor vidovitosti bio je kod tih vlada {to su to tell you is that Yugoslavia came into existence and then disap-
ta~no znale kako su Jugoslavije nastajale i nestajale. peared exclusively according to the interests of Western countries.
Ovo nije bila ni prva Jugoslavija, ni prvo nastajawe ni After World War I, when Serbia was a victorious power that could
prvo nestajawe. O tome }emo, ako stignemo, govoriti, determine what Serbia was going to look like, then Croats and
ali ho}u da Vam ka`em Jugoslavija je i nastajala i Slovenes rushed into that Serbia and united with it; the West saw
nestajala iskqu~ivo iz interesa Zapadnih sila. Kada je an opportunity to cause Germany damage by having Croatia and
posle Prvog svetskog rata Srbija, kao sila pobednica, Slovenia come under Yugoslavia’s influence, and thus evicting
mogla da odredi kakva }e izgledati Srbija, onda su Germany from warm water ports in the Adriatic. When Germany
Hrvati i Slovenci tra`ili da utr~e u tu Srbiju, da se prevailed over the Western Allies in 1941, Yugoslavia disintegrat-
ujedine, a zapad je video {ansu da o{teti Nema~ku, da ed. When the Allies conquered the Third Reich, Yugoslavia was
joj uzme ispod uticaja Sloveniju i Hrvatsku, i odbaci je renewed in 1945. When Germany conquered the Western Allies in
od toplog mora, od Jadrana. Kad je Nema~ka prevladala 1991, Yugoslavia disintegrated. But now, in contrast to 1941,
Zapadne saveznike 1941-e godine, Jugoslavija se raspala. those who executed this Germany’s intentions are our own World
Kad su saveznici nadvladali Tre}i Rajh, Jugoslavija je War II Allies. And this is just what makes the German victory
obnovqena 1945-e. Kad je Nema~ka nadvladala Zapadne complete and definitive, the fact that their World War II adver-
saveznike 1991-e, Jugoslavija se raspala. Ali, sada za saries did the job for them, the job that Germany had not succeed-
razliku od 1941-e, izvo|a~i radova te Nema~ke namene ed in finishing during World War II after it was defeated. This
su na{i saveznici iz Drugog svetskog rata. E, to means those governments are responsible. Yugoslavia was just an
Nema~ku pobedu ~ini kompletnom i definitivnom, da arrow, an indicator, the hand of a clock pointing to the mood in
weni protivnici iz Drugog svetskog rata obavqaju Europe and the current relationship between Germany and other
wene poslove koja ona u Drugom svetskom ratu nije European countries instead of being a genuine need of its peoples.
uspela da uradi i bila pora`ena. Zna~i, te vlade su I would like to call to your attention that before the Croats, who,
odgovorne. Jugoslavia je bila pre igla, pokazateq, acting in their own interest, barged into Yugoslavia in 1918, the
kazaqka stawa u Evropi i odnosa izme|u Nema~ke i Serbs and Croats were not enemies. There was no reason for them
drugih Evropskih zemaqa, nego {to je bila genuina to be enemies.
potreba tih naroda. Ho}u vas da posetim da pre nego
64 65

{to su Hrvate iz svojih interesa ugurali u Jugoslaviju Now let’s take a closer look at this — yes, such foresight ex-
1918-e godina, Srbi i Hrvati nisu bili neprijateqi. isted even during Tito’s time — let’s see what Lord Carrington
Nije bilo nikakvog razloga da budu neprijateqi. has to say about the meddling of the European Union — namely,
Da vidimo {ta je o toj stvari — da, to predvi|awe je the European Community — at that time.
bilo jo{ i za vreme Tita — da vidimo {ta Lord [START ʊ video clip]
Karington govori o me{awu Evropske unije — odnosno
If the Europeans, the Americans, and the UN
Evropske zajednice — u tom trenutku.
had not intervened in Yugoslavia, there would
[PO~ETAK video klipa] have been far fewer people killed, and there
would have been far less ethnic cleansing. There
Da Evropqani, Amerika i UN nisu
would have been some extremely unhappy and
intervenisali u Jugoslaviji, mawe qudi
dissatisfied people who felt that they had been
bi stradalo i bilo bi mawe etni~kog
done out of their country or their livelihood or
~i{}ewa. Bilo bi nekih jako
whatever it might be, but there was going to be a
nezadovoqnih qudi koji bi smatrali da su
very large number of dissatisfied and unhappy
uskra}eni za dr`avu... ali }e na kraju
people at the end of all this. And perhaps the
svega ovoga biti jako mnogo nezadovoqnih
moral of the goal is that you should think very
i nesre}nih qudi. Pouka svega ovoga je da
carefully before you intervene in a civil war.
treba biti jako obazriv prije nego {to se
umije{ate u gra|anski rat. [END ʊ video clip]
[KRAJ video klipa] Truth and reason always win in the end, and small nations can
only hope to win at the beginning instead of at the end, when it’s
Istina i pamet uvek pobede na kraju, a mali narodi
already too late for small nations.
mogu samo da pri`eqkuju da pobe|uju na po~etku, a ne na
Now I would like to call to your attention the interference by
kraju, kada je za te male narode kasno.
Western countries — not only in provoking the war but also in
E, sada, da, podsetio bih vas da je ta ume{anost
conducting it, prolonging it, ending it, and determining the out-
zapadnih zemaqa — ne samo izazivawe nego i u vo|ewe
come — was even confirmed recently by Ambassador Richard
rata, produ`avawe, zavr{etak, odre|ivawe ishoda —
Holbrooke.41 And all I can say to him is what the poet Njegoš,
ovih dana je potvr|eno i od strane ambasadora Ri~arda
once said: “Effendi, this is how I thank you for such acknowl-
Holbruka. I ja mogu samo da mu ka`em {to bi rekao
veliki srpski pesnik Wego{: “Efendijo, ovako ti
It will be indisputably proven that certain governments even
hvala na ovome priznawu.”
sabotaged each and every opportunity for agreements to be
Pokaza}e se ta~nim da su neke vlade ~ak i kvarile
reached between political parties and ethnic groups.
svaku {ansu za sporazumevawe naroda i strana u sukobu
66 67

Skup{tinu bih presko~io. Zbog prevodilaca I would like to skip the part relating to the Assembly. I have
moramo sporije da — to speak more slowly for the benefit of the interpreters so that —
Uva`eni protivnik g. Tiger u svojoj uvodnoj re~i
The October 15 Session of the B-H Assembly
ka`e da i ~ak povr{an pogled u dokumente na sednicu,
My esteemed adversary, Mr. Tieger, even says in his open-
recimo, iz oktobra, sednicu Skup{tine 15-og oktobra,
ing statement — that a mere cursory glance at the documents
na kojoj se re{avao krucialne odluke oko budu}nosti
from the October session, for instance, of the Assembly’s session
BiH — da i povr{an pogled na taj transkript i na tu
of October 15 at which crucial decisions were made about the
sedmicu dokazuje srpsku krivicu, srpsku odgovornost. E,
future of B-H — that even a cursory glance at the transcript of
pa ja mislim da je taj povr{an pogled na{ najve}i
the session demonstrates Serbian culpability and Serbian respon-
problem u svemu ovome. Odbrana se protivi povr{nom
sibility. But I think that such a cursory glance is our greatest
gledawu ovih stvari i ~ini }e sve da ti pogledi vi{e ne
problem in all these matters at hand. The Defense is opposed to
budu povr{ni nego da se sagleda su{tina.
casting a cursory glance at these matters and it will do every-
Ovo je sednica, tekst koji vidite na ekranu. To je
thing in its power to avoid such superficiality and get to the heart
sednica na kojoj muslimanska strana — odnosno SDA —
of the matter.
na kraju uspela da na nezakonit, neustavan na~in donese
This is the text from the session that you see on the screen.42
Deklaraciju o suverenosti — bez Srpskih poslanika i
This is the session at which the Muslim side — that is to say the
bez predsednika Parlamenta koji je zakqu~io sednicu —
SDA — finally succeeded in passing, unlawfully and unconstitu-
i oni su zakazali novu bez prava na to. Dakle, potpuno,
tionally, the declaration on sovereignty without any Serbian rep-
apsolutno je svaka brana kr{ewu propisa ustava, zakona
resentatives in the Assembly and without the Parliamentary
bila uklowena. Na toj skup{tini sam ja dr`ao govor
Chairman [being present], who had closed the session — and
koji je najvi{e eksploatisani govor od strane
they convened a new session without the right to do so. There-
Tu`ila{tva. To je najte`e {to imaju protiv mene. A taj
fore, all the barriers against the violation of the provisions of the
govor je, Ekselencije, jedan izrazito anti-ratni govor u
Constitution, as well as of the law, were fully and absolutely re-
kome Srpska strana — odnosno ja — moli i prekliwe za
moved. At that session, I delivered a speech which is the one
varijante koje ~uvaju mir i nudi sve mogu}e koncesije.
most exploited by the Prosecution. This is the most serious
Ako odbrani bude pru`ena uobi~ajena prilika i
charge they have against me. But that speech, Your Excellencies,
uslovi da dovr{i istrage, iznese sve relevantno,
is a pointedly anti-war speech in which the Serbian side is — in
vide}ete kako je ono {to se de{avalo na terenu u haosu
other words, I am — entreating and imploring [them] for alterna-
gra|anskog rata oboga}eno posebnom vrstom zlo~ina,
tives that would keep the peace and that I would offer all possi-
masovnog ubijawa sopstvenog stanovni{tva usred
ble concessions.
Sarajeva u redu za hleb, u Ulici Vase Miskina u redu za
vodu, na igrali{tu u Dobriwi, Markale I i Markale II.
To su neverovatni primeri, drska i neverovatna
68 69

inovacija takozvanog ratnog lukavstva na koje su The Cunning of Warfare — Markale

wegovi akteri ponosni. Now, if the typical opportunities and conditions to conduct
Ako bacimo, {to ka`e uva`eni g. Tiger, povr{an investigations, to present all the relevant evidence, are granted to
pogled na ovo {to imamo od materijala oko Markala, me for my defense, you will be able to see that what happened
mo`emo da vidimo kako ta stvar izgleda. on the ground in the chaos of a civil war that was enriched by its
own particular kinds of crime: the mass killing of one’s own
[PO~ETAK video klipa — Markale]
population in the center of Sarajevo in a bread line, on Vasa
Ovo je normalni dan kada ima robe i kada ima i Miskin Street in a line for water, on the athletic field in Dobrinja,
naroda na toj pijaci. Ovo je pijaca pre navodne Markale I, and Markale II. These are incredible examples, inso-
eksplozije srpske mine. Podne je, zimsko, februar 5. lent and incredible innovations in the so-called cunning of war-
1994. Ovo je noga koja je predvi|ena da bude odbijena — fare, of which the protagonists are proud.
da je srpska mina odbije od tela ne~ijega — to je If we reject what the esteemed Mr. Tieger says, the cursory
naravno ve{ta~ka noga, proteza. Nigde nema robe, nema glance cast upon the material we have concerning the Markale
qudi, nema ni~ega. A tu treba da se na|e 300–400 qudi incident, we can see how this incident really happened.43
od kojih }e 200 biti zaka~eno gelerima.
[START ʊ video clip of Markale]
Evo je ona proteza po{to je odbijena srpskom
granatom. Pogledajte, Va{oj pa`wi preporu~ujem ove This is a normal day when there is a lot of merchandise on
stolove. Nigde robe nema. U ovo zimsko popodne jedno sale and there are plenty of people attending the market. [EXHIB-
mra~no mesto, neprijatno, bez robe, bez i~ega, skupilo IT II] This is the Market before the alleged explosion of the Ser-
je 300-400 qudi. [ta su oni tu radili? bian mortar shell. [EXHIBIT III] It is a wintery afternoon, Febru-
Kako Tu`ila{tvo o~ekuje da mu iskusne sudije ary 5, 1994. This is a leg that was set up to be blown off — it
prihvate ovo podmetawe? was supposed to be a Serbian mortar shell that tore this limb
U sudnici }emo videti da je ovakvih — evo, to su from someone’s body — it is, of course, an artificial limb — a
le{evi poginulih boraca, koje su oni posejali odre|eni prosthetic. [EXHIBIT IV] There is no merchandise anywhere, no
broj — evo, ovaj, ovaj najlon — na tom najlonu je donesen people. There’s nothing at all. But 300–400 people are supposed
ovaj poginuli borac. A ovo je le{ koji ima uko~enost to have been there, of whom 200 were supposed to have been hit
mrtva~ku i star je ko zna koliko — i borac, naravno! by shrapnel from a mortar shell.
Vidite da nema robe. And here’s that same artificial limb that was supposed to
have been blown off by a Serbian mortar shell. [EXHIBIT V]
[KRAJ video klipa — Markale]
Now, I call your attention to the tables. Take a close look at
Evo, da ~ujemo {ta {ef... them. There is no merchandise. It was a dark winter afternoon,
an uninviting place, and there was no merchandise or anything at
70 71

[PO~ETAK Video klipa — Pukovnik all when 300 or 400 hundred people suddenly gathered. [EXHIB-
Demurenko] IT VI] What were they doing there?
How does the OTP expect experienced judges to accept such
@elim da se predstavim. Ja sam Pukovnik
fabricated evidence?
Demurenko. Ja sam na~elnik {taba
We will see in the courtroom that such — there, those are the
sektora Sarajeva. Ja }u obja{wavati
corpses of — dead soldiers — of which they scattered a pre-
detaqe istrage koji su dati za takozvanu
determined number. Here, take a look at this plastic [body] bag —
ekspertizu UN-a. Kao profesionalac, ne
the dead soldier was brought here in that plastic [body] bag. [EX-
mogu da se slo`im sa argumentima
HIBIT VII] And this is a corpse in which rigor mortis has already
specijalista UN-a o razlozima i izvorima
set in, and who knows how long he has been dead — and he’s a
ovog granatirawa. Ovaj je materijal — to
soldier, of course!
je samo dio cjelog materijala specijalista
You see that there is no merchandise.
UN-a o granatirawu, ali sa vrlo ~udnim
zakqu~kom u kojem su ideje o tome da je [END ʊ video clip of Markale]
granatirawe bilo sa srpske strane. Jedna
The Testimony of Corporal Demurenko
mala slika koja opisuje ugao. Ovo je pravac
Let’s hear what the Chief….
vatre, a ovo je mesto eksplozije. I u skladu
sa istragom, pravac vatre, paqbe je bio 176 [START ʊ video clip]
stepeni. I would like to introduce myself. I am Corporal
A danas na temequ istrage — vrlo male Demurenko, Chief of Staff, Sector Sarajevo. I
specijalisti~ke grupe, me|u kojima je bilo want to explain any details of [the] investigation
nekoliko oficira — bili smo na ovim which was provided by so-called UN expertise.
mjestima — pje{ke smo i{li — i mogu As a professional man, I cannot agree with [the]
apsolutno potvrditi, van svake sumwe, da argument of UN specialist about [the] reasons
su ova mjesta neprihvatqiva i nepogodna and sources of this shelling. This is a material —
za izbacivawe minobaca~ke granate. maybe one portion of whole [sic] material of UN
specialist about this shelling, but with [a] very
Prema tome, zakqu~ak ove istrage je bio
strange conclusion: include [the] idea about the
pogre{an. Govorim samo o ovom terenu
shelling was from [the] Serbian side. [A] small
gdje se nalaze srpske trupe. Oni su radili
picture which explained [the] angle. This is the
istragu samo o uglu i pravcima vatre, i
line of fire, this is [the] place of explosion. And
automatski su razmi{qali o takozvanoj
in accordance with [the] investigation, [the] di-
srpskoj agresiji na civilno stanovni{t-
rection of fire was 176 degrees.
72 73

vo Sarajeva. A mislim da to nije Today, personally, with my special — not spe-

ispravno. cial — very small investigation group, including
upper [sic] officers — we was [sic] on this
Zaustavimo ih! Zaustavimo la`ne izjave
place — this place, this, this and this. Really by
o srpskoj agresiji na Sarajevo. Treba
my foot [sic]. And I can affirm absolutely with-
obaviti apsolutno korektnu istragu sa
out, beyond any doubts. This is place unaccepta-
punom argumentacijom ili je zaustaviti.
ble or unsuitable for [the] firing position [of a]
[KRAJ video klipa — Pukovnik Demurenko] mortar shell.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄ, ɤɚɞ ɝɨɞ Vam je zgodan For conclusion of material of [this] investigation
trenutak za pauzu. was wrong. Now I said [sic] only about terrain
KARAXI]: Ⱥɤɨ dopustite samo da zavr{im svoj pogled where is located Serbian troops. They investi-
na ovu ɫɬɜɚɪ. Ovo je jedno ratno lukavstvo koje je dovelo gate only angles and directions and [are] auto-
do ka`wavawa Srba kao ratuju}e strane i wene vojske. matically thinking about Serbian so-called ag-
Ka`u da je u ratu i u qubavi sve dozvoqeno. Ja ne gressions against [the] civilian population in Sa-
mislim ni da je u ratu ni da je u qubavi sve dozvoqeno. rajevo. But I think it’s not correct.
Ali sasvim sigurno, ako je u ratu dozvoqeno ovakvo Let’s stop them! Stop false and falsehood and
ratno lukavstvo, postavqa mi se pitawe da li je ono lie[s] about Serbian aggressions in this area.
dozvoqeno u sudovima? Kako se usu|uje Tu`ila{tvo da Please! Or investigate it absolutely correctly
ovo Vama ponudi da to prihvatite kao istinu? A nema with full argumentation or stop it.
nijednog elementa, nema toga ni{anxije koji }e jednom
[END ʊ video clip]
granatom minobaca~kom — koja je indirektna vatra —
pogoditi tu pijacu, na kojoj nema qudi, na kojoj nema JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, whenever you find it convenient.
robe, na kojoj se odjednom pojavquje dvesta pogo|enih —
KARADŽIû: If you permit me, I would just like to conclude my
i hajmo re}i bar stotinu nije pogo|eno. Je su li oni
views on this particular matter. This was an act of wartime cun-
stolovi za{tili nekoga?
ning which led to the punishment of the Serbs and their Army as
E, ja mislim da je to vrhunac da se ovo donese u sud i
warring parties. It is said that all is fair in love and war. I don’t
da se tu u sudu mo`e desiti vrhunski zlo~in koji se zove
think that all is fair in either love or war. But it is certain that if
nepravda. Jer pravda i nepravda stanuju u istoj zgradi u
such cunning is permissible in warfare, I must pose the question
palatama pravde. Hajmo u ratno lukavstvo, u redu.
whether it is also permissible in a court of law? How dare the
Prevarili ste nas, {ta ste sve uradili, ali
Prosecution present this to you as if it were the truth? And there is
Tu`ila{tvo nastavqa to ratno lukavstvo na strani
not one single element, there is not a single artilleryman who can,
mojih ratnih protivnika i donosi to ovde da osudi
with a single shell from a mortar — which is indirect fire — hit
jednog generala na do`ivotni zatvor, jer to je bilo u
74 75

vreme generala Gali}a. I sada poku{ava da i mene this market where there aren’t any people, where there isn’t any
osudi kao wegovog vrhovnog komandanta za stvar koju merchandise, where all of a sudden two hundred wounded appear
nismo uradili. — let’s at least say that a hundred people were not hit. Did those
Jedno Ve}e je dobilo za tu varijantu. U tom Ve}u je market stalls protect anyone?
bilo kod Radi}a jedno izuzetno mi{qewe. Ali je na
Supreme Injustice of the ICTY
`albenom dobilo — pet sudija je ovo Tu`ila{tvo
I think it is a supreme injustice that this [case] was brought to
uverilo da su ovo Srbi uradili. A zlo~in — pored toga
trial, and that here in court a capital crime could be committed,
{to je zlo~in nepravde, zlo~in nad zlo~inama ve}i od
which is called injustice. Because justice and injustice dwell in the
ovoga, i jo{ ve}i od ovoga je zlo~in uveriti
same edifice in the palace of justice. Let’s return to the subject of
muslimanske mase da su im ovo Srbi uradili. Kako se
wartime cunning. You deceived us with everything you have
o~ekuje pomirewe Srba i Muslimana ako Muslimani
done, but the Prosecution is continuing this wartime cunning on
veruju da su im ovo Srbi uradili? A nisu uradili. Vidi
behalf of my wartime adversaries and introduces it here to convict
se da nisu uradili. I mo`emo da doka`emo da nisu
a general to life imprisonment — I’m talking about the trial of
uradili. I ovo i sve incidente masovnih stradawa u
General Galiü.44 And now the Prosecution is trying to convict me
Sarajevu, to }emo ovde dokazati da nisu Srbi uradili.
as his supreme commander for something we did not do.
Eto, Ekselencije, mislim da je o ovom incidentu za
One Trial Chamber already succeeded with this tactic. In the
uvodnu re~ dovoqno, ali moram da preporu~im Va{oj
Radiü Trial Chamber, there was an instance of exceptional think-
pa`wi trikove ratne koje je Tu`ila{tvo preuzelo i
ing. However, the OTP won on appeal — the OTP convinced
nastavqa s wima kao da rat nije zavr{en. Time
five appellate judges that this crime was committed by the Serbs.
Tu`ila{tvo postaje u~esnik u ratu i ono poku{ava i
But the crime — besides the crime of injustice, a crime greater
ovaj sud da u~ini u~esnikom u ratu u korist jedne od
than all others, even this one — and the even greater crime of
zara}enih strana.
convincing the Muslim masses that Serbs did this. How can one
Mo`emo na pauzu, Ekcelencije, ako vi odlu~ujeɬɟ.
expect a reconciliation between Serbs and Muslims if the Mus-
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Napraviʄɟɦɨ ɩɚɭɡɭ ɨɞ 20 ɦɢɧɭɬɚ. lims believe that the Serbs did this to them? But they didn’t do it.
It is evident that they didn’t do it. And we can prove that the
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: ɑɚɫɧɢ ɋɭɞɟ, ɨɩɪɨɫɬɢɬɟ, ɚɥɢ ɚɤɨ ɛɢɯ
Serbs didn’t do this. We are going to prove that the Serbs were
ɦɨɝɚɨ ɜɪɥɨ ɤɪɚɬɤɨ ɞɚ ɩɨɦɟɧɢɦ ʁɟɞɧɭ ɩɨɬɟɧɰɢʁɚɥɧɭ ɬɚɱɤɭ
not responsible for this as well as all the other instances of mass
ɪɚɡʁɚɲʃɟʃɚ ɩɪɟ ɩɚɭɡɟ. Ɇɨʁ ɪɚɧɢʁi ɡɚɯɬɟɜ ɭ ɜɟɡɢ ɫɚ ɦɟɪɨɦ
killing in Sarajevo.
ɨɩɪɟɡɧɨɫɬɢ, ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ ɤɨʁɢ ʁɟ ɩɨɞɧɟɬ 13. ɮɟɛɪɭɚɪɚ, ɜɟɪɭʁɟɦ,
There you have it, Excellencies. I think that this will suffice as
ɧɢʁɟ ɛɢɨ ɨ ɭɩɨɡɨɪɟʃɭ — ɨɩɪɨɫɬɢɬɟ — ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɨɦɟ ɭ ɩɨɝɥɟɞɭ
far as the opening statement is concerned with respect to this par-
ɧɚɫɬɚɜɤɚ ɫɭɻɟʃɚ, ɲɬɨ ʁɟ ɛɢɥɚ ʁɟɞɧɚ ɪɚɧɢʁɚ ɬɟɦɚ, ɧɟɝɨ ɨ
ticular incident, but I must call your attention to these wartime
ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝɭ ɡɚ ɭɩɭɬɫɬɜɨ ɭ ɜɟɡɢ ɫɚ ɩɪɢɯɜɚɬʂɢɜɨɲʄɭ ɩɨɞɧɟɫɚɤɚ.
tricks that the OTP simply adopted and continues to use as if the
Ɍɨ ʁɟ ɦɨɠɞɚ ɛɢɥɨ ʁɚɫɧɨ, ɚɥɢ ɫɚɦ ɢɩɚɤ ɯɬɟɨ ɞɚ ɪɚɡʁɚɫɧɢɦ ʁɟɪ ʁɟ
war were not over. In this fashion, the OTP becomes a participant
76 77

ɤɨɞ ɦɟɧɟ ɩɨɡɢɜɚʃɟ ɋɭɞɚ ɧɚ ɩɪɟɬɯɨɞɧɭ ɞɢɫɤɭɫɢʁɭ ɢɡɚɡɜɚɥɨ in the war, and it is trying to draft this Chamber and this Tribunal
ɡɚɛɪɢɧɭɬɨɫɬ ɞɚ ɋɭɞɫɤɨ ȼɟʄɟ ɫɦɚɬɪɚ ɞɚ ɫɚɦ ʁɚ ɦɢɫɥɢɨ ɧɚ into the war as a participant for the benefit of one of the warring
ɦɨɝɭʄɧɨɫɬ ɭɩɨɡɨɪɟʃɚ ɨ ɧɚɫɬɚɜɤɭ, ɚ ɧɟ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ ɡɚ ɭɩɭɬɫɬɜɨ ɨ parties.
ɩɪɢɯɜɚɬʂɢɜɨɫɬɢ ɢɫɤɚɡɚ. We may pause now, Excellencies, if this is convenient.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɉɪɢɯɜɚɬʂɢɜɨɫɬ ɩɨɞɧɟɫɚɤɚ. JUDGE KWON: We’ll break for 20 minutes.
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: Ɉɞ ɩɨɞɧɟɫɚɤɚ, ɱɚɫɧɢ ɋɭɞɟ, ɬɚɱɧɨ. ɂ ɬɨ MR. TIEGER: Your Honor, excuse me, but if I could raise one
ʁɟ ɛɢɨ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ ɩɨɞɧɟɬ 23. ɮɟɛɪɭɚɪɚ. ȼɟɪɭʁɟɦ ɞɚ ʁɟ ɨɞɛɪɚɧɚ potential point of clarification before you break very quickly. My
ɪɟɚɝɨɜɚɥɚ ɭɤɚɡɭʁɭʄɢ ɞɚ ɧɟɦɚʁɭ ɫɬɚɜ ɨ ɬɨɦɟ. earlier request in connection with a cautionary measure, that is the
motion filed on February 13th, I believe, was not about a warning
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɉɨɝɥɟɞɚʄɟɦɨ ɡɚ ɜɪɟɦɟ ɩɚɭɡɟ.
— excuse me — to the Accused concerning the continuance of
Ⱦɜɚɞɟɫɟɬ ɦɢɧɭɬɚ.
trial, which was the earlier subject, but instead to the motion for an
— ɉɚɭɡɚ ɩɨɱɟɥɚ ɭ 10:29.
instruction regarding admissibility of submissions. It may well
have been understood but I wanted to clarify that because the
Court’s reference to previous discussion caused me some concern
that the Bench may have been thinking I was referring to the pos-
sibility of a warning about continuance rather than the motion for
an instruction regarding the admissibility of statements.
JUDGE KWON: Admissibility of submissions.
MR. TIEGER: Of submissions instead, Your Honor, yes. And
that was a motion filed on February 23rd. I believe the Defense
responded by indicating they had no position on that.
JUDGE KWON: We’ll take a look over the break. Twenty
— Recess taken at 10:29 a.m.
78 79

— ɇɚɫɬɚɜɚɤ ɭ 10:53. — On resuming at 10:53 a.m.

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ, ɦɢ ɫɦɨ ɩɪɟɝɥɟɞɚɥɢ JUDGE KWON: Mr. Tieger, we looked at the motion you re-
ɩɪɟɞɥɨɝ ɤɨʁɢ ɫɬɟ ɫɩɨɦɟɧɭɥɢ ɢ ȼɟʄɟ ʁɟ ɡɚɤʂɭɱɢɥɨ ɞɚ ʁɟ ɭ ɨɜɨʁ ferred to, and the Chamber found it sufficient to note that [at]
ɟɬɚɩɢ ɞɨɜɨʂɧɨ ɢɫɬɚʄɢ ɞɚ ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɢ ɞɚʁɟ ɫɜɨʁɭ ɢɡʁɚɜɭ ɭ this stage that it is pursuant to Rule 84 that the Accused is mak-
ɫɤɥɚɞɭ ɫɚ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɨɦ 84, ɚ ɞɚ ʄɟ ɨɫɬɚɬɚɤ ɛɢɬɢ ɪɚɡɦɚɬɪɚɧ ɩɨɫɥɟ ing his statement, and then the remainder will be taken care of
ʃɟɝɨɜɟ ɢɡʁɚɜɟ. after his statement.
ȽɈɋɉɈȾɂɇ ɌɂȽȿɊ: ɋɯɜɚɬɚɦ, ɱɚɫɧɢ ɋɭɞɟ, ɚ ʁɚ ɧɢɫɚɦ MR. TIEGER: I understand, Your Honor, and I wasn’t disputing
ɨɫɩɨɪɚɜɚɨ ɋɭɞ ɧɚ ɛɢɥɨ ɤɨʁɢ ɧɚɱɢɧ. ɋɚɦɨ ɫɚɦ ɫɟ ɩɥɚɲɢɨ ɞɚ the Court in any way. I just was concerned about the possibility
ɩɨɫɬɨʁɢ ɦɨɝɭʄɧɨɫɬ ɡɚɛɭɧɟ. ɏɜɚɥɚ. of some confusion. Thank you.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ, ɦɨɥɢɦ JUDGE KWON: Thank you. Mr. Karadžiü, please continue.
ɜɚɫ ɧɚɫɬɚɜɢɬɟ.
Lord David Owen’s Observations
KARAXI]: @eleo bi sada da vidimo {ta Lord Oven, KARADŽIû: I would now like for us to see what Lord Owen,
koji je bio posrednik u tra`ewu mira, govori o who was a mediator in the search for peace, has to say about
Markalama. Markale.
[PO~ETAK video klipa] [START ʊ video clip]
Lord Oven, biv{i {ef Britanske Lord Owen, the former chief of British diplo-
diplomatije, predstavqa Evropu kao ko- macy. He represents Europe as Co-Chairman of
predsednik Konferencije o biv{oj the Conference on the former Yugoslavia to-
Jugoslaviji zajedno sa g. Stoltenbergom, gether with Mr. Stoltenberg, a representative of
predstavnikom Ujediwenih Nacija. 12-og the UN. On the evening of February 12, a doz-
februara, uve~e, dvanaestorica en or so foreign ministers received reports,
ministara spoqnih poslova su primili which we have photocopied, specifically Para-
izve{taj, koji smo mi fotokopirali, a graph 7 which is related to the Sarajevo attack
posebno paragraf 7 koji se odnosi na on February 5. Lord Owen wrote, I quote: “The
atentat 5-og februara u Sarajevu. Lord position from which this shell was launched is
Oven pi{e, citiram: “Mesto sa kojega je located one to one-and-a-half kilometers inside
ispaqen ovaj projektil nalazi se na jedan Muslim-held territory, as measured from the
do jedan i po kilometar unutar line of demarcation which separates this territo-
teritorije pod kontrolom Muslimana, ry from that held by the Army of Republika
izmeren od demarkacione linije koja ga Srpska.”
deli od Vojske Republike Srpske.”
80 81

[KRAJ video klipa] [END ʊ video clip]

Vide}ete, Ekselencije, u ovoj sudnici mno{tvo Excellencies, you will see in this courtroom a multitude of simi-
sli~nih `alosnih inscenacija, koje je suprotna strana lar sorrowful incidents that the other side committed against its
~inila svome narodu, a vide}ete i za{to u wihovoj own people, and you will see why this has been written into their
ideologiji je to zapisano kao obaveza. ideology as an obligation.
Sad bi preporu~io Va{oj pa`wi jo{ jedan takav Now I’d like to call your attention to yet one other such trick
trik koji je nama tamo naneo zna~ajne {tete, a evo that caused us serious damage, and now the Prosecution is trying
Tu`ila{tvo poku{ava da iz wih izvu~e jo{ neki to extract some further benefit from it.
[START ʊ video clip]
[PO~ETAK video klipa]
“There is no use in anybody pretending that
“Nema smisla pretvarati se da ovde ima there are innocents in this business, and that
nevinih, da je jedna strana ~ista dok je there is one side that is pure white, the victims,
druga agresorska. To nije tako.” and other side pure-on black, the aggressors.
That is not the case.”
Lord Dejvid Oven je do{ao u BiH u
avgustu 1992-e godine da bi zamenio Lorda Lord David Owen came to B-H in August of
Karingtona kao posrednika Evropske 1992 to replace Lord Carrington as mediator for
zajednice. On je do{ao sa reputacijom the European Community and with a reputation
`estokog kriti~ara Bosanskih Srba. as a hardline critic of the Bosnian Serbs. But
Ali, Oven je brzo shvatio da Muslimani Owen quickly learned that Muslim forces rou-
~esto izmi{qaju incidente da bi tinely staged incidents to turn world opinion
pokrenuli javno mwewe protiv Srba. against the Serbs. Media reports, for instance,
Mediji su, na primer, optu`ili Srbe za had accused the Serbs of targeting Koševo Hos-
granatirawe bolnice Ko{evo u Sarajevu. pital in Sarajevo.
“Posmatra~i UN-a su videli grupu “The UN monitors actually saw a mortar bomb,
vojnika u uniformama muslimanske vojske a mortar crew come into the hospital in Bosnian
kako unose minobaca~e u bolnicu i government military forces uniform and fire
ispaquju granatu u pravcu gde su bile over the Koševo Hospital into an area, presuma-
Srpske snage. Posle toga su se jako brzo bly Serb. The mortar was packed up pretty
spakovali i oti{li. Stigle su TV ekipe quickly. A television crew arrives, set up on the
nekoliko minuta kasnije i to je sve grounds of the hospital. A few minutes later, re-
taliatory fire from the place where the mortar
82 83

snimqeno, i neko vreme kasnije su pale came and, of course, landed on the hospital, all
granate sa Srpskih polo`aja.” filmed on television.”
Oven je ~uo da je vladi Aliji Owen learned a strongly worded letter had been
Izebegovi}a, komandant UN snage u sent to the government of Alija Izetbegoviü by
Sarajevo, General Filip Morijon, poslao the UN commander in Sarajevo, General
izuzetno o{tro pismo. U wemu je pisalo: Philippe Morillon, stating: “I have concrete evi-
“Jedan konkretan dokaz od svedoka ovog dence from witnesses of this disreputable and
gnusnog ~ina. Moram da vas upozorim na cowardly act. I must point out to you the harm
posledice koje mo`e imati ovakvo that such blatant disregard for the Geneva Con-
o~igledno kr{ewe @enevske Konven- vention does to your cause.”
Then I said to General Morillon, who is, I think,
Jer, General Morijon je mislio da je to an exceptionally able soldier in every way:
tako. Kad sam pitao Generala Morijona, “Why don’t you make all this public?” He
on mi je rekao u svakom pogledu: “Za{to shrugged his shoulders in a sort of Gallic way
niste objavili ovo pismo?” On je samo and he said: “We have to live here.”
slegnuo ramenima i rekao: “Moramo da
Lord Owen and UN mediator Cyrus Vance
`ivimo ovde.”
found that their efforts to negotiate a compro-
Lord Oven i posrednik UN Sajrus Vens su mise to end the conflict were undermined by the
shvatili da su wihovi napori da postignu propaganda war that targeted U.S. public opin-
kompromis stalno sabotirani propagand- ion.
nim ratom, namewenim Ameri~koj pub-
“In America they have a press and a television
presentation that is still Cowboys and Indians,
“U Americi jo{ uvek imaju predstavu da good and bad guys. They like to see things in
su to Kauboji i Indijanci, dobri i lo{i simple terms. There’s no doubt about that, and it
momci. Oni vole da vide stvari na has been helped by some very strongly motivat-
jednostavan na~in. Tu je bila od koristi i ed propaganda. It’s a propaganda war as well as
`estoka propaganda i to je bio isto- an actual physical war. There were spectacular
vremeno i propagandni i pravi rat. Bilo events.”
je spektakularnih doga|aja.”
[END ʊ video clip]
[KRAJ video klipa]
84 85

Da. Ovo {to ka`e Wegovo Vo|stvo propagandni rat. Taj Propaganda War
propagandni rat se nije mogao voditi i zamisliti i sva Yes. What His Lordship calls a propaganda war. This propa-
ova lukavstva nisu mogla da se kwi`e kao srpska ganda war could not have been waged or imagined, and all this
krivica i srpska odgovornost bez pomo}i svih onih koji cunning could not have been booked against the Serbs if it were
su bili tamo u ime me|unarodne zajednice. Vide}ete u not for the assistance of all of those who were there on behalf of
ovoj sudnici tokom vremena, tokom procesa, kako su the International Community. In due course during this trial, you
nisko pale humanitarne organizacije, pa ~ak i neke od will see in this courtroom the low level to which humanitarian
najvi{ih i neke od dosada potpuno nespornih, preko organizations have fallen, from some of the most esteemed, some
nekih obskurnih koji su bez ikakvih granica — i dobar of which up until now had been incontestable, to other obscure
im je naziv, oni su zaista bez ikakvih granica — koje su ones that, unimpeded by borders — and that’s a good name for
upropastile i samu ideju humanitarnosti. Bavile se them because they are not restricted by any borders — destroyed
klasi~nim {pijunskim radom za svoje zemqe u korist the very essence of humanitarianism.45 They performed classic
jedne zara}ene strane. Krilale la`i u svojim espionage work for their countries on behalf of one warring party.
izve{tajima. Lagale u javnim saop{tewima, posu|ivala They concealed lies in their reports. They lied in press releases.
svoja privilegovana vozila pripadnicima nacionalnih They lent their protected vehicles to members of armed nationalist
oru`anih snaga nekih zemaqa koji su tamo bile na forces of some countries who were present illegally, who also
nezakonit na~in prisutne, prolazile na{e linije pod crossed our lines under the aegis of those organizations by means
firmom tih organizacija i za{ti}enih kola. A posle, of their protected vehicles. And later, when our soldiers became
kada na{i vojnici to posumwaju i po~nu kontrolu, onda suspicious and began conducting inspections, we were then
mi dobijamo optu`be da smo neprijatni prema tim charged with being hostile to such organizations. They smuggled
organizacijama. [vercovali su oru`je u tim kolima. weapons in those vehicles. They smuggled in enemy combatants.
[vercovali su borce suprotne strane. Jednom re~ju, In short, they were a warring party.
bili su ratuju}a strana. When our troops legitimately began defending themselves
A kada se na{a vojska legitimno po~ne braniti od from these acts of sabotage, illegal acts committed by individual
tih diverzantskih akcija, nezakonitih akcija pojedinih humanitarian organizations, whether they were doing this on
organizacija humanitarnih koje, ili to rade same ili their own or whether they were simply lending their protected
dadnu svoja za{ti}ena vozila, onda imamo prqavi rat vehicles, then we had this dirty war being conducted against us
protiv nas iz svih oru|a u medijima, ovo {to je Lord [which utilized] all the media tools, and as Lord Owen said, it
Oven rekao, tako|e, to ne bi moglo biti bez medija. could not have happened without the media.
Vide}ete tokom ovog perioda, tokom ovog procesa, You will see during this period of time, during the course of
kako su la`ni novinari upropastili ideju novinarstva. these proceedings, how fake journalists ruined the very idea of
Objektivno. Kako su ti la`ni novinari proizveli journalism. Objectively. How these fake journalists brought
smrti mnogih novinara {irom sveta po rati{tima. I about the deaths of many [genuine] journalists in many theatres
86 87

jesu upropastili ideju o nepristrasnosti novinara i of war throughout the world. And they did ruin the idea of im-
zloupotrebili su tu svetu poziciju da nisu pristrasni i partial journalism, and they abused this sacred position of impar-
da nisu ratuju}a strana i da im treba biti pristup tiality, of not being a warring party, and they [abused their privi-
otvoren svuda, kao {to smo im mi otvorili svuda. lege of having to] have open access everywhere, just as we gave
Kao {to smo, recimo, ekipu jedne Britanske them unrestricted access anywhere they wanted to go.
televizije doveli svojim avionom na povratku sa
Penny Marshall’s Mendacious Documentary for ITN
konferencije u Londonu. Otvorili im zemqu da idu gde
Just as we, for instance, brought a UK TV crew on our own
ho}e, a onda su napravili jedne druge Markale — to je
plane on our way back from the London Conference. We allowed
bilo 1992-e godine. Vide}ete sada u ovom video iz
them to go anywhere in the country they wanted to go, and then
Trnopoqa za koje }emo dokazati da nije bio logor, nego
they perpetrated a second Markale. That was in 1992. You will
je bio prihvatili{te kojim su upravqali same
now see this video footage from Trnopolje which will prove that it
izbeglice. Evo kako se pojavila ona slika sa
was not a concentration camp; it was, instead, a refugee shelter
bodqikavom `icom u svetu.
that was run by the refugees themselves. This is how that picture
[PO~ETAK video klipa] with the barbed wire was broadcast throughout the world.46
Selo Trnopoqe. Centar su koristili [START ʊ video clip of Judgment]
qudi koji su bili u prolazu, koji su hteli
The village of Trnopolje. The center was mainly
da se sklone od borbi.
used by people in transit. They were trying to
“…. Niza{ta. Za{to se ja borim? ȳɚ ɫɚɦ — get away from the fighting, and needed a place
imao sam sre}u — do{‘o sa malom djecom, to stay during their travels.
bilo prete`e male dece. Tu niz poqe.
“We have nothing to fight for. I came with chil-
Nije niko nas maltretirao. Nije niko nas
dren, young children, here down the field. No-
ni dirao. Ja sam potpuno [nerazumqivo] u
body harassed us. Nobody laid a finger on us. I
selo ….”
stayed in the village.”
Izbegli~ki Centar u Trnopoqu je imao i
The refugee center in Trnopolje included a med-
lekarske prostorije. Muslimanski dok-
ical facility. The Yugoslav and ITN crews inter-
tor je tamo radio.
viewed Dr. Mestroniü, Idris, a Muslim doctor
“Od prvog dana smo ovde bili zajedno. Sa there.
ovog terena su dobrovoqno dolazili.
“We have been here from the very first day.
Verovatno iz nesta{ice hrane.”
People came here of their own free will, proba-
Ƚɨɫɩɨɻɚ Ɇɚɪɲɚɥ ʁɟ ɨɞɥɭɱɢɥɚ ɞɚ ɧɟ snima bly because of food shortages.”
ovo. Umesto toga, ona i wena ekipa su se
88 89

pomerili u deo koje je slu`io za Ms. Marshall chose not to set up her cameras
skladi{tewe. Stavila ɫɜɨʁɟ ɤɚɦɟɪɟ ɢ and film in this open area. Instead, she and her
ɫɧɢɦɚ ɭ ɨɜɨɦ ɨɬɜɨɪɟɧɨɦ ɩɪɨɫɬɨɪɭ. ɍɦɟɫɬɨ crew maneuvered into a partly enclosed space
ɬɨɝɚ, ɨɧɚ ɢ ʃɟɧɚ ɟɤɢɩɚ ɫɭ ɭɲɥɢ ɭ ɞɟɥɢɦɢɱɧɨ used as a storage area for wheelbarrows and the
ɡɚɬɜɨɪɟɧ ɩɪɨɫɬɨɪ ɤɨʁɢ ʁɟ ɛɢɨ ɤɨɪɢɲʄɟɧ ɤɚɨ like. The dilapidated fence had chicken wire on
ɫɤɥɚɞɢɲɧɢ ɩɪɨɫɬɨɪ ɡɚ ɤɨɥɢɰɚ ɢ ɫɥɢɱɧɨ. the bottom, a few strands of barbed wire on top
Ɉɪɨɧɭɥɚ ɨɝɪɚɞɚ ʁɟ ɢɦɚɥɚ ɠɢɱɚɧɭ ɨɝɪɚɞɭ ɩɪɢ to discourage theft. Our crew filmed the ITN
ɞɧɭ ɢ ɧɟɤɨɥɢɤɨ ɪɟɞɨɜɚ ɛɨɞʂɢɤɚɜɟ ɠɢɰɟ ɧɚ people as they maneuvered into this area through
ɜɪɯɭ ɞɚ ɫɟ ɫɩɪɟɱɢ ɤɪɚɻɚ. ɇɚɲɚ ɟɤɢɩɚ ʁɟ a hole in the broken-down fence. Someone in
ɫɧɢɦɚɥɚ ɂɌɇ ʂɭɞɟ ɞɨɤ ɫɭ ɫɟ ɨɧɢ ɭɥɚɡɢɥɢ ɭ front of the crowd of refugees said, “Here, this
ɬɚʁ ɨɝɪɚɻɟɧɢ ɩɪɨɫɬɨɪ ɤɪɨɡ ɪɭɩɭ ɭ ɨɪɨɧɭɥɨʁ one speaks English,” pointing to Mr. Mehmet
ɨɝɪɚɞɢ. ɇɟɤɨ ɢɡ ɝɪɭɩɟ ɢɡɛɟɝɥɢɰɚ ʁɟ ɪɟɤɚɨ, [phonetic spelling].
'ȿɜɨ, ɨɜɚʁ ɝɨɜɨɪɢ ɟɧɝɥɟɫɤɢ,' ɩɨɤɚɡɭʁɭʄɢ ɧɚ
“I think it’s very safe.”
ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɚ Ɇɟɯɦɟɬɚ.”
Here is a little diagram showing the position the
“Ja mislim da je ovde veoma bezbedno.”
position of the two crews. [EXHIBIT VIII] The
Evo ovde imate jedan dijagram koji ITN people are the blue circle on the left; we’re
pokazuje, koji dokazuje da su ITN qudi the red circle on the right.
ozna~eni plavom, a ovi drui crvenom
Penny Marshall had set up her cameras behind
the barbed wire. She was in position. Now she
Peni Mar{al je postavila svoje kamere searched the crowd for that perfect look. She
iza bodqikave `ice. Ona je gde treba wanted a star for the story, the story she would
biti. Sada tra`i u gu`vi ~oveka koji ima sell the world.
izgled koji wojzi treba. Treba joj zvezda
[END ʊ video clip of Judgment]
za ovu pri}u koju }e prodati {irom svetu.
Your Excellencies, we will prove this with the aid of evidence
[KRAJ video klipa]
that the Prosecution has been trying to use against us. We will
Ekselencije, dokaza}emo pomo}u dokaza koje prove what we are trying to say.
Tu`ila{tvo poku{ava da upotrebi protiv nas. This was a refugee center. It was a camp, a temporary shelter
Dokaza}emo ono {to mi ho}emo da ka`emo. for people who had nowhere to go because of the fighting. This
Ovo je bio prihvatni centar. Bio je to logor, will clearly demonstrate that even the evidence that the Prosecu-
prolazno mesto, za qude koji nisu zbog borbi imali gde.
90 91

To }e Vam zorno pokazati i dokazi koje Tu`ila{tvo tion is trying to use against us — but we are going to use it in our
poku{ava da upotrebi protiv nas — ali }emo mi to own defense.
upotrebiti u na{u odbranu. The TV crew that you saw went into the area where tools
Ekipa koju ste videli u{la je u mesto gde se ~uva were stored. It was surrounded by barbed wire. They enclosed
alate. To mesto je ogra|eno bodqikavom `icom. Oni su themselves in barbed wire, but were videotaping people who were
sebe zatvorili u bodqikavu `icu i snimali su slobodne free. This image went through that barbed wire and then traveled
qude. Kroz tu bodqikavu `icu, ta slika je obi{la svet. all over the world. We suffered bitterly because of this. We were
Mi smo `estoko patili zbog toga. Mi smo ka`wavani punished a hundred different ways for these images, yet please
na stotine na~ina zbog ove slike, i molim vas, ne note that I am unconcerned as to how Ms. Penny Marshall sleeps
zanima me kako spava Gospo|ica Peni Mar{al posle at night after all the harm she inflicted on us with those images.
toga {ta nam je nanela ovom slikom. Ali vas molim, da But I ask you, is it permissible to admit such things [as evidence]
li to sme da do|e u sud? I da se u sudu nastavqa ratno in court? And to have this wartime cunning continued in a court of
lukavstvo i naprosto od toga, stvara slika o Srbima, i law simply to create an [fake] image of Serbs in order to condemn
Srbi optu`uju i osu|uju. and indict them?
Spomiwao sam ovde da smo u~inili sve {to smo
The Serbian-Muslim Historic Agreement
mogli da se sklopi mir, da se izbegne rat. Podseti}u vas
I have said here that we had done everything in our power to
da je 1991-e godine bilo mnoga tenzija: rat je u
achieve peace and to avoid war. Let me remind you that there was
Hrvatskoj; u Bosni su nesporazumi. Onda ova mawa
a great deal of tension in 1991: there was a war going on in Croa-
muslimanska stranka, MBO (Muslimanska-Bo{wa~ka
tia; there were misunderstandings in Bosnia. Then this junior Mus-
Organizacija) koju su vodili Zulfikarpa{i} i
lim party, the MBO [the Muslim-Bosniak Organization], led by
Filipovi}, do{la kod nas i rekla: “Ovo nevaqa. Nije
Zulfikarpašiü and Filipoviü, came to see us and said: “This is bad.
dobro {ta se de{ava. Ho}ete li vi da odustanete od
What’s going on is no good. Will you abandon the idea of the re-
ovih reorganizacija, od Srpskih autonomnih oblasti?”
organization of Serbian autonomous counties?” And all those oth-
Od svih onih mera koji smo mi preduzimali iskqu~ivo
er measures that we undertook exclusively as a response to the
kao odgovor na mere koje su SDA protiv nas
measures undertaken against us by the SDA. And we accepted
upotrebqavala. Mi smo prihvatili. Evo {ta svedo~i
[their proposal]. Here is the testimony of one of their leaders, the
jedan od vo|a, potpresednik te strane, koji su smislili
Vice President of the party which designed and proposed the his-
i predlo`ili istorijski Srpsko-Muslimanski
toric Serbian-Muslim Agreement by which war had been avoided,
sporazum po kome se rat izbegava, i sve se sre|uje, da
and had arranged everything so that Muslims and Serbs could live
Muslimani i Srbi `ive sasvim dobro i mo`emo da
alongside each other very well, and we can now only imagine
zamislimo sada gde bi bili Srbi i gde bi bili
where the Serbs would be and where the Muslims would be [i.e.,
Muslimani. Koliko bi bilo vi{i `ivih i koliko bi
if that agreement had been implemented]. How many more people
bilo mawe siroma{nih, i koliko bi bilo boqe da je
would still be alive and how many fewer impoverished people
92 93

ovaj sporazum prihva}en. A mi smo, podse}am, sve mere there would be had this agreement been accepted.47 And, as I said,
koje smo doneli kao odgovor na nezakonito pona{aawe we abandoned all the measures that we had employed as a re-
SDA i HDZ, kao odgovor na kr{ewe na{ih ustavnih sponse to the illegal conduct undertaken by the SDA and the
prava i zakonskih prava i prava po osnovu HDZ, as a response to the violations of our constitutional rights,
me|unarodnih akata koji i nas {tite, sve smo to lawful rights, based on international covenants that protected us,
napustili onoga trena kada su do{li Zulfikarpa{i} i the moment Zulfikarpašiü and Filipoviü made this proposal.
Filipovi} da predlo`e ovo. Now is a good time to point out the illusion that the Prosecu-
E, sada je tu trenutak da uka`emo na jednu iluziju tion wants to create, because without such an illusion, without
koju Tu`ila{tvo ho}e da stvori jer bez toga ne mo`e, such metonymy, and without such trickery they cannot indict
bez te iluzije, bez te metonimije, bez tog trika, ne me, and charges against me are impossible. They claim that
mo`e nas da optu`i, ne mo`e optu`nica protiv mene. Serbs would not live with Muslims. On the other hand, we were
Oni ka`u da Srbi ne}e da `ive sa Muslimanima. A mi doing everything possible to keep the Muslims with us in Yugo-
~inimo sve da Muslimani ostanu s nama u Jugoslaviji. slavia. The Serbs want to live with Muslims, but they don’t want
Srbi ho}e da `ive sa Muslimanima; Srbi ne}e da `ive to live under Muslim rule. The Serbs will not live [under such
pod Muslimanima. Srbi ne}e da `ive i nikada to ne}e, conditions] and they will never accept it, and this is our right.
i to je na{e pravo. Nikada ne}emo `iveti pod tim We shall never live under such a regime that would restrict our
re`imom u koji bi nas li{io na{ih osnovnih prava. fundamental rights.
Dakle, optu`nica bi morala odmah da padne kad Therefore, once we have established that Serbs were willing
utvrdimo da Srbi ho}e da `ive sa Muslimanima. Da su to live with Muslims, the Indictment should collapse immediate-
sve u~inili da ih zadr`e u Jugoslaviji, ne bi bili drugi ly. If they [the Serbs] had done everything to keep them in Yu-
narod koji to ~ini? Neko vreme bi bili drugi. Mo`da goslavia, wouldn’t there have been another people who would
bi uskoro bili i prvi. Ali, imali svu za{titu — {ta have done the same thing? At some time there would have been
bi Muslimani u Jugoslaviji imali? Imali bi za{titu others. Perhaps in a short time they would have been the first.
kao narod i imali bi za{titu u svojoj republici. A But they [the Muslims] had complete protection [of their rights]
kada Muslimani ka`u: “Ho}emo da iza|emo iz — what would the Muslims have had in Yugoslavia? They
Jugoslavije,” onda mi ka`emo: “U redu. Dajte nama {to would have enjoyed protection as a people, and they would have
vi imate u Jugoslaviji. Dajte nam na{u konstituitivnu enjoyed the protection of their own republic. But when the Mus-
jedinicu u Bosni, i mi izlazimo iz Jugoslavije.” Samo lims said, “We want to leave Yugoslavia,” then we just said:
da imamo neku za{titu. Ne mo`e. Sto-posto vlasti u “Fine. Give us what you had in Yugoslavia. Give us our own
sto-posto Bosne. constituent unit in Bosnia and we’ll leave Yugoslavia, too.” Just
A evo sada govora koji je najvi{e eksploatisan zato so we could have some protection. Impossible. One-hundred
{to kad se sakati i uzme se samo jedna re~enica — taj percent of the governing authority in one hundred percent of
govor je poznat — jer je najvi{e eksploatisan protiv Bosnia.
94 95

mene. Molim vas, preporu~ujem Va{oj pa`wi da Radovan Karadžiü’s October 15 Speech before the Assembly
pogledamo taj govor i da ga onda da ocenimo. Radi se o Now, here is a speech which has been exploited to the great-
15-om oktobru, definitivnom nasilnom usvajawu est possible extent, because when it is butchered and when one
Deklaracije o nezavisnosti, o suverenosti. sentence is taken [out of context] — this speech is well known
— because it was exploited to the greatest possible extent to my
[PO~ETAK video klipa]
prejudice. Please, I would like to call your attention to this
Jer ovo {to vi predla`ete zadire u speech in order to examine it and then assess it. It was delivered
integritet Jugoslavije, a integritet on October 15, and it concerns the definitive and forcible adop-
Jugoslavije se mo`e poremetiti, mada ne tion of the Declaration of Independence, of sovereignty.
mo`e ni to, ali mo`e ako se dogovorite u
[START ʊ video clip]
Saveznoj Skup{tini i saveznim
institucijama. Ovde se mije{aju mnogi Because what you are proposing encroaches upon
planovi. Pozivate se na zakone kad vam the interests of Yugoslavia, and the integrity of
treba, a kad vam ne treba onda idete sa Yugoslavia could be undermined, even though
politi~kim proklamacijama. Srbi u BiH that is not possible, but it is possible if it is agreed
mogu da spre~e i Hrvate i Muslimane ako upon in the Federal Parliament and other federal
je stani-pani da iza|u iz Jugoslavije. Ali, institutions. Many plans are being mixed up here.
mi ne}emo da vas spre~avamo. Mi ne}emo You resort to laws when it suits you, but when it
da vas spre~avamo. Jer smo suvereni doesn’t suit you, you come out with political
narod. Gospodo, nisam ja ovde nastupio proclamations. Serbs in B-H can prevent the Cro-
kao bog rata, kao {to kako me neko ats and Muslims, if push comes to shove, from
po~astio epitetom iz Hrvatske demo- leaving Yugoslavia. But we will not prevent you
kratske zajednice, nego vam ka`em po from doing so. Because we are a sovereign peo-
stoti put, u na{im razgovorima sam to ple. Gentleman, I did not come here as a god of
rekao, ne kreira Srpska demokratska war, as someone from the Croatian Democratic
stranka voqu srpskog naroda. Ona je Party has honored me with this epithet, but I am
tuma~i. Mi bismo vas krvavo slagali kad telling you for the hundredth time, which I spoke
bih smo rekli da vi ovo mo`ete da of in our negotiations, that the Serbian Democrat-
izglasate i da mo`ete sa ovim ne{to da ic Party does not create the will of the Serbian
uradite u Evropi. people. It interprets it. We would be telling you a
bloody lie if we had said that you could pass this
Evo gospode iz SDA-a. Mi tri meseca
as legislation and that you could do something
govorimo o drugim stvarima. Razgovaramo
with this in Europe.
slobodno i otvoreno o posebnoj i
96 97

druga~ijoj organizaciji BiH, gde }e Here are the gentlemen from the SDA. We have
mo`da neka trostepenost omogu}iti da been discussing other matters for the last three
Bosna ostane cela, i da u Jugoslaviji budu months. We are freely and openly discussing a
Srbi kol’ko oni ho}e, Muslimani kol’ko different and special organization of B-H, where
oni ho}e, a Hrvati kol’ko oni ho}e. To je some kind of a three-tiered approach would ena-
jedno trostepeno re{ewe, jer bi se ble Bosnia to remain united and for Serbs, Mus-
suverenitet naroda, kao {to je Gospodin lims and Croats to remain in Yugoslavia as long
Bjelobrk ta~no pro~itao, ostvarivao ne as they want to. This is one three-tiered solution,
samo na nivou republike i nivou savezne because the sovereignty of the peoples, as Mr.
te dr`ave, nego i na nivou oblasti ili Bjelobrk correctly stated, would be exercised not
autonomije, kako smo mi predlagali. Ako only at the level of the republic and the federal
ne}ete to, mo`emo se dogovoriti da mi state, but also on the regional level or autonomy,
vas ne sprije~avamo da iza|ete iz as we had proposed. If you don’t want this, we
Jugoslavije, plebiscitom naroda, ali could agree not to prevent you from leaving Yu-
istim plebiscitom i po istom pravu, mi goslavia by means of a plebiscite, but we have the
}emo sprije~iti vas da vi nas izvedete iz same right to resort to the same plebiscite in order
Jugoslavije. Mi ne branimo da vi to prevent you from taking us out of Yugoslavia.
podnesete inicijativu i da se promjeni We do not forbid you to submit an initiative to
ustav BiH, ali to ne ide ovako. To mora change the constitution of B-H, but it cannot be
da ide kroz ustavnu komisiju pa na Vije}e done this way. It must go through a constitutional
gra|ana, pa da se tamo o tome glasa. commission, then a civil council of citizens, and
then it would be put to a vote.
Ja poku{avam na najmirniji na~in i to da
Vam ka`em. Srpski narod zna {ta Vi I’m trying to explain this to you in the calmest
ho}ete. Vi ho}ete u Hagu da postignete da possible way. The Serbian people know what you
je ovo tre}a ili ~etvrta republika koja want. You want to make a successful case in The
ne}e da `ivi u Jugoslaviji, a to ne Hague that this is the third or fourth republic that
mo`ete, jer mi ho}emo da `ivimo u does not want to live in Yugoslavia, but it is im-
Jugoslaviji. To mo`ete da ka`ete za sebe. possible because we want to live in Yugoslavia.
Suvereni narodi u BiH mogu da ka`u za You can speak for yourselves. All the sovereign
sebe; ne mogu za drugi narod. ^ak smo people of Bosnia can speak for themselves, but
takav zakqu~ak donijeli na ovoj they cannot speak for other peoples. We have
Skup{tini. Mi }emo vas onemogu}iti even reached such a conclusion in this Assembly.
pred doma}om i svjetskom javno{}u da We will prevent you in national and international
98 99

izvr{ite nasiqe nad Srpskim narodom — public opinion from committing violence against
ustavno nasiqe. A nakon ustavnog nasiqa the Serbian people — constitutional violence.
slede sva druga nasiqa. Mi se vi{e ne Constitutional violence breeds all other kinds of
pitamo za situacijom. To je ovde tako|e, violence. We are no longer wondering about the
za ovom govornicom sto puta re~eno. Ne situation. This has been repeated at this rostrum a
pitamo se za situaciju ako dospijemo u hundred times. We won’t be wondering about the
stawu koje su dospijele Slovenija i situation if we find ourselves in the same condi-
Hrvatska, naro~ito Hrvatska. S tim {to tion as Croatia and Slovenia, especially Croatia.
bi u BiH, taj pakao bio bi hiqadu puta Because in B-H such a hell would be a thousand
te`i i ne bi bilo na~ina da se zaustavi. times worse, and there would be no way to stop
Ja Vas jo{ jedanput molim — ne prijetim
— nego molim, da ozbiqno shvatite I ask of you once again — I am not making a
tuma~ewe politi~ke voqe Srpskoga threat — rather I am pleading that you take seri-
naroda koju ovde zastupa Srpska ously the political will of the Serbian people as
demokratska stranka i Srpski pokret represented here today by the Serbian Democrat-
obnove, a poneki Srbin iz drugih ic Party, the Serbian Renewal Movement, and
stranaka. Molim Vas da ozbiqno some Serbs from the other political parties. I am
shvatite, ovo nije dobro {to vi radite. making a plea that you seriously understand that
Ovo je put na kojim vi ho}ete da izvedete what you are doing is not good. You want to
BiH, ista ona autostrada pakla i lead B-H down this path, the same highway to
stradawa kojom su po{li Slovenija i hell and suffering that Slovenia and Croatia have
Hrvatska. Nemojte da mislite da ne}ete already taken. Do not think that you will not
odvesti BiH u pakao, a muslimanski lead B-H to hell, and the Muslim people perhaps
narod mo`da u nestanak, jer muslimanski into extinction, because the Muslim people will
narod ne mo`e da se odbrani ako bude rat not be able to defend themselves if there is a war
ovde. here.
Molim Vas, neka su velike rije~i. Velike Please, let these important words stand. Serious
situacije zahtijevaju velike rije~i. Kako situations demand important words. How are
}ete vi sprije~iti da svak’ svakoa ne you going to prevent people from killing each
ubija u BiH? Kako se mo`e sprije~iti other in B-H? How can the war in Croatia be
rat u Hrvatskoj, pogotovo tamo u rubnim prevented, especially in border areas where
krajevima gde su na dodiru Srbi i Serbs and Croats are in contact with each other?
100 101

Hrvati? ^ije se dvije politi~ke voqe Their political wills have clashed, but have not
sudarile, a nisu realizovane na jedan been realized in a legal fashion, which is the on-
pravni na~in, na jedan na~in na koji se ly way they can be realized.
jedino mo`e realizovati.
[END ʊ video clip]
[KRAJ video klipa]
I also said in a segment not shown here: “We must prevent cha-
Jo{ sam na delu koji se ovde ne vidi rekao: “Moramo os. We hold order in our hands, but we are in the hands of chaos.
spre~iti haos. Red je u na{im rukama, a mi smo u rukama We cannot manage chaos.”
haosa. Mi ne mo`emo upravqati haosom.” We can manage things to the extent we can keep order. It is
Dok dr`imo red, dotle mo`emo da upravqamo. To je in our hands. So, now you see that when we take all this into
u na{im rukama. E, sada, vidite kada uzmemo sve u obzir, consideration, when we see what eminent authorities throughout
kada vidimo {ta su rekli o ovoj situaciji izuzetni the world have said about this situation, about recognition, and
autoriteti svetski, ono {to smo videli o priznawu, other issues, we may then ask ourselves what could this small
itd., mo`emo onda da se pitamo, {ta je to mala Srpska Serbian community in B-H have done? What could they have
zajednica u BiH mogla da uradi? [ta je, osim da done except give up and surrender? Therefore, we now have the
odustane od sebe i da se preda? Dakle, mi imamo ovde opportunity here to determine whether this was lawful conduct
priliku da razlu~imo da li je ovo bilo zakonito on the part of the HDZ and the SDA or not. And whether or not
pona{awe sa strane HDZ-a i SDA? A Srbi su kr{ili the Serbs were violating their rights and laws or whether they
wihova prava i wihove zakone? Ili su oni prekr{ili, were violating the rights of Serbs, who were defending them-
a Srbi su se branili minimalnim sredstvima, stalnim selves by minimal means, by continually making accommoda-
popu{tawima, koncesijama, itd. tions and concessions, etc.
Videli ste da se kr{i Ustav kada je potrebno, a da You have seen that the Constitution was violated when it
skr{en Ustav ne postoji, poziva. was necessary, and the Constitution thus violated does not exist;
I sada, {to bi rekao hrvatski pisac Krle`a, ova it issues a challenge.
kriza se u ovoj fazi odvijala po tipu ga{ewa svetla u And now, as the Croatian writer Krleža would say, this crisis
balkanskoj kr~mi, i onda ko {ta uhvati, ko {ta developed into this phase in much the same way as when the lights
postigne, i onda, posle toga, }e se upaliti svetlo i are turned off in a Balkan tavern, when who grabs what or who
nastavi}e se sa po{tovawem reda i zakona. Srbi to nisu gets whatever, and after everything is over, the lights are turned
mogli sebi da dozvole. A opet, podse}amo da je podela back on and law and order is respectfully reintroduced. The Serbs
BiH tu|a ideja, pre svega ideja g. Izetbegovi}a, koji je couldn’t allow that to happen. Then again, let us recall that the
bio zainteresovan, a to }e potvrditi i svi wegovi division of B-H was someone else’s idea, first and foremost the
saradnici i ovaj razgovor koji }ete sada ~uti. Wega je idea of Mr. Izetbegoviü, who was quite interested, and this will be
zanimalo da ima mawu BiH, a da u woj postigne confirmed by all of his associates as well as these intercepts that
102 103

Islamski kvalitet `ivota, kakav su od wega o~ekivali you will now to hear. He was only interested in having a smaller
wegovi arapski i islamski prijateqi. B-H, while establishing in it a Muslim way of life, as his Arab and
E, sada, ja Vas molim da ~ujemo ovaj razgovor izme|u Muslim friends were expecting him to do.
Karaxi}a i Milo{evi}a, koji nije namewen javnosti, The Intercepted Telephone
gde se autenti~no i iskreno govori. Conversation between Karadžiü and Miloševiü
[PO~ETAK audio snimka] Can we now please listen to this conversation between
Karadžiü and Miloševiü, which was not intended for public con-
KARAXI]: Preksino} iza{ao sam sa sumption, but a candid and authentic conversation took place.
jednim, i posle toga ru~ao sa wim.
Potpuno iznena|ewe. Izetbegovi} je [START ʊ audiotape]
govorio jasno i otvoreno, i nikad nije KARADŽIû: That evening the day before yes-
bio otvoreniji da podjelimo Bosnu. Ja, mi terday, I went out with one of them and then we
smo se zapawili, pa kako to? O tome had lunch. It was a complete surprise. Izetbe-
nismo razmi{qali. Ja mislim da on ne bi goviü spoke clearly and openly, and he was nev-
`elio da se udru`i sa Hrvatskom, nego er more explicit about dividing up Bosnia. I was
ho}e da pomo}u Hrvatske da iza|e iz — we were shocked. So how did this come up?
Juguslavije, jer bi on hteo jednu enklavu We hadn’t thought about it. I don’t think he
ovde u doline reke Bosne — Islamsku. Ja [Izetbegoviü] wanted to unite with Croatia; in-
mislim da mu ona treba za arapski svijet. stead, he wants Croatia’s help to leave Yugosla-
I jo{ mislimo da bi bila {teta da se via, because what he’d like is to have an Islamic
Bosna cjepa — to je na{ na~elan stav. enclave in the Bosna River Valley. I think he
MILO[EVI]: Pa ne}e, ne}e ti needs it for the Arab world. We still believe that
Muslimani da rade {ta Alija it would be very bad if Bosnia were torn apart
Izetbegovi} radi. Ja ti ka`em. — that is our fundamental position.

