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Gina Pieters fetails

Early Childhood Educator
 Caring Preschool Teacher with a genuine love and inherent compassion for children. Over
nineteen years of experience working in the childcare and teaching Aeld. -dept at managing gJills
and handling eightEeighteen preschool students per day and providing creative educational
activities for young students. bffectively a,le to colla,orate with childrenG parents and
k,ility to teach
other educational providers. bxperienced maintaining a healthy and safe environment for children- GrouH and
students and staff. qenuine and patient with the a,ility to handle tense situations with class indi2idual instruction-
and professionalism. Competent at providing Duality preschool education to children of all kLeqaHHroHriate lesson
,ackgrounds and learning levels. •edicated to supporting emotionalG social and academic HlanninL-
development of young children. •esire to complement educationE,ased strategies with gtudentqcentered
techniDues to promote overall health and wellness.  learninL- Playq,ased
instruction- ConRict
resolution techni/ues-
EpHloypent Nistory Calp and Hatient-
CPF5Oirstqaid certimed
vo2 019— T Present Preschool Aeacher kssistant at ClarJson
Clarkston Early Childhood Center
M  -ssisted teacher with developing creative program suita,le
for preschool children 
M  Laintained wellEcontrolled classrooms ,y clearly outlining
standards and reinforcing positive ,ehaviors 
M -pplied playE,ased strategiesG including crafts and gamesG
to provide diverse approaches to learning 
M  Consulted with parents to ,uild and maintain positive
support networks and support continuing education
M  O,served children to identify individuals in need of
additional support and developed strategies to improve
M  Laintained tidy and clean classroom consistent with safety
and health standards 
M  Colla,orated with parents to develop and maintain strong
support networks and ,uild rapport to foster seamless
M  'ed activities that developed studentsW physicalG emotional
and social growth 

Sun 019— T Present gchool kLe Kead Aeacher at Dids CapHus

M  bnhanced 2E1IEyearEold students understanding of rulesG
safety and ,ehavioral guidelines and disciplinary protocols
,y redesigning and simplifying them 
M  Promoted physicalG academic and social development ,y
implementing diverse classroom and outside activities 
M  zncreased student satisfaction ,y freDuently
communicating with students a,out needs and adapting
lessons to interests and classroom progress 
M  Taught independence to class of eighteen students through
organi ing and leading open ended activities 
M  5orked with teaching staff to evaluate individual progress
and recommend appropriate learning plans 
M  O,served children to identify individuals in need of
additional support and developed strategies to improve

geH 0111 T vo2 019— PreqD Kead Aeacher at Dids CapHus

M  Planned educational opportunities ,ased on childrenWs
M  Created and implemented developmentally appropriate
curriculum addressing all learning styles 
M  bncouraged children to ,e understanding of othersG show
good manners and instructed in other social development
M  zdentiAed children in need of extra support for emotionalG
healthErelated or developmental concerns and conceived
improvement strategies 
M  Laintained wellEcontrolled classrooms ,y clearly outlining
standards and reinforcing positive ,ehaviors 
M  zdentiAed signs of emotional and developmental pro,lems
in children and reported to parents 


geH 0198 T Present 4aJland Coppunity ColleLe

5aterford kssociates feLree in Early Child Education

M  z have four classes remaining to complete my associates

degree in barly Childhood bducation. 
M •eanWs list

4ct 9—M7 T Way 9—M aterbord Wott

5aterford NiLh school fiHlopa

M z excelled in bnglish and -rt

M Participated on the girls track team


Feberences a2aila,le uHon re/uest

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