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Leonard Jerome D.

Canlas BSCE

Do you feel optimistic and pessimistic about being a Filipino? Why?

Do I feel pessimistic being Filipino? I was born in the era in which being a Filipino
was being forgotten. Cultural means and traditions was ignored by millennials such as me.
Seeing the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen, definition of being
pessimistic, defined by the internet. Philippines isn’t moving forward as a nation. We aren’t
uniting as the people of the nation. Our society is being manipulated by politics, who only
thinks power and money is the solution to the problem. Am being troubled to think the future
of our nations and the situation of our society will crumble and fall. Family standards that are
taught in the family, which is being practiced for many years, that has negative approach in
the environment for a child in a family. When I watched TV, all I see is crisis among us.
Corrupt people and politics in the government. Being swayed by money, forgetting our honor
and duties as Filipino citizens. Trust is being given by simple means of power and status. Am
disheartened to think what will happen to our nation in the future, if still greedy and
avaricious people is being followed. People who only thinks about their selves, not the people
that surrounds them.

Feeling optimistic an an Filipino? Am looking for a change in our society and the way
our governments works in the Philippines. I think the future is bright for the Philippines, if
the people who sit power, is well educated and thinks what best for the citizens, not only for
himself/herself. Filipino’s has resilient spirit about not giving up, given any situation. No
matter what obstacles may face us. We face it with smiling faces and determination. As they
say, “Ang mga kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan”, filipino’s are happy people and hospitable
among other people. I like to say, am proud to be a Filipino because of our traits and
characteristics that are unique and our means of support one another in every problem.

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