KARAXI]: Dobro, a sad je — Boga mi MILOŠEVIû: They won’t — those Muslims

ova situacija, mislim — i on je vrlo won’t do what Alija Izetbegoviü is doing. I’m
lukav. On ne govori one ultima poteze. telling you.
On je posledwe poteze ove, one posledwe KARADŽIû: Fine, but now — for Christ’s sake,
poteze svoje islamskoj republici. Nego, I think — he is quite cunning. He’s not talking
on se sad zaklawa iza dr`ave gra|ana. about his ultimate moves. Those ultimate moves
[KRAJ audio snimka] — his final moves are for an Islamic republic.
104 105

E, sada, imaju}i pristup svemu ovome, Tu`ila{tvo Instead, he’s now hiding behind the citizens of
poku{ava da me okarakteri{e kao vo|u koji je the state, the citizenry.
formulisao i realizovao zlo~ina~ki plan da se stvori
[END — audiotape]
zaseban etni~ki entitet sade na velikim delovima
teritorije BiH-ne. A to se nije desilo dok nas nisu Now, having access to all this, the Prosecution is trying to re-
naterali da uzmemo {ta daju, da se spasavamo glavu. characterize me as a leader who formulated and implemented a
Ka`u Karaxi} je vrhovni vo|a. Kada bi Tu`ila{tvo criminal plan now to create a separate ethnic entity on large parts
poznavalo srpski narod, moralo bi da ka`e Karaxi} je of the territories of B-H.48 But this did not happen until they
vrhunski sluga svog naroda, a to, ustvari, i treba da forced us to take what was offered in order to save our lives.
bude tako, i tako pi{e u Jevan|eliju. Ko ho}e da bude They say Karadžiü was the supreme leader. If the Prosecu-
prvi, da Vam slu`i. tion knew the Serbian people properly, they would then have to
Drugi deo re~enice nije samo sporan nego je say that Karadžiü was the supreme servant of his people, and
neta~an, i sli~an je onom stavu Tu`ila{tva iz that, in fact, must be so, and it is thus written in the Gospels: Let
paragrafa broj 11, ka`e Tu`ila{tvo: “Kako se him who wishes to be [first among you] serve you.
Jugoslavija raspadala, republike su krenule prema The ICTY’s Upside-Down Logic
nezavisnosti.” Ovo je prili~no lukavo. Nema {ta. The second part of this sentence is not only debatable but it is
Republike su krenule ka nezavisnosti zato {to se also inexact, and it is identical to the position taken by the Prose-
Jugoslavija raspada. Ja Vama, i svima koji se bave ovom cution in Paragraph 11,49 where the Prosecution says: “As Yugo-
optu`nicom preporu~ujem jednu zabavu. Sve {to slavia disintegrated, republics moved toward independence.” This
Tu`ila{tvo ka`e protiv mene i protiv Srba samo is rather cunning. No doubt about it. The republics were moving
okrenite druga~ije. I vide}ete da je ta~nije, i vide}ete toward independence because Yugoslavia was disintegrating. I
da je zabavno. advise you, as well as everyone else who is dealing with this In-
Ovu naglava~ke, “upside-down” logiku treba vratiti. dictment, to perform this entertaining task. Just invert everything
Onda bi ovaj paragraf izgledao ovako: “Kada su the Prosecution says against me and the Serbs. And you will see
republike krenule ka nezavisnosti, Jugoslavija je it’s more accurate, and that it’s entertaining.
po~ela da se raspada.” I to je ta~no, a ne ono {to This inverted, upside-down logic must be rectified. Then,
Tu`ila{tvo ka`e. Prvo su republike krenule u this numbered paragraph would read as follows: “When the re-
nezakonite, nelegalne jednostrane secesije. ^uli smo publics moved toward independence, Yugoslavia began to disin-
od veliki svetskih autoriteta, svetske politike i tegrate.” And this is accurate; what the OTP claims is not. First
nauke, da je to bilo tako, ali Tu`ila{tvo ovde ho}e da the republics moved toward illegal, unilateral secession. We
vas ubedi da je “other way around,” — obrnuto. I onda, heard this from prominent authorities in world politics and aca-
naravno, u tom slu~aju se mo`e govoriti o Srpskoj demia that this was so; however, the OTP here wants to convince
krivici, ali u prvom slu~aju, kada je jasno da nije se you this took place the other way around — the inverse. And
106 107

Jugoslavija raspala, pa se spasavale republike, nego su then, of course, in that case, one can speak of Serbian culpabil-
republike krenule u nezavisnost i tako ugrozile ity; however, in the first instance, when it is clear that Yugosla-
opstanak ove dr`ave. Na stranu ~iwenice da se via did not disintegrate, which led to the republics saving them-
Jugoslavija nije raspala, iako se ceo svet na wu selves; instead, the republics moved to independence, and in this
navalio, nego je razbijena. Bosna se raspala, iako je ceo fashion they threatened the existence of the state. It is a fact that
svet hteo da je sa~uva, ali weni narodi nisu to hteli. Yugoslavia did not disintegrate, even though the whole world
Dakle, Bosna se raspala, a Jugoslavija se nije raspala. had ganged up against it — it was broken up, instead. Bosnia
Jugoslaviju su razbili. disintegrated, even though the whole world wanted to save it, but
Kako je mogla Bosna da se uputi ka nezavisnosti bez its peoples did not want this. Therefore, Bosnia disintegrated but
Srba i protiv voqe Srba? Kada budete videli mapu Yugoslavia did not disintegrate. They broke Yugoslavia apart.
rasporeda gde sve Srbi `ive od vajkada, vide}ete kako How could Bosnia embark on the road to independence
ta stvar izgleda. Ovde }emo dokazati da SDA nije without the Serbs and against the will of the Serbs? When you
trebala Srbe u Bosni. Nego je trebala tih dve tre}ine look at the map and the layout of the areas where Serbs have
srpske teritorije u Bosni. Zna~i, Tu`ila{tvo ka`e been living since time immemorial, you will see the matter clear-
Srbi su jedna tre}ina stanovni{tva, na to }emo do}i ly. We’re going to prove here that the SDA had no need of Serbs
kako se to desilo da Srbi, koji su uvek bili ve}ina, in Bosnia. They instead needed two thirds of the Serbian territo-
ve}insko stanovni{tvo u Bosni, postane jedna tre}ina, ries in Bosnia. The OTP says that the Serbs constitute one-third
ali ta jedna tre}ina `ivi na dve tre}ine teritorje u of the population, but we shall come to that, how it turned out
BiH. that the Serbs, who had always formed the majority of the Bos-
E, da je SDA htela srpske teritorije, a ne Srbe, nian population, became only one-third, but that one-third of the
Tu`ila{tvu je bilo dostupan dokaz prvorazredan population lives on two-thirds of the territory of B-H.
zahvaquju}i hrvatskom predsedniku Tu|manu sa kojim Well, that the SDA wanted Serbian territories without the
sam imao dosta razgovora, a ovo sam dobio od Serbs, first-class evidence is available to the OTP, thanks to Cro-
Tu`ila{tva. Evo dela transkirpta razgovora atian President Tuÿman with whom I had plenty of talks, but this
predsednika Tu|mana sa ameri~kom delegacijom, vrlo I obtained from the OTP. Here is part of a transcript of a conver-
visokom. “Kao {to su mi Muslimani jednom kazali, da sation between President Tuÿman and a high-ranking American
}emo ih sve istrijebiti ({to se Srba ti~e). A ja ih delegation:50 “As the Muslims once told me, we’re going to ex-
pitam, kako }ete istjerati milion i po Srba iz Bosne?” terminate all of them [i.e., the Serbs]. I asked them — how are
I slede}i deo: “Prema tome i u okviru muslimanskog you going to expel one and a half million Serbs from Bosnia?”
vodstva,” ka`e predsendik Tu|man, “koje nije And in the next part Tuÿman says: “Accordingly, and in the
jedinstveno da }e imati te razboritosti da ne mogu framework of the Muslim leadership,” says President Tuÿman,
vi{e ra~unati na rat do isterivawa Srba iz Bosne. “which is not unified to possess such reasonableness, it can no
Nego da se mire, da je wima, Muslimanima, ne preostaje longer count on a war that will result in the expulsion of the
108 109

ni{ta drugo nego da se oslone na Hrvatsku, a da }e Srbi Serbs from Bosnia. Rather than making peace, the Muslims have
prije ili kasnije oti}i iz Bosne.” no other choice than to rely on Croatia, and [hope] that the Serbs
Ovo Tu`ila{tvo mene optu`uje da sam hteo da will leave Bosnia sooner or later.”
Muslimani odu iz Republike Srpske. A Muslimani na The OPT has charged me with wanting the Muslims to leave
koje oni misle, SDA Muslimani, Mladi Muslimani, the Republika Srpska. But the Muslims they are referring to, the
Fundamentalisti, hteli su da svi Srbi odu iz Bosne. I SDA Muslims, the Young Muslims, the Fundamentalists, wanted
sada vidimo kolika je iskrenost i kol’ko je vite{ki all Serbs to leave Bosnia. And now we see just how sincere
potez g. Izetbegovi}a, predsedhika SDA, kada je rekao: Mr. Izetbegoviü, the President of the SDA, was and how valiant
“Ako mene za ovo treba optu`iti, onda ne treba his move, when he said: “If I must be accused of this, then you
Karaxi}a.” I, u jednom drugom trenutku rekao: “Ja don’t have to accuse Karadžiü.” And at another moment, he said:
uzimam to na sebe,” potpuno me oslaba|uju}i, “I take it upon myself,” completely absolving me, acquitting me
aboliraju}i me od svake odgovornosti. of all responsibility.
Predsednik Tu|man je g. Izetbegovi}a sa~uvao u President Tuÿman protected Mr. Izetbegoviü during this war.
ovom ratu. On ga je sa~uvao od poraza, mada, mi nismo He protected him from being defeated even though we did not
hteli wegov poraz, a mi smo hteli wegov politi~ki want his defeat, but we did want to see his political defeat and the
poraz, poraz wegove ideje sto posto vlasti u sto posto defeat of his idea of having one-hundred-percent rule in one hun-
Bosne, i ovo je potpuno autenti~an dokaz. dred percent of Bosnia, and this is completely authentic evidence.
Tu`ila{tvo daqe ide po istoj pogre{noj stazi i The Prosecution then continues further along the same erro-
ka`e u jednom paragrafu da je Karaxi} u~estvovao u neous path and states in one paragraph51 that Karadžiü participated
pregovorima i ciqu stvarawa zajedni~ke dr`ave i in negotiations with the intent of creating a joint state and that at
istovremeno pripremaju}i organe i uslove za prisilno the same time he prepared the organs and conditions for forcible
razdvajawe po etni~koj osnovi, stvarawe Srpske dr`ave ethnic division, the creation of a Serbian state on a part of the terri-
na jednom delu teritorije BiH, sli~no procesu koji je tory of B-H, identical to the process that had already begun in
ve} zapo~eo u Hrvatskoj. Kakvo stvarawe zajedni~ke Croatia. What kind of creation of a joint state are you talking
dr`ave kad je ta zajedni~ka dr`ava ve} postojala? about when such a joint state already existed?
Ali, daqe u paragrafu ka`e Tu`ila{tvo: Srbi u But further in the paragraph, the Prosecution states: The Serbs
Hrvatskoj, po{to ona sada ve`e, odredili su podru~ja in Croatia, since they are now consolidating [their territories],
koja su smatrali srpskim, stvorili zasebne srpske have determined what territories they consider to be Serbian; have
institucije radi pru`awa otpora hrvatskim vlastima, created separate Serb institutions in order to resist Croatian author-
proglasili autonomiju, a po tom i nezavisnost, i silom ity; have declared autonomy and then even independence; and
preuzeli vlast nad pribli`no jednom tre}inom they, according to such independence, have forcibly taken control
hrvatske teritorije. of approximately one-third of Croatian territory.
110 111

E, pa vidite kako. Videli smo da je Hrvatska Well, you see how [this goes]. We have seen that Croatian
secesija nelegalna, i toj nelegalnosti Srbi u Hrvatskoj secession was illegal, unlawful; the Serbs in Croatia resisted this
pru`aju otpor. Pa, to je potpuno legimitno. Ali, za illegal act. Well, that’s completely legitimate. But as far as the
Tu`ila{tvo, to nije legitimno. Ali zbog ovakvih Prosecution is concerned, it is not legitimate. But, because of
stvari, Tu`ala{tvo vi{e li~i na portparola mojih such things, the Prosecution rather resembles a spokesman for
protivnika ratnih nego na Tu`ila{tvo ovoga suda. my wartime opponents instead of the Prosecution of this Tribu-
Nigde nijedna nau~na ili pravna instanca nije nal. Not one single instance of jurisprudence or scholarship ever
utvrdila da je Hrvatska postupila zakonito i da Srbi established that Croatia acted lawfully or that the Serbs had no
nisu imali pravo da pru`e otpor toj nazakonosti. right to resist such illegality.
Da vas malo podsetim {ta je sa Srbima u Hrvatskoj.
A Brief History of Serbs in Croatia
Srbi u BiH su najstarije stanovni{tvo. Sva teritorija
Let me call to your attention what happened to Serbs in Cro-
je bila wihova. Srbi u Hrvatskoj su do{li pre 350
atia. The Serbs in B-H are the oldest [indigenous] population.
godina i dobili su Krajinu ne od Hrvatske nego od
The entire territory was theirs. The Serbs in Croatia arrived 350
Austro-Ugarske — Austrije. Oni su tamo bili borci,
years ago and they were granted Krajina not by Croatia but by
Vojna Krajina, dobili su privilegije, autonomne
Austro-Hungary — Austria, in fact. They served as soldiers [i.e.,
privilegije, autonomna prava. Dobili su tu teritoriju.
for the Austro-Hungarian Empire] — on the Military Frontier
Da je re~eno bilo Srbima u Krajini 1918-e godine da }e
[i.e., Vojna Krajina] and they were granted privileges, autono-
jednog dana iza}i iz te zajedni~ke dr`ave i biti u
mous privileges and rights. They were given the territory. And if,
Hrvatskoj, Krajina ne bi bila u Hrvatskoj, a mo`da bi
in 1918, the Serbs of Krajina had been told that one day they
Hrvatska bila u Jugoslaviji, i opet bismo bili
would have to leave this joint state and live in Croatia, Krajina
prijateqi. Ili, da je 1945-e godine Kraji{nicima
would not have been in Croatia, but Croatia might still be in Yu-
re~eno da }e ta Hrvatska, u kojoj oni unose Krajinu kao
goslavia and we would be friends again. Or, if in 1945 the people
miraz, jednog dana oti}i, uzeti miraz a wih isterati,
of Krajina had been told that the Croatia to which they were
Krajina ne bi bila u Hrvatskoj.
bringing Krajina as a wedding dowry would one day be taken
PREVODILAC: Prevodioci Vas mole da usporite. away from them and that they would be expelled, Krajina would
not have been in Croatia at all.
KARAXI]: Zna~i, Kraji{nici su prevareni. Dobili
su Krajinu od Austrije, zaradili su je borbama, INTERPRETER: The translators kindly request that you slow
odbranom cele Evrope od Turske najezde, od Turskog down.
talasa, a onda su u{li u tu Hrvatsku, i kada su u 1945-e
KARADŽIû: This means the people of Krajina were deceived.
godine u{li u Hrvatsku i uneli Krajinu kao miraz,
They received Krajina from Austria, they earned it by defending
dobili su u Ustavu da je Hrvatska dvonarodna
the whole of Europe in battles against the Turkish invasion, the
republika. Dvonarodna dr`ava, Srba i Hrvata, Hrvata
Turkish onslaught, and then they entered that Croatia, and when
112 113

i Srba. A 1990-e godine, prva stvar koju je HDZ uradio u

in 1945 they entered Croatia and brought Krajina as their dowry,
Hrvatskoj, izbacio je Srbe iz Ustava i pretvorio ih u
they received the right, as expressed in the Constitution, that
nacionalnu mawinu da bi mogao da im uzme Krajinu.
Croatia was bi-national republic, a bi-national state composed of
Evo, mo`emo da vidimo {ta profesor Antonio
Serbs and Croats, of Croats and Serbs. Whereas in the 1990s, the
Kaseze, Vama poznat, ka`e o ovim nezakonitim
first thing that the HDZ did in Croatia was to throw the Serbs out
of the Constitution and to turn them into a national minority so
Hrvatska, za koje Tu`ila{tvo spre~ava that they could then take Krajina away from them.
Srbe iz Krajine da se odupru kao da su te Now let’s see what Professor Antonio Cassese, whom you
mere zakonite. know well,52 says about these unlawful steps:
Tu`ila{tvo nama stavqa na teret neki Croatia, for which the Prosecution prevents the
etnocentrizam i ka`e da smo sa etni~kim motivima Serbs from Krajina from resisting, as if these
hteli da stvorimo svoje prostore i u Hrvatskoj i u BiH. were legal measures.
Molim Vas lepo, iskqu~ivo etni~ki motivi bili su na
The Prosecution is charging us with some kind of ethnocen-
strani Slovenaca, Hrvata i Muslimana da iza|u iz
trism, and it states that we, being ethnically motivated, wished to
Jugoslavije. To nisu bili ni politi~ki, ni ekonomski,
create our own territories both in Croatia and in B-H. Please, ex-
ni rasni, ni verski — to su bili etni~ki motivi. A
clusively ethnic motives were [expressed] on the side of the Slo-
Srbima se osporava pravo da pri naletu tu|ih etni~kih
venes, Croats, and Muslims in order to leave Yugoslavia. These
interesa svoje etni~ke interese za{tite. Etni~ki
were neither political nor economic nor racial nor religious mo-
motivisane su bile sve mogu}e krize posle Drugog
tives — these were purely ethnic motives. Whereas the Serbs, fac-
svetskog rata, naro~ito od 1968–1971 u Hrvatskoj, kad je
ing an onslaught of other ethnic interests, are being denied the
Tito posmewivao celo Hrvatsko rukovodstvo etni~ki.
right to protect their own ethnic interests. Ethnic motivations were
Karaxi} je sada, posle 1968-e, bio van politike, jer je
the source of each crisis after World War II, especially the 1968–
u~estvovao u studentskom pokretu i posle toga bio
1971 period in Croatia when Tito ethnically replaced the entire
vrsta disidenta u struci i bez ikakvog politi~kog
Croatian leadership. Now, Karadžiü, after 1968, had not been in-
volved in politics since he took part in the student movement; he
Etni~ki nacionalizam je 1990–1991 doveo do svega
was the kind of dissident who worked as a professional without
ovoga {to se de{avalo, a Srbi odgovaraju.
being involved in politics.
Da Vas podsetim da u Hrvatskoj Srbi nisu glasali u
Ethnic nationalism in 1990 and 1991 led to everything that
ve}ini za Srpsku demokratsku stranku, nego za multi-
took place, but the Serbs are held responsible.
etni~ku stranku za reformisanih komunista Ivica
Allow me to call to your attention that a majority of the
Ra~ana. Hrvatska je imala mnogo stranaka, i imala
Serbs in Croatia did not vote for the Serbian Democratic Party,
mnogo sesecionisti~kih stranaka, ali su Hrvati
but for the multi-ethnic party of Ivica Raþan’s reformed Com-
114 115

glasali za HDZ, za najetni~kiju. A Srbi su glasali za munists. Croatia had many political parties and it had many se-
najmawe etni~ku, koja potpuno uop{te ne mo`e da se cessionist parties, but the Croats voted for the HDZ, the most
smatra kao srpskom. A ti Srbi u Hrvatskoj su optu`eni ethnically oriented party. The Serbs, however, voted for the least
od ovog Tu`ila{tva, naravno, zajedno u paketu i mi sa ethnically oriented party, which cannot be considered Serbian at
wima, da smo mi etnocentristi ili {ta sve ne. all. And those Serbs in Croatia were then accused, of course, by
E, sada, ako imamo vremena, ja bih Vam pokazao {ta the Tribunal as a group, and they throw all of us into a package
su Srbi u Hrvatskoj i Srbi u BiH — jer Bosna je bila u with them as ethnocentrics or goodness knows what else.
sastavu Hrvatske tokom Drugog Svetskog Rata — {ta su And now, if we have time, I would like to show you what the
mogli da o~ekuju. Pa }emo videti {ta o Jasenovcu, koji Serbs in Croatia and the Serbs in B-H — because B-H had been
je preko puta nas, preko Save, ka`e Vizentalov Centar. united with Croatia during World War II — could expect. We’re
Usta{e, koje su osnovane 1930-e godine, po tom centru, going to see what the Wiesenthal Center has to say about Jaseno-
ubili su 500,000 Srba, proterali 250,000, i 250,000 vac, which is just across the Sava River. The Ustaše, founded in
pokrstili — to je teorija od tri tre}ine Mile Budaka, 1930, killed 500,000 Serbs, expelled 250,000, and converted
hrvatskog pisca i ideologa. Tri tre}ine: tre}inu }emo 250,000 others [to Roman Catholicism] — this was Mile Budak’s,
pokrstiti, tre}inu }emo proterati, a tre}inu }emo a Croatian writer and ideologue’s, theory of the three thirds.53
pobiti. A kada jedan Srbin u BiH ka`e to kao Three thirds: We’re going to convert one third, expel one third,
alegoriju, odnosno, kao utuk na utuk, Tu`ila{tvo to and kill one third. And when a Serb in B-H says this allegorically,
stavi u optu`nicu kao srpski stav. A to je op{ta namely, in an endless dispute, the OTP puts it in the Indictment as
poznata stvar da }e biti tri tre}ine, ali Tu`ila{tvo a Serb position. But this is common knowledge that there would
nema dobre saradnike na terenu da im ka`e {ta zna~i be three thirds, however, the Prosecution does not have good advi-
preneseni govor. sors in the field to inform them of what this figurative speech ac-
Evo {ta ka`e Nema~ki — ovo je jo{ Vizental, je’l tually means.
tako? — {ta ka`e jedan nema~ki obave{tajac? Skre}em Now, this is what the German — this is still Wiesenthal on
pa`wu Va{im Ekselencijama da vidite da je do the screen, isn’t that so? — let’s see what a German intelligence
17. februara 1942-e godine — precizna procena officer says.54 And I’d like to call Your Excellencies’ attention to
nema~kog obave{tajca da je ve} do tog trenutka — the fact that the German intelligence officer made an accurate
300,000 pravoslavnih Srba ubijeno, iskasapqeno appraisal, according to which 300,000 Orthodox Serbs had al-
sadisti~kim metodima. Ovaj broj do kraja rata nije ready been killed, butchered by sadistic methods, by February
mogao opadati; on je samo mogao rasti. Po~eo je da opada 17, 1942. This figure could not have fallen during the course of
tek kada su Komunisti do{li na vlast. Opadati, the war; it could only have risen. The figure began to fall only
opadati, opadati dok nije do{lo do 80,000, kao da je when the Communists came to power. And they fell and they fell
80,000 malo, a tih 80,000 Hrvatska bi rado priznala. A until they reached 80,000, as if 80,000 were an insignificant fig-
sigurno je vi{e od 500,000, jer ako je za godinu dana ure, but Croatia would happily acknowledge 80,000 [deaths].
116 117

300,000, to je moralo samo daqe da raste. Vizentalov But the figure is certainly more than 500,000 because, if over the
Centar tvrdi da je oko milion Srba iz Hrvatske i course of one year it was 300,000, then the number could have
Bosne bilo ubijeno. only risen. The Wiesenthal Centre claims that about a million
E sada, ovo {to meni stavqa Tu`ila{tvo na teret Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia were killed.
la`nom optu`nicom. Ja poku{avam da formiram pravu
A Genuine Indictment
optu`nicu onom malom igrom, da sve ostane isto, a samo
Now, what the OPT is charging me with in this false indict-
da zamenimo aktere i mesto. Umesto srpski vo|a,
ment. I am trying to create a genuine indictment with that little
hrvatski ili muslimanski vo|a. Evo, pogledajte,
game [I showed you earlier], in which everything remains the
recimo, kako to izgleda.
same except that the locations and perpetrators are switched. In-
“Tu|man ili Izetbegovi} u periodu 1990–1995-a
stead of a Serbian leader, a Croatian or Muslim leader would
rukovodio formulisawe i realizaciju zlo~ina~kog
stand accused. Here, let’s see what that looks like.
plana da se stvori zaseban etni~ki entitet na velikim
“As the paramount leader of the Croats (Muslims) from
delovima teritorija SFR Jugoslavije.” Ili, “Tu|man i
1990–1995, Tuÿman (Izetbegoviü) led the formulation and im-
Izetbegovi} u~estvovali su u pregovorima sa ciqem
plementation of a criminal plan to create an ethnic entity on large
o~uvawa zajedni~ke dr`ave — i jesu zaista — i
portions of SFR Yugoslavia.”55 Or: “Tuÿman (Izetbegoviü) en-
istovremeno pripremaju}i organe, entitete i uslove za
gaged in negotiations to secure a common state” — they did,
prisilno razdvajawe po etni~koj osnovi i stvarawe
indeed — “while simultaneously preparing the organs, entities
hrvatske (odnosno muslimanske) dr`ave od jednog dela
and conditions for the forcible ethnic separation and creation of a
teritorije Jugoslavije, sli~no procesu koji je ve}
Croat (Muslim) state carved out of Yugoslavia, similar to the
zapo~eo u Sloveniji, odnosno Hrvatskoj, u odnosu na
process that had started in Slovenia.”56
From there on in, everything in Paragraph 13 remains the
Daqe, paragraf 13, sve je isto. Samo su zameweni
same. Only the actors have changed roles.57 Croats (or Muslims)
akteri. Hrvati (odnosno Muslimani) u BiH su odredili
earmarked territories considered Croatian (or Muslim), created
podru~ja Jugoslavije, koja su smatrali hrvatskim
separate Croatian (or Muslim) institutions in order to resist Yu-
(odnosno muslimanskim), stvorili zasebne hrvatske
goslav authorities who strove to preserve the unity of the coun-
(odnosno muslimanske) institucije radi pru`awa
try, forcibly declared independence and took control of a large
otpora vlastima Jugoslavije da o~uvaju celovitost
part of Yugoslav territory, where the Yugoslav population did
zemqe, proglasili nezavisnosti silom, preuzeli vlast
not accept such decisions.
na velikom delu jugoslovenske teritorije, na kojima
Now, Excellencies of the Trial Chamber and gentlemen of
jugoslovensko stanovni{tvo nije prihvatilo takve
various governments who support this project, the prosecution of
Serbs, my variant reading of these paragraphs in the Pre-Trial
Ekselencije u Ve}u, uva`eni u Tu`ila{tvu, gospodo
Brief [summarizing the] criminal charges is far more credible and
u vladama, koje podr`avate ovakav projekat, su|ewe
exact than what the Prosecutor has charged me with. To these my
118 119

Srbima, moja varijanta ovih paragrafa predpretresnog paragraphs, we should add that these leaders of the Croats and
podneska Tu`ila{tva je daleko uverqivija i ta~nija Muslims — and they can’t accuse us of this — worked to set up
nego ono {to meni Tu`ila{tvo stavqa na teret. Ovim secret services, clandestine republican armies; armed themselves
paragrafima mojim bi trebalo jo{ dodati da su ove openly and secretly; violated United Nations resolutions; and
vo|e Hrvata i Muslimana jo{ — {to nama ne mogu da made plans to revive an empire on this territory. Croatia and Cen-
stave na teret — oni jo{ radili, formirali tajne tral Europe are dreaming of reviving the Habsburg Empire, and
slu`be, tajne republi~ke armije, naoru`avali se javno you will see how the Muslim populations of Bosnia and Turkey
i tajno, kr{e}i rezolucije Ujediwenih Nacija, pravili are dreaming of Turkey’s return to the Balkans, which, during the
planove za obnovu imperija. Hrvatska i Sredwa Evropa five-hundred-year Turkish occupation, allegedly flourished and
sawaju o obnovi Habzbur{kog carstva, a vide}ete kako remained stable. Yes, it was stable, alright, just as a cemetery is
i Bosna muslimanska i Turska sawaju o povratku Turske stable. No one does anything, there is no room to move at all, but
na Balkan, koji je navodno za vreme Turske okupacije Serbian culture which, until the arrival of the Turks, was a leading
petsto godina procvetao i bio stabilan. Stabilan jeste culture in Europe, while Stefan Lazareviü was a leading ruler, a
bio, bio stabilan kao {to je grobqe stabilno. Niko poet, a knight, cherished by his friends in Europe — all this ended
ni{ta ne radi, nema mrdawa, ali je srpska kultura, koja once Turkey came on the scene.
je do dolaska Turaka bila vode}a u Evropi, a Stefan Well, now Turkey — and you could hear such things
Lazarevi} bio vode}i vladar, pesnik, vitez, omiqeni (straight out of the mouths of the most responsible Turkish
kod svojih prijateqa u Evropi — sve je to stalo kad je statesmen of the 1990s) from [Minister] Turgut Özal and as re-
Turska do{la. cently as a few days ago from [Foreign Minister Ahmet]
E, sad Turska ponovo ho}e iz usta najodgovornijih Davutoglu — [who said] that Bosnia is Turkish and Turkey is
Turskih dr`avnika od 1990-e da se to ~uje od Turgut Bosnian. We are all one and we are coming back again. We are
Auzala, do neki dan, Ministra Dautogu-a, da je Bosna interested in reviving the Ottoman Empire. The Serbs do not ac-
Turska i Turska Bosanska. Mi smo jedno i mi }emo cept this.
ponovo da do|emo. Imamo interes za obnovu Otomanske
Shocking Measures Taken against Serbs in Croatia
imperije. To Srbi ne prihvataju.
If there were more time, I could show you the rhythm of the
Da ima vi{e vremena, pokazao bih Vam kako je ritam
horrifying changes in Croatia immediately after the elections. Eve-
u`asnih promena u Hrvatskoj odmah posle izbora bio.
ry month there was a shocking new measure taken against the
Svakog meseca jedna {okantna mera protiv Srba. Prvo,
Serbs. First of all, the amendments that expunged them from the
amandmani kojima ih izbacuju iz Ustava, onda Ustav u
constitution, then a constitution in which they were reduced to a
kome su oni svedeni na nacionalnu mawinu. Onda druge
national minority. Then other measures were taken: [the Croa-
mere: naoru`avawe tajno, onda proterivawe, ubijawe, i
tians] arming themselves secretly, then expulsions, killings both
po gradovima i po srpskim krajevima gde su Srbi
in towns and in Serbian territories where Serbs were in the majori-
ve}ina, i tada mi ve} imamo kolone izbeglica,
ty, so, by then, we already had columns of refugees, people who
120 121

otpu{tawe sa posla na etni~koj osnovi u Hrvatskoj. had been fired from their jobs on an ethnic basis in Croatia. The
Sve to Tu`ilastvo zna. Sve je to ~ak i govoreno u ovom Prosecution knows all about it.58 We have even heard testimony
sudu od strane odre|enih svedoka. Ja sam li~no mogao about it from subpoenaed witnesses in this very courtroom. I was
videti kako izgledaju te izbeglice. personally able to see what those refugees looked like.
Vidite, predsednik Tu|man je rehabilitovao NDH, You see, President Tuÿman rehabilitated the NDH,59 and that
i mi smo mislili da je to, jer on nije bio Usta{a — on was what we thought it was, because he was not an Ustasha him-
je bio Partizan — mislili da on to ho}e da navu~e self — he was a Partizan — we thought that he wanted to do this
saradwu Usta{a. Me|utim, Usta{e su mu do{li na in order to draw Ustaše [into his party]. However, the Ustaše came
vlast. On ih je postavio na visoke polo`aje. I sve je to power through him. He appointed them to high-ranking posi-
rezultiralo ve} 1991-e godine ogromnim brojem tions. And by 1991, it all resulted in a vast number of refugees
izbeglica koje smo mi do~ekali u Bosanskoj Krajini i u whom we took in in Bosanska Krajina and Banja Luka. [EXHIB-
Bawa Luci. Tu`ila{tvo ho}e da ka`e da to nije imalo IT IX] The Prosecution wants to say that this did not influence the
uticaja na stawe svesti Bosanskih Srba. Da vide state of mind of the Bosnian Serbs: to see the wealthiest house-
najbogatije doma}ine u Evropi kako sa zave`qajem holders of Europe lying on the floor of a sports arena with a hasti-
le`e na podu sportske hale, i nemaju vi{e ni sela, ni ly wrapped bundle at their side, with no village, no past, and no
pro{losti, ni budu}nosti. future.
Jedna od tih mera je bila odmah uvo|ewe usta{kih And one of those measures was the immediate introduction
simbola, insignija iz Usta{ke dr`ave, i Tu`ila{tvo of Ustaša symbols, insignias from the Ustaša state, and the Pros-
misli da to nije od zna~aja, a da vidimo {ta ka`e Lord ecution considers this to be insignificant, but let’s see what Lord
Oven od kakvoga je to zna~aja: Owen60 has to say about what significance it did have.
“Za Srbe u Hrvatskoj je bilo veoma provokativno to “It was extremely provocative,” he says, “for the Serbs in
{to je Tu|manova vlada za zastavu nezavisne Hrvatske Croatia that Tuÿman’s government adopted the independent
usvojila isti simbol koji je koristio Paveli}, crveno- Croatian (NDH) flag with the same symbol used by Paveliü, the
belu {ahovnicu.” Pod ovim insignijama su Srbi red and white checkerboard.” Serbs were killed under this insig-
stradali. Onaj milion Srba je stradao u Drugom nia. That is the million Serbs who were killed during World War
svetskom ratu. Ovo su lucidna i ta~na zapa`awa II. His Lordship’s observations are lucid and accurate, but a
Wegovog Lordstva, ali sa malim dodatkom. Ovo nije small addendum is in order. This was not merely provocative;
bilo provokativno; ovo je bilo zastra{uju}e i za Srbe this was terrifying for both Serbs and Jews, and it entirely suits
i za Jevreje, i potpuno odgovara naslovnu kwige jednog the title of the book written by [Slavko] Goldštajn, a Croatian
hrvatskog Jevrejina, Gold{tajna, “1941. godina, koja se Jew, 1941: The Year That Is Returning.
The Špegelj Tapes
Ali, da Tu`ila{tvo ne ka`e: “Nemojte obra}ati
But in order to prevent the Prosecution from saying: “Don’t
pa`wu na insignije. To je prazna gesta, i iza toga ne
pay any attention to insignias. It is just an empty gesture, and
122 123

stoji ni{ta.” Da vidimo {ta stoji iza toga. Da vidimo there’s nothing to it.” Let’s take a look and see what stands be-
{ta ka`u Ministri [Martin] [pegeq i [Josip] hind this insignia. Let’s see what Ministers [Martin] Špegelj and
Boqkovac, Ministar Odbrane i Ministar Unutra{wi [Josip] Boljkovac, the Ministers of Defense and of the Interior,
Poslova. respectively, [of Croatia] have to say.61
[PO~ETAK video snimka] [START ʊ video clip]
MARTIN [PEGEQ: Ima tu vojnih MARTIN ŠPEGELJ: You’ve got military employ-
slu`benika i muzi~ara i {ta ja znam. To ees and musicians, and I don’t know what else.
je sve 9.000 i 18.000 vojnika na cijeloj That’s 9,000 of them and 18,000 [JNA] soldiers
teritoriji Pete vojne oblasti: in all of Region 5: Slovenia, Croatia and parts of
Slovenije, cele Hrvatske i deo Bosne. A Bosnia. But now we’ve got 80,000 people armed
mi imamo sad naoru`ano 80.000 sa with Kalashnikovs. So what if there are only
kala{wikovima. Pa nek’ je samo 10.000 10,000 of them. We’ll solve the problem in Knin
wih naoru`anih. A Knin }emo rije{iti the same way, by slaughtering them. This is how
na taj na~in {to }emo pokasapiti. U we’ll get international recognition, and then
tome imamo me|unarodno priznawe za to, we’ll slaughter them, especially now since this
onda }emo ih pokasapiti, pogotovo sada whore won [the election] in Serbia.
kada je ova kurva pobjedio u Srbiji.
BOLJKOVAC: Miloševiü?
BOQKOVAC: Milo{evi}?
MARTIN ŠPEGELJ: Yes, two days after he won,
MARTIN [PEGEQ: Da. Sad nam the Americans offered us help, but up until then
Amerikanci, drugi dan kada je on they had only been speculating whether to go
pobjedio, ponudili su pomo}, a do tada su ahead with it nor not. They now say it’s going to
sve spekulirali, bi ne bi. Ka`u sad go like this: 1,000 armored transport vehicles of
ovako: Hiqada komada transportera one kind or another, and automobiles, who
oklopnih, ovakvih, onakvih, te knows what else. And they will completely arm
automobile, {ta ja znam. Za 100.000 and equip 100,000 soldiers. No charge.
vojnika kompletno naoru`awe. Bes-
[END ʊ video clip]
JUDGE KWON: Are we hearing the interpretation? Can you
[KRAJ video snimka]
stop the video?
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɚ ɥɢ ɱɭʁɟɦɨ ɩɪɟɜɨɞ? Ɇɨɠɟmo ɥɢ ɞɚ
ɡɚɭɫɬɚɜɢmo ɜɢɞɟɨ snimak?
124 125

ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: Ɂɚɲɬɨ to ɧɢʁɟ ɩɪɟɜɟɞɟɧo? To bi trebalo da KARADŽIû: Why isn’t it being translated? That should be a live
bude prevod u`ivo. Ove re~i Ministra [pegela sad se translation. Minister Špegelj’s words are being represented here
jasno ponavqaju. I to bi trabalo prevesti u`ivo — clearly and they should be translated live, simultaneously.
JUDGE KWON: I take it that what we heard is the interpretation
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɉɪɟɬɩɨɫɬɚɜʂɚɦ ɞɚ ʁɟ ɨɧɨ ɲɬɨ ɫɦɨ ɱɭɥɢ je of what was just heard now. Let’s proceed.
bio prevod onoga {to je rekao Ministar [pegel. ɂɞɟɦɨ
[START ʊ video clip]
[PO~ETAK video snimka] MARTIN ŠPEGELJ: The Army will be useless. It
will be decimated, plus, all of them will be killed
[PEGEQ: Armija nema {ta da tra`i,
at home. Kill them on the spot, on the street, in
bi}e posje}ena do Boga... i svi }e biti
the barracks, anywhere else they may be, just a
posje}eni jo{ kod ku}e. Ubijati na licu
pistol in the stomach … show now mercy to an-
mjesta, na ulici, usred kruga kasarne,
yone. Not even to women and children. When
bilo gde drugde, samo pi{tolj i u
they’re at home, it’s simple — a bomb in the
stomak... Nema milosti ni prema kome. Ni
family home. Physical liquidation. A messenger
prema `eni, ni prema deci. U stan,
comes to the home, shows up at the front door,
jednostavno — bombe u stan porodi~ni.
and bang bang and he goes back down the
Fizi~ku likvidaciju. Do|e u stan kurir,
stairs…. Then [another messenger] goes to an-
pojavi se na vratima i dum, dum i si|e
other home simultaneously. The most dangerous
dole stepenicama.... Ide se kod drugog,
ones can be killed right on their own doorsteps.
odnosno istovremeno. Koji su najopasniji
You can forget about the women and the chil-
mogu biti ubijeni na vratima. Nije u
dren. Nothing there. Forget about it.
pitanju niti `ena niti djeca, ni{ta to.
To se ne pita. We will use all means. We will use weapons and
Serbs in Croatia will never again be what they
Mi }emo upotrebiti sva sredstva. Mi
once were. Their supremacy is history.
}emo upotrebiti oru`je i Srbi u
Hrvatskoj vi{e nikada ne}e biti ono {to [END ʊ video clip]
su bili, njihova supremacija i historija. KARADŽIû: Believe me, Your Excellencies, that they did all
[KRAJ video snimka] this and worse from the moment they announced it at the end of
1990, when they were still deeply involved in Yugoslavia. They
KARAXI]: Verujte, Ekselencije, da su sve uradili i
were still in Yugoslavia. They were setting up part of their popu-
gore od ovoga {to su najavili krajem 1990-e godine dok
lation, Serbs, to be massacred, which in the end they carried out.
su bili duboko u Jugoslaviji. Bili su u Jugoslaviji. A
And then what was promised, for example, at the inauguration of
126 127

spremili su delu svoga stanovni{tva srpske the SDA by Dalibor Brozoviü,62 who vowed that Croatia would
nacionalnosti kasapqewe, koje su na kraju i izveli. I defend itself along the Drina River as it had done during World
ovo {to je tada obe}ano kao {to je, recimo, na osnivawu War II — and, for instance, the unfortunate Šimo Ĉogan, a Croa-
Stranke demokratske akcije, Dalibor Brozovi}, obe}ao tian extremist of Serbian descent, who said a checker-board flag
da }e se Hrvatska braniti na Drini, kao u Drugom would be fluttering atop a Serbian mountain above Sarajevo in
Svetskom Ratu — i recimo neki nesre}ni [ime \ogan five years’ time. Well, five years have passed and it’s still not
srpskog porekla, hrvatski ekstremista, rekao da }e se fluttering up there, but over the course of those five years, there
iznad Sarajeva na jednoj srpskoj planini vihoriti ova was a complete repetition of what had taken place during World
{ahovnica za pet godina. E, za pet godina se nije War II, even including the expulsion of those columns of people
vijorila, ali za pet godina je do{lo do potpunog whom you saw fleeing Croatia.
ponavqawa onoga {to je bilo u Drugom svetskom ratu, i All of this is available to the Office of the Prosecutor as well
do izbacivawa od onih kolona koje ste videli kako as to the entire world. [EXHIBIT X] Everyone knows this hap-
be`e iz Hrvatske. pened and how it ended and how authentic and accurate it is.
To je sve dostupno i Tu`ila{tvu i celom svetu. Svi However, the Prosecution claims that it is I [alone] who ob-
znaju i kad se to de{avalo i kako je to zavr{ilo i served what was happening to the Serbs in Croatia, on the basis
koliko je bilo autenti~no i ta~no. Ali, Tu`ila{tvo of which I warned the Bosnian Serbs, mobilized them, urged
tvrdi da sam ja posmatrao {ta se de{ava Srbima u them to defend themselves, etc.
Hrvatskoj i da sam na osnovu toga Bosanske Srbe Therefore, I, without having the grounds to do so, unreason-
upozoravao i mobilisao, podsticao da budu oprezni i da ably agitated the Krajina Serbs and allegedly taught them and the
se brane, itd. Bosnian Serbs, as their leader — foresaw what would happen to
Dakle, ja sam bez osnove, bez razloga uznemiravao them and what had to be done63 in order for them to avoid it. The
Kraji{ke Srbe, odnosno, od wih u~io {ta se mo`e OTP says this is groundless. But really — no insult intended —
wima i Bosanskim Srbima, kao wihov lider, this Pre-Trial Brief against me should have been better or there
predo~avao {ta im se mo`e desiti i {ta treba da urade should have been no indictment against me in the first place.
da im se to ne desi. Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da je to bilo bez If shells, grenades, waves of refugees and such pledges from
osnova. Bez uvrede, a ovo je zaista — ovaj predpretresni the Ministers of Violence in Croatia, the Ministers of Defense
podnesak protiv mene morao biti boqi ili ove and of the Interior, were not dangerous for the Serbs in Croatia
optu`nice nije trebalo biti. and Serbs in B-H, then that means that we ought to have been in
Ako mine, granate, mno{tvo izbeglica, i ovakva a deep state of anesthesia and that we ought to have done nothing
obe}awa od dva ministara sile u Hrvatskoj, Ministar while they butchered us like the Serbs in Knin. Here is how the
unutra{wih poslova i Ministar odbrane, nisu OTP qualifies this.
opasnost za Srbe u Hrvatskoj i opasnost za Srbe u BiH,
onda zna~i, trebalo je da mi budemo u dubokoj anesteziji
128 129

i da ne radimo ni{ta dok nas ne pokasape kao Kninske A Genuine Indictment II

Srbe. Evo kako Tu`ila{tvo to kvalifikuje. And here’s how [things would look] if we were to turn
A evo kako bi — kada se to preokrene, samo zamenom things around just by switching the names and protagonists. This
imena i aktera. Ovo je prava optu`nica. is the genuine indictment.64
Karaxi} i rukovodstvo bosanskih Srba Karadžiü and the Bosnian Serb leadership were
bili su upoznati sa prirodom i svrhom aware of the nature and purpose of the Croat ar-
hrvatske kampawe naoru`avawa, for- mament campaign, the formation of an illegal
mirawe ilegalne vojske kroz hiper- army through the creation of an illegal army by
trofiju policije, i zbora narodne garde, means of a hypertrophied police force, the as-
kao i otpu{tawe Srba sa posla na sembly of a national guard, as well as the dismis-
etni~koj osnovi, ubistava po gradovima, sal of Serbs from their jobs on ethnic grounds,
ustavnih amandmana koje je jo{ killings in [Serbian] towns, constitutional
komunisti~ka Skup{tina donela i amendments which the Communist Assembly in-
ote`ala polo`aj Srba. Bili su upoznati troduced to exacerbate the position of Serbs.
da hrvatski Srbi `ive u strahu zbog They were well aware of the fact that Croatian
povratka poznatih Usta{a iz emigracije Serbs were living in fear: because of the return of
na visoke polo`aje u Hrvatskoj, zbog notorious Ustaša émigrés and their appointment
nezadr`ivih priprema za jednostrano to high official positions in Croatia; because of
ocepqewe Hrvatske od Jugoslavije, zbog the unrestrained preparations for Croatia’s unilat-
budu}eg polo`aja Srba u toj ocepqenoj eral secession from Yugoslavia; because of the
republici, koja taj polo`aj ve} nazna~ava future position of the Serbs in that torn off scrap
promenama ustava na {tetu Srba. of a republic, whose status has already been des-
Karaxi} je bio upoznat sa brigom ignated by alterations to the Croatian Constitution
Kraji{nih Srba zbog ~iwenice da nova that were disadvantageous for Serbs. Karadžiü
hrvatska vlast kao najhitniji posao was well acquainted with the concerns of the
smatra promene ustavnog polo`aja Srba. Serbs from Krajina because the new Croatian
Otpu{tawe Srba sa posla, gomilawe government considered changes in the Constitu-
novih policijskih stanica i snaga u tion with respect to the status of Serbs as its most
srpskim krajevima. urgent task. They fired Serbs from their jobs; they
clustered new police stations and forces in Serbi-
Karaxi} je Kraji{ke Srbe podr`ao u
an areas.
wihovom nastojawu da osiguraju svoju
bezbednosti i navodio ih kao primer
130 131

pona{awa za slu~aj da Bosna krene istim Karadžiü supported the Krajina Serbs in their ef-
putem kojim je krenula i Hrvatska. fort to exist and to ensure their security and he
cited their exemplary conduct in case Bosnia
To je prava optu`nica, ali Tu`ila{tvo ne}e da je
chooses [to follow] the same path as Croatia
potpi{e. Ono mene optu`uje zato {to sam bio
odgovoran, kao {to sam morao, jer sam bio na odgovornoj
funkciji. That is the authentic indictment, but the OTP will not sign it.
Evo paragraf 15 i 16, kako to izgleda. It is indicting me because I was responsible, as I had to be be-
Vidite kako po novom Ustavu Hrvatska izgleda. cause I held a position of responsibility.
Ustanovila se kao nacionalna dr`ava hrvatskog naroda Now, here is what Paragraphs 15 and 16 look like.
i dr`ava pripadnika autohtonih nacionalnih mawina
Croatia’s New Constitution
Srba, ^eha, itd. A Srbi su se udru`ili u Hrvatsku
You see what Croatia looks like according to its new Consti-
zajedno sa Krajinom koja je wihova i koju su dobili od
tution. It established itself as the national state of the Croatian
Austrije, a ne od Hrvatske. Ministar Boqkovac, koga
people and the state of the members of autochthonous national
smo ~uli na po~etku krize 1990-e, odnosno u januaru
minorities, Serbs, Czechs, etc.65 But the Serbs joined Croatia
1991-e, sada ima jedan stav, moralniji, pokajni~kiji.
together with Krajina, which belongs to them, which they re-
Nisu ni Jugoslavija ni Srbi napali Hrvatsku, nego je
ceived from Austro-Hungary — and not from Croatia. Minister
bilo obrnuto. A da vidite kako je to izgledalo, vojnik u
Boljkovac, whom we have heard at the very beginning of the
Splitu, Sa{o Ger{ovski, Makedonac u svojoj zemqi
crisis in 1990 — January 1991 — has now taken a more moral
slu`i, u maju 1991-e godine.
and penitent position.66 Neither the Serbs nor Yugoslavia at-
[PO~ETAK video snimka] tacked Croatia — it was the opposite. And in order for you to see
what that looked like, a solder, Sašo Geršovski, a Macedonian
... ɧɚɩɚɞɢ, ʃɢɯɨɜɟ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ ɫɭ ɢɡɥɨɠɟɧɟ
conscript who was doing his [obligatory] military service in his
ɫɜɢɦ ɜɪɫɬɚɦɚ ɩɪɢɬɢɫɚɤɚ ɞɚ ɢɯ ɧɚɬɟɪɚʁɭ ɞɚ ɫɟ
own country, in Split, in May 1991. [EXHIBIT XI]
ɢɫɟɥɟ ɢɡ ɋɥɨɜɟɧɢʁɟ ɢ ɏɪɜɚɬɫɤɟ. ɋɟʄɚɬɟ ɫɟ ɞɚ
ɫɭ ɩɪɜɢ ɧɚɩɚɞɢ ɧɚ ɩɪɢɩɚɞɧɢɤɟ ȼɨʁɫɤɟ ɛɢɥɢ [START ʊ video clip]
ɧɚɩɚɞɢ ɪɚɡɛɟɫɧɟɥɢɯ ɰɢɜɢɥɚ, ɧɚɰɢɨɧɚɥɢɫɬɚ,
... attacks, their families are being exposed to all
ɧɚ ɜɨʁɧɢɤɟ ɤɨʁɢ ɫɭ ɫɥɭɠɢɥɢ ɜɨʁɧɢ ɪɨɤ ɭ
sorts of pressures to compel them to move out of
ɋɩɥɢɬɭ. Ɍɨɦ ɩɪɢɥɢɤɨɦ ɜɨʁɧɢɤ ɋɚɲɚ
Slovenia and Croatia. You remember the first at-
Ƚɟɪɲɨɜɫɤɢ ʁɟ ɭɛɢʁɟɧ. Ɉɜɞɟ ɫɭ ɫɚɦɨ ɧɟɤɢ ɨɞ
tacks on members of the Army were made by in-
ɡɥɨɱɢɧɚ ɩɨɱɢʃɟɧɢɯ ɧɚ ɨɮɢɰɢɪɢɦɚ ɭ Ɂɚɞɪɭ ɨɞ
furiated civilians, nationalists, on soldiers who
ɫɬɪɚɧɟ ɭɫɬɚɲɤɢɯ ɐɪɧɢɯ Ʌɟɝɢʁɚ.
were doing their military service in Split. On one
[KRAJ video snimka] such occasion, soldier Sašo Geršovski was
killed. Here are only some of the atrocities
132 133

Bjelovar, Split, vojska u svojoj zemqi, i ovako gine. committed on officers in Zadar by the Ustaša
Ovo su ne~ija deca, tako|e. Sa{o Ger{ovski ima Black Legions.67 [EXHIBIT XII]
roditeqe, ima porodicu u Makedoniji.
[END ʊ video clip]
A da vidimo {ta ka`e Voren Cimerman, koji nije
bio Srbima ba{ nimalo naklowen, {ta ka`e o ovoj Bjelovar, Split: the Army is in its own country, and this is how
situaciji. “JNA je bila legitimna sila vojska svoje they died. These are somebody’s children, as well. Sašo Geršov-
zemqe.” A Tu`ila{tvo meni stavqa na teret da sam ski has parents; he has a family in Macedonia.
podr`avao odazivawe na mobilizaciju i odlazak And now let’s see what Warren Zimmermann, who was not at
regruta u jedinu legitimnu vojsku. I nalazi vezu izme|u all friendly to the Serbs, had to say about this situation.68 “The
Srpske demokratske stranke i vojske. JNA was a legitimate force in its own country.” But the Prosecutor
Re}i }u Vam, Ekselencije, vojska je na Srpsku is charging me with supporting a call for mobilization and the
demokratsku stranku, kao na nekomunisti~ku, gledala conscription of recruits who went into the only legitimate army
isto kao na SDA i HDZ. Dok nisu videli da ne smeju [that then existed]. And it finds a connection between the Serbian
zano}iti u mestima gde vlada SDA i HDZ, tek tada su Democratic Party [SDS] and the Army.
shvatili da moraju svoja oru`ja i sve izmestiti u I shall tell you, Excellencies, that since the SDS was a non-
Srpske krajeve — ne radi Srba. Ovde }e Tu`ila{tvo da Communist Party, the Army viewed us the same way as they did
vas uverava kako su to oni uradili radi Srba. Ne. To su the SDA and the HDZ. It was only when they realized that they
bili komunisti~ki generali koji nas nisu voleli. Ali did not dare spend a single night in areas controlled by the HDZ
su videli da ne smeju ni zano}iti, ni oni ni wihova and the SDA, only then did they realize that they had to move
oprema, tamo gde vlada SDA i HDZ. I zbog sebe su — i their weapons into Serbian areas — and not for the Serbs’ sake.
jedino smo mi popuwavali tu vojsku celu godinu dana. Here the OTP will assure you that they did this for the Serbs’ sake.
Hrvati i Muslimani nisu i{li u vojsku. Povukli su i No. Those were Communist generals who did not like us. But they
oficire, i stvarali svoje armije. Tu`ila{tvo }e Vam understood that they couldn’t even dare spend a night with their
posle da ka`e kako se JNA pretvorila u vojske equipment in areas controlled by the HDZ and the SDA. And for
Republiku Srpske. Sve vojske u Jugoslaviji, u svim their own sake they — and it was only we Serbs who filled the
republikama, nastale se od JNA. Samo {to su ostale ranks of the Army for an entire year. Croats and Muslims did not
nastajale postepeno, jer su oni stvarali svoje oru`ane join the Army. They withdrew their own respective officers and
formacije u dugom periodu, a Srbi su odbili da created their own armies. The OTP is then going to tell you that
stvaraju svoje oru`ane formacije dok nije nare|eno da the JNA turned into the Army of the Republika Srpska. All the
se vojska Jugoslavije, kao wihove domovine, povu~e iz armies in all the republics of [the former] Yugoslavia originated
Bosne. Tada su, normalno, ti qudi pri{li svom narodu. with the JNA. Except that the others came into existence gradually
Evo pogledajte kako je Nema~ka i 1991-e, kao i 1941- because they created their own respective armed formations over a
e, ~estitala svojoj saveznici Hrvatskoj. Moram da longer period of time; whereas the Serbs refused to create their
134 135

ka`em na{im zapadnim saveznicima iz Prvog i Drugog own armed formations until the order had been given for the Yu-
svetskog rata da mo`da moramo Hrvatima da zavidimo goslav Army, as the army of their homeland, to withdraw from
na “saveznicima.” Nema~ka se pokazuje kao mnogo Bosnia. These individuals naturally joined their own people.
pouzdaniji saveznik nego na{i saveznici iz Prvog i Now, I urge you to see how Germany congratulated its ally
Drugog svetskog rata, koji su se okrenuli protiv Srba i Croatia in 1991 just as it had done in 1941.69 I have to say to our
naneli nam mnogo bola. Dakle, i to pokazuje da je Western Allies from the First and Second World Wars that per-
Nema~ka pobeda 1991-e potpuna i definitivna. haps we ought to be envious of the Croats for their “allies.”
E, sada vidite {ta Tu`ila{tvo meni stavqa na Germany proved to be a far more reliable ally than our allies
teret. Ka`u da je osnovni greh na{ {to smo hteli da from the First and Second World Wars, who turned against the
imamo politiku — zna~i, moj greh je {to sam osnivao i Serbs and who inflicted a great deal of pain on us. This, there-
odr`avao kontinuitet SDS i dr`avnih struktura. fore, demonstrates that the German victory in 1991 was complete
Dakle, osnivawe politi~ke partije kod Srba je and definitive.
krivi~no delo. Now, you see what charges the OTP has brought against me.
Podseti}u Vas da su Srbi posledwi formirali They say that our fundamental transgression was the fact that we
politi~ku stranku, etni~ku u BiH. ^etiri meseca pre wanted to have a policy of our own — that means my sin was
izbora. Pre toga su svi drugi formirali. I gde su establishing and upholding the continuity of the [SDS] and state
pokazali {ta su programi tih stranaka — i mnogo su structures.70 Therefore, establishing a political party is, for Serbs,
zabrinuli Srbe koji su onda zahtevali da dobiju svoju a criminal act.
stranku. Zna~i, sve {to su Srbi uradili, formirali
The Serbs Were the Last to Form an Ethnic Political Party
stranku, formirali Skup{tinu, u~estvovali na
I would like to remind you that the Serbs were the last to
izborima — sve su to radili, prema Tu`ila{tvu, sa
form an ethnic political party in B-H. Four months before the
namerom da jednog dana naprave svoju dr`avu u Bosni i
elections. All the others formed their own parties well before
da isteraju iz te dr`ave Muslimane i Hrvate. Umesto
that. And wherever these political parties went to promote their
da Tu`ila{tvo izoluje neko krivi~no delo koje je ovaj
political programs, it caused great concern among the Serbs who
optu`eni napravio, ono kriminalizuje kompletan jedan
then demanded the formation of their own party. This means
nardod i svaku wegovu aktivnost, legalnu, legitimnu,
everything that the Serbs did, forming a political party, establish-
politi~ku aktivnost, progla{ava za udru`eni
ing an assembly, participating in elections — everything that
zlo~ina~ki poduhvat bilo {ta {to su Srbi hteli.
they have done, according to the OTP, was with the intention of
A hteli su i pona{ali su se ne kako su oni hteli.
one day creating a state of their own in B-H and expelling from
Srbi nisu imali ɚɤɰɢʁɟ; Srbi su imali ɪɟɚɤɰɢʁɟ.
that state Muslims and Croats. Instead of isolating a particular
Tu`ila{tvo propu{ta da to shvati u kontekstu i
crime that was committed by the Accused, the OTP is criminal-
propu{ta da zakqu~i {ta bi bilo da nije bilo akcije.
izing an entire people, and each and every legal and legitimate
Da li bi bila takva srpska reakcija?
activity in which they engaged, as well as political activities,
136 137

Ko mo`e da ka`e: “Ovde smo ~uli na pro{loj which have all been proclaimed a joint criminal enterprise, re-
[nerazumqivo], da je legitimna bila akcija vojske gardless of what the Serbs wanted.
Republike Srpske na @epu i Srebrenicu”? Pa kako They [the Serbs] did not act and behave the way they wanted
onda mo`e da se izvu~e zakqu~ak da bi Srbi do{li do to. The Serbs did not act; they reacted. The Prosecution fails to
krivi~nih dela, da nije bilo legitimnih akcija, da nisu understand this in context and it fails to determine what would
bile provokacije? Ovde se uzima da je Srpska have happened had no such actions occurred to begin with.
demokratska stranka formirana sa namerom da uradi Would the Serbian reaction have been the same?
ono {to nikad nije palo joj na pamet. Niti u tom Who can say: “We heard on the last [unintelligible] that the
trenutku to op{te izgledalo da }e se ne{to raditi. Army of the Republika Srpska acted legitimately with respect to
Ovde su na osnovu napora ovog Tu`ila{tva osu|eni Žepa and Srebrenica”? So how could a conclusion be drawn that
izvanredni qudi koje ja dobro znam. Gospodin the Serbs committed crimes, that these actions were not legiti-
Kraji{nik, dvadeset godina robije kao da je vodio bandu mate, and that there were no provocations? It is held here that the
razbojni~ku. Osu|en je po zakonima koji su mafija{ki, Serbian Democratic Party was created with the intention of do-
a on je vodio jednu demokratsku skup{tinu. Osu|eni su ing something that had never crossed its mind. Even at that time,
generali — sjajni, divni qudi — kao da su nasrtali na it did not look as though it would happen. Here, on the basis of
mirno stanovni{tvo, a ne kao da su nasrnuli na the efforts made by the OTP, outstanding individuals, whom I
trostruko brojniju armiju u kojoj je bilo takvih know well, have been convicted. Mr. Krajišnik was sentenced to
stravi~nih bestijalnosti i ubica. twenty years in prison as if he had been leading a gang of
Evo, zna se ime ovoga momka ~ija je glava — ovde. To thieves. He was sentenced according to mafia-like laws even
je u Bosni. I to je armija protiv koje su se borili moji though he had led a democratic parliament. Generals — wonder-
generali samo na svojim teritorijama, brane}i te ful men — have been sentenced as if they had attacked peaceful
teritorije protiv ovakvih boraca koji su bili spremni inhabitants instead of having attacked an army that was three
da ovo rade i da se slikaju. times larger than their own, and one that had committed horrible
Ali, Tu`ila{tvo se dr`i kao da su Srbi, umesto bestial acts and killings.
{to su se suo~ili sa razjarenim bikom, da su nasrnuli We know the name of this young man whose head — is here.
na umiqato jagwe i nanosili mu bol i nanosili mu [Exhibit XIII] This is in Bosnia. This is the army against which
{tetu. my generals fought exclusively on their own territory, and defend-
Osnovni problem Tu`ila{tva je da je postajala ed those territories from such combatants, who were prepared to
Srpska demokratska stranka. Ka`u centralisti~ka, do such things and then pose to have their pictures taken.
ka`u vo|a o{tar, vo|a autokrata, itd. But the OTP maintains that the Serbs, instead of having con-
A pogledajte za{to prvo se kod Srba ne mo`e bez fronted a raging bull, had attacked an adorable lamb and had in-
vojske i policije, i jedne partije, biti autokrata. Ne flicted pain and irreparable harm on it.
mo`e. Oni su vrlo protestni. Nemogu}e Srbima
138 139

vladati ako ne nasilno. A pogledajte za {to se taj vo|a The OTP’s basic problem is the existence of the Serbian
zalagao. Democratic Party. They claim it was a centralist party, that the
Potreba Tu`ila{tva da mene prika`e kao leader was harsh, that the leader was an autocrat, etc.
monstruma poti~e zbog toga {to oni nemaju dokaza, pa I invite you to see why, first of all, one cannot be an autocrat
}e se lak{e verovati ako se optu`eni prika`e kao among Serbs without the army and the police, and one party
monstrum nego ako se prika`e ako realna li~nost. [rule]. It’s impossible. Serbs are quick to go out and protest. It is
Veoma je zna~ajno priznawe Tu`ila{tva da ja li~no impossible to rule Serbs without force.71 And take a look at what
nisam napravio nijedno krivi~no delo. Ali, ja mislim this leader advocated.
da je to i veoma riskantno. Riskantno sa stanovi{ta
The OTP Needs to Present Karadžiü as a Monster
interesa Tu`ila{tva. Ako ja nisam napravio nijedno
The OTP needs to present me as a monster because it doesn’t
krivi~no delo, nego su to napravili oni koji su sa mnom
have any evidence, so it would be easier for it to make its case if it
delili iste vrednosti, onda se mora postavqati pitawe
portrays the Accused as a monster rather than a real person.72, 73
za{to su oni to napravili. Oni su to, prema
It is significant that the OTP has admitted that I personally
stanovi{tu Tu`ila{tva, napravili da bi se postigli
committed not one single crime.74 But I think that is quite risky.
odre|eni ciqevi. Ali, apsolutno je apsurdno i
Risky from the standpoint of the Prosecution’s interests. If I did
paradoksalno da se srpskoj strani pripisuje pona{awe
not commit one single crime, but crimes had, instead, been
koje je direktno suprostavqeno tim ciqevima. Tim
committed by those who shared the same values as I did, then
pona{awem se ne mogu posti}i nijedni srpski ciqeve,
the question must be posed: Why did they do such things? They,
pa ~ak niti kriminalni koje Tu`ila{tvo pripisuje
from the OTP’s standpoint, set it up that way in order to achieve
srpskoj strani.
predetermined objectives. However, it is positively absurd and
Etni~ko ~i{}ewe. Srpska demokratska stranka i
paradoxical to ascribe such behavior to the Serbian side, which
Radovan Karaxi} i Srpski narod u BiH su u~inili sve,
had been directly opposed to such goals. Not one Serbian goal
sve, sve {to se moglo u~initi da se rat izbegne.
could have been achieved by such conduct, not even the criminal
Ovde }emo, Ekselencije, postaviti stvari na svoje
objectives that the OTP ascribes to the Serbian side.
mesto. Postavi}emo hronolo{ki {ta se de{avalo, {ta
Ethnic cleansing.75 The Serb Democratic Party and Radovan
je bio uzrok, {ta je bila posledica, {ta je iz svega
Karadžiü and the Serbian people in B-H did their utmost — eve-
proisticalo, pa }emo onda videti da takva hronolo{ka
rything, everything that could have been done to avoid war.
analiza koja }e dokazati kauzalnost, sekvencijalnost,
Here, Excellencies, we are going to put things in their proper
opcije koje su stajale. Da vidimo da li su Srbi mogli
place. We are going to present what happened chronologically,
ne{to drugo da urade sa tim istinski —
what was the cause, and what was the effect, and what resulted
SUDIJA KVAN: G. Karaxi}, molim vas. from this, and then we are going to see that such a chronological
analysis is going to demonstrate causality, sequentiality, and the
KARAXI]: Imam pet sekundi, Ekselencije.
140 141

Tada }emo videti da ova optu`nica nije smela da se options that were then available.76 Let us see whether or not the
pojavi, jer je sve u samoj stvari, u samoj krizi, u samom Serbs could have truly done anything else —
ratu postoje potpuna obja{wewa za sve koja potpuno
JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, please.
iskqu~uju srpsku odgovornost. Ali to je, zahvaquju}i
takvom pristupu Tu`ila{tva zamagqeno i na`alost u KARADZIû: I have five seconds, Your Excellencies.
nekim Ve}ima ovo Tu`ila{tvo uspelo da pridobije, da Then we are going to see that this Indictment should never
uveri neke sudije da je onako kako oni ka`u. have been issued in the first place because there is ample expla-
nation in the events themselves, in the crisis, in the war itself, for
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɂɞɟɦɨ ɧɚ ɩɚɭɡɭ ɨɞ ɩɨɥɚ ɫɚɬɚ.
which they have determined the Serbs to be held responsible.
— ɉɚɭɡɚ ɩɨɱɟɥɚ ɭ 12.02 ɱɚɫɨɜɚ But thanks to such obscurantist acts by the Tribunal, the Tribunal
has, unfortunately, succeeded in some Chambers to win over and
convince some judges that things stand just as they portrayed
JUDGE KWON: We will break for half an hour.
— Recess taken at 12:02 p.m.
142 143

— ɇɚɫɬɚɜɚɤ ɭ 12.33 ɱɚɫɨɜɚ — On resuming at 12:33 p.m.

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ. JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Karadžiü.
KARAXI]: Hvala, Ekselencije. Malo smo i{li u KARADŽIû: Thank you, your Excellencies. We briefly revisited
Hrvatsku, jer je Tu`ila{tvo uvelo Hrvatsku. Ja nemam Croatia because the OTP had introduced Croatia. I have nothing
ni{ta protiv, jer je to jedan narod i jedan kraj i jedna against it because it involves one people, one region, and one
kriza. crisis.
Da malo pogledamo, da vas malo podsetim kako sve
An Overview of the Events of 1990
ukupno ovo izgleda sa po~etkom. Zna~i, 1990-a godina
Let us take a closer look, so that I may call to your attention
po~iwe propa{}u Saveza komunista Jugoslavije. Oni ne
how all this looks cumulatively from the beginning. In 1990, the
uspevaju da zavr{e svoj ~etrnaesti Kongres. Raspadaju
League of Communists began to disintegrate. They failed to con-
se na nacionalne saveze komunista. Dakle, ponovo
clude their Fourteenth Convention. They disintegrated along na-
etni~ki se dele. U tom trenutku Karaxi} je disident
tional lines within the League of Communists. Therefore, they
ve} od 1968-e godine. Pravo da Vam ka`em, `ivim sa
were divided once again along ethnic lines. At that time,
svojim prijateqima, porodi~no, i radim i ne verujem da
Karadžiü had been a dissident since 1968. To tell you the truth, I
}e komunisti ikad oti}i sa vlasti. A oni, o~igledno,
was living with friends, my family, and I was working, and I
idu sa vlasti, i odobrava se stvarawe vi{epartijskog
didn’t believe that the Communists would ever leave power. But,
obviously, they relinquished power, and the creation of a multi-
27. marta, 1990-e godine, grupa Mladih Muslimana
party system was permitted.
poznati po vi{egodi{wim robijama u vi{e procesa,
On March 27, 1990, a group of Young Muslims, who were
objavquje da }e formirati muslimansku partiju, koja je
known to have served lengthy prison sentences resulting from
i otvorena i za druge, ali je to muslimanska partija sa
various trials, announced that they were going to form a Muslim
ciqevima muslimanskim, i to Srbe ne zabriwava, jer u
party that would be open to non-Muslims, but it was going to be
programu pi{e da ne}e ni da razgovaraju sa strankama
a Muslim party with Muslim objectives, and this did not overly
koje su protiv Jugoslavije. Ali, ve} sutradan, na staroj
concern the Serbs because their program stated that they were
srpsoj crkvi, osvanuli su grafiti protiv Srba, na domu
not even going to hold talks with anti-Yugoslav parties. Howev-
JNA protiv Srba. Dakle, to je ve} jedna — za brigu.
er, the very next day, graffiti targeting Serbs appeared on the Old
Stvara se muslimanska partija, a neprijateqi }e biti
Serbian Church and on the JNA building. So, this was already
JNA, Dom vojska, je li, i Srbi.
one cause for concern. A Muslim party was being created and its
15. maja 1990-e godine, formira se Forum za za{titu
enemies were going to be the JNA, the Army Headquarters, and
individualnih i tradicionalnih prava Muslimana. Ve}
the Serbs. Isn’t that so?
su bili izbori u Hrvatskoj 22. aprila. HDZ, kao
On May 15, 1990, a Forum for the Protection of Individual
najetni~kija i najekstremnija politi~ka partija koja je
and Traditional Rights of Muslims was established. The Croatian
144 145

veoma ve{to asimilovala politiku Prava{kih elections had already taken place on April 22. The HDZ, which
stranaka koje su i doveli do Usta{a, ali su was the most ethnically oriented and extremist party, had suc-
asimilovali i pobedili su. cessfully assimilated the policies of the Pravaška strana77 which
Sad smo do 26-og maja. SDA, Stranka demokratske led directly to the Ustaše, yet they did manage to assimilate their
stranke, ima svoju osniva~ku skup{tinu koja je policies and win elections.
najavqena 27-og marta. Srbi ni ne pomi{qaju da imaju Now we come to May 26. The Party of Democratic Action
bilo kakvu politi~ku stranku. [SDA] held its Inaugural Assembly, which had been announced
Rekli smo da je na toj sednici, na toj osniva~koj on March 27. The Serbs, at that moment, had not even enter-
skup{tini — je Dalibor Brozovi} rekao da }e se tained the notion of establishing any kind of political party.
Hrvatska braniti na Drini, a niko ih nije napao, niti We have said before that at this meeting — the Inaugural
se najavquje i{ta. To je maj 1990-e, to je mesec dana — Assembly — Dalibor Brozoviü said that Croatia was going to
mawe od mesec dana — od izbora u Hrvatskoj. Tek 28. defend [i.e., its alleged border] on the Drina River even though
juna, Srbi u Sarajevu i u Bosni, jedna jaka zajednica, no one had attacked it, and even though no one had announced
obnavqa rad zabrawene Prosvete. To je srpsko any plans to do so. That was in May 1990, a month — less than a
prosvetno kulturno dru{tvo Prosveta, poznato jo{ iz month — after the elections in Croatia. It was only on June 28
vremena Austro-Ugarske, zabrawivano i tokom Prvog that the Serbs in Sarajevo and Bosnia, a strong community, re-
Svestskog Rata, i odmah nakon Drugog Svetskog Rata, i sumed the operation of Prosveta,78 which had been banned.
na`alost, moram da ka`em, da su se po srpskom pitawu Prosveta is a Serbian educational and cultural society that had
Komunisti vrlo ~esto slagali, odnosno nalazili been well known since the days of the Austro-Hungarian Em-
saglasnost i sa Usta{ama i nema~kim Nacistima. [to pire, and that had been banned both during World War I and
je smetalo wima, to je smetalo i Komunistima. immediately after World War II, and I have to say, unfortunate-
Tek 12-og jula, Srpska demokratska stranka ly, that when it came to the Serbian question, the Communists
formira grupa intelektualna, elitna, nau~na elita very often acted in unison — i.e., found agreement — with the
srpska, naterana od naroda koji ne zna {ta }e sada. Ustaše and the German Nazis. Whatever bothered them also
Mora }e da glasa za reformisane Komuniste jer ovi svi bothered the Communists.
— HDZ se ve} prelio u Bosnu. Pobedio je u Hrvatskoj, It was only on July 12 that a group of intellectuals — a
deluje u Bosni, ve`u zastave HDZ i SDA mitinzima, scholarly elite — formed the Serbian Democratic Party under
zajedno nastupaju kao jedna koalicija, a Srbi nemaju pressure from the people, who did not know what they were go-
ni{ta, i zahtev je prema inteligencijoj srpskoj da se ing to do next. They would either have to vote for the reformed
formira srpska stranka. 12-og jula se formira Srpska Communists because all the others — the HDZ had already
demokratska stranka. Izetbegovi} dolazi, pozdravqa, spilled over into Bosnia. It had already won elections in Croatia
ka`e da smo trebali ranije, da su o~ekivali partnera iz and was active in Bosnia. They were hoisting the banners of the
srpskog naroda. Na pitawe iz publike kako gleda na HDZ and SDA at rallies, and they were acting together as a sin-
146 147

Jugoslaviju, on je rekao, “Ja sam za razumnu federaciju,” gle coalition, whereas the Serbs had nothing, and the Serbian
{to i pi{e u wegovom programu. I time je intelligentsia faced the necessity of establishing a Serbian politi-
g. Izetbegovi} postavio osnove za na{u post-izbornu cal party. The Serbian Democratic Party was established on July
koaliciju, uveriv{i nas da nema razlika u na{im 12. Izetbegoviü came to the rally, greeted us, and said that we
programima. ought to have founded the party sooner; that he was awaiting a
Tu`ila{tvo propu{ta da iznese — a ina~e traga za partner from the Serbian people. He fielded a question from the
elementima mens rea iz karaktera ovih aktera i vo|a audience about his views on Yugoslavia, and he said, “I’m in
Srpske demokratske starnke i srpskog naroda, ali favor of a reasonable federation,” which had been written into
propu{ta da nam predstavi ko su ti osniva~i Srpske his [party’s] platform. And Izetbegoviü thereby laid down the
demokratske stranke. Da li su to ekstremisti, luzeri, foundations for our post-election coalition by convincing us that
probisveti, ili su to prosto qudi iz univerziteta, there were no major differences between our political platforms.
pisci po nekoliko kwiga, filozofi, nau~nici, koji }e The Prosecution omitted stating — although it was searching
posle, `rtvuju}i sve i `ive}i tri-~etiri godine u for elements of mens rea79 from the character of the protagonists
planinama i u pusto{i, slu`e}i svome narodu, and leaders of the Serbian Democratic Party as well as from the
predstavqati jedna od najobrazovanijih vlada u Evropi. Serbian people — but it omitted stating who the founders of the
Nijedna vlada u Evropi nije imala toliko ne- Serbian Democratic Party were. Whether they were extremists,
politi~kih, nepartijskih li~nosti koje su bile — sa losers, good-for-nothings or whether they were simply university
visokim znawima, i moralnim autoritetom, i stru~nim professors, authors, philosophers, and scientists who would sub-
znawima, vodili jednu malu zajednicu u najte`im sequently, after having lived for three or four years in mountains
vremenima. and in wastelands [i.e., during WWII] and survived to serve their
To ne odgovara Tu`ila{tvu, zato ne}e da iznese people, represented one of the most educated administrations in
takvu stvar. Europe. Not one single government in Europe had so many non-
Tragaju}i za mens rea, uva`eni protiv-Jugosloven political personalities, independent of party affiliations as did the
Tiger se`e ~ak do Cara Du{ana. Nema izme|u Cara SDA — with a very high level of knowledge, moral authority,
Du{ana i mene ni{ta, {to bi se moglo staviti na and specialized expertise, who were leading a small community
teret, nego se nalazi u primer kod Cara Du{ana da sam in very difficult times.
ja hteo {ta je i Car Du{an imao, etni~ki ~istu srpsku This does not suit the Prosecution, and that is why they dis-
dr`avu, itd. Car Du{an je imao titulu Stefan Du{an, regarded this matter.
Car Srba, Grka, i Arbanasa. Srpska dr`ava je u vreme In his search for mens rea, the esteemed anti-Yugoslav Tieg-
Cara Du{ana, ~etrnaesti vek, bila multi-etni~ka er reaches [far into the past] all the way back to Tsar Dušan.
dr`ava. I Srbija je danas najmultietni~kija dr`ava u There is nothing that Tsar Dušan and I share that could be added
isto~noj Evropi, a mo`da u Evropi. Nema nigde toliko to the charges against me, but, in the example of Tsar Dušan, one
mawina koliko `ive i rade i napreduju i integrisani may find instead that I wanted what he had achieved, an ethni-
148 149

su ali nisu asimilovane, nego se ~uva wihov identitet cally pure Serbian state, etc. Tsar Dušan held the title Stefan
nigde kao u Srbiji. Car Du{an nije primer za etni~ku Dušan, Tsar of the Serbs, Greeks, and Albanians. The Serbian
~istu dr`avu. state during Tsar Dušan’s reign in the fourteenth century was a
U prvim nastupima, kao politi~ar, ovaj optu`eni o multi-ethnic state. Even today, Serbia is the most multi-ethnic
jugoslovenskoj krizi najavama secesija, predla`e state in Eastern Europe, perhaps even in Europe. Nowhere else
skandinavizaciju. Svi znamo — sve su vlade ve} are there so many minorities who live and work and advance
objavqivale, i pre Titove smrti da }e — ako se themselves and who have integrated but who have not assimilat-
Jugoslavija raspada, pre svega Bosna nastradati. I ed, who instead have preserved their identity in Serbia as they
pi{em i pismo i Milanu Ku~anu i predla`em svima da have nowhere else. Tsar Dušan is not an example for an ethnical-
se izvr{i skandinavizacija. Skandinavske zemqe su se ly pure state.
1905-e godine dogovirile da se razi|u. Mirno su In his initial actions as a politician, the Accused, in response
dogovorile granice, ostavile su {est meseci to the Yugoslav crises caused by the announcement of seces-
op{tinama da se odlu~e u kojoj zemqi }e da `ive, i sions, proposed Scandinavian-ization. We all know — all of our
danas su te zemqe i sre}ne i bogate i veoma bliske. previous governments had made it public it even before Tito’s
Istovremeno se ovaj optu`eni zala`e protiv death — that if Yugoslavia were to fall apart, Bosnia would be at
cepawa BiH. Kad je krenuo secesionizam u BiH, the forefront as a victim. I even wrote to Milan Kuþan and pro-
Karaxi} se zala`e za [vajcarizaciju, i naziva je: “Neka posed for one and all to carry out [a plan of] Scandinavian-
Bosna bude ju`na [vajcarska.” Gde god ima ization. The Scandinavian countries agreed to part ways in 1905.
trideset/pedeset hiqada jednih, drugih, ili tre}ih, nek They agreed to their borders peacefully; they gave counties six
naprave sebi kanton. Ne moraju kantoni da imaju months to decide in which country they wanted to live, and to
kontinuitet teritorijalni, jer nije bilo rata u tom this today all these countries live happily, prosper, and remain
trenutku. Va`no je da svako obavqa svoje poslove i close.
administrira i da se me|usobno ne sukobqavaju oko At the same time, the Accused came out against the break-up
permanentnih poku{aja dominacije i eksploatacije i of B-H. When secessionism began in B-H, Karadžiü was in favor
zloupotreba. of Helveticizing Bosnia, and he said: “Let Bosnia be the south-
Moram da ka`em da je pitawe kantonizacije prvi ern Switzerland.” Wherever there might be thirty/fifty thousand
put pomenuto u jednim novinama u Zagrebu, ali smo mi of one or the other, or a third, let them create a canton. The can-
to odmah prihvatili kao spasonosno ako }e Bosna ve} tons did not need territorial continuity because there was no war
ne{to da ~ini. going on at the time. It was important for everyone to go about
Kada se Tu`ila{tvo, u potrazi za mens rea namerama their business and administer the country and avoid internal
Srpske demokratske stranke, kad ho}e da doka`e da se clashes over permanent attempts to dominate, exploit, and mis-
Srpska demokratska stranka formirala da bi izvela treat.
rat i da bi izvela formirawe srpske dr`ave i da bi
150 151

oterala druge, itd., onda se ne poziva ni na {ta, nego na I must say that the issue of cantonization was mentioned for
stvari koje su se desile po logici gra|anskog rata, a ne the first time in one of the Zagreb newspapers, but we accepted it
po nameri Srpske demokratske stranke. Na izborima, immediately as beneficial if Bosnia were going to do something.
Srpska demokratska stranka je dobila skoro sve glasove When the OTP, in its search for mens rea in the intentions of
srpskog naroda, kao uostalom i druge ostale nacionalne the Serbian Democratic Party, wants to prove that the SDS was
stranke, 98 i ne{to posto — jedan i po posto bilo za formed in order to start a war and form a Serbian state and to
neke druge stranke. To je ogromna odgovornost. Dobili expel others in the process, etc., it cites absolutely nothing ex-
smo to na demokratskom programu iz koga Tu`ila{tvo cept what unfolded according to the logic of the civil war, but
ne mo`e da prika`e nijedan elemenat na{e not the intentions of the SDS. After all, just as other national par-
odgovornosti ili nijedan elemenat na kome bi ties, the SDS won nearly all the votes of the Serbian people,
po~ivali doga|aji koji su do{li. Ne mo`e da na|e u tim around 98% of the vote — the remaining 1½ percent voted for
na{im programima, dokumentima, ne mo`e da na|e other parties. That was an enormous responsibility. We won on a
povod za to. democratic program in which the Prosecution is unable to show
A trebalo bi Tu`ila{tvo da ne gleda {ta je neki one single element of our responsibility or one single element on
poslanik rekao u qutini, ili negde, nego da uzme which subsequent events were based. It can’t find one in our
dokumente i da ka`e: “Evo {ta je htela Srpska program, our documents — the OTP is unable to find any motive
demokratska stranka!” for that.
Mi smo vlast podelili u BiH i napravili smo jednu The OTP ought not take into consideration what a repre-
koaliciju koja je bila mogu}a napraviti. Srpska sentative said somewhere in a fit of anger; instead, it ought to
demokratska stranka, u ime srpskog naroda kojeg je have taken documents and said: “Here, this is what the SDS
predstavqala, dobila je, uzela je, i prihvatila je mesto wanted!”
predsednika Skup{tine. To nije izvr{na vlast. We shared power in B-H, and we created the only coalition
Muslimani su dobili predsednika predsedni{tva, that was possible to create. The Serbian Democratic Party, in the
Hrvati predsednika vlade, i ako su oni name of the Serbian people that it represented, won, assumed,
sedamnaest/osamnaest posto, ali nije bitno. Koliko je and accepted the post of the Presidency of the Assembly. That is
god, oni su ravnopravni i konstitutivni narod. U not the executive branch. The Muslims won the Chairmanship of
podeli ministarstava, Srpska demokratska stranka ne the Presidency,80 and the Croats won the Prime Minister’s post,
tra`i ni Minstarstvo Unutra{wih poslova ni even though they constituted only 17% or 18% [of the popula-
Ministarstvo odbrane. Srbi tra`e Ministarstvo tion], but that did not matter. Regardless of their number, they
poqoprivrede, jer vide}ete na mapi kada ona do|e, i are a constituent people who possess equal rights. In the alloca-
vide}ete da je — evo, ovo su, Ekcelencije, ovo su tion of ministerial positions, the SDS did not seek either the Min-
prostori — plavi prostori gde Srbi su i danas posle istry of the Interior or the Ministry of Defense. The Serbs sought
raznih genocida, ve}insko stanovni{tvo. Zato Srpska the Ministry of Agriculture, because you will see on the map
152 153

demokratska stranka tra`i Ministarstvo poqo- when it appears, you will see — here, there they are, Excellen-
privrede. cies — these areas, these blue areas [EXHIBIT XIV] are where
Kad smo ve} kod ove mape, hteo bi da podsetim i the Serbs remain a majority of the population even today after
Ve}e i Tu`ila{tvo, da li ovaj narod, kome je ovo various genocides. That is why the SDS sought the Ministry of
domovina od vajkada, bezna~ajni faktor u Bosni da se Agriculture.
mo`e protiv wega i mimo wega donositi odluka o Since we already have the map before us now, I would like
wegovoj sudbini? Zato {to je nekom stalo da prekr{i to call the attention of the Chamber and the Prosecution [to this
Ustav i zakone i da ~ak ni po osnovu broj~ane premo}i question]: Is this people, whose homeland this has been since
jednostavno, i kad nema uslova da demokratski donese time immemorial, such an insignificant factor in Bosnia that de-
takvu odluku, ovaj narod na ovim prostorima treba da cisions may be made about their fate against their will or by cir-
proguta i da prihvati diktat druge dve strane? Mi smo cumventing them? Because someone was determined to violate
uzeli Ministarstvo nauke, mi smo uzeli Ministartstvo the Constitution and laws simply to overwhelm them with statis-
informisawa. Jednostavno, nije bilo ni jednog tics when there were no conditions to democratically render such
ministarstva ni~ega {to bi bilo potrebno za rat. a decision which these people in these areas had to swallow and
A, odmah nakon izbora, ovaj optu`eni je zbog had to accept as the diktat of the other two parties? We took the
tenzija u dru{tvu, iza{ao sa predlogom da se formira Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Information. Simply put,
ekspertska vlada, da se strana~ki qudi ne upu{taju u there was not one single ministry in our hands that would have
vlast. Sve su to dugogodi{wi disidenti. Nemaju been necessary for war.
iskustva u vr{ewu vlasti. Kod Komunista nisu bili
The Formation of a Government of Experts
omiqeni. Da se uzmu eksperti. Ovaj optu`eni tako|e se
Immediately after the elections, the Accused, on account of
nigde nije kandidovao, jer je svojim strana~kim
social tensions, came out with a proposal to form a government
kolegama preporu~io da strana~ki qudi ne idu u vlast,
of experts, and to disallow party members in government. Those
nego da idu u tehnokrate. Druge dve partije nisu to
were all people who had been dissidents for many years. They
prihvatile, ali Srpska demokratska stranka je ostala
did not have experience running an administration. They were
pri tome. Jedan jedini ministrar srpski bio je ~lan
disliked by the Communists. Let’s get experts. The Accused
Srpske demokratske stranke — Ministar inform-
likewise did not put himself forth as a candidate, because he and
isawa. Svi ostali su bili — neki su bili za vreme
his party associates proposed that party members should not be
komunista — dvojica su bili ministari za vreme
in the government but proposed, instead, to go with technocrats.
Komunista. Uzeli smo Ministarstvo pravde, uzeli smo
The other two parties did not accept this, but the SDS stood by
ovo {to sam rekao, finansija, poqoprivrede, itd.
its position. Only one Serbian minister was a member of the SDS
ɉɊȿȼɈȾɂɅȺɐ: ȴɭɛɚɡɧɨ ɦɨɥɢɦɨ ɨɩɬɭɠɟɧɨɝ ɞɚ ɝɨɜɨɪɢ — the Minister of Information. All the rest were — some had
ɫɩɨɪɢʁɟ ɞɚ ɨɦɨɝɭʄɢ ɩɪɟɜɨɻɟʃɟ ɢ ɜɨɻɟʃɟ ɡɚɩɢɫɧɢɤɚ. been ministers during the Communist era — two were ministers
who had served during the Communist era. We took the Minis-
154 155

KARAXI]: Dakle, kako Tu`ila{tvo mo`e da previdi try of Justice, we took what I said before, Finance, Agriculture,
ta nastojawa Srpske demokratske stranke, i kako mo`e etc.
namere za rat koje se`u od jula 1990-e godine, s kojim
INTERPRETER: The Accused is kindly asked to slow down for
ciqem je i formirana Srpska demokratska stranka?
the benefit of the translation and the record.
Kako mo`e da saobrazi sa izborom ministarstava i sa
pona{awem Srpske demokratske stranke da vlast KARADŽIû: Therefore, how is it possible that the Prosecution
prepusti tehnokratama? overlooked these efforts made by the Serbian Democratic Party,
Isto Tu`ila{tvo upada u jednu zamku zbog and how can [it impute] an intention to wage war, the purpose
nepoznavawa, neznawa jezika. for which the SDS was [allegedly] established, that goes back to
Pa kada Srpska demokratska stranka uo~i samog July 1990? How can it conform this with the SDS’s choice of
rata, u uo~i najve}e krize, a u sklopu konferencije, gde ministries, and its conduct in turning the government over to
je dobila pravo na konstitutivnu jedinicu, na policiju, technocrats?
na nacionalnu gardu, }e dobiti na vladu, re~i ovoga The Prosecution also falls into a trap because of its lack of
optu`enoga: knowledge, its ignorance of the language.
So when the SDS, on the eve of the war, on the eve of the
Ovo smo dogovorili. Idite na teren.
most serious crisis, obtained in accordance with the Conference
Uzmite vlast u svoje ruke. Budite
the right [for Serbs] to have their own constituent unit, their own
odgovorni, itd.
police force, their own National Guard, and their own govern-
Tu`ila{tvo prevodi kao “preuzmite”. Jedan od ment, in the words of the Accused:
glavnih stvari u ovoj optu`nici je kako su Srbi
This is what we agreed to. Go into the field.
preuzeli vlast u op{tinama. A pogledajte, Ekselencije,
Take the administrative duties into your own
ovu mapu. Srbi nisu imali potrebe da preuzimaju vlast,
hands. Act responsibly, etc.
nego samo da vr{e odgovorno vlast koju su dobili na
izborima. Za{to bi preuzeli? Od koga da preuzmu kad The OTP translates this as take over. One of the principal
su tamo ve} na vlasti? Na ovoj mapi vidite gde su sve charges in this Indictment is the claim that the Serbs took over
Srbi bili na vlasti. power in municipalities. But, Excellencies, please look at this
Od koga bismo mi u Bijeqini preuzimali vlasta? A map. There was no need for Serbs to take over power but simply
Bijeqina }e se ovde pojaviti kao nasilno preuzeta to assume in a responsible manner the administrative duties that
op{tina, a mi smo tamo, kao uostalom i svuda. Ali to they had won in the elections. Why would they take over? From
nepoznavawe jezika. Kada neko preuzima neki alat, onda whom? From whom would they take over power when they were
to je wegov alat pa ga ja preuzimam. A kada neko uzima already in office in these areas? You can see it on this map
alat, to uzima svoj alat, koji tu stoji, i uzima ga. Dakle, where all the Serbs were in office.
From whom would we take over power in Bijeljina? But Bi-
jeljina will be depicted here as a county that was taken over by
156 157

drasti~na je razlika. A re~ je svega — “pre” — jedno force, but we have always been there, just as, after all, we were
“pre” se razlikuje. I ona je dovela do ove optu`nice. everywhere else. But this is a result of not knowing the language.
Dakle, ne samo da nismo uzeli Ministarstvo When a person takes over [preuzima] a tool, that tool belongs
unutra{wih poslova, nego ni na ni`a mesta u to another person, so I’m taking over possession of it. But when
ministartsvu unutra{wih poslova na regionalnom someone takes [uzima] a tool, he is taking something that be-
nivou zamenika ministra, itd. Nismo doveli ni jednu longs to him. Therefore, there is a drastic difference. And it all
jedinu li~nost koja ve} nije bila u policiji. Nismo hinges on the word [i.e., prefix] pre [pre] — one single prefix
doveli nijednog kriminalca. differentiates them. And it led to this Indictment.
Ja sad preporu~ujem Va{oj pa`wi — intercept,
The SDA Brings Criminals into the MUP81
snimqen razgovor ovoga optu`enoga sa zamenikom
Therefore, not only did we not take the Ministry of the Inte-
ministra, koji }e ovde biti svedok, gde se dobija
rior, we didn’t even have any ministers or deputies at the region-
potvrda, gde kona~no i taj zamenik ministra nije bio
al level there, etc. We did not bring one single person into the
~lan SDS-a.
police force who had not already been a member. We did not
[PO~ETAK audio sminka] bring one single criminal [into the police force].
I would now like to call your attention to the intercept of a
KARAXI]: Vito, mi nismo doveli
recorded conversation between the Accused and a Deputy Minis-
nijednog kriminalca. Nismo—
ter, who will testify here, and it will be confirmed by this Deputy
@EPINI]: Ja govorim za wih. Minister that he was not a member of the SDS.
KARAXI]: Gledajte, molim vas. Mi smo [START — telephone intercept]
~istog obraza. Mi nismo doveli nijednog
KARADŽIû: Vito, we haven’t appointed one
~oveka koji ve} nije bio u MUP-u. Wihov
single criminal. We haven’t —
interes je, Vito, da dovode odane qude.
Slu{ajte mene dobro. Odane qude oni su ŽEPINIû: I’m talking about them.
doveli. I jesu nas oni pre{li, i oni su
KARADŽIû: Look, please. We have nothing to
nas pre{li dok smo mi doveli stru~ne
be ashamed of. We haven’t brought in one single
qude i po{tene qude koji nemaju nikakve
man who wasn’t already in the MUP. It is in
veze sa strankom.
their interest, Vito, to appoint people dedicated
@EPINI]: Ja }u to pitati i uputiti to their cause. Pay attention to what I’m saying.
otvoreno pismo onaj sekretaru SDA i They appointed people dedicated to their cause.
predsedniku stranke: Da li je u interesu They deceived us, and they deceived us while
muslimanskog naroda da dovode we were bringing in experts and honest people
kriminalce? who had no party connections.
158 159

KARAXI]: Postavqali smo qude, ŽEPINIû: I’m going to send an open letter to
birali smo najpo{tenije i najsposobnije that secretary of the SDA and to the President of
i mi smo ih postavqali. I molim lijepo, the party and ask them: Is it in the best interest
sad smo do{li u }orsokak. Oni su of the Muslim people to appoint criminals?
postavili najodanije qude; mi smo
KARADŽIû: We nominated people, we chose
poslali najsposobnije qude.
the most honest and the most capable people and
[KRAJ audio sminka] we appointed them. Now, mind you, we wound
up in a dead end. They were appointing the most
Ovo je bila osnova razlika u pristupu Srpske
devoted party loyalists; we were appointing
demokratske stranke i srpske zajednice, i ovog
those who were most capable.
fundamentalisti~kog jezgra SDA, razlika u moralnom
pristupu dru{tvu i dru{tvenom `ivotu, dovela je do [END — telephone intercept]
toga da je policija u BiH krenula u masivne
This was the basic difference in approach between the SDS and
zloupotrebe dr`avne funkcije protiv srpskog naroda, a
the Serbian community and this fundamentalist core of the SDA
na ratnom programu Stranke demokratske akcije. Ovaj
— the difference being in the moral approach to society and
gospodin koji sa mnom razgovara je postavqen na srpsko
common public life, and it resulted in the police force in B-H mas-
mesto zamenka ministra. Nije bio ~lan SDS-a.
sively abusing their state functions and turning them against the
Jednostavno mi to nismo radili. A oni su promenili
Serbian people, which was in accordance with the SDA’s program
krvnu sliku policije. Sve kriminalce su doveli, i oni
for war. This gentleman with whom I was speaking had been ap-
su po~eli sa naoru`avawem naroda i sa naoru`avawem
pointed as Deputy Minister in a slot reserved for a Serb. He was
Stranke demokratske akcije, vide}ete, sa naoru`-
not a member of the SDS. We simply did not do such things. And
avawem Patriotske Lige, koja je tako rano formirana,
they altered the fundamental composition of the police force. They
31-og marta, dva meseca posle uspostavqawa zajedni~ke
appointed nothing but criminals, and they started off by arming
the people, the Party of Democratic Action and, as you will see,
To je, zna~i, nekoliko dokaza imamo iz ovoga
the Patriotic League, which was formed early, on March 31, only
intercepta gde drugi ~ovek MUP-a potvr|uje i da oni
two months after a coalition government had been established.
dovode kriminalce i da mi ne dovodimo kriminalce.
This means we have a lot of evidence in this intercept in
Dr`imo se i daqe da stru~ni qudi moraju da budu i
which the number-two man in the MUP confirms that they were
po{teni, a ne strana~ki qudi u vlast.
appointing criminals and that we were not. We still maintain that
E sada, bilo bi jako korisno kada bismo videli {ta
professionals must be honest people, and not party loyalists ap-
g. Izetbegovi} ka`e u ovim okolnostima. 27-oga
pointed to public office.
februara do 15-og januara, je bio za Jugoslaviju. 27-og
And now, it would be most beneficial if we were to see what
februara iste godine, mesec dana nakon sklapawa
Mr. Izetbegoviü had to say in these circumstances.82 From Janu-
160 161

koalicione vlade, g. Izetbegovi} ka`e da }e: ary 15 to February 27, he was for Yugoslavia. However, on
“@rtvovati mir za nezavisnost Bosne,” za suverenost February 27 of that same year, just one month after the coalition
Bosne, a ne}e “`rtvovati suverenu Bosnu za mir.” government had been formed, Mr. Izetbegoviü said that he
Dakle, potpuna odlu~nost da ide do kraja bez obzira na would: “sacrifice peace for an independent Bosnia,” for a sover-
to da li imao pravo ili nemao, i da li ovaj svet koji eign Bosnia; but that he: “would not sacrifice a sovereign Bosnia
`ivi na dve tre}ine BiH — jeste jedna tre}ina, ali for peace.” So, he was completely determined to go to the bitter
jedna tre}ina stanovni{tva su Srbi radi toga {to je end regardless of whether he had the right to do so or not, and
genocidom taj broj redukovan i smawen. whether the people living on two-thirds of the territory of B-H
Dakle, Tu`ila{tvo sugeri{e da bi Srbi trebalo da — it is one-third — one-third of the population is Serbian be-
prihvate da Muslimani i Hrvati eksploati{u cause genocide had reduced and diminished its numbers.
rezultate genocida protiv Srba, da izvuku iz toga Therefore, the Prosecution suggests that Serbs accept the fact
korist. Jer sada se wima stavqa, predo~i: “[ta vi that the Muslims and Croats are exploiting the results of the gen-
ho}ete? Nema vas vi{e od jedne tre}ine.” Ali se vidi ocide against Serbs in order to benefit from it. Because now they
gde su bili ve}ina kad su bili ve}ina. Na dve tre}ine [the Serbs] are being confronted by the question: “What do you
teritorije BiH su bili, jesu uvek bili do genocida want? You don’t make up more than a third of the population.”
Drugog svetskog rata ve}insko stanovni{tvo. But we can see where the Serbs were a majority when they were
Ko su ti qudi s kojima mi smo napravili koaliciju a majority. They were on two-thirds of the territory of Bosnia,
i koji su uslovili na{e pona{awe u potpunosti? Sad and they always were the majority population until the genocide
}emo da vidimo {ta je ideologija te grupe qudi, po{to during World War II.
Tu`ila{tvo traga za mens rea svih nas. Da vidimo s kim
Alija Izetbegoviü and the Islamic Declaration
smo mi imali posla. Da li to bila umiqata jagwad ili
Who are these people with whom we entered into a coalition
smo se suo~ili sa ne~im na {ta smo morali da
government and who are completely responsible for causing us to
reagujemo? I sa ~im smo morali da se —
behave as we did? Now we’re going to see what the ideology of
G. Izetbegovi} je 1970-e godine objavio — zapravo
this group of people was, since the Prosecution is seeking mens
napisao i distribuirao tajno ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɭ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɭ.
rea for all of us. Let’s see who we were dealing with.83 Were they
G. Izetbegovi} je 1941-e, 42-e, 43-e, itd., bio ~lan
adorable lambs or were we up against something to which we had
organizacije Mladi Muslimani, i tada se on opredelio
to react the way we did? And with whom we had to —
za uvo|ewe fundamentalisti~kog Islamskog re`ima
Mr. Izetbegoviü published in 1970 — actually, wrote and
svuda gde `ive Muslimani. Svuda gde `ive Muslimani!
clandestinely distributed — the Islamic Declaration.
Osnova za taj program je ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɚ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɚ koju je on
Mr. Izetbegoviü was in 1941, 1942, and 1943, etc., a member of
napisao 1970-e godine. On je i posle Drugog svetskog
the Young Muslims, and at that time, he became determined to
rata nastavio da deluje tajno i konspirativno i
introduce a fundamentalist Islamic regime wherever Muslims
subverzivno i osu|en je na tri godine posle Drugog
lived. Wherever Muslims lived! The basis of that program was
162 163

svetskog rata. Po{to je iza{ao iz zatvora — to je jedna the Islamic Declaration which he wrote in 1970. After World
od li~nosti kojoj treba skinuti kapu zbog upornosti i War II, he continued his clandestine, conspiratorial, and subver-
nepopustqivosti u pogledu programa za koje se sive activities, and he was sentenced to three years in prison after
opredelio. I nema nikakvih promena u tom pogledu. World War II. After he was released from prison — he was one
A toku Drugog svetskog rata, on i wegovi saradnici, of those individuals who merits a tip of the hat because of his
bra}a Behmen, primali su ovog ~oveka koji je na slici pertinacity and unrelenting efforts with respect to the program on
sa Hitlerom. To je Veliki Muftija Jerusalemski el- which he had set his mind. And he never changed his views.84
Huseini, koji je bio u Sarajevu nekoliko puta — During World War II, he and his collaborators, the brothers
najmawe dva puta — a kod Hitler je bio nebrojano puta. Behmen, received this man who is pictured here with Hitler.
Svaki put kad je do{ao u Bosnu, to je rezultiralo [EXHIBIT XV] This is the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, [Amin] al-
formirawe EsEs-Vafen divizije, koja se nazvala Husseini, who also visited Sarajevo several times — at least
Hanxar Divizija, i koja je bila najsurovija. Da ni twice — but who had visited Hitler on countless occasions. Each
Nemci nisu mogli da zamisle takve surovosti. To je time he came to Bosnia, it resulted in the formation of the most
bila najsurovija jedinica. E, to je Hitlerov prijateq i brutal of Waffen SS Divisions, the Handžar Division.85 Not
gost kod Behmena i kod Izetbegovi}a. even the Germans could imagine such cruelty. It was the most
Dakle, posle tog rata, g. Izetbegovi} je u zatvoru vicious unit. So, that was Hitler’s friend, and he was a guest of
bio, i 1970-e je napisao ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɭ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɭ, koja je u Behmen and Izetbegoviü.
stvari programski akt Stranke demokratske akcije. So, after that war, Mr. Izetbegoviü received a prison sen-
Naravno, mi smo se nadali da to nije, ali se pokazalo da tence, and in 1970 he wrote the Islamic Declaration, which is, in
jeste. Jesam ja u jesen 1991-e, tra`e}i na~ina da spasimo fact, the Party of Democratic Action’s tactical and strategic pro-
Bosnu, tra`io da Izetbegovi} ka`e da se odrekne gram. Of course, we hoped that this was not the case, but that’s
ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɟ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɟ da nas uveri da ona nije politi~ki what it turned out to be. In 1990, when I was trying to save Bos-
program Stranke demokratske akcije. To nismo dobili, nia, I wanted Izetbegoviü to renounce the Islamic Declaration to
jer je on zaista u tom pogledu bio ~vrst. assure us that it wasn’t the political program of the SDA. We did
Tu`ila{tvo ne samo da nije tragalo ko su na{i not get those assurances because he did, indeed, stick firmly to
partneri koji su uslovqavali na{e pona{awe, nego his position.
pogre{no tuma~i na{e re~i. Pa ka`e, kada ja govorim Not only has the Prosecution not attempted to find out who
na nekom sastanku — mislim da je skup{tina bila ili our partners were, those who established the conditions for our
strana~ka — ka`e da: conduct, but it has also erroneously interpreted our words. So, it
says, when I’m speaking at a meeting — I think it was a session
Mi Muslimane kontrolisati ne mo`emo
of the Assembly or a party meeting — that I said:
u toj unitarnoj dr`avi. Mi dobro znamo
gde do|e fundamentalizam da se tu vi{e We cannot control the Muslims in such a unitary
`iveti ne mo`e — nema tolerancije. state. We know very well that wherever funda-
164 165

O ~emu se radi? [ta je Tu`ila{tvo ovde uradilo? mentalism turns up, life there is impossible —
Ono je otkinulo deo govora. Ono je donelo zavisnu there is no tolerance.
re~enicu, a nije donelo glavnu re~enicu. Teza je, koja }e
What is this about? What has the Prosecution done here? It
se ~esto provla~iti, i pokazati kao ta~na da Zapad nije
edited out part of my speech. It quoted the subordinate clause but
dao formirawe Republike Srpske ili eventualno
omitted the governing clause. The thesis, which will be repeated
ostajawe Srba u Jugoslaviji, radi toga {to nije hteo da
often, and will prove to be correct, is that the West neither permit-
omogu}i Muslimanima da budu tako izrazita ve}ina i
ted the creation of the Republika Srpska nor allowed the Serbs to
da formiraju islamsku dr`avu u Evropi. Teza je da
remain eventually in Yugoslavia, because the West did not want to
Srbi i Hrvati treba da ostanu u Bosni da bi
enable the Muslims to be a clear majority and to create an Islamic
kontrolisali islamski faktor za ra~un Evrope.
state in Europe. The thesis is that Serbs and Croats must remain in
Radovan Karaxi} smatra da to nije dobro. Prvo: Srbi
Bosnia to control the Islamic factor for Europe’s benefit. Radovan
ne pristaju da wihovi `ivoti budu potro{eni na
Karadžiü does not consider this to be good. First: the Serbs do not
kontrolu islamskog faktora; drugo, u celoj toj
agree that their lives must be spent controlling the Islamic factor;
unitarnoj Bosni, nemogu}e je da mi wih kontroli{emo;
second, it is impossible to control them throughout the territory of
i tre}e, mnogo je miroqubivije da Srbi izdvoje svoju
a unitary Bosnia; and third, it would be much more peaceful for
sudbinu ispod tog fundamentalisti~kog projekta nego
the Serbs to withdraw from this fundamentalist project rather than
da se suprotstavqaju tom projektu. Neka sa tom projektu
to oppose it. Let Europe oppose this project. Why should the Serbs
suprostavqa Evropa. Za{to bi Srbi ponovo bili
once again be the guardians of the gate, which is the title of a well-
~uvari kapije, kao {to postoji jedna poznata kwiga o
known book, which depicts the Serbs as the guardians of the gates
Srbima kao ~uvarima evropske kapije.
of Europe?86
E, zna~i ovde se Tu`ila{tvo poku{ava da ka`e kako
Well, this means the Prosecution is here trying to say that
mi `elimo da kontroli{emo Muslimane, a mi upravo
we, in fact, want to control the Muslims, whereas we were stat-
ka`emo obrnuto, da mi ne `elimo. To nam nije ciq.
ing quite the opposite, that we didn’t want to do that. That was
Ne}emo da potro{imo svoje `ivote na to. Isto tako,
not our goal. We don’t want to spend our lives doing that. Like-
re~i jednog drugog poslanika koji ka`e mi smo
wise, the words of another representative in the [B-H] Assembly
odre|eni da budemo xelati Muslimana u Bosni. I mi to
who said that we were appointed to become the executioners of
ne}emo, itd. Tu`ila{tvo prevodi i uzima, kao da smo
the Muslims in Bosnia. We do not want that, either, etc. The
mi rekli: mi smo se opredelili da budemo wihovi
Prosecution translates and selects [text] as if we had said just
xelati. A u pitawu je pasiv, i rekao taj ~ovek: “jedna
such things: that we were determined to be their executioners.
institucija stara sedam sto godina,” verovatno misle}i
But, the passive voice is in question and this person said: “seven-
na Vatikan, “odredila je nas da mi budemo xelati,” a mi
hundred-year-old institution” — probably with the Vatican in
to odbijamo. A to se upotrebqava protiv nas. Po mom
mind — “has cast us in the role of executioners,” but we reject
mi{qewu to je nedopustqivo, jer da nije bilo tih
that. And this is being used against us. To my mind, this is im-
166 167

falsifikata, ne bi bila nikakve optu`nice. To su permissible, because if it weren’t for these falsifications, there
prosta ~itawa. Jednostavno treba videti {ta je taj would not have been any indictment at all. These are simple
~ovek rekao. Nas su opredelili, a ne mi smo se readings. One simply has to see what the man actually said. They
opredelili. I mi odbijamo taj zadatak koji nam assigned us this role, but we did not choose it. And we reject the
stavqaju. assignment they have given us.
Daqe, Tu`ila{tvo u svom paragrafu 23 pred- Furthermore, the Prosecution states in Paragraph 2387 of its
procesnog podneska ka`e da ja sam bez osnova rekao Pre-Trial Brief that I told our people, without any reason for do-
na{em narodu da stojimo pred istim planovima, istim ing so, that we faced the same master plan, the same criminals,
zlo~incima, i da su ispred istih planova i zlo~inaca and that, facing such plans and criminals, our people would be
iste `rtve kao u Drugom svetskom ratu, i da sam victims just as they had been during World War II, and that I had
insistirao na tome da Muslimani `ele islamsku insisted that the Muslims wanted an Islamic state and that they
dr`avu, da pripremaju zakone kojima nas Srbe da were preparing laws that would subjugate Serbs and once again
pot~ine i da ih dovedu ponovo u ropstvo. A {ta ako je reduce them to a state of slavery. But what if this is true? It is the
ovo ta~no? A to je Tu`ila{tvu bila du`nost da utvrdi Prosecution’s duty to confirm whether or not this is true. The
da li je ta~no. Tu`ila{tvo nastupa kao da ovo nije Prosecution acts as if this were not true. But we will easily prove
ta~no. A lako }emo dokazati da jeste ta~no. that it is true.
A za{to gubimo vreme i novac i {ta sve radimo sa Why are we wasting time and money and what are we doing
ovim procesima? Da je istra`ni sudija ovo radio by holding such trials? Had an investigating magistrate been in
umesto Tu`ila{tva, zakqu~io bi, Karaxi} je u pravo. charge instead of the Prosecution, he would have concluded that
Ima mno{tvo dokaza. Previ{e dokaza da je to ta~no. Da Karadžiü was in the right. The evidence is abundant. In fact,
vidimo, dakle, da li je to ta~no, i kako je to ta~no. there is too much evidence that it is true. So, let’s see whether it
G. Izetbegovi} je tvorac jedne organizacije koja is true, and how true it is.
traje preko pedeset godina. Zna~i od 1939-e godine pa na Mr. Izetbegoviü is the founder of an organization which has
daqe, koja ima ovakvu zakletvu. existed for more than fifty years. That means from 1939 on, it
has had this as its oath:88
Neka je slava i hvala Alahu gospodaru
svih svetova, kao pripadnik organiz- Praise and thanks to Allah, Master of all worlds,
acije— as a member of the organization —
Ovo prvi deo je normalno. This first part is normal.
— kao pripadnik organizacije zakliwem — as a member of the organization, I swear to
se svemogu}im Alahom da }u se, izme|u Almighty Allah that I, among other things, will
ostalog, bezkompromisno boriti protiv fight uncompromisingly against everything non-
svega neislamskog; da }u `rtvovati na Islamic; that I will sacrifice everything on God’s
168 169

Bo`ijem putem sve od sebe, pa i svoj path, even my own life, if the interests of Islam
`ivot, ako to budu zahtevali interesi demand it. I will also fight persistently for the
Islama. Ustrajno }u se boriti za grandeur and splendor of Islam. I pray that the
veli~inu, mo} i sjaj Islama. Molim Almighty grant me the will, the power, the cour-
svemogu}eg da mi da voqe, snage, hrab- age, and the persistence to take the path of jihad.
rosti, istrajnosti na ovome putu xihada.
INTERPRETER: The interpreters kindly request that you slow
PREVODILAC: Prevodioci vas qubazno mole da malo down a little.
KARADZIû: So, I have to slow down.
KARAXI]: [Dakle, moram to] usporiti. As I was saying, this is the oath taken by the Young Muslims.
Dakle, ovo je zakletva te muslimanske omladine. Now let’s see what Mr. Izetbegoviü says in his Islamic Dec-
E, sada da vidimo {ta ka`e g. Izetbegovi} u svojoj laration. What tasks does Islam assign to individual Muslims?
ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɨʁ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɢ. [ta su zadaci Islama, odnosno Therefore:
Muslimana? Dakle:
Muslims must form a movement, and that
Muslimani moraju biti pokret, a taj movement can and must start to take over gov-
pokret treba i mo`e pri}i preuzimawu erning authority as soon as it is morally and nu-
vlasti ~im je moralno i brojno toliko merically strong enough to be able to overthrow
sna`an da mo`e ne samo sru{iti not only the existing non-Islamic government
postoje}u neislamsku nego i izgraditi but also to build up a new Islamic government.89
novu islamsku vlast.
So, they don’t have to wait until they are 50% [of the popula-
Dakle, ne mora ~ekati ni pedeset posto, jer ~ekawe tion], because waiting for 50% means waiting for some kind of
pedeset posto zna~i opredeqewe za neku demokratiju democracy, and some kind of voting; instead, as soon as they
kakvu-takvu, ali za neko glasawe; nego, ~im se osete feel strong enough, it is their duty to join in the destruction of all
sna`ni, da su du`ni da treba i mogu da pristupe ru{ewu things non-Islamic.
svega ne-islamskog. After he was released from prison the first time,
Nakon prvog izlaska iz zatvora, g. Izetbegovi} je Mr. Izetbegoviü wrote this Islamic Declaration, but he also be-
napisao tu deklaraciju, a i u~lanio se u sve mogu}e came a member of all possible significant institutions. The Pros-
va`ne institucije. To Tu`ila{tvo ne zna, a to zna ecution does not know about this but the U.S. Senate Republican
Republikanski Politi~ki Komitet u Senatu Party Policy Committee does.90 The whole world knows about it,
Sjediwenih Ameri~kih Dr`ava. To zna ceo svet, a yet the Prosecutor presents me here as a barbarian who attacked
Tu`ila{tvo mene ovde predstavqa kao barbarina koji a good and peaceful neighbor. This is what the U.S. Senate Re-
nasr}e na dobrog mirnog kom{iju. Evo {ta Senat publican Policy Committee said about it in 1998, that Mr. Izet-
Republikan[ski] [Politi~ki Komitet] ka`e o tome begoviü in 1983 had strengthened his efforts since 1978 to intro-
170 171

1998-e godine, da je 1983-e g. Izetbegovi} od 1979-e duce Islamic rule in Bosnia. During his trial in 1983, i.e., his
poja~ao napore za uvo|ewe islamske vlasti u BiH. second trial, during which there were 65 witnesses who were
Tokom su|ewa 1983-e godine, zna~i to je drugo su|ewe, deposed before a chamber of five judges — all five were Mus-
kojim su saslu{ani 65 svedoka pred veliki ve}em — pet lims — and 62 of the witnesses were Muslims.
sudija — svi pet Muslimani — 62 svedoka su bili Now, the verdict against Alija Izetbegoviü, Omer Behmen,
Muslimani. Hasan ýengiü — all three were alive and active in 1990 — the
E sada, presuda Aliji Izetbegovi}u, Omeru verdict states that they were obsessed by the idea of an Islamic
Behmenu, Hasanu ^engi}u — oni su sva trojica bili rebirth, the [proper] Islamization of Muslims, and that this had
`ivi i aktivni 1990-e — ka`e da su oni opsednuti begun in 1974, the year the new Yugoslav Constitution, which
idejom islamskog preporoda i islamizacije Muslimana laid the foundations for the break-up of Yugoslavia, was adopt-
i da je to po~elo 1974-e godine, one godine kad je novi ed;91 and that they had accepted the Iranian Revolution as their
Ustav Jugoslavije koji je bio osnova za razbijawe own, etc., but fundamentally that Islam must form the state struc-
Jugoslavije, usvojen; da su prihvatili revoluciju ture in all countries with Muslim populations. It does not state
iransku kao svoju, itd., ali osnovno je Islam mora biti that there must be a Muslim majority, but simply a Muslim
dr`avno ure|ewe u svim zemqama gde `ivi islamsko population. And that one must work toward creating the condi-
stanovni{tvo. Ne ka`e ve}insko islamsko, nego tions so that B-H in the future becomes an Islamic republic with
islamsko stanovni{tvo. I da treba raditi na stvarawu Islamic laws. Do you think this would not apply to the Serbs? It
uslova da BiH u budu}nosti bude islamska republika sa would, of course, apply to every living creature in Bosnia. Just as
islamskim zakonima. Mislite da se to ne bi odnosilo Bosnian imams must be armed, following the example of the
na Srbe? Naravno bi se odnosilo na svakog `ivog Shiite imams in Iran.
stvora u Bosni. Kao i da imami u BiH treba da budu That year, in 1982, Izetbegoviü identified the Serbs as the
naoru`ani po uzora na [iitske imame u Iranu. enemy. There was no Karadžiü, and there was no Miloševiü.
Izetbegovi} te godine — 1982-e godine kao There was no Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Arts and
neprijateqe identifikuje Srbe. Nema ni Karaxi}a ni Sciences on the scene. All these apparatus that the Prosecution is
Milo{evi}a. Na sceni nema ni Memoranduma Srpske here directing against the Serbs, in other words, it takes as proof
Akademije Nauke i Umetnosti. Sve te aparature koju of Serbian guilt.
Tu`ila{tvo ovde usmerava protiv Srba, odnosno, uzima Serbia was at its weakest at that time because two provinces,
kao dokaze srpske krivice. Kosovo and Vojvodina, controlled it. Serbia was the only repub-
Srbija je tada najslabija, jer je kontroli{u wene lic in Yugoslavia that was unable to solve its own problems, and
dve pokrajine, Kosovo i Vojvodina, jedina republika u thanks to Lazar Koliševski, a Macedonian, we discovered what it
Jugoslaviji koja ne mo`e da re{ava svoje probleme, a was about. The Communist slogan, ideology, was: Weak Serbia,
zahvaquju}i savesti Lazara Koli{evskog, jednog strong Yugoslavia. Well, that weak Serbia in 1982, according to
Makedonca, otkrili smo {ta je. Komunisti~ki slogan, Mr. Izetbegoviü, was the enemy. His associate Omer Behmen,
172 173

ideologija je bila “Slaba Srbija, jaka Jugoslavija.” E, with whom he had collaborated during World War II, and in
ta slaba Srbija, 1982-e godine, za g. Izetbegovi}a je whose house the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, al-Husseini, had
neprijateq. Wegov saradnik, Omer Behmen, s kojim je stayed as a guest when he visited, said that it was impossible to
sara|ivao i za vreme Drugog Svetskog Rata, i u ~ijoj je live with Serbs: they took Muslim women as wives; this put
ku}i odsedao Muftija Jerusalimski el-Huseini, ka`e pressure on Muslims. The second or third man [i.e., in the pho-
da se od Srba ne mo`e `iveti, da se `ene muslmankama, tograph on screen], ýengiü, said that a Muslim woman must not
da je to pritisak na Muslimane. Da drugi ili tre}i, breastfeed a non-Muslim child and vice-versa; a Muslim child
^engi}, ka`e da muslimanka ne sme dojiti ne- must not be breastfed by a non-Muslim woman, etc., while
muslimansko dete i obrnuto, muslimansko dete ne sme Mr. ýengiü at the time, when neither Karadžiü nor the Serbian
biti podojeno od nemuslimanke itd., a g. ^engi} tada, Democratic Party were on the scene between 1974–1983, was
gde nema ni Karaxi}a ni Srpske demokratske stranke, asking: What is the goal of the revolution they are preparing?92
od 1974–1983-e, ka`e: “[ta je ciq wihove revolucije If you have any notion of what a map of Yugoslavia looks
koju oni pripremaju?” like ʊ that means Bosnia, Sandžak, and Kosovo. We call that
Ako imate u glavi kako izgleda mapa Jugoslavije, down there “the Green Highway.”93 The Prosecution does not
zna~i, Bosna, Sanxak, Kosovo. Mi to tamo tako zovemo agree. It is of the opinion that we should not even entertain such
“Zelena Transverzala.” Tu`ila{tvo se ne sla`e. thoughts. But now, Turkish Minister Davutoglu visited the Green
Smatra da mi ne smemo ~ak da razmi{qamo o tome. A Highway and said that he was going to re-establish the Green
sada je Ministar Turksi Davotoglu do{ao tom Highway. And in 1990, his President Turgut Özal said that Tur-
Transverzalom i kazao da }e ponovo uspostaviti tu key would extend from the Adriatic to the Great Wall of China.
Transverzalu. A 1990-e godine, wegov predsednik Maybe, but without the Serbs. We are not going to participate in
Turgut Ozal je rekao da }e Turska biti od Jadrana do that empire.
Kinezkog zida. Mo`e, ali bez Srba. Mi u toj imperiji Here we have the Green Highway as described by an influ-
ne}emo da u~estvujemo. ential man who is a clergyman as well — the American clergy-
Evo Zelene Transverzale koja je zacrtana od mo}nog man94 who publicly stated that he was sorry that Hugo Chavez
~oveka, koji ina~e sve{tenik — onaj ameri~ki had not been assassinated in time — Chavez is a lamb compared
sve{tenik koji je javno za`alio {to Ugo ^avez nije to this clergyman. He says: “You do not need a provocation and
ubijen na vreme — pravo jagwe prema ovom sve{teniku. a motive.” Then he says elsewhere that you do need a provoca-
On ka`e: “Za to ne treba ~ekati izazov i povod.” Na tion and a motive. We have seen what Markale and other provo-
drugo mesto ka`e treba napraviti izazov i povod. cations and motives that they fabricated look like. And based on
Videli smo kako izgledaju Markale i drugi izazovi i that, they treat the Serbs as if they were to blame. As if the Serbs
povodi koje oni naprave. I onda na osnovu wih, were to blame! As if.
postupaju prema Srbima kao da su to Srbi napravili. It comes as no surprise to me that they are doing this, but
Kao da su to Srbi napravili! As if. why is the Prosecution following suit? And why is the Prosecu-
174 175

A nije mi ~udo {to oni to rade, ali za{to to radi tion asking the Trial Chamber to do the same? To accept primi-
Tu`ila{tvo? I za{to to tra`i Tu`ila{tvo od ovog tive deceptions of warfare? Not under any circumstances at all.
suda da isto to radi? Da prihvati ratna lukavstva There was a second incident at Markale in 1995 that was techni-
primitivna? Nikakva. Druge Markale 1995-e su cally better executed, but it was the same technology and [it was
tehni~ki boqe izvedene, ali potpuno ista tehnologija i used for] the same reasons.
isti razlozi. This is a photograph from the trial in 1983. Izetbegoviü is
To je na su|ewu 1983-e godine. Prvo Izetbegovi}, the first man, and Behmen is the second. [EXHIBIT XVI] As for
drugo je Behmen. Za ostale se ne se}am koji su, ali znao the others, I don’t recall their names, but I’d know them if I saw
bih od prilike. them.
Evo sada, mo`emo ponovo da vidimo — ne moramo da Here, we can once again see — we don’t have to see the map
vidimo — isti planovi, isti zlo~inci, iste `rtve kao — the same master plan, the same criminals, the same victims as
u Drugom svetskom ratu. Tu`ila{tvo smatra da — a evo in WWII. The Prosecution considers — and here is what the ver-
{ta ka`e presuda 1983-e godine. Pet, ve}e petorice, svi dict states in 1983. A Trial Chamber of five judges, all Muslims,
Muslimani, 62 muslimanska svedoka. and sixty-two Muslim witnesses:
U na{im prilikama, zagovarawe ovakve In our circumstances, recommendations for such
ideologije zna~i vra}awe na pozicije an ideology mean a return to the positions of the
bratoubila~kog rata. Nesumqivo je da se fratricidal war. It is indisputable that such an
ovakva ideologija ne bi mogla oteloviti ideology cannot be implemented in a community
u sredini koja je nacionalno i vjerski which is so profoundly religiously and political-
toliko izmije{ana — ly mixed —
ɉɊȿȼɈȾɂɅȺɐ: Prevodioci vas qubazno mole mɚɥɨ INTERPRETER: The interpreters kindly request that you read
ɫɩɨɪɢʁɟ ~itajte. [the text] more slowly.
ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: Ima na ekranu pa se zato po`urim. KARADŽIû: It’s on the screen, that’s why I’m rushing through it.
— koja je nacionalno i vjerski toliko — which is so profoundly religiously and politi-
izmije{ana da prevaga ili potpuna cally mixed that the dominance or complete su-
dominacija, bilo koje od postoje}ih premacy of any of the existing national entities
nacionalnih entiteta, naprosto nije is simply inconceivable, unless based upon ter-
zamisliva ukoliko ne}e biti zasnovana ror or foreign intervention.95
na teroru ili eventualno stranoj
JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, please slow down for the inter-
176 177

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄ, molim vas, uɫɩɨɪɢtɟ KARADŽIû: Let’s take a look at this, Your Excellencies. I’d
za prevodioce. like the Prosecution to take a look at this, too. Seven years after
this verdict, we were on the receiving end of the realization of
KARAXI]: Pogledajmo, Ekselencije, a voleo bih da
that very ideology, but not with terror or foreign intervention, but
pogleda i Tu`ila{tvo. Sedam godina nakon ove
with both terror and foreign intervention. This judge and this
presude, mi dobijamo realizaciju te ideologije, ali ne s
Trial Chamber were farsighted. It was terror and foreign de-
terorom ili stranom intervencijom nego i terorom i
mands for foreign intervention. Markale was a demand for for-
stranom intervencijom. Ovaj sudija je bio, i ovo Ve}e je
eign intervention. All the scripted scenarios in our war, the con
bilo dalekovido. I teror i strani zahtevi stranom
artistry, the butchering of their own people, and you will see that
intervencijom. Markale su zahtev za stranom
the program [of the SDA] called for butchering their own people.
intervencijom. Sve insenacije u na{em ratu, lukavstva,
Killing one’s own people was prescribed. You’ll see that in their
kasapqewe sopstvenoga naroda, vide}ete u programu da
ima kasapqewe sopstvenoga naroda. Zacrtano
kasapqewe sopstvenog naroda. To }ete videti u And now the OTP, despite having all this at its fingertips,
programu. says that Karadžiü insisted on as much separation as was possi-
I sada Tu`ila{tvo, pored svega ovoga {to mu je na ble. Well, if our neighbors are preparing this kind of program
dohvat ruke, ka`e da je Karaxi} insistirao na {to and this kind of life, of course, we’re going to separate ourselves.
ve}oj separaciji koja je mogu}a. Pa ako na{e kom{ije We do not believe that is what the Muslim masses want. Izetbe-
sebi pripremaju ovakav program i ovakav `ivot, goviü didn’t win the election; [Fikret] Abdiü96 did. The Muslims
naravno da }emo da se separi{emo. Mi ne verujemo da to cheered for the Muslims and the Serbs when they reached an
muslimanske mase ho}e. Nije pobedio Izetbegovi} na agreement — we spent two months hammering out that historic
izborima nego Abdi}. Muslimani su klicali Srbima i agreement in 1991 — until Izetbegoviü withdrew [his support
Muslimanima kada je sporazum — dva meseca smo se for] it. They were cheering and were delighted because the Serbs
bavili istorijskim sporazumom 1991-e godine — dok ga and Muslims had reached an agreement, but that conspiratorial
Izetbegovi} nije povukao. Klicali su i sre}ni bili group was capable of out-manipulating the SDA as well as the
{to se Srbi i Muslimani sporazumevaju, ali ta entire Muslim community.
zaverni~ka grupa mo`e da izmanipuli{e i SDA i celu Now let’s take a look at what things would be like if we
muslimansku zajednicu. were to write a genuine indictment by simply changing the
A sada da vidimo kako bi to bilo kada bi smo pravu names.97
optu`nicu napisali, pa samo promenili imena.
Izetbegoviü insisted on secession of all of Bos-
Izetbegovi} je insistirao na secesiji nia despite Bosnia’s ethnically-intermingled
cele BiH uprkos etni~koj izme{anosti. character. This meant [leading the Serbs out of
To je zna~ilo Srbe u BiH izvesti iz
178 179

zemqe za koju su se opredelili i the land they had decided on and] making Serbs
pretvorili ih u nacionalnu mawinu u a national minority in his Islamic Republic.
wegovoj Islamskoj Republici.
That is to say, since Muslims and Serbs are intermingled in
Zna~i, kad su Muslimani izme{ani sa Srbima u the Republika Srpska, then the Republika Srpska cannot be es-
Republici Srpskoj, onda Republika Srpska ne mo`e da tablished, but when the Serbs are intermingled with the Muslims
se formira, a kad su Srbi izme{ani sa Muslimanima u in all of Bosnia, then in that case it is possible. It seems that
celoj Bosni, onda mo`e. Izgleda da su Muslimani vi{e Muslims are more intermingled than Serbs are, and they are all
izme{ani nego Srbi, na istom mestu. Samo {to je in the same place. Their intermingled character is only somehow
wihova izme{anost nekako ve}a. greater.
Vide}ete kako se relativizuju brojke i broj~ani You will see how numbers and statistical relations are rela-
odnosi, {to ka`e uva`eni g. Tiger, koji voli povr{ne tivized, as the esteemed Mr. Tieger says, who likes cursory
poglede. ‘Ajde da bacimo povr{ni pogled jo{ jedanput glances [at things], so let’s cast a cursory glance once again at
na ovu mapu etni~kog rasporeda. Da li su Srbi u Bosni this map of ethnic distribution. [EXHIBIT XIV] The Serbs in
sa ovakvim rasporedom koji meni ovo Tu`ila{tvo Bosnia, with such a pattern of distribution, for which the OTP
zamera kad ka`em da su Srbi vlasnici. Srbi su reproaches me when I say that the Serbs are [the majority] land-
vlasnici zemqe po pitawu privatnog vlasni{tva, ali owners. Serbs own the land as far as private ownership is con-
Srbi su ve}insko stanovni{tvo na ovom prostoru. I cerned, and Serbs are the majority population in this area. And
imaju pravo da ka`u, kad su ve} stekli pravo na dr`avu they have the right to say, once they had attained the right to
i `iveli su u Jugoslaviji, imaju pravo da ka`u da li oni statehood and wanted to live in Yugoslavia, whether they were
prihvataju ovakve avanturisti~ke revolucije strane willing to accept such adventurist revolutions on the part of one
jedne potpune ideologije, idelogije koja je nanela complete ideology, an ideology that inflicted great misfortune on
veliko zlo i Muslimanima i Srbima. both Muslims and Serbs.
Da li Tu`ila{tvo tra`i i odobrava da se broj — Does the Prosecution seek and approve this figure — let’s
recimo Tu`ila{tvo ka`e 30% itd. Da li odobrava — say the Prosecution says 30%, etc. Now, does it approve — here
evo, vidite kako bi to izgledalo. Zna~i, mi smo [pointing to the map], you see what it would look like. In other
insistirali da se mi odvojimo od wih. ‘Ajdemo da words, we insisted on separating ourselves from them. Let’s see
vidimo kako bi to izgledalo. “Izetbegovi} je what that would look like. “Izetbegoviü insisted on secession of
insistirao na secesiji cele Bosne uprkos Bosansko all of Bosnia despite Bosnia’s ethnically intermingled charac-
etni~kom me{ovitom karakteru.” To zna~i on mo`e da ter.” In other words, he can take a million and a half Serbs out of
izvede milion i po Srba, a Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da smo mi Yugoslavia, but the Prosecution charges that we sought territo-
tra`ili teritorije Republike Srpske na kojoj je bilo ries for the Republika Srpska where there were one hundred
stotinu hiqada Muslimana i Hrvata. Stotinu hiqada thousand Muslims and Croats. One hundred thousand Muslims
Muslimana i Hrvata za Tu`ila{tvo izgledaju vi{e and Croats means more to the OTP than a million and a half
180 181

nego milion i po Srba. To je ra~unica koju mi ne Serbs does. This is a calculation we don’t understand. Except
razumemo. S tim {to ti Muslimani i Hrvati koji bi that these Muslims and Croats who would stay in the Republika
ostali u Repubici Srpskoj ne bi napustili svoju Srpska would not have to leave their own state; they would in-
dr`avu: nego bi samo u istoj dr`avi bili u drugom stead just be living in the same state but in a different entity.
entitetu. “We cannot control the Muslims.” This is abusive. That sen-
“Mi Muslimane kontrolisati ne mo`emo.” To je tence has been completely butchered and mutilated, so that when
zloupotrebqeno. To se apstolutno kasapi i sakati ta it is presented to the judges, they will gladly ratify the Indictment
re~enica tako da kada se sudijama poka`e, oni }e rado because it is not their responsibility to conduct an investigation.
da potvrde tu optu`nicu, jer nije wihovo da vr{e But all this is fake and abusive. It is not that they don’t under-
istrage. Ali to je sve la`no, i zloupotrebqeno je. Nije stand it. When discussing the birth rate, there are three major
da nisu razumeli to. Kada se govori o natalitetu, sources for the artificial rise in the rate of population growth. We
postoje tri velika izvora ve{ta~kog prira{taja. Mi say population growth. That means an increase in the population
ka`emo prira{taj. To zna~i pove}awe populacije, nije and it is not just the birth rate.
to samo ra|awe. The first is the forced migration of Muslims from Sandžak.
Prvi je forsirano doseqavawe Muslimana iz The second is the plan to settle the alleged descendants of [Bosni-
Sanxaka. Drugi je planovi za naseqavawe, navodnih an] Muslims who had emigrated to Turkey. And the third is a fat-
potomaka muslimanskih iseqenika u Tursku. I tre}i je wa, a recommendation, a command from a religious leader that a
fatva, preporuka, nalog verskog vo|e da Muslimanka Muslim woman must bear five children so that one may be sacri-
mora da ra|a petoro da bi jednu `rtvovala za Bosnu. ficed for Bosnia. Why should a Muslim woman bear five chil-
Za{to Muslimanka mora da ra|a petoro? Da bi ih bilo dren? So that they would outnumber the Serbs? We are against
vi{e od Srba? E, protiv takvog nataliteta mi jesmo. I such a [rise in] birth rate. And when the Prosecution states that I
kada Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da sam ja rekao da ne}emo dati said that we would not give them the right to settle in the Repub-
da prave naseqa u Srpskoj, ja to pri~am {ta sam rekao lika Srpska, I am saying what I told Izetbegoviü. I said to him:
Izetbegovi}u. Rekao sam mu: “G. Izetbegovi}u, mi znamo “Mr. Izetbegoviü, we know that you are planning — we saw that
da vi planirate — videli smo taj program — da program — that you are planning to settle Muslims from Sandžak
planirate da doseqavate Muslimane iz Sanxaka i and Turks from Turkey — but don’t kid yourself that we are going
Turke iz Turske — ali nemojte se zavaravati da }emo mi to allow you to create such settlements in Serbian areas. Neither
pustiti da vi u srpske prostore praviti ta naseqa. To Protestants nor Catholics in Northern Ireland would allow such a
ne bi dopustili ni Protestanti ni Katolici u deliberate and conscious effort to disrupt the ethnic structure and
Severnoj Irskoj da im se namerno i svesno politi~kim balance by means of political action. It is a crime. It is a criminal
akcijama remeti etni~ka struktura i etni~ka act. And we have the right [to oppose it].” And that is what I said
ravnote`a. To je zlo~in. To je krivi~no delo. I mi to our Assembly or whomever at some meeting, and what I had
imamo pravo to.” I to je ono {to ja sam rekao na{oj
182 183

Skup{tini, ili ne znam kome sam rekao na nekom said to Izetbegoviü was just interpreted [to my disadvantage]. I
sastanku, interpretiralo se {ta sam ja rekao told him that. He just blinked and said, “I get it.”
Izetbegovi}u. Ja sam to wemu rekao. I on je samo So, let’s see what this Islamic Declaration is. This is an ac-
treptao i rekao je, “Shvatio sam.” tion plan that they are going to stick to, regardless of whether the
Dakle, da vidimo {ta je ta ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɚ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɚ. To Communists are in power or not. Nothing in it has changed at all.
je programski tekst od koga se ne odustaje bio It says as follows:
Komunista ili ne bio na vlasti. Ni{ta se u tom nije
We announce to our friends and foes alike that
promenilo. I zna~i, ka`e se:
Muslims are determined to take the fate of the
Mi, s ovim uverewem, objavqujemo prija- Islamic world into their own hands, and we are
teqima i neprijateqima da su Muslimani determined to reorder the world in accordance
odlu~ili sudbinu islamskog svijeta uzeti with our own plans. The struggle for new goals
u svoje ruke i taj svijet urediti po svojoj did not begin today. On the contrary, the history
zamisli. Borba za nove ciqeve ne po~iwe of this struggle already knows its shehids —
danas. Na protiv, povjest ove borbe ve}
These are holy martyrs, the soldiers who died in battle.
pozna svoje {ehide —
— and pages have been filled with accounts of
(To su svete `rtve (borci koji poginu).)
their deaths and the martyrdom of shehids (a
— i ispisane stranice o stradawima i shehid is a martyr). A Muslim can die only with
`rtvama martidima ({ehid je martir). the name of Allah on his lips and for the greater
Musliman mo`e poginuti samo sa imenom glory of Islam or flee from the battle-field.98
Alaha i u slavu Islama ili bje`ati sa
I will pause here for a moment to advise you that we are go-
bojnog poqa.
ing to show — introduce evidence of what Mr. Izetbegoviü said
Ovde }u na~as prekinuti da Vam ka`em da }emo to his associates.
pokazati — dokaz }emo doneti kako g. Izetbegovi}
For practical reasons, we are saying that our sol-
ka`e svojim saradnicima.
diers are laying down their lives for a united
Mi govorimo iz prakti~nih razloga da Bosnia, for a multi-ethnic Bosnia, but let’s not
na{i vojnici ginu za jedinstvenu Bosnu, kid ourselves. Our soldiers are not dying for a
za multietni~ku Bosnu, a nemojte da se multi-ethnic Bosnia.
la`emo. Na{i vojnici ne ginu za multi-
And this is a moment of sincerity in the narrow sense of the
etni~ku Bosnu.
word, but we have the evidence to prove it.
I to je trenutak iskrenosti u nekom u`em krugu, ali
mi taj dokaz imamo.
184 185

Prvi, najva`niji zakqu~ak je svakako o The first and most important conclusion is, of course, the
nespojivosti Islama i neislamskih sistema. impossibility of co-existence between the Islamic and non-
Islamic systems.
Nema mira ni koegzistencije izme|u
islamske vjere i neislamskih dru{tven- There can be neither peace nor co-existence be-
ih i politi~kih situacija. Pola`u}i tween the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social
pravo da sam ure|uje svoj svijet, Islam and political situations. Islam, reserving the right
jasno iskqu~uje pravo i mogu}nost to create its own world, clearly excludes the
djelovawa bilo koje strane ideologije na right as well as the possibility of actions taken
svom podru~ju. on behalf of any ideology foreign to it in regions
it controls.
Nema, dakle, lai~kog principa. A dr`ava treba da
bude izraz i da podr`ava moralne koncepte religije. The secular principle, therefore, does not exist. The state
Islam je prva, a pan-Islamizam druga to~ka. must be an expression, as well as a support of, the moral precepts
Gledajte ovo: of that religion. Islam is the first point, and pan-Islamism is the
second point.
Najavquju}i preporod, mi ne najavqujemo
Take a look at this.
razdobqe sigurnosti i spokoja, nego
razdobqe nemira i isku{ewa. Suvi{e je While we are proclaiming a rebirth, we are not
mnogo stvari koje mole za svojim announcing a period of peace and safety but a
ru{iocima. Narod koji spava mo`e se period of unrest and trials. There are far too
probuditi samo udarcima. Tko `eli many things that are praying for [the arrival of]
dobro na{oj zajednici, ne treba da je their annihilators. People who are asleep can on-
po{te|uje naprezawa opasnosti i neda}a. ly be awakened by blows. Whosoever wishes
Islamski preporod ne mo`e zapo~eti bez our community well will not try to spare it the
vjerske, ali se ne mo`e uspe{no intensification of danger and misfortune. The Is-
nastaviti i dovr{iti bez politi~ke lamic rebirth cannot begin without a religious,
revolucije. Pokret treba i mo`e pri}i yet it cannot be successfully pursued and com-
preuzimawu vlasti, ~im je moralno i pleted without a political, revolution. The [Is-
brojno dovoqno sna`an da mo`e ne samo lamic] movement can and must act to take over
sru{iti postoje}u neislamsku, nego rule as soon as it is morally and numerically
izgraditi novu islamsku vlast. strong enough to be able to not only overturn the
existing non-Islamic government but also to
Nedvosmisleno. Nema dileme. Nespokoj, nemir,
build up a new Islamic governing authority.
isku{ewa — samo li~i na krv, znoj, i suze ^er~ilove,
jer krv, znoj, i suze kod ^er~il izaziva neprijateq, kod
186 187

^er~ilevog naroda. Ovde }e izazvati sopstvena vlast It is unequivocal. There is no dilemma. Unrest,
krv, znoj, i suze sopstvenog naroda. troubles, trials — it all resembles Churchill’s
blood, sweat and tears, because Churchill’s
A tko `eli dobro na{oj zajednici ne
blood, sweat, and tears challenged the enemy on
treba da je po{te|uje, treba da je udari,
behalf of Churchill’s people. But here their own
da je probudi.
government is provoking the blood, sweat and
Samo udarcem! Udarac je Markale. Da bi se narod tears of its own people.
dr`ao protiv Srba, treba dokazati da su Srbi
Whosoever wishes our community well should
napravili ono na Markalama, a videli ste kako je to
not spare it, but strike it, instead, in order to
neuverqivo. I nemogu}e jednom jedinom minom
awaken it.
pogoditi ciq, a pogotovu ubiti tolike qude kojih tamo
nije ni bilo — e, to je to. To je to {to se pojavilo 90-e Only with violence! And that violent blow was Markale. To
godine i trenutak kada se najavquje preporod i dolazi turn the people against the Serbs, it has to be proven that Serbs did
razdobqe nespokoja, nemira i isku{ewa. Zbog toga {to that in Markale, but you have already seen how unconvincing it is.
mnoge stvari vape za svojim ru{iocima, ali mi nismo And it is impossible to hit that target with one single shell, espe-
tra`ili te ru{ioce. Te stvari koje su vapile za cially to kill so many people who were not there in the first place
ru{iocima, odnosno, koji }e biti sru{ene su Ustav — well, that’s that. That’s what happened in the 1990s when the
Jugoslavije, Ustav BiH, kao sekularnih dr`ava sa rebirth was announced along with a period of unrest and trials.
kojima ne}e biti kompromisa, kako ovde pi{e, je li? Because there are many things are yearning for [the arrival of]
JNA, srpski narod u BiH, zajedni~ki `ivot u B-H, their annihilators, but we did not ask for any such annihilators.
zajedni~ki etni~ki i kulturni koreni. Muslimani Those things that were yearning for their annihilators, in other
govore srpskim jezikom. To {to su ovde prihvatili da words, those who were going to be destroyed, were the Yugoslav
postoji bosanski jezik, to je zloupotreba. Srpski jezik Constitution, the B-H Constitution, as well as the secular govern-
je intelektualna i kulturna svojina srpskog naroda. Ne ment, with which there would be no compromise, as it states here.
govore Australijanci australijanski nego Engleski. Isn’t that so? The JNA, the Serbian people in B-H, common life in
Sru{eni su zajedni~ka pro{losti, i zajedni~ka B-H, and common ethnic and cultural roots. The Muslims speak
budu}nost, i zajedni~ka sada{wost. To je sru{eno, a mi the Serbian language. The fact that the existence of a Bosnian lan-
nismo tra`ili da se to sru{i. To su oni tra`ili ili su guage is accepted here is nothing short of abuse. The Serbian lan-
smatrali da imaju pravo da ru{e i ako nisu pozvani. guage is the intellectual and cultural property of the Serbian peo-
Kako sada izgleda optu`ba protiv Srba? Da su ple. Australians do not speak Australian; they speak English.
hteli ovo ili ono — pa do toga Tu`ila{tvo dolazi A common historical past was destroyed, as well as a com-
saka}ewem re~enica, a ovde ima gotove dokumente. mon present, and a common future. That has been destroyed, but
Apsolutno gotovo dokumente, vi{e puta objavqene, zbog we did not ask for it to be destroyed. This is what they wanted or
188 189

wih se odgovaralo na sudu, a nisu se odrekli tih they thought that they had the right to destroy it even though
dokumenata. Radije su i{li u zatvor. Srpska they had not been asked to do so.
demokratska stranka je jo{ pre izbora 1990-e godine How does the indictment against the Serbs look now? That
tra`ila da se uvede Ve}e naroda u Skup{tinu BiH. they wanted one thing or another — well, the OTP reaches those
Ve}e naroda bi o va`nim stvari odlu~ivalo conclusions by mangling sentences, whereas here we have factu-
konzensusom. al documents [that prove otherwise]. Documents testifying abso-
Kako taj predlog stoji sa udru`enim zlo~inala~kim lutely to facts that have been published many times; people were
poduhvatom? Da je usvojeno Ve}e naroda, {ta bi Srbi held accountable for them before a court of law, but they did not
mogli da urade protiv voqe Muslimana i Hrvata? repudiate these documents. They preferred to go to prison. The
Ni{ta. Jer imaju pravo veta. Nas su tada komunisti~ke Serbian Democratic Party sought to have a Chamber of National-
vlasti zadovoqile osnivawem saveta za pitawa ities introduced in the B-H Assembly even before the 1990 elec-
ostvarivawa ravnopravnosti naroda i narodnosti — tions. The Chamber of Nationalities would have decided im-
ovo je rogobatni jezik komunisti~ki. Treba re}i Savet portant matters by consensus.
naroda — podjednak broj, zna~i paritet i konsenzus u
The Aborted Council of Nationalities
How does such a proposal correspond to a joint criminal en-
Zna~i, to su kao Ve}e naroda, ali se sastaje ad hoc,
terprise? If the Chamber of Nationalities had been adopted, what
nije redovno telo, nego ako ne{to zapne, onda se sastaje.
could the Serbs have done against the will of the Muslims and
Da je primeweno — i to je bila neka garancija da
Croats? Nothing. Because they hold the right of veto. At that
ne}emo biti dovedeni — ali ni Muslimani ni Hrvati
time, the Communist authorities allowed us to establish a Coun-
da ne}e biti dovedeni do te`ak polo`aj i da prihvate
cil for the Equal Rights of Peoples and Nationalities — this is
ne{to {to nije prihvatqivo.
unwieldy Communist jargon. A Council of Nationalities was
U svakoj prilici Srbi su i Srpska demokratska
needed — an equal number, meaning parity and consensus in
strana i ovaj optu`eni predlagali re{ewa koja su
decision making.
direktno suprotna onome {to im se pripisuje. Ovaj
This means it would have resembled a Council of Nationali-
savet je u{ao u Ustav. Dva puta smo Deklaraciju o
ties but it would have convened on an ad hoc basis, not being a
suverenosti zaustavili pomo}u ovoga saveta, a ovo nije
regular body, but if a problem were to arise, then it would con-
nikad formiran, jer je SDA sabotirala wegovo
vene.99 If it had been applied — it would have been some kind of
formirawe tako da je kao da ga nije ni bilo. I na kraju,
guarantee that we would not have been put into such a position
kad sam onaj govor ovde koji imate, kad sam dr`ao taj
— but neither the Muslims nor the Croats would have been put
govor — 15-og oktobra — su prenebregli i rekli “ne
into a difficult position and then have to accept something that
zanima nas. Ne mora to Savet.” Jer je ~ak i u martu,
was unacceptable.
g. Izetbegovi} rekao u Splitu kad je bila konferencija
In each case, the Serbs, the Serbian Democratic Party and
ovih predsednika Jugoslovenskih Republika, “Mi }emo
the Accused proposed solutions that were diametrically opposite
190 191

to usvojiti sa ili bez Srba.” Zna~i, i sa Srbima ili to what they have been charged with. This Council entered the
protiv Srba. Constitution. We stopped the Declaration on sovereignty twice
Molim vas, Tu`ila{tvo uskra}uju}i nam pravo na through this Council, but it was never formally established be-
politi~ki `ivot i na recipro~ne mere, pa i tvrde}i da cause the SDA sabotaged it, so it was as if the Council had never
smo mi morali da klepimo u{ima i da prihvatimo really existed. And finally, when I gave that speech (which you
nelegalno raspisan referendum i nelegalno postignutu have in evidence) on October 15, they [i.e., the Council] neglect-
suverenost i nezavisnost koje su predvi|ene takav ed their duties and said, “We’re not interested. The Council
stepen ru{ewa na{ih prava, stepen pravnog sistema, doesn’t have to take it up.” Because even in March
konstrukcije, ki~me jednog dru{tva, koje proisti~e iz Mr. Izetbegoviü said in Split during a conference of the Presi-
ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɟ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɟ kao ru{ila~kog akta, Tu`ila{tvo dents of the Yugoslav republics: “We are going to adopt this
tvrdi da mi nismo trebali tu ni{ta da radimo. Nego da, with or without the Serbs.” In other words, either with the Serbs
sve {to smo uradili, to je na{e krivi~no delo. A to je or against the Serbs.
bilo zapisano. Imali smo pravo da to osporimo. Please, the OTP denies us the right to political life and recip-
G. Izetbegovi} ka`e: “Mi smo potpuno svjesni da rocal measures, and it even claims that we simply ought to have
smo progla{ewem neutralnosti u odnosu na rat u clapped our hands over our ears, pretended not to notice, and
Hrvatskoj, mo`da ~ak i povrijedili neke zakone accepted this illegally announced referendum, and accepted ille-
posebno. Ali postoje u ovom trenutku — sve je fluidno gally obtained sovereignty and independence that envisioned
pomalo — postoje zakoni i zakoni.” Ho}e da ka`e: destroying our rights to such a degree, destroying the legal sys-
“Postoje zakoni koje }emo po{tovati, ako nam tem to such a degree, destroying the construction, the backbone
odgovaraju; a postoje zakoni koje ne}emo po{tovati ako of a society, all of which flows from the Islamic Declaration as a
nekom drugom donose neku korist.” E, to je to fluidno destructive act; yet the Prosecution claims that we should not
stawe o kome }e Karaxi} govoriti da se Srbi ne have done anything about it. Instead, everything that we did was
snalaze u nepravnim situacijama. To }e tako|e a criminal act. However, this is what was written [in their pro-
Tu`ila{tvo uzeti za zlo, ali to je osnova za haos u gram]. We had the right to oppose this.
BiH, to postojawe i zakona i zakona. Mo`e i ovako,
“There are laws ʊ and then there are laws.”
mo`e i onako.
Mr. Izetbegoviü says: “We are fully aware that by declaring
U pitawima od interesa za ostvarewe
the neutrality of B-H with respect to the war in Croatia, we may
ravnopravosti naroda u BiH, Skup{tina odlu~uje da
have violated certain laws, but at the moment everything is fluid.
vidimo kako je BiH mogla da postigne — nije mogla da
There are laws — and then there are laws.”100 He means that:
postigne nikako nezavisnost bez nas, bez Srpske
“There are laws that we are going to obey, if they suit us; and
saglasnosti. Morala je da odlu~uje sa dvotre}inskom
there are laws that we are not going to obey if they benefit others.”
ve}inom, niti je bilo dvotre}inske ve}ine na
Well, this is the fluid situation — that Serbs do not [want to] end
referendumu, niti bi imali dvotre}insku ve}inu u
up in an unjust situation — this is what Karadžiü is going to dis-
192 193

Parlamentu, jer je bilo 86 Srba na 240 poslanika, 83 cuss. The Prosecution is likewise going to hold this against us, but
Srbina su bili protiv i ta 83 Srbina su se izdvojila i this was the source of chaos in B-H, the existence of laws, on the
formirala Skup{tinu srpskoga naroda iz vi{e one hand, and laws, on the other hand. Something could be done
stranaka. SDS je imao samo 72. Ovi ostali su iz svih one way or it could be done in another.
drugi stranaka. Dakle, nije bilo na~ina da se BiH In questions regarding the interests involved in establishing
usvoji rezolucija, odnosno, deklaracija o suveronesti equality before the law in B-H, the Assembly decided to see how
osim ako ne ka`e ima zakona i zakona. Ako se ne B-H could attain it — it could not have attained any kind of in-
pogodimo da postupamo nezakonito. dependence without us, without Serbian agreement. It had to de-
Kada bi nam neko mogao re}i, da li je nama, kao cide by a two-thirds majority, but there was neither two-thirds
Srbima oduzeto pravo na odbranu, da l nam je oduzeto majority in the Referendum, nor was there going to be a two-
pravo na reciprocitet na odgovor na nezakonite thirds majority in the [B-H] Parliament, because there were 86
postupke, na kr{ewe na{ih prava, ustava, itd.; ako i Serbs out of 240 representatives, and eighty-three Serbs were
nije, onda je ova optu`nica nemogu}a i trebalo je odmah against it, and those 83 Serbs separated from the B-H Parliament
odbaciti, kao {to je treba odmah odbaciti ako and they established the Assembly of the Serbian People by
doka`emo da nismo nikad imali nameru da izbacimo drawing on multiple parties.101 The SDS had only 72 representa-
Muslimane i Hrvate iz svoje ku}e, jer mi Bosnu nismo tives. The rest came from other parties. Therefore, there was no
smatrali ni Republiku Srpsku svojom ku}om, nego way for B-H to adopt this resolution, namely, the Declaration of
Jugoslaviju. A dokaza}emo to vrlo brzo. Sovereignty, unless it had said there were laws, on the one hand,
Vrednosti bosanskog dru{tva koje su vapile za and there were laws, on the other hand. Unless we strike a deal
svojim ru{iteqima, dobile su svoje ru{iteqe. Ali mi to act unlawfully.
nismo hteli da budemo deo toga. Srpski narod je imao u If someone could have asked us whether we, as Serbs, had
BiH u tom trenutku izri~ito pravo po Ustavu ali i been denied the right to defend ourselves; whether the right of
istorijski posmatrano pravo dr`avotvornog naroda reciprocity to respond to unlawful actions, violations of our
koji tvori tu Bosnu sa svojim prostorima, sa svojim rights, breaches of the constitution, etc. had been denied to us;
pravima, i on je suvlasnik te Bosne. Suvlasnik, kao {to then, if this were not so, this Indictment is impossible and the
su i Srbi u Krajini bili vlasnici Krajine i charges must be dropped immediately, just as they must be
suvlasnici Hrvatske, jer su u{li u “joint venture.” dropped immediately if we prove that we never intended to expel
Promena ustavno-pravnog statusa BiH je morala da Muslims and Croats from their homes, because we did not con-
ide po zakonu. Srba je bilo vi{e od jedne tre}ine ako se sider either Bosnia or the Republika Srpska to be our home; in-
uzmu Jugosloveni, kojih je dve tre}ine ili tri stead, Yugoslavia was our home. And we are going to prove that
~etrvtine bilo Srba, sklonih stvarawu jugoslavenske very quickly.
nacije, zna~i bilo daleko vi{e od jedne tre}ine, koja je The values of Bosnian society that were yearning for their
dovoqna da zaustavi, i na demokratskom — ne samo na destroyers received their destroyers. But we didn’t want to have
194 195

pitawu konzensusa nego i na pitawu demokratskom — da any part in that. The Serbian people in B-H at that moment had
zaustavi ovo osamostaqewe. Pravo na samoopredeqewe the explicit right, according to the Constitution, a historically
je pripadalo narodima, a ne administrativnim observed right, as a constituent people that was forming this joint
teritorijama. state with their territories with their rights, and they became co-
Znate li kako su Srbi dospeli u Jugoslaviju? 1918-e proprietors of that Bosnia. Co-proprietors, just as the Serbs of
godine je formirana dr`ava Slovenaca, Hrvata, i Srba Krajina were proprietors of Krajina and the co-proprietors of
od novooslobo|enih teritorija koje su bile pod Croatia because they had entered into a “joint venture.”
Austro-Ugarskom. Nisu stvorene republike; stvorena The change in the constitutional-legal status of B-H had to
jedna jedinstvena dr`ava. Dakle, Srbi su bili evolve in accordance with the law. Serbs accounted for more than
podjednako konstitutivni u Qubqani kao {to su bili i one-third if Yugoslavs had been taken into consideration, two-
Slovenci u Sarajevu. Ta dr`ava je zatra`ila dozvolu od thirds or three-fourths of whom were Serbs who were in favor of
me|unarodne zajednice — predsednika, ministara, i the creation of a Yugoslav nation, which means their number
ostalih — da se ujedini sa Srbijom. Ujedinila se kao would have been far more than one-third of the population, which
jedinstvena. Ujedinila se sa Srbijom. Srbi su u{li u tu was sufficient, in a democratic fashion — not only in the question
dr`avu kao suvlasnik te dr`ave. Tada je re~eno da of consensus but also in question of the democratic [process] —
narodi imaju pravo na samoopredeqewe. Tada je re~eno to stop this quest for independence. The right to self-determination
da Amerika — predsednik Vilson je rekao — da Srbija belongs to its peoples, and not to administrative territories.
treba da dobije izlaz na more. To naslednici
The Serbian Role in the Formation of Yugoslavia
predsednika Vilsona duguju Srbiji. Jo{ taj posao nije
Do you know how the Serbs got into Yugoslavia? In 1918, a
zavr{en. To im je ostavio Predsednik Vilson u amanet.
state composed of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs was established
Sad su to more oduzeli Srbiji.
from the newly liberated territories formerly ruled by Austro-
Nisu se republike udru`ile u Jugoslaviju da bi
Hungary. Different republics were not established; one united state
mogle da se razdru`uju. Narodi su se udru`ili. A onda
was created. Therefore, the Serbs were equally a constituent people
su — {to ka`e Lord Oven — napravili republi~ke
in Ljubljana just as Slovenes were a constituent people in Sarajevo.
granice, pa wih proglasili za va`nije od vawskih
That state asked the International Community — presidents, minis-
granica Jugoslavije. Odjednom su te unutra{we granice
ters, and all the rest — for permission to unite with Serbia. The
napravqene arbitrarno. Ne mo`ete uop{te da utvrdite
union formed a united state. It united with Serbia. Serbs joined that
ko je napravio te granice. Jer nije bilo bitno. Tito je
state as co-proprietors. It was said that peoples had the right to self-
govorio: “Nije to bitno!” To su administrativne. I
determination. At that time, it was said that America — President
bile su tada administrativne granice. Odjednom su one
Wilson said that Serbia had to be given access to the sea. President
postale va`nije od vawskih granica Jugoslavije, i oko
Wilson’s successors owe this to Serbia. And the job still hasn’t
wih je po~ela krv da se proliva kao, uostalom, {to se
been done. President Wilson left it to them in his will. Now they
proliva uvek oko komunisti~kih granica i
have deprived Serbia of access to the sea.
196 197

imperijalnih granicama. Pogledajte granicu Hrvatske. The republics did not join to form Yugoslavia so they could
Ona nasle|uje granicu Austro-Ugarske. I Srbi iz later go their separate ways. The people had united. And as Lord
Trebiwa mogu da vide more, ali nemaju pristup moru. Owen said, they then drew administrative borders that they sud-
A to nijedna me|unarodna norma ne bi dopustila. denly proclaimed to be more important than the internationally
Ali, kad su Srbi u pitawu, sve mo`e. recognized borders of Yugoslavia. All at once, the internal bor-
Evo {ta ka`e Hasan ^engi}, sve{tenik, o ders became arbitrary. It is impossible to confirm who drew
Patriotskoj Ligi koja je formirana 31-og marta 1991-e these administrative borders. Because it wasn’t important. Tito
godine. Neka Tu`ila{tvo poka`e jednu jedinu had spoken: “It doesn’t matter!” These are administrative bor-
formaciju iza koje je stajala Srpska demokratska ders. And they were administrative borders then. Now suddenly
stranka ili srpski narod, a ovde imamo, ~ak i pre 31-og they have become more important than Yugoslavia’s interna-
marta, u Fo~i je formirana jedna jedinica od strane tionally recognized borders, and blood has been shed over them,
oca ovoga Hasana ^engi}a. A Stranka demokratske which is, after all, always the case when Communist or imperial
akcije je organizovala i vodila formirawe svoje vojne borders are at stake. Take a look at Croatia’s borders. It has in-
falange od 31-og marta pa sve do po~etka rata. Na nivou herited Austro-Hungary’s borders. And the Serbs of Trebinje can
BiH, ovo je {ema Patriotske Lige. Vrhovni komandant, look out on the sea but they do not have access to it.
Alija Izetbegovi}; Glavni politi~ki [tab, Ejup Not one international standard would have permitted this.
Gani} i Omar Behmen; Glavni vojni {tab, Sefer But, when Serbs are in question, anything is possible.
Halilovi} (koji je ovde oslobo|en, ili ne znam {ta je
The Patriotic League
ve} pro{ao) i Meho Kali{ik; regionalni politi~ki
Here is what Hasan ýengiü, a [Muslim] cleric, says about the
{tabovi, op{tinski {tabovi; a ovamo su bili
Patriotic League, which was formed on March 31, 1991. Let the
regionalni vojni {tabovi i op{tinski vojni {tabovi.
Prosecution show me one single [military] formation behind
Ta organizacija je bila prili~no brzo upotpuwena,
which stood the Serbian Democratic Party or the Serbian people,
tako da su oni, januara 1992 godine do~ekali sa oko sto
but here we have, even before March 31, a unit formed in Foþa
hiqada vojnika. Oko sto hiqada vojnika. Ovo je uloga te
by the father of this Hasan ýengiü. Meanwhile, the SDS orga-
Patriotske lige, Zelenih beretki i drugih, ogromnog
nized and led the formation of military phalanxes from March 31
broja tih jedinica koje su postojale.
all the way up to the start of the war.102 This is the Patriotic
Sada, ovde Tu`ila{tvo u optu`nicama protiv Srba
League’s organizational chart for B-H. [EXHIBIT XVII] The
uglavnom barata kriznim {tabovima. Srbi su imali
Commander-in-Chief is Alija Izetbegoviü; Political Chiefs of
krizne {tabove. Kad nema gasa, nedavno, kad je Ukrajina
Staff, Ejup Ganiü and Omer Behmen; the Military Chiefs of
ukinula gas, formiraju se krizni {tabovi. To zna~i da
Staff, Sefer Haliloviü (who, I think, was acquitted here but that is
onaj ne mo`e da ide ku}i, slu`benik, nego — mo`e da
water under the bridge) and Meho Kališik; then regional and
ide ku}i ali mora da do|e ako ga zovnu — zna~i hitna je
municipal political chiefs of staff; and here we have regional and
situacija, neredovna situacija, mora da postoji krizni
municipal military chiefs of staff. This organization was very
198 199

{tab. Ali va{oj pa`wi preporu~ujem prvo podatak da quickly manned and staffed so that it already had about 100,000
su krizni {tabovi Stranke demokratske akcije i troops by January 1992. About one hundred thousand troops.
Hrvatske demokratske zajednice, u Hrvatskoj bili This is the role that the Patriotic League, the Green Berets, and
prisutni svuda, i na svakom najmawem mestu, daleko pre the others, the enormous number of those military units that ex-
rata i daleko pre Srpske demokratske stranke. isted at the time, played.
Evo nekih razlika u kriznim {tabovima Stranke
The Crisis Centers
demokratske akcije i Srpske demokratske stranke.
Now the Prosecution here deals mainly with crisis centers in
Krizni {tabovi Stranke demokratske akcije
these indictments against Serbs. The Serbs had crisis centers.
formirani su daleko pre rata u vreme kada je izgledalo
When there was a shortage of gas, as was the case recently when
da u BiH ne}e biti rata, jer jo{ nije bio po~eo rat u
the Ukraine cut off gas supplies, crisis centers were established.
Hrvatskoj. Krizni {tabovi Srpske demokratske
That means the official managing the crisis center could not go
stranke su bili javni i formirani su tek pred izbijawe
home — rather, he could go home but he had to return if he were
rata, u trenutku kad je SDA uspela da dovede do kolapsa
called — it means that it’s an emergency, an irregular situation,
sistem dr`avne vlasti, a rat u Hrvatskoj je doneo
so an existing crisis center is imperative. But I would like to call
velika stradawa Srba, izbeglice. Postojawe
your attention first to the fact that crisis centers established by
Patriotske Lige je ve} bilo evidentno: naoru`ane
the SDA and the HDZ were present throughout Croatia, even in
formacije, tajni transport oru`ja, javni transport
the smallest villages, long before the war and long before the
oru`ja, i postojawe kriznih {tabova SDA. Tek tada
SDS established its own crisis centers.
Srbi formiraju krizne {tabove. Krizni {tabovi SDA
Here are some of the differences between the crisis centers of
su tajni, konspirativni, i sa ovla{}ewima i zadacima
the SDA [Muslim] and of the SDS [Serbian]. The SDA’s crisis
koji ima tajna izvr{na vlast, te sa zadacima koji se
centers had been formed well before the war when there was no
poveravaju ministarstvima odbrane i general{tab-
indication of a war breaking out in B-H because the war in Croatia
ovima armije. Krizni {tabovi SDS-a su imali jedino i
had not yet begun. SDS crisis centers were public and were
iskqu~ivo funkciju brzog javqawa lokalnim vlastima
formed only on the eve of the war, at the moment when the SDA
i centrali u Sarajevu o svim opasnim i prikrivenim
had managed to bring about the collapse of the system of state
structure and when the war in Croatia led to the deaths of many
Wima Karaxi} na sastanku plenuma partijskom od
Serbs and numerous refugees. The existence of the Patriotic
14-og februara 1992-e godine ka`e izri~ito:
League was already evident: armed formations, covert weapons
Vi niste vlast. Vlast treba da vr{i shipments, overt weapons shipments, and the existence of SDA
vlast, a vi treba da poma`ete, da pratite crisis centers. It was only then that the Serbs established their own
transport oru`ja, da pratite {ta se crisis centers. The SDA crisis centers were secret and conspirato-
de{ava, i da o vanrednim situacija rial in nature, and they had secret executive powers with authori-
javqate. zations [to act] and [they were given] assignments that were moni-
200 201

Tu sam imao na umu britanski primer gde svaki tored by the Ministry of Defense and by the General Staff of the
Britanac ~uva svoju zemqu. [Muslim] Army.103 The crisis centers of the SDS performed the
Krizni {tabovi SDA su preuzeli funkciju exclusive function of quickly notifying local authorities as well as
dr`avnih organa u op{tinama. A wima je rukovodio the central crisis center in Sarajevo of all dangerous and covert
krizni {tab BiH, republi~ki krizni {tab, formiran actions.
u predsedni{tvu, kojim je rukovodio Ejup Gani}, i On February 14, 1992, at a plenary party meeting, Karadžiü
istovremeno, i {ef glavnog politi~kog {taba told them explicitly:
Patriotske Lige. Taj krizni {tab u predsedni{tvu
You are not an authority in charge. The govern-
omogu}io je Aliji Izetbegovi}u da zaobi|e Biqanu
ment exercises authority, but you are there to
Plav{i} i Nikolu Koqevi}a kao predstavnike
help, to monitor the transport of weapons, to
srpskoga naroda. I da mimo wih radi. Vi{e nije morao
monitor what’s going on, and to let us know of
ni{ta na sastanku da usvaja. Krizni {tab odlu~i
any extraordinary situations.
ne{to, to bi se ne moralo da ide na glasawe i na
raspravu, i tako je ih on zaobi{ao. There I had in mind the British example where every British
Krizni {tabovi SDS-a su postojali kratko vreme subject is guarding and protecting his country.
pred rat. A po izbijawu rata, prestali su sa The crisis centers established by the SDA took over the func-
postojawem, a nastupili su op{tinski krizni {tabovi tions of government organs in the counties. And they, in turn,
kao dr`avni organi. Op{tinski krizni {tab nije {tab were managed by the Crisis Center of B-H, the republic’s crisis
SDS-a i nije {tab Srba, nego je {tab vlasti, i u wemu center established by the Presidency, which was directed by Ejup
ima i Muslimana i Hrvata u onim op{tinama u kojima Ganiü, [EXHIBIT XVIII] who was simultaneously the Director of
ima i Muslimana i Hrvata. the Supreme Political Headquarters of the Patriotic League. That
Ovde, recimo, Tu`ila{tvo ka`e jedan izve{taj iz crisis center [established] in the Presidency had been enabled by
Bijeqine: “Krizni {tab Srpske demokratske stranke Alija Izetbegoviü to circumvent Biljana Plavšiü and Nikola
izve{tava glavni odbor Srpske demokratske stranke Koljeviü as representatives of the Serbian people. And to work
{ta je odlu~io krizni {tab op{tine.” A Tu`ila{tvo around them. I don’t think he had to adopt anything at any meet-
ka`e da je to odlu~io krizni {tab Srpske demokratske ing. Once the Crisis Center decided on something, it would not
stranke, a lepo pi{e krizni {tab stranke obave{tava have to go before a vote and a debate, and that was how he got
{ta su vlasti, {ta je krizni {tab op{tine, kao around them.
dr`avni organ odlu~io. A krizni {tab op{tine ~ine The SDS crisis centers existed for a short period of time be-
qudi koji su ina~e u vlasti, samo {to je sada proces fore the war. And once the war broke out, they ceased to exist,
odlu~ivawa br`i. Zna~i, ne mora se sastajati and county crisis centers began to act as state organs. The county
Skup{tina, nego oni to odlu~uje. Na Skup{tini crisis centers were neither SDS nor Serbian centers but, rather
naknadno da to usvoje. centers operated by the authorities, and one could find Muslims
202 203

Krizni {tabovi SDA su radili konspirativno. and Croats working in the counties where Muslims and Croats
Krizni {tabovi u op{tinama u Republici Srpskoj lived.
radili su javno, uredno bele`ili svaki sastanak, svaku Here, for example, the Prosecution quotes one report from
odluku, i bili podlo`ni proveri i kritici Bijeljina: “The crisis center of the SDS in Bijeljina informs the
op{tinskih parlamenata ~im se oni budi mogli board of the SDS of what the county crisis center has decided.”
sastaviti. Ovde }emo videti. Tu`ila{tvo je izbacilo However, the Prosecution says that this was decided by the SDS
iz moje optu`nice Kotor-Varo{, koji je svaki dan imao crisis center, although it quite clearly states the party’s crisis cen-
sastanaka. Prvog kriznog {taba posle-ratnog ter is reporting what the authorities, what the county crisis center
presedni{tva. Vide}ete kako jedna odgovorna vlast as a state organ, actually decided. The county crisis centers were
radi u Kotor-Varo{i. A po{to ga je Tu`ila{tvo staffed by people who were state employees anyway, only now
izbacilo, ja }u da ga vratim u ovaj proces da se samo the decision-making process was faster. This meant there was no
vidi kako radi jedna odgovorna vlast. need for the Assembly to convene; instead, they made the deci-
Evo {ta ka`u o svojim postignu}ima, {efovi SDA, sions. These were later adopted by the Assembly.
odnosno, {efovi Patriotske Lige. “Svaka mesna The SDA crisis centers acted conspiratorially. The crisis cen-
zajednica u 103 op{tine,” zna~i op{tina ima od desetak ters in the counties of the Republika Srpska operated openly and
to pedeset mesnih zajednica — svaka op{tina ima publicly, and they meticulously recorded [the minutes of] every
mesnih zajednica vi{e. “U sve 103 op{tine, meeting and each decision that they made, and they submitted
rukovodstvo Patriotske Lige je imalo jedinice od these for validation and feedback to their respective county as-
odeqewa do ~ete.” Jedan od kqu~nih zadataka tih semblies as soon as they were able to convene. We shall see it
kriznih {tabova je bila nabavka oru`ja. here. The Prosecution withdrew the charge of Kotor Varoš,
Ako se prisetite one mape, zna~i da su u svim ovim which had daily [crisis center] meetings. It was the presidency’s
op{tinama gde Srbi `ive bilo je 109 op{tina ukupno. first crisis center after the war broke out. You will see how re-
Samo nisu hrvatskim. (Ono bi trebalo da naprave, dole sponsible authority operated in Kotor Varoš. But since the OTP
ovo gde je braon.) U svim ovim op{tinama gde Srbi has thrown out that charge, I will re-introduce it into the trial just
`ive, oni su imali ~ete. I Srbi su kom{ije to videli. to show you how responsible authority operates.
I nama Tu`ila{tvo zabrawuje da pazimo {ta se de{ava Here is what the leaders of the SDA, in other words, the
oko nas. A oni u srpskim op{tinama imaju svoje leaders of the Patriotic League, have to say about their achieve-
jedinice. Meni ka`u, prigovaraju da sam Srbe pla{io ments. “Every local community in 103 counties,”104 which
bez ikakvog osnova. means that a county has ten to fifty local communities — each
Ukupnim odbrambenim pripremama rukovodila je county has numerous communities. “In all 103 counties, the
Patriotska Liga i sa svojim glavnim {tabom i leadership of the Patriotic League had units ranging from a squad
{tabovima na celoj teritoriji BiH. Suverenoj BiH to a company.” One of the key tasks assigned to those crisis cen-
nedostaje epitet islamskoj BiH, na celoj teritoriji, ters was the procurement of weapons.105
204 205

zna~i, bez obzira na to gde Srbi `ive i gde ko `ivi i If you recall those maps, there was a total of 109 of all these
ho}e li, prihvata li to {to Patriotska Liga i SDA counties where Serbs were living. [EXHIBIT XIV] But they didn’t
ho}e. G. Izetbegovi} se susretao sa wima i odabravao do this in the Croatian counties. [Referring to the map on
sve. On je bio vrhovni komandant. I gledajte, molim screen.] (Down here, these brown areas should be highlighted.)
vas, “Mi osnivamo vlast —” They had [paramilitary] units in all these counties where Serbs
lived. And their Serbian neighbors saw it happening. And the
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: G. Karaxi}, moramo da zavr{imo sa
Prosecution is forbidding us to monitor what was taking place
radom uskoro.
around us. But they had their own [paramilitary] units in Serbian
ɄȺɊȺɀɂȶ: Ɇɨɝɭ ɥɢ imati ɬɪɢ ɦɢɧɭɬɚ? counties. They tell me ʊ they reproach me for having sown fear
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɇɟ, ʁɟɞɚɧ ɦɢɧɭɬ. among Serbs for no reason at all.
The Patriotic League, its General Headquarters, and its cen-
ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: ȳɟɞɚɧ ɦɢɧɭɬ. ɍ ɪɟɞɭ.
ters scattered throughout the territory of Bosnia coordinated
G. Izetbegovi} je po polo`aju predsednik saveta za
comprehensive defense preparations. Sovereign Bosnia was
narodnu odbranu Republike BiH. On u februaru
missing a Muslim entity that encompassed the entire territory,
formira tajni savet za odbranu Muslimana. I sada
regardless of where Serbs were living, regardless of whether an-
jedan Izetbegovi} bi trebalo da hapsi drugog
yone else was living there, regardless of whether they were will-
Izetbegovi}a. Ovaj zajedni~ki Izetbegovi} predsednik
ing to accept what the Patriotic League and the SDA wanted.106
predsedni{tva BiH, trebalo bi da uhapsi Izetbegovi}a
Mr. Izetbegoviü used to meet with them regularly and he ap-
predsednika muslimanske vrhovne komande, jer mu
proved of everything. He was Commander-in-Chief. Take a look
podriva republiku. E, to je situacija nepravna u kojoj se
at this, please: “We are establishing rule —”
Srbi ne snalaze i ne}e ni da se snalaze. To mi vi{e ne
mo`emo izdr`ati. Hvala. JUDGE KWON: We need to adjourn very soon.

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ, ɬɨ ʁɟ ɫɜɟ ɡɚ ɞɚɧɚɫ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ɍɢɝɟɪ, KARADŽIû: Could I have three more minutes, please?
ɠɟɥɢɦ ɞɚ ɩɨɬɜɪɞɢɦ ɞɚ ʄɟɦɨ ɜɚɫ ɞɚ ɱɭʁɟɦɨ ɤɚɨ ɩɪɜɨɝ ɫɭɬɪɚ JUDGE KWON: No, one minute.
KARADŽIû: One minute. Fine.
G. ɌɍɀɂɅȺɐ ɌɂȽȿɊ: ɑɚɫɧɢ ɋɭɞɟ, ɦɢ ɨɱɟɤɭʁɟɦɨ ɞɚ Mr. Izetbegoviü, by virtue of his position, was the Chairman
ɩɨɞɧɟɫɟɦɨ ɧɟɲɬɨ ɞɚɧɚɫ ɢ ʁɚ ɦɨɝɭ ɬɨ ɞɚ ɧɚɝɨɜɟɫɬɢɦ ɋɭɞɭ. ȳɚ of the National Defense Council of B-H. In February, he estab-
ɜɟɪɭʁɟɦ ɞɚ ʄɟɦɨ ɛɢɬɢ — ɧɟʄɟɦɨ ɫɟ ɩɪɨɬɢɜɢɬɢ ɫɟɪɬɢɮɢɤɚɬɭ. lished a secret council for the defense of Muslims. And now one
ɉɪɨɬɢɜɢʄɟɦɨ ɫɟ ɫɭɫɩɟɧɞɨɜɚʃɭ. Izetbegoviü has to arrest the other Izetbegoviü. The federal Izet-
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɏɜɚɥɚ. Ɍɨ ʄɟ ɛɢɬɢ ɨɞ ɩɨɦɨʄɢ. ɍ 9.00 ɫɭɬɪɚ begoviü, who was the President of the collective presidency, was
ɭʁɭɬɪɨ. obliged to arrest Izetbegoviü, the President of the Muslim Su-
preme Command because it was undermining the republic. Well,
this was an unjust situation in which the Serbs were not going to
206 207

— ɋɟɞɧɢɰɚ ʁɟ ɡɚɜɪɲɟɧɚ ɭ 1.45 ɱɚɫɨɜɚ. ɇɚɫɬɚɜʂɚ ɫɟ ɭ be finding themselves, and they will never be in that situation.
ɭɬɨɪɚɤ, 2. ɦɚɪɬɚ, 2010, ɭ 9.00 ɩɪɟ ɩɨɞɧɟ. We cannot tolerate it any longer. Thank you.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you, that’s it for today. Mr. Tieger, I’d
like to make sure that we can hear you first thing tomorrow
MR. TIEGER: Your Honor, we expect to be filing something
today, and I can foreshadow that for the Court. I believe we’ll be
— we won’t be opposing certification. We will be opposing a
JUDGE KWON: Thank you. That would be helpful. Nine tomor-
row morning.
— Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 1:45 p.m., to be recon-
vened on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 2010, at 9:00 a.m.
208 209

2. mart, 2010. Tuesday ʊ March 2, 2010

[Ɂɚɫɟɞɚʃɟ ʁɟ ɨɬɜɨɪɟɧɨ] [Open session]
[Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄ ɭɥɚɡɢ ɭ ɫɭɞɧɢɰɭ.] [Karadžiü enters the court room.]
[ɉɨɱɟɬɚɤ ɭ 9.00 ɱɚɫɨɜɚ] Upon commencing at 9:00 a.m.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɨɛɪɨ ʁɭɬɪɨ. Ƚɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ, ɦɨɥɢɦ JUDGE KWON: Good morning. Mr. Karadžiü, please continue.
ɜɚɫ ɧɚɫɬɚɜɢɬɟ. Ɇɨɥɢɦɨ ɜɚɫ ɞɚ ɩɥɚɧɢɪɚɬɟ ɫɜɨʁɭ ɢɡʁɚɜɭ ɬɚɤɨ ɞɚ Please plan your statement so as to leave about ten minutes at the
ɨɫɬɚɜɢɬɟ ɞɟɫɟɬɚɤ ɦɢɧɭɬɚ ɧɚ ɤɪɚʁɭ ɞɚɧɚɲʃɟɝ ɡɚɫɟɞɚʃɚ ɡɚ end of today’s hearing for a Chamber’s oral ruling.
ɭɫɦɟɧɭ ɨɞɥɭɤɭ vɟʄɚ.
KARADŽIû: Thank you, Your Excellencies.
KARAXI]: Hvala, ekselencije.
The Serbs Reluctantly Establish the SDS
Kao {to smo ju~e videli, u jednom ritmu
As we saw yesterday, the incredible pace [of events] in
neverovatnom, kakav je bio u Hrvatskoj: svaki mesec
Croatia: every month brought a shocking new measure taken
jedna {okantna mera za Srbe. Tako je bilo i kod nas.
against Serbs. That’s the way it was with us. Before I come to
Pre nego {to do|em do oktobra, do deklaracije koju su
October and the Declaration that was adopted by representatives
usvojili poslanici SDA i HDZ protivno i na~inu
of the SDA and HDZ against the rules governing the manner in
zakazivawe skup{tine, i protivno pravilima, odnosno,
which Assembly sessions are convened, namely, contrary to the
odredbama Ustava Jugoslavije i Ustava BiH, kratko }u
provisions of the Constitutions of Yugoslavia and B-H, I would
da pro|em da uhvatimo vezu sa ju~era{wim danom, dakle
just like to review briefly, so that we may understand the connec-
Srpsku demokratsku stranku smo osnovali kao posledwu
tion to [what I discussed] yesterday, that we thus established the
od svih etni~kih stranaka. Nerado smo je osnovali,
SDS as the last of all the ethnic parties. We formed the party re-
smatrali smo da ne treba uvoditi etni~ku demokratiju,
luctantly because we did not consider the introduction of ethnic
ali takvi su doga|aji bili da je to moralo tako.
democracy as the proper thing to do, but the circumstances were
Izbori su bili 18-og novembra. Svaka nacionalna
such that we were compelled to do so.
stranka je pobedila, zna~i prosto, narodi su bili
The elections took place on November 18. Each nationalist
krenuli na jednu stazu diferencijacije po etni~kom
party won, which simply means that the different peoples entered
principu. Ne{to iz strahova, ne{to iz nada i ambicija
a stage of differentiation according to ethnic principles. Partly
da }e ostvariti ne{to {to do tada nisu imali u
based on fears and partly based on hopes and ambitions that they
Jugoslaviji. Vlada formirana u januaru 1991-e; prva
would establish something that they had not had until then in
kampawa za nezavisnost BiH krajem januara. Jo{ uvek
Yugoslavia. The government was formed in January 1991; the
polovinom januara, g. Izetbegovi} se zakliwe u
first campaign for an independent B-H started at the end of Janu-
Jugoslaviju. Krajem januara, abruptno najavquje
ary. Mr. Izetbegoviü was still vowing to remain in Yugoslavia in
kampawu za nezavisnosti. U februaru, g. Izetbegovi}
mid-January. At the end of January, he abruptly announced the
210 211

formira tajni savet za odbranu Muslimana i ako je on campaign for independence. In February, Mr. Izetbegoviü creat-
predsednik javnog dr`avnog Saveta za odbranu BiH. ed a secret council for the defense of Muslims, even though he
I ja }u sada samo ovako kratko da ka`em, kod prve was the Chairman of the Public Defense Council of B-H.
kampawe za nezavisnost, Srbi protestuju bez I will only state briefly that, during the first campaign for in-
kontramera. Izetbegovi} formira taj savet, to je dependence, the Serbs protested without resorting to counter-
vrhovna komanda tajne armije Patriotske Lige, tajne measures. Izetbegoviü formed this Council, which was the Su-
armije SDA. Srpska reakcije je ~u|ewe, zabrinutost, preme Command of the Patriotic League, the SDA’s secret army.
bez protesta i bez kontramera, jer je to ura|eno tajno. The Serbian reaction was astonishment, concern, without either
Mi smo saznali, ali nismo pravili veliki protest zbog protests or countermeasures, because it had been done secretly.
toga. We found out about it, but we did not lead large protests because
U februaru, poku{aj usvajawa Dekleracije o of it.
suverenosti i nezavisnosti. Srpska reakcija: protest, In February, there was an attempt to adopt a Declaration of
veto, upu}ivawe na Savet za nacionalnu ravnopravnost, Sovereignty and independence. The Serbian reaction: protests,
i to veto tada uspeva, tada nam je usvojeno, i lodging a veto, referring the matter to the Council of National
najavqujemo zajednice op{tina na koje bi smo ina~e Equality, and this veto succeeded at that time, and then it was
radili, ako op{tine odlu~e, mogu da druga~ije se adopted, and we announced to the county communities on which
udru`e, ako imaju ekonomske i neke druge interese. we were anyway working — that if the county communities de-
31-a marta osnovana je Patriotska Liga. Zna~i, sada cided to do so, they could associate themselves on a different basis
onaj Vrhovni {tab, odnosno vrhovna komanda, dobija i if they had economic and other mutual interests.
svoju vojsku. Srpska reakcija: duboka zabrinutnost, The Patriotic League was established on March 31. That
zahtev od Srba u MUP-u, policiji — koje je Srpska meant this Supreme Headquarters, in other words, the Supreme
demokratska stranka dovela na vlast, ali nisu ~lanovi Command, now got its own army. The Serbian reaction: profound
Srpske demokratske stranke, smatramo da policija ne concern, the demand that Serbs in the MUP, the police — whom
treba da bude u partijama — zahteva se od wih da the SDS brought into the administration but who were not mem-
reaguju, da spre~avaju zloupotrebu zajedni~ke policije, bers of the SDS because we thought that the police should have no
da informi{u javnost i nas {ta se de{ava. Tu se ve} political affiliations — we demanded that they react to prevent any
prvi put na neki na~in, imamo nesporazume sa na{im abuse of the joint [B-H] police force, and to inform the public as
zamenikom ministra kojeg smo mi kandidovali tamo. well as us about what was going on. This was the first time that
Zna~i, mart 1991-e dolazi i do drugog poku{aja we had, in some fashion, misunderstandings with our Deputy Min-
usvajawa Dekleracije o nezavisnosti. Srpska reakcija ister whom we had nominated.
je rasprava sa partnerima, veto, i ubrzan rad za So in March 1991, there was a second attempt to adopt a
formirawu zajednica op{tina. U maju, Izetbegovi} Declaration on Independence. The Serbian reaction was consul-
ka`e poznatu re~enicu koju sam ju~e saop{tio: tations with our partners, lodging a veto, and the acceleration of
212 213

“Dekleracija }e biti usvojena sa Srbima ili bez wih.” work on the formation of communities in counties. In May, Izet-
Zna~i, potpuno je opredeqenost. Za tri meseca smo begoviü uttered the famous sentence which I called to your atten-
potro{ili na{e bratstvo i jedinstvo, na{u tion yesterday: “The Declaration [i.e., of the sovereignty of B-H]
koalicionu idilu i najavquje se kr{ewe svih na{ih will be passed with the Serbs or without them.” In other words, it
prava. A ubrzava se zloupotreba policije. Zloupotreba was completely predetermined. In three months’ time, we used
policije — u wihovoj policiji je puno kriminalaca. up all of our brotherhood and unity, our idyllic coalition, and it
Videli ste ju~e iz mog razgovora sa zamenikom portended the violation of all our rights. Abuse of the police
ministra, gde se i on sla`e da mi nismo doveli nijednu force accelerated. Abuse of the police force — their police force
novu li~nost u policiju, a da oni jesu. I da mi nismo was full of criminals. Yesterday, you heard portions of my con-
pogotovo doveli nijednog kriminalca, a da oni jesu. versation with the Deputy Minister, in which even he agreed that
I SDA kadrovi u policiji kriju od na{ih — od we did not bring any new personnel to the police force, but they
Srba — sve. Stavqaju ih na neka neva`na mesta, had. And we did not bring in a single criminal, yet they did.
uklawaju ih od onih nelegalni radwi koje oni rade, i to The SDA personnel in the police force kept everything secret
je prva podela MUP-a. Dakle, u maju mesecu 1991-e from us — the Serbs. They placed Serbs in low-ranking posi-
godine, ona je de facto — nije de jure — de facto je podela. tions, and kept them away from all the illegal activities in which
Srpski kadrovi u policiji su skloweni na sporedni they were involved, and that was the first split that took place in
kolosek da ne mogu da uti~u — ne mogu da vide, a kamoli the MUP. Therefore, in May 1991, the split was de facto — not
da uti~u — na doga|aje. Srpska reakcija na ovo je de jure — the split or division was de facto. Serbian personnel in
formirawe srpskih autonomnih oblasti. the police were sidetracked so that they could not influence — so
Srpske autonomne oblasti se progla{avaju, ali that they could not see [what was going on], much less have any
nemaju sadr`aj. Ne deluju; ni{ta se ne de{ava. One su influence on events. The Serbs reacted by forming autonomous
samo tu za slu~aj da se ne{to desi i da narod ne ostane Serbian regions.
— kad se iseku komunikacije — narod mo`e da ostane The Serbian autonomous areas were proclaimed, but this had
bez rukovodsvta, pa onda neka na nivou regija — imaju no substance. They were not functioning as such; nothing was
neko rukovodstvo koje }e da ih vodi. happening. They were only there just in case something hap-
U junu 1991-e godine su donesene odluke o pened so that the people would not be left — when communica-
nezavisnosti Slovenije i Hrvatske, i sklopqen je tajni tions are cut — the people could be left leaderless, so they would
zavereni~ki sporazum — Ku~an, Tu|man, Izetbegovi} then have to rely on some kind of regional leadership to guide
— za napad na Jugoslaviju i na JNA. Mi }emo o tom them.
tajnom paktu — zaveri — ovde pru`iti dokaze. In June 1991, decisions were made about the independence
Qubazno{}u Tu`ila{tva do{li smo, a imamo i mi of Slovenia and Croatia, and Kuþan, Tuÿman, and Izetbegoviü
svojih izvora oko toga. concluded a conspiratorial agreement to attack Yugoslavia and
the JNA [i.e., Yugoslav National Army]. We will present proof
214 215

Srpska reakcija je ubrzan rad formirawu stavova i of this secret pact — this conspiracy. Thanks to the kindness of
sada ve} pomiwemo i regionalizaciju, a predvi|amo da the Prosecution, we have come here, but we also have our own
stavovi po~iwu da funkcioni{u jer je |avo odneo {alu. sources of information about this.
Ako SDA ne, svi na{i potezi su, Ekselencije, uslovni. The Serbian reaction was to accelerate the formulation of
To nisu na{i ciqevi. To su na{a nu`da [sic]. Ako positions and there was already talk about regionalization, but
nastavite sa ovim i ne poni{tite nezakonite odluke, we foresaw that the positions we took were working out because
mi }emo ovo pustiti u funkciju. the situation was not funny anymore. All our moves were condi-
28. juna, 1991, Frankfurter-Algemeine Zeitung i Die Weldt tional, Your Excellencies, even though the SDA’s were not.
pi{u komentare. Jugoslaviju nazivaju istorijskom Those were not our goals. Those were necessities. If you contin-
nakazom, stvorenom kroz ugovore sa pariske ue this way and do not nullify these unlawful decisions, we are
periferije. I izruguju}i se Versajskom, Sen going to activate our plans.
@ermenskom, i Trianskom i Nejskom ugovoru, kojima je The German newspapers Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
okon~an Prvi svetski rat i pravno sankcionisan poraz and Die Welt published commentaries on June 28, 1991. They
Nema~ke i drugih Centralnih sila. dubbed Yugoslavia ‘a freak of history’ that was created by
Podseti}u vas da 1977. i 1978. — Tito je jo{ bio `iv agreements made in the suburbs of Paris. And they were ridicul-
— Jozef Straus, u blizini Minhena, okupqao evropsku ing the Versailles, Saint-Germain, Trianon, and Neuilly Treaties
elitu i ube|ivao da Jugoslaviju treba proglasiti that ended World War I and legally sanctioned the defeat of
mrtvom. Qubazno{}u Generala Galoa, mi smo do{li do Germany and the other Central Powers.
tog podatka. General Galoa je jedna izuzetna li~nost Let me remind you that in 1977 and 1978 — Tito was still
francuske koji se nije s tim slagao ni tada ni sada. alive — Josef Strauss107 assembled [a meeting of] the European
U julu mesecu, Srbi izlaze sa dokumentum ɒɬɚ elite near Munich, where he persuaded them that Yugoslavia had
ɩɪɟɞɥɚɠɭ ɋɪɛɢ? na srpskom i na engleskom jeziku. Meni to be pronounced dead. We acquired this information courtesy of
se sada postavqa pitawe: za{to Tu`ila{tvo nigde ne General [P.M.] Gallois.108 General Gallois is an outstanding
pomiwe taj sporazum? Za{to se iz [toga] programa ne Frenchman who did not agree with that either then or now.
informi{e? [ta su bile srpske pozicije u odnosu na In July, the Serbs published a document entitled What Do the
Jugoslaviju i odnosu na B-H? ɒɬɚ ɩɪɟɞɥɚɠɭ ɋɪɛɢ? Serbs Propose? in Serbian and in English. Now, I wonder why the
Va`an trenutak. Ubrzava se kriza i Srbi bosanski Prosecution has not mentioned this position paper at all. Why has
izlaze sa svojim pogledima na re{ewe jugoslovenske it not acquainted itself with this program? What were the Serbian
krize, na re{ewe bosanske krize. Taj predlog apsolutno positions vis-à-vis Yugoslavia and B-H? What Do the Serbs Pro-
iskqu~uje svaki uslov za udru`ene zlo~ina~ke pose? It was an important moment. The crisis was accelerating
poduhvate, a kamoli zlo~ina~ki poduhvat. Apsolutno and the Bosnian Serbs came forth with their views on solutions for
ukida mogu}nost da ishod bude takav kako stoji u the Yugoslav and Bosnian crises. This proposal absolutely dispels
optu`nici. any and all grounds for a joint criminal enterprise, not to mention
216 217

Po~etkom jula, Muslimanska-Bo{wa~ka Organiza- a criminal venture. It absolutely precludes the possibility of an
cija predvo|ena Adilom Zuflikarpa{i}em i Muhamed- outcome such as the one that stands in the Indictment.
om Filipovi}em, koji su napustili Stranku demo- In the beginning of July, the Muslim-Bosniak Organization
kratske akcije kada su identifikovali to zavereni~ko [MBO] led by Adil Zulfikarpašiü and Muhamed Filipoviü, who
jezgro koje je radilo iza le|a i glavnog odbora i cele had both left the SDA once they had identified the conspiratorial
stranke i celog muslimanskog naroda, koji nije uvek nucleus that was working behind the backs of the governing
mogao da vidi gde vode ti potezi toga zavereni~kog board, the entire party, and all the Muslim people who were not
jezgra. Kada Filipovi} i Zulfikarpa{i}, iskusni always able to see where the moves made by this conspiratorial
politi~ari, dugogodi{wi disidenti, nisu mogli — nucleus were leading. When Filipoviü and Zulfikarpašiü, experi-
trebalo im je vremena da vide kuda to ide i da vide kuda enced politicians and dissidents of long standing — they needed
vode ti potezi, {to je navelo g. ^au{evi}a da kada je some time to see where all this was leading — could not see
napustio SDA, pisao Izetbegovi}u, rekao mu: “Zar ti where these moves were leading — which led Mr. ýauseviü,
misli{ da su Srbi budale i ne vide {ta ti radi{?” who, after having left the SDA, to write to Mr. Izetbegoviü, and
Srpska reakcija na ponudu istorijskog Srpsko- ask him: “Do you think that the Serbs are fools and don’t see
muslimanskog sporazuma, promptno prihvatawe, rad- what you’re up to?”
osno prihvatawe, uz odustajawe od svih dotada{wih The Serbian reaction to the proposed historic Serbian-
kontramera. Po~etak jula, dokaz da se kontramere koje Muslim Agreement was prompt acceptance — it was happily
smo donosili na mere, kr{ewa na{ih ustavnih i accepted, along with the withdrawal of all theretofore existing
zakonskih prava — odustajemo kada muslimanska strana countermeasures. At the beginning of June, proof that counter-
ponudi da }e ona odustati od toga puta na koji se measures we introduced against the steps taken to violate our
zaputila. constitutional and legal rights — we withdrew [the countermeas-
Bio sam li~no sa Zuflikarpa{i}em kod g. Izet- ures] once the Muslim side offered to abandon the path it had
begovi}a, koji nas je podr`ao. Rekao je samo nastavite, a begun to take.
Zulfikarpa{i}u je rekao: “Molim te, nastavi. Srbi mi I was personally with Mr. Zulfikarpašiü when I met with
vi{e ne veruju. Mo`da }e{ ti uspeti da ne{to s wima Mr. Izetbegoviü, who lent us his support. He merely said, con-
postigne{.” tinue doing what you’re doing, and to Zulfikarpašiü he said,
Period jul i avgust 1991., radimo na tom istorijkom “Please continue your work. The Serbs don’t trust me any long-
Srpskom-muslimanskom sporazumu. Imamo zajedni~ke er. Maybe you will be able to get somewhere with them.”
mitinge gde smo imali ogromne tenzije, ali sada We were working on this historic Serbian-Muslim Agree-
Muslimani i Srbi, vo|stvo SDS-a i MBO-a ide u ment during the period of July and August 1991. We held joint
osetqiva srpsko-muslimanska podru~ja na javne meetings that were infused with enormous amounts of tension,
mitinge. Imamo u Trebiwu ogroman miting. Tamo je but now the Muslims and the Serbs, the leaderships of the SDS
sedamnaest do dvadeset posto Muslimana — ali svi su and the MBO paid visits to sensitive Serbian-Muslim areas and
218 219

sre}ni, i Srbi i Muslimani. Idemo u Zvornik. Zvornik held rallies there. We had a huge rally in Trebinje. There it is
je veoma osetqiv. Vide}ete kako posle je eksplodirao. 17%–20% Muslim — but everyone was happy, both the Serbs
Osim ne{to malo nekih ekstremista, narod sre}an. and Muslims. We went to Zvornik. Zvornik is an extremely sen-
Prepuna sportska hala, narod sre}an {to je do{lo do sitive area. You will see how it later exploded. Apart from a
obrta u srpsko-muslimanskim odnosima. Srbi pri- small number of extremists, people were delighted. The sports
hvataju da se vrati status quo ante, ni{ta, nikakve arena was filled beyond capacity, and people were happy to see a
protivmere koje smo preduzeli za tih pola godine ne}e turning point in Serbian-Muslim relations. The Serbs accepted
biti na snazi i imamo sporazum sa Muslimanima. the return of the status quo ante, and nothing — none of the
Kajema avgusta, g. Izetbegovi} iznenada povla~i countermeasures that we had undertaken for six months were in
podr{ku sporazumu, i to na jedan drasti~an na~in, dok force any longer and we reached an agreement with the Muslims.
autori sporazuma, profesor Koqevi} i profesor At the end of August, Mr. Izetbegoviü all of a sudden with-
Filipovi}, oba sa Filozofskog Fakulteta, koje smo drew his support for the Agreement, and did so in a drastic fash-
li~no Izetbegovi} i ja ovlastili da nastave da rade — ion, while the authors of the agreement, Professors Koljeviü and
i Zulfikarpa{i}. Oni prezentuju javnosti taj Filipoviü, both from the [Sarajevo] University’s School of Phi-
sporazum, koji treba da relaksira celu situaciji u losophy, whom Izetbegoviü and I had personally authorized to
Bosni, da Bosni ka`e, bosanskom trono{}u, jer Bosna continue their work — as well as Zulfikarpašiü. They presented
ima trono`ac (Srbi, Hrvate, i Muslimane), da ka`e this agreement to the public, which was supposed to ease the
nema problema. Ovde ne}e biti rata. Tamo ve} u tense situation in B-H, to declare that Bosnia is a tripartite state
Hrvatskoj, jer zna~i u avgustu ve} imamo sukobe. A, oni (Serbs, Croats and Muslims), and to state that there were no
izlaze i ka`u: “Mi radimo na sporazumu koji }e ovo problems. There was not going to be a war here. Although we
spre~iti da se prelije u Bosnu.” did have conflicts going in Croatia in August. But they [Koljeviü
Sti`e telefaks u sred emisije i SDA otkazuje, a and Filipoviü] were coming out and saying: “We are working on
progla{ava MBO, Zulfikarpa{i}a i Filipovi}a an agreement that will prevent this from spilling over into Bos-
izdajnicima muslimanskog naroda. Dakle ta igra, nia.”
zamajavawa Srba i Muslimana dva meseca sa ciqem da A fax arrived during the middle of a broadcast that the SDA
MBO bude pora`en politi~ki. I da jednu malu korist was withdrawing [its support for the agreement], and it declared
SDA dobije u glasa~kom telu — e, pa to je stvarno the MBO and Mr. Filipoviü traitors to the Muslim nation. So,
Pirova pobeda. To je stvarno bila skupa pobeda, i this game preoccupied the Muslims and the Serbs with a red her-
odmah su ve} sutradan bila napetost u BiH poja~ana, a ring for two months, and its goal was to inflict a political defeat
srpska strana, i to autonomna regija Krajina, bez on the MBO. And all this so that the SDA could gain a very
ikakvog pitawa nas, progla{ava regiju Krajina, a ja im small advantage with the electoral body — well, that was a genu-
u jednom razgovoru dajem za pravo — imamo taj intercep ine Pyrrhic victory. It was, indeed, a costly victory, and on the
— mo`emo ga uvek prikazati ako bude Ve}u zanimqivo. very next day tensions immediately rose in B-H, while the
220 221

Dakle, na taj potez srpske strane, Izetbegovi} se Serbian side, particularly the autonomous region of Krajina,
povla~i i usporava, i idemo u Skup{tinu. U without consulting us at all, proclaimed the Autonomous Region
Skup{tini, usvajamo Dekleraciju ~iji su osnovni of the Krajina, while I in one conversation agreed with it — we
elementi: da prvo sve opcije su ravnopravne; i drugo, da have the intercept — and we can always present it to the Trial
ne}e biti nametawa re{ewa. Zna~i, mora se na}i Chamber as proof should it merit interest to the Trial Chamber.
re{ewe koje }e biti prihvatqivo za sve, nikome se So, after the Serbian side made that move, Izetbegoviü with-
ni{ta ne}e nametnuti, i svaka opcija je legitimna. drew and resorted to dilatory tactics, and we went to the Assem-
Mo`e da se ide sa svakom opcijom. Dakle, ponovo do|e bly. In the Assembly, we adopted a Declaration whose basic el-
do jedno malog relaksirawa, me|utim, to sve traje mawe ements were: first, that all options be treated as equal; and sec-
od mesec dana. ond, that there be no imposed solutions. That meant a solution
Zna~i u Skup{tini u oktobru — polovina oktobra had to be found that would be acceptable for everyone involved,
— imamo onu poznatu skup{tinu gde se vr{i ustavni nothing was going to be imposed on anyone, and all options
pu~, nelegalno zakazuju nastavak sednice i donose were legitimate. So this once again eased tensions somewhat,
Deklaraciju o suverenosti te dve stranke. Srpski however, all that lasted less than a month.
poslanici iz svih stranaka — wih 83 od 86 — zna~i 72 So, in the Assembly in October — by mid-October — we
iz Srpske demokratske stranke i ostali Srbi iz held that well-known Assembly session during which a constitu-
ostalih stranaka, multietni~kih, napu{taju tional putsch took place by illegally continuing a session, and
Skup{tinu i srpska strana najavquje da }e, ako ne those two sides passed a Declaration of Sovereignty. Serbian
povuku za deset dana — za nedequ dana — te odluke, da representatives, 83 of 86 from all parties — seventy-two from
}e srpska strana formirati svoju Skup{tinu na novou the SDS and the Serbs from other multi-ethnic parties, walked
personalne autonomije. out of the Assembly, and the Serbian side announced that unless
To je i za optu`nicu i za Tu`ila{tvo jedan veoma those decisions were revoked within seven to ten days, the Ser-
va`an trenutak, gde u paragrafu 34, predpretresnog bian side was then going to establish its own Assembly on the
podneska, Tu`ila{tvo ka`e: level of autonomous personnel [i.e., representatives].
This was a pivotal moment for the Prosecution as well as the
Rukovodstvo bosanskih Srba osnovala je
Indictment, where in Paragraph 34 of the Pre-Trial Brief, the
24. oktobra, 1991. zasebnu srpsku
Prosecution states that:
Skup{tinu. Kao {to je Karaxi} objasnio
poslanicima: “Ovo je istorijski korak. The BSL [Bosnian Serb Leadership] established
Ovo je korak koji srpski narod razbija i a separate Serbian Assembly on 24 October
posledwe zablude, prepoznaje prijateqe i 1991. As Karadžiü explained to the delegates,
neprijateqe, i zaokru`uje svoje bi}e na “This is a historic step, a step the Serbian people
na~in na koji (jedna re~ nije moglo da se takes [sic] to shatter the last illusions, to discern
between its friends and enemies, and to round
222 223

pro~ita) nikad ne}e biti ugro`en our entity in such a way that [one word redacted]
iznutra.” it would never again find itself endangered from
Dakle, Karaxi} ka`e, ovaj trenutak, kada smo
re{ili se na{ih zabluda, videli smo {ta je na{a Therefore, when we were disabused our illusions, Karadžiü
sudbina i {ta nam je ~initi, videli smo ko su said at this moment that we saw what our destiny was and what
prijateqi i ko su neprijateqi, videli smo {ta nas we had to do: we saw exactly who friends and enemies were; and
ugro`ava. Dakle, “U novembru 1991,” nastavqa taj we saw what was threatening us. So, “In November 1991,” it
paragraf 34: states again in Paragraph 34, that:
neposredno prije plebiscita SDS-a na just before the SDS plebiscite of the Serbian
kojem je srpski narod potvrdio da `eli people confirming their willingness to stay in
ostati u Jugoslaviji, Karaxi} je pozvao Yugoslavia, Karadžiü exhorted the municipal
~lanstvo SDS-a u op{tinama da se SDS membership to get ready to establish au-
pripreme za uspostavu vlasti na svojim thority in their territories:
podru~jima. ‘Molim vas da budete tako|e
‘I am asking you to be energetic and strict; to get
energi~ni i o{tri da se pripremite i
ready and establish authority in your territories;
uspostavite vlast na svojim teritorijama
in municipalities, regions, local communities,
u op{tinama u regijama mjesnim za-
and to prepare yourselves for restructuring and
jednicama da pripremite prestrukturaciju
regionalizing the municipalities (…).’110
i reorganizaciju op{tina.’
The Prosecution is quoting my words. That this does not
Tu`ila{tvo citira moj re~. Da ovo nema to zna~ewe
have the meaning attributed to it by the OTP, I’d like to call to
koje je Tu`ila{tvo o tome pridalo, ho}u da vas
your attention that between October 24, when the Serbs realized
podsetim da je izme|u 24. oktobra, kada su Srbi
where the SDA was going, the Serbs had accepted before the
shvatili gde vodi Stranka demokratske akcije, Srbi su
beginning of the war several alternatives, several chances for
do po~etka rata prihvatili nekoliko varijanti,
peace, and they were even prepared to abandon their own As-
nekoliko {ansi za mir, uz spremnost da odustanu i od
sembly, and we are going to revisit those [lost] opportunities
ove skup{tine i podseti}emo se na te {anse. Dakle,
now. So, the Serbs established the Assembly as their last stand.
Srbi su formirali Skup{tinu kao posledwu odbranu.
If all else failed, that Assembly was going to become operative.
Ako sve propadne, ta Skup{tina }e do}i u svoju
As the Trial Chamber says in the Krajišnik case, Paragraph
195 or 196, if the old system fell apart, the central government
Kao {to ka`e Ve}e u slu~aju Kraji{nika, 195. ili
had to do something in order to prevent the [situation on the]
196. paragraf, ako se stari sistem raspao, centralna
ground from falling apart. What Karadžiü is saying is: “prepare
vlast mora da uradi ne{to da se ne raspadne i teren.
and establish authority in your own territories in the counties.” If
224 225

Ovo {to Karaxi} ka`e: “Na svojim teritorijama u the central government falls apart and if the counties have no one
op{tinama, pripremite i uspostavite vlast na svojim to rely on; or, when they call upon the central [B-H] government,
teritorijama.” Ako }e centralna vlast propasti, i ako the central government is going to issue directives that are going
op{tine ne}e imati na koga da se oslone, ili }e kad to be work against the survival of the people, so we must then
pozovu centralnu vladu, centralna vlada izdati im establish governing authority. We already exercised governing
naloge koji su suprotni opstanku naroda, onda treba authority in these areas; it only had to be prepared to function in
uspostaviti vlast. Mi tamo ve} imamo vlast, samo ona extraordinary circumstances.
treba da se spremi da funkcioni{e u vanrednim And my standpoint is — and I think that all international
okolnostima. documents corroborate it — that it is better to have some kind of
I moje je stanovi{te — i mislim za to daje zapravo rule of law as opposed to none at all. Rule of law is better than
i svi me|unarodni dokumenti, boqe ikakva vlast nego chaos.
nikakva. Boqe vlast nego haos. The Serbian people — again, the Serbian side is now no
Srpski narod — ponovo, srpska strana sada, ali nije longer represented [solely] by the SDS (it is now all Serbs from
vi{e SDS (tu su sada svi Srbi, sve stranke) — zakazuje all political parties) — scheduled a plebiscite of the Serbian peo-
plebiscit srpskoga naroda za 10.–11. novembar, da ple for November 10–11, 1991 to see whether the people wanted
vidimo da li narod ho}e ovo {to Izetbegovi} forsira, what Izetbegoviü was forcing on them or whether they wanted
ili }e ne{to drugo. something else.
Referendumsko pitawe je u vezi sa Jugoslavijom, sa The question posed by the Referendum related to [the
udru`ivawem svih koji ho}e da ostanu u Jugoslaviji, i preservation of] Yugoslavia, and all those who wished to remain
taj referendum je odr`an. Bilo je mogu}nosti da glasaju in Yugoslavia participated, and that Referendum was, indeed,
druge, po{to je to etni~ki referendum. Drugi su imali held. Others were able to vote as well, since this was an ethnic
tako|e mogu}nost da glasaju, i glasalo je negde izme|u referendum. Others were likewise able to vote, and somewhere
40,000 i 60,000 Muslimana i Hrvata koji su glasali za between 40,000 to 60,000 Muslims and Croats did vote in favor
o~uvawe Jugoslavije, a Tu`ila{tvo, bojim se, of preserving Yugoslavia, but the Prosecution, I fear, maliciously
maliciozno ka`e da je to bio `uti listi}. Ja ne znam states that this was a yellow ballot. I don’t know what color this
koje boje listi} bio, ali Tu`ila{tvo propu{ta da se ballot was, but the OTP omits to inform you that this ballot was
informi{e da je to bio i listi} latinicom pisan. written in the Roman alphabet. Serbs predominantly use the Cy-
Srbi prete`no pi{u }irilicom, al’ taj je bio rillic alphabet, but this one was printed in the Roman alphabet so
latinicom da bi im bilo prijatnije. that the others would find it easier [to read].
E, sada, 20. decembra, vlada BiH, suprotno stavu i
The Illegal Referendum and Proclamation of Independence
mi{qewe svih srpski ministara, i zamenika ministara
And now, on December 20, the government of B-H, after
svih ~lanova vlade, donosi odluku da zatra`i od
having taken a position contrary to the thinking of all Serbian
Evropske zajednice priznawe nezavisnosti BiH.
ministers and deputy ministers, passed a resolution to seek
226 227

Uslova za to nema, ni ta odluka nije donesena na recognition for an independent B-H from the European Commu-
ispravan na~in. Nije mogla da bude donesena ni na nity. The conditions for such a resolution had not been met, so
referendumu jer je glasalo mawe od dve tre}ine za to od the resolution was not passed in the correct manner. It could not
svih glasa~a, i nebi moglo ni u Skup{tini jer smo mi have been done with the Referendum [for an independent Bos-
imali vi{e od jedne tre}ine i pogotovu vlada ne smije nia] either, because less than two-thirds of all voters had voted in
da tra`i nezavisnost. To mora da tra`i Skup{tina na favor of it, and it could not have passed in the [B-H] Assembly
osnovu dve tre}ine glasova svih poslanika. because we had more than a third [of the seats], and so the gov-
Srpska reakcija na Skup{tini 21-og — 11-og ʊ ernment had absolutely no grounds to seek independence. Its
bi}ete upoznati sa svakim detaqem te skup{tine. (Oni passage had to be sought by the Assembly on the basis of a two-
se ~esto eksploati{u u optu`nici). Tra`i poni{tewe thirds vote of all representatives.
tog zahteva za nezavisnost, ili }e kao kontrameru You will be informed of each and every detail of the Serbian
proglasiti Srpsku Republiku BiH. reaction in the Assembly of the 21st — 11th. (These details are
Evo ponovo mape na koje mo`emo da bacimo pogled. often exploited in the Indictment.) The Assembly was going to
Plavo su Srbi. Sada, nakon, to je bila, ja mislim, 91-e. move to annul this resolution for independence or it was going to
To se nije mewalo. U glavnom je to tako. Nakon proclaim the Serbian Republic of B-H as a countermeasure.
genicidom u Drugom svetskom ratu i daqe, Srbi `ive na Here, once again, is the map where we can take a look. [EX-
dve tre}ine, ve}ina su na dve tre~ine teritorije BiH, a HIBIT XIV] The Serbian areas are blue. Now, I think, this was
na `alost, imaju jednu tre}inu. Ina}e, su do tih 1991. It did not change. This is basically the way it was. After
zbivawa, do Drugog svetskog rata, bili oni ve}insku the genocide during the World War II, the Serbs continued
stanovni{tva. thereafter to live on two-thirds — the majority live on two-thirds
SDA odbija da povu}e zahtev. I ide daqe. of the territory of B-H, but regrettably they make up only one-
Zna}i, od 20. decembra do 9. januara, dato im je third [of the population]. In any case, they were the majority
dvadeset dana. Srpska reakcija je 9. Januara. population until the events that transpired during the Second
Progla{ava se Srpska Republika BiH, ali kao i sve World War.
srpske kontramere, ona se samo progla{ava kao The SDA refused to withdraw this resolution. And it went
mogu}nost a ne funcioni{e. Da Tu`ila{tvo nije u further.
pravu kada smatra da smo mi formirali Skup{tinu They were given twenty days, from December 20 until Janu-
srpskog naroda da bismo postigli ciqeve. ary 9 [to decide]. The Serbs reacted on January 9. The Serbian
Mi smo u pravu da smo formirali srpsku Republic of B-H was proclaimed, but as all other Serbian
Skup{tinu da bismo spre~ili da SDA postigne svoje measures, it had been proclaimed merely as a possibility, since it
ciqeve protiv na{e bezbednosti, na{e voqe. Mo`emo really wasn’t a functioning entity. So the Prosecution is incorrect
videti i svih me|ukoraka, a jedan od tih me|ukoraka je when it treats our creation of the Assembly of the Serbian People
zasedawe zajedni~ke Skup{tine 24. i 25. januara gde se as a means of achieving certain objectives.
228 229

Karaxi} i ^engi}, ali ovo je Muhamed ^engi} iz SDA. We had the right to establish the Serbian Assembly in order
To nije vi{e MBO. MBO je celo vreme bio za to prevent the SDA from achieving its objectives against our will
sporazumevawe sa Srbima. Sada i potpredsednik SDA, and at the expense of our security. We can see all the interim
^engi} (ju}e smo to pomiwali) posti`e sa mnom steps that had been taken, and one of those interim steps was to
saglasnost za govornicom. To je poznati snimak. convene the joint [B-H] Assembly on January 24 and 25, where
Obojica smo bili istovremeno za govornicom, Karadžiü and ýengiü — this is Muhamed ýengiü from the SDA.
posti`emo saglasnost da vlada napravi It was no longer the MBO. The MBO was always in favor of
regionalizaciju za petnaest dana i da Srbi iza|u na reaching an agreement with the Serbs. Now, even the Vice-
referendum. Kako god glasaju, dali su mu legitimitet. President of the SDA, ýengiü (we mentioned this yesterday),
Taj sporazum, koji je bio inicaran od strane reached an agreement with me on the very rostrum. This [video]
Izetbegovi}a ʊ jer je ^engi} javno rekao da ga footage is very well-known. We were both at the rostrum at the
Izetbegovi} ovlastio ʊ trajao je svega dva sata. Sa same time, and we reached an agreement that the government
MBO je sporazum trajao dva meseca; ovaj je trajao dva carry out a regionalization within fifteen days, and that the Serbs
sata. would vote in a referendum. Whatever way they may have de-
E, onda dolazi februar i po~iwe konferencija cided to vote, they would have conferred legitimacy upon the
mada smo primili posmatra~e Evropske unije mnogo referendum.
ranije. Primali smo ambasadora Vajnadca, Lorda This agreement, initiated by Izetbegoviü’s side ʊ because
Karingtona, Ambasadora Kutilera, i ranije, ali ýengiü publicly stated that it was Izetbegoviü who had author-
zvani~no po~iwe u februar konferencija, i 22. ili 23. ized him ʊ lasted all of two hours. The agreement with the
februaru, definitvno se posti`e sporazum da }e biti MBO lasted for two months; this one lasted for only two hours.
tri Bosne. Srbi su prelomili i rekli: “U redu.
The Lisbon Agreement
Iza}i}emo iz Jugoslavije. Napusti}emo Jugoslaviju.
Well, then came February and the conference began even
Osta}emu u okvirima ovih granica BiH kada budu
though we had accepted monitors from the EU much earlier. We
priznate, pod uslovom da mi dobijemo tu jednu jedinicu
received Ambassador Wijnaendts, Lord Carrington, and Ambas-
unutra i da Bosna bude slo`ena, decentralizovana
sador Cutileiro even earlier but the conference officially began on
dr`ava u kojoj }e Srbi, Hrvati, i Muslimani imati onu
February 22 or 23, and a definitive agreement was finally reached
garanciju, onu bezbednost kako su imali republike u
that there would be three Bosnias. The Serbs were convinced and
Jugoslaviji samo na mnogo mawem nivou.”
said: “Okay, we will leave Yugoslavia. We will give up Yugosla-
22. ili 23. februara, donosi se odluka da }e budu}e
via. We will remain within the framework of these borders of B-H
konstituivne jedinice imati ingerencije svoje i izme|u
once they are recognized, on the condition that we receive this one
ostalog, ima}e pravo na svoju autonomnu, suverinu
single entity within it, and that Bosnia be a compound, decentral-
policiju koja je odgovorna samo toj vladi i toj
ized state in which Serbs, Croats, and Muslims will have such
230 231

Po{to smo imali iskustvo da g. Izetbegovi}, ono guarantees and security as the Yugoslav republics had, albeit on a
{to smo postigli ju}e, recimo, saglasnost o deset much lower level.”
pitawa, sutradan on ponovo da se vra}a na nulu. Mi smo On February 22 or 23, a decision was made that the future
se dogovorili da to vi{e ne mo`e. Ako smo danas constituent units would have their own jurisdictions, and, among
postigli saglasnost o deset pitawa, sutra diskutujemo other things, that they would have the right to autonomy and to a
jedanaesto. Deset zavr{enih pitawa ne mogu vi{e biti sovereign police force that would be accountable solely to its
problematizana. Tek 1993-e godine, mi usvajamo own government and assembly.
princip da ni{ta ne mo`e biti usvojeno dok sve nije Since we already had experience with Mr. Izetbegoviü and
usvojeno. Dotada, ono {to je usvojeno mo`e da se [understood] that despite whatever we may have achieved yes-
provodi. terday, such as reaching an agreement on ten points, the next day
I zato srpska Skup{tina i Ministarski savez he will want to go back to square one. If today we agree on ten
donosi odluku 28. februara da se priprema za points, then tomorrow we are going to discuss number eleven.
formirawe srpskog MUP-a. A za{to odma posle The ten points of agreement that have been closed may not be re-
sporazuma? Zato {to su masivne, masivne u`asno opened. It was only in 1993 that we adopted the principle that
velike zloupotrebe muslimanskog dela zajedni~ke nothing has been agreed upon until everything had been agreed
policije, koja radi ~uda. To mo`emo videti iz upon. Until then, whatever had been adopted may have been put
stanovi{te i potvrde svedoka Tu`ila{tva da je do{lo into force.
do stapawa policije u srpskom delu policije. SDA, That is why the Serbian Assembly and the Council of Minis-
Patriotske Lige, jednostavno, vi{e se ne mo`e ters decided on February 28 to lay the groundwork for the crea-
razaznati. Nijedna institucija sama za sebe. Ali, tion for a Serbian MUP. But why immediately after the agree-
vrati}emo se i da identifikujemo te zloupotrebe. ment? Because there were massive, massive and terribly outra-
Zna}i, tada kada se ide 28. februara i 1. marta na geous and enormous abuses of the joint [B-H] police force that
referendum, na koji Srbi ne izlaze, ali ga i ne were being perpetrated by the Muslim side, and it was wreaking
spre~avaju. Jesmo mi imali svoje plebicit u novembru i havoc. We can see this from the standpoint of and confirmations
smatramo da dobro da dobijemo i to kad su ve} zakazali, by Prosecution witnesses that this resulted in a take-over of the
ali to smatramo plebicit dvoetni~kim a ne Serbian part of the police force. The SDA and the Patriotic
referendum gra|ana BiH, jer to nije. Jer do toga nije League simply couldn’t be told apart. One institution was no
do{lo na zakonit na~in. longer independent [of the other]. But we will revisit this matter
1. marta kriminalci poznati koji su sada aktivisti and identify the abuses that were then taking place.
Patriotske Lige, Zeleni Beretki, ubijaju svata, ubijaju In other words, at the time when the Referendum was being
oca mlado`ewinog pred onom starom crkvom na kojoj su held on the February 28 and March 1, the Serbs boycotted it, but
pisali one grafite protiv Srba, sutradan nakon {to je they did not prevent it from taking place. We had conducted our
najavqeno formirawe SDA. own plebiscite in November and we thought it was a good idea to
232 233

Ta stara crkva je napravqena za vreme Turske have conducted this plebiscite since they had already scheduled
okupacije. Postaje anegdote ono da je sultan rekao: “U their own, but we regarded their Referendum as a bi-ethnic plebi-
redu, mo`ete da napravite bogomoqu koliko mo`e scite and not as a referendum of the citizens of B-H, because it
volovska ko`a da obuhvati. Onda su navodno Srbi was not. Because it had not been prepared in a lawful manner.
iskrojili tu ko`u u oputu, u nit, i napravili su jedan
The Murder of Wedding Guests
prostor gde naprave crkvu. I po{to je sultan tako|e
On March 1, known criminals who were now activists in the
rekao da ona ne sme da nadvisuje ni najni`e minare od
Patriotic League, the Green Berets, were killing wedding guests:
xamije, oni su tu crkvu ukopali u zemqu. Taj dobar deo
they killed the father of the groom in front of the Old [Serbian
kad se ui|e u crkvu, morate da silazite. Ja se nadam da
Orthodox] Church, where they had written anti-Serbian graffiti on
}ete jednoga dana biti u Sarajevu. Preporu}ujem Vama
the very next day after the establishment of the SDA had been an-
da pazite na svoje korake, jer se mora ui}i u dubinu. To
je jedna veoma draga Srbima crkva.
This Old Church was built during the Turkish occupation. An
Nikad nije prestavila sa radom; nije ta~no {to se
anecdote survives of the Sultan, who said: “All right, you can
tvrdi. Ne znam da li je Tu`ila{tvo, ali znam da mi je
build a house of worship that will be as large as the area an ox
muslimanska strana poku{ala da prevari, kako to nije
hide can encompass. And then, the Serbs are said to have cut this
bila aktivna. To je uvek bila aktivna crkva i za vreme
ox hide into a cord, into a thread, and created the area where they
Turaka. Nikad je Turci nisu dirali.
would build their church. And since the Sultan had decreed that it
Tu, dakle, jedan mladi ~ovek puca u svatove, slu~ajno
must not be taller than even the lowest minaret of any mosque,
pogodi Nikolu Gardovi}a, oca mladog sve{tenika koji
they built the church partly underground. You must walk down-
se toga dana `enio. I ve} je slede}ih dana on na
stairs a good way when you enter the church. I hope you go to
televiziju, kao junak, i on ka`e: “Pucao sam. [ta on
Sarajevo one day. I advise you to watch your step going down the
ima da nosi srpsku zastavu.” A srpska zastava su nosili
stairs, because it’s a long way down. The Serbs cherish this
za vreme Turaka na svadbama. To je jednostavna crkvena;
to nije bilo nacionalno, nego crkvena zastava sa
This church never ceased conducting services; their [i.e., the
krstom na sebi, itd.
Muslims’] assertions are incorrect. I don’t know whether the
Onda 2. marta nastaju barikade u Sarajevu. U to
Prosecution has done so, but I know that the Muslim side has
vreme, smo profesor Koqevi}, g. Kraji{nik, i ja u
tried to engage in deceit by claiming that this was not a function-
Beogradu na pregovorima, i nismo tamo. Nastaju
ing church. It has always been a functioning church, even during
barikade. Te barikade trajaju dva dana. Srpska
the Turkish era. The Turks never touched it.
demokratska stranka izvr{i odbor, po{to nije bilo
So it was there that a young man fires into a wedding party
nikoga iz glavnog odbora, prikqu~ila se da pregovara u
and happens to shoot Nikola Gardoviü, the father of the young
ime ovih na barikadama sa predsedni{tvom Bosne i
priest who was getting married that day. And over the next few
Hercegovine, i kriznim {tabom na~ijem ~elu je ovaj
days he appeared on television as a hero, and he said: “I shot
234 235

gospodin {to su ga sad uhapsili u Londonu, Ejup Gani}, him. So what? Why was he carrying a Serb flag?” Serbian flags
~lan predsedni{tva, Jugosloven koji se okrenuo protiv were carried even in Turkish times at weddings. It was merely a
Jugoslavije. religious flag: it was not a national flag, but simply a church flag
I u takoj situaciji na pune napetosti, tenzija, with a cross on it, etc.
neizvesnosti, 18. marta se posti`e sporazum, Then on March 2, the barricades go up in Sarajevo. At the
Lisabonski sporazum. Usvaja se Kutilerov plan time, Prof. Koljeviü, Mr. Krajišnik, and I were in Belgrade for
mirovni, da }e ova teritorija Bosne i Hercegovine negotiations. We were not there. The barricades went up, and
biti reorganizovana u tri unutra{we jedinice: srpsku, they stayed up for two days. The SDS’s [governing] committee
hrvatsku, i muslimansku, i mi svi slavimo. met since there was no one present from the governing board,
Podse}avam Vas da je g. Ajanovi} najvi{e slavio, and it entered into negotiations with the Presidency of B-H on
rekav{i da }e 80% do 85% Muslimana biti u wihovoj behalf of those who were manning the barricades, as well as with
konstituivnoj jedinici, a svega dvadesetak posto kod the Crisis Staff that was headed by this gentleman who was just
Srba i kod Hrvata u wihovim jedinicama, dok su Srbi now arrested in London, Mr. Ejup Ganiü,111 a member of the
najlo{ije, wih se svega pedeset i ne{to posto biti u Presidency, a Yugoslav who turned against Yugoslavia.
srpskoj jedinici, a ostali }e biti rastuci po Bosni.
Alija Izetbegoviü Reneges on the Lisbon Agreement
Niko nikad, ni tada ni tosle toga, ne pomiwe ni
So it was in such a situation, rife with tension and uncertain-
razmenu stanovni{tva niti isterivawa.
ty, that on March 18 an agreement was reached, the Lisbon
24. marta, SDA povla}i saglasnost. Podse}am da je
Agreement. The Cutileiro Peace Plan was adopted, which stated
18. marta Ajanovi} rekao: “Ako Srbi odbiju ovaj
that the territory of B-H would be reorganized as three internal
sprazum, to }e biti jo{ jedna wihova glupost, i bi}e
units: Serbian, Croatian, and Muslim, and we all found it to be a
dokaz da se oni opredelili za rata.” Me|utim, za
cause for celebration.
nedequ dana, oni otkazuju Lisabonski sporazum.
May I remind you that Mr. Ajanoviü,112 who found more
G. Ajanovi} ka`e: “Ma, mi smo to napravili onako
cause for celebration than the rest, said that 80%–85% of the
trik da bismo mogli da kupimo neko vreme da sa}ekamo
Muslims would remain in their own constituent unit, and that
me|unarodno priznawe.”
only about 20% would be with the Serbs and Croats in their enti-
Evo, vidite. Mo`emo da vidimo ako mo`e. Ovaj,
ties, while the Serbs fared the worst with only fifty-something
“Ako mo`e srpska Skup{tina.” Mo`e ovaj prethodni.
percent being in the Serbian entity while the rest would be scat-
“Ako srpska Skup{tina odbije Kutilerov plan,
tered throughout Bosnia. No one ever, either then or afterwards,
bi}e jasno ko je protiv mira u Bosni i bi}e jasno ko
referred to any population exchanges or any expulsions.
`eli da prevari Evropsku zajednicu i predsednika
On March 24, the SDA withdrew from the agreement. May I
konferencije.” Lorda Karingtona.
remind you that on March 18, Ajanoviü said: “If the Serbs reject
Ovo je priznawe, Ekselencije. Ovaj ~ovek priznaje
this agreement, it’s going to be yet another one of their stupid
ko to uradi bi}e kriv. A on to radi za nedequ dana.
moves, and it will be proof that they have chosen war.” But a
236 237

SDA je prihvatila, ali: week later, they were the ones who rejected the Lisbon Agree-
SDA je prvobitno prihvatila Kutilerov
Mr. Ajanoviü said: “Well, we pulled off this ruse in order to
sporazum, jer je to bila politi~ka igra da
buy some time to await international recognition.”
se osigura me|unarodnom priznawe su-
Here, you see. We can take a look at this slide, if it’s possi-
verene i nezavisne BiH, i zato {to bi
ble. This one, If the Serbian Assembly…. Can we actually get the
bila odgovorna za neuspeh pregovora.
previous slide?
SDS, HDZ, i Evropska zajednica bili su u
“If the Serbian Assembly rejects the Cutileiro Plan, it will be
prilog ostanka BiH u sada{wim gran-
clear who is against peace in Bosnia, and it will be clear who
icama, ali da se teritorije transform-
wants to trick the European Community and the Conference
Chairman.” Lord Carrington [speaking].
E, ovo wemu nije bilo prihvatqivo. I 18.–19. rekao: Your Excellencies, this is an admission. This man admits
“Ako Srbi to prevare, jasno je da oni ho}e da prevare that whosoever does this is guilty. And that is just what he did a
Evropsku zajednicu,” itd. I: “Da }e biti krivi za rat.” week later.
Gospodin sada priznaje da su oni to uradili da }e biti. The SDA accepted [the Plan] but:
Ovde se jasno vidi da srpski narod i srpske politi~ke
[In English]
partije prihvataju minimum. Izlazimo iz Jugoslavije.
To je najbolnija mogu}a koncesija. Ostaju granice Bosne The SDA originally accepted the Cutileiro
i Hercegovine takve kakve jesu, ako mi unazad dobijemo Agreement because it was a political game to
svoju konstituitivnu jedinicu. Evo {ta ambasador secure the international recognition of a sover-
Kutilero pi{e ’95-e godine kad je rat ve} zavr{en. eign and independent B-H, and because it would
Pi{e o tome {ta se pri}a o Lisabonsom sporazumu i o [otherwise] be responsible for the failure of the
krivici za rat. ambasador Kutilero na{ao se negotiations. The SDS, HDZ, and the European
podstaknutim da objavi svetu. U Economist-u je ovo Community were in favor of B-H remaining in
objavqeno, da nije ba{ tako. I ba{ on ka`e: Not quite. A its present borders but for its territories to be
evo wegovog pisma: transformed.
[Na engleskom] Now, he [Ajanoviü] found this unacceptable. And on the
18th, 19th, he said: “If this is deceit on the part of the Serbs, it is
Nakon nekoliko rundi pregovora, na{i
clear that they want to deceive the European Community,” etc.
principi za ustavno ure|ewe BiH su
And: “They will be guilty of [starting] the war.” And now this
dogovoreni od sve tri strane (Muslimana,
gentleman admits that is just what they did to make it [i.e., the
Srba, i Hrvata) u Sarajevo 18. marta,
war] happen. It is clear that the Serbian people and Serbian polit-
1992. To se nastavilo sve dok se
ical parties had accepted the minimum. We’re leaving Yugosla-
Muslimani nisu povukli sporazuma. Da to
238 239

nisu u~inili, bosansko pitawe bi se via. That was the most painful of all possible concessions we
mo`da re{ilo ranije sa mawe gubitaka, u could have made. The borders of B-H would then remain just as
glavno, muslimanskih `ivota i zemqe. Da they were if we got our own constituent unit in return. Here is
budemo po{teni, predsednik Izetbegovi} what Ambassador Cutileiro wrote in 1995 when the war was al-
i wegovi pomo~nici su ohrabrirani da se ready over. He is writing about what was being said of the Lis-
povuku iz sporazuma i da se bore za bon Agreement and of culpability for the war. Ambassador
unitarnu bosansku dr`avu od strane Cutileiro found himself compelled to make this public for all the
dobronamernih vawski faktora koje su world to know. This was published in the Economist, that [what
mislili da znaju {ta je boqe. people were saying about the Lisbon Agreement] was not quite
right. Not quite, as he had put it. Here is his letter:
I ovo je trenutak da se zapitamo {ta je tu mogao da
uradi Karaxi} ili SDS ili svih milion i po Srba u [In English]
Bosni i Hercegovini? Sve prihvataju. Sve prihvataju
After several rounds of talks, our principles for
{to je konzistento sa wihovim opstankom. Prihvataju
constitutional arrangements for B-H were agreed
da wihova jedinica bude najlo{ija, da najmawe
by all three parties (Muslim, Serbs and Croats)
zadovoqi interese i ciqeve srpskog naroda. Sve
in Sarajevo on 18th of March, 1992. This con-
prihvataju i nemaju {ansu da sa~uvaju mir. Jedino {to
tinued until the Muslims reneged on the agree-
se od wih o~ekuje o~igledno je ono {to je qubazni
ment. Had they not done so, the Bosnian ques-
predsednik Tu|man saop{tio ameri~koj delegaciji:
tion might have been settled earlier with less
“Srbi treba da idu iz Bosne,” a ne Muslimane da idu iz
loss of mainly Muslim life and land. To be fair,
Republike Srpske, nego Srbi iz cele Bosne.
President Izetbegoviü and his aides were en-
Moram da samo se vratim kratko na ubistvo svata i
couraged to scupper the deal and to fight for a
barikade. Tuma~e se u glavnom u pristrasnim medijama
unitary Bosnian state by well-meaning outsiders
zapadnim; tuma~e se kao barikade su nastale zato {to su
who thought they knew better.
Muslimani izglasali nezavisnost. To nije ta~no. Mi
nigde nismo omeli. And this is the moment to ask ourselves: What could
Pogledajte ovu mapu ponovo ako mo`emo dobiti Karadžiü or the SDS or all of a million and a half Serbs in B-H
etni~ku mapu Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovde, svuda gde je have done? They accepted everything. They accepted everything
plavo, tu smo mi na vlasti, jer je to srpska visina. that was consonant with their survival. They accepted the fact
Nigde na ovom prostoru nisu mogli provesti that their entity would be the worst, that it would least satisfy the
referendum da smo mi odlu~ili da oni ne provedu interests and goals of the Serbian people. They accepted it all
referendum. I nismo to spre~avali. Zna}i, nije ta~no and they still didn’t have a chance of preserving the peace. The
da su barikade zbog referenduma, nego su barikade zbog only thing that was expected of them, quite obviously, was what
ubistva, zbog toga {to je neki momak poznat, ina}e President Tuÿman told an American delegation: “The Serbs have
240 241

kriminalac, shvatio da se to sme. Da se sme pucati u to leave Bosnia,” but not that the Muslims had to leave the Re-
srpske svatove, ubiti, i da se treba posle pohvaliti na publika Srpska, but Serbs out of all of Bosnia.
televiziji kao junak. Da, biti junak svoje nacionalne I have to return briefly to the murder of the wedding guests
zajednice, i nije uhap{en dugo do negde ʊ mislim da su and the barricades. They have been generally interpreted in a
ga likvidirali posle rata, negde pre tri-~etiri godine prejudicial manner by the Western media; the barricades are in-
su ga likvidirali u nekoj kafani. Ali, niko mu nije terpreted as having gone up because the Muslims had voted for
ni{ta radio u tom trenutku. To 24.–25. su objavili da se independence. That is incorrect. We did not interfere anywhere.
povukla SDA iz sporazuma. Take another look at this ethnic map of B-H, if we can get it
25. marta. Pogledajte taj ritam. Sada vi{e to nisu up on screen. [EXHIBIT XIV] Here, all the blue areas are where we
mesec dana ili nedeqa kao u Hrvatskoj. Ovo je sada iz held governing authority, because these are the heights [i.e., in the
dana u dan {ok za {okom. 25. marta, oru`ane snage mountains surrounding Sarajevo] where the Serbs live. They could
Hrvatske, Zbor narodne garde, ne znate li MUP, ne not have held a Referendum in this area had we decided against it.
znate li ni {ta je ve} to, prelaze iz Hrvatske u Bosnu i And we did not prevent it. It’s incorrect that the barricades were
Hercegovinu u Bosanskom Brodu. Tamo se sastaju sa erected because of the Referendum; they were, instead, erected
ilegalnim paravojnim jedinicama Armina Pohare. because of the murder, because of the young man, a known crimi-
Ina}e, bio predsednik neke stranke ali imao i vojne nal, who knew he could get away with it. He could get away with
formacije. Pevaju, pucaju kao svatovi i ubijaju oca i opening fire on a group of Serbian wedding guests, kill someone,
sina ʊ mislim da se zovu Petrovi} ʊ na benzinskoj and be fêted on television as a hero. Yes, to be a hero in his ethnic
pumpi. Ni{ta. Nikakvih razloga nema. Nit’ su community, and he wasn’t arrested for a long time until ʊ I think
naoru`ani na benzinskoj pumpi, nisu smeli ni pucati, he was liquidated after the war, about three or four years ago in
ali oni su, kad treba pucati u Srbe, usudili su se i some café. But no one harassed him at that time. That was March
ubili su tu dvojicu qudi. Niko im se ne suprostavqa, 24 and 25, when the news came out that the SDA had withdrawn
ni policija B-H, ni Jugoslovenska narodna armija, koja from the agreement.
nemo`e, koja ve} ima svoje bitke tamo u Hrvatskoj, i The Joint Croatian-Bosnian Muslim
oni nastavqaju sutradan, 26. marta, u susedno selo. Attacks on Bosanski Brod, Sijekovac, and Kupres
Isto tako kao svatovi. Niko da im stane na put i da March 25. Take a look at the [rising] tempo. We’re no longer
ka`e: “^ekajte, {ta vi radite?” U 26. marta je pokoq talking about a month or weeks as we were in Croatia. This was
Srba u Sijekovcu. Taj siroti Sijekovac je, i tokom one shock after another, day after day. March 25, the armed
Drugog svetskog rata ʊ bile su tri tre}ine: te}ina je forces of Croatia, the National Guard, not to mention the MUP
pobegla; tre}inu su pobili; a tre}ina se pokrstila. ʊ you have no idea who was involved ʊ crossed the border
Ve}ina se posle vratila. A neki su i nisu vratili. from Croatia into B-H [and went] to Bosanski Brod. There they
Ostali su Katolici. joined forces with illegal paramilitary units headed by Armin
Pohara.113 He was, in any case, the president of some party, but
242 243

Srpska strana, i ovaj optu`eni, poziva na{e qude u he also had military formations [under his command]. They’re
policiji. “[ta vi radite? Za{to se ovo de{ava? Ko }e singing, they’re shooting like wedding guests, and they kill a
da spasi narod?” Nemamo qudi. Nemamo policije. father and a son — I think they [the victims] were named Pe-
“Za{to ne dignete rezervni sastav? Ne mo`e bez troviü ʊ at a gas pump. Nothing. There was no reason for it.
ministra. Jedino je ministar ovla{~en da mobile{e They [the father and son] weren’t armed when they were at a gas
rezervni sastav policije.” pump, nor was anyone allowed to shoot there, but these other
“Za{to vi?” Mi wih pitamo. Imamo zamenika fellows, when it came to shooting Serbs, made up their minds
ministra, imamo vrlo visokih funkcija u ministarstvu. and shot the two men dead. Nobody stood up to them, neither the
Imamo Stani{i}a na nivou grada. Imamo Mandi}a na B-H police nor the JNA, which couldn’t have done anything
nivou republike. Za{to, pitamo Mandi}a i Zepini}a: about it because it was busy fighting its own battles in Croatia,
“Za{to vi ne mobile{ite rezervni sastav policije?” and they [Pohara’s unit] continued [their rampage] the next day,
Oni ka`u, ne mo`emo. Nama mora neko da naredi. Nema March 26, in a neighboring village.
ko da ih naredi. The same thing happened with the wedding party. No one
Nema brane izme|u ubica i srpskog naroda, srpskih stood up to them and said: Hey, wait a minute! What are you
civila, srpskih neja~ih. Nema brane. Tu branu srpska doing? On March 26 Serbs were massacred in Sijekovac. That
Skup{tina uspostavqa 27. marta. Dan nakon toga unfortunate village, Sijekovac, during World War II was [divid-
pokoqa i trinaest meseci nakon {to je daleko mo~niji ed] into thirds: one third of the population fled; one third was
je telo formirala SDA u februaru ’91. To je Savez za killed; and one third was converted [to Roman Catholicism].
nacionalno bezbednost kao savetodavno telo Most returned to Serbian Orthodoxy. But others did not. They
Skup{tine srpskog naroda u BiH. I Tu`ila{tvo to remained Roman Catholic.
tretira u paragrafu 66 svog pretresnog podnesa. I on The Serbian side, as well as the Accused here, called on our
glasi ovako, taj paragraf: people to join the police force. What’s happening? Why is this
stuff going on? Who’s going to save people? We don’t have
Savet nacionalne bezbednosti
enough able bodies. We don’t have a police force. Why don’t you
osnovala Skup{tina 27. marta, 1992.
mobilize reserve forces? We can’t do it without the Minister [of
sa Karaci}em kao Predsednikom.
the MUP]. Only the Minister is authorized to mobilize reserve
Iako je prvobitno namerovan da bude
police forces.
savetodavno telo, SNB u stvari se
Why you? we asked them. We have the Deputy Minister, we
odmah pretvorilo u izvr{ni organ,
have high-ranking officials in the Ministry, we have Stanišiü at
koji je podse}ao na krizni {tab
the municipal level. We had Mandiü at the republican level. So
bosanski Srba u centralnoj Bosni,
we ask Mandiü and Žepiniü: Why don’t you mobilize the reserve
izvr{avao sli~na ovla{~ewa kao
police unit? And their answer is: We can’t. We have to receive
predsedni{tvo. Tako, kao predsednik
an order to do that. There is no one to issue the order.
SNB-a, Karaxi} ostvarivao vlast nad
244 245

organima dr`ave bosanskih Srba, to There was no line of defense between the killers and the
jest, snagama bosanskih Srba i Serbian people, Serbian civilians, the Serbs who were weak and
republi~kim, regionalnim, i defenseless. There was no line of defense. The Serbian Assem-
op{tinskim vlastima. SNB se bly created that line of defense on March 27. The day after the
sastao na zajedni~kim sednicama sa massacre and thirteen months after a far mightier body had been
vladom bosanskih Srba, donosio formed by the SDA in February 1991. It was a National Security
odluke o strate{kim i vojnim Council [acting] as an advisory body for the Assembly of the
pitawima, kao {to su naredbe o Serbian People in B-H. And the Prosecutor deals with this in
aktivirawe krizni {tabova u Paragraph 66 of its Pre-Trial Brief. And this is how the para-
odre|enim uslovima, imenovawa graph reads.
vr{ilaca du`nosti Komandanata The SNB [the Savet nacionalna bezbednosti,
teritorialne odbrane, odbrana i.e., the National Security Council] was estab-
srpskih polo`aja koji su ostvareni, i lished by the Assembly on 27 March 1992 with
nare|ivawe op{te mobilizacije. KARADŽIû as its President. Although initially
[ta vi{e, SNB je poduzao va`ne po- intended as an advisory body, the SNB, in effect,
liti~ke odluke kao {to su ime- immediately turned into an executive organ, re-
novawa ministara i usvajawa zakona. sembling a central Bosnian Serb crisis staff and
executing powers similar to those of the Presi-
Ovo, naravno, {to Tu`ila{tvo sa`ima, to se desilo
dency. Thus, as President of the SNB,
tek kad je rat izbio. Tek kad je rat izbio. Dok rat nije
KARADŽIû exercised authority over the Bosni-
izbio, ovo telo, Savet za nacionalnu bezbednost, je
an Serb state organs, that is, the Bosnian Serb
savetodavno. Savetodavno telo kako mu i sam naziv
forces and republican, regional and municipal
ka`e. I u nedostatku bilo kakvog drugog tela, bilo
authorities. The SNB, meeting in joint sessions
neke komande, bilo nekih formacija, srpska Skup{tina
with the Bosnian Serb Government, passed deci-
se opredequje na to da Srbima u policiji nalo`i neko
sions on strategic and military issues such as or-
telo — na savet nekog tela Skup{tina nalo`i da ~uvaju
dering the activation of crisis staffs in certain
narod, da spasavaju narod. A ve} je donesena odluka 28.
conditions; appointing the Acting Commander
februara da se formira srpski MUP u skladu sa
of the TO [i.e., Teritorijalna odbrana or Territo-
konferencijom, i to niko ne prigovara, ali jo{ nije
rial Defense Force]; defending Serb positions
srpski MUP formiran, jer treba da se formira
reached; and ordering a full mobilization. More-
dogovor sa druge dve strane.
over, the SNB took important political decisions
Naravno, Tu`ila{tvo u jednom paragrafu ka`e
such as the appointment of ministers and the
kako su Stani{i} i Mandi} to kao na svoju ruku — to
adoption of legislation.
nema veze sa wihovom rukom i wihovom voqom. To je
246 247

odluka srpske Skup{tine na osnovu tekovina, Of course, these events that the Prosecution is summarizing
rezultata konferencije o BiH u Lisabonu pod took place right when the war broke out. The moment the war
predsedni{tvom, presedavawem ambasadora Kutiqera. broke out. Until the war broke out, this body, the Council for Na-
Prvi april, u policiji se vode dogovori o podeli tional Security, was advisory in nature. An advisory body, as its
zajedni~kih sredstava. To je takozvani deobeni bilans. name indicates. And for lack of any other body, command authori-
Tu`ila{tvo to tretira kao kriminalni akt a to je, u ty or formation, the Serbian Assembly decided to prescribe a[n
stvari, svugda gde se jedan entitet razdvaja na dva, jedna advisory] body for the Serbs in the police — so that the Assembly
organizacija na dve, deobeni bilans je da vidimo {ta could, through the agency of such an advisory body, issue orders
pripada vama, {ta pripada nama, da bi obe policije [to the police] to protect and to save the people. And the decision
mogle da funkcioni{u i da ~uvaju red i mir. I na tome was already made on February 28 to establish the Serbian MUP in
se radi, i dogovara se i posti`u se sporazumi, accordance with the Conference, and no one found fault with this,
saglasnosti. Prvog aprila, muslimanski ekstremisti but the Serbian MUP had not been established yet because an
napadaju Bijeqinu. A ne srpski ekstremisti — agreement had to be reached with the other two parties.
muslimanski ekstremisti. To je ovde utvr|eno. Ovde Of course, the Prosecution says in one paragraph that
ima u svim svedo~ewima. Jasno je da su to muslimanski Stanišiü and Mandiü did that on their own — this has nothing to
— da je kowanik jedan u sred grada Bijeqine krenuo da do with either their taking matters into their own hands or with
baci bombu na srpski kafi}. Nema opravdawa. Oni their strength of will. It was a decision made by the Serbian As-
ka`u ranije nekoliko desetak dana — kolko li ranije sembly based on hard work and the results of the Conference on
— ili mo`da i vi{e — Srbin napravio neki incident B-H that had been held in Lisbon under the chairmanship of
u muslimanskom kafi}u, ali policija je tog Srbina Ambassador Cutileiro, who was the Chairman.
uhapsila i sprovela ga u Tuzlu u muslimanskoj
The Crisis in Bijeljina
teritoriji. Sprovela ga i predala ga organima. Zna~i,
On April 1, negotiations were being conducted in the police
nema razloga. To nije bilo opravdawe.
department about the division of joint resources. This was the
To je bio nalog iz Sarajeva da se problematizuje
division of assets according to an audit, so to speak. The Prose-
Bijeqina i da oni preuzmu vlast. Tu`ila{tvo ka`e u
cution treats this as a criminal act, but it is, in fact, quite normal
optu`nici i u pred-pretresnom podnesku: “nasilno
whenever an entity or organization is split in two for there to be
preuzimawe Bijeqine od strane Srba,” itd. Potpuno je
an audit to see what belongs to you and what belongs to us, so
apsurdno tako re}i, s obzirom na to da je op{tina
that both police departments could function successfully and
Bijeqina predominantno srpska i da je vlast u
maintain law and order. And that is what we were working on,
Bijeqini vlast Srpske demokratske stranke i da sve
and there were negotiations and agreements being reached, an
dobro funkcioni{e.
accord. On April 1, Muslim extremists attacked Bijeljina. Not
Hteo bih samo da se malo vratim na ovaj paragraf
Serbian extremists — it was Muslim extremists. It has been es-
66, gde Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da je ovaj Savet preuzeo vlast
tablished here. It’s here in all the testimonies. It is clear that they
248 249

nad srpskim snagama. Koje srpske snage i koji were Muslims — that someone was riding on horseback in the
republi~ki organi postoje u tom trenutku? Nijedan! middle of Bijeljina and then turned to throw a bomb into a Serbi-
Postoji Skup{tina, koja tako|e radi u zajedni~koj an café. There’s no justification for such an act. They say that
Skup{tini. Nema izvr{nih organa. Nikakvih. Nigde. some ten days earlier — more or less — a Serb caused an inci-
Ni u stavovima. Jednostavno, to ne funkcioni{e. To je dent in a Muslim café, but the police, however, arrested this Serb
pripremqeno za slu~aj haosa. A pogotovo srpske snage and sent him to Tuzla in Muslim territory. They escorted him
— osim Teritorijalne odbrane koja je u svakoj op{tini there and handed him over to the authorities. This [bombing]
— srpskih snaga do 20. maja nema. was senseless. There was no justification for it.
Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da se posle krize — zna~i kriza u That was an order from Sarajevo to turn Bijeljina into a
Bijeqini traje dva dana — neko sa lokalnog nivoa problem, so that they could usurp governing authority. The Pros-
poziva Arkana iz Beograda da do|e i Tu`ila{tvo ecution speaks in the Indictment and in the Pre-Trial Brief of
propu{ta da ka`e da je prvo ceo dan — no} jedna — bila “the [first] forcible municipality take-over in Bijeljina,”114 etc.,
kriza i borbe po Bijeqini, pa je tek onda do{ao Arkan. by the Serbs. It is completely absurd to say such a thing, after
A za{to neko zvao Arkana? Zato {to — i ja to ne having taken into consideration the fact that: Bijeljina county is
opravdavam i ne osu|ujem — ja sada samo ho}u da predominantly Serbian; the Serbian Democratic Party was in
rasvetlimo istinu. Sijekovac je stotinak kilometra office at the time; and everything was functioning properly.
daleko od Bijeqine. Svima je jasno — objavqeno je — I would like to revisit Paragraph 66 for a moment, where the
{ta se desilo u Sijekovcu. I {ta }e drugo gra|ani Prosecution states that this Council took control of Serbian forc-
Bijeqine da pomisle nego da to ~eka i wih? es. Which Serbian forces and which state organs existed at that
Podseti}u vas da ona mapa — imamo jednu mapu o moment? Not one! The Assembly existed, which was likewise
tome, ako stignemo, govoriti daqe. Do prvog aprila, participating in the joint [B-H] Assembly. There was no execu-
ginu {irom Bosne samo iskqu~ivo Srbi. A tive branch. None at all. Anywhere. Not even in the Articles [of
Tu`ila{tvo meni za taj period stavqa na teret the Constitution]. Simply put, it wasn’t functioning. It [i.e., the
politiku, ratno hu{ka{ku, itd. Evo ovde na ovoj mapi Council for National Security] was prepared in the event of cha-
mo`emo da pogledamo mesta pograni~na, a i mesta po os. And especially Serbian forces — except Territorial Defense
dubini koja gore gde su iskqu~ivo protiv Srba Forces which already existed in all the counties — but there
barikade, kontrolni punktovi, ubistva, premla}ivawa, were no Serbian forces until May 20.
zastra{ivawa do izbijawa rata, odnosno, prvog aprila. The Prosecutor states that after the crisis — i.e., the crisis in
Ka`e Tu`ila{tvo visoki funkcioner Srpske Bijeljina lasted two days — someone on the local level called in
demokratske stranke, Biqana Plav{i}, oti{la je u Arkan from Belgrade and the Prosecution first fails to say that
Bijeqinu. Pa to stvarno nema smisla da se ja branim od the fighting in Bijeljina lasted for a whole day — one night —
takvih stravi. To je nekorektno. Biqana Plav{i} je the city was in the throes of a crisis and fighting was taking place
bila u Bijeqini kao ~lan predsedni{tva dr`avnog. To throughout the city, and only then did Arkan arrive. Now, why
250 251

je bila dr`avna delegacija, a ne strana~ka. I u toj did someone call in Arkan? Because — I don’t want to justify
delegaciji su bili: Fikret Abdi}, koji tako|e nije this but I don’t want to condemn it, either — all I want to do now
~lan SDS-a; bio je Jerko Doko, ministar Odbrane, is shed light on the truth. Sijekovac is about 100 kilometers from
Hrvat, koji tako|e nije ~lan SDS-a. Za{to Bijeljina. It was clear to one and all — the news had come out —
Tu`ila{tvo zapazilo samo Biqanu Plav{i}, a nije what happened in Sijekovac. And why should the citizens of Bi-
zapazilo drugog ~lana predsedni{tva, Abdi}a i jeljina suppose that they would not suffer the same fate?
ministar Odbrane! Pa to je onda, zna~i, apsolutno, And let me remind you of the map — we have a map of this
neko ko poma`e tamo Tu`ila{tvu dovodi ih u te{ku and I will discuss it further if time permits. [EXHIBIT I] Until April
situaciju da ih moramo posmatrati kao pristrasne i 1, Serbs were the only ones who were being killed throughout
nekorektne. Biqana Plav{i} tamo bila kao dr`avni Bosnia. The Prosecution, however, is charging me with pursuing a
~ovek. I dr`avna delegacija je to bila. policy of warmongering, etc. during that period, etc. Here, we can
Tre}eg aprila je napad na Kupres. Mo`emo li onu see on this map the border areas as well as locations deep in Bos-
mapu ponovo da vidimo? Napad hrvatskih snaga — nian territory that were aflame, where barricades, check-points,
lokalni hrvatskih snaga i regularnih snaga iz killings, beatings, and terror were being deployed exclusively
Hrvatske. Napad na Kupres. Kupres je veoma osetqiv. against Serbs until the war broke out on April 1.
Tu je 52% Srba, 40% Hrvata i 7-8% Muslimana. To je The Prosecution goes on to say that a high-ranking official
ovaj najve}i plamen ovde. E, tu, gde je kursor. To je za of the SDS, Biljana Plavšiü, went to Bijeljina. It makes no sense
Hrvate iz centralne Bosne zna~ajno, jer je to jedan for me to defend myself against such things. It is improper.
prevoj planinski koji povezuje centralnu Bosnu sa Biljana Plavšiü was in Bijeljina as a member of the state Presi-
Dalmacijom i morem. I tu traju borbe nekoliko dana sa dency. It was a state delegation, not a party delegation. And it
kasapqenem Srba u Malovanu, u Vukovskom, u tim included Fikret Abdiü, who was also not a member of the SDS; it
selima oko Kupresa. To je strahovit napad i strahovito included Jerko Doko, the Minister of Defense, a Croat, who was
stradawe Srba na Kupresu. Jo{ nije rat. Srbi nemaju likewise not a member of the SDS. So why has the Prosecution
ni{ta osim policije koja treba da ih {titi, a ne {titi taken note only of Biljana Plavšiü but has not taken note of the
ih nego radi protiv wih i Jugoslovenske Narodne other member of the Presidency, Abdiü, and the Defense Minis-
Armije koja ne mo`e da stigne. Tu se prvi put pojavquje ter? Well, it absolutely means that someone is aiding the Prose-
Kninski Korpus, jer je najbli`i koji poku{ava da cution in order to put these people in a difficult situation, so we
za{titi taj narod tamo. must consider them to be biased and improper. Biljana Plavšiü
^etvrtog aprila: {okovi nisu svakog dana, nego was there as a state official. And it was a state delegation.
maltene svakog sata. ^etvrtog aprila g. Izetbegovi} April 3 is the date of the attack on Kupres. May we please
progla{ava op{tu mobilizaciju. Dobro poznato i jasno see that map again? It was an attack launched by Croatian forces
je da se Srbi ne}e odazvati. U tim prilikama, znaju}i — local Croatian forces and regular forces from Croatia. Kupres
{ta radi policija, znaju}i {ta radi Patriotska Liga, was an extremely sensitive area. It is 52% Serbs, 40% Croats and
252 253

znaju}i {ta rade Zelene Beretke, Srbi ne}e do}i u te 7-8% Muslim. This was the center of the conflagration. There,
jedinice jer imaju pretpostavku i strah i procenu da }e right by the cursor. This area is significant for Croats in central
biti pobijeni. Bosnia because it forms a saddle linking Central Bosnia with
Karaxi} zove Izetbegovi}a i tra`i od wega da Dalmatia and the sea coast. And that is where fighting went on
otka`e. To je poznato. Karaxi} mu ka`e: “Za{to ste to for several days that resulted in the slaughter of Serbs in Malo-
uradili?” Prvo Biqana Plav{i} i Nikola Koqevi} su van, Vukovsko, and the villages surrounding Kupres. It was a
bili izri~ito protiv. A on nije to smeo to uraditi. On horrifying attack and it inflicted terrible suffering and fatalities
nije predsednik Bosne i Hercegovine. On je on the Serbs in Kupres. The war had still not begun. The Serbs
presedavaju}i predsedni{tva kolektivnog predsednika. had nothing but the police force, which was obliged to protect
I ja mu ka`em, javno sam rekao i to imamo snimaka i them; however, the police force was not actually protecting them
kod Tu`ila{tva, da je to ludilo. Narod je naoru`an. Ne but working against them, and the Yugoslav People’s Army
mo`e vi{e niko da kontroli{e kako se i ko naoru`ava. could not reach them in time. The Knin Corps appeared there for
Sada, napraviti op{tu mobilizaciju, dakle the first time because they were the closest who could try to help
legalizovati tu pu{ku koju neko krije. To je uvod u rat. protect those people there.
Imamo tako|e taj snimak — ne}emo da tro{imo vreme.
Izetbegoviü Orders a General Mobilization
Tokom procesa }emo ga pokazati.
April 4: the shocks are not occurring daily but almost hourly.
Petog aprila, govorim da je gre{ka {ta se radi.
On April 4, Mr. Izetbegoviü issued an order for general mobili-
Trebalo je odlo`iti priznawe, ubrzati konferenciju,
zation. It was clear, in fact, common knowledge that Serbs
i onda bi smo imali mir. Umesto toga, ubrzano je
weren’t going to respond. In these circumstances, knowing full
priznawe, a odlo`ena konferencija. To je scenarijo za
well what the police was doing, knowing what the Patriotic
rat; to je recept za rat. Petog aprila ujutru moj stan,
League was doing, knowing what the Green Berets were doing,
stan moje porodice, je izre{etan mitraqezom, a imamo
the Serbs would not join these units because they feared and
svedoke da su dole ~ekani da nas pobiju. No, mi smo ve}
[rightly] assumed that they would be killed.
bili u Holidej Inu u centru, u sedi{tu Srpske
Karadžiü calls up Izetbegoviü and asks him to rescind [the
demokratske stranke, i nisu nas pobili.
mobilization]. This is common knowledge. Karadžiü says to him:
Petog aprila, odlazimo Izetbegovi}, Kquji} i ja —
“Why did you do this?” Biljana Plavšiü and Nikola Koljeviü
ili Brki} ne se}am se ko je bio — idemo na televiziju
were expressly against it. And he [Izetbegoviü] was not permit-
sa generalom Kukawcem da pozovemo na mir. U
ted to do that [i.e., call for a general mobilization]. He was not
istovremeno je, dan pre toga, zasedao je policija —
the President of B-H. He was the Presiding Chairman of the col-
srpski MUP je dobio saglasnost da sedi{te srpskog
lective Presidency. And I told him publicly ʊ and we have [vid-
MUP-a bude u [koli unutra{wih poslova, na Vracama,
eo] footage of this on file with the Tribunal — that this was
u srpskom jednom kvartu, iznad Grbavice. Tog petog
madness. The people were armed. No one could any longer con-
aprila, dok mi govorimo na televiziji, srpski MUP
trol who was procuring weapons or how. Calling for a general
254 255

koji dolazi da se useli u prostorije biva do~ekan u mobilization now was tantamount to legalizing the rifle that
zasedi i ubijena dva divna momka, specijalca srpska, someone was hiding. It was a prelude to war. And we likewise
ubijena. Tih ostalih tridesetak koji su do{li da have footage of that — we’re not going to waste any time. We
pomognu oko useqavawa, zarobili su 170-180 kursista will screen it in due course during the trial.
muslimanskog MUP-a i 400 |aka i nikom nije dlaka April 5: I state that what is being done is a mistake. Recogni-
falila sa glave, a dva divna momka srpska su poginula. tion had to be delayed, a [peace] conference had to be convened
12. aprila, zna~i ve} jo{ 5. i 6. aprila, petog uve~e, quickly, and then we could have had peace. Instead, recognition
je nastupio teror u Sarajevu. To je najstra{nija no} u was quickly granted, while the [peace] conference was post-
Sarajevu. Svi neboderi su bili zaposednuti poned. It was a scenario for war. It was a recipe for war. On the
snajperistima, Zeleni beretkih. Ubijen je policajac u morning of April 5, my home, my family’s home was raked by
zajedni~koj policijskoj stanici u Novom Sarajevu — machine-gun fire, and we have witnesses who will testify to the
Petrovi} — i bilo je stra{no biti Srbin te no}i u fact that they were waiting to kill us downstairs. Instead, we
Sarajevu. were already in the Holiday Inn in the city center and the head-
Srbi su se izvukli u svoja predgra|a, u svoje quarters of the SDS, and they failed to kill us.
kvartove i poku{avaju da za{tite te kvartove i svoje April 5: Izetbegoviü, Kljujiü115 — or was it Brkiü,116 I don’t
porodice u wima. Tako se uspostavqa linija podele remember — and I went to the television station with General
grada, kao {to }emo kasnije videti — ne opsadna Kukanjac117 to issue an appeal for peace. At the same time, a day
linija, nego linija podele grada. before, the police department held a meeting, and the Serbian
Ovde je u predmetu protiv predsednika Milo{- MUP obtained an agreement to establish its headquarters in a
evi}a, svedok Iv-En Prentis iz Britanije, potvrdila School of the Ministry of the Interior in Vraca, in a Serbian
da to nije bio grad pod opsedom — to je bio podeqeni neighborhood overlooking Grbavica. On that April 5, while we
grad. A \or| Keni iz Stejt Departmenta, koji je dobro were speaking on television, the Serbian MUP official who came
upoznat na{om situacijom, samoinicijativno, bez da ga to move into the office was ambushed, and two fine young men,
je pitalo Tu`ila{tvo ili odbrana, napisao da je Serbs, members of elite units, were killed. The other thirty men
pogre{no pisati za Sarajevo da je to opsa|eni grad kao who came to help them move in took as prisoners 170–180 Mus-
Lewingrad. Sarajevo je pre Bejrut, podeqeni grad. lims who were MUP members enrolled in training courses, as
Jedni su u jednom delu, drugi su u drugom delu. U Bejrutu well as 400 students, and not one of them lost a hair on his head;
se to ina~e znalo. Kad se zavr{i radno vreme u tri sata, whereas two fine young Serbian men were killed.
po~iwe pucawe, granate — a do tri sata su na poslu.
The Reign of Terror in Sarajevo
12. aprila dolazi ambasador Kutiqero, i u to vreme
April 12, i.e., as early as April 5 and 6, on the evening of
je i [Sajrus] Vens u Sarajevu. Mi sa ambasadorom
April 5, a reign of terror seized Sarajevo. It was the most horrible
Kutilerom potpisujemo sporazum o primirju. I u
night Sarajevo ever experienced. Snipers had taken up positions
okviru tih razgovora sa Kutilerom i sa Sajrusom
in all the high-rise buildings — they were Green Berets. A po-
256 257

Vensom, utvr|ujemo da moramo ubrzati rad na liceman was killed in the joint police station in Novo Sarajevo
definisawu teritorija tri konstitutivne jedinice, jer — his name was Petroviü — it was terrifying to be a Serb that
to mo`e da dovede do zaustavqawe rata. Ako neko zna da night in Sarajevo.
}e wegovo selo biti u wegovoj jedinici, za{to bi on The Serbs withdrew to their suburban areas, to their own
imao sada da se bori? Me|utim, istog dana, po podne, neighborhoods, and tried to defend those areas and their families
Hasan Efendi}, tada{wi komandant wihove who were living there. That was how the lines of demarcation
teritorijalne odbrane — ili nekog tela wihovog — dividing the city were established, as we will see later — these
izdaje poznatu direktivu, “borbena gotovost odmah,” were not siege lines, but lines of demarcation dividing the city.
zna~i napad na sve mogu}e ciqeve srpske i Here, in the case against President Miloševiü, the witness
Jugoslovenske narodne armije i ciqeve bosanskih Srba. Eve-Anne Prentice118 (from Great Britain) confirmed that the
22. aprila, ovaj optu`eni objavquje i nudi svoju city was not under siege — it was a divided city. And George
platformu za obustavu neprijateqstva i nastavak Kenney from the [U.S.] State Department, who was well ac-
politi~kog re{ewa. To je vrlo va`an dokument; quainted with our situation, on his own initiative, without having
ima}emo prilike da ga vidimo tokom ovog pretresa been asked by either the Prosecution or the Defense, wrote that it
procesa. To su stavovi srpske strane. Stavovi srpske was a mistake to describe Sarajevo as a city under siege like
strane su dokumenti. Stavovi srpske strane su u Leningrad. Sarajevo was a divided city like Beirut. One group
Skup{tini, Ekselencije. U Skup{tini imamo odredbu was living in one area, and another group was living in another.
da poslanik ne mo`e da odgovara za ono {to govori. In the case of Beirut, it was common knowledge. When the
Ali Skup{tina se ne sastaje da bi qudi govorili, nego working day ended at 3:00 p.m., gunfire erupted, shelling — but
se sastaje da produkuje akte, ustav, zakone, rezolucije, everyone was at work until 3:00 p.m.
deklaracije, odluke, zakqu~ke, i preporuke. April 12: Ambassador Cutileiro arrives, and at that time Cy-
Najmawe sedam mi sada pada na pamet, najmawe sedam rus Vance was also in Sarajevo. We signed an agreement for a
dokumenata koje proizvodi Skup{tina. A sve to da se ti ceasefire with Mr. Cutileiro. Within the framework of these talks
dokumenti proizvode je slobodna demokratska with Messrs. Cutileiro and Vance, we established that we had to
diskusija. accelerate the process of defining the territories of these three
Tu`ila{tvo ka`e: “Neki je qutiti, rezignirani, constituent units [in Bosnia] because that could bring about an
ili besni poslanik kojega je ne{to pogodilo u toku end to the war. If anyone knew that his village was going to be in
rata rekao ne{to o{tro.” Tu`ila{tvo ka`e: “Pa, a certain constituent unit, why would he then go off to fight?
Karaxi} nije ga opomenuo.” Predsednik uop{te ne mora However, on the afternoon of the same day, Hasan Efendiü,
da sedi u Skup{tini. Ja sam sedeo ~esto, al’ ne uvek. Commander at the time of their Territorial Defense Forces — or
Ali Predsednik ne mora da sedi. I pogotovo some other administrative body of theirs — issued the well-
Predsednik nije u~iteq da opomiwe poslanike. known directive for “immediate combat readiness,” which meant
Poslanik je tako|e direktno biran, kao i Predsednik.
258 259

I nemam ja pravo da to radim, a drugo, ako vidim da an attack on all possible Serbian and Yugoslav People’s Army
mo`e uticati na proizvod osnovni Skup{tine, zakon, targets, as well as Bosnian Serb targets.
ustav, i neke druge odluke, onda se ukqu~ujem i uti~em April 22: the Accused announced and offered his own plat-
da bi moglo da se uti~e na kona~ni ishod. form for the cessation of hostilities and the continued search for
A pored hiqada dokumenata koje je skupt{tina a political solution. This is a very important document; we will
zvani~no proizvela i objavila u slu`benu listu, ovo have the opportunity to see it over the course of the trial proceed-
Tu`ila{tvo ne mo`e da na|e ni jedan za koji bi me ings. It contains the positions taken by the Serbian side. The Ser-
optu`ilo ili ga stavila meni na teret, mada je to bian side’s positions are documented. They can be found in the
zakonodavno telo. Ja ne odgovaram za to telo. Serbian Assembly, Your Excellencies. There is a provision in the
Odgovaram samo u toliko {to dokumente koje ja Assembly that a representative cannot be held personally ac-
potpisujem mogu da vratim jedanput. Pa ako ga usvoje, countable for things he says. However, an Assembly does not
onda ga moram potpisati. Zna~i Predsednik ima vezane convene for people to give speeches; instead, it convenes to pro-
ruke — nema neograni~enu vlast. Makar to bio i duce acts, a constitution, laws, resolutions, declarations, deci-
Karaxi}. sions, conclusions, and recommendations.
Od svih tih zakona, odredabi, dokumenata, The Assembly produced at least seven — come to think of it
Tu`ila{tvo se ne oslawa ni na jedan, ni na jedan koji — different varieties of documents. Open democratic discussion
bi mogao da stavi na teret ovom optu`enom da je to creates all the necessary circumstances to produce such docu-
kr{ewe bilo koga doma}eg ili me|unarodnog akta, ments.
me|unarodnog prava. The OTP says: “Some hotheaded or enraged representative,
E, to je, zna}i, taj ritam koji je doveo od izbora do who didn’t care anymore and was upset by something during the
12. aprila, od izbora do rata. war, had made some harsh statements.” The OTP says: “Well,
Da pogledamo kratko paragraf 78 predpretesnog Karadžiü did not caution him.” The President is not obligated to be
podneska gde ka`e da je: present in the Assembly. I was often there, but not always. The
President is not required to be present. And even more to the
^ak i pre osniva~ke sednice, Karaxi} i
point, the President is not a schoolteacher who issues warnings to
rukovodstvo je planiralo da }e
representatives. A representative is a directly elected official, just
Skup{tina igrati ulogu u sticawu,
as the President is. I do not have the right to do that, and secondly,
prisvajawu teritorije na koje Srbi
if the possibility exists to influence some basic work product of
pola`u pravo.
the Assembly, a law, the constitution or some other decisions, then
Zna}i, 24. ɨɤɬɨɛɪɚ, ɤaɞa smo ɧɚɩɭɫɬɢɥɢ sɤɭɩɲɬɢɧɭ I get involved in order to influence the final outcome.
ɨɞɥɭɱujemo ɞɚ ɮɨɪɦɢɪɚɦɨ ɫɨɩɫɬɜɟɧɭ sɤɭɩɲɬɢɧɭ da ɛɢɫɦɨ
The OTP’s Charges against Karadžiü Are False
izvr{ili pritisak na SDA da odustane od svojih
Alongside the thousands of documents officially produced
ratnih planova. Ovo Tu`ila{tvo ka`e: “Ne, oni su to
by the Assembly, and published in the official register, the OTP
260 261

formirali radi toga {to ho}e da — to je oktobar 1991- cannot find a single document for which I could be indicted or
e — oni su to formirali zato {to }e pomo}u te charged, even though it is a legislative body. I am not responsi-
Skup{tine da uzmu, zauzmu teritorije.” ble for that body. I am only responsible to the extent that the
A sad vas molim da bacimo jo{ jedan pogled na onu documents that are submitted to me for my signature I may send
mapu. Na mapu etni~ku. Koje teritorije Srbi treba da back to the Assembly once. So, if they adopt it, then I must sign
zauzmu? Pa to su wihove teritorije. A kada Vam it. That means the President’s hands are tied — he does not have
poka`emo kuda idu linije fronta, vide}ete da se linije unlimited power. Even though Karadžiü himself was President.
fronta — kad to mo`emo? Can we have a map? Of all these laws, decrees, and other documents [that were
I od ovih teritorija, koje su srpske, vekovima, od adopted], the OTP cannot rely on one single document with
uvek, Srbi su spremni za rad mira, da vrate i da se which it could charge the Defendant for the violation of any do-
odreknu nekih teritorija. Evo, videli ste kako to mestic or international act or right.
izgleda bez linija fronta. Sada }ete videti kako So this was the rhythm [of emerging events] that ensued
izgleda sa linijama fronta. from the time the elections were held on April 12, from the elec-
A Tu`ila{tvo ka`e mi formiramo 24. oktobra tions to the outbreak of war.
Skup{tinu da bi smo pomo}u we preuzeli. Da li mo`e? Let us take a brief look at Paragraph 78 of the Pre-Trial Brief
Ama ~emo to imamo? Izvinite. where it says:119
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ɇɨɪɚɬɟ ɞɚ ɭɤʂɭɱɢɬɟ monitor za Even before its inaugural session, Karadžiü and
grafoskop. the leadership planned that the Assembly would
have a role in the acquisition of Serbian-claimed
KARAXI] : Evo, vidimo kako to izgleda. Ona ista
mapa, srpske snage, srpski narod, srpska teritorijalna
odbrana — svaka op{tina, po na{em zakonu, ima On October 24, when we walked out of the [B-H] Assembly, we
teritorijalnu odbranu. Komandant te teritorijalne decided to form our own Assembly in order to exert pressure on
odbrane je predsednik op{tine. Titova doktrina the SDA to abandon its plans for war. The OTP says: “No, they
naoru`anog naroda ovde mora biti rasvetqena. Ona established this because they wanted to” — this is October 1991 —
obja{wava mnoge stvari koje ne bi bile obja{wene ako “they formed it to seize territories with the aid of the Assembly.”
bi se smatralo da su Bosna i Jugoslavija, kao i ostale May we please now have another look at that map? The eth-
zemqe, imaju svoje oru`ane snage, drilovane, nic map. [EXHIBIT XIV] What territories did the Serbs have to
komandovane, kontrolisane. Ovo je narod koji je iza{ao capture? Well, those territories were already theirs. When we
na rubove svojih teritorija, svojih prostora, da se show you where the front lines were, you will see that the front
za{titi da ne do|u da ga pokoqu. lines — when we can we—? Can we have the map?
Ovo je mawe-vi{e tokom celog rata bila linija The Serbs were prepared to relinquish and return some of
fronta. Ekselencije, pogledajte ovaj sredi{ni deo. Da these territories, which have been Serbian for centuries, for the
262 263

smo mi daqe napredovali, mi bi smo izvukli iz toga sake of peace. Here, you saw what it looked like without the
koristi, jer smo skra}ivali linije fronta, i front line. Now you will see what it looks like with the front
poja~avali gustinu svojih snaga i imali rezervnih lines. [EXHIBIT XIX]
snaga. Na protiv, kada bi muslimansko-hrvatske snage But the OTP claims that on October 24 we established our
napredovale, one bi {irile svoj front i bile bi Assembly in order to take over [territories]. Can we see the map?
slabije. Zna~i, i sa strate{kog i sa takti~kog Excuse me, what is this on the screen? Excuse me.
stanovi{ta, da smo napredovali, imali bi vi{e snaga i
JUDGE KWON: You have to turn on the ELMO or video.
bili bismo jo{ ja~i. Zna~i, mogli smo da uzmemo —
takore}i — da uzmemo Bosnu. A za Sarajevo, vi }ete to The Front Lines Match the Borders of Serbian Areas
posebno videti. KARADŽIû: Here, let’s see what it looks like. The same map, the
E, to Tu`ila{tvo ka`e da je ona Skup{tina koju same Serbian forces, the same Serbian people, the same Territorial
smo osnovali da bismo se odbranili od nasiqa ustavnog, Defense Forces — according to our laws, every county has its
da je ona u stvari osnovana da bismo mi preoteli ove own Territorial Defense Force. The county president is command-
teritorije koje su ina~e na{e. I da nismo op{te er of the Territorial Defense Forces. Tito’s doctrine of an armed
izlazili iz svojih etni~kih prostora da uzimamo ne{to people must be clarified here. It explains many things that would
drugo, a tu gde ima Muslimana oko Prijedora, recimo, i otherwise remain unexplained, if we were to consider that Bosnia
u isto~noj Bosni, tu je bilo bez rata predvi|eno — gde and Yugoslavia, as other countries, had their own armed forces,
god ima 20,000-30,000 Srba, Hrvata ili Muslimana, kao which included training, command structure, and inspections.
u [vajcarskoj, da imaju svoj kanton. Da nije bilo rata, These people went to the margins of their own territories, their
oni bi mogli imati svoj kanton. Ne mora da se ima own areas, in order to protect themselves from those who would
teritorijalna veza izme|u kantona ako ona nema rata, have come to slaughter them.
ako je mir. This was more or less the front line throughout the entire
Dakle, moram da se branim i od toga da nismo imali war. Excellencies, please take a look at the central part [of this
snaga ni 24. oktobra, ni 27. Marta; nikakvih srpskih map]. If we had advanced further, we would have benefited be-
snaga, ni 6. aprila, ni 10. maja, da smo svoje snage dobili cause we would have been shortening the front lines and we
tek 20 maja, ne ra~unaju}i teritorijalnu odbranu, koju je would have been concentrating our forces, and we [also] had our
svaka op{tina imala pravo, svaka firma imala svoju reserve forces. Conversely, if the Croat-Muslim forces advanced,
teritorijalnu odbranu, svaka firma je imala oru`je: to they would have stretched out their front line and weakened it.
je doktrina naoru`anog naroda. Na{a situacija je That means, from the strategic and tactical standpoint, if we had
druga~ija od situacija u va{im zemqama i u svetu, tako advanced, we would have had greater forces at our disposal and
da bi se razumelo to, moramo znati da je svaka firma we would have been stronger. That means we could have taken
imala svoju jedinicu teritorijalne odbrane, i svoje — so to speak — all of Bosnia. But as far as Sarajevo is con-
depo oru`ja. A op{tine pogotovo. cerned, you will see that separately.
264 265

Ekselencije, ne znam da li sam uspeo da Vam Well, the OTP claims that our Assembly, which we estab-
predo~im taj stra{ni ritam doga|aja usmereni protiv lished in order to defend ourselves from constitutional violence,
srpskoga naroda koji ~ini jednu tre}inu, koji je was, in fact, established in order to get the upper hand in territo-
neorganizovan u vojnom pogledu, koji jedino od ries that are, in any case, already ours. And if we had never left
organizanovasti ima Skup{tinu, svoje poslanike koji our own ethnic territories to take something else, and the fact
su delimi~no o Skup{tini zajedni~koj, a delimi~no that there were Muslims around Prijedor and, for instance, in
svoje napustili i poku{avaju da za{tite srpski narod Eastern Bosnia, there it was foreseen, without war — wherever
protiv sopstvene dr`ave, protiv policije, protiv there were 20,000 or 30,000 Serbs, Croats or Muslims, as in
dr`avnog terora sopstvene dr`ave. Switzerland — each could have their own canton. If there hadn’t
E, sada }emo da se malo osvrnemo na to {ta je ta been a war, they could have had their own canton. There doesn’t
policija radila? Za{to je Srpska demokratska stranka have to be any territorial link between cantons if there is no war,
tra`ila od ambasadora Kutilara da jedinice if there is peace.
konstituivne imaju pravo na policiju? Naravno, svuda u So, I even have to defend myself from charges that we did
svetu policija je decentralizovana i jo{ ni`e. U not have sufficient forces on October 24 or March 27 or April 6
Sjediwenim Ameri~kim Dr`avama postoji gradska or on May 10, but we did obtain our own forces only on May 20,
policija, odnosno okru`na, i postoji dr`avna policija, not counting the Territorial Defense, which every county had the
i postoji federalna policija. Zna}i, mi smo to right to create, and just about every [state-owned] company also
tra`ili. had its own Territorial Defense units; every firm had its own
A da bacimo sad pogled {ta je sve radila ta weapons: that was the doctrine of an armed people. Our situation
policija. Zajedni~ka policija u kojoj smo mi imali was different from the one in your countries and the rest of the
svoje predstavnike, mesta dobijena demokratskim na world, and in order to understand that, we must be aware of the
izborima. fact that every company had its own Territorial Defense unit,
Zajedni~ka policija je odmah na samom po~etku weapons, and arms depot. And all the counties.
krenula u ostvarivawe premo}i muslimanskog faktora,
The Bosnian Muslims Usurp Control of the MUP
muslimanske frakcije i u policiji, i do{lo je do
Your Excellencies, I don’t know if I succeeded in portraying
potpune identifikacije SDA, dr`avnih organa,
this horrible [accelerating] tempo of events directed against the
policije, Patriotske Lige, i Zelenih Beretki sve u
Serbian people who constitute one-third [of the population], who
jednom i sve pod komandom SDA. Glavna li~nost u
were not organized from a military standpoint, whose only or-
policiji Bosne i Hercegovine zajedni~koj je ~ovek koji
ganizational entity was its Assembly and its deputies who were
nije u policiji. Sve{tenik. Hasan ^engi}.
partly performing [their duties] in the joint [B-H] Assembly and
Recimo, 11. Jula ’91 godine, dok mi pregovaramo sa
partly abandoning [their duties there], and they were trying to
Zulfikarpa{i}em i Filipovi}em o istorijskom
protect the Serbian people from their own state, from the police,
from state-sponsored terror enacted by their own state.
266 267

Srpsko-muslimanskom sporazumu koji ima podr{ku Now let us turn our attention to what the police were doing.
Alije Izetbegovi}a. Why did the SDS ask Ambassador Cutileiro that constituent
units be granted their own police forces? Of course, throughout
[Na engleskom]
the world police forces are decentralized all the way down to the
11. jula 1991., SDA je izdala instrukcije municipal level. In the United States, there are police forces on
za slawe kandidata u obrazovni centar the municipal, city, and district levels; there are state and federal
MUP-a u Hrvatskoj. police forces. This is what we were asking for.
Broj ove instrukcije 1258-3/91. Let’s take a look at what this police force was doing. The
O ~emu se radi? Tajno, iza le|a srpskog zamenika — joint [B-H] police force in which we had our representatives
ministar je Musliman, zamenik je Srbin — iza le|a were positions obtained in democratic elections.
Stani{i}a koji je {ef policije za grad Sarajevo, u The joint [B-H] police force immediately set out to establish
wegovoj ustanovi, sa iza wegovih le}a, spremaju grupe i the superiority of Muslim elements and Muslim factions within
grupe policajaca koji se {aqu u Hrvatsku koja u tom the police force, and it resulted in the complete integration of the
trenutku ide u rat protiv Jugoslavije. [aqu se na SDA, government organs, the police, the Patriotic League, and
edukaciju, na trening, na pripremu da ponove istu stvar the Green Berets all in one unit and all being commanded by the
koju je Hrvatska uradila. SDA. The leading figure in the joint B-H police force was a man
Daqe, vide}ete ovde, imamo mnogo tragova tih who was not a member of the police force. He was a cleric: Ha-
wihovih postupaka. Ovo je g. Hasan ^engi}, ~iji otac san ýengiü.
Halid ^engi} je formirao prete~u Patriotske Lige — For instance, on July 11, 1991, while we were still in negoti-
prvu jedinicu naoru`anu u Fo~i 1990-e godine u ations with Zulfikarpašiü and Filipoviü over the historic Serbian-
avgustu, pre izbora. Hasan ^engi}, sin svoga oca, Muslim agreement, which had Izetbegoviü’s support:120
preuzima kontrolu nad policijom zajedni~kom: [In English]
U skladu sa sporazumom izme|u On 11 July 1991, the SDA issued instructions
zvani~nika bosanskog i hrvatskog MUP- for sending candidates to the MUP Educational
a, a u skladu sa uputstvima koji se ti~u Center in Croatia.
zapo{qavawa kadrova u policiji u
And this instruction is number 1258-3 in 1991.
hrvatskom obrazovanom centru MUP-a,
What is this about? Secretly, behind the back of the Serbian
SDA iz Sarajeva preporu~uje gore-
representative — the minister was a Muslim, the representative a
navedenu osobu kao kandidata za kurs u
Serb — behind the back of Mr. Stanišiü, who was the Chief of
va{em centru.
Police for the city of Sarajevo, preparations were made behind
Bez znawa ikoga, to propratno pismo ne potpisuje his back in his own institution to send group after group of po-
niko iz policije. To potpisuje ~ovek iz SDA i to licemen to Croatia, which at that moment was going to war
268 269

dokazuje da je potpuno stapawe SDA i muslimanskog against Yugoslavia. They were being sent there for specialized
delu policije. To je zajedni~ki MUP. I to je razlog da education, training, and preparations in order to duplicate what
odmah iz tog trena da na{i iza|u iz policije i da Croatia was already doing.
formiraju svoju policiju. A to nisu uradili tada, to je Furthermore, as you will see here, they left behind many
juli 1991. clues to their actions. This was Mr. Hasan ýengiü, whose father,
Daqe, policija prislu{kuje stranku na vlasti, Halid ýengiü, established the forerunner of the Patriotic League
gra|ane, politi~are — SDA deo policije — i ovde — the first armed unit in Foþa in August 1990 ʊ before the
}emo imati mnogo tih intercepata. Ja nemam nikakve elections. Hasan ýengiü — the apple doesn’t fall far from the
brige oko tih intercepata. Oni }e nam mnogo pomo}i, tree — took control of the joint [B-H] police force:
da vidimo {ta se to sve radilo. Ovih dana sam ja tra`io
In accordance with the agreement between offi-
da mi se dostave intercepti snimqeni, presretnuti
cials of the Bosnian and Croatian MUP, and pur-
razgovori Izetbegovi}a, Silajxi}a, Gani}a, i drugih.
suant to the instructions regarding the employ-
Naivno pretpostavqu}i da, ako su prislu{kivali,
ment of police candidates at the Croatian MUP
prislu{kivali su sve. Me|utim, o~igledno, nisu
Educational Center, the SDA Sarajevo recom-
prislu{kivali sve, nego su prislu{kivali samo Srbe.
mends the aforementioned candidate for a
[ta je SDA do ovoga trenutka uradila? SDA, zna~i:
course at your center.
[na engleskom]
Without anyone’s knowledge. This letter of introduction was
[J]e formirala svoje vojno krilo — not signed by anyone from the police force. It was signed, in-
takozvanu Patriotsku Ligu; SDA je stead, by a person from the SDA, and this proves that there was a
naoru`ala Patriotsku Ligu; SDA je complete merger between the SDA and the Muslim part of the
obstruirala postavqewe kadrova Srba u police force. It was a joint MUP. And that was reason enough at
bosanskom MUP; SDA je smenila veliki that moment for our people to leave the police force immediately
broj srpskih zaposlenih u bosanskom and form their own police force. But they did not do it then, but
MUP-u; SDA je poslala muslimanske in July 1991.
policajce u hrvatski MUP na vojnu obuku Furthermore, the police were wire-tapping the conversations
of the governing party, wiretapping the private conversations of
(u trenutku kada Hrvatska ratuje protiv Jugoslavije;
ordinary citizens and politicians — by the SDA’s part of the po-
SDA je izvr{ila nezakonitu lice force — and we’re going to present here many of these inter-
mobilizaciju rezervnih snaga bosanskog cepts. I’m not concerned about these intercepts at all. They are
MUP-a; SDA je nezakonito presretala going to be quite helpful in our case to see all that was happening
telefonske razgovore srpskog at the time. I recently asked to be provided with intercepts of rec-
rukovodstva. orded wiretapped conversations between Izetbegoviü, Silajdžiü,
270 271

Mno{tvo ɞɪɭɝi ɫɬɜɚɪɢ ali ovo je najupe~ativqije Ganiü, and others. I naively supposed that if they were wiretap-
{ta su nam radili na{i partneri u vlasti. U tom ping, they would be recording everyone’s conversations. Obvious-
trenutku, SDS nije opoziciona, a ni partija na vlasti. ly, however, they were not wiretapping everyone’s phone conver-
A da je i opoziciona, bez odluke suda nisu smeli nikoga sations — instead, they were wiretapping only Serbs.
da prislu{kuju. Ne treba ni da Vam ka`em da je i SDS i So what had the SDA done up to this moment? The SDA had:
ceo srpski narod znao za sve to, ali bez dima iz
[in English]
pi{toqa, bez o~iglednog dokaza, nije bilo na~ina da se
to obelodani, a i kad su obelodanili, de{avalo da se o established its military wing — the so-called Pat-
tome govori u medijima, to je odmah odbijano, i srpska riotic League; the SDA armed the Patriotic
strana je optu`ivana za kvarewe me|uetni~kih odnosa i League; the SDA obstructed the appointments of
podizawe tenzija. Serbian personnel in the Bosnian MUP; the SDA
Evo jednog razgovora izme}u ovog optu`enog i replaced a large number of Serbian employees in
zamenika ministra — {to je Srbin, srpski kadar, koji the Bosnian MUP; the SDA sent Muslim police
nije ~lan SDS-a, ali su ga Srbi kandidovali, da personnel to the Croatian MUP for military train-
naravno, izme|u ostalog, {titi srpske interese, ing
odnosno, da kontroli{e. Svima demokratija je pitawe (at the same time when Croatia was fighting a war against Yugo-
kontrole. Moramo jedne druge kontrolisati. slavia);
Predla`em da ~ujemo ovo.
the SDA carried out an illegal mobilization of the
[PO~ETAK — telefonski intercept] reserve forces for Bosnian MUP; and the SDA il-
KARAXI]: Alija, Alija donosi — legally intercepted telephone conversations of the
Alija mo`e da donese odluku. On samo Serbian leadership.
mo`e da poziva Muslimane u neku svoju, And they did a lot of other things but these are the most strik-
ovaj, Teritorijalnu odbranu i neki qudi ing examples of what our partners in government were doing. At
oko wega su spremni da zapo~nu rat. Mi that moment, the SDS was not an opposition party, but a govern-
to prili~no dobro znamo. ing party. And even if it were an opposition party, it [the SDA] did
Oni pripremaju rat, oni su pripremili not have the right to wiretap phone conversations without a court
{tab, vi to ne znate gde je taj {tab. Mi to order. I don’t have to tell you that the SDS and the entire Serbian
sve znamo. Postoji ogroman broj nation knew about all this, but we did not have a smoking gun or
naoru`anih qudih, postoji i priprema za any solid proof, and there was no way to get this out in the open,
rat! Priprema za rat! Postoje vje`be and even when it was made public and discussed in the media, it
blokirawem kasarni, postoje was immediately denied and the Serbian side was charged with
damaging inter-ethnic relations and raising tensions.
272 273

protivje`be armije, i ovde oni idu na Here is one conversation between the Accused and a Deputy
rat! Minister — a Serb but not a member of the SDS, but the Serbs
nominated him, of course, among other things, to protect Serbian
Ja dva dana s wima gubim — 18 sati sam
interests, namely, to check up on what was going on. Democracy
bio izgubio. Oni ho}e na bezpravan na~in
is a question of examination and verification. Both sides must be
da i ako nisu dokazali ni pravno, ni
free to examine and verify the other. I suggest we listen to this.
politi~ki. Nikako ne mogu to da ostvare.
[START — telephone intercept]
Upu}ujemo ih na ustavnu proceduru na
promenu ustava — oni to ne}e, znaju da KARADŽIû: Alija, Alija makes — Alija can
nemaju nikakvih {ansi. Nemaju {ansi ni make the decision. He’s the only one who can
u me|unarodnoj javnosti, nemaju ni {ansi call up Muslims to join their own, let’s see, Ter-
ni u pravnom sistemu. Oni imaju samo ritorial Defense Forces, and some people around
{ansi da poku{aju da nas prevare, ali to him are ready to start a war. We’re fairly certain
Srbi ne}e. of that.
@EPINI]: Izetbegovi}u se pru`ila They are preparing for war; they organized a
{ansa {to nikome u istoriji nije po{lo headquarters. You don’t know where it is. We
za rukom. Da stvori islamsku dr`avu u know all about it. There is a huge number of
Evropi. armed men, and there are preparations for war!
Preparations for war! There are exercises in
KARAXI]: Ma nemamo tu {ansi. Ma
blockading barracks, countermaneuvers against
Evropa, pa oni znaju {ta je. Wima ne
an army, and they are going to war right here!
trebamo mi. Oni bi pravili dr`avu, ali
Evropa ne}e da prizna islamsku, odnosno I’ve lost two days with them over this — I lost
muslimansku, dr`avu uop{te. I to je eighteen hours. They want to pull it off unlaw-
wima veliki problem. Oni poku{avaju da fully, even though they haven’t proved that they
mi budemo wihovi taoci te wihove have the right to do so legally or politically.
dr`ave. They will never be able to achieve it. We’ve ad-
vised them to use constitutional procedures to
[KRAJ — telefonski intercept]
change the Constitution — but they don’t want
Evo, to je 17. juni, 1991., moj razgovor sa na{im to do that because they know they don’t stand a
najvi{im predstavnikom u policiji koji }e do}i ovde chance. They don’t stand a chance with interna-
da ovo i potrvdi, mada nema potrebe da se ovo potvr|uje. tional public opinion, and they don’t stand a
Verujem da vi{e ne treba o MUP-u — sad je vreme pauze, chance within the legal system. The only chance
274 275

je’l tako? O~igledno, da MUP je bio najsna`niji they’ve got is to try and trick us, but the Serbs
oslovac ratne politike SDA. won’t allow that to happen.
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɚ. ŽEPINIû: Izetbegoviü is getting the chance to
something no one has ever achieved. To estab-
ɄȺɊȺȹɂȶ: ȿɤɫɟɥɟɧɰɢʁɨ, ɞɚ ɥɢ je vreme pauze? ȳɚ ɦɨɝɭ ɞɚ
lish an Islamic state in Europe.
radim jo{ onako.
KARADŽIû: We don’t stand a chance. Europe
ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: ɇɟ, napravi}emo sada ɩɚɭɡɭ. Vra}amo se
knows what it’s all about. They don’t need us.
za 20 ɦɢɧɭɬɚ.
They could try to create a state without us, but
— ɉɚɭɡɚ ɩɨɱɟɥɚ ɭ 10.13. Europe would not recognize an Islamic — I
mean a Muslim state — at all. That’s a big prob-
lem for them, too. They are trying to turn us into
hostages for their state.
[END — telephone intercept]
Look, that was June 17, 1991, my conversation with our high-
est-ranking representative in the police force who will come here
to confirm this, although there’s really no need to confirm it. I be-
lieve that there is no need for me to go on about the MUP — it’s
time for the break, anyway, isn’t it? It’s obvious that the MUP was
at that time the strongest supporter of the SDA policy of war.
KARADŽIû: Excellency, is it time to take the break now? I can
keep going.
JUDGE KWON: No, we’ll take a break for 20 minutes.
— Recess taken at 10:13 a.m.
276 277

— ɇɚɫɬɚɜɚɤ ɭ 10:46 — On resuming at 10:46 a.m.

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Karadžiü.
KARAXI] : Evo kako se daqe odvijaju kontakti ovog Bosnian Muslim Manipulations of the MUP
optu`enog sa prvim ~ovekom Srbinom najvi{e KARADŽIû: Here is how further contacts between the Accused
pozicioniranim u policiji koji, naravno, nije ~lan and the highest-ranking Serb in the police force, who, of course,
SDS-a, nego stru~wak, ekspert. Pa vidimo na ovom da was not a member of the SDS — but rather an expert. We see
ovaj optu`eni ka`e: here that the Accused says:
[PO~ETAK audio snimka] [START — telephone intercept]
Mi smo u MUP-u zakinuti naro~ito u And we’ve been tricked in the MUP, especially
dr`avnoj bezbednosti. Ne smije se in State Security. Nothing may be done single-
pojedina~no ni{ta tu raditi. To nije handedly there. This is not a private matter. All
privatna stvar. Mora sjesti ~itav kolegij the directors should meet if a position is vacant.
i kazati: u koliko se mjesto to i to. I mi And we are suggesting these men for the vacant
predla`emo, ukazalo se [u] mjesto i mi position. I beg you to stop doing this on a pri-
predla`emo da to mjesto toga i toga vate basis.121
~oveka. Ja vas molim da vi{e niko
[END — telephone intercept]
privatno ne radi te stvari.
I’d like to call your attention to what the President of the
[KRAJ audio snimka]
governing party [i.e., Karadžiü] is saying here — he’s not saying
Hteo bih da privu~em Va{u pa`wu, {ta ovde that he’s imposing this, and he’s not saying they should obey
predsednik vladaju}e stranke ka`e — ne da on stavqa him, but it’s the Serbs in the MUP. To have [the Muslims] say:
to, ne da se wega slu{a, nego Srbi u MUP-u. Da oni “We don’t want the man you’re imposing on us — a Serb — we
ka`u: “Mi ne}emo toga koga nam vi stavqate — Srbina want to be the ones who are going to say which Serb deserves to
— nego ho}emo da mi ka`emo koji je Srbin zaslu`io da have that position.” It’s not Radovan Karadžiü who’s doing that.
bude na to mesto.” To ne radi Radovan Karaxi}. To It’s Radovan Karadžiü who’s asking representatives of the police
Radovan Karaxi} tra`i od srpskih predstavnika u force to protect their own people. This is how they can place ex-
policiji da {tite svoj narod. Na taj na~in {to }e perts in the right positions, and they have to be the ones doing it,
stavqati stru~ne qude, i to oni, a ne stranka. not a political party.
Daqe nastavqamo, 22. jula — ovo je bilo 8. jula — Let us continue. July 22 — what I read just now was on July 8.
22. jula.
[PO~ETAK audio snimka]
278 279

Recite im da se ne igraju. Recite im: [START — telephone intercept]

imate li uvida? Evo, oni su u Prijedoru
Tell them to stop playing games. Tell them: Can’t
po podne, ovaj, u petak po podne postavili
you see what’s coming round the bend? Let’s see,
~ovjeka. Sada je tamo komandir Musliman,
they [the SDA] appointed a man in Prijedor on
nad~elnik Musliman, {ef odbrane
Friday afternoon. Now there’s a Muslim Com-
Musliman, i teritorijalne odbrane
mander there, a Muslim Mayor, the Chief of Ter-
Musliman, a komandir je morao biti na{.
ritorial Defense is a Muslim, but the Commander
[KRAJ audio snimka] position should have been ours.122
To je jedna od naj~e{}ih bila rutinskih [END — telephone intercept]
manipulacija. Srbin dobije neko mesto, oni to ne daju.
That was one of the most frequent of routine manipulations.
Ili ne postave nikoga, pa zamenik Musliman. Ali
A Serb gets a certain position, but they oppose it. Either they
vidite, postavqa se scenarij za krvoproli}e u
leave the position unfilled or they appoint a Muslim replacement.
Prijedoru, koje }e se desiti. Vide}emo kako.
But you see, a scenario for bloodshed was being set up in Pri-
Daqe, 17 septembar, 1991. Karaxi}-Plav{i}.
jedor, which was eventually going to happen. And we will see
[PO~ETAK audio snimka] how.
Let’s go further. September 17, 1991, Karadžiü–Plavšiü:
Danas }emo vjerovatno imati razgovor sa
wima — sa Muslimanima — i ja }u re}i: [START — telephone intercept]
“Od razgovora nema ni{ta dok se u SUP-u
Today we’ll probably hold discussions with
ne postavi — ovaj — ta~no dok ne
them — the Muslims — and I’m going to say:
prestanu da oni odre|uju gde }e koji
“No talks until they stop deciding in the MUP
Srbin da radi! Dok ne prestanu da oni
where each Serb is going to work! Until they
odre|uju. Izdvoji}emo dio na{eg MUP-a.
stop making decisions for us. We’ll separate our
Izvr{i}emo i kantonozaciju MUP-a.”
part of the MUP. We’ll divide the MUP into
Sve }emo to da uradimo. I tu nam dokazuju
cantons.” We’re going to do that. They are prov-
kako }emo mi da `ivimo tu u toj wihovoj
ing to us how we are going to live in their
[KRAJ audio snimka]
[END — telephone intercept]
Evo, ekselencije, to su {okovi koji su — nisu vi{e
Here, Your Excellencies, these were the shocks — they were
kao u Hrvatskoj nedeqni, mese~ni — nego dnevni, i iz
no longer occurring on a weekly or monthly basis as in Croatia
— but they were occurring daily, hourly.
280 281

A evo razgovora izme|u ovoga optu`enog i {efa And here’s a conversation between the Accused and
stranke u Bosanskoj Krajini, dr Vuki}a. Dr. Vukiü, the leader of the political party in Bosanska Krajina.
[START — telephone intercept]
[PO~ETAK — telefonski intercept]
There are forces in B-H who know that they
Ima snaga u BiH koje znaju da ne mogu da
cannot divide B-H without a war. And they need
odvoje Bosnu i Hercegovini bez rata. A za
a pretext for that war so they can blame someone
rat im treba povod da okrive nekoga
else. We’re not going to give them a pretext to
drugoga. Mi ne}emo dati povod za rat. I
start a war. And that’s the most essential thing.
to je najosnovnija stvar. Ina~e,
In any case, international law and our constitu-
me|unarodno pravo i na{e ustanvo pravo
tional rights are on our side.
je na na{oj strani.
[END — telephone intercept]
[KRAJ — telefonski intercept]
Now for the sake of the record, since the on-screen material
Radi zapisnika, po{to ekran ne ide uz zapisnik, ja
does not enter the record, I think it’s clear now. Izetbegoviü
mislim da je sada jasno. Izetbegovi} ho}e da ratuje.
wanted to go to war. And Izetbegoviü the warmonger found
Babi} mu ide na ruku, ovom ratobornom Izetbegovi}u.
Babiü suitable because they’re two of a kind. It is said of the late
Govori se o pokojnom Milanu Babi}u, koji je u Krajini
Milan Babiü,124 who was often in Krajina because he was nearby,
~esto bio — jer mu je to blizu i wegove posete tamo, kao
and his visits there, as will be seen over the course of the trial,
{to }e se viditi tokom procesa, su bile veoma te{ke za
were very difficult for us. We had to put out fires whenever he
nas. Morali smo da gasimo vatru kad god on pro|e tamo.
went there. This warmonger Izetbegoviü found Babiü suitable:
Babi} ide na ruku ovom ratobornom Izetbegovi}u:
[START — telephone intercept]
[PO~ETAK — telefonski intercept]
You tell all the people from Krajina that I talked
Recite vi slobodno Kraji{nicima na
with — that I told Alija Izetbegoviü he is prepar-
{irini da sam ja razgovarao — da sam
ing for war and that he is seeking assistance for
rekao Aliji Izetbegovi}u da priprema
a war. Please give him our reply. Tell him there
rat i da tra`i pomo} za rat. Molim vas,
are forces in Bosnia that know they cannot come
recite ovaj na{ odgovor. Recite ima
out on top without a war.
snage u Bosni koje znaju da ne mogu odozgo
do}i bez rata. [END — telephone intercept]
[KRAJ — telefonski intercept] And they did need a pretext for that war so they could blame it
on someone else. We must not be the ones who give them the
A za rat im treba povod da okrive nekoga drugoga.
pretext for starting a war. And that was the most essential thing.
Mi ne smijemo dati povod za rat. To je najosnovnija
282 283

stvar. Ina~e me|unarodno pravo i na{e ustavno pravo In any case, international law and our constitutional rights are on
je na na{oj strani. Dakle, osnovna briga je da mi ne our side. So, the basic concern was that we must not do anything
u~inimo ni{ta {to bi dalo povod za rat. that would provide them with a pretext for war.
[PO~ETAK telefonskog intercepta] [START — telephone intercept]
KOQEVI\: Muslimani se `estoko KOLJEVIû: Muslims are vehemently turning
okre}u protiv nekih ratnih namjera, ali against some warlike intentions, but they don’t
oni ne}e da ratuju. Imaju republiku. want to fight. They have a republic. They have
Imaju Jugoslaviju. I niko normalan ne}e Yugoslavia. No sane person wants to go to war.
da ratuje. Alija bi `eleo da ratuje da Alija would like to go to war to change that. And
promjeni to. I sad Alija ne mo`e da now Alija cannot explain to the Muslim people
objasni muslimanskom narodu za{to bi why he would go to war. If they do something
ratovao. Ako oni naprave glupost, on }e stupid, he’ll say, “Look, that’s why we’re going
da ka`e, “Evo, za{to mi ratujemo.” E, to to war.” That’s all he’s got. All he needs now is
mu jedino. Sad mu jedino treba alibi za an alibi to start a war. We must not help him
rat. Ne treba da mi da mu poma`emo u achieve that.
[END — telephone intercept]
[KRAJ telefonskog inter-cepta]
This is a conversation between Professor Koljeviü, member of
Ovo je razgovor prof. Koqevi}a, ~lana the Presidency, and Karadžiü, where we are coming out against
predsedni{tva, i Karaxi}a gde se mi zala`emo da na{i some of our irresponsible people who were announcing — they
neodgovorni qudi izjave — ne}e drugo ni{ta wouldn’t do anything else besides make announcements — fools —
napraviti, ali izjave — budale — da ne{to ne naprave so they do something stupid to give them a pretext for war, in other
da ne dadnu povod za rat, odnosno alibi za rat. Dakle, words, an alibi for starting a war. So, we were working even on that
~inimo i na tom planu da ne do|e do rata. level to avoid a war.
A evo kako paragraf 109 i 110 predpretresnog And here’s how Paragraphs 109 and 110 of the Prosecution
podneska tretira ovoga optu`enoga, u odnosnu na MUP. Pre-Trial Brief treat the Accused in relation to the MUP.
[Na engleskom] [In English]
109. Od samog po~etka sukoba, MUP je 109. From the outset of the conflict, the MUP
igrao zna~ajnu ulogu u uspostavqawu i played a significant role in establishing and
odr`avawu vlasti bosanskih Srba nad maintaining Bosnian Serb authority over the ter-
teritorijom i u sprovo|ewu zajedni~kog ritory and in implementing the common criminal
zlo~ina~kog ciqa. Nakon preuzimawa purpose. Following the take-overs, the MUP
284 285

vlasti, MUP je igrao vode}u ulogu u took a lead role in disarming, arresting, rounding
razoru`avawu, hap{ewu, privo|ewu, up, detaining, beating, killings, and expelling
zatvarawu, premla}ivawu, ubijawu, i Muslims and Croats.
proterivawu Muslimana i Hrvata.
110. For months prior [to] its division, Karadžiü
110. Mjesecima prije wegove podjele, contemplated the ‘division of the MUP’ as an
Karaxi} je smi{qao ‘podjelu MUP-a’ kao essential component of the division of B-H and
su{tinsku komponentu podjele BiH, i the realization of the final goal ‘to break off with
ostvarewe kona~nog ciqa, ‘prekida sa Muslims and Croats forever.’
Muslimanima i Hrvatima zauvijek.’
There, that’s how the Prosecution speaks of Karadžiü’s
Eto, tako Tu`ila{tvo govori o Karaxi}evim wishes, and his genuine intentions to create an MUP out of the
`eqama i namerama genuinim da stvori MUP na ~istu clear blue without any need to do so and, thus, spoil idyllic rela-
miru, bez ikakve potrebe, i da time pokvari idilu izme|u tions between Serbs and Muslims. And the Prosecution is simply
Srba i Muslimana. I Tu`ila{tvo jednostavno ide na to doing this to extrapolate, to reconstruct Serbian intentions on the
da izvu}e, rekonstrui{e srpske namere iz srpskog basis of Serbian behavior, which was a response, a reaction.
pona{awa koje je odgovor, koje je reakcija. Dakle, Therefore, it is absolutely impermissible and impossible to ex-
apsolutno je nedopustivo i nemogu}e da se na osnovu trapolate our initial intentions on the basis of our conduct. Our
na{ih reakcija izvu~e na{a prethodna namera. Na{e conduct was conditional with respect to the conduct of others.
reakcije su uslovqene pona{awem drugih. SDA odlu~uje The SDA decided what the Serbs were going to do — the Serbs
{ta }e Srbi uraditi, ne odlu~uju Srbi. I to je celo were not going to decide. And that was going on the whole time
vreme od februara 1991-e, posle izbora — celo vreme su between February 1991, after the elections — the entire time the
Srbi, {ahovski re~eno, u iznudici. Mi, dakle, moramo da Serbs, to borrow from chess terminology, were forced to make a
odigramo ono {to nam oni uslove ili }emo propasti. move of last resort. We, therefore, had to make our play under
A, da vidimo kako je to. Ovo, dakle, na{e zalagawe their conditions or we were going to be ruined.
da imamo svoju policiju nije dovelo do stvarawa Now let’s take look at this. So, our coming out in favor of
policije. To je dovelo do na{eg zahteva prema having our own police force did not lead to its [i.e., the Serbian
Evropskoj zajednici da konstitutivne jedinice imaju MUP’s] creation. It led to our request that the European Com-
svoju policiju. Evo izvoda iz Lisabonskog sporazuma, munity provide the constituent units with their own respective
odnosno, Kutiqerovog plana. police forces. Here is an excerpt from the Lisbon Agreement,
namely, the Cutileiro Plan.
[Na engleskom]
[In English]
Izjava o principima za novo ustavno
ure|ewe BiH; The statement of principles for new constitu-
tional arrangements for B-H.
286 287

D. Ustavne jedinice (D) The constituent units.

3. Dr`avna slu`ba, policija, 3. The civil service, the police, and the
lokalna pravosu|e i bilo kakva local judiciary and any national guard
nacionalna garda koju bi stvorile established by a constituent unit would
ustavne jedinice bi odra`avala reflect proportionally the national com-
proporcionalno nacionalni position of the constituent unit.125
sastav te ustavne jedinice.
We obtained the right to have our own police force from Am-
Mi smo dobili od Ambasadora Kutilera i Evropske bassador Cutileiro and the European Community. It was only on
zajednice pravo na svoju policiju. Tek tada smo mi, February 28 that we — the Assembly decided that we would have
28. februara, Skup{tina odlu~ila da }emo imati svoju our own police force, but we did not form it until April 1. And by
policiju, ali je nismo oformili do 1. aprila. I za tu making this move of last resort, after having been compelled to do
iznudicu i za to {ta mi moramo da uradimo, so, the Prosecution, nevertheless, charges that I did this in a pre-
Tu`ila{tvo mene tereti da sam to radio sa meditated fashion, that I did this with the intention of achieving
predumi{qajem, da sam to radio sa ciqem da something at some later time, instead of clearly seeing that this
postignemo ne{to nekad, a umesto da se jasno vidi da je was our response to a challenge and that it was conditioned by the
to izazvano i uslovqeno pona{awem SDA. SDA’s conduct.
I za sve to vreme do tada, mi znamo za tajni Throughout that time, we were aware of the secret Kuþan-
sporazum Ku~an-Tu}man-Izetbegovi} da se u|e u rat i Tuÿman-Izetbegoviü agreement to go to war and we received
znamo i hvatamo informacije da Izetbegovi}a pitaju u information that Izetbegoviü had been asked in the second half of
drugoj polovini 1991. god. za{to ne ulazi u rat protiv 1991 why he had not yet gone to war against Yugoslavia. And he
Jugoslavije. On ka`e: “Ho}u, ho}u, ali ~ekam trenutak.” replied: “I will, I will, but I’m waiting for the right moment.”
I to je trenutak kada se on ohrabruje i od polovine That was at the time when he was still summoning the courage to
oktobra, prekida svaku mogu}nost mirnog re{ewa. rise to the occasion, and starting in mid-October, he thwarted
Tu`ila{tvo ima nekoliko ugaonih kamena na kojima each and every possible solution for a peaceful settlement.
poku{ava da izgradi, da konstrui{e srpsku krivicu i
The OTP’s Cornerstones of Serbian Guilt
srpsku odgovornost. Jedna od stvari koju Tu`ila{tvo
The OTP has laid several cornerstones upon which it is at-
stavqa meni na teret je takozvani papir, Varijanta A i
tempting to construct Serbian guilt and Serbian responsibility. One
Varijanta B. Varijanta A i Varijanta B, na`alost nije
of the things that the OTP charges me with is the so-called docu-
nastala u SDS-u i nismo je ni diskutovali i nije
ment, Variants A and B. Unfortunately, Variants A and B did not
usvojena i nema tragova, a bilo bi da je to ura|eno, svi
originate with the SDS and we did not even discuss it and we did
na{i zapisnici su zapleweni. Ali naro~ito stari,
not adopt it and there is no trace of it [there], and if it had been
penzionisani oficiri, kada su videli {ta je
implemented, there would have been evidence of it because of all
288 289

preporu~io Hrvatima Martin [pegeq: “Otvori{ mu our records were seized. But retired [JNA] officers, when they saw
stan, dum-dum u stomak, i ide{ u drugi stan, i dum-dum u what Martin Špegelj was recommending to Croats: “You go into
stomak.” Kad su oficiri videli da se u Sarajevu wihovi one apartment, bang-bang in the stomach, and then you go to an-
stanovi obele`avaju — to je objavqeno — da su wihovi other apartment, bang-bang in the stomach.” When the officers
stanovi obele`eni, da neki ubica mo`e da pozvoni, i saw that their apartments in Sarajevo were being marked — this
dum-dum u stomak, onda su napravili Varijantu A i was reported — that their apartments had been marked so that
Varijantu B, za slu~aj da izbije rat, {ta treba da se radi some assassin could ring their doorbell and bang-bang shoot them
na terenu da bi se rat izbegao. in the stomach, then they then came up with Variants A and B in
Nema te partije i toga Karaxi}a koji ima pravo da case war broke out, to plan for what had to be done on the ground
spre~i da se to vidi, da qudi na terenu imaju taj papir, if a war started.
da vide da za slu~aj — da li }e zaista — ako do|e do That political party [the SDS] and that Karadžiü did not then
haosa i prekinu se veze sa centralom, {ta }e oni da exist. Karadžiü had the right to prevent this document from being
urade. Evo da vidimo {ta ka`e ovaj papir. seen, had the right [to make sure] that people on the ground had
Ka`e Tu`ila{tvo, paragraf 36: this document to see, in case — if it really came down to it — if
it really came to chaos and all contact with headquarters were cut
[Na engleskom]
off — what they were supposed to do. Here, let’s see what this
20-og decembra 1991-e, ili od prilike u to document says.
vreme, na sastanku u hotelu “Holidej In” The OTP cites Paragraph 36:
u Sarajevo Karaxi} je podelio vo|ama iz
[In English]
op{tine uputstva za formirawe tajnih
tela srpskih kriznih {tabova, Varijante On or about 20 December 1992, at a meeting in
A i B. Ova poverqiva uputstva su bila o the Holiday Inn in Sarajevo, Karadžiü distribut-
formirawu tela, koji bi trebala da budu ed to the municipality leaders instructions for
me|u glavnim mehanizmima putem kojih the establishment of clandestine bodies, the
Karaxi} i drugi ~lanovi rukovodstva Serbian Crisis Staffs (A/B). The confidential
bosanski Srba preuzimalo kontrolu nad instructions established the bodies that would
teritorijama i uklawalo ne-Srbe. be among the primary instruments through
which Karadžiü and other members of BSL as-
A vidite {ta pi{e u tom sporazumu, u tom papiru,
serted control over territories and removed non-
koji je seviran dobrom voqom penzionisanih oficira.
U preuzimaju svih ovih mera, voditi
But you see what this agreement, this document, [copies of]
ra~una da se obezbedi po{tovawe
which had been saved by the good will of retired officers, says:
nacionalnih i drugih prava pripadnika
svih naroda i wihovo kasnije
290 291

anga`ovawe u organima vlasti koje }e In the implementation of all these measures, en-
osnovati Skup{tina srpskog naroda u sure the respect for the national and other rights
op{tini. of members of all peoples and subsequently en-
sure their involvement in the administrative or-
Sve opet moramo posmatrati u kontekstu Lisabon-
gans to be set up by the Assembly of the Serb
ske konferencije i Kutilijerovog plana, i za koji mi
People in the municipality.
znamo da }e ga SDA poku{ati derogirati ratom. A ovo
je predvi|eno da se rat izbegne, da se haos izbegne, i da Once again, we have to reconsider all of this in the context
se sa~uva tekovine konferencije i da se sa~uva narod od of the Lisbon Conference and the Cutileiro Plan, which we knew
stradawa. the SDA would try to annul by a war. And this was anticipated in
Dakle, ne treba ni nagla{avati koliko je ovo da se order to avoid war, to avoid chaos, and to preserve what had
~uvaju interesi drugih i to su oficiri koji su ina~e been achieved at the [peace] conference and to save people from
bili za “bratstvo i jedinstvo” stavili na va`no mesto. death and destruction.
Da vidimo kako drugi ugaoni kamen ovoga So, there is no need to emphasize to what extent the interests
Tu`ila{tva su strate{ki ciqevi. Strate{ki ciqevi u of others were being protected, and these were officers who
osnovi nisu usvajani: oni su saop{teni Skup{tini, da were, in any case, devoted to brotherhood and unity, and they
}e biti platforma — strate{ki ciqevi su bili gave such considerations a prominent place.
saop{teni Skup{tini 12-og maja, kada je ve} jasno bilo Let’s see how the OTP’s other cornerstone is composed of
da je rat, i da }emo birati predsedni{tvo, i birano je strategic objectives. The strategic objectives were basically not
predsedni{tvo: dvoje ~lanova predsedni{tva BiH, adopted; as a matter of fact, they were just reported to the As-
gospo|a Biqana Plav{i} i gospodin Nikola Koqevi} sembly as a platform [for the conference] — the strategic goals
i tre}i sam biran ja od strane Skup{tine u were reported to the Assembly on May 12, when it was already
Predsedni{tvo. clear that the war had already started and that we were going to
I tada smo mi saop{tili {ta }e biti na{ stav elect a [collective] Presidency, which was, indeed, elected: two
prema Evropskoj zajednici u nastavku re{avawa krize members of the Presidency of B-H, Mrs. Biljana Plavšiü and Mr.
politi~kim sredstvima. Po{to je rat, sada vi{e ne Nikola Koljeviü, and I was the third member elected to the Pres-
dolazi u obzir da imamo enklave diskontinuitetne radi idency by the Assembly.
toga {to qudi ne bi smeli da `ive tamo. Ne{to se At that time, we announced what our position would be vis-
mewaju ciqevi, odnosno, na{a pozicija prema à-vis the European Community in our continuing efforts to re-
pregovorima sa Evropskom zajednicom. solve the crisis by political means. Since there was a war going
Mesec dana kasnije, u junu ili julu, Predsedni{tvo on, having discontinuous enclaves now no longer came into con-
odlu~uje (po{to jo{ nisu poslati ni objavqeni ti sideration because people would not dare live there. Our objec-
strate{ki ciqevi) da se opobjave a da se zajedno sa tives were changing, in other words, our position vis-à-vis the
mapom po{aqu Evropskoj zajednici, odnosno negotiations with the European Community.
292 293

pregovara~ima. Dakle, to nije nikakav tajni papir. A A month later, in June or July, the Presidency (since the stra-
evo {ta, ina~e vrlo nepravedno lo{a presuda protiv tegic objectives had neither yet been sent nor made public) de-
Kraji{nika, o ovoj stvari ka`e: cided to make them public and send them along with a map to
the European Community, that is, to the negotiators. Therefore,
995. Staviti ove srpske ciqeve na
this was no secret document. And look, here is a terribly unfair
pijedestal, kao {to je u~inilo
judgment against Krajišnik and it states in connection with this
Tu`ila{tvo, ne bi bilo ispravno, jer oni,
na kraju krajeva, predstavqaju
995. It would be incorrect to place these goals
razvodwavawe izjave koje su slu`ile kao
on a pedestal, as the Prosecution does, for in the
zvani~na dr`avna politika i koje su se
final analysis they are anodyne statements serv-
~ak mogle objaviti i u Slu`benom
ing as official state policy and even qualifying
glasniku Republike bosanskih Srba. Ako
for a publication in the Bosnian Serb Republic’s
bi neko i bio sklon tome da u wima
Official Gazette. If one is inclined to find in
pronalazi podmukla skrivena zna~ewa,
them insidious hidden meanings, it is because of
onda je to zbog konteksta i doga|aja koji su
the context and the events that followed. An
uslijedili nakon wihovog progla{ewa.
anachronistic reading of the May goals is not on-
Anahrono tuma~ewe ciqeva iz mjeseca
ly inadvisable, it misses the point. Just as an
maja ne samo da nije preporu~qivo, nego se
anachronistic reading of the December Instruc-
wime ne mo`e shvatiti wihova poenta,
tions (that’s Variants A and B), misses the point.
ba{ kao {to se anahronim tuma~ewem
The instructions and the goals lacked substance
uputstva iz decembra (to je Varijanta A i
and utility, but they did symbolize a new central
B) ne mo`e shvatiti wihova poenta.
authority at a time when the old order had disin-
Uputstvu i ciqevima nedostajali su
sadr`aj i upotrebqivost, ali oni su
predstavqali simbole nove centralne This Chamber shows that we were right to reorganize at the
vlasti u vrijeme kada se stari poredak moment the old system was collapsing. And shards from this
raspao. disintegrated system are still flying at us to this very day to cause
us damage, to destroy us.
Nama ovo Ve}e daje za pravo da se reorganizujemo u
So, this paragraph deals with two cornerstones in the Indict-
trenutku kada se stari sistem raspao. A komadi toga
ment against me and, as far as both are concerned, it says the
raspadnutog sistema lete prema nama danas da nas
Prosecution is wrong on both counts. But, even though this
o{tete, da nas uni{te.
judgment was handed down earlier and this was not appealed,
Dakle, ovaj paragraf tretira dva ugaona kamena ove
the Prosecution still maintains that it can use this against me.
optu`nice protiv mene i za oba ka`e da Tu`ila{tvo
294 295

nije u pravu. Ali, iako je ova presuda doneta ranije i u Now let’s see, in order to conclude this part [of my opening
kona~noj presudi ovo nije osporeno, Tu`ila{tvo i defense statement], how Lord Owen [saw the situation], who
daqe dr`i da bi moglo da to upotrebi protiv mene. entered the Bosnian negotiations with extreme anti-Serbian
Evo da vidimo, za kraj ovoga dela, kako Lord Oven, views — vague but adopted — had simply been given the wrong
koji je do{ao u bosanske pregovore krajwe anti-srpski information — and he was quickly surprised as, you will see, all
— neopredeqen, ali uslovqen — jednostavno je imao the other officers of the United Nations were who had come and
pogre{ne informacije — i vrlo brzo se veoma who had been taught that the Serbs were wild animals, but after a
iznenadio kao, u ostalom, vide}ete svi oficiri month or two they saw what was really going on. Here is what
Ujediwenih nacija do{li su educirani da su Srbi Lord Owen said in a broadcast [which is recorded] in his book
zveri, a za mesec-dva dana su videli su{tinu. Evo {ta Balkan Odyssey:
ka`e Lord Oven u jednoj emisiji, odnosno u svojoj The image of Bosnian Muslims with no arms
kwizi, “Balkanska Odiseja.” was not diminished even when President Izetbe-
goviü openly acknowledged on Sarajevo televi-
Slika od bosanskim Muslimanima
sion that the Bosnian government had smuggled
li{enim oru`ja nije naru{ena, ni ~ak
arms in through secret channels: “We managed
kad je Alija Izetbegovi} sa televizije
to get hold of 30,000 rifles and machine-guns,
otvoreno priznao da je bosanska vlada
20 million bullets, 37,000 mines, 4,600 anti-
tajnim kanalima pro{vercovala oru`je:
armor rockets, 20,000 hand grenades, 90,000
30.000 pu{aka i mitraqeza; 20 miliona
uniforms, and 120,000 pairs of boots.127
metaka; 37.000 mina; 4.600 protiv-
tenkovskih raketa; 20.000 ru~nih bombih; And I should like to add that Muslim sources in Sarajevo
90.000 uniformi; i 12.000 ~izama. state that 80,000 shells were manufactured. This is their docu-
ment. In this same Sarajevo, which was allegedly under siege
A ja dodajem iz muslimanskih izvora u Sarajevu
and abused by the Serbian Army, they had an arms factory and
proizvela 80,000 mina. To je wihov dokument. Wihova
they manufactured 80,000 mortar shells. And the Prosecution,
potvrda. U tom Sarajevu, koje je navodno bilo opsa|eno
therefore, on the basis of our reactions, our panic-stricken de-
i maltretirano od srpske vojske, imali su fabriku i
fense, our defense of last resort, persists in trying to recast this
proizveli su 80.000 minobaca~kih mina. I dakle,
and present it as being something that we had wanted and had
Tu`ila{tvo i daqe, na osnovu na{ih reakcija, odbrane
planned long ago; whereas we, in fact, were responding to the
pani~ne, posledwe nu`ne odbrane, poku{ava da
challenges that Hasan ýengiü and others, according to their Is-
rekonstrui{e i da predstavi kao da smo mi to davno
lamic Declaration, used as provocations and as pretexts for cha-
hteli i planirali, a mi smo u stvari odgovarali na
os, because, as they said: “There is no need to wait for natural
izazove koje nam je Hasan ^engi} i drugi, prema wihovoj
provocations and pretexts; it is necessary to manufacture our
ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɨʁ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁɢ, pravili kao izazove i povode za
own provocations and pretexts.”
296 297

haos, jer oni su rekli: “Ne treba ~ekati prirodne Here, one single question is being posed to me: How would
izazove i povode, treba praviti izazove i povode.” the SDS and the Serbs have acted in ordinary circumstances?
Ovde se postavqa meni jedno pitawe: Kako bi SDS i Ordinary circumstances could have been secured in the case of
Srbi u redovnim prilikama? A redovne prilike su se the acceptance of new agreements which the Serbs had offered
mogle obezbediti u slu~aju prihvatawa novih sporazuma or had [otherwise] accepted agreements made by others. Under
koje su Srbi nudili ili prihvatali tu|e sporazume. ordinary circumstances, how could they have imagined, much
Kako bi u tim redovnim prilikama mogli da pomisle, a less planned, to effect a separation of areas of B-H which they
kamoli da planiraju, [da] izvedu izdvajawe podru~ja koja considered to be Serbian in the first place? The Prosecution skips
su smatrali srpski u BiH? Tu`ila{tvo preska~e to that question. It poses the question: How did the SDS decide to
pitawe. Postavqa pitawe: Kako se SDS usudio da se engage in undertakings as described here when, on account of
bavi opisanim radwama kad, zbog etni~ke izme{anosti, ethnic intermingling, it was impossible by peaceful means?
to bilo nemogu}e mirnim putem? So this ethnic intermingling even meant something to the
Pa ta etni~ka izme{anost va`i i za SDA. Ni oni SDA. They did not dare ʊ nor did they need ʊ to secede forci-
nisu smeli, ni trebali, da idu na nasilnu secesiju od bly from Yugoslavia because we are ethnically intermingled.
Jugoslavije radi toga {to smo etni~ki izme{ani. I mi And we were not in favor of leaving Yugoslavia, but if they were
smo bili za to da ne izlazimo iz Jugoslavije, ali ako su to leave Yugoslavia and took us out with them, then we wanted
oni iza{li, i nas izveli, onda smo i mi hteli da se to secure our positions in that new Bosnia where we and they
obezbedimo u toj Bosni i podjednako smo izme{ani i mi were equally intermingled.
i oni. Here, now we have one [video] from a well-known session
Evo, sada imamo jedan sa poznate sednice 24. januara. held on January 24. The Accused is speaking in favor of, advocat-
Ovaj optu`eni dok govori, dok se zala`e, da se prihvati ing the acceptance of the agreement that he made with ýengiü
ovo {to je sa ^engi}em on dogovorio da se izvr{i about enacting regionalization — it could have been done in two-
regionalizacija i da se Srbi prikqu~e — za petnaest weeks’ time by the end of January, and at the end of February
dana se to moglo izvr{iti za kraj januara, a krajem there was the Referendum. And here’s what I said at the moment:
februara je Referendum. Evo {ta ja u tom trenutku
[START video clip]
I can now say, and we can all now imagine what
[PO~ETAK video snimka]
would happen, gentlemen, if, God forbid, inter-
Ja mogu sada, i svi mi mo`emo sada da ethnic and inter-religious unrest were to break
zamislimo {ta bi se desilo, gospodo, kada out in B-H. And we can draw it on a blackboard.
bi ne daj Bo`e, zapo~eo nemir me|u- The Serbs would flee from Muslim areas, while
etni~ki, me|u-vjerski rat u BiH. Mo`emo the Muslims would flee from Serbian ones. The
to da nacrtamo na tabli. Srbi bi bje`ali Croats would go to their own areas, and there
298 299

iz mislimanskih krajeva, a muslimani iz would be plenty of shooting to go along with it,

srpskih. Hrvati u svoje krajeve, usput bi cities would be destroyed, we would be knee-
bilo pucwave, bilo bi ru{ewa gradova, deep in bloodshed, and where would that get us?
bilo bi krvi do koqena, i gdje bismo se The same place where we are right now. The
zatekli? Isto gdje smo i sada. Srbi u Serbs in Serbian regions, the Muslims in Muslim
srpskim krajevima, Muslimani u regions, and the Croats in Croatian regions —
muslimanskim, Hrvati u hrvatskim, samo except it would be completely homogenous.
potpuno homogeno.
And what would we have to do then? We would
I {ta bismo morali? Morali bismo opet once again have to sit down at the negotiating
da sjednemo da se dogovaramo da stavimo table and to put three signatures to an agreement.
tri potpisa. Bez tri potpisa, nema Without three signatures, there’s no solution for
re{ewa BiH. B-H.
[KRAJ video snimka] [END video clip]
Evo dokaza 24. januara. Ovaj optu`eni ka`e svima je And here’s the proof on January 24. The Accused says it’s
jasno i wemu je jasno da nema fait accompli — to je januar clear to one and all, and it’s clear to him, too, that there was no
1992. To je mesec dana pred Referendum. fait accompli — that’s January 1992. That’s one month before
Gde je i bilo koja zlo~ina~ka namera koju the Referendum [on Independence].
Tu`ila{tvo pripisuje ovom optu`enom i wegovim Where is the criminal intent the OTP ascribes to the Ac-
saradnicima, i zajednici wegovoj nacionalnoj? Gde je? cused, along with his associates and his national community?
Kada se ka`e: “Ima}emo to i to. Ako sada ne Where is it? When we say: “We’re going to have this and this. If
postignemo sporazuma, ima}emo to i to. Ne}emo.” E, we do not reach an agreement now, then we are going to have
ima jo{ jedan deo gde ovaj optu`eni ka`e: “Nemojte da that and that. We don’t want that.” And there’s another part
nam se desi da nam situacija izmakne iz ruku. Red je u where the Accused says: “Let’s not lose control of the situation.
na{im rukama. Haos nije ni u ~ijim rukama. Mi smo u Order lies in our hands. No hand can hold chaos. We are in the
rukama haosa.” hands of chaos.”
E, to su, dakle, stvari koje su apsolutno vodile nas So, these are matters which absolutely led us to ask Cutileiro
da tra`imo od Kutiliera da nam se omogu}i da imamo to enable us to have our own police force, and it was accepted.
svoju policiju i to je bilo i prihva}eno.
Sarajevo Was a Divided City
Va{oj pa`wi sada preporu~ujem da bacimo jedan
Now I’d like to call your attention to Sarajevo. Let’s take a
pogled na Sarajevo. Ovo je {iri prostor Sarajeva.
quick look. [EXHIBIT XX] This is greater metropolitan Sarajevo.
Dakle, plava linija je srpska i vidite na ovom delu
The blue line is the Serbs, and you see here where it says “HVO”
tamo gde pi{e “HVO,” da su sa jedne strane prema nama
ʊ we have the HVO on one side, and on the other we have the
300 301

HVO, s druge strane su Muslimani, a onda smo mi. Muslims, and then we are there. That means we have been encir-
Zna~i, mi smo u wihovom okru`ewu. cled by them.
Vidite, ako mogu i da ustanem. Ovo je, dakle, deo. If I may rise, I’ll show you [on the map]. So, this is the area.
Ovo je zona Sarajeva. Ovo je “city proper.” To }emo This is the Sarajevo zone. This is the “city proper.” We’ll explain
kasnije objasniti. Ovo su srpske teritorije i pod this later. These are Serbian territories and they’re under Serbian
srpskom su kontrolom. Ne sve, ali su neke pod srpskom control. Not all of them, but some are under Serbian control.
kontrolom. And these Serbian territories are surrounded by Croat-
A te srpske teritorije su u okru`ewu Hrvatsko- Muslim forces. That means we are likewise under siege. Here is
Musimanskih snaga. Zna~i, mi smo tako|e u opsadi. the “city proper.” We have a divided city. And you will see why
Ovde je “city proper.” Imamo podeqeni grad. A vide}ete the Serbs are located around Sarajevo.
za{to su Srbi oko Sarajeva. Now, can we please take a look at the ethnic map of the city
Sad bih molio da pogledamo etni~ku mapu grada of Sarajevo? Can we get that up on screen? [EXHIBIT XXI]
Sarajeva. Mo`emo da vidimo to. This map was produced by the same institute that produced
Ovo je od istog onog instituta koji je pravio onu the map of Bosnia we saw earlier, but this is the city of Sarajevo
mapu cele Bosne, a ovo je grad Sarajevo koje vidite. To that you now see. Here are Sarajevo’s borders. The thin white
su granice grada Sarajeva. Bela linija suptilna, to je line is the “city proper.” The blue areas indicate the settlements
“city proper.” Plavom bojom su ozna~ena naseqa i atari and districts where Serbs form a significant majority, and the
gde su Srbi zna~ajna ve}ina, a ovi bledi u centru grada, pale blue areas in the city center where they form a relative ma-
gde su relativna ve}ina. jority.
Ovo je Sarajevo bilo celokupno Srpsko. To je bila This Sarajevo was entirely Serbian. It was the property of the
posedi imovina, vlastelinske porodice Pavlovi}. Kad Pavloviü family, who were landed gentry. When the Turks ar-
su Turci do{li, ta porodica je propala ali Srbi su rived, the family was ruined, but the Serbs continued living in
ostali da `ive oko Sarajeva i u Sarajevu. I dugo su and around Sarajevo. And for a long time they formed the major-
bili ve}insko stanovni{tvo u Sarajevo. ity population in Sarajevo.
Kada je izbio rat, onda su Srbi uspeli da za{tite When the war broke out, the Serbs managed to protect this
ovaj deo u centru grada. part of the city center.
Ako mo`emo sada da stavimo liniju fronta? May we now overlay the front lines? [EXHIBIT XXII]
Sada vidimo da su Srbi uspeli da za{tite i jedan Now we can see that the Serbs succeeded in protecting one
deo grada — to je poznata Grbavica, srpsko naseqe part of the city — the well-known Serbian settlement of Grbavi-
Grbavica na levoj obali Miqacke. Na desnoj obali ca on the left bank of the Miljacka River. On the right bank,
Miqacke, Pofali}i, srpsko naseqe, nisu uspeli da ga Pofaliüi, a Serbian settlement that they did not succeed in de-
za{tite, i ve} 15. maja nije bilo ni jedne ku}e ili fending, and by May 15 there was not a single household, not a
jednog `ivog stanovnika tamo. Preko 250 qudi je usred single resident left alive there. More than 250 people were killed
302 303

grada na domak vlasti g. Izetbegovi}a, pobijeno, a tu je in the middle of the city, well within the range of
bila i Mladi}eva ku}a. Na svu sre}u porodica je Mr. Izetbegoviü’s authorities, and Mladiü’s house was there, too.
pobegla, ali sve je to uni{teno. Luckily, his family had managed to escape but the entire area
Ekselencije, pogledajte da ovde — Srbi kontroli{u was destroyed.
samo svoje delove grada. Samo svoje delove. Kako “city Your Excellencies, take a look here — the Serbs are only
proper,” tako i okoline. I te srpske teritorije se controlling their own parts of the city. That’s all. In the “city
nalaze u okru`ewu muslimansko-hrvatske vojske. proper” as well as in the surrounding areas. And those Serbian
Preporu~ujem va{oj pa`wi dowi-levi ugao gde je territories found themselves surrounded by the Muslim-Croat
op{tina Haxi}i. Ako mo`ete kurserom da poka`ete. Army.
To je druga slika zna~i, da, op{tina Haxi}i, zna}i, I’d like to call your attention to the Hadžiüi municipality in
levi dowi ugao. Ovde Tu`ila{tvo ka`e Srbi su the lower left-hand corner. If you could point to it with the cur-
preuzeli kontrolu nad Haxi}ima gde su oni mawina. sor. This is another map of the village of Hadžiüi, the lower left-
Ta~no je da smo mi mawina. Ali sve ovo zeleno krajwe hand corner. Here, the Prosecution claims that the Serbs took
levo dole, to je op{tina Ha|i}i, tako|e, koju Srbi ne control of Hadžiüi where they were a minority. It was true that
kontroli{u. Srbi kontroli{u samo srpski deo Haxi}a. we were the minority. But this entire green area down on the ex-
I to se {irom BiH gde god Vam ka`u ili pi{u da su treme left, is the part of Hadžiüi county which the Serbs did not
Srbi preuzeli kontrolu nad op{tinom u kojoj su control. The Serbs controlled only the Serbian part of Hadžiüi.
mawina. To nije ta~no. Srbi kontroli{u samo srpski And likewise throughout B-H, wherever they claim or write that
deo te op{tine. the Serbs had taken control of a certain county in which they
Onda ovo gde pi{e “Hrasnica.” Hrasnica, broj 5. were a minority. It just isn’t true. The Serbs controlled only the
Hrasnica je polovina op{tine Ilixa. Srbi Serbian part of such county.
kontroli{u samo srpsku polovinu te op{tine Ilixa. Then here, where it says “Hrasnica.” Hrasnica, number 5.
Nikada nisu ni poku{ali da preuzmu kontrolu nad Hrasnica comprises half of the Ilidža municipality. The Serbs
Hrasnicom. Mislim da vidimo Hrasnica ispod broja 5 controlled only the Serbian half of the Ilidža municipality. They
na ovoj mapi. Ovde je, preko puta Hrasnice sa desne never attempted to take control of Hrasnica. I think we can see
strane, tu je Lukavica, Dobriwe, itd. Hrasnica below number 5 on this map. Here it is, opposite Hras-
Mi, takore}i, ne kontroli{emo nijedno nica on the right is Lukavica, Dobrinja, etc.
muslimansko naseqe, niti to poku{avamo. A We, so to speak, controlled not one Muslim settlement nor
Muslimani kontroli{u znatne srpske prostore na did we attempt to do so. Whereas the Muslims did control known
kojima niko `iv nije ostao. Ve} do polovine maja su Serbian areas where no one at all remained alive. By mid-May,
qudi morali da pobegnu. people had to flee those areas.
Mermerne istine u vezi sa Sarajevom su da Sarajevo The truth is carved in stone: Sarajevo was not a city besieged
nije bilo u srpskoj opsadi, nego da je bio podeqeni grad. by the Serbs; it was, instead, a divided city. This was the case in
304 305

Kako {ire podru~je grada, tako “city proper.” Evo, na the “city proper,” as well as in the surrounding areas. Here, on
ovom ekranom vidimo kako izgleda “city proper.” A this screen we can see what the “city proper” looks like. And we
vidimo linije fronta, koje se negde dr`e na sto-dve sto see the front lines where, in some places, only 100 to 200 meters
metara jedna od druge, a negde na petnaest metara. Negde separate the opposing sides, and in some places there was as lit-
u jednom stanom su Srbi, u drugom Muslimani. Preko tle as 15 meters separating them. In some places there were
zgrade ide linija fronta. Serbs in one apartment and Muslims in another, and the front
Ja bih se rado tamo ponovo pojavio da malo objasnim. line ran right through the building.
Ovo je moj grad. Ovde sam proveo pedeset godina I would like to approach the screen again so that I may ex-
`ivota. Ovo je Grbavica, ovo je reka Miqacka po plain this.
sredini. Srbi su za{titili Grbavicu, jer to [je] This is my city. I have spent fifty years of my life here. This
ve}insko stanovni{tvo ovde. Ovo su Vele{i}i, u is Grbavica, this is the Miljacka River cutting through the mid-
kojima ima vojnih objekata, vojnih ciqeva. A ovo su dle. The Serbs protected Grbavica because they were the majori-
Pofali}i, koje nismo — ty population there. This is Velešiüi where there are military
buildings, military targets. And this is Pofaliüi, where we haven’t
SUDIJA KVAN: Molim vas, iz po~etka sa upaqenim

JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, could you start again with your
KARAXI]: Dakle, vidimo sada liniju fronta. Linija
microphone on?
fronta prati — jedna drugu prati — mo`emo videti na
ovom {to je na ekranu. Ova debela crvena linija, to ona KARADŽIû: So, now we see the front lines. [EXHIBIT XXIII]
sadr`i i srpsku i muslimansku liniju fronta. Tu smo The front lines — one runs alongside the other — we can see this
jedni do drugih. I kada neko ka`e da je srpska granata on the screen. This thick red line is comprised of the Serbian and
— vide}ete od svedoka Tu`ila{tva — da oni mogu da Muslim front lines. There, we are right next to one another. And
ka`u samo iz kog pravca je do{la — granata. A ko }e da when somebody says it was a Serbian shell [that struck] — as you
ka`e? Sada }emo da vidimo koji su na ovom delu, will hear from Prosecution witnesses — all they can say is what
recimo, koji su legitimni ciqevi u ovom starom delu direction the shell came from. Now, who’s going to say? Now we
grada. Koji su legitimni ciqevi na koje je srpske are going to see what legitimate targets there were, for instance, in
strana imala pravo da odgovori? Va{oj pa`wi this old part of the city. What were the legitimate targets to which
preporu~ujem — ovo jo{ nije potpuna mapa — kad the Serbian side had the right to respond? I’d like to call your at-
proces bude, bi}e potpuna mapa — ali preporu~ujem tention to this area — this is still not a complete map — when the
Vam da vidite koliko su {kole i obdani{ta pretvareni trial starts, we will have a complete map — but I’d like to call
u vojne objekte. your attention to all the schools and nursery schools that were
Zna~i, to je obdani{te “P~elica”. Lokacija je transformed into military facilities.
Svetozara Markovi}a, to je komandno mesto 105-e
306 307

Brigade, bataqon vojne policije. U obdani{tu. To je taj This is the nursery school called Pþelica. [EXHIBIT XXIV] It
grad koji je opsa|eni, koji je nevin, i koji je is located in the Svetozar Markoviü area; it was the command post
bezpomo}an, u kome se nalazi uvek tri puta vi{e vojske for the 105th Brigade, a Military Police battalion. In a nursery
nego u srpskom sarajevskom Romanijskom korpusu. Uvek school, mind you. So this is the besieged city, innocent, helpless,
imaju tri puta brojniju vojsku. Evo komandno mesto 105- in which there were always three times as many soldiers as there
e Brdske brigade, osnovna {kola Razija Omanovi}. Ovo were in the Serbian Romanija Corps in Sarajevo. They always had
je staro jezgro grada, takozvana Ba{~ar{ija. Staro, iz three times as many soldiers as we had. Here is the command post
Turskog vremena, jezgro grada odakle se puca na nas. I of the 105th Mountain Brigade, the Razija Omanoviü Elementary
nanose nam se gubici. A vide}ete da imamo i School. This is in the very heart of the Old City, the so-called
minobaca~e na ovoj obali ovamo iznad pivare. Tu su Bašþaršija. It’s old, and it dates back to Turkish times, the very
negde minobaca~i, sa kojih se verovatno pucalo po heart of the old city from which they were firing at us. And we
Markalama, jer je to taj pravac iz koga dolaze granate were suffering losses. And you will see that there were some mor-
prema delu grada. tars on this bank here behind the brewery. The mortars were over
Imate u spisku, tu na Bistriku. Da, tu negde. here somewhere — probably the ones that fired on Markale be-
Eto, vatreni polo`aj, rejon Bistrik, ulica cause that was the direction from which the shells were coming
Bistrik, minobaca~i. Baterija minobaca~a. To je toward that part of the city.
padina koja gleda prema gradu i prema wihovim You have that in the list. It’s somewhere around there. Yes,
polo`ajima. Mi smo iza wih ovamo na jugu. A oni su — in the Bistrik area. [EXHIBIT XXV]
odatle se mo`e po celom gradu pucati kad god Vam There it is: firing positions, the Bistrik area, Bistrik Street,
padne na pamet. mortars. A battery of mortars. It’s a slope overlooking the town
Pogledajte jo{ u tom naju`em delu grada, koliko and their positions. We were behind them this way to the south.
ima legitimnih ciqeva. Ovo je deli}. Ovo je deset And they were in a position — from here you could fire on any
posto legitimnih ciqeva od onih koji }emo prikazati part of the city whenever you get the notion to do so.
tokom procesa, ali ovde su najupe~atqivija — upravo te Now take a look at this narrowest part of the city, and see
zloupotrebe, bolnica, {kola, obdani{ta, koja su how many legitimate targets there were. This is just a small part.
pretvorena u vojne objekte. Ovde imamo komandu 152-e This is only 10% of the legitimate targets which we are going to
Brdske brigade. To je {kola stranih jezika u ulice Vase present over the course of the trial, but these are the most strik-
Miskina — sada je to Ferhadija. To je ista ona ulica u ing examples — I’m talking about the misuse of hospitals,
kojoj je bila eksplozija u redu za hleb, 27-og maja 1992. schools, and nursery schools that were turned into military facili-
Evo komandno mesto vojne policije. Dakle, to je ties. Here we have the command post of the 152nd Mountain
Ba{~ar{ija. Dole, jo{ ni`e, jo{ je nizvodno dole. Brigade. It is a foreign language school on Vasa Miskin Street —
Levo. Jo{ prema Skenderije. Tu, preko puta Skenderije, now it has been renamed Ferhadija Street. That is the same street
tu negde. Dositejeva. Jo{ je levo, ja mislim. Malo where there was an explosion in a bread line on May 27, 1992.
308 309

uzvodnije od — evo komandno mesto 105-e. To je zgrada Here is the command post of the military police. So, this is
[ipada, civilni privredni objekat, ali on je Bašþaršija. Down, lower, further downstream. To the left. Move
pretvoren u vojni objekat. I ako bi sa krova, ravnog, toward Skenderija. There, opposite Skenderija. There some-
recimo te zgrade, ili bilo odakle, pucali po nama, pa where. Dositejeva Street. Further left, I think. Pan a little more
mi uzvratili vatru, oni bi to prikazali kao upstream — here we have the command post of the 105th. [EX-
neselektivo granatirawe grada od strane srpske vojske. HIBIT XXVI] It’s the Šipad Building, a civilian economic facility
Ovo je logisti~ka baza helikopterska Dositejeva, but it was turned into a military facility. And if, from a flat roof,
sada Branislava \ur|eva 2. To je Prvi korpus — for instance, from that building or any other building there, they
helikopterske eskadrile u centru Sarajeva. fired at us, and then if we returned fire, they would portray it as
Helikopterska eskadrila. Legitimni vojni ciq prvoga indiscriminate shelling of the city by the Serbian Army.
reda. Evo Marijin Dvora, koji je staro jezgro. Odmah do This is a helicopter logistics base on Dositejeva Street, now
Marijin Dvora je Holidej In, gde `ive strani called Branislava Ĉurÿeva Number 2. This is the First Corps’
novinari. I oko Holidej In-a je pozornica, helicopter fleet in the center of Sarajevo. A fleet of helicopters.
inscenacija i bombi i granata koje — evo kako je, This is a legitimate, first-rate military target. [EXHIBIT XXVII]
recimo, u senci Katoli~ke katedrale, pozadinsko Here we see Marijin Dvor,128 which is in the Old Town. Immedi-
komandno mesto 152-e Brdske brigade, u centru grada. ately next to Marijin Dvor is the Holiday Inn where foreign jour-
Uz crkvu. Evo, to je ulica koja izlazi na most Vrbawa nalists were staying. And around the Holiday Inn was the staging
— vatreni polo`aj, ugao ulice — minobaca~i. Vidite area for all these scripted bombs and shells which — this is how
gde su minobaca~i. U centru grada. things stood. For instance, here in the shadow of the Roman
Evo tako|e Pam 12,7 — to je oprema opasno oru`je Catholic Cathedral was a rear guard command post held by the
— mitraqesko gwezdo u centru grada. Evo snajperski 105th Mountain Brigade in the city center. Right next to the
polo`aj, ugao ulice Gunduli}a i Branimira ]osi}a. church. Here, this is the street that leads to the Vrbanja Bridge —
Sad }e te videti koliko {kola je zloupotrebqeno, i there’s a firing position on the street corner — mortars. You see
obdani{ta, fakultete. Tu je fakulteta odmah do where the mortars are. Right in the city center.
Vrbawe, gde ste bili malopre. Here we have, as well, a PAM 12.7mm129 — that’s a dan-
Evo muzej. Zgrada muzeja. Vatreni polo`aj. Zgrada gerous piece of equipment — a machine-gun nest in the center of
Zemaqskog Muzeja. Odatle se puca na nas. Ako na{i town. Here we have a sniper position at the corner of Gunduliüa
uzvrate, onda smo mi ga|ali Muzej, a nismo ga|ali wih. and Branimira ûosiüa Streets.
Evo, zgrada Skup{tine BiH. Pam 12,7. Odatle seju smrt Now you will see how many schools were misused, and kin-
po na{im redovima, a ako mi odgovimo, onda napadamo dergartens as well as colleges. Here is the college right by
neselektivno. Vrbanja Street, which you saw a moment ago.
Dajte Vele{i}e, gore gde pi{e “@elezni~ka Here is the Museum. The Museum building. A firing posi-
stanica Sarajevo.” tion. The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina Build-
310 311

Ovde, ima jedan snimak gde General Mladi} ka`e: ing. They were firing at us from there. If we returned fire, then
“Okreni po Vele{i}ima, tamo nema Srba.” Ali ovaj koji we would stand accused of firing on the Museum, but not at
puca zna po ~emu Vele{i}ima da udari. Da udari po them. Here we have the National Assembly of Bosnia and Her-
legitimnom ciqu. Ne mora Mladi} wemu da ka`e, “Udari zegovina Building, a PAM 12.7mm. From there, they were sow-
po legitimnom ciqu u Vele{i}ima.” Po{to se zna da ing death among our ranks, and if we returned fire, then we stood
postoje legitimni ciqevi u Vele{i}ima. Evo ga, accused of firing indiscriminately.
Vele{i}i, vatreni polo`aj, 101-a Centrotrans — Bu}a Let’s have Velešiüi, up there where it says “Sarejevo Train
potok. Ali ima u Vele{i}ima onaj servis gde servisiraju Station.” [EXHIBIT XXVIII]
borna kola i zgrada Saobra}ajnog Instituta, tako|e, There is the video footage here where Mladiü says: “Target
vatreni polo`aj, odnosno legitimni ciq. Velešiüi. There aren’t any Serbs there.” But this man who is fir-
Kod `elezni~ke stanice, tu je — evo ga! To je u ing knows what targets to strike in Velešiüi. To strike legitimate
Vele{i}ima, istureno komandno mesto u autoservisu. I targets. Mladiü doesn’t have to say, “Strike legitimate targets in
kada Mladi} ka`e, “Udari po Vele{i}ima,” ne ka`e Velešiüi.” Because it’s obvious there are legitimate targets in
“udari po civilnim objektima.” Nego, kad on ka`e, Velešiüi. Here it is: Velešiüi, a firing position, the 101st Centro-
“Udari po Vele{i}ima,” misli na legitimni ciq trans — Buüa Potok. And in Velešiüi there is a maintenance and
Vele{i}a. Al’ Tu`ila{tvo smatra da mi koji repair shop for armored vehicles, and the Transport Institute
podrazumevamo i znamo o ~emu se radi, treba punom Building, a firing position, namely, a legitimate target.
re~enicom da ka`emo, “Udari po Vele{i}ima u By the train station — there it is! This is in Velešiüi, a for-
servisu, po komandnom mestu.” To se tako ne radi. ward command post in an auto repair shop. And when Mladiü
Ko{evska bolnica. Evo bolnica Ko{evo. says, “Fire on Velešiüi,” he is not saying: “Fire on civilian facili-
Tu`ila{tvo }e potvrditi da su bu{ili oni svojim ties.” Instead, when he says: “Fire on Velešiüi,” he is thinking of
oru`jima i onda pokazivali novinarima. A evo i legitimate targets. But the OTP thinks that we who understood
legitimnog ciqa u bolnici Ko{evo. U dvori{tu [the situation] and knew what it was about had to use a complete
bolnice Ko{evo 105-e Brigade. sentence, such as: “Fire on the auto repair shop in Velešiüi, at the
To je fakultet za Fizi~ku kulturu. Zna~i {kolska command post.” That’s not the way it’s done.
ustanova, visoka-{kolska ustanova zloupotrebqena. The Koševo Hospital. [EXHIBIT XXIX] Here’s Koševo Hos-
Evo drugi fakultet gra|evinski. Ja mislim — jeste, to pital. The OTP will confirm that they [the Muslims] riddled the
je Gra|evinski fakultet: 105-a Brigada. building with [gunfire from] their own weapons and then showed
Zgrada osnovne {kole Vuk Karaxi}. Verujem da se it off to journalists. And this is a legitimate target in the Koševo
vi{e ne zove tako. To je moj predak. Iz mog sela ro|en u Hospital. The 105th Brigade was using the Koševo Hospital
Srbiji, koji je reformisao srpsku kulturu i srpsko courtyard.
pismo. This is the College of Physical Education. It is an education-
al institution; an institution of higher learning that was also mis-
312 313

Sada bi hteo da Vam nabrojim dosta taksativno u used. And here’s another college building. I think — yes, it’s the
vezi sa Sarajevom. [ta se mo`e re}i u vezi sa Civil Engineering Building; the 105th Brigade [took up position
Sarajevom. Dakle, Sarajevo je u celini izgra|eno na there].
srpskoj zemqi. Dugo je bio ve}inski srpski grad. Sva The Vuk Karadžiü Elementary School. I don’t believe it’s
naseqa oko Sarajeva i neka u Sarejevu su oduvek called that any longer. Karadžiü was an ancestor of mine. He was
ve}inski srpska. Neki kvartovi u u`em jezgru grada su born in my village in Serbia, and he reformed Serbian culture as
do rata bili ve}inski. A do Drugog svetskog rata, celo well as the Serbian alphabet.
Sarajevo je bilo — naro~ito neki kvartovi bili Now, I would like to enumerate a few things with respect to
maltene sto posto srpski. Sarajevo. What can be said about Sarajevo? Sarajevo was com-
Pre izbijawa ovoga rata (u okviru konvencije o pletely built on Serbian-owned land. For a long time, it was a
BiH, grad Sarajevo i wegove op{tine), srpska strana city with a majority Serbian population. All of the settlements
nije predlagala podelu grada nego transformaciju around Sarajevo and some neighborhoods in Sarajevo have al-
grada po tipu Brisela. I mi smo govorili za BiH ways had a Serbian majority. Some neighborhoods in the city
[vajcarizacija. Zna~i, kantonizacija po [vajcarskom center had Serbian majorities until the star of the war. And up
tipu. Za Sarajevo, ne podela, nego transformacija po to Second World War — all of Sarajevo was — some neighbor-
tipu Brisela. U Briselu, kao {to verovatno znate boqe hoods were almost one hundred per cent Serbian.
od mene, ima sedamnaest op{tina, ni jedna nije Before the outbreak of this war (within the framework of the
me{ovita. Ili je flamanska ili je valonska. Tako se Conference on B-H, the city of Sarajevo and its boroughs), the
izbegavaju sukobi, osim kad su u pitawu balkanski Serbian side did not propose a division but instead a transfor-
narodi od kojih se tra`i da se meltuju u nekom “melting mation of the city according to the Brussels model. We were in
potu” i da `ive uz nepotrebne anksiosnosti i napetosti favor of reorganizing B-H along the lines of the Swiss model. This
i sukobe. Zna~i, Sarajevo je trebalo da se meant cantonization in accordance to the “Swiss” model. For Sa-
transformi{e da svaka zajednica ima svoju op{tinu i rajevo, not division but transformation according to the Brussels
da se ukloni jedan od razloga za napetosti. To iskqu~uje model. Brussels, as you probably know better than I do, has seven-
bilo kakvu nameru terorisawa grada. teen boroughs and not one of them is integrated. A borough is ei-
Ekselencije, na ovoj mapi na kojoj ste videli, vojska ther Flemish or Walloon. That is how conflicts are avoided, except
nije profesionalna. To su qudi koji `ive na 50 metara when Balkan peoples are in question, who are being asked to
od linije. Oni nemaju kud da pobegnu. Oni moraju da se “melt’ into a “melting pot” where they live alongside needless
bore na 50 metara od svoje ku}e. Idu ku}i da spavaju. Ne anxiety and tensions and conflicts. This meant Sarajevo had to be
`ive u kasarni. Nisu to drilovani vojnici. To je transformed so that each community had its own borough in order
narodna vojska. Nikada nisu znali da }e da se ratuje u to eliminate one reason for tensions. This dismisses any possible
Sarajevu — da se bori u Sarajevu. Da je rat izbegnut, intent of terrorizing the city.
314 315

Sarajevo bi bilo transformisano u vi{e op{tina i Excellencies, the army that you have just seen on this map
svaka op{tina bi vodila svoje poslove. was not a professional one. They were people who were living
Ho}u Vam da ka`em da je u Sarajevo posebno, mada u fifty meters from the front line. They had nowhere to flee. They
~itavoj Bosni, izvr{eno takozvano “|erimanderisawe.” had to fight fifty meters from their own homes. They had to sleep
\eri Mander je bio majstor manipulacije izborne. in their own homes. They weren’t living in barracks. They were
Tako je umeo da napravi izborne jedinice da slabija not trained soldiers. This was a people’s army. They never had
partija pobedi na izborima. Me|utim, i za vreme any idea that a war was going to break out in Sarajevo — that they
komunista, u Bosni je bio veoma prisutan taj fenomen would have to fight for Sarajevo. Had war been avoided, Sarajevo
|erimaderisawa tako da je, recimo, Hrasnica pripojena would have been transformed into [several] boroughs, and each
Ilixi da Srbi ne bi imali svoju op{tinu. Rajlovac, iz borough would have had control of its own affairs.
koga je g. Kraji{nik (bio je nekad op{tina, pa smo ga u I want to tell you that gerrymandering, so to speak, was car-
ovom ratu ponovo proglasili op{tinom), ali nekada je ried out throughout the entire territory of B-H, especially in Sa-
bila op{tina i razvijao se. Pripojen je Novom Gradu rajevo. Gerry Mander130 [sic] was a master of electoral manipula-
gde su Srbi postali mawina, i razvoj Rajlovca je stao. tion. In this fashion, he was able to create electoral units that en-
[irom Bosne }emo Vam tokom procesa prikazati abled weaker parties to win elections. During the Communist
kako je |erimanderizam opusto{io srpske krajeve, jer je era, however, the phenomenon of gerrymandering was very
stao razvoj, jer su pripojeni u nekim drugim sredinama. much alive and well in B-H, so that, for example, Hrasnica was
Zna~i, Sarajevo je bilo predvi|eno da se reorganizuje attached to Ilidža so that the Serbs would not have their own
adminastrativno. Ho}u da Vam ka`em da je, ina~e, borough. Rajlovac, from which Mr. Krajišnik hails, used to be a
potrebno bilo praviti mawe op{tine. To su ogromne borough (and over the course of this war we once again pro-
op{tine u kojima niko ni{ta ne mo`e da zavr{i bez claimed it one), but it once was a borough and it was developing.
mita i korupcije — i tako da je to bio razlog i It was attached to Novi Grad where Serbs had become a minori-
ekonomski. I da nije bilo rata i da nije bilo krize, ty, and the development of Rajlovac halted.
trebalo je to uraditi. Over the course of this trial, we are going to demonstrate
Srbi su na teritoriji grada Sarajeva, koju ~ini how gerrymandering, applied throughout Bosnia, devastated
deset predratnih op{tina, kontrolisali samo srpske Serbian areas, because their development was halted by attach-
op{tine, i u tim op{tinama samo srpska naseqa, a u ing them to some other milieu. This means that Sarajevo’s ad-
muslimanskim ve}inskim op{tinama, samo srpska ministrative reorganization had been anticipated. I want to ex-
naseqa. plain that, in any case, it was necessary to create smaller bor-
Evo, levo ako mo`emo da vratimo — ovaj sa front oughs. These were enormous boroughs in which no one could do
linijom. Sasvim krajwe levo. Ovo je op{tina Pale. A anything without resorting to bribery and corruption — so this
ovaj }o{ak ovamo to je Renovica i muslimanska also became an economic reason [for their continued existence].
316 317

op{tina Pale, koju mi nismo nikad ni poku{ali da This [administrative reorganization] had to be carried out even if
uzmemo i da stavimo pod svojom kontrolu. Krajwe desno. there had been no war and no crisis.
Deo grada koji je kontrolisala vojska i policija The Serbs controlled only Serbian boroughs on the territory
Stranke demokratske akcije bio je zaposednut Prvim of Sarajevo, which was composed of ten boroughs before the
korpusom Armije BiH, kasnije 12-om Divizijom. Oni su war, and in those boroughs they controlled only Serbian settle-
imali od 35 do 80 hiqada vojnika. Oni su imali ments, and they controlled only Serbian settlements in Muslim
legitimne ciqeve: Obdani{te «emerlija, to je ona majority boroughs.
P~elica, Kapruzova, osnovna {kola Razija Omanovi}, If we can return to that map with the front line on the ex-
Beta Isakovi}, Pirina kafana, Pastrma, Ferhadija, to treme left. [EXHIBIT XXIX] This is the borough of Pale. And this
je Vaso Miskina [kola stranih jezika, vojna policija u corner is Renovica and the Muslim borough of Pale, which we
Ulici Mar{ala Tita, [ipad, isto tako civilna zgrada. never tried to take and place under our control. To the extreme
Stanovi, Karingtonka (poznata elitna stambena zgrada) right.
je bila legitimni ciq, puna je bile vojske, minobaca~a, i The part of the city controlled by the SDA’s Army and po-
drugih razornih borbenih sredstava. Na Vrbawa mostu lice force was occupied by the 1st Corps of the Army of B-H,
bio Pam, bili su minobaca~i, itd. Zna~i, to }emo kada and later by the 12th Division. They had between 35,000 and
bude proces, da precizno utvrdimo i da precizno 80,000 troops. They were sitting on legitimate targets: the
prika`emo apsolutnu istinu gde su se sve nalazili ýeremlija Nursery School, i.e., the aforementioned Pþelica;
ciqevi. Kapruzova; the Beta Isakoviü and Razija Omanoviü Elementary
Ekselencije, UN }e Vam re}i da nikada Srbi u Schools; Pira’s Café; Pastrma; Ferhadija, i.e., Vasa Miskin
Sarajevu nisu zapo~iwali borbe. I stalno smo im School of Foreign Languages; the Military Police [Headquar-
govorili: “Sa~ekajmo politi~ko re{ewe. Na{ je ciq je ters] on Maršal Tito Street; Šipad, as well as civilian buildings.
samo da sa~uvamo stanovni{tvo.” Apartments in the Carrington Building (a well-known, exclusive
Sami Muslimani se hvale — ova unutra{wa linija, apartment building) were a legitimate target because they were
na unutra{wem prstenu prema “city proper” je bila na was full of troops, mortars, and other destructive combat wea-
po~etku rata duga 42 kilometra. Do kraja rata, oni su se ponry. There was a PAM on Vrbanja Most; there were mortars,
hvalili da su to pove}ali na 64 kilometra. E, pa ako etc. During the upcoming trial, we are going to show you in de-
uzmete u obzir da su to gradske borbe, uli~ne borbe, 22 tail and establish the absolute truth about where all these targets
kilometra napredovati u uli~nim borbama, to jasno were located.
govori ko je u gradu Sarajevu napadao, a ko se u gradu Excellencies, the United Nations will tell you that the Serbs
Sarajevu branio. never started battles in Sarajevo. And we kept saying: “Let’s
Kao i u celoj Bosni, ni u Sarajevu Srbi nisu wait for a political solution. Our sole purpose is to protect the
nastojali da zauzmu vi{e, jer su i onako bili spremni population.”
za radi mira [da] vrate zna~ajne teritorije. Za{to
318 319

bismo u gradu mi u op{te bilo {ta ~inili {to je The Muslims themselves boasted that this internal [front]
suprotno na{im interesima? A na{ interes je bio da line ringing the city proper was 42 kilometers long at the begin-
do`ivimo politi~ko re{ewe i po tri potpisa za kojoj ning of war. By the end of war, they boasted of having length-
smo znali da bez wih nema politi~kog re{ewa. Nije ened it to 64 kilometers. Now, if you take into consideration that
bilo namerno granatirawe — nikad! Nikad! Sva this involved urban warfare, street fighting, and to advance 22
masivna stradawa — mi }emo to ovde dokazati — su kilometers in street-by-street fighting gives a clear indication of
rezultat “lukave strategije,” kako je Sefer Halilovi} who was launching the attacks and who was on the defensive in
Izetbegovi}evu politiku naziva, odnosno, rezultat Sarajevo.
ratnih lukavstava sa ciqem dovo|ewa strane In Sarajevo, just as throughout all of Bosnia, the Serbs never
intervencije. A se}ate se kako je sudija 1983 rekao: strove to capture more territories because they were prepared to re-
“Ovo {to ho}e Mladi Muslimani, to se mo`e posti}i turn significant amounts of territory for the sake of peace. Why
samo terorom, ili stranom intervencijom.” would we have done anything at all in Sarajevo that was contrary to
Izetbegovi}eva SDA, to nije postigla terorom, pa je our interests? And our interest was to live to see a political resolu-
htela da zadr`i teror, a da dobije stranu intervenciju. tion with three signatures, without which we knew there would be
I svi }e Vam strani posmatra~i i posrednici kazati da no political solution. There was never any deliberate shelling —
sve {to se de{avalo u BiH sa muslimanske strane bilo never! Never! All the mass killings — and we’re going to prove it
je sra~unato na uvla~ewe NATO-a i zapadnih zemaqa u here — were the result of “wartime cunning,” as Sefer Haliloviü
rat u wihovu korist. called Izetbegoviü’s policy, namely, wartime deceptions whose goal
Ja sam uveren da se bez obzira na reformisawe i na was to bring about foreign intervention. And you remember what
inovacije u me|unarodnoj sudskoj praksi, princip in the judge said in 1983: “What the Young Muslims want can only be
dubio pro reo i daqe po{tuje. A dovoqno nam je da znamo achieved by means of terror or foreign intervention.” Izetbegoviü’s
i da mo`emo da doka`emo da su ~inili neka SDA failed to achieve this through a reign of terror, so it tried to
granatirawa svoga naroda i neka ubistva snajperima sustain the reign of terror in order to win foreign intervention. And
svoga naroda, pa zahtevamo Tu`ila{tva da nam doka`e all the foreign observers and mediators will tell you that everything
da su neko od tih Srba uradili, a ne mi da dokazujemo da that happened in B-H on the Muslim side was calculated to draw
su to Muslimani radili. Onog trena kad postoje takvi NATO and Western countries into the war for their benefit.
dokazi da su oni to radili ili da su i oni to radili, I am convinced, despite all the reforms and innovations in in-
onda moramo identifikovati koje oni nisu uradili, i ternational jurisprudence, that the principle in dubio pro reo131 is
dokazati da jesu Srbi. still valid. It is sufficient for us to know we can prove that the
Na{i odgovori, “retaliation,” odmazde, ja sam u jednom Muslims shelled their own people and that they had snipers kill, in
pismu — vidim da se to navodi i Generalu some cases, their own people, so we demand that the OTP prove
Milovanovi}u — rekao, “Saop{tavaju mi strani that some Serbs committed these crimes, while we are not going to
posmatra~i, koji nam ne zameraju {to vr{imo odmazdu prove that Muslims were the perpetrators. The moment such evi-
320 321

al’ nam zameraju na broju granata od kojima dence appears that they [the Muslims] did this or that, then we
odgovaramo.” I ja sam mislio da je to zbog toga {to wih must identify which killings were not committed by them and
ima tri puta vi{e vojske, a na{i imaju ne{to boqu prove that those killings were committed by Serbs.
tehniku. Ja to nisam proveravao i pisao sam Generalu I wrote in one letter that our replies, “retaliation,” reprisal —
Milovanovi}u kao da je to ta~no. I naoru`io sam na{u I think General [Manojlo] Milovanoviü132 also quoted it — I said
stranu za{to se to radi. Me|utim, pokazalo se da ba{ that: “I have been advised by foreign observers that they are not
ni to nije ta~no, ili nije toliko ta~no, ali je ~iwenica faulting us for retaliating; they are, instead, objecting to the
da je mogao neko koji ima malo vojnika, upla{en [sheer] number of mortar shells with which we are replying.”
velikom navalom, da vrati ne{to vi{e granata. And I thought it was because they had three times as many
I vide}ete u sednici Presedni{tva (negde oko 10. troops, but our troops had somewhat better weaponry. I did not
jula) kada mi ka`emo: “Mora se smawiti granatirawe, verify it but I wrote to Gen. Milovanoviü as if it were true. And I
ali za to treba dovesti brigadu iz Krajine.” Jer mora se armed our side because that was going on. However, it turned
strate{ka ravnote`a o~uvati, ina~e }e ovaj narod biti out that it was not even true, or was not so exact, but the fact re-
uni{ten, poklan. Zna~i na Predsedni{tvu se — taj mains that it is possible for someone who has fewer soldiers,
zapisnik, koji god postoji — ka`e: “U redu smawite frightened by an onslaught, to reply with a larger number of
granatirawe, ali dovedite jednu brigadu iz Krajina, i shells.
ovaj narod ovde ne mo`e da se odbrani.” I to nije rat And you will see a session of the Presidency (around July 10)
vojski; to je rat naroda, i tamo gde do|e vojska SDA, ni during which we said: “We must reduce the shelling, but in order
ma~ke `ive nisu ostale. to do that we have to bring in a brigade from Krajina.” We had to
Sve je spr`eno. A rat je u Sarajevo trajao negde maintain a strategic balance, otherwise the people would have
1.200 i ne{to dana, Biblijska je brojka je 1.260 iz been annihilated, slaughtered. That was in the Presidency — it’s in
Apokalipse. the minutes — whichever ones exist — it states: “The next order
Ekselencije, grad nikada nije bio blokiran za ono of business is the reduction of the shelling, but you have to bring
{to nije bilo vojna, a ni za vojnu nije bilo blokirano. in a brigade from Krajina, and these people here cannot defend
Vide}ete ovde u slu~aju Hrvata iz Bosne, kako oni themselves.” This was not a war between armies; this was the war
potvr|uju da su jedinice mogle ulaziti, izlaziti u between peoples, and wherever the SDA Army arrived, not even a
Sarajevo kad su htele. A vide}ete iz naredbi stray cat survived.
muslimanske vojske, gde ka`u da sa Igmana vratiti Everything was burned to the ground. The war in Sarajevo
jednu brigadu u grad, i tako daqe. lasted for about 1,200 and some days; the Biblical number is
[to se ti~e transporta, saobra}aja, prvo na po~etku 1,260 for Armageddon.
rata sam ja predlo`io da Sarajevo bude otvoreni grad, i Excellencies, the city was never under blockade when it con-
da se stavi pod Ujediwene Nacije. Izetbegovi} to nije cerned non-military matters, nor was it under blockade for mili-
prihvatio. Wemu Sarajevo bilo potrebno radi tary matters. You will see here, in the case of the Croats from
322 323

ucewivawe me|unarodne zajednice, emocionalno Bosnia, who will confirm that these units were able to enter and
ucewivawe, izazivawe emocija, i zahteva za leave Sarajevo as they pleased. And you will see orders from the
intervencijom. Rekli smo civilni saobra}aj i Muslim Army, because they ordered a certain brigade to return
komercialni saobra}aj nema restrikcija. Restrikcije from Igman to the city, etc.
se odnose samo na vojne robe, vojne transporte. As far as transportation and traffic are concerned, it was I
Sarajevski kriminalci nikad nisu dopustili who first proposed at the beginning of war that Sarajevo be an
komercijalni saobra}aj, radi toga {to bi cene pale na open city and that it be placed under UN control. Izetbegoviü did
crnoj berzi, a tamo oni su od toga `iveli, i od toga su not accept that. He needed Sarajevo in order to blackmail the
zaradili veliki novac. International Community with emotional provocations and de-
Ekselencije, pogledajte. Ovaj “city proper” koji je pod mands for intervention. We said that there were no traffic re-
kontrolom Armije SDA, nije dobio ni jednu kap vode, strictions for civilian and commercial traffic. The restrictions
ni jedan kubik gasa, ni jedan kilovat struje, a da to nije pertained only to military materiel, military transport. Sarajevan
pre{lo preko srpske teritorije. Uvek, i sve {to su criminals never allowed commercial traffic because then prices
dobili, dobili su preko srpske teritorije, i nikada to on the black market would have fallen, but they lived off those
namerno nismo uskratili. Kako je to terorisawe grada proceeds over there, and they made a lot of money doing that.
kada smo mi imali malo vode, mi smo je delili s wima? Excellencies, please take a look. The “city proper,” which
Sva okolna izvori{ta su na srpskoj zemqi, i mi smo tu was under control of the SDA Army, did not receive a single drop
vodu delili s wima, kad smo i mi imali mawe. of water, a single cubic meter of gas, a single kilowatt of electrici-
Ima jedno pismo koja je ovde tako|e uvr{teno. Ja ty unless it had crossed Serbian territory first. Everything they re-
pi{em na{im generalima; oni se qute {to mi pu{tamo ceived always came across Serbian territories, and we never inten-
humanitarnu pomo} koja se daje samo Muslimanima. A tionally deprived them of it. We had little water, yet we shared it
nikad Srbima. Kasnije smo dobili jednu ~etvrtinu ili with them. How is this terrorizing a city? All the surrounding
tre}inu. Gde ovaj optu`eni ka`e: “Civili nisu na{i sources of water are in the Serbian territory, and we shared these
ratni protivnici. Nisu neprijateqi. Ne}emo ratovati water resources with them, even though we had less.
hranom, vodom, i drugim stvarima.” There is a letter which is included here. I’m writing to our
Ekselencije, ovde kod Hrasnice, izme|u Hrasnice i generals. They were angry about the fact that we were allowing
gde je ovaj prolaz uski na liniji fronta, je aerodrom humanitarian aid to pass through that had been earmarked solely
koji smo mi predali Ujediwenim Nacijama u julu 1992-e. for Muslims. But never for Serbs. Later on, we received one-
Na taj aerodrom je sletelo preko deset hiqada third or one-fourth [of what the Muslims were receiving]. Where
humanitarnih letova. Ni jedan incident sa srpske the Accused says: “Civilians were not our opponents in this war.
strane nije bilo. Ponekad su oni pucali po avionima da They are not our enemies. We are not going to wage war by us-
bi nas optu`ili. ing food, water, and other things [as weapons].”
324 325

Deset hiqada letova humanitarnih. Zar je to Excellencies, here in Hrasnica, between Hrasnica and this
terorisawe grada? To je srpska strana obezbedila. Mi narrow passage on the front line, is the airport that we handed
smo dr`ali aerodrome. I prepustili smo ga over to the United Nations in July 1992. Over 10,000 humanitar-
Ujediwenim Nacijama. U{li su hiqade kamiona, ian flights landed at this airport. There was not a single incident
hiqade konvoja humanitarne pomo}i je u{lo u Sarajevo from the Serbian side. They [the Muslims] occasionally shot at
preko srpske teritorije. I dokumentacija Generala the planes in order to blame us.
Valgrena, g. Aka{ija i drugih, pokaza}e Vam da je Ten thousand humanitarian flights. Is that terrorizing a city?
incident sa konvojima bio iskqu~ivo ako konvoj The Serbian side secured [deliveries of humanitarian aid]. We
napravi neku neregularnost. I to u mom pismu Valgrenu held the airport. And we handed it over to the United Nations.
obja{wavam, a to potvr|uju i predstavnici Ujediwenih Thousands of trucks, thousands of convoys of humanitarian aid
Nacijama. Ka`e Srbi ne prave problem sa konvojima, entered Sarajevo through Serbian territory. And the documenta-
ali ako se pojavi kamion vi{ka i ako ima neka roba tion of General Wahlgren,133 Mr. Akashi134 and others will show
koja nije prijavqena u deklaraciji, onda prave problem. you that incidents with convoys were due solely to irregularities
Pa tu se radi o jednostavnoj vojni~koj pameti. On caused by the convoys themselves. And I explained that in my
ima na spisku {ta je odobreno, ako to odudara od tog letter to Wahlgren, and even representatives of the UN confirm
spiska, on ka`e ne mo`e. Drugi na~in da se napravi it. They said Serbs were not causing any problems with convoys,
incident sa humanitarnim konvojem za CNN i za druge but if there were an extra truck or goods that had not been de-
— uvek je tu i neka ekipa. Konvoj se pojavi na prelazu clared in the manifest, then this posed a problem.
koji nije obave{ten o tome. I taj vojnik nema ta Straightforward military thinking is involved here. The sol-
ovla{}ewa da bude kreativan i fleksibilan. Na jednom dier has an authorized list, and if the shipment is different from
mostu je prijavqen konvoj, a on se pojavi na drugom the list, he says that it can’t go through. Another way is to create
mostu. Ta posada ne zna ni{ta o tome. an incident with a humanitarian convoy for CNN and others —
Eto, ovo je grad Sarajevo. To je na{ grad. Dvesta there were always some news crew involved. A convoy shows
hiqada Srba — 157,000 deklarisani, i skoro 30,000 up unannounced at a crossing. And the soldier is not authorized
Jugoslovena, od ~ega skoro svi su bili Srbi. To je to be creative and flexible. A convoy would be scheduled to
Srpski grad, tako|e. Ja sam `iveo u tom gradu po svojoj cross at one bridge, but then it would show up at another. The
slobodnoj voqi. Ja sam voleo taj grad, i volim ga i sada, soldiers on duty didn’t know a thing about it.
i ne}emo nikad od wega odustati. Imamo deo grada tu. This is the city of Sarajevo. This is our town. Two hundred
Da je bilo prihva}eno na{ predlog da se proglasi thousand Serbs — 157,000 have declared themselves to be
otvorenim gradom, nikakvog stradawa ne bi bilo; da je Serbs, and almost 30,000 have declared themselves as Yugo-
bilo prihva}eno da se transformi{e u op{tine srpske slavs, of which almost all were Serbs. It is, likewise, a Serbian
i muslimanske i hrvatske — gde je braon boja — to je city. I lived in that city of my own free will. I loved that city, and
bila hrvatska op{tina, Stup i Doglodi do Ilixe. Bio I love it to this very day, and we’re never going to give up on it.
326 327

bi mir i prosperitet. Ali politika koja ho}e sto posto We have our own part of town. [EXHIBIT XXI] Had our proposal
Bosne, sto posto vlasti u sto posto Bosne, protiv been accepted to declare Sarajevo an open city, there never
Hri{}anske ve}ine, je dovela do ovoga do ~ega je would have been any casualties; had it been accepted to trans-
dovela, a Tu`ila{tvo smatra da nismo imali nikakva form the city into Serbian and Muslim and Croat boroughs —
prava da sebe za{titimo. the brown areas here — that was a Croatian borough — Stup and
I ja bi Va{oj pa`wi preporu~io — ja }u pro~itati Dogloda to Ilidža — there would have been peace and prosperi-
jedan izve{taj iz kwige Generala Rouza. Ka`e: ty. However, a policy that wants 100% of Bosnia, 100% of gov-
erning authority in 100% of Bosnia against the Christian majori-
Mnogo su ozbiqniji bili izve{taji
ty, led to what it has led to, but the Prosecution believes that we
Francuza, da su muslimanske trupe u
did not have any right whatsoever to protect ourselves.
gradu otvarale vatru na sopstvene
I would now like to call your attention to — I’m going to
gra|ane. Ovo je bilo pre pravilo nego
read an excerpt from General Rose’s book. He says:
The French reports were much more serious, al-
Bosanskom brigadiru Hajrulahovi}u,
leging that Muslim troops were opening fire on
zvanom Talijan, i Generalu Jovanu
their own citizens. This was the rule rather than
Divjaku, rekao sam da je prvo ispitivawe
the exception.135
karaktera bombe koja je eksplodirala na
Markalama, pokazalo da je ona ispaqena We were met by Deputy Commander, Gen.
sa bosanske strane. U sobi je zavladao Divjak…. Brig. Hajrulahoviü … [who] was known
muk, a Hajrulahovi} me gleda in Sarajevo as the “Italian” … I told [them] that
neprijateqski. Dodao sam da ugao putawe the first UN examination of the bomb crater in the
mine o~igledno dokazuje da je ona Markale market place indicated that the bomb had
ispaqena sa veoma male daqine ili da je been fired from the Bosnian side of the battle lines.
~ak podmetnuta na licu mesta i The room went deadly silent and Hajrulahoviü
aktivirana. Zatim sam ga pitao zbog ~ega looked anxious. He coldly asked me to explain. I
su sklonili neke delove rasprsnute told him that the angle of the trajectory of the mor-
mine... tar bomb suggested that it had been fired at ex-
tremely short range from their side of the lines or
SUDIA KVAN: Gospodine Karaxi}u, pɨɲɬɨ ɩɪɟɜɨɞɢɨɰɢ
perhaps detonated in situ.
ɧɟɦɚʁɭ ɬɚʁ ɦɚɬɟɪɢʁɚɥ ɦɨɥɢɨ ɛɢɯ ɜɚɫ ɞɚ ɝɨɜɨɪɢɬɟ ɫɩɨɪɢʁɟ.
JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadžiü, since the interpreters do not have
KARAXI]: ɂɡɜɢɧʁɚɜɚɦ ɫɟ.
this material, I would ask you to slow down.
Zatim sam ga pitao zbog ~ega su sklonili
KARADZIû: Please excuse me.
neke delove rasprsnute mine pre nego
328 329

{to su snage Ujedinenih Nacija stigle na

It was difficult, I said, to be precise when only one
mesto doga|aja.
bomb had been fired and also because the Bosnian
Vide}ete, Ekselencije, da ovo Tu`ila{tvo, kao svoje Army had removed some of the important forensic
svedoke i ekspertne svedoke, a svoje svedoke iz evidence before the UN arrived.136
Ujedinenih Nacija, ovde ne poziva one koji su prvi
You will see, Excellencies, that this OTP is not subpoenaing
stigli na mesto. I nemamo wihove nalaze. Ovde nam
those who were the first to arrive on the scene as their witnesses;
poziva ~oveka koji je do{ao u jednom slu~aju 40 minuta
instead, it is expert witnesses, witnesses from the UN. And we
nakon incidenta u avgustu 1995., i sedam dana nakon
don’t have their findings. The OTP is subpoenaing a man to testify
incidenta 1994-te. I kada pitamo te qude: “Koje je
who arrived 40 minutes after the incident that took place in Au-
najboqe vreme za istragu incidenta?” Oni ka`u:
gust 1995, and seven days after the 1994 incident. When we asked
“Slede}e minute nakon incidenta.” Zna~i, ko prvi do|e
these people “What is the best time for investigating such an inci-
na mesto incidenta ima najve}u {ansu da dadne akuratan
dent?” they replied: “The first minutes right after the incident oc-
curs.” This means whoever first arrives on the scene where the
A Tu`ila{tvo negde je sklonilo ili zanemarilo
incident took place has the best chance of providing accurate find-
prve koji su do{li na mesto icidenta, jer im se,
o~igledno, wihovi nalazi ne dopadaju.
But the OTP has removed or ignored those who were the
Lord Dejvid Oven u svojoj kwizi Ȼɚɥɤɚɧɫɤɚ ɨɞɢɫɟʁɚ,
first to arrive on the scene after the incident occurred because
navodi — da je citiram:
their findings obviously did not appeal to it.
Bosanska vlada spre~avala odlazak svoga Lord David Owen says in his book The Balkan Odyssey, and
naroda unutra{wim blokadama i I quote:
birokratskim za~koqicama. U radio
… the Bosnian government army, with internal
emisijama, vojska je — a ne vlada —
blockades and red tape bureaucracy which kept
govorila da je zabrawen odlazak telesno
their own people from leaving. In a radio
sposobnim mu{karcima od 18 do 65 godina
broadcast the army — not the government —
i `enama od 18 do 60 godina. Jesu
said that able bodied men aged 18–65 years and
neophodni u odbrani grada. Ali wihov
women aged 18–60 years were forbidden to
glavni razlog je bio druga~iji. Srpska
leave because they were needed for the city’s
opsada je u propagandnom ratu budila
defense; but their main reason was different. In
saose}awa sveta. Stoga im je bilo
the propaganda war the Serbian siege aroused
potrebno da starci i deca ostanu. Bilo je
the sympathy of the world, and for this they
to wihovo najemotivnije propagandno
needed the elderly and the children to stay. It
was their most emotive propaganda weapon for
330 331

oru`je da uvedu Amerikance u rat, te bringing the Americans in to fight the war, and
nipo{to nisu `eleli da ono oslabi. never wanted it to be weakened.137
Daqe, to je dakle bio ciq i sredstvo da se NATO i Furthermore, it was the objective as well as the means to
Amerikanci uvedu u rat. Ovo je sve u vezi sa draw NATO and the Americans into the war. All this is connect-
granatirawem Sarajeva. I na jednom mestu, General ed to the shelling of Sarajevo. At one point, General Rose said it
Rouz ka`e bilo bi mnogo lak{e kada oni ne bi pucali would be a lot easier if they [i.e., the Muslims] did not fire on
po svom stanovni{tvu. Rat bi se pre zavr{io. their own population. The war would have ended earlier.
Kod tako masivnih — ne indikacija in dubio pro reo With such massive — not indications of dubio pro reo, in-
— nego dokaza da su oni to radili, mene ~udi i kod onog stead — proof that they were doing these things. I am even
snimka kojeg ste ju~e videli na praznoj pijaci — videli astonished by the footage you saw yesterday of the empty mar-
ste snimak priprema incidenta — ja se ~udim, ne samo ketplace — you saw footage of the preparations for that incident
za{to je General Gali} dobio do`ivotni zatvor, nego — I am astonished not only by the life sentence General Galiü
za{to Tu`ila{tvo i daqe dr`i te incidente u received but also by the fact that the OTP continues to use this in
optu`nicama protiv Generala Milo{evi}a i protiv the indictments against General Miloševiü138 and against me, etc.
mene, itd. Zna~i, mi zaista moramo biti svesni da bi This means we must be aware of the fact that it would be very
bilo jako dobro kada bi Ve}e nalo`ilo da Tu`ila{tvo good if the Trial Chamber would order the OTP to take a good
jo{ jedanput pogleda tu optu`nicu i da dobro razmisli look at the Indictment once more and to carefully consider what
kakav je to postupak i koja je to {teta da se ovakvi kind of [legal] action this is, as well as how damaging it is to
procesi protiv samo jedne strane, i to je strana koja je have these proceedings [conducted] against only one side, the
bila slabija, malobrojnija, i koja je bila u defanzivi one that was the weaker side, the one that had fewer soldiers, the
celo vreme, i koja je ~ekala politi~ko re{ewe, da se one that was on the defensive during the entire time, and [the
ona proglasi za ratobornu, agresivnu i da se proglasi side] that was awaiting a political solution, to have it declared
da je terorisala sopstveni grad iz koga je isterano 80% the belligerent, aggressive side, and to have it declared to be the
srpskog stanovni{tva u ova prigradska naseqa. one terrorizing its own city from which 80% of the Serbian pop-
I ja verujem ako bi oni dobro pregledali sa ~ime ulation had been expelled into suburban areas.
raspola`u, da bi ne samo povukli optu`nicu protiv And I believe that if they were at all to carefully examine the
mene, nego da bi tra`ili (u smislu za{tite material they have at their disposal, they would not only withdraw
zakonitosti) reviziju presuda protiv mojih Generala the Indictment against me but they would even ask (with the idea
Gali}a i Milo{evi}a, i da se spasi ideja me|unarodne of safeguarding the Law) for a review of the judgments against my
pravde, da se spasi ideja ovakvih sudova, jer je ovo Generals Galiü and Miloševiü in order to rescue the idea of inter-
velika opasnost da ideja, uop{te me}unarodne pravde, national justice, to rescue the very idea of such courts as these,
bude kompromitovana, jer ja }u ovde dokazati. Ako se because it is a great danger to have an ideal, international law as a
ovaj proces nastavi — i pogotovo sa svim ovim — ja }u whole, compromised, because I am going to prove that here. If, if
332 333

ovde dokazati {ta se de{avalo u BiH, i vide}e se da je this trial continues — and especially with all this — I will here
tu odgovorna, pre svega, deo me|unarodne zajednice — prove that what happened in B-H, and you will first of all see
pre svega SDA, ali ona nije ni{ta mogla uraditi da that the International Community is responsible — the SDA is
nije imala podr{ku i ohrabrivawe da ide na sve ili first and foremost responsible, but it could not have done any-
ni{ta — ni{ta za Srbe i Hrvate — kasnije i Hrvate — thing had it not had the support and encouragement to go for all
a sve za islamske fundamentaliste, navodno za or nothing — nothing for the Serbs and Croats — and later on
muslimanski narod, ali muslimanski narod od toga ne nothing for the Croats — and everything for the Islamic funda-
bi imao ni{ta, jer je struktura vlasti u zamislima mentalists, allegedly for the Muslim people, but the Muslim
fundamentalista jo{ uvek otomanska, a ne demokratska. people weren’t going to get anything out of it, because the struc-
Tu bi bile age i begovi, Silajxi} i drugi koji bi imali ture of the state authority as fundamentalists imagine it is still
kompletnu korist od takvog re`ima koji bi oni Ottoman, not democratic. There were agas and beys,139 Silajdžiü
uspostavili. and others who were going to enjoy the principal benefits of
Imamo li jo{ pre pauze ili — ? such a regime as they would establish.
Do we have more time before the break or — ?
SUDIJA KVAN: Mo`ete nastaviti jo{ pet minuta.
Ali ako `elite, mo`emo da napravimo pauzu sada. JUDGE KWON: We can go on for five minutes. But if you wish,
we can take a break now.
KARAXI]: Ja sam mislio da sam mo`da dovoqno rekao
uop{tenih stvari o Sarajevu. Ja sam u toku procesu — KARADŽIû: I thought that perhaps I have said enough about
Sarajevo pretresati zaista u pojedinosti. Ova odbrana general matters pertaining to Sarajevo. I am in the middle of a
se ne sla`e sa pristupom Tu`ila{tva — neki Srbi trial — I am, indeed, discussing Sarajevo in detail. This Defense
ubili neke Muslimane. Ho}emo ta~no da znamo. Ja jo{ does not agree with the approach taken by the OTP — that some
nemam normalan forezi~ki materijal za Markale I, Serbs killed some Muslims. We want to know exactly what hap-
Markale II, za red za hleb u Vase Miskina, za druge pened. I still don’t have regular forensic material for Markale I,
incidente masovnog stradawa, a ja sam uveren da na for Markale II, for the bread line in Vasa Miskin Street, for other
Markalama I i Markalama II, mo`da ~ak nije bilo incidents of mass killing, and I am convinced that perhaps, there
civilnih `rtava. Mo`da su sve posejani le{evi, tela, a weren’t any civilian casualties at all in Markale I and Markale II.
ovde }e prestavnici Ujedniwenih nacija potvrditi da Perhaps they were all corpses, bodies that had been planted, and
su i wihovi prethodnici upozoravali ih da budu the representatives of the UN are going to confirm here that their
oprezni u pogledu sejawa, podmetawa planting of bodies, predecessors had warned them to be very careful about “planting
podmetawa tela {irom Sarajeva da bi se srpska strana bodies” throughout Sarajevo in order to have the Serbian side
optu`ila. Kako }emo mi da iza|emo sa tim na kraj? charged with it [i.e., their deaths]. How are we going to get to the
Mi — po{to ne mo`emo da ra~unamo na objektivnu bottom of all this?
istragu istra`nog sudije — ne mo`emo da ra~unamo na
334 335

skromnost Tu`ila{tva, da pazi {ta radi. Moramo da Since we cannot rely on an objective investigation conducted
ra~unamo iskqu~ivo na Vas, na Ve}e, da }e Ve}e by an investigating judge, then we cannot rely on a measured
spre~iti ovakva podmetawa i kodifikovawa la`i i response from the OTP to pay attention to what it is doing. We
trikova koji treba u istoriji na{ih naroda da ostanu must rely on you alone, that the Trial Chamber is going to pre-
kao neka su{ta istina. vent this kind of a set-up, the codification of lies and trickery
U ono {to smo videli ju~e na Markalama, u ono that are supposed to remain permanently in the history of our
mo`e da veruje samo neko ko `eli u to da veruje. Pa ~ak people as an irrefutable truth.
i to te{ko. Ako imamo razuma, mora da vidi da to Srbi In the footage we saw yesterday of Markale, only someone
nisu uradili. I da to op{te nije bio incident who wants to believe it could believe it. And even then with
su{tinski, nego da je to inscenacija. Ali treba znati: great difficulty. If we have any common sense, it is obvious that
{ta to ~ini tim narodima tamo? [ta to ~ini Srbima i the Serbs did not do this. And it was absolutely not an incident; it
Muslimanima? A govori}emo danas i o Srebrenici. was, instead, fundamentally a staged incident. But you must
[ta ti la`ni mitovi, i la`ne `rtve ~ine u du{ama know: What effect does that have on the people over there?
obi~nog sveta koji ne mo`e da pronikne u te su{tine. I What does it do to the Serbs and the Muslims? And we’re going
{ta }e to za budu}nost zna~iti? I koje scene budu}ih to talk today about Srebrenica. What these false myths and these
pokoqa i budu}ih smrti je posejan ovim la`ima? false victims do to the souls of ordinary people who cannot pene-
Posejano za na{u decu i za na{u unu~ad. Ko proveruje i trate the heart of the matter. What is this going to mean for the
ko kodifikuje ove stvari da se jesu desile? I da su future? And what scenes of future slaughter and future deaths
Srbi to radili {to nisu radili. Taj je obezbedio have been sown by these lies? Sown for our children and grand-
nastavak daqih sukoba i daqih pokoqa. Kad god neka children. Who confirms and codifies that such things actually
srpska kriza bude, kao {to je i do sada u svim ratovima took place? And that the Serbs did something they had not done?
bila, ponovo bude gra|anska i bratoubila~ka Whosoever says this has ensured the continuation of further con-
komponenta. flicts and further slaughters. Whenever there is a Serbian crisis,
Eto, za sada bih zavr{io za Sarajevo. as the case has so far been in these wars, a civil and fratricidal
war has once again become its component.
SUDIJA KVAN: Napravi}emo pauzu od pola sata.
For now, I have finished with Sarajevo.
— ɉɚɭɡɚ ɩɨɱɟɥɚ ɭ 11:59.
JUDGE KWON: We’ll break for half an hour.
— Recess taken at 11:59 a.m.
336 337

— ɇɚɫɬɚɜɚɤ ɭ 12:32. — On resuming at 12:32 p.m.

ɋɍȾɂȳȺ ɄȼȺɇ: Ⱦɚ, ɝɨɫɩɨɞɢɧɟ Ʉɚɪɚʇɢʄɭ. JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Karadžiü.
KARAXI]: Hvala Vam, Ekselencijo. KARADŽIû: Thank you, Excellency.
Sada bih se, po tipu rekapitulacije, odnosno, po
A Reply to the Charges of a Joint Criminal Enterprise
tipu jednog nabrajawa fakata u odnosu na prvi
I’d like now, as a recapitulation, to summarize the facts with
udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat, uputio Va{u pa`wu na
respect to the first charge of a joint criminal enterprise, to call
neke fakte koje tokom ovog procesa — lako dokazati —
your attention to some facts that during the course of this trial —
sve {to — ~ime sam se bavio u ovoj uvodnoj re~i. Bavio
they are easy to prove — everything I have dealt with in this
sam se na osnovu onoga {to }u mo}i lako i bez ikakvih
opening statement. I dealt with matters that I could easily prove
problema dokazati tokom postupka.
without any problems over the course of this trial.
Dakle, prisilno uklawawe bosanskih Muslimana i
Therefore, the forcible removal of Bosnian Muslims and
bosanskih Hrvata nikad nije bio na{ plan. Nikada ni u
Croats was never our plan. It was never even imagined, not to
zamisli nam nije bilo, a kamoli u planovima i kamoli
mention [that it was ever] in the plans, not to mention that it
na na~in da bi se to moglo ostvarivati. Naveo sam
could have been achieved in any way. I have cited over the past
tokom ovih dva dana koji su sve predlozi srpske strane
two days what all the proposals the of Serbian side were — be
bili — bilo inicirani od Srba, bilo prihva}eni od
they initiated by the Serbs, be they agreed to by the Serbs —
Srba — koji su apsolutno iskqu~ivali bilo koji
which absolutely render null and void any [charge of a] joint
udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat, a pogotovo
criminal enterprise, especially the transfer, in other words, the
preme{tawe, odnosno, isterivawe Muslimana i Hrvata
expulsion of Muslims and Croats from the Republika Srpska.
iz Republike Srpske.
We said that we always wanted to live together with the
Rekli smo da smo uvek hteli da `ivimo sa
Muslims, that we begged them to remain in Yugoslavia, but that
Muslimanima, da smo ih molili da ostanu u Jugoslaviji,
we could not accept leaving [Yugoslavia] to fall under the sway
ali da nismo mogli prihvatiti da iza|emo u Bosnu, i
of a Muslim fundamentalist regime in Bosnia, of which there
zapadnemo pod islamski fundamentalist~ki re`im, o
was no doubt because the Constitution of that regime had to be,
kome nema nikakve sumwe, jer je Ustav toga re`ima
of necessity, Mr. Izetbegoviü’s Islamic Declaration.
trebalo da bude ɂɫɥɚɦɫɤɚ ɞɟɤɥɚɪɚɰɢʁa g. Izetbegovi}a.
All the agreements — let me remind you that of the five
Svi sporazumi — podse}am da je od pet mirovnih
peace plans put forward — five peace proposals — the Accused
planova, pet mirovnih predloga, ovaj optu`eni
agreed to four of them; and we maximally reduced our wishes
prihvatio ~etiri; da smo maksimalno reducirali svoje
and our goals in order to avoid war. I also want to call to your
`eqe i svoje ciqeve, da bismo izbegli rat. Ho}u da vas
attention one fact that is likewise written in stone. There was
podsetim na jednu, tako|e, mermernu ~iwenicu. Nikada
never a time when the [legally binding decisions of a peace]
nije bilo, a da neka konferencija o BiH nije bila na
Conference in B-H was not in force. At least from February
338 339

snazi. U najmawu ruku, od februara 1992. E, sada da 1992. Well, now let’s see what the Serbian side was doing and
vidimo {ta radi srpska strana, a {ta radi muslimanska what the Muslim side was doing.
strana. The Serbian side was negotiating bona fide, while taking
Srpska strana pregovara bona fide, a preduzima countermeasures of a protective character in case the negotia-
kontramere za{titnog karaktera za slu~aj da pregovori tions should fall through. In case we were tricked. The Prosecu-
propadnu. Za slu~aj da budemo prevareni. Tu`ila{tvo tion supposes that we did not have the right to be cautious about
smatra da nismo imali pravo da budemo oprezni u such trickery. It alleges: “Karadžiü did negotiate, but he had a
pogledu prevara. Pa ka`e: “Karaxi} je pregovarao, ali back-up plan.” Well, what kind of politician would I be, what
je imao i rezervnu varijantu.” Pa kakav bi ja bio kind of a servant of the people would I have been, if I did not
politi~ar, i kakav bi ja bio slu`benik svoga naroda have a back-up plan? And I know who I’m dealing with. But my
kada ne bih imao rezervnu varijantu? A znam s kim back-up plan was not my priority. My priority was the negotia-
imam posla. Ali meni rezervna varijanta nije bila tions. And the unexpected variations that are offered up during
prioritet. Meni su bili prioritet pregovori. I the negotiating process.
varijante koje su nu|ene kroz pregovore. The SDA, on the contrary, negotiated in bad faith. And they
SDA je obrnuto pregovarala la`no. I sami ka`u — said so themselves — they left clues that they were negotiating
ostavili su tragove da su pregovarali la`no, a bona fide in bad faith, and were preparing a bona fide war. That is the di-
su pripremali rat. To je sasvim obrnuta pozicija. I ametrically opposite position. And it was God alone who saved
sami nas je Bog spasao da ne nastradamo u toj situaciji, us from perishing in that situation, where we were negotiating in
u kojoj mi pregovaramo bona fide, a pripremamo — imamo good faith and were preparing — we had countermeasures in
protivmere za slu~aj da ne{to po|e naopako. place in the event something went wrong.
Kratko }u Vam predo~iti jedan obrazac: {ta se Now I am briefly going to point out one pattern: what was
de{avalo u op{tinima. U svim op{tinama u toku su unfolding in the counties. In all the counties, negotiations were
bili dogovori o transformaciji tih op{tina u dve ili underway on the reorganization of those counties into two or
tri op{tine, zavisno da li ima i Hrvata tamo ili, three [smaller] counties, depending on whether there was a Croat
recimo, ima dve muslimanske i jedna srpska, itd. population or, for instance, two Muslim counties and one Serbi-
Kada Tu`ila{tvo ka`e, ~im su preuzeli op{tinu — an one, etc.
naravno od sebe — od koga }emo preuzeti srpske When the Prosecution says: As soon as they took over a
op{tine, nego od sebe? Mi smo tamo na vlasti. Mi smo county — of course, we were taking it over from ourselves —
mogli preuzeti op{tinu. Mogli smo samo uvesti malo from whom would we be taking Serbian counties if not from
precizniju, malo odgovorniju vlast. To je paragraf, ourselves? We were the governing authority there. We were able
mislim 105 “Pre-Trial Brief”— zapamtio sam ga. Ka`e: to take over a county. We only introduced a more detailed, more
otpu{tali i radili su ovo i ono. Otpu{tali su responsible civil authority. That’s in Paragraph 105, I think, of
Muslimane iz policije, itd. the Pre-Trial Brief — I remembered it correctly. It states: they
340 341

A evo {ta je bilo u pitawu. Postoje srpske dismissed people and they did this and that. Dismissed Muslims
op{tine: srpska op{tina Sanski Most, srpska op{tina from the police force, etc.
Kqu~, srpska op{tina Prijedor, srpska op{tina itd. A Now, here’s what was at stake. Serbian counties exist: Sanski
za Bijeqinu ne pi{e “srpska op{tina.” Za Bawu Luku, Most is a Serbian county; Kljuþ is a Serbian county; Prijedor is a
ne pi{e srpska op{tina, za Pale ne pi{e srpska Serbian county, etc. But as far as Bijeljina is concerned, it doesn’t
op{tina. Za{to? Zato {to nema uslova da postoji say “Serbian county.” It doesn’t say “Serbian county” for Banja
muslimanska op{tina. Dakle, tamo gde pi{e srpska Luka; and it doesn’t say “Serbian county” for Pale. Why? Because
op{tina, dogovori su da }e biti i muslimanska there were no conditions for it to become a Muslim county. So,
op{tina. Ako srpska op{tina ima srpsku policiju, wherever it says “Serbian county,” the agreement was that there
onda su dogovori u toku da Muslimani policajci idu u would also be a Muslim county. If a Serbian county had a Serbian
muslimansku stanicu. I to je izvor toga {to se ovde police force, then negotiations were underway for the Muslims to
navodi da su Srbi otpu{tali. Srbi nikoga nisu go to the Muslim police station. And that was the source of what is
otpu{tali. cited here, that the Serbs were dismissing people. The Serbs did
[to nisu otpu{teni Muslimani iz policije u not dismiss anyone.
Bijeqini? [to nisu otpu{teni u Gradi{ki? [to nisu Why weren’t Muslims dismissed from the police force in Bi-
otpu{teni u Bawa Luci? [to nisu otpu{teni bilo gde, jeljina? Why weren’t they dismissed from Gradiška? Why weren’t
gde nije bilo srpska op{tina? Ne samo policajci, nego they dismissed from Banja Luka? Why weren’t they dismissed
svaka institucija koja je trebalo da se — koju je anywhere else where there was no Serbian county? Not only po-
trebalo da ima i — to koja nije na nivou grada nego na licemen but every institution which needed — which had to have
nivou op{tina — svaka institucija koju je trebalo — not at the municipal level but at the county level — it had every
muslimanska op{tina da ima — bilo je u pregovorima i institution a Muslim county was supposed to have — it was in the
u dogovorima i dogovoreno da ima. I vide}ete ako negde negotiations and in agreements, and it was settled that they were
pi{e “srpska op{tina,” onda zna~i da se tu razdvajaju supposed to have these institutions. And you will see, if it says
slu`be u dve op{tina. A ako ne pi{e “srpska op{tina,” “Serbian county,” then that means the services there were being
neka mi poka`u gde smo mi to otpustili nekoga iz Bawe divided into two counties. If it doesn’t say “Serbian county,” let
Luke ili iz Bijeqine. Ovde }e do}i svedok iz them show me where we dismissed someone from Banja Luka or
Bijeqine, Musliman koji je bio u policiji, radio dok je Bijeljina. A witness is coming [to testify], a Muslim who worked
hteo. Svi su znali da je on Musliman. Niko ga nije ubio. for the police force for as long as he wanted. Everybody knew he
Poginulo je i Muslimana i Srba u Bijeqini, ali was a Muslim. No one killed him.
razlika izme|u Muslimana koji je poginuo i Muslimana Muslims and Serbs were killed in Bijeljina, but the differ-
koji nije poginuo bila je izkqu~ivo {to je onaj imao ence between the Muslim who got killed and the Muslim who
pu{ku. Te pregovore, videli ste iz pisma Rabija [ubi} didn’t was exclusively because one was carrying a rifle. These
Izetbegovi}u, gde ga poziva da u celoj Bosni provede negotiations, you saw them in [the excerpts from] Rabija Šubiü’s
342 343

sporazume kakve su postigli Srbi i Muslimani u letter to Izetbegoviü, where she called on him to implement
Vlasenici i u Bratuncu. Da }e imati po dve op{tine i throughout Bosnia such agreements as those that had been
da }e `iveti mirno, ne smetaju}i jedni drugima. reached by the Serbs and Muslims in Vlasenica and Bratunac.
Taj proces pregovora koji su tako|e spasavali mir i That they would each have two counties side by side and that
iskqu~ivali bilo kakvo preme{tawe stanovni{tva, they would live in peace without interfering in one another’s af-
grubo je prekinula Stranka demokratske akcije svim fairs.
sredstvima, a posebno naredbom, odnosno, direktivom This negotiation process, which served to preserve peace and
borbena gotovost odmah od 12. aprila. Onda, po nalogu to exclude any kind of population resettlement, was brutally in-
Stranke demokratske akcije od 12 aprila, svo borbeno terrupted by the SDA which used all the resources at its disposal,
sposobno stanovni{tvo kre}e, jer je op{ta but especially the order, in other words, the directive for Imme-
mobilizacija — {to zna~i od 16 godina do 65 — op{ta diate Combat Readiness issued on April 12. Then, pursuant to
mobilizacija progla{ena je 4 aprila. Svi su vojnici po the orders of the SDA issued on April 12, all members of the
wihovim trvdwama i wihovim dokumentima, preko 75% population who were fit for combat duty were on the move be-
nema uniformu. Cele prve godine rata, nema uniformu. cause it was a general mobilization — which meant men be-
I ako pogine u civilnom odelu, ne zna~i da je bio tween the ages of 16 and 65 were called up — a general mobili-
civil. zation was proclaimed on April 4. All of them were, according to
I Srbi nisu svi imali uniformu, ali Muslimani their assertions and documents, soldiers [even though] over 75%
pogotovu nisu imali uniformu. Nisu i{li u vojsku, did not have uniforms. For the entire first year of the war, there
sabotirali su JNA celu godinu dana pre toga, i zato su were no uniforms. And if a person wearing civilian clothing
ratovali u civilnom. I ako pobede negde, onda to slave were killed, it did not necessarily mean that he was a civilian.
i oni i wihovi strani saveznici. Ako izgube negde, And not all Serbs had uniforms, but the Muslims had practi-
onda nadaju vi~u kako je agresija, agresija, agresija. cally none. They [i.e., the Muslims] dodged the draft, they sabo-
Kako }e biti agresija? I ~ija agresija u Kotor Varo{u, taged the JNA for the entire previous year, and that’s the reason
recimo, ili u Sanskom Mostu ili u Kqu~u gde `ive they went to war wearing civilian clothing. And if they scored a
Srbi i Muslimani, doma}i Srbi, doma}i Muslimani. victory somewhere, then they and their foreign allies would cel-
Ovde }e svedok iz Prijedora potvrditi kad ga ebrate. If they were defeated elsewhere, then they would raise a
advokat, u jednom drugom slu~aju pita — slu~aju cry that it was aggression, aggression, aggression. How could
Kova~evi} — “Kako ste se usudili?” On ka`e: “Pa that be aggression? Who was the aggressor in Kotor Varoš, for
izgubili smo. Oni su bili boqe organizovani. Boqa instance, or Sanski Most or Kljuþ, which was inhabited by both
vojska.” A advokat ga pita: “Kako ste se usudili da the Serbs and Muslims, local Serbian and Muslim householders?
povedete svoj narod protiv takve vojske?” “[ta sam A witness from Prijedor will testify here, and when he was
mogao,” ka`e, “to je bilo nare|ewe iz Sarajeva.” questioned by an attorney in another case — the Kovaþeviü140
case — “How dare you —?” He replied: “Well, we lost. They
344 345

Vide}ete nekoliko obrazaca. Jedan obrazac je were better organized. It was the better army.” And the attorney
Vi{egrad i Zvornik. U Vi{egradu, koji je izba~en iz questioned him: “Why did you dare lead your people against an
moje obtu`nice, na`alost, celu godinu dana vlada army like that?” He said, “What could I do? That was the order
teror Muslimana nad Srbima i silovawa devoj~ica i from Sarajevo.”
devojaka na etni~koj osnovi, i ubistvo spomenika Ivi You will see several models. One model is Višegrad and
Andri}u, nobelovcu srpskom iz Bosne, katolik po veri Zvornik. In Višegrad, which was unfortunately dropped from my
— to su nam zabranile neke zapadne zemqe da Srbi Indictment, the Muslims instigated a year-long reign of terror
katolici ostaju i daqe Srbi, ali Andri} je ostao. against the Serbs and they raped young girls and young ladies on
Spomenik je 1991-e sru{en. an ethnic basis, and they destroyed the memorial statue of Ivo An-
I ubistva na slavi — Srbi imaju slavu. To je svetac driü, the Serbian Nobel Prize winner from Bosnia, Roman Catho-
za{titnik wegove porodice. I do|u dva Muslimana. On lic by faith — some Western countries have forbidden Serbian
ih pozove, oni ru~aju, i na kraju, na izlazu, pucaju mu u Catholics to remain Serbs, but Andriü always remained a Serb.
~elo radi toga {to on slavi u wihovoj Bosni Andriü’s memorial statue was destroyed in 1991.
hri{~anski praznik. I ~upali su popove za bradu, And the murders that took place on the slava — Serbs cele-
vra}ali hodo~asnike koji su krenuli u manastir u brate the slava, [the feast day of] the guardian saint of a family.
Hercegovinu, da moraju da pro|u kroz Vi{egrad. And two Muslims came. The host invited them, they sat down to
Vra}ali su ih. Zaustavqali su JNA cele 1991-e godine. eat, and at the end [of the meal] as they were leaving, they shot
Kad god su hteli zaustavqali su JNA. Onda su Srbi the host in the forehead for celebrating the feast of his patron
pobegli iz Vi{egrada u okolinu, i onda su se vratili, i saint, a Christian holiday, in their [Muslim] Bosnia. And they
vojska je uspostavila red. Srbi su se vratili, i onda su tore out the beards of priests, they turned away people who were
Muslimani rekli da su oni iz ~ista mira napadnuti, going on a pilgrimage to a monastery in Herzegovina, so they
izvr{ena agresija. had to go through Višegrad. They turned them away. They were
U Zvorniku je straho-vlada muslimanska bila stopping the JNA throughout all of 1991. Whenever they felt like
tako|e. Srbi su izbegli u Karakaj, u srpske op{tine. it. Then the Serbs fled from Višegrad to the surrounding areas,
Ina~e taj Zvornik ka`u da smo mi kontrolisali. Mi and then they returned, and the Army established law and order.
smo kontrolisali u Zvorniku prete`no srpske delove, The Serbs returned, and then the Muslims claimed that the Serbs
a kada se odbiju Sapna, Kova~evi}, i druge muslimanske had attacked them for no reason at all, an act of aggression.
koncentracije, vide}ete da ono {to je ostalo nije The Muslims likewise established an administration of fear
muslimanska ve}ina. Onda su se Srbi vratili, i in Zvornik. The Serbs fled to Karakaj, to Serbian counties. In
oporavili se i pobedili — e, onda je to agresija. Na any case, they say that we controlled Zvornik. In Zvornik, we
stranu, koliko je na{e u~e{}e, to je bilo na samom controlled predominantly Serbian areas, and when you deduct
po~etku, tako da nismo imali mogu}nosti. Sapna, Kovaþeviüi and other areas where Muslims were concen-
trated, you will see that what remained was not a Muslim majori-
346 347

U Prijedoru je bilo ne{to sli~no. Dogovor je bio ty. Then the Serbs returned, they recovered their strength, and
da se — prvo, 12-og su izgubili, i spre~eni su. A onda su were victorious — well, then that’s aggression. Besides, as far as
dobili novi nalog. Cela dolina Sane, to je, zna~i, our participation was concerned, that was at the beginning of the
Kqu~, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Bosanski Novi, da ~im war, so we did not have any opportunities there.
Jugoslovenska narodna armija, posle 20-og maja, ode, oni Something similar took place in Prijedor. There was an
napadnu. Imali su u dolini reke Sane elitnu brigadu agreement to — first of all, they were defeated on April 12, and
Patriotske lige. I dolina Sane se zapalila po nalogu they were thwarted. And then they got a new order. The whole
iz Sarajeva. Sana valley, that means Kljuþ, Sanski Most, Prijedor, Bosanski
Imamo taj — to je Sanski Most, iz koga }emo dobiti Novi, that as soon as the JNA left, after May 20, they were going
— ja jo{ nisam spreman da ispitam svedoke Sanskog to attack. They had an elite Patriotic League brigade in the Sana
Mosta, ali toliko znam. Ima sela, i sela, {to bi rekao River Valley. And the Sana River Valley was put to the torch
Izetbegovi}, ima zakona i zakona. Ima sela, i sela. pursuant to orders from Sarajevo.
Ima sela kojima ni{ta nije falilo, ima sela koja su We have the case of Sanski Most, from which we’re going to
imala sukobe. Al’ ta sela koja su imala sukobe, get — I’m still not ready to examine witnesses from Sanski
Hrustovo i ostale, imale su 900 boraca. I lepo Most, but I do know this much. That there are villages, and then
Muslimani pi{u u svojim kwigama: “Dok smo ~uvali there are villages, as Izetbegoviü would say — there are laws,
stra`e, nismo imali problema. A kad smo krenuli u and then there are laws. There are villages, and then there are
ofanzivu, dobili smo po prstima.” Mi smo znali da oni villages. There are villages where nothing happened, and then
~uvaju stra`e i nije nam to smetalo. To je defanzivna there are villages where conflicts took place. But those villages
mera. Ako se ose}aju nesigurno, neka ~uvaju stra`e. Ali that had conflicts, Hrustovo and the others, had 900 fighters.
kad krenu da ubijaju po srpskim selima, onda je sukob And the Muslims write lovely passages in their books, such as:
neizbe`an. “While we were standing guard we didn’t have any problems.
Zna~i, dva tipa je, mawe vi{e dva tipa: teror. Srbi But when we launched an offensive, we got rapped across the
be`e, vra}aju se, i za{tite svoje ku}e, i eventualno knuckles.” We knew that they were standing guard and that
pobede u jednom delu grada ili u jednom delu op{tine. didn’t bother us. That was a defensive measure. If they felt un-
Drugi je tip — dogovori da se podele op{tine. Zna se safe, let them stand guard. But when they started killing people
da }e Sanski Most biti srpski sa Rurci Palankom i in Serbian villages, then conflict was unavoidable.
delom grada da }e ostavni deo biti muslimanski — sve There were more or less were two types of terror. The Serbs
dogovoreno. A onda se to izneveri, napadnu nas, i onda flee, they return, they protect their homes, and eventually they
kad izgube, onda imamo tu buku. Dvanaest hiqada come out victorious in part of a town or part of a county. The sec-
Muslimana je `ivelo tokom rata u Sanskom Mostu pod ond type [of terror] — negotiations on the division of counties. It
srpskom kontrolom. Sanski Most je poznat iz Drugog was common knowledge that Sanski Most was going to be Serbi-
svetskog rata. [u{war, brdo na kome je ubijeno u an, with Rurca Palanka, and the remaining part of the town was
348 349

jednom danu 5.300 Srba. E, ti Srbi — niko nema pravo going to be Muslim — everything had been agreed upon. And
da od wih od~ekuje da budu neoprezni, i da puste da then that agreement was betrayed, they attacked us, and once they
ponovo bude pet hiqada Srba u jednom danu pobijeno. To lost, we had this brouhaha. During the war, twelve thousand Mus-
je poznati [u{war. Dvanaest hiqada Muslimana `ivi lims lived in Sanski Most under Serb control. Sanski Most is well
i radi u Sanskom Mostu bez ikakvih problema, a known from World War II. That’s where Šušnjar is, a hill where
nekolike stotine — ne znam koliko — je na Mawa~i, a 5,300 Serbs were killed in a single day. Well, those Serbs — no
razlika je samo u tome {to su se ovi borili, a ovi se one has the right to expect those Serbs to be careless and to allow
nisu borili. five thousand more Serbs to be killed once again in a single day.
U Prijedoru, Ekselencije, vlast je dala oglas na That’s the well-known Šušnjar. Twelve thousand Muslims live
televiziji kad su odlu~ili da napadnu 23. maja. Pucali and work in Sanski Most without any problems, while several
su na kola u kojima su bila ~etiri Srbina i dva Hrvata. hundred — I don’t know the exact number — are in Manjaþa, and
Dvojicu ubili, dvojicu lako ranili, i dvojicu te{ko the only difference is that the latter took up arms, while the former
ranili. Vide}ete kako to sme{no izgleda kad oni did not.
obja{wavaju da su ova {estorica napali wih na punktu In Prijedor, Your Excellencies, the [Muslim] authorities an-
odnosno. Prosto je sme{no. nounced on television that they had decided to attack on May 23.
Vlast je, kada su Muslimani krenuli na Prijedor, They fired on an automobile in which there were with four Serbs
dala oglas na radiju da civili ne izlaze dok se s and two Croats. Two were killed, two suffered minor injuries,
teroristima ne obra~una. Ali mnogi nisu poslu{ali, i and two were seriously wounded. You will see how ludicrous it
to }e ovde potvrditi, ti svedoci, da nisu poslu{ali, i was when they explained that those six men attacked them at a
ve} imamo wihove — u javnosti — izjave. check-point. It’s simply ludicrous.
Omarska i Keraterm nisu logeri. Omarska i When the Muslims started moving toward Prijedor, the [Ser-
Keraterm su istra`ni centri redovnih dr`avnih bian] authorities made a radio announcement that civilians
organa. Tu`ila{tvo ima, a nije mi dostavilo, preko tri should not leave their homes until accounts with the terrorists
hiqade dokumenata istra`nih radwi, koje su had been settled. But many did not pay attention to this, and wit-
zabele`ili istra`ni organi u Keratermu i u Omarskoj. nesses will testify to that here, that these people did not obey [the
Hiqadu i pet sto i ne{to je bilo zarobqenih, u dva authorities] and we already have their affidavits, which have
dana. To }e potvrditi hrvatski intercepti, i drugi been made public.
izvori. Masivno zarobqavawe boraca, i civila koji su Omarska and Keraterm were not concentration camps.
iza{li i ume{ali se, a nisu ratovali. Trija`a u Omarska and Keraterm were investigative centers that were a part
centrima Omarska i Keraterm daje slede}i rezultat: of regular state institutions. The Prosecution has in its possession,
41% utvr|uje se da nisu u~estvovali u borbama. I but has not disclosed, over 3,000 investigative documents which
pu{teni su. I oni se dokopaju Trnopoqa i tamo naprave the investigative authorities recorded in Keraterm and Omarska.
sebi sigurnost, jer nema{ toliko policajaca da ~uva{ Over the course of two days, about 1,500 people were captured.
350 351

svaku ku}u, a kad su oni u Trnopoqu, onda pet Croatian [telephone] intercepts will bear this out, as will other
policajaca mo`e da ih ~uva da im tamo niko ne sources. There was a capture en masse of combatants as well as
na{kodi. I oni }e to sami potvrditi, i vidi se na onom civilians who had gone out and gotten mixed up with them, but
filmu i ~uje se kad oni ka`u. ^etrdeset jedan posto had not fought. The triage conducted in the Omarska and Ker-
privedenih u Keraterm i Omarsku su pu{teni nakon aterm Centers yields the following results: 41% confirmed that
trija`e na osnovu istrage. Oni su podjednako they had not taken any part in combat. And they were released.
Muslimani kao i ovi. Pedeset devet posto je na|eno da And then they managed to reach Trnopolje and they felt safe there
su bili borci i oni su poslati na Mawa~u u ratni even though there weren’t enough policemen to guard every single
zarobqeni~ki logor, a 41% je pu{teno. house, and while they were in Trnopolje, five policemen were
E, neka Tu`ila{tvo prvo mi dade tih tri hiqade enough to protect them so no one came to any harm. And they
dokumenata istra`nih, a drugo, neka pogleda malo kako themselves will confirm this, and it can be seen in the film footage
su te istrage vo|ene. To su dr`avni organi. To su what they have to say. Forty-one percent of the detainees in Ker-
normalne institucije. To nije strana~ka policija. Pa aterm and Omarska were released after this triage had been con-
da onda utvrdimo — boqe bi bilo da je bilo utvr|eno ducted on the basis of an investigation. They were Muslims just as
pre procesa — i na procesu da utvrdimo kako se desilo the others were. Fifty-nine percent were found to be combatants,
da za kratko vreme kad su zarobqeni, da je od hiqadu pet and they were sent to Manjaþa to the military prisoner of war
sto, da je 41% pu{ten. camp, while 41% were released.
To govori protiv onoga {to Tu`ila{tvo ka`e, da je Well, first I’d like the Prosecution to provide me with those
to bilo hap{ewe qudi koji nemaju nikakvih 3,000 investigative documents; and second, they should take a
odgovornisti. look and see how these investigations were conducted. Those
[to se ti~e drugih preme{tawa itd., odnosno, were state organs. They are normal institutions. They were not a
deportacija. Ovde }emo dokazati pomo}u dokumenata police force with party affiliations. So let’s establish — it would
koje smo dobili qubazno{}u Tu`ila{tva da su civili have been better to have established this before the trial — here
iz jedne i druge sredine tra`ili da idu. Srbi su morali during the trial [to establish] how it happened that within a short
da pla}aju grdne pare, i u Sarajevu, da bi bili pu{teni period of time after their capture, 41% of the 1,500 detainees
da iza|u, i u centralnoj Bosni, a u centralnoj Bosni were released.
ponegde su nam pomogli Hrvati da ih propuste. Jer su This contradicts the Prosecution’s claim that this was the ar-
be`ali bezglave, a i mi smo Hrvate i Muslimane rest of people who were completely innocent.
pu{tali gde god je trebalo da civile spasimo i As far as other relocations, in other words, deportations,
pustimo. etc., are concerned, we will prove, with the aid of documents
provided to us, courtesy of the Prosecution, that civilians from
both communities sought to leave. Serbs had to pay exorbitant
amounts of money, even in Sarajevo, to be allowed to leave, as
352 353

U zoni Srebrenice i Zvornika, General Morijon je well as in Central Bosnia, but in Central Bosnia the Croats
bio pod stalnim pritiskom srpske i muslimanske helped us in some places to grant them safe passage. Because
strane. Muslimanska strana je tra`ila od wega da vodi they were fleeing head over heels, but we granted Croats and
civile u Tuzlu. A srpska strana je rekla u redu. Muslims safe passage wherever it was necessary in order to save
Dopusti}emo to, ali izvedite nam Srbe iz Tuzle, jer civilian lives and allow them to leave.
tamo pate. Tamo su u opasnosti. Nesumwivo je da je In the Srebrenica and Zvornik zones, General Morillon was
Morijon bio pod takvim pritiscima, da je to under constant pressure from both the Serbian and Muslim sides.
posvedo~io, i da je omogu}avao da muslimanski civili The Muslim side wanted him to take the civilians to Tuzla. And
odu u Tuzlu, a na`alost, Muslimani iz Tuzle nisu dali the Serbian side said it was alright. We shall allow that, but let
da Srbi iz Tuzle iza|u, i to je bio na~in kako je SDA the Serbs from Tuzla leave because they are suffering there.
kompromitovala SDS kod srpskog naroda. Rekla, evo, They are in danger there. There is no doubt that Morillon was
va{e SDS ne mo`e vas da izvede iz Tuzle. under such pressures, and he testified to that, and he enabled
U dnevniku Nikole Koqevi}a, imamo dokaz da su Muslim civilians to leave for Tuzla, but, unfortunately, the Mus-
Muslimani iz Trebiwa preko Biqane Plav{i} vr{ili lims from Tuzla did not allow Serbs from Tuzla to leave, and
pritisak da im dopustimo da idu iz Trebiwa. I ja sam that was how the SDA compromised the SDS in the eyes of the
pobesneo. Po tom dnevniku, bio sam besan i rekao sam Serbian people. They said: Look, your SDS is incapable helping
da ne dolazi u obzir. Ako im ne{to smeta, ima policija you leave Tuzla.
da ih za{titi. Oni su ipak oti{li po nalogu SDA, i In Nikola Koljeviü’s diary,141 we have evidence that the
imamo taj dokument koji }emo ovde prikazati. Za tri Muslims from Trebinje exerted pressure on Biljana Plavšiü in
meseca, SDA je tra`ila Trebiwe po osnovu etni~kog order to be allowed to leave Trebinje. I was infuriated. Accord-
~i{}ewa. Ma to su primitivni trikovi! Imamo ih. ing to the diary, I was enraged and I said that it was out of the
Znamo da su oni naredili trebiwski Muslimani da idu question. If they had any problem, the police were there to pro-
u Crnu Goru, koji niko nije ubijen. Ni{ta im nije bilo. tect them. They, nevertheless, left according to the SDA’s order,
U istom tom dnevniku, profesor Koqevi}, svedok i and we have that document which we will produce here in court.
u~esnik, podpresednik Republike, divan ~ovek, Three months later, the SDA sought to gain possession of
odgovoran, vrlo dobrim odnosima sa Muslimanima, Trebinje on the basis of ethnic cleansing. O, this is low-class
Bawa Lu~anin ro|eni, `iveo u Sarajevu, svedo~i kako con-artistry! We’ve got them. We know that they ordered the
je jedna od dve me|unarodne organizacije — Crveni Trebinje Muslims, not one of whom was killed, to go to Monte-
Krst i UNHC su bile najpovla{}enije i negro. Nothing happened to them.
najpo{tovanije s na{e strane — zahtevala od mene da In that same diary, Prof. Koljeviü, who was a witness to as
dopustim da veliki broj Muslimana i Hrvata iz well as a participant in these events, a Vice-President of the Re-
Bosanske Krajine, iz okoline Bawa Luke, odvedu u public, a wonderful, responsible man, who had excellent rela-
tre}e zemqe. I ja sam naravno bio besan. I nisam dao. I tions with the Muslims, who was born in Banja Luka and lived
354 355

nakon dugih pritisaka, ja sam dao saglasnost po pet in Sarajevo, witnessed how one of the two international organi-
kamiona dnevno, a ne po osamdeset kako su oni hteli. zations — the ICRC and the UNHCR were the most favored and
Zna~i, ako je neko ugro`en i ba{ `eli da ide, `eli da the most respected by our side — demanded that I allow a large
se spoji — to su oni pod spajawem porodice, itd. number of Muslims and Croats from Bosanska Krajina, the area
Ali da ne verujemo pokojnom Profesoru Koqevi}u. surrounding of Banja Luka, to be escorted to a third country. Of
Svedok ovog Tu`ila{tva istim re~ima, u svojoj izjavi course, I was enraged. And I didn’t allow it. And as a result of
— nije dosad svedo~io — svedo~i}e u mom slu~aju. long-standing pressure, I approved five trucks a day to be al-
Istim re~ima, to isto ka`e. I Tu`ila{tvo }e da ka`e lowed leave instead of the eighty they had demanded. If some-
da smo mi o~istili te qude iz Bosanske Krajine, a oni one had been subjected to threats and wanted to go, and wanted
su tra`ili. I iz Bosanskog Novog su upotrebili to be reunited — I’m referring to people who wanted to be reu-
UNPROFOR da ih prevede u Hrvatsku. Zahtevi su nited with their families, etc.
wihovi bili. Ju~e sam pomenuo da su mnoge op{tine But let us not lend credence to the late Prof. Koljeviü. A
pravile smetwe, tra`ile su potvrdu da su platili Prosecution witness who used these same words in his statement
porez, da su ovo, da su ono. Pravili su smetwe. To se ne — he has not yet given testimony — will testify in my case. He
radi ako se neko tera iz ku}e, a ostavqa topao ru~ak, will say the same things with the same words. And the Prosecu-
kao {to su Srbi be`ali iz muslimanskih krajeva. tion is going to claim that we cleansed these people from Bosan-
Srbi su iz muslimanskih krajeva be`ali navrat na ska Krajina, but they, in fact, wanted to leave. And the people
nos. Muslimani su iz srpskih krajeva odlazili from Bosanski Novi actually used UNPROFOR to escort them to
organizovano, na wihov zahtev, uz pratwu policije koju Croatia. Those were their demands. Yesterday, I mentioned that
su oni tako|e zahtevali. To }emo sve dokazati. Zna~i, many counties created obstacles, seeking proof of payment of
Bosanksa Krajina nije o~i{}ena. Ministar, Hrvat, koji taxes, and then one thing after another. They created obstacles.
sada `ivi u Ladije, Republike Srpske, ovih dana je dao That’s not done if you’re driving people out of their homes, peo-
intervju i rekao: “Ja nisam nigde odlazio iz Republike ple who are leaving a hot lunch behind, as when Serbs were flee-
Srpske. A oni koji su oti{li, qutili su se na mene {to ing Muslim areas.
ja ostajem.” Dakle, wegovi Hrvati koji su oti{li iz The Serbs fled head over heels from Muslim areas. Muslims
Doboja, oti{li su demonstrativno, oti{li su da mogu left Serbian areas in an organized fashion, at their own request,
da to eksploati{u. Qutili su se na wega za{to je ostao escorted by the police, which they as well had demanded. We are
i tako negira wihovu tvrdwu da se ne mo`e `iveti sa going to prove all this. Bosanska Krajina was not ethnically
Srbima. Eto, to imamo `ivog tog ministra. Imamo cleansed. A minister, a Croat who now lives in Ladija, Republika
wegov taj intervju. Srpska, recently gave an interview and said: “I never left the Re-
publika Srpska. But those who did leave were angry with me for
staying behind.” So, his fellow Croats who left Doboj did so
demonstratively in order to exploit their departure. They were
356 357

Dakle, to je stvar koju }emo osporiti i verujem i angry with him for staying behind and thereby nullifying their
nadam se da }emo dokazati da ona nije takva. Dokaza}emo claim it was impossible live together with Serbs. Look, we have
da nijedno selo koje je predalo oru`je ili ga nije ni a flesh and blood minister. We have his interview.
imalo, nije imalo nikakvih problema. I da nijedan So, we are going to contest this and I believe and I hope to
Musliman koji se nije se borio, nije imao nikakvih prove that this was not so. We will prove that not one single vil-
problema. I vide}ete koji su to koji nisu imali lage that had surrendered its weapons, or didn’t have them at all
problema, i koji su imali problema i bili u zatvorima in the first place, had any problems at all. And that not one Mus-
— oni su bili ekstremisti, jer redovno su bili lim who was not a combatant had any problems at all. And you
ekstremisti. will see who those were who didn’t have any problems, as well
Sada bih pre{ao na temu Srebrenice. “Eliminacija as those who did have problems and were imprisoned — they
Muslimana iz Srebrenice sa organizovawem ubijawem were extremists, each and every one of them.
mu{karaca, i deportacija `ena i dece, i genocid I would now like to move to the subject of Srebrenica. “The
Srebreni~kih Muslimana.” Elimination of Muslims from Srebrenica by Means of the Orga-
Ovde u naslovu nema mu{karaca i de~aka koje nized Killing of Men and by the Deportation of Women and
Tu`ila{tvo prilepi uz mu{karce, ne specifikuju}i Children, and the Genocide of Srebrenica’s Muslims.”
{ta je to “de~ak.” Ali to je emocionalno — ovako In the title there is no reference to the “men and boys” whom
dobro zvu~i u svetu — zna~i Srbi su ubijali de~ake. A the Prosecution bundles with the men without specifying what
po “de~acima” podrazumeva momka od sedamnaest godina, “boy” means. But this has emotional impact — it sounds good
{estnaest i vi{e koji su bili mobilisani, bili su u [broadcast] throughout the world — it means that the Serbs were
jedinicama. killing boys. But the word “boy” means a seventeen-year-old
Moram samo kratko — da ne bude tu quoque, nije tu male, sixteen or older who had been mobilized, who was a
quoque — da ka`em da su u`asne bitke i teror koji su member of a unit.
Muslimani iz celog tog podru~ja ispoqavali prema I must briefly state — so that it does not appear as tu quoque
Srbima. Pucali u le|a vojske — nijedna vojska na svetu — it’s not tu quoque — that there were horrible battles and terror
to ne mora da trpi — cela sela ubijali na praznike which the Muslims from that entire area inflicted on Serbs. They
hri{}anske: Bo`i}, slave. I to je jasno, to postoji — shot [members of] the Army in the back — and no army in the
lako dokazati. Ovaj optu`eni je za sve muslimanske world has to put up with that — they slaughtered entire villages
praznike i katoli~ke praznike izdavao naredbu da se on Christian holidays: Christmas and slavas. And it’s clear it
maksimalno udr`ava. A oni su nas i u Drugom svetskom happened — and it’s easy to prove. The Accused issued orders to
ratu, i u ovom ratu, na najve}e srpske praznike ubijali. exercise maximum restraint during all Roman Catholic and Mus-
Vide}ete ovde {ta su uradili u Kravici 1993-e godine lim holidays. They were killing Serbs on their great Christian
na Bo`i} — to je Bo`i}, zna~i, osam, devet meseci holidays during the Second World War, as well as during this
posle od izbijawa rata, kako su pokasapili nespreman one. You will see here in court what they did in Kravica on
358 359

narod koji se spremao da slavi. To je bilo napad na Christmas in 1993 — I mean Christmas day, eight/nine months
civile bez ikakvih razloga. after the war broke out, how they slaughtered people who were
Ovde }u tra`iti od Tu`ila{tva da nam donese not prepared [to defend themselves], people who were preparing
pouzdane podatke, koliko je `ena muslimanskih their slava. It was a senseless attack on civilians.
poginulo, a kolko srpkiwa; koliko dece muslimanske, a I’m going to request that the Prosecution provide reliable in-
koliko srpske. A pokaza}emo, Ekselencijo, gde su formation on the number of Muslim women who were killed; the
ginuli Srbi a gde Muslimani. I Srbi i Muslimani su number of Serbian women who were killed; the number of Mus-
prete`no ginuli u srpskim selima. Dakle, do|e lim children who were killed; and the number of Serbian chil-
muslimanska vojska, napadne srpsko selo, i ginu i Srbi dren who were killed. And we are going to demonstrate, Excel-
i Muslimani. Mesto smrti }e jasno pokazati ko je {ta lencies, where Serbs were being killed and where Muslims were
radio u ovome ratu. being killed. Both Serbs and Muslims were killed chiefly in Ser-
Pre Srebrenice, bih samo hteo jednu stvar da ka`em bian villages. So, the Muslim Army arrives, attacks a Serbian
u vezi sa direktivama. Ovde se pomiwu Direktiva 4 i village, and both Serbs and Muslims die. The place of death will
Direktiva 7. Direktiva 4, direktiva 7. Ja sad ne ulazim clearly demonstrate who was doing what in this war.
u to, da li sam ja i gde sam i koju sam potpisao, nego {ta
Directives No. 4 & 7
je su{tina re~enice Generala Mladi}a kada on ka`e da
Before I move on to Srebrenica, I would like to say some-
ima da sa stanovni{tvom napuste zonu. A evo kako stvar
thing in connection to those directives. Directives No. 4 and 7
are mentioned here. Directive No. 4 and Directive No. 7. And
Stanovni{tvo ultimativno tra`i da bude pu{teno.
I’m not going to go into whether I signed or where I signed or
Recimo, 2-og i 3-eg novembra u Kotor Varo{u, digli su
which one I signed; instead I will focus on the essence of Gen-
ustanak Muslimani i tra`e da se wihovo stanovni{tvo
eral Mladiü’s statement when he said that they [the combatants]
pusti. I ja to odobravam. Mladi}, ne znaju}i za moju —
had to leave the zone together with the population. Here’s how
on ka`e ne. Mogu samo da idu i oni. Ne mogu oni da
the matter stands.
puste civile, a da oni ostaju da se bore u dubini na
The population issued an ultimatum that it wanted to be al-
na{oj teritoriji.
lowed to leave. For instance, on November 2 or 3 in Kotor Va-
Dve nedeqe posle toga, Mladi} izdaje Direktivu
roš, the Muslims staged a rebellion, and they wanted their popu-
broj 4, koja se odnosi na isto~nu Bosnu, i ka`e isto ovo.
lation to be allowed to leave. I approved it. Mladiü, unaware of
Da sa civilima napuste ili da se razoru`aju i ostanu da
my decision, said no, only the rebels could leave. They could not
`ive kao civili — to Tu`ila{tvo prevodi da se
allow the civilians to go and leave them [the combatants] there to
“predaju”, razoru`ati se i “predati se.”
fight against us deep in our own territory.
Imamo problem sa transkriptom, je’l?
Two weeks later, Mladiü issued Directive No. 4, which re-
lated to Eastern Bosnia, and he said the same thing: That they
[the combatants] had to either leave with the civilians or disarm
360 361

Vidite, da malo razjasnim. U Direktivi br. 4, jedna and remain there living as civilians — the Prosecution translates
re~enica ima koja se perpetuira u daqim direktivima. this as they “must surrender,” disarm and “surrender.”
U Direktivi br. 7, i ona glasi — ta re~enica koju We have a problem with the transcript, don’t we?
Tu`ila{tvo stavqa meni i Mladi}u na teret — da smo You see, I want to clarify things a little. In Directive No. 4,
naredili da se vojska i civili izgube iz odre|ene zone. there is a sentence which was repeated in subsequent directives.
Ali to nije tako. Mladi} je rekao da borci idu sa In Directive No. 7, and this sentence — with which the Prosecu-
civilima, a ne civili sa borcima. Ovde }emo dokazati tion charges both Mladiü and me — declares that we had ordered
da su civili tra`ili i da im je bilo odobrovano da idu, the Army and the civilians to disappear from a certain zones. But
a Mladi} ka`e: “Ima da idete i vi sa civilima.” I u toj that is not so. Mladiü said that the combatants should leave to-
direktivi ne ka`e Mladi} ima vojska da napusti da gether with the civilians, not the civilians with the combatants.
povede civile, nego obrnuto, po{to civili idu, neka We are going to prove here that it was the civilians who asked
ide s wima i vojska. I to je nedvosmisleno. and who received permission to leave, but Mladiü told them:
Dve nedeqe pre Direktive br. 4, imamo taj slu~aj u “You too have to go with the civilians.” Mladiü didn’t say in this
Kotor Varo{u, i taj slu~aj sada postaje model srpskog directive that the Army had to leave and take civilians along with
pona{awa: ako ho}e civili da idu, mogu da idu, ali them, but quite the opposite, that, since the civilians were leav-
nemojte vi da ostajete da se borite, da nam pucate u ing, then the Army had to go with them. And this is unambigu-
le}a. Idite i vi, pusti}emo vas. Su{tina Direktive 4 i ous.
Direktive 7 je da civili sa sobom povedu vojsku, po{to Two weeks before Directive No. 4 was issued, we had that
civili ina~e ho}e da idu. Zahtevi su sa muslimanske case in Kotor Varoš and this case now serves as a model for Ser-
strane i u isto~noj Bosni, prema Morijonu, i u Kotor bian conduct: if civilians want to leave, they may leave, but
Varo{u prema kriznom {tabu op{tine, odnosno, don’t stay behind to fight and shoot us in the back. You go too,
ratnom presedni{tvu op{tine, u ultimativan zahtev da and we’ll allow it. The essence of Directive Nos. 4 and 7 was
se wihovi civili puste. I ima dokaz da ja sam rekao, “u that the civilians must take the Army with them because the ci-
redu, pustite ih, omogu}ite im da bezbedno pro|u.” Ali vilians, in any case, want to leave. These requests were made by
vojnici imaju svoju logiku, oni ka`u: “Izvinite, za{to the Muslim side in Eastern Bosnia to Morillon, and in Kotor Va-
biste vi sada da civile idu preko cele na{e teritorije roš to the county crisis centers, in other words, to the wartime
da bi vi posle da nas ubijate? Idite i vi s wima.” E, to presidency of the county, as an ultimatum that their civilians be
je osnova Direktive 4 i Direktive 7, kojima ovde ma{e allowed to leave. There is proof that I said: “All right, let them
Tu`ila{tvo i osudili su neke qude, a to u op{te nije go. Grant them safe passage.” But soldiers have their own logic
ta~no. Re~enica ne glasi da civili odu s vojskom, nego and they say: “Pardon me, why would you allow civilians to go
obrnuto, da vojska ode s civilima. A vidimo dve nedeqe across all of our territory so that you can then kill us? You ought
ranije utvr|eno je da }e iz Kotor Varo{a civili oti}i, to go with them, too.” Well, that is the basis for Directives No. 4
and 7, which the OTP is waving around and with which they
362 363

i da treba da ide i vojska s wima, a ne da ostane da se u have convicted some people, but it is utterly incorrect. This sen-
na{oj dubini iza na{ih le|a bori protiv nas. tence does not state that the civilians must leave with the Army,
Za Srebrenicu }u kratko da pre|em taj period pre but the reverse, that the Army must leave with the civilians. And
1995. Srebrenica i @epa su u 1993-e progla{ene za we saw two weeks prior to this that it was confirmed that the
za{ti}ene zone nakon {to sam ja obustavio civilians would leave Kotor Varoš, and that the Army had to
napredovawe srpske vojske. Iz Kamenice, iz okolnih leave with them, and not to stay behind deep in our territory and
mesta izme|u Srebrenice i Zvornika. Stalno su nas fight us while we had our backs turned.
napadali. I ne samo vojsku, nego su zaustavqali zasedu,
pa autobus civila pobiju na Crnom Vrhu. To se nije
As for Srebrenica, I will briefly cover the period before
vi{e moglo tolerisati. Nikakvi predgovori nisu dali
1995. In 1993, Srebrenica and Žepa were declared safe havens
rezultate. Oni su slu{ali naredbe iz Sarajeva da
after I halted the advance of Serbian Army. They were constant-
uznemiravaju Srbe i vojsku svuda i na svakom mestu.
ly attacking us from Kamenica, from the areas between Srebren-
Tako su se razvile borbe na podru~ju izme|u Zvornika,
ica and Zvornik. They were constantly attacking us. And not on-
Kamenica itd., prema Srebrenici. I tada su oni
ly were they attacking the Army, but they also set up an ambush,
izgubili i mnogi su oti{li u Srebrenicu. Bila je
and they killed a bus load of civilians on Crveni Vrh. It was im-
stra{na propaganda oko Cerske. Ista kao {to je bilo i
possible to tolerate this any longer. Negotiations did not yield
za Srebrenicu. Krv te~e potocima, Srbi su pokasapili,
any results whatsoever. They were following orders from Sara-
jevo to harass Serbs as well as the Serbian Army anywhere and
General Morijon je tra`io saglasnost od mene da
everywhere they could. That was how fighting broke out in the
u|e u Cersku da vidi. General Morijon je u{ao u Cersku
area between Zvornik, Kamenica, etc. towards Srebrenica. And
i izvestio: nema ni traga o borbama, a kamoli o
then they lost, and many of them went to Srebrenica. There was
masakrima. Zato smo mi kasno naredili istrage oko
an enormous propaganda campaign surrounding Cerska just as
Srebrenice, jer je ista propaganda, istim re~ima za
there was surrounding Srebrenica. Rivers of blood flowed. The
Cersku ponovqena dve godina kasnije za Srebrenicu.
Serbs were slaughtering people, etc.
Ja sam zaustavio napredovawe na{e vojske kod
General Morillon sought my agreement to enter Cerska to see
Srebrenice poznatom naredbom. Ona je ovde
for himself. General Morillon entered Cerska, and he reported:
prezentovana. I naredio sam ~ak da ne vr{e ni istrage
there was no trace of fighting at all, let alone a massacre. That’s
o ratnim zlo~inima, a bilo je jako mnogo ratnih
the reason why we were late in ordering an investigation to be
zlo~ina, da bismo izbegli eventualno neku
conducted on Srebrenica, because the same propaganda campaign,
nekontrolisanu osvetu.
the same words that were applied to Cerska were repeated two
years later in connection with Srebrenica.
I halted the advance of our Army towards Srebrenica with
the well-known order I gave. It has been presented here. And I
364 365

Progla{ena za{ti}ena zona, dogovorene granice even ordered them not to investigate any war crimes, although
dve za{ti}ene zone, izme|u dve za{ti}ene zone koje there were plenty of them, just in order to avoid any eventual
nisu spojene, ostavqen je na{ prolaz u na{oj uncontrollable revenge killings.
teritoriji izme|u Skelana i Mili}a, itd. Celo vreme, A safe haven was declared, borders were agreed to for the
kao {to svedo~i Generalni Sekretar Ujedinih Nacija, two safe areas, and between two safe areas that were not con-
da Srebrenica i @epa nisu za{ti~ene zone nego nected, a passage was left for us on our territory between Skelani
“stronghold,” upori{ta vojna, oru`ana upori{ta iz koji and Miliüi, etc. Throughout this entire time, as the UN Secretary-
se permanentno svakodnevno bar jedan Srbin, vojnik General himself testified, Srebrenica and Žepa were not safe ha-
ili civil, gine oko tih “za{ti}enih zona.” vens but were instead military “strongholds,” military bases,
Svakodnevno, imamo izve{taje Generalnog Sekretara armed bastions from which, as a permanent daily occurrence, at
Savetu Bezbednosti, {ta se de{ava tamo. Tu`ila{tvo least one Serb, be it a soldier or a civilian, was killed around
je, vaqda na osnovu toga, prihvatilo da je to legitimna these “safe havens.” We have daily reports from the Secretary-
akcija bila, ali na{a akcija nije bila usmerena na General of the Security Council about what was happening there.
uzimawe Srebrenice. The Prosecution, perhaps on this basis, accepted that it was a
U svim sporazumima, u svim planovi mirovnim, mi legitimate operation, but our operation was not designed to cap-
smo prihvatali da }e Srebrenica i @epa biti ~ak ture Srebrenica.
povezane sa Gora`dem i da }e u tom delu biti kanton In all the agreements, in all the peace plans, we had accepted
kao sada {to ima u Gora`du kanton, da }e biti @epa i that Srebrenica and Žepa would even be connected to Goražde
Srebrenica muslimanske. Zna~i, nije nam padalo na and that the area would become a canton, just as there is a Go-
pamet da to uzimamo. Kada su se na{i vojnici vratili u ražde canton, and Žepa and Srebrenica would be Muslim. It nev-
granice za{ti}ene zone, odjednom se pokazalo da su oni er occurred to us to take them. When our soldiers returned to the
napustili Srebrenicu. I onda sam ja odobrio da u|u da safe haven, it was immediately apparent that they [i.e., the Mus-
razoru`aju bande, da uspostave vlast, da uspostave red i lims] had abandoned Srebrenica. And then I ordered them to en-
mir, da ~uvaju, itd. Ima i to pismo ovde. Posebno je ter the town to disarm roving gangs, to establish authority, to
General Tolimir obave{tavan {ta sam ja odobrio. establish order and maintain peace, to protect, etc. I have that
Kad su na{i u{li u Srebrenicu, nema civila! Nema letter here. General Tolimir,142 in particular, was advised of what
ni vojske. Nema nikoga. Vojska je pobegla u {ume, I had approved.
civilna vlast je izvr{ila predaju. Vojska nije Once our troops entered Srebrenica, there were no civilians!
poslu{ala civilnu vlast, odmetnula se u {ume da se There was no Army. There was no one at all. The [Muslim] Ar-
bori, a civile — nije srpska vojska izvela iz ku}a, nego my had fled into the woods; the civilian authorities surrendered.
su ih izvele Ujediwene Nacije. The [Muslim] Army did not obey the civilian authorities; it fled
into the woods to continue fighting, while the civilian population
366 367

Imamo ovde dokaze, i svedoka muslimanskih da su, — the Serbian Army did not escort them from their homes; in-
polaze}i od sela, a ne iz same Srebrenice, i{li sa stead, the UN did.
planom i sa namerom da mu{karci se pridru`e jedinici We have proof, and Muslim witnesses will testify to the fact,
za probaj prema Tuzli, a civili da idu u Poto~are da ih that starting out from the villages, and not from Srebrenica itself,
Ujediwene Nacije prebace u Kladaw i u teritoriju pod they [i.e., Muslim Army] went with the plan and intention to join
muslimanskom kontrolom. Potpuno iznena}ewe bilo units to break through our lines in the direction of Tuzla, while
kad smo mi u{li, i potpuno iznena|ewe bilo da nema the civilians were supposed to go to Potoüari so that UN forces
civila kod svojih ku}a, i potpuno iznena|ewe je bilo da could transfer them to Kladanj and territory under Muslim con-
svi civili ho}e da napuste. trol. A complete surprise was waiting for us when we entered;
Ovde, i daqe Tu`ila{tvo insistira da je to bilo the absence of civilians in their homes was a complete surprise;
prisilna deportacija, a imamo sve mogu}e dokaze da nije and it was a complete surprise that all the civilians wished to
bila prisilna deportacija. I imamo dokaz da nije bila leave.
planirana. Ni{ta nismo imali sredstava. Here, the Prosecution still insists that this was a forcible de-
Morali smo, kad smo ~uli da ne}e da idu ku}ama, da portation, but we have all manner of proof that that was not a
ho}e da budu preme{teni u Kladaw i Tuzlu pod forcible deportation. And we have proof that this had never been
muslimansku kontrolu, navrat-nanos smo tra`ili planned. We had no means to carry this out.
autobuse i kola i kamione, jer smo se pla{ili osvete. U When we heard that they did not want to return to their
tolikoj masi, neki osvetnik baci bombu, to bi bila homes, that they wanted to be transferred to Kladanj and Tuzla,
kasapnica. Nikakvih ubijawa nema do 14-og. Ima 13-og [towns] under Muslim control, we bent over backwards to look
incident u Kravici — izazvao je zarobqenik — for buses and automobiles and trucks [to provide transportation]
Musliman — oteo je pu{ku i pucao je i tu se desio because we were afraid of acts of revenge. With such a great mass
incident. of people, some avenger could throw a bomb, which would have
Do 14-og nema nikakvih incidenata. Krunski svedok resulted in sheer butchery. There had been no killings until the
Tu`ila{tva protiv mene u slu~aju Srebrenice, pokojni 14th. There was some incident in Kravica on the 13th — caused
Derowi}, na koga se oni najvi{e nadaju, od 92 quarter by a prisoner of war — a Muslim — he had seized a rifle and
pravilu, u stvari svedo~i u moj korist. On ka`e da je started shooting, which resulted in an incident.
dva puta 13-og uve~e i 14-og u jutru, navodno nekog There were no incidents prior to July 14. The Prosecution’s
pukovnika koji je bio raspolo`en da likvidira neke crown witness against me in the Srebrenica case, the late Deron-
ratne zarobqenike, spre~io mojim imenom. Rekao mu je, jiü, on whom the OTP had laid its greatest hope according to the
i 13-og u ve~e i 14-og u jutru: “Ako tako nastavi{, ja }u 92 quarter rule, was in fact actually testifying in my favor. He
zvati Predsednika.” I on se povukao. said that on two occasions, the evening of the 13th and the morn-
ing of the 14th, there was allegedly a colonel who was inclined
to liquidate certain prisoners of war, and that he had prevented
368 369

Detainees. Ratni zarobqenici. Ja Vas molim, jezik je him from doing so by invoking my name. He said to him on the
problem. I vide}ete kasnije da kad ka`u “razmena night of the 13th or the morning of the 14th: “If you keep acting
zarobqenika.” “Zarobqenik” kod nas nije “zatvorenik.” like that, I’m going to call the President.” And he [the colonel]
Kad se ka`e “zarobqenik,” to zna~i “ratni backed off.
zarobqenik”. To je, takore}i, tautologija. Zarobqenik Detainees. Prisoners of war. Please, the language is a prob-
je ratni. A zatvorenik je detainee. Zna~i ovo su bili lem. And you will see later that when they use the expression “ex-
ratni zarobqenici. I kad ka`e “razmena ratnih change of prisoners.” A “prisoner” in our language is not a “de-
zarobqenika” — a ne ka`e “ratnih” — onda se to tainee.” When you say “prisoner,” that means “a prisoner of war.”
stavqa na teret mojoj policiji da je razmewivala That is, so to speak, a tautology. The prisoner is a prisoner of war.
zatvorenike. To je tako|e jedan od jezi~kih problema. Anyone who is detained is called a detainee. That means these
“Ratni zarobqenik,” dovoqno je re}i “zarobqenik.” people were prisoners of war. And when we speak about an “ex-
Zna se da je ratnik. “Zarobqen” zna~i uhva}en u borbi. change of prisoners of war” — without saying “of war” — then
A “zatvoren” zna}i uhap{en po nekom drugom osnovu. the Prosecution charges me with having exchanged detainees. This
Hvala za kontrolu transkripta. is, likewise, a linguistic problem. For “a prisoner of war,” it is suf-
14-og ujutru, kako svedo~i Derowi} — ja ne znam da ficient to say “a prisoner.” It goes without saying that he is a
li se to zbivalo tako sa tim pukovnikom — ali sam combatant. “Prisoner” means captured in battle. “Detained” means
Derowi} ka`e: “Na @utom mostu sam ga sreo — on mi arrested for a different reason altogether.
tra`i da upotrebi Ciglanu. Ja mu ka`em ja idem na Thank you for this correction in the transcript.
Pale kod Predsednika.” I stvarno je do{ao kod mene On the morning of the 14th, as Deronjiü testified — I don’t
14-og, i on se povukao. actually know whether this incident with the colonel actually
Dva puta ~lana glavnog {taba, jedan mali took place as he describes it or not, but Deronjiü himself says: “I
predsednik op{tinskog odbora SDS-a, dva puta stopira met him on the Yellow Bridge — he wanted me to give him
imenom Radovana Karaxi}a. Kako }e, da je Karaxi} permission to use Ciglana, the brick factory. And I told him I’m
naredio ne{to, neko nezakonito ubijawe? Ovaj bi going to Pale to see the President.” And, indeed, he did come to
pukovnik rekao: “Ma sedi ti, mali. Be`i mali, {ta see me on the 14th, and this other fellow backed off.
ti—?” “Imam ja svojih instrukcija. Meni je Predsednik The young president of an SDS county board twice stopped
reko.” I da mu je mladi} ~ak rekao: “[ta me briga za a member of the general staff by invoking the name of Radovan
tvog {efa. Imam ja moga {efa.” Karadžiü. If Radovan Karadžiü had issued an order, how could
someone carry out an extrajudicial killing? The colonel would
have said, “Easy does it, kid. Get lost. What are you —?” “I
have my instructions. The President gave them to me.” The kid
even could have even said: “What do I care about your boss?
I’ve got my own boss, see?”
370 371

Eto, najja~i svedok Tu`ila{tva, prema onome {to je There you have it. The strongest Prosecution witness, ac-
dosada rekao, apsolutno ne govori u korist one teze cording to what he has so far said, absolutely does not speak in
koju Tu`ila{tvo zastupa. favor of the premise advocated by the Prosecution.
Derowi} svedo~i isto tako da mi je navodno 14-og Deronjiü likewise testifies to the fact that on the 14th he al-
rekao da neki oficiri ho}e da ubiju zarobqenike, a da legedly told me that some officers wanted to kill prisoners of
sam ja rekao: “Ma ti svi oficiri su ludi!” Voza~ koji ga war, and that I had replied: “All these officers are crazy!” The
je dovezao svedo~i: “Kad se vratio Derowi} do mene i chauffeur who drove him [i.e., Deronjiü] testified as follows:
seo u kola, rekao: ‘Ne mogu da verujem da Predsednik za “When Deronjiü returned and got into the car, he said, ‘I can’t
ovo ne zna ni{ta.’” believe that the President doesn’t know anything about this.’”
To je dato u ovom Tu`ila{tvu. Ja se ne se}am da mi This was provided to the OTP. I don’t remember him telling
je on rekao. Ako mi je rekao, mogao je napraviti neku me about it. If he had said this to me, he could have been allud-
aluziju koju ja nisam ozbiqno shvatio. A da sam rekao da ing to something that I didn’t take seriously. And that I said that
su oficiri ludi, pa mo`e biti i tu je bilo dosta the officers were crazy — well, perhaps in that case there could
napetosti izme|u civilne vlasti i oficira. Jedni have been quite a bit of tension between the civilian authorities
drugima smo sva{ta zamerali ali nije doslovno. Kad and officers. We reproached one another for all sorts of things,
psihijatar ka`e da je neko lud, to zvu~i kao dijagnoza, but it was not to be taken literally. When a psychiatrist says that
ali ovo nije bila dijagnoza, nego je bila jedno ovako someone is crazy, then it sounds like a diagnosis, but this was
preneseno zna~ewe. Zna~i da oni ne mogu Derowi}a not a diagnosis; it was, instead, just an instance of speaking fig-
upotrebiti protiv mene, a nemaju drugo ni{ta. uratively. This means they cannot use Deronjiü against me —
I izve{taj vlade Holandske ka`e da je nejasna uloga and they really don’t have anything else.
Karaxi}a, a po pravila in dubio pro reo, ako je nejasna And the Dutch Government Report says that Karadžiü’s role
uloga, onda uloge nema. is unclear, and according to the in dubio pro reo rule, if the role
Nema istrage. Nema istrage za Srebrenicu i ne mogu is unclear, then the role doesn’t exist.
ni{ta da znam ni da ka`em za Srebrenicu, jer nema There was no investigation. There was no investigation of
istrage. Oni su tamo napravili jedno svetili{te. Opet Srebrenica and there is nothing I can learn or anything I can say
je to mit. Na kamenu pi{e osam hiqada i ne znam kolko about Srebrenica because there has been no investigation. They
Muslimana, ali nisu mogli da sahrane vi{e od dve i po created a sanctuary [i.e., the Potoüari Memorial Cemetery] over
hiqade i ne znam kolko ve} ima. A pogledajte, molim there. Once again, it’s a myth. And the stone monument that says
Vas, odakle su ti Muslimani koji su sahraweni u tom 8,000 and I don’t know how many Muslims [lie buried there],
svetili{tu. Mi znamo da i sada — evo ga. Zna~i, iz but they couldn’t bury more than 2,500 there — I don’t know
Bratunca, Bijeqine (koja je daleko sto pedeset what the exact figure is now. And please take a look at where
kilometara), Fo~e, Han Pijeska, Rogatice, Sarajeva, these Muslims came from who are buried in this hallowed
Sokolca, Srebrenice — Srebrenika (koji je daleko jo{ ground. We know even now — here it is. That means: from
372 373

vi{e) — Ugqevika, Vi{egrada, Vlasenice i Zvornika. Bratunac, Bijeljina (which is about 50 kilometers away), Foþa,
A to va`i kao da su Srbi ubili mu{karaca i de~aka Han Pijesak, Rogatica, Sarajevo, Sokolac, Srebrenica, Srebrenik
8.320. (which is even farther away), Ugljevik, Višegrad, Vlasenica, and
A sve sa prirodnim smrtima za ~etiri godine rata, Zvornik. And now this validates [the assertion] that Serbs killed
sa pogibijama u borbama za ~etiri godine rata, sa 8,320 Muslim “men and boys.”
pogibijama u borbama po {umama oko Srebrenice, pri And all this added to the natural deaths that occurred over
nasilnom probijawu kroz srpske teritorije, oni nisu the course of four years of war, along with all the combat fatali-
mogli da indentifikuju ni da sahrane vi{e od, ne znam, ties in the forests surrounding Srebrenica during the violent at-
dve i po ili tri hiqade qudi. tempt to break through across Serbian territory, they could nei-
I onda taj istra`ni materijal. Ovde se sudi qudima ther identify nor bury more than — I don’t know — 2,500 or
za Srebrenicu. Taj istra`ni materijal ide onako od 3,000 people there.
oka. Ne ubijeni su osam i po hiqada. Da vidimo taj And then this investigative material. Here, people are being
materijal. Da vidimo DNK. tried for Srebrenica. This investigative material making the
Ja sam sada u fazi utvr|ivawa istine oko rounds is guesswork. 8,500 people were not killed. Let’s have a
Srebrenice. Da vidimo da li je bilo nezakonitog i look at this material. Let’s see the DNA.
kako, i kako je do{lo do nezakonitog ubijawa i koji je Now I am in the phase of establishing the truth about Sre-
to obim to nezakonito ubijawe. Ali mi imamo izve{taj brenica. Let us see whether it was unlawful or not, and how it
same muslimanske op{tine, ka`e: “Imamo 37.000 qudi. came to extrajudicial killings as well as the scope of the extraju-
Prikazujemo 45 radi humanitarne pomo}i da hranimo dicial killings. However, we have the report issued by the Mus-
vojsku.” I kada saberemo prirodne smrti, smrti tokom lim county itself that says: “We have 37,000 people. We are
borbi, i ono {to je iza{lo u Kladaw i u Tuzli, i kada showing 45,000 for the sake of humanitarian aid so that we can
vidimo {ta su indetifikovali, na koji na~in su feed our troops, too.” And when we add up the natural deaths,
poginuli — ne mo`e od granate biti egzekucija. Moraju combat fatalities, along with all those who managed to leave for
biti istrage radi budu}nosti — ne radi Karaxi}a — Kladanj and Tuzla, and when we see whom they have identified
radi budu}nosti tih naroda tamo. Moraju biti istrage; as well as the cause of death — people are not executed by
mora se utrvrditi ko je kad, kako poginuo. Kada, na koji shells. There must be an investigation for the sake of the future
na~in. A ovo da se sudi, od oka nekoliko Srba ubilo — not for Karadžiü’s sake — for the sake of the future of the
nekoliko Muslimana. Ja se nadam da to ovo Ve}e ne}e to people [who live] there. Investigations must be conducted; it
dopustiti, i da }e ovo Ve}e stati na stranu, da }e must be established who was killed, how, and when. The time of
podr`ati obranu da se jednom za sva vremena utvrdi {ta death and the manner of death. And to try this in court, making
se desilo u Srebrenici. charges that are guesswork, that some Serbs killed some Mus-
lims. I hope this Trial Chamber will not allow this, and that this
Trial Chamber will come out in favor of and will support the
374 375

Moram da ka`em da ne mogu da optu`im Ve}a {to Defense in establishing once and for all what happened in Sre-
nisu to utvrdili. U na{em sistemu, sudije to istra`e i brenica.
utvr}uju, ali ove odbrane nisu bile u stawu da Ve}ima I must say that I cannot blame the Trial Chambers for not
predo~e istinu, jer nisu izvr{ile istragu. Nema having established this [i.e., what happened in Srebrenica]. In
istrage. Jednostavno ne postoji osnov da se ka`e ovo je our system, it is the investigating judges who investigate and
bilo ili ono je bilo, radi toga {to nema istrage. confirm the charges, however, the Defense team was not in a
Tako da }emo nakon istrage oko Srebrenice, a ja }u position to present the truth to the Trial Chamber because no in-
zahtevati svaki izve{taj. Ja sam dobio saglasnost od vestigation had ever conducted. There was no investigation.
Ve}a da dobijem sav materijal — da dobijem podatke — There is simply no basis for saying this or that happened because
a onda da napravimo uzorak od pet posto za DNK i na there was no investigation.
osnovu tog pet posto }emo videti da li ima zna~ajnih That is what we’re going to do after the inquiry on Srebreni-
odstupawa. Ako ima zna~ajnih odstupawa, onda ima sve ca, and I am going to demand [copies of] each and every report. I
da se pregleda. have been given the consent of the Trial Chamber to receive
Ina}e, vidite, jer mi znamo i sada da se iskopavaju [copies of] all the material involved — to get all the information
grobovi po Bosni iz nekih mesta da bi u julu bilo neko — and then let us take a sample of 5% of the DNA and, on the
da se sahrani u Srebrenici. Pa, dajte da vidimo — basis of this 5% sample, we will see whether there are significant
zlo~in je jedan ~ovek ako se ubije. «emu izmi{qati i deviations. If there are significant deviations, then all of it must
~emu preterivati. be reexamined.
Na kraju, bi hteo da ka`em — imam jo{ petnaest In any case, you see, we know even now that graves are be-
minuta svojih — je’l tako? ing exhumed in B-H in certain places in order to have [enough]
Hteo bih da ka`em ne{to o ovome, ta~ki 11, bodies to bury in Srebrenica in July. Well, let’s see — it is a
odnosno, udru`eni zlo~ina~ki poduhvat, koji se odnosi crime if one person is killed. Why bother concocting [charges]
na uzimawe talaca. and exaggerating?
Moja su{tinska primedba odbrani }e biti da vojska Finally, I would like to say — I have another fifteen minutes
ne mo`e biti talac, da su taoci civili, koji ni na koji left — is that right?
na~in ne u~esvuvaju u borbama.
Charges of Taking Hostages
Ova gospoda koja su bila utao~ena — kad tako ka`em
I would like to say something about this Paragraph 11,
— nisu bili civili i bili su ume{ani u borbe.
namely, the joint criminal enterprise which pertains to hostage-
Odmah da ka`em, lako }e mi biti dokazati da ja s
tim nemam veze. Svedok Tu`ila{tva je rekao: “Karaxi}
My fundamental comment for the Defense will be that an
je saznao iz medija.” I ceo svet je saznao iz medija — da
army cannot be held hostage; that civilians, who do not partici-
su qudi u panici pred nezakonitim bombardovawem od
pate in the fighting at all, are hostages.
strane NATO Saveza, nezakonitim bombardovawem, jer
376 377

se nije radilo o bliskoj podr{ci, close air support, koja je These gentlemen who were held hostage — if I may put it
bila legitimna ako je jedinaca Ujediwenih Nacija that way — were not civilians and they were mixed up in the
ugro`ena. Ovo je bilo operativno — da ne ka`em fighting.
strate{ko — bombardovawe srpskih polo`aja, da se Let me say right now it will be easy for me to prove that I
oslabi srpska sposobnost da se brani. had nothing to do with that. A Prosecution witness said:
U panici su qudi, civili, uzeli te strance, “Karadžiü learned about it from media reports.” The whole
zadr`ali kod nekog mosta ili negde da im taj most ne world learned about it from the media reports — that people
bude pogo|en, jer onda }e ih vojska Stranke demokratske were panic-stricken as they faced illegal air-strikes by the NATO
akcije poklati, a ne}e mo}i da se evakui{u. alliance, illegal bombardment, because this was not about close-
Svedok tvrdi, a ja to dobro znam — a on je to u prvom air support, which would have been legitimate if UN units had
svom intervju rekao — General — Karaxi} je saznao iz been endangered. This was operational — not to mention strate-
medija, nazvao i naredio da se odmah puste. Ali vi{e gic — bombardment of Serbian positions in order to weaken
nije bilo od pomo}i. Mediji su to objavili i svi koji su their capability to defend themselves.
se ose}ali ugro`eni po~eli su da uzimaju te qude. Panic-stricken people, civilians, took these foreigners and
Za{to oni nisu taoci? Za{to su oni borci? Ovde kept them close to some bridge or somewhere so that that bridge
}emo pokazati da svi generali Ujediwenih Nacija mole would not be hit, because then the SDA’s Army would have
svoje civilne {efove: “Molimo vas, ne me{ajte nas u slaughtered them, and they would not have been able to evacu-
sukob. Izlo`i}ete nas na opasnosti, svrsta}ete nas na ate.
jednu od strana.” Svesni su. Svi wihovi komandanti su A witness claims — as I know well — and he said this in his
svesni: ako budu bombardovali Srbe uz poziv ovih first interview — the General — that Karadžiü found out about it
trupa, da }e te trupe biti ume{ane. A ne samo da su from media reports and that he ordered that they be immediately
ume{ane akcijom wihovih komandanata, nego su released. But it was no longer of any use. The media had already
ume{ani i pojedina~no. broadcast the news and anyone who felt threatened started taking
Kod Generala Rouza imamo bukvalno prenos sa these men as hostages.
radija transkript kako su wegovi vojnici ume{ani — Why are they not hostages? Why are they combatants? Here,
oni su ni{anxije onih aviona gore. I taj momak u radio we are going to show that all the UN generals were begging their
prenosi ka`e: “A, evo odabrao sam ciq, ~ujem Sea Harrier civilian chiefs: “Please do not involve us in the conflict. You are
dolazi, izlazi ispod oblaka, ja sam nani{anio. O, Bo`e going to expose to us to danger, and they will treat us as belonging
moj! Bo`e moj! Srbi su ga pogodili, on pada,” itd. to one of the warring parties.” They were aware of it. All of the
commanders were aware of it: if they bombed the Serbs in re-
sponse to an appeal made by these troops, that these troops would
be involved. And not only were they involved through the actions
378 379

Da ostavimo ono {to su na{e sumwe, i dokazane taken by their commanders, but they were even involved individu-
sumwe da su te jedinice Ujediwenih Nacija {vercovale ally.
— UNPROFOR je u jedno vreme su ga zvali “taksi We have with General Rose a true and accurate transcript of
muslimanske vojske,” jer su kroz na{e linije prolazili a radio transmission about how his soldiers were involved —
nenajavqeno, itd. [vercovali su oru`je, municiju, ali because they were spotters for aircraft flying overhead. And then
niko ih za to ne bi uzeo kao taoce, nego ih su uzeli kao this young man says in the radio transmission: “Look, I approved
taoce kad je do{lo do toga da su bombardovani — ne a target and I can hear the Sea Harrier coming, emerging from a
zbog close air support, nego takti~ki i operativno — a cloud, and I assigned the target. O, my God! O, my God! The
Boga mi, za malo i strate{ki. Serbs hit it. It’s falling,” etc.
A svi ti vojni posmatra~i — ovde nam je svedok Let us leave aside our suspicions for the moment, and the
kojeg smo intervjuisali — posvedo~io da su to vojnici proven suspicion that these UN units were involved in smug-
borci, da su oni ni{anxije, da su eksperti. Jedan takav gling — at one time, they called UNPROFOR “the taxi service
vredi vi{e od moje ~ete, jer je ekspert i ume{ani su do of the Muslim Army” because they traveled across our lines un-
gu{e. Naravno da je meni `ao. Prvo mi je `ao da oni su announced, etc. They smuggled weapons, ammunition, but no-
nas bombardovali, {to su nam naneli {tetu. A mi je body would have taken them as hostages because of that; in-
`ao {to smo tako odgovorili, ali to nije zadr`avawe stead, they took hostages when they started bombing — not for
talaca. Oni su bili ume{ani u taj rat protiv nas. the sake of close-air support but tactically, operationally — and,
Pozvali su NATO avione da nas bombarduju. Pomagali I swear to God, almost even strategically.
su im. Bili su ni{anxije wihove. E, pa to ne mo`e biti All of these military observers — here we have a witness
talac. whom we interviewed — testified that these men were combat-
Dakle, vide}ete tokom dokaznog postupka koliko je ants, that they were spotters, experts. One of them is worth more
muslimanska strana ubila stranih vojnika u Bosni. than an entire company of mine, because these experts were
Vide}ete da su oni oborili italijanski avion, jer deeply implicated [in these events]. I am, of course, very sorry. I
nikako ga nije mogla oboriti srpska vojska, nakon ~ega am sorry that they bombed us in the first place, that they caused
smo dobili zabranu letewa. Vide}ete koliko su puta us damage. And I am sorry that we replied in this fashion, but
Muslimani granatirali konvoj u pratwi UNPROFOR- this was not hostage-taking. They were involved in this war
a sa Igmana — sve iz dokaznog materijala koje against us. They called on NATO aircraft to bomb us. They
Tu`ila{tvo ima protiv mene. Vide}ete {ta su oni helped them. They were their spotters [who were selecting tar-
radili tim strancima, koji su ih {titili, ~uvali, i gets]. Well, that can’t be considered a hostage.
{vercovali oru`ije za wih, davali im ogromnu You will see during the presentation of evidence how many
humanitarnu pomo}. Oni su wih granatirali i pucali foreign soldiers the Muslim side in Bosnia killed. You will see
snajperima, itd., da bi izazvali odijum protiv Srba, a u that they downed an Italian aircraft because the Serbian Army
stvari je bilo jasno i nedvosmisleno, i utvr}eno da su absolutely could not have done it — after which a no-fly zone
380 381

to oni radili. A ne}ete na}i, osim u jednom slu}aju, da was imposed on us. You will see how many times the Muslims
su Srbi to uradili. shelled convoys that were being escorted by UNPROFOR from
Jedan potpukovnik u nervnom rastrojstvu rasturio Igman — all of this drawn from evidence that the OTP has in its
je jedan konvoj — nije ubio nikoga, nego je prosto case against me. You will see what they did to those foreigners
pobacao stvari — i ja sam ga smenio. who protected them, guarded them, who smuggled weapons for
Priznao sam Generalu Valgrenu i izvinio se, i them, and were giving them vast amounts of humanitarian aid.
smenio sam ~oveka, koji je `iv~ano bio popustio zbog They shelled them and subjected them to sniper fire, etc., in or-
toga {to se UNPROFOR tako pona{a — prolazi kroz der to evoke odium against the Serbs, but, in fact, it has been
na{e linije, i radi sve {to ne treba da radi. Ali ono clearly and unambiguously established that they were the ones
{to je najva`nije, to je ono {to komandanti who were doing these things. You will not find a single case but
UNPROFOR-a ka`u. “Nemojte nas me{ati u rat. Ako one in which the Serbs did such things.
budete bombardovali Srbe izvan close air support, mi A lieutenant-colonel who was suffering a nervous break-
postajemo ratuju}a strana.” I to je ta~no. Onoga trena, down broke up a convoy — he did not kill anyone, but he simply
kad su po~eli da nas bombarduju izvan close air support, ransacked the convoy’s shipments — and I personally relieved
oni su postali ratuju}a strana. E, daqe o tome ne moram him of duty.
ni{ta re}i. I acknowledged this to Gen. Wahlgren, and I apologized to
Dovoqno je to da ne mogu biti vojnici koji se him, and I dismissed this man, whose nerves had been shot be-
svrstaju na jednu stranu, bilo da im je oru`je pu{ka ili cause UNPROFOR was behaving as it did — crossing our lines
laser koji ni{ane, oni ne mogu biti taoci. Oni su and doing all sorts of things it was not supposed to be doing. But
borci. Oni su zadejstvovani borci, dejstvuju protiv of utmost importance is what the UNPROFOR commanders
jedne od strana koja u najmawu ruku mo`e da ih zarobi. said: “Don’t get us mixed up in this war. If you bomb the Serbs
Naravno, to nije bila odluka ni civilnih vlastih, niti outside of the framework of close-air support, we will become a
je bila odluka vojnih komandi, ali se desilo da je narod warring party.” And that was true. The moment they started
to uradio i imamo dokaz u materijalu Tu`ila{tva da je bombing us outside the framework of close air support, they did
to bilo tako. Ja znam da je bilo, i se}am se da je bilo become a warring party. Well, I don’t have to say anything else
tako. Se}am se da su slike oti{le u sve medije po svetu on the subject.
i vi{e nije bilo na~ina da se oni puste u ti{ini, Suffice it to say that soldiers who take a particular side, re-
po{to je bombardovawe jo{ trajalo, a narod je odjednom gardless of whether their weapon is a rifle or a targeting laser,
video da bi to bio spas. cannot be considered hostages. They are combatants. They have
taken a side; they were fighting against one of the sides that could,
at least, take them prisoner. Of course, that was not a decision
made by the civilian authorities, nor was it a decision made by the
military command, but it turned out that [these] people did do that,
382 383

Ekselencije, ja se ne bojim ovog procesa. Sa velikim and we have evidence of it in the OTP material that it happened
entuzijazmom se pripremam. Na `alost, mogu da ugrozim that way. I know what happened, and I remember what happened.
svoje zdravqe, radim po celu no}, jer vremena nemam I remember that the pictures [of the hostages] were broadcast in all
dovoqno, a nemam ga, i izme|u ostalog, ne samo zato {to media all over the world, and there was no way to release them
nisu mi pla}eni tri i po meseca, ~etiri — koliko? — [i.e., the prisoners] quietly because the bombardment was still go-
~etiri i po meseca — nisu mi pla}eni — nisam imao ing on and the people all of a sudden realized that this would res-
pomo}, nisam imao svoje saradnike — nego i zato {to je cue them.
Tu`ila{tvo neselektivno nabacalo ogroman broj
materijala i ogroman broj navodnih dokaza, rukovo|eno
Excellencies, I’m not afraid of this trial. I am preparing for it
~iwenicom da nemaju dokaz. Pa onda, kao i Marksisti
with great enthusiasm. Regrettably, I may endanger my health
na{i, smatraju da }e jednog dana kvantitet pre}i u
because I am working all night long because I do not have suffi-
kvalitet ili da je boqe na pticu pucati sa~marom,
cient time [to prepare my defense], and I do not have sufficient
jedno }e ga zrno vaqda pogoditi.
time because, among other things, for three and a half or four
U koliko Savet Bezbednosti ne donese rezoluciju da
months — four — how many? — four and a half months — my
sankcioni{e sporazum sa Holbrukom o mom imunitetu
support staff has not been funded — I had no help, I didn’t have
— ja razmi{qam o tome — ja }u da ka`em {ta mislim, a
a staff — but also because the OTP has indiscriminately thrown
ne znam da li je to sve mogu}e. Ja razmi{qam o tome da
together an enormous amount of material and an enormous
bi dobro bilo kada bi Ve}e vratilo optu`nicu
amount of alleged evidence, altogether determined by the fact
Tu`ila{tvu da razmotri {ta je sve iznelo tu {to je
that they have no evidence. And then, like our Marxists back
lako pomesti metlom kao fal{ dokaz, kao la`ni dokaz,
home, suppose that one day quantity will become quality or that
pa ili da preuredi i smawi optu`nicu i da se usmeri na
it’s better to use a shotgun against a bird because at least one
izolovawe dela, a ne re~i tu|ih. Ne mogu da ka`u
buckshot will hit the target.
Karaxi}eva namera se vidi u re~ima Janka i Marka. Ne
If the Security Council does not pass a Resolution sanction-
mo`e. Ne mo`e se moja namera ni iz mojih re~i — ja sam
ing my agreement with Holbrooke concerning my immunity
politi~ar. Ja govorim. Ako ho}u neku meru koje se
from prosecution — I’m thinking it over — I’m going to tell you
narod boji da provedem, ja moram da ih umirim govore}i
what I think, but I don’t know whether all that will be possible.
drugu stranu te pri~e. Nego dela — deeds, not words.
I’m considering whether it would be good if the Trial Chamber
Ako ne ni to, ako ne}e da povu~e optu`nicu ili da
were to return the Indictment to the OTP to examine all the
je reducira i da se usmeri i da izoluje moja dela, da
things that they set forth therein that can easily be swept away as
vidimo ta dela, onda bi dobro bilo da dobijem vreme i
false, trumped up evidence, so they could either alter the Indict-
sredstva, kao {to je Predsednik Suda utvrdio da sam
ment or narrow the scope of the Indictment and direct it to iso-
neopravdano uskra}en bio za sredstva za pripremu
lated actions, and not base it on hearsay evidence. They cannot
tokom ovog perioda, i da se pripremim da napravimo
simply say that Karadžiü’s intentions may be divined by what
384 385

egzemplaran proces, koji }e slu`iti kao matrica i any Tom, Dick, and Harry may have to say. It’s impossible. It’s
slu`iti na ~ast i Ve}u i Tu`ila{tvu i odbrani, impossible [to infer] my intentions from my words — I’m a poli-
egzemplaran proces koji }e biti matrica, koja }e tician. I make speeches. If I intend to carry out some measure
rehabilovati i me|unarodno pravo i ovaj poduhvat i which the people fear, I have to assuage them by telling them the
ovaj Tribunal, i biti primer kako treba suditi u other side of the story. It is deeds — deeds, not words.
ovakvim stvarima. If this does not result in the withdrawal the Indictment or a
U tom slu~aju, ja bih mogao da uzmem obavezu da do reduction of its scope, if it is not aimed at isolating my actions,
kraja maja ili do polovina juna — obnova procesa do to see these actions, then it would be good for me to receive the
polovina juna — do polovine maja dostavim hiqade time and the resources [to answer them], as the Vice President of
~iwenica, moju agreed fact list, ~iwenica od kojih the Tribunal also determined that I had been unjustly deprived of
Tu`ila{tvo ne}e mo}i da ospori skoro ni{ta. Na resources in order to prepare myself during this period of time,
primer, proste ~iwenice, ka`e Srbi su preuzeli so I can prepare, so that we can have an exemplary trial that will
op{tinu, tu i tu, a tu Srbi `ive. I Srbi, se ka`e, be a blueprint that will restore the honor of the Trial Chamber,
kontrolisali, recimo, Haxi}e. Srbi su kontrolisali the Prosecution, as well as the Defense, an exemplary trial that
mali deo Ha|i}a, u srpskim naseqima. Ta vrsta fakata, will be a blueprint which will rehabilitate international justice as
oko kojih bismo se saglasili, ja bi mogao do kraja maja, well as this undertaking and this Tribunal and stand as an exam-
do polovine maja da dostavim, {to bi ovaj proces ple of how such matters should be tried.
o~istilo i oslobodilo ogromnog broja nepotrebnih In that case, I would take it upon myself to — by the end of
stvari oko kojih }emo se ovde dokazivati, i to bi May or mid-June — resuming the trial by mid-June — then by
skratilo bi ovaj proces maksimalno, na godinu, godinu mid-May I could deliver thousands of facts, my agreed facts list,
i po dana, jer bi ostalo veoma malo fakata koji bi bili facts that the OTP will be practically unable to challenge. For ex-
sporni i oko kojih bismo se ovde bavili wima u ovoj ample, the simple fact that the OTP says that Serbs took over cer-
sudnici. tain counties here and there, even though Serbs lived there in the
Ekselencije, toliko. Ja mislim da bi najboqe bilo first place. And it says the Serbs, for instance, controlled Hadžiüi.
da se uva`i Holbrukov sporazum, jer je to bilo, ali The Serbs controlled a small part of Hadžiüi — only the Serbian
neko nije dovr{io svoj posao. neighborhoods. Such facts, on which we could agree, I could de-
Ja sam se dr`ao sporazuma — ako to ne, onda liver by the end of May or by mid-May, in order to purge and lib-
Tu`ila{tvo da izvr{i reviziju i da tra`i dozvolu od erate these proceedings from the enormous number of unnecessary
Vas da povu~e optu`nicu. Ako idemo u proces, onda }e matters that we can prove here, and it would shorten this trial to a
Tu`ila{tvo — ja se nadam — mora}e da se dese revizije maximum of one or one and a half years, because there would be
drugih procesa u kojima su nevini qudi osu|eni. Jer }u very few facts that could be disputed that we would be dealing
ja ovde uspeti da doka`em da su oni nevino osu|eni with here in this courtroom.
brane}i sebe, brane}e fakte. A, ako se ide u proces,
386 387

onda }u ja i to uraditi. Ako ho}emo da proces bude brz, So much for now, Excellencies. I think it would be best to
egsemplaran, da bude na ~ast me|unarodnoj zajednici, validate the agreement with Holbrooke because it actually did
me|unarodnom pravosu|u, da ne propadne ideja o take place, but someone did not do his job.
su|ewima, za kr{ewe me|unarodnih normi, onda }u ja da I held up my part of the agreement — if not, then the OTP
dadnem konstruktivan doprinos kao i celo vreme do must execute a revision [of the Indictment] and seek your per-
sada, a moj konstruktivan doprinos bi bio u tom {to mission to withdraw the Indictment [as it now stands]. If we are
bih ja izdvojio fakte oko kojih }emo svi saglasiti i to go to trial, then the OTP — I hope — will have to review oth-
o~istiti ovaj proces od nepotrebnog materijala oko er trials where innocent men were convicted. Because I will suc-
koga }emo se ovde iscrpqivati i zaista baviti se samo ceed in proving that they were convicted as innocent men by de-
jednim meritimom koji je su{tinski. fending myself, by defending the facts. If we go to trial, howev-
Hvala. er, then I’m going to go through with it. If we want to have an
expeditious, exemplary trial that would will be an honor to the
SUDIJA KVAN: ɏɜɚɥɚ ɜɚɦɚ.
International Community as well as to international jurispru-
dence, so that the very idea of trials for violations international
norms is not destroyed, then I shall have made a constructive
contribution, as I have been doing all along up to now, and my
constructive contribution is going to be singling out the facts on
which we can all agree and purge these proceedings of unneces-
sary material that would simply exhaust us, and we must, indeed,
deal solely with the fundamental merits of this case.
Thank you.
JUDGE KWON: Thank you.

1. Mehmet-Paša Sokoloviü (Bajo Sokoloviü) (1505?–1579), Serbian

by birth, was one of the greatest viziers of the Ottoman Empire.
He was taken as a child by the Ottomans as a blood tribute under
the devúirme system, then Islamized and educated in Edirne, Tur-
key. He was named third vizier in 1555 for his distinguished mil-
itary service. Thanks to Mehmed-paša, the Ottoman Empire pur-
sued a political policy of laissez faire toward Serbia during this
time, which allowed for the building of monasteries, the introduc-
tion of printing, and the re-establishment of the Patriarchate of
Peü in 1557. He compelled Austria to sign a peace treaty in 1568,
and conquered Arabia in 1570. He had many enemies, and was
the victim of an assassination plotted by a dervish. The famous
bridge on the Drina in Višegrad, which was Ivo Andriü’s inspira-
tion for his novel, The Bridge on the Drina, was Mehmed-paša’s
2. Osman Ðikiü (1879–1912) poet and dramatist from Mostar.
3. Hasan Rebþiü, unidentified.
4. Meša Selimoviü, (1910–1982) novelist, best known for Death and
the Dervish (1966).
5. Muslim Bosniak Organization (“MBO”), which called for a dem-
ocratic Yugoslavia and supported Yugoslavia at the expense of
the sovereignty of individual republics, was founded in 1990 by
Adil Zulfikarpašiü and Muhamed Filipoviü. The party disavowed
the use Islam for political ends, and it distanced itself from the
SDA, which was founded by Alija Izetbegoviü.
6. Zulfikarpašiü, Adil, (1921–2008) Bosnian Muslim politician who
joined the Communist Party in 1938. He became a party organizer
in 1942, and was subsequently captured and tortured by Ustaše,
but escaped with the help of Partisans. He became Minister of
Trade after the Communist victory, but fled to Switzerland after
he was disillusioned by Tito. He returned to Bosnia on the eve of
the Bosnian War and formed the MBO with Muhamed Filipoviü.
7. Filipoviü, Muhamed (b. 1929) Bosnian Muslim academic, histori-
an, and member of the Academy of Sciences of B-H.
8. Young Muslims (Mladi Muslimani), a Muslim youth organization
that was begun in the 1930s in Yugoslavia as a party of Islamic
renewal but ended up as a fascist organization that recruited sol-
diers for the Nazi Handžar Division during WWII.

9. Muslim Brotherhood, a Muslim Fundamentalist organization Radovan Karadžiü’s speech to the first session of the Serbian
formed by Hasan El Banna, an Egyptian, in 1928. It seeks to es- People in B-H, March 27, 1992.
tablish Muslim states based on Sharia Law and the caliphate sys- 18. Hasan Efendiü was appointed Commander of the Bosnian Mus-
tem of political rule. Sayed Qutb continued the movement, which lim Army on April 4, 1992 by Alija Izetbegoviü.
inspired the young Alija Izetbegoviü.
19. SLIDE: “As far as other nations are concerned, we have to have a
10. tu quoque (Latin, “you, too”), a retort that discredits an oppo- proportion participating in the municipal authorities. We have to
nent’s position by turning his own accusations against him. be responsible, as we are creating a state. You are the organ creat-
11. Carla Del Ponte (1947–) former Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY ing it. The state must be created in the best way. We need to make
(1999–2008). it with all the ingredients.” Radovan Karadžiü’s speech at the 1st
12. the agreement between Karadžiü and Holbrooke, U.S. Special session of the Serbian people in B-H, 12 August, 1997.
Envoy Richard Holbrooke signed an agreement guaranteeing 20. SLIDE: “Commenting on the Fifth Round of the conference on
Dr. Karadžiü immunity from prosecution in exchange for his the future of B-H, the SDA spokesman Ifran Ajanoviü estimated
withdrawal from politics. Gojko Kliþkoviü, who was also a de- that the Muslim people will make up 82% of the population of
fendant at the ICTY, testified during his trial in 2009 that he wit- their own ethnic unit and that the Serbian people will make up
nessed the signing of the agreement in July 1996. In 2007, Rich- 50% of the population of the Serbian unit.” Ifran Ajanoviü, Sara-
ard Holbrooke described the Karadžiü’s allegation as an “outra- jevo, 18 March, 1992.
geous lie” and said he was “astonished that people would believe 21. SLIDE: “We do not envisage or recommend population ex-
a war criminal over the word of the United States or people who change. We propose reciprocal protection of minority rights.” Ra-
brought peace to the Balkans.” A copy of the agreement appeared dovan Karadžiü at a press conference, May 3, 1992.
in the Kurir (Serbian) in August 2008. In March 21, 2009, The
New York Times ran an article entitled “Study Backs Bosnian 22. SLIDE: From Slobodan Miloševiü’s Indictment by The Hague
Serb’s Claim of Immunity.” In October 2009, the ICTY finally re- Tribunal, ¶¶ 19–20 (22 May 1999).
jected Dr. Karadžiü’s appeal and ruled that the agreement with 23. SLIDE: “There would not have been a war if Croatia had not
Holbrooke was not binding. wanted it. Had we not wanted it and had we not armed ourselves,
13. EC Peace Conference held in February 1992. we would not have reached our goal.” Franjo Tuÿman, at Ban
Jelaþiü Square, May 1992.
14. Momþilo Krajišnik (b. 1945), was a co-founder of the SDS, speaker
of the Serbian Assembly (1990–1992), and later a member of the 24 SLIDE: Alija Izetbegoviü’s interview on Sarajevo TV, 15 Febru-
Presidency of the Republika Srpska. After the war, he served as the ary, 1993.
Serbian member of the tripartite Presidency of B-H. In 2006, he 25. SLIDE: MAP and “Statement of Principals for new constitutional
was convicted by the ICTY of crimes against humanity and sen- arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina”
tenced to twenty years’ imprisonment. He was granted an early re- D) Constituent Units
lease in 2013.
Within Bosnia and Herzegovina three constituent units would
15. SLIDE: Krajišnik Trial Judgment, Paragraphs 907, 908. be established. Members of the nations who would be a minority
16. SLIDE: Radovan Karadžiü’s speech at the 11th session of the in a particular constituent unit would receive protection similar to
Serbian people in B-H, 18 March, 1992. that in Article 2(3) of the Draft Convention.”
23 February 1992.
17. SLIDE: “A war in B-H will not solve anything. We must study
the situation regarding the saving of lives, property, and territory. 26. SLIDE: Sovereign and Independent
We have no other plans. We should strive to maintain peace.” Bosnia and Herzegovina
and within it
Serbian constituent unit

and within it 38. George Kenny, U.S. Department of State official until August
Muslims, Croats, and Serbs 1992, Yugoslavia, the Avoidable War, at 54:45.
living freely. 39. Cyrus Vance, UN Special Envoy to Yugoslavia 1991–1993,
27. SLIDE: After several rounds of talks, our “principles for constitu- The New York Times, April 14, 1993.
tional arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina” were agreed 40. Ruud Lubbers, Dutch Prime Minister, 1982–1994, Die
[to] by all three parties (Muslim, Serb, and Croat) in Sarajevo on Volkskrant, December 21, 1997.
18 March, 1992. These continued until the Muslims reneged on
the agreement. Had they not done this, the Bosnian question 41. SLIDE: “The United States fought and won the wars in Bosnia
might have been [settled] earlier with less loss of (mainly Mus- and Kosovo. We will win in Afghanistan, too.” Richard
lim) life and land. To be fair, President Izetbegoviü and his aides Holbrooke’s statement in Doha, February 2010.
were encouraged to support that deal and to fight for a unitary 42. SLIDE: “The Serbs had never attacked the Muslims, nor will they
Bosnian state by well-meaning outsiders who thought they knew ever attack the Muslims, nor is there such an intention. Irregular
better.” Jose Cutileiro, Secretary-General Western European Un- and outvoting decisions will create chaos and chaos is in no one’s
ion, BRUSSELS, Cutileiro’s Letter to The Economist, December, hands. That is how we can announce that there will not be a war,
1995. that I show we can guarantee that there will be no chaos, because
28. SLIDE: Radovan Karadžiü’s speech at the 9th session of Bosnia the order is in our hands and chaos is in no one’s hands.” Ra-
& Herzegovina’s Assembly 24-25 January 1992. dovan Karadžiü’s speech at the Bosnia & Herzegovina Assembly,
15 October 1991.
29. Uti possidetis juris (Latin, “what you possess you may hold and
use by law”), a concept originating in Roman law that governs the 43. Video of Markale. These are screen captures from the YouTube
lawful possession of property. It later evolved into a principle that version of Dr. Karadžiü’s Opening Defense Speech (Uvodna reþ).
governs international relations that defines the borders of newly This video clip is, apparently, evidence that was submitted to the
sovereign states in a treaty, which leaves belligerents mutually in Trial Chamber by the Prosecution.
possession of what they have acquired by force of arms during a 44. General Stanislav Galiü (b. 1943), Commander of the Sarajevo-
war. Romanija Corps of the Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) dur-
30. James Bissett, Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Speaking ing the Bosnian War. The ICTY convicted him in 2003 on charg-
Notes, U.S. Congressional Hearing, July 14, 2000. es of crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and cus-
toms of war. He was sentenced to twenty years in prison.
31. Colin Powell, The New York Times, September 19, 1995; The
New Yorker, September 17, 1995. 45. SLIDE: “Humanitarians” and “Journalists”
Spying for NATO, their countries or ABiH
32. Roland Dumas, French Foreign Minister 1988–1993, Le Monde, Creating and spreading false reports
22 June, 1993. Abusing press documents
33. Perez de Cuellar, UN Secretary General, 10 December, 1991. Smuggling enemy soldiers through combat lines
34. Ralph Hartmann, GDR Ambassador to Yugoslavia (1982–1988) Reconnaissance and intelligence work for ABiH
Smuggling of arms and ammunition for ABiH
35. James Baker, U.S. Secretary of State, 1989–1992. Yugoslavia, the
Avoidable War, at 13:42. 46. These are clips from Judgment: The Bosnian ‘Death Camp’ Ac-
cusation: An Exposé, produced by Jared Israel in conjunction with
36. James Bisset, Western Interference, Part VI, Premature Recogni- www.emperors-clothes.com. Available on YouTube:
tion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xox7TR11evI (last accessed
37. David Owen, Balkan Odyssey. on 10/10/14).

47. SLIDE: 54. SLIDE: “The terrible deeds were committed by the Ustaše in
“Zulfikarpašiü emphasized the fact that it would be tragic for us if Croatia against the Serbs. The Ustaše groups had committed their
two nations that inhabit 92% of Bosnia and are profoundly mixed horrendous acts especially against the elderly, women, children,
were to initiate a confrontation. in the most atrocious ways. The estimation of about 300,000 Or-
“Karadžiü and Koljeviü displayed open satisfaction that we had thodox Christian individuals, whom the Ustaše had butchered and
agreed to talks. They accepted our proposition about defining the tortured with their sadistic methods must be taken into account.”
so-called minimum about which there cannot and will not be any Letter of the Chief of German’s secret police Turner addressed to
negotiation. Heinrich Himmler, February 17, 1942.
“Alija Izetbegoviü knew about these talks. The SDA had set 55. SLIDE: Genuine Indictment Paragraph 10.
things up to undermine us and the talks, which they succeeded in 56. SLIDE: Genuine Indictment Paragraph 12.
the end.” 57. SLIDE: Croats (Muslims) earmarked territories considered Croat
Muhamed Filipoviü about the Muslim-Serb Historic Agreement, (Muslim), created separate Croat (Muslim) institutions to resist
from I Was Alija’s Diplomat (2000). Yugoslav authority, declared independence and forcibly took con-
48. Prosecution Pre-Trial Brief Para. 10. See: trol of large parts of Yugoslav territory, killing thousands of Serbs
http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/custom3/en/090518.pdf (last and expelling hundreds of thousands from their homes.
accessed 1/14/15). 58. SLIDE: “The Independent State of Croatia (NDH) was not just a
49. Prosecution Pre-Trial Brief Para. 11. Quisling creation and a fascist crime, but the expression of the
historical aspirations of the Croatian people.” Franjo Tuÿman,
50. Franjo Tuÿman, transcript of the conversation between Tuÿman, February 24–25, 1990.
Holbrooke, Peter Galbraith, and General Clark (1995).
59. NDH (Nezavisna Država Hrvatske or the Independent State of
51. Prosecution Pre-Trial Brief, Para. 12. Croatia) the Nazi government that came to power in Croatia dur-
52. SLIDE: According to international law, the six Yugoslav repub- ing World War II.
lics do not have the right to external self-determination. […] The 60. SLIDE: Lord Owen, Balkan Odyssey, p. 100.
acquisition of independence of Slovenia, Croatia, BiH, and FRY
61. Sometimes referred to as the Špegelj Tapes, these video tapes
Macedonia, can accordingly be observed as [ILLEGIBLE]. Anto-
contain a secretly recorded conversation which was leaked to the
nio Cassese, comment on Article 1, Section 2 of the United Na-
Yugoslav press in January 1991. Špegelj and Boljkovac claimed
tions Charter, Paris Economica, 1991, p. 49-50.
the tapes were fakes, but they were subsequently proved to be au-
53. SLIDE: “Jasenovac was the largest concentration camp in Croa- thentic.
tia. Between 1941 and 1945, over 600,000 were murdered there,
62. Dalibor Brozoviü, (1927–2009) was a Croatian linguist, Slavicist
the Serbs, the Jews (around 30,000), and the Gypsies.” The Simon
and dialectologist who sought to eliminate the standard Serbo-
Wiesenthal Center.
Croatian language in favor of a Croatian language as conceived
SLIDE: “The Ustashe were a Croatian nationalistic and terrorist by nationalist politicians. He was a co-founder and Vice-President
organization. Their hatred toward the Jews could have been sur- of the Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ, i.e., Croatian
passed only by their hatred toward Serbs. After the creation of the Democratic Union), which won the 1990 elections. He became
Croatian puppet state by Hitler in 1941, the Ustashe terrorists had the Vice-President of the Presidency of the Republic of Croatia,
murdered 500,000 Serbs, expelled over 250,000, and forcibly and served as a member of the Croatian Parliament (1992–1995).
converted 250,000 to Catholicism.” The Simon Wiesenthal Cen- 63. SLIDE: Prosecution Pre-Trial Brief, Paras. 15, 16.
64. SLIDE: Genuine Indictment, paragraphs 15 and 16. “Karadžiü
and the BSL were aware of the nature and the purpose of Croat

arming campaign, creation of an illegal army, dismissals of Serbs 72. SLIDE: “The Serbian Assembly made a decision. There is no one
from work on ethnic grounds, killing of Serbs, legal degradation who could change that. Not Karadžiü, not Miloševiü, not God
of Serb constitutional status, glorification of Ustaša symbols, himself! Everyone must respect that Assembly. There is no other
promotion of Ustaša immigrants to official positions. way! If the Assembly passes something, well who am I to change
Karadžiü supported the efforts of Krajina Serbs to protect their that? I am a small player who serves that Assembly and the entire
existence and cited them as an example to the Bosnian Serbs in party and the entire Serbian nation. I am not any kind of boss who
case Bosnia chooses the same path as Croatia. can change anything.” Telephone conversation between Radovan
Karadžiü and Momþilo Krajišnik, 9 November, 1991.
65. SLIDE: “The Republic of Croatia establishes as the national state
of the Croatian people and the state of the Croatian people and the 73. SLIDE: “No one will stand behind crime. There is justice, no
state of the members of autochthonous national minorities: The doubt about that. None of them can act any differently than any
Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Hungarians, Jews, Germans, honest citizen. There is no change in the political position regard-
Austrians, Ukrainians, Russians and others.” Croatian “Christ- ing the legality of the state. We’ll not rely on criminals anywhere
mas” Constitution, 22 December, 1990. and they have to know that. The influence of politics on the law
and the courts must not be realized any longer.” Telephone con-
66. SLIDE: “Croatia attacked the Serbs and Yugoslavia, not the other versation between Radovan Karadžiü and Momþilo Krajišnik, 20
way around.” Josip Boljkovac, Croatian Minister of Internal Af- December 1991.
fairs (May 1990–July 1991), Vesti, 13 February, 2009.
74. SLIDE: “It cannot be done that way. That is the pushing of purely
67. VIDEO: The murder of Sašo Geršovski in Split; JNA Barracks in political will against the legal norms. That cannot be. The Com-
Bjelovar, showing the bodies of murdered JNA soldiers. munists did that in 1945. We as a democratic party cannot allow
68. SLIDE: “The JNA was in its own country. Its troops were legiti- for that. I would not socialize with half the people I work with
mately spread around all Yugoslav republics. After the pro- now. I would not want to see them. But I have to work with them,
nounced independence of Slovenia and Croatia, the troops were because the Party is not my private property for me to introduce
treated as the occupational, even when they were not leaving their an element of affinity or lack of affinity. We cannot do whatever
barracks. Slovenian tactics (and later Croatian too), who could not we want.” Telephone conversation between Radovan Karadžiü
be taking particular pride in heroism, was based on the avoidance and Momþilo Krajišnik, 12 January, 1992.
of open conflict and the attempts to get the soldiers, through 75. SLIDE: “Ethnic Cleansing” and other war crimes can only be
blockades of the barracks, to the brink of starvation and force committed in war. If Radovan Karadžiü wanted to avoid a war at
them to leave.” Origins of a Catastrophe: Yugoslavia and Its De- all costs — there could not have existed any JCE plan.
stroyers, Warren Zimmerman, Zagreb, Globus International,
Znanje, 1996. 76. SLIDE:
69. SLIDE: “Germany is celebrating your military success and we x Chronological analysis of events
express our tribute. It has to be noted that even experts who un- x Causality
derstand the issue have not predicted such a quick and glorious x Sequence of events
action.” Representative of the German Embassy in Croatia on Ra-
dio Zagreb. x Options at one’s disposal
70. SLIDE: See Pre-Trial Brief: x Genuine, NOT false consequences of events
http://www.icty.org/x/cases/karadzic/custom3/en/090518.pdf (last x Personal contribution of Accused
accessed 1/14/15). x State of mind of the Accused
71. Dr. Karadžiü is, of course, speaking sardonically. x Reasons AT THAT POINT IN TIME that influenced the Ac-
cused’s acts

77. Pravaška strana, established in 1861 by Ante Starþeviü, a half- 87. Paragraph 23 of the Prosecution Pre-Trial Brief reads in part:
Serbian Croatian racist who insisted on the creation of a Croatian “KARADŽIû repeatedly underscored that Muslims and Croats
state. The party was re-established in 1991, with Dobroslav Para- represented an existential threat to the Serbs, and that Serbs faced
ga as its first President. the same genocidal threat they confronted in World War II. He
78. Prosveta is a Serbian educational and cultural society that was told the Assembly at its inaugural session that Serbs faced the
founded in 1902 in Sarajevo. Its stated purpose was the preserva- “same plans, the same villains and the same victims” as World
tion of Serbian culture and identity in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The War II. He insisted that Muslims sought an Islamic state, were
Communist authorities banned the institution in 1949 and confis- preparing laws to subjugate Serbs and that Serbs were unwilling
cated its property. Prosveta was re-established on St. Vitus Day to ‘go back to slavery’.”
(June 28) in 1990 and it continued its work in Sarajevo even dur- 88. SLIDE: “I will fight uncompromisingly against everything non-
ing the war. Islamic; I will sacrifice everything on God’s path, including my
79. mens rea (Latin for “guilty mind”), a legal concept in criminal life, if the interests of Islam require that.” (The oath taken by
law that refers to the subjective mental element of the offense that Muslim Youth.)
accompanies the commission of a crime. 89. SLIDE: “We announce to our friends and enemies alike that Mus-
80. B-H had a seven-member, multi-ethnic rotating Presidency lims are determined to take the fate of the Islamic world into their
own hands. A Muslim can die only in the name of Allah and for
81. MUP (Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova) the Ministry of Internal the glory of Islam. There can be neither peace nor coexistence be-
Affairs, which is in charge of law enforcement and security. tween the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political in-
82. SLIDE: “A sovereign and integral Bosnia and Herzegovina on stitutions. Whoever wishes our community well will not try to
one side and its peaceful achievement on the other are not of spare it struggle, danger, and misfortune. The Islamic movement
equal value to me. I would sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia. should and can start to take over power as soon as it is morally
But I would not sacrifice a sovereign Bosnia for peace.” Izetbe- and numerically strong enough to be able to overturn not only the
goviü’s speech at the Bosnia and Herzegovina Assembly, 27 Feb- existing non-Islamic Government but also to build up a new Is-
ruary, 1991. lamic one.” Islamic Declaration, Alija Izetbegoviü, 1970 (reprint-
83. SLIDE: “By announcing a rebirth, we are not announcing an age ed 1990).
of peace and security, but one of unrest and trial. There are too 90. SLIDE: “IZETBEGOVIû became a member of ‘Fedayeen of
many things crying out to be destroyed.” Islamic Declaration, Islam’ organization, of an Iran-based radical group […] which by
Alija Izetbegoviü, 1970 (reprinted in 1990). the late 1980s had recognized the leadership of the Ayatollah
84. SLIDE: “Husseini made his contribution to the Axis war effort by Khomeini. Following Khomeini’s accession to power in 1979,
recruiting and organizing Bosnian Muslim battalions in Croatia IZETBEGOVIû stepped-up his efforts to establish Islamic power
comprising some twenty thousand men. These Muslim volunteer in Bosnia and was jailed by the communists in 1983.” U.S. Senate
units, called Hanjar (sword), were put in Waffen-SS units and Republican Party Committee, “Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms
participated in the massacre of civilians in Bosnia [Serbs, Jews, Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base.”
and Roma] and volunteered to join in the hunt for Jews in Croa- 91. SLIDE: “Izetbegoviü advocated that Islam must be a state struc-
tia.” Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1990 Edition) Volume 2, ture in all states where Muslim population lives, and that one
Pages 706-707. Entry listed under Husseini, Haj Amin Al. must work on creating the conditions for Bosnia to become an Is-
85. Handžar means long dagger (Turkish). lamic republic with Islamic laws […] The imams in Bosnia
should be armed as the Iranian Shiite imams.” Judgment of the
86. The Serbs: The Guardians of the Gate, by R.G.D. Laffan. Origi- Sarajevo District Court 20, August 1983.
nally published: Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1918. Reprinted: New
York: Dorsett Press, 1989.

92. SLIDE: “The goal of the Islamic revolution in the country is the • Equal number of representatives from each of the nations of
creation of a unified state, which will be comprised of the territo- Bosnia and Herzegovina — the Muslims, Serbs, and Croats
ries of Bosnia, Sandžak and Kosovo. Jihad should be implement- are elected to the Council.
ed to the maximum and through it we must annihilate the enemies • If at least twenty members of the Assembly consider that the
and infidels … we should not wait for a challenge or a reason to equality of nations has been breached, the matter will be
do that.” Judgment of the Sarajevo District Court 20, August brought before the Council.
• Decisions are made by consensus.
93. Green Highway (Zelena transversala) is the name given by Mus-
lims to a continuous land bridge leading from Istanbul to Europe Amendment LXX to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
via the former Yugoslavia. 31 July, 1990.
94. Dr. Karadžiü is referring to Pat Robertson’s call to assassinate 100. SLIDE: Alija Izetbegoviü, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Presidency
Hugo Chavez. See “Assassinate Chavez, Pat Robertson tells a Session, 15 October, 1991.
stunned America,” by Andrew Buncombe, 24 August, 2005 (The 101. SLIDE:
Independent (UK)). • According to the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution as
95. SLIDE: Judgment of the Sarajevo District Court 20, August 1983. well as from the historical point of view, the Serbs enjoyed
96. Fikret Abdiü (b. 1939) was the most popular Bosnian Muslim the status of a constituent people.
leader. He was Izetbegoviü’s political opponent in the presidential • Any change of the status of Bosnia and Herzegovina was not
elections in Bosnia in 1990, in which he won the most votes. He possible without the consent of the Serbian people
was allied with the Bosnian Serbs and he supported the preserva- • The Serbian people enjoyed an explicit right to self-
tion of Yugoslavia. determination
97. SLIDE: Genuine Indictment, para. 24. • Unilateral secession of Bosnia and Herzegovina was prohib-
98. SLIDE: “We announce to our friends and enemies alike that Mus- ited by SFRY Constitution and existing international laws
lims are determined to take the fate of the Islamic world into their • The right of self-determination belonged to peoples and not
own hands. A Muslim can only die in the name of Allah and for to the administrative territories
the glory of Islam. There can be neither peace nor coexistence be-
tween the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political in- 102. SLIDE: The SDA (Party of Democratic Action) led an organized
stitutions. Whoever wishes our community well will not try to preparation for the defense and command of all forces.
spare it struggle, danger and misfortune. The Islamic movement 103. SLIDE: One of the priority tasks of the crisis staffs was the acqui-
should and can start to take over power as soon as it is morally sition of weapons. Analysis and Experience from Combat Opera-
and numerically strong enough to be able to overturn not only the tions, District Headquarters — Zenica Municipality.
existing non-Islamic Government but also build up a new Islamic
104. SLIDE: By the beginning of the war, every local community in
one.” The Islamic Declaration, Alija Izetbegoviü, 1970 (reprinted
103 municipalities had a Patriotic League leadership and units
1990). ranging from a squad to a company. The Role of the Patriotic
99. SLIDE: League, Green Berets, and Other Organized Patriots.
• The Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina establishes the 105. SLIDE: Analysis and experience from combat operations — Zen-
Council for the protection of equality among the nations and ica Municipality.
nationalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 106. SLIDE: The Patriotic League Main Staff decided: War will be all-
encompassing. It will be led throughout all of Bosnia with the
participation of all human and material resources. The Role of the
4 4

Patriotic League, Green Berets, and Other Organized Patriots. 5 urged Croats to support the elected government of Alija Izetbe-
January, 2000. goviü.
107. Franz Josef Strauss (1915–1988), German politician who served 116. Brkiü, Miljenko (b. 1944) succeeded Stjepan Kljujiü as the Presi-
as Chairman of the Christian Social Union and held several posi- dent of the Bosnian chapter of the Croatian Democratic Union
tions in the federal cabinet, most notably as Defense Minister and (HDZ)
Minister of Finance. 117. Kukanjac, General Milutin (1935–2002) Serbian JNA Colonel
108. Pierre Marie Gallois, General (1911–2010), French brigadier General during the Bosnian War. Kukanjac was commander of
general and politician, known as the father of the French atomic JNA troops in Sarajevo from March–July 1992. Kukanjac was al-
bomb. He campaigned against the treaty creating a European so in charge of JNA units on Dobrovoljaþka Street in Sarajevo
Constitution, and was a staunch defender of Serbia. when the Army of B-H attacked the convoy of withdrawing sol-
109. Prosecution Submission pursuant to Rule 65 ter (E)(i)-(iii) para- diers, killing 46 and wounding many others in 1992.
graph 43, May 18. 2004. 118. Eve-Anne Prentice (1952–2007), reporter for the London Times
110. Ibid. who covered the Bosnian War.
111. Ejup Ganiü (1946–) Serbia charged Ganiü, Bosnia's wartime 119. Prosecution’s submission pursuant to rule 65 ter (E)(i)-(iii), May
Vice-President, in late February 2010 with ordering Bosnian 18, 2009.
Muslim forces to shoot and kill wounded Yugoslav National Ar- 120. SLIDE: No. 1258-3/91.
my troops who were departing the Bosnian capital in a convoy in 121. SLIDE: Telephone conversation between Karadžiü and Žepiniü, 8
May 1992. He was arrested at Heathrow Airport on March 1, July, 1991.
2010 on a Serbian arrest warrant. A UK judge later ruled that the
charges were political in nature and released Ganiü. 122. SLIDE: Telephone conversation between Karadžiü and Mandiü,
22 July, 1991.
112. Ifran Ajanoviü was a pre-war member of the Yugoslav Federa-
tion, as well as an important ally of Alija Izetbegoviü, who later 123. SLIDE: Telephone conversation between Karadžiü and Plavšiü,
turned on him. He allowed Ajanoviü to remain in prison in the 17 September, 1991.
Republika Srpska and would not negotiate for his release. 124. Milan Babiü (1956–2006) was the first President of the Republika
113. Armin Pohara was a local commander of the Patriotic League. Srpska Krajina.
“The League is the embryo of a Bosnian army.… We have two 125. February 27, 1992
platoons with a total of 60 men but they get bigger every day and 126. ICTY Trial Judgment, Krajišnik, September 27, 2006.
this is hard to control.” (The Independent (London), March 30,
1992.) 127. Owen, Lord David, Balkan Odyssey. New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1995, p. 120.
On the barricades in Bosanski Brod some soldiers wear the blue
and white coat of arms of Bosnia, others the red and white Croa- 128. Marijin Dvor, a large apartment/office complex built in 1895. It
tian flag, or the green flag of Islam. also lends its name to the surrounding neighborhood.
129. PAM 12.7mm, a heavy-duty machine gun (designed as an anti-
114. Prosecution Submission pursuant to Rule 65 ter (E)(i)-(iii) para- aircraft weapon) that had a range of 1,500 meters.
graph 43, May 18. 2004. Available on www.icty.org.
130. Gerry Mander, Dr. Karadžiü incorrectly supposes that the name
115. Kljujiü, Stjepan (b. 1939) was member of the collective presiden- of the practice of gerrymandering derives from such a putative in-
cy of B-H and was a founding member of the Croatian Democrat- dividual; however, the name finds is origin in the name of Massa-
ic Union (HDZ) party in 1990. He was also President of the Bos- chusetts Governor Gerry, who tailored such electoral districts,
nian chapter of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and he
4 4

and salamander, which denoted the long and winding shape of 142. General Zdravko Tolimir (b. 1948), Assistant Commander of In-
such artificially drawn electoral districts. telligence and Security for the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) who
131. in dubio pro reo (Latin, when in doubt, favor the accused.) Over reported directly to General Ratko Mladiü. He was sentenced to
time, this tenet of Roman Law evolved into the concept of “inno- life imprisonment after the ICTY convicted him on six counts of
cent until proven guilty.” genocide.
132. General Manojlo Milovanoviü headed the General Staff of the
Army of the Republika Srpska during the Bosnian War.
133. Wahlgren, Lars-Erik General (Swedish), UNPROFOR Com-
mander in Bosnia (March–June 1993).
134. Akashi, Yasushi, Japanese-born UN career diplomat who was the
Secretary-General's Special Representative to the former Yugo-
slavia during the War.
135. The translator has been unable to locate this italicized passage in
General Rose’ book.
136. Fighting for Peace: Lessons from Bosnia, by General Sir Michael
Rose (Warner Books, a Division of Little, Brown and Company
(UK) (London: 1998), p. 70–71.
137. Owen, Lord David, Balkan Odyssey. New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1995, pp. 59–60.
138. General Dragomir Miloševiü (b. 1942), Commander of the Sara-
jevo-Romanija Corps of the Army of the Republika Srpska
(VRS). The ICTY convicted him of war crimes in 2006 and sen-
tenced him to twenty-nine years imprisonment.
139. agas and beys, Dr. Karadžiü is saying that the current Muslim
ruling class in Bosnia is composed of the descendants of the for-
mer Ottoman gentry who have usurped the reins of political pow-
er from ordinary citizens, those who had been empowered by the
socialist revolution.
140. Kovaþeviü, Milan (1941–1998) an anesthesiologist by profession,
he served as Vice President of the Municipality of Prijedor Crisis
Center in Prijedor in April 1992. He was indicted for genocide by
the ICTY and captured by SFOR in 1997. He died in The Hague
while in detention.
141. Koljeviü’s diary…. This diary was published under the title
Stvarawe Republike Srpske (Slu`beni Glasnik: Repub-
like Srpske, 2008). An abridged American edition is now
available: Creating the Republika Srpska, by Nikola Koljeviü,
Unwritten History, Inc.: New York, 2014.
(Screen Captures from the YouTube Version of “Uvodna reü”)

Oružani sukobi i incidenti u B-H prije 6/4/1992 godine
(Armed Conflicts and Incidents in B-H before April 4, 1992)




(Recreation of graphic)

EXHIBIT XII (This is a high-resolution copy of the map presented during the trial. See Liar’s Poker:
The Great Powers, Yugoslavia, and the Wars of the Future (see Bibliography).
(For text of this Slide, see endnote 84.) (Recreation of graphic)

Izetbegoviü et al. case before the Sarajevo District Court (1983)
(Recreation of graphic)


4 41


4 4


I will start by describing a situation in my country. At the

elections in 1990, and they were the first democratic elections at
which many dissidents appeared because before that it wasn’t a
multi-party system. In the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
we had seven members, two Serbs, two Croats, two Muslims,
and a representative for the minorities. My Serbian Democratic
Party was in this seventh place, and the nomination there was the
president of the Jewish community in Bosnia-Herzegovina, who
was not a member of the SDS, but we did however consider that
he represents, in the best sense of the word, the rest, the others.
And apart from that, the community is very significant in Saraje-
vo because after the persecution in Spain, the Jews came to Sara-
jevo and have significant traces there and have contributed to
Sarajevo’s development.
The Party of Democratic Action has put lamb’s clothing on a
wolf, a wolf in lamb’s clothing on Mr. Ganic, called him a Yu-
goslav for this opportunity, and of course he was elected to this
post which belonged to the minorities or the others. And that is
the well-known gentleman who became famous when he slaugh-
tered innocent soldiers who were withdrawing from — in Sara-
jevo in Dobrovoljacka Street, and the well-known order he gave
over the radio, As soon as Alija gets out of his car, kill them all.
So that is how the SDA and the Muslim community in Bosnia —
in Bosnia-Herzegovina achieved supremacy in a body where
parity was supposed to prevail.
The Serbs had an even better candidate which they could
have once again put in lamb’s clothing, and somebody who de-
clared himself as a Yugoslav, but we consider that that wasn’t
done in proper society because it wasn’t democracy and it wasn’t
an honest and sound basis for life together and progress in gen-
eral. And it was almost an innocent child’s game in comparison

to what the state organs, the joint state organs, did for the war ANNEX II ʊ SAMPLE BLACKLINE
policy of the Party of Democratic Action that was geared to- OF CHANGES TO THE HAGUE TRANSLATION
wards gaining as much advantage to their own community and
inflicting detriment on the Christian majority, that is to say, the I will start by describing a review the situation in my coun-
Serbs and the Croats. try. At the , which will speak volumes to you. The elections in
1990, and they were the first democratic elections atin which
Now, why did the leaders of the Party of Democratic Action
many dissidents appeared because before that it wasn’t a there
do this in the first place? Not only because it was the basic mod-
had been no multi-party system. In the prior to that. The Presi-
el of the fundamentalist way of thinking and acting, that is to
dency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, weB-H had seven members,: two
say, domination, supremacy, privileges, 100 per cent power, just Serbs,, two Croats,, two Muslims, and , as well as a representa-
as it was in the days of the Ottoman Empire, but first and fore- tive for the minorities. My party, the Serbian Democratic Party
most, again one more vote in the Presidency in order to achieve was in this [i.e., the “SDS,” Srpska demokratska stranka], nom-
the Islamist goal, that is to say, a state of the kind that they had inated for the seventh place, andseat of the nomination there
envisaged, that is to say, 50 years ago the people and the actors wasPresidency the presidentPresident of the Jewish community
of our drama, their image of that. in Bosnia-Herzegovina,B-H, who was not a member of the SDS,
but we did ; however consider, we thought that he representsrep-
resented, in the best sense of the word, the rest, the others. And
remaining members of national minorities, and apart from that,
the community is very significant in Sarajevo because after the
persecution in Spain, the a great many Jews came to Sarajevo
and have after having been persecuted in Spain, and because
they have left a significant traces there and have contributed to
Sarajevo’sand lasting mark on the development of Sarajevo.
The Party of Democratic Action has [i.e., “SDA,” Strana
demokratske akcije, the Muslim party] put lamb’sforth Mr. Ejup
Ganiü, a wolf in sheep’s clothing on a wolf, a wolf in lamb’s
clothing on Mr. Ganic, called, and rebranded him as a Yugoslav
for this opportunity, andoccasion. And, of course, he was elected
to this postposition which properly belonged to the minorities or,
namely, the others. And thatThat is the well-known gentleman
who became famous when he slaughteredfound fame with the
slaughter of innocent soldiers who were withdrawing from — in
Sarajevo in Dobrovoljacka on Dobrovoljaþka Street, and, when
he gave the well-known order he gave over the radio, : “As soon
as Alija gets out of his car, kill them all. So that!” This is how
the SDA and the Muslim community in Bosnia — in Bosnia-
Herzegovina in B-H achieved supremacy in a government body
wherefor which parity was supposed to prevailhad been fore-
The Serbs had an even better candidate whichwhom they Source: Wikipedia (Serbian)
could have once again put in lamb’s clothing, and somebody June 25, 1991 ʊ Croatia and Slovenia unilaterally secede from the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia; Germany immediately recognizes the new states, and
who dressed for the part, someone who had already been consid-
with the U.S., it encourages the political leadership of B-H to secede, which
ered as, and had declared himself asto be, a Yugoslav, but we leads to a brutal civil war.
considerconsidered that that wasn’tsuch things were not done in March 19, 1992 ʊ The U.S. sabotages an agreement reached by the Serbs,
propera civil society because it wasn’t . That is not democracy Croats, and Muslims (the Lisbon Accords) on a unified Bosnian state. The civil
and it wasn’tis neither an honest andnor sound basis for commu- war continues for three more years.
nal life togetherwith other ethnic groups and progress infor our March 1, 1992 ʊ The day after the Referendum on the Independence of B-H,
Ramiz Delaliü, a member of the Green Berets, fires into a Serbian wedding
general. And it advancement. But this was almost an inno- procession in the Bašþaršija district of Sarajevo, and kills Nikola Gardoviü, the
centpractically child’s gameplay in comparisonrelation to what father of the groom. He is the first casualty in the war. This results in Serbs
the state organs, — the joint [B-H] state organs, — did for the erecting barricades in their neighborhoods.
war benefit of the SDA [by instituting] a policy of the Party of March 1992 ʊ The Croatian Army invades and attacks Bosanski Brod,
Democratic Action war that was geared towards gaining as much Kupres, and the Neretva River Valley in B-H. Among the cities attacked by the
Croatian Army, which is operating in conjunction with Muslim paramilitary
advantage totoward obtaining benefits for their own community units, is Sijekovac where 46 Serbs are massacred.
andwhile inflicting detrimentdamage on the Christian majority, April 6, 1992 ʊ The European Community recognizes the independence of B-H
that is to say, thecomposed of Serbs and the Croats.. on the basis of the Badinter Commission Report on the Referendum of February
Now, whyWhy did the leaders of the Party of Democratic 29, 1992.
ActionSDA do this in the first place? ? Not onlysimply because April 7, 1992 ʊ The Assembly of the Serbian People of B-H is established at
the Holiday Inn Hotel in Sarajevo and it proclaims the independence of the
it was the basic model of the fundamentalist way of thinking and
Republika Srpska of B-H, which “may unite with other entities in Yugoslavia.”
acting, that is to say,theory and practice: domination, supremacy, is proclaimed.
privileges, 100 per cent power (holding one hundred percent of April 8, 1992 ʊ Ninety percent of the Serbian members of the MUP resign and
the governing authority, just as it was in the days of the Ottoman join the newly established Serbian MUP.
Empire,), but first and foremost, againto gain one more vote in May 15, 1992 ʊ Muslim forces attack a JNA column in Tuzla and inflict a toll of
the Presidency in order to achieve the Islamist goal, that is objec- 50 dead and 44 wounded.
tive with respect to say, a state of the kind that they government, May 27, 1992 ʊ An explosion on Vasa Miskin Street in Sarajevo leaves 17
dead. The Muslims claim the Serbs are responsible for the attack on civilians.
just as those who played leading roles in our national drama had
July 29, 1992 ʊ The International Community pressures the Serbs into surren-
envisaged, that is to say, 50envisioned it fifty years ago. dering the Sarajevo airport to the UN for deliveries of humanitarian aid.
August 26, 1992 ʊ The London Conference, established to end the war in B-H,
(See p.  for a clean version of this passage.) January 7 and 16, 1993 ʊ Muslim forces commit massacres against the Serbi-
an residents of Kravica and Skelani.
4 4
February 22, 1993 ʊ At the insistence of U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine August 29, 1995 ʊ The leadership of the Republika Srpska authorizes the Pres-
Albright, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) ident of Serbia, Slobodan Miloševiü, to represent the Republika Srpska in peace
is established in The Hague to try Balkan leaders, especially Serbs. negotiations.
March 11, 1993 ʊ General Philippe Morillon, UNPROFOR Commander in B-H, August 30, 1995 ʊ The NATO Air Force begins intense bombardment of the
arrives in Srebrenica, which has been surrounded by Serbian forces. Republika Srpska and destroys chiefly military and communications targets.
March 18, 1993 ʊ The UN Security Council designates Srebrenica to be a “pro- September 8, 1995 ʊ The Republika Srpska is officially recognized as one of
tected area.” the two entities of B-H.
May 2, 1993 ʊ Radovan Karadžiü, President of the Republika Srpska, signs the September 14, 1995 ʊ After two weeks of NATO air strikes, the Serbs agree to
Vance-Owen Peace Plan in Athens. The Plan has to be ratified by the Assembly withdraw their heavy weaponry from the area surrounding Sarajevo.
of the Republika Srpska. October 5, 1995 ʊ One of the key negotiators who drew up the peace treaty,
May 5, 1993 ʊ The Assembly of the Republika Srpska rejects the Vance-Owen Richard Holbrooke, U.S. [Assistant Secretary of State], announces a two-month
Plan. cessation of hostilities in B-H. Muslim-Croat seized more than 50% of B-H
June 16, 1993 ʊ A new peace plan, the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan, is proposed in territory by this date.
Geneva. The Serbian and Croatian sides accept the proposed maps. November 16, 1995 ʊ The Hague Tribunal broadens the indictments against
August 24, 1993 ʊ Croatians in B-H proclaim the independence of The Republic Radovan Karadžiü and Ratko Mladiü by charging them with responsibility for
of Herceg-Bosna. the alleged massacre in Srebrenica.
September 21, 1993 ʊ The Muslim side rejects the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan. November 21, 1995 ʊ President Miloševiü and the presidents of Bosnia and
Croatia initial the Dayton Peace Accords which officially ends the Bosnian
February 5, 1994 ʊ An explosion in the Sarajevo market square Markale is re-
War. U.S./NATO occupation begins.
ported to have killed 68 and wounded 200. The Serbs are held to be responsible
for the explosion. December 14, 1995 ʊ The Dayton Peace accords are ratified during an official
ceremony in Paris.
March 18, 1994 ʊ Franjo Tuÿman and Alija Izetbegoviü sign an agreement on
the formation of the Muslim-Croat Federation in B-H.
April 10, 1994 ʊ The Army of the Republika Srpska launches an offensive
against Goražde, a Muslim enclave with 60,000 inhabitants.
April 25, 1994 ʊ The United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom,
and Russia form the Contact Group.
July 18, 1994 ʊ The Muslims and the Croats accept the plan proposed by the
Contact Group, according to which B-H is divided with 51% going to the Mus-
lim-Croat Federation, and 49% to the Republika Srpska.
August 4, 1994 ʊ After the Republika Srpska rejects the Contact Group’s Plan,
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia breaks off relations with the Republika
Srpska and closes the border on the Drina.
July 11, 1995 ʊ The Army of the Republika Srpska takes Srebrenica.
July 16, 1995 ʊ The Hague Tribunal issues indictments against Radovan
Karadžiü and General Ratko Mladiü for the siege and bombardment of Sarajevo.
August 4, 1995 ʊ The Croatian military, led by the future head of the Kosovo
Liberation Army, Agim Ceku, launches “Operation Storm” with U.S. military
backing, which drives 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral regions in Krajina.
August 28, 1995 ʊ One more explosion is detonated at the Markale Market in
Sarajevo in which 37 people were killed. The Serbs are held accountable for
this explosion, too.

Aarons, Mark, and Loftus, John. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis,
and The Swiss Banks. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1998.
Brock, Peter. Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting: Journalism and Trag-
edy in Yugoslavia. Los Angeles : GM Books, 2005.
Collon, Michel. Liar's Poker: The Great Powers, Yugoslavia and the
Wars of the Future. New York: International Action Center, 2002.
Dedijer, Vladimir. The Yugoslav Auschwitz: The Croatian Massacre of
the Serbs during World War II. Buffalo: Prometheus, 1992.
Ivaniševiü, Milivoje. The Srebrenica ID Card. http://www.serb-
victims.org/en/content/blogcategory/20/33/ (last accessed 2/22/14).
Karadžiü, Radovan. Opening Defense Speech at The Hague Tribunal.
New York: Unwritten History, Inc. (title in preparation).
Karganoviü, Stephen. Rethinking Srebrenica. New York: Unwritten
History, Inc., 2013.
Kohlmann, Evan F. Al-Qaida's Jihad in Europe: The Afghan-Bosnian
Network. New York: Berg, 2004.
Koljeviü, Nikola, Creating the Republika Srpska, New York: Unwritten
History, Inc., 2014.
Miloševiü, Slobodan. The Defense Speaks: For History and the Future.
New York: International Action Center, 2006.
Schindler, John R. Unholy Terror: Bosnia, Al-Qa'ida, and the Rise of
Global Jihad. St. Paul: Zenith Press, 2007.
The Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese for the United States and Cana-
da. Martyrdom of the Serbs: Persecutions of the Serbian Orthodox
Church and Massacre of the Serbian People, Documents and reports of
the Trustworthy United Nations and of Eyewitnesses. Chicago: The
Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese for the United States and Canada,
Yelesiyevich, Milo, et al. Ratko Mladiü: Tragic Hero. New York: Un-
written History, Inc., 2006.


Internet Resources 101st ...........................................311 Behmen, Omer.. 163, 171, 175, 197
105th Brigade ........... 307, 311, 313 Beirut .........................................257
105th Mountain Brigade... 307, 309 Belgrade ...................... 51, 235, 249
www.ebritic.com 12th Division .............................317 Berlin Wall ..................................33
grayfalcon.blogspot.com 152nd Mountain Brigade...........307 Beta Isakoviü
1st Corps of the Army of B-H ...317 Elementary School ...............317
www.juliagorin.com/wordpress 92 quarter rule ............................367 beys ............................................333
B-H .... 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 23, 25,
www.serb-victims.org 27, 31, 33, 35, 39, 41, 43, 45,
Abdiü, Fikret ............... 53, 177, 251
www.serbianna.com Adriatic ............................... 63, 173 49, 57, 67, 81, 95, 97, 99, 101,
agas ............................................333 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115,
www.slobodan-milosevic.org Ajanoviü, Ifran ............ 33, 235, 237
127, 135, 139, 149, 151, 159,
161, 171, 187, 189, 191, 193,
www.srebrenica-project.com Akashi, Yasushi .........................325 195, 197, 199, 201, 209, 213,
Albanians ...................................149 215, 219, 225, 227, 229, 235,
www.srpska-mreza.com al-Husseini, Amin ......................163 237, 239, 241, 245, 247, 253,
theremustbejustice.wordpress.com Allies ............................................63 267, 281, 285, 297, 299, 303,
Americans ................... 65, 123, 331 313, 315, 319, 333, 337, 375,
Andriü, Ivo .................................345 407, 408
Arab world .................................103 Bijeljina.... 155, 203, 247, 249, 251,
Arkan .........................................249 341, 373
Assembly of B-H ...... 45, 51, 95, 97 Bildt, Karl ....................................13
165, 189, 193, 209, 221, 227, Bissett, James.................. 55, 59, 61
229, 249, 261, 265 Bistrik area .................................307
Assembly of the Bjelobrk, Mr. ...............................97
Serbian People 29, 31, 67, 129, Bjelovar......................................133
151, 163, 181, 193, 203, 221, Black Legions ............................133
223, 227, 229, 231, 237, 245, Boljkovac, Josip ....... 123, 125, 131
247, 249, 259, 261, 263, 265, Bosanska Krajina .............. 121, 355
287, 291
Bosanski Brod ...........................241
Australians .................................187
Bosanski Novi .................. 347, 355
Bosna River Valley ...................103
Austro-Hungarian Empire 111, 145
Bosnia .... 13, 19, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39,
Austro-Hungary 111, 131, 195, 197 41, 43, 45, 49, 53, 55, 59, 61,
Autonomous Region 91, 93, 97, 103, 107, 109, 117,
of the Krajina .......................221 119, 123, 131, 135, 137, 145,
Babiü, Milan ..............................281 149, 151, 153, 161, 163, 165,
Baker, James ................................57 171, 173, 177, 179, 181, 183,
193, 195, 205, 219, 229, 235,
Balkan Odyssey ................ 295, 329
237, 241, 251, 253, 263, 265,
Balkans ......................... 37, 61, 119 281, 295, 297, 301, 315, 323,
Ban Jelaþiü Square.......................41 327, 337, 343, 345, 353, 359,
Banja Luka................ 121, 341, 353 379
Bašþaršija .......................... 307, 309 Bosnian MUP ............................271
4 4
Bosnian Muslims .......................337 Contact Group ..............................47 Dositejeva Street ........................309 Habsburg Empire .......................119
Bosnian Parliament....................193 Council for the Equal Rights of Drina River ....................... 127, 145 Hadžiüi .......................................303
Bosnian Serb Government ........245 Peoples and Nationalities.....189 dubio pro reo .............................331 Hajrulahoviü, Brig. ....................327
Bosnian Serbs ....... 49, 81, 127, 215 Council of National Equality.....211 Dumas, Roland ............................57 Haliloviü, Sefer.................... 96, 319
Bosnians.......................................13 Council of Nationalities.............189 Durakoviü, Nijaz..........................53 Han Pijesak ................................373
Branislava Ĉurÿeva Council of Peoples.......................51 Dutch Government Report ........371 Handžar .....................................163
Number 2 .............................309 Council on National Equality ......51 Hartmann, Ralph..........................57
Eastern Bosnia ...........................361
Bratunac ................ 51, 53, 343, 373 Crisis Staff .................................289 Harvey, Richard.............................5
Efendiü, Hasan .................... 29, 257
brotherhood and unity ...... 213, 291 Croatian Democratic Party ..........95 HDZ ................... 93, 101, 113, 115,
European Community ... 25, 65, 81,
Brozoviü, Dalibor ............. 127, 145 Croatian MUP................... 269, 271 133, 145, 199, 209, 237
227, 237, 285, 287, 291, 293
Brussels model...........................313 Croat-Muslim forces......... 263, 301 Helveticizing..............................149
European Union .................... 47, 65
Buüa Potok.................................311 Croats . 9, 11, 13, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, Hitler, Adolf...............................163
Europeans ....................................65
Budak, Mile ...............................115 31, 33, 39, 43, 51, 63, 95, 97, Holbrooke, Richard ............. 13, 19,
99, 113, 115, 117, 119, 133, fatwa ..........................................181 27, 47, 65, 383, 387
cantonization..................... 151, 313 135, 151, 161, 165, 179, 189, Federal Republic of Holiday Inn ............... 255, 289, 309
Carrington Building ...................317 193, 195, 203, 219, 225, 229, Yugoslavia .............................39 Hrasnica .................... 303, 315, 325
Carrington, Lord ..... 25, 65, 81, 229 235, 239, 251, 265, 285, 289, Ferhadija ........................... 307, 317 Hrustovo ....................................347
Cassese................................ 39, 113 297, 321, 333, 337, 349, 353, Ferhadija Street ..........................307 humanitarianism ..........................85
Catholics ................... 181, 243, 345 355, 407, 408
Filipoviü, Muhamed ...... 15, 53, 91, HVO...........................................299
ýauseviü, Mr..............................217 Crveni Vrh .................................363 217, 219, 267, 423
ýengiü, Helid .............................269 Cutileiro ..... 25, 29, 31, 43, 59, 229, Foþa........................... 197, 269, 373 Igman .........................................381
ýengiü, Hasan ......... 171, 173, 267, 235, 237, 239, 247, 257, 267, Ilidža ......................... 303, 315, 327
Forum for the Protection of
269, 295 285, 287, 291, 299 in dubio pro reo ................ 319, 371
Individual and Traditional
ýengiü, Muhamed ............. 45, 197, Cutileiro Plan ... 25, 31, 43, 59, 237, Rights of Muslims................143 International Community .....47, 55,
227, 297 285, 291 85, 195, 323, 333, 387
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Central Europe ...........................119 Cyrillic script .............................225 Zeitung .................................215 Iran .............................................171
Central Powers...........................215 Czechs ........................................131 Galiü, General ..................... 75, 331 Iranian Revolution .....................171
Centrotrans.................................311 Dalmatia.....................................253 Gallois, Gen. P-M ......................215 Islamic Declaration.... 81, 161, 163,
ýeremlija Nursery School .........317 Davutoglu, Ahmet .....................119 Ganiü, Ejup .................. 9, 197, 201, 169, 183, 191, 295, 337
Cerska ........................................363 de Cuellar, Perez ..........................57 235, 271, 407 Islamic fundamentalism ..............15
Chamber of Nationalities...........189 Declaration of Sovereignty........193 Gardoviü, Nikola .......................233 Islamic republic ................ 103, 171
Chavez .......................................173 Declaration on Independence ....211 Germany ... 41, 57, 61, 63, 135, 215 Islamic state .............. 165, 167, 275
checker-board flag .....................127 Del Ponte, Carla...........................19 gerrymandering..........................315 Islamization ...............................171
Christmas ...................................357 Demurenko, Corporal ..................71 Geršovski, Sašo ................ 131, 133 ITN ...............................................89
Churchill, Winston ....................187 Deronjiü, Nenad........ 367, 369, 371 Goldštajn, Slavko ......................121 Izetbegoviü, Alija ................ 15, 25,
Ciglana .......................................369 Goražde ......................................365 33, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53, 55,
close-air support ....... 377, 379, 381 Gradiška .....................................341 59, 61, 83, 101, 103, 109, 117,
Die Welt .....................................215 147, 159, 161, 163, 167, 169,
CNN ...........................................325 Directive Nos. 4 and 7 ...............359 Grand Mufti of Jerusalem 163, 173
171, 175, 177, 179, 181, 183,
collective Presidency .......... 31, 253 DNA.................................. 373, 375 Grbavica.................... 255, 301, 305
191, 197, 201, 205, 209, 211,
College of Physical Education ..311 Dobrinja .............................. 69, 303 Great Wall of China...................173 213, 217, 219, 221, 225, 229,
Communist era...... 11, 51, 153, 315 Dobrovoljaþka Street .......... 11, 407 Greeks ........................................149 231, 239, 253, 255, 267, 269,
Constitution [of B-H] ....... 51, 113, Ĉogan, Simo ..............................127 Green Berets (Muslim) .... 199, 253, 275, 281, 287, 295, 303, 319,
129, 153, 187, 191, 195, 337 Dogloda .....................................327 255, 267 323, 337, 343, 347
Constitution [Yugoslav] ............209 Doko, Jerko................................251 Green Highway..........................173 Jews............................... 9, 121, 407
constitutive people .....................151 jihad ...........................................169
4 4
JNA ............... 29, 37, 57, 123, 133, 275, 277, 305, 333, 335, 337, MUP. 157, 159, 211, 213, 231, 241, 179, 189, 191, 203, 223, 225,
143, 187, 213, 343, 345, 347 387 247, 255, 267, 269, 271, 275, 259, 261, 263, 265, 287, 289,
joint criminal enterprise. 27, 29, 31, 277, 279, 283, 285 291, 299, 311, 319, 329, 331,
Ladija .........................................355 333, 335, 361, 367, 371, 381,
47, 53, 137, 189, 215, 337, 375 Muslim Brotherhood ...................17
League of Communists..............143 383, 385, 387
journalists.................... 85, 309, 311 Muslim community ..... 11, 33, 177,
Leningrad ...................................257 408 Ottoman Empire ... 11, 49, 119, 408
Kališik ........................................197 Lisbon Agreement ... 25, 29, 43, 55, Owen, Lord . 47, 59, 79, 81, 83, 83,
Muslim-Bosniak Organization ..217
Kamenica ...................................363 59, 235, 237, 239, 285 85, 121, 197, 295, 329
Muslims ..................... 9, 13, 15, 17,
Kapruzova..................................317 London Conference .....................87 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39, Özal, Turgut ...................... 119, 173
Karadžiü, Radovan ...............3, 5, 7, Lubbers, Ruud .............................61 43, 47, 49, 51, 75, 91, 93, 95, Pale............................ 317, 341, 369
17, 19, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 43, 97, 103, 107, 109, 113, 117, PAM 12.7mm ........... 309, 311, 317
45, 53, 61, 103, 105, 109, 113, Macedonia .................................133
119, 133, 135, 143, 151, 161, pan-Islamism .............................185
129, 131, 139, 143, 149, 157, Malovan .....................................253
163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, Partizan ......................................121
159, 165, 167, 171, 173, 175, Mandiü, Momþilo ............. 243, 247 175, 177, 179, 181, 183, 187,
177, 191, 201, 209, 221, 223, Manjaþa ............................ 349, 351 Party of Democratic Action
189, 193, 201, 205, 211, 217, (see also SDA) ... 9, 11, 15, 145,
229, 239, 253, 259, 261, 277, Marijin Dvor ..............................309 219, 225, 229, 233, 235, 239,
279, 283, 285, 289, 305, 337, 159, 163, 407, 408
Markale .. 69, 79, 87, 173, 175, 177, 241, 249, 255, 265, 273, 279,
339, 369, 371, 373, 377, 383 187, 307, 327, 333, 335 Pastrma ......................................317
283, 285, 297, 301, 303, 305,
Karakaj.......................................345 Markale I............................. 69, 333 319, 323, 325, 333, 335, 337, Patriotic League ......... 43, 159, 197,
Kenney, George .................. 59, 257 341, 343, 345, 347, 349, 351, 199, 201, 203, 205, 211, 233,
Markale II ........................... 69, 333
353, 355, 357, 359, 371, 373, 253, 269, 271, 347
Keraterm ....................................349 Maršal Tito Street ......................317
381, 407, 423 Paveliü, Ante ..............................121
Kladanj.............................. 367, 373 Marshall ................................ 89, 91
National Assembly of Bosnia and Pþelica ............................... 307, 317
Kljuþ ......................... 341, 343, 347 Marxists .....................................383
Herzegovina Building ..........311 Pejanoviü......................................53
Knin .................................. 127, 253 MBO ..... 15, 91, 217, 219, 229, 423
National Defense Council of B-H Peter Robinson...............................3
Koliševski, Lazar .......................171 Memorandum of the Serbian
..............................................205 Petroviü ............................. 243, 257
Koljeviü, Nikola .. 51, 61, 201, 219, Academy of Arts and Sciences
235, 253, 283, 291, 353, 355 ..............................................171 National Guard ..........................155 Pira’s Café .................................317
Koševo Hospital ................. 81, 311 mens rea .................... 147, 151, 161 National Guards Corps ..............241 Plavšiü, Biljana ................ 201, 251,
National Museum of Bosnia and 253, 279, 291, 353
Kosiü ............................................31 Miliüi..........................................365
Herzegovina Building ..........311 plebiscite ..................... 97, 223, 225
Kosovo .............................. 171, 173 Military Frontier ........................111
National Security Council .........245 Pofaliüi .......................................301
Kotor Varoš ...... 203, 343, 359, 361 Miljacka River .................. 301, 305
NATO ......... 17, 319, 331, 377, 379 Pohara, Armin............................241
Kotor-Varoš ...............................203 Miloševiü, General ....................331
NDH...........................................121 Popoviü ........................................31
Kovaþeviü, Milan ......................343 Miloševiü, Slobodan ........ 103, 123,
171, 257, 331 Neuilly .......................................215 Powell, Gen. Colin ......................55
Kovaþeviüi .................................345
Milovanoviü, General ................321 Njegoš, Prince-Bishop .................65 Pravaška strana .........................145
Krajina 37, 111, 113, 127, 129, 131,
195, 221, 281, 321, 355 Ministry of Agriculture .............151 non-Islamic ............... 167, 169, 185 Prentice, Eve-Anne ....................257
Krajišnik, Momþilo ..... 25, 27, 137, Ministry of Defense .......... 151, 201 Northern Ireland ................. 25, 181 Presidency of B-H 9, 235, 291, 407
223, 235, 293, 315 Ministry of Information .............153 Novi Grad ..................................315 Pre-Trial Brief
Kravica.............................. 357, 367 Ministry of Justice .....................155 Office of the Prosecutor Paragraph 105 ......................339
Krleža, Miroslav ........................101 Ministry of Science....................153 see OTP Paragraph 109 ......................283
Kuþan, Milan ............ 149, 213, 287 Ministry of the Interior .... 151, 157, Official Gazette ..........................293 Paragraph 11 ............... 105, 375
Kupres ........................................251 255 Old Town ...................................309 Paragraph 110 ......................283
KWON, Justice O-Gon .......3, 5, 7, Mladiü ....... 303, 311, 359, 361, 369 Omarska .....................................349 Paragraph 195 ......................223
53, 73, 77, 79, 123, 125, 141, Morillon, Gen. Philippe ..... 83, 353, OTP 19, 37, 39, 41, 43, 71, 75, 105, Paragraph 196 ......................223
143, 175, 205, 207, 209, 263, 361, 363 107, 115, 127, 131, 133, 135, Paragraph 34 ............... 221, 223
Munich .......................................215 137, 139, 143, 151, 155, 177, Paragraph 66 ............... 245, 249
4 4
Paragraph 7 ............................79 Sandžak ....................... 13, 173, 181 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, television ............... 81, 83, 255, 349
Paragraph 78 ........................261 Sanski Most .............. 341, 343, 347 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, Territorial Defense Forces ........249,
Prijedor .... 265, 279, 341, 343, 347, Sapna..........................................345 155, 161, 165, 167, 171, 173, 257, 263, 265, 273, 279
349 Sarajevo ... 9, 11, 35, 69, 71, 73, 75, 177, 179, 181, 187, 189, 191, The Elimination of Muslims from
Prisoners of war .........................369 79, 81, 83, 127, 145, 163, 195, 193, 195, 197, 199, 205, 211, Srebrenica by Means of the
propaganda............ 83, 85, 329, 363 201, 233, 235, 239, 249, 255, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, Organized Killing of Men and
257, 263, 267, 269, 289, 295, 225, 227, 229, 231, 235, 237, by the Deportation of Women
Prosecution 3, 7, 17, 21, 23, 27, 35,
299, 301, 303, 307, 309, 313, 239, 243, 247, 249, 251, 253, and Children, and the Genocide
37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 53, 61, 67,
315, 317, 319, 321, 323, 325, 255, 257, 261, 265, 271, 273, of Srebrenica’s Muslims ......357
73, 75, 81, 89, 91, 93, 105, 109,
327, 331, 333, 335, 345, 347, 275, 277, 279, 285, 289, 295, Third Reich ..................................63
111, 113, 121, 127, 137, 139,
351, 355, 363, 373, 407 297, 299, 301, 303, 305, 311, Tieger, Alan ................. 3, 7, 67, 69,
147, 151, 153, 155, 161, 163,
Sarejevo Train Station ...............311 315, 317, 319, 323, 325, 333, 79, 147, 179, 207
165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175,
335, 337, 341, 343, 345, 347,
177, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, Scandinavianization...................149 Tito, Marshall .............. 61, 65, 113,
349, 351, 353, 355, 357, 359,
199, 203, 205, 215, 221, 223, SDA ............... 9, 13, 15, 17, 29, 33, 149, 197, 215, 263, 423
363, 373, 377, 379, 381, 385,
225, 227, 231, 247, 249, 251, 35, 45, 53, 67, 91, 97, 101, 107, Tolimir, General ........................365
407, 408
257, 283, 285, 287, 293, 295, 109, 127, 133, 135, 145, 147, Transport Institute Building ......311
297, 303, 305, 327, 339, 349, SFOR ...........................................19
155, 159, 177, 191, 199, 201, Trebinje ..................... 197, 219, 353
351, 355, 357, 359, 361, 365, 203, 205, 209, 211, 213, 215, shehits ........................................183
Shiite ..........................................171 Trial Chamber ...... 5, 7, 27, 75, 117,
367, 369, 371, 377 217, 219, 223, 227, 229, 231, 175, 177, 221, 223, 331, 335,
Prosveta .....................................145 233, 235, 237, 241, 245, 261, Sijekovac........................... 243, 251
373, 375, 383
Protestants ..................................181 267, 269, 271, 275, 279, 285, Silajdžiü, Haris.................. 269, 333
Public Defense 287, 291, 297, 319, 321, 323, Šipad Building .................. 309, 317
Trnopolje............................. 87, 351
Council of B-H.....................211 333, 339, 343, 353, 377, 407 Skelani .......................................365
Tsar Dušan .................................147
Pyrrhic victory ...........................219 SDS .................. 9, 29, 37, 133, 151, Skenderija ..................................309
153, 155, 157, 159, 193, 197, tu quoque ............................ 17, 357
Sladojeviü, Marko..........................3
Raþan, Ivica ...............................113 199, 201, 203, 209, 211, 217, Tuÿman, Franjo ................. 41, 107,
slava .................................. 345, 359 109, 117, 121, 213, 239, 287
Rajlovac .....................................315 221, 223, 225, 235, 237, 239, Slovenes ................ 39, 63, 113, 195 Turkey ....................... 119, 173, 181
Razija Omanoviü Elementary 251, 255, 267, 271, 273, 277,
Slovenia ... 57, 61, 63, 99, 117, 123, Turkish invasion ........................111
School...................................307 287, 297, 353, 369, 407
131, 213
Razina Omanoviü Elementary Sea Harrier .................................379 Turkish occupation ........... 119, 233
Socialist Party ..............................49
School...................................317 Security Council ............... 365, 383 Turks ........... 13, 119, 181, 233, 301
Sokolac ......................................373
Reid, Iain........................................3 Serbian culture ............ 15, 119, 313 Tuzla ................. 249, 353, 367, 373
Špegelj, Martin ......... 123, 125, 289
Renovica ....................................317 Serbian Democratic Party 9, 37, 61,
Split ........................... 131, 133, 191 Uertz-Retzlaff, Hildegard ..............3
Repiü ..........................................243 95, 99, 113, 133, 137, 139, 145,
Srebrenica .. 53, 137, 335, 353, 357, Ukraine ......................................199
Republika Srpska ........... 19, 23, 27, 147, 151, 155, 173, 189, 197,
249, 407 359, 363, 365, 367, 371, 373, UN.. 35, 61, 65, 71, 79, 81, 83, 323,
29, 79, 109, 133, 137, 165, 179,
375 325, 327, 329, 333, 365, 367,
181, 193, 203, 241, 337, 355 Serbian Renewal Movement .......99
Srebrenik ....................................373 377, 379
Rogatica .....................................373 Serbian territories ...... 25, 107, 119,
Stanišiü, Miüo ........... 243, 247, 267 United Kingdom ..........................25
Roman script ..............................225 301, 303, 323
status quo ante ...........................219 United Nations .. 119, 295, 317, 325
Romanija Corps .........................307 Serbian-Muslim
Agreement ............. 91, 217, 267 Stoltenberg, Thorvald ........... 47, 79 United Nations Resolutions.......119
Rose, Gen. Michael .. 327, 331, 379
Serbs .............. 9, 11, 13, 15, 21, 23, Strauss, Josef .............................215 United States ......................... 13, 19
Rule 84 .....................................5, 79
25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, Stup ............................................327 U.S. State Department .. 13, 59, 257
Rule 84 bis .....................................5
43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 63, Subiü, Rabija................. 49, 53, 341 U.S. Senate Republican Party
Rurca Palanka ............................347 Policy Committee ................169
73, 75, 85, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, Šušnjar .......................................349
Saint-Germain............................215 101, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, “Swiss” model ...........................313 UNPROFOR............. 355, 379, 381
Sana River Valley ......................347 115, 117, 119, 121, 125, 127, Switzerland ............... 149, 265, 423 Ustaša émigrés ...........................129
Ustaša symbols ..........................121 Wijnaendts, Ambassador...........229
Ustaše ................ 115, 121, 145, 423 Wilson, U.S. President
uti possedetis juris .......................47 Woodrow..............................195
Vance, Cyrus........... 47, 61, 83, 257 World War I ................ 63, 145, 215
Variants A and B .............. 287, 293 World War II ............... 55, 63, 113,
Vasa Miskin Street ..... 69, 307, 333 115, 121, 127, 145, 161, 163,
Vasa Miskin School of Foreign 167, 173, 227, 313, 243, 349,
Languages ............................317 357
Vatican ................................ 57, 165 Yellow Bridge ...........................369
Velešiüi ......................................311 Young Muslims ................ 109, 423
Versailles ...................................215 Yugoslav People’s Army
Višegrad ............................ 345, 373 (see also JNA) ............. 37, 243,
253, 259
Vlasenica............... 51, 53, 343, 373
Yugoslavia ............... 13, 23, 25, 27,
Vojvodina ..................................171
33, 35, 39, 41, 43, 53, 55, 57,
Vrbanja Bridge ..........................309 59, 61, 63, 65, 79, 93, 95, 97,
Vrbanja Most .............................317 103, 105, 111, 113, 117, 125,
Vrbanja Street ............................309 129, 131, 133, 147, 149, 161,
Vukajloviü, Mirjana.......................5 165, 171, 173, 179, 193, 195,
Vuk Karadžiü 197, 209, 213, 215, 223, 225,
Elementary School ...............313 229, 235, 239, 263, 269, 283,
Vukovsko ...................................253 287, 297, 337, 423
Waffen SS Divisions .................163 Zadar ..........................................133
Wahlgren, Gen.................. 325, 381 Zbor............................................129
Walloon .....................................313 Žepa .......................... 137, 363, 365
weapons ..... 85, 133, 199, 201, 203, Zimmerman, Warren .......... 59, 133
253, 265, 311, 357, 379, 381 Zulfikarpašiü, Adil ............... 15, 53,
West Virginia........................ 23, 43 91, 217, 219, 267, 423
What Do the Serbs Propose? ....215 Zvornik ..... 219, 345, 353, 363, 373
Wiesenthal Center .....................115

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