Elemental Angel Command

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Powers 45; "YOD VAV HEH" (bears life and health in all that breathe & influences
the principal agents of Nature)
Powers 45; "YOD VAV HEH" (rules over vegetation)

AIR: Thrones #22, Yeyael [Ps 121:5]; "KAPU" (protects against tempests)
FIRE: ---
Arches #58, Yeyilayel [Ps 6:3]; "ELOHIM TZEVAOT" (rules over fire)
*Cherub #16, Hakamiah [Ps 88:1]; "ANIMASTICUM" (influences fire)
WATER: Thrones #23, Melahel [Ps 121:8]; "ANASHIM" (rules water)
Angel #65, Damabiah [Ps 90:13]; "ELOHIM KIM ELOHA ECHAD" (rules over
seas, rivers, and springs)
*Cherub #12, Hehaiyah [Ps 10:1]; "SHEMESH" (rules over depths)
EARTH: Thrones #23, Melahel [Ps 121:8]; "ANASHIM" (rules all products of the
*Seraph #08, Cahetel [Ps 95:6]; "ELOHIM TZIDKENU" (rules over all
agricultural production necessary to the existence of men & animals)
*Seraph #07, Achaiah [Ps 103:8]; "VAV" (reveals the secrets of nature)

PSALM 18:1-42
AIR ("RUACH"): verses 10, *15, *42
FIRE ("AISH"): verses 8, 12, 13
WATER ("MAYIM"): verses 11, *15, 16
EARTH ("APHAR"): verse *42
("ARETZ"): verse 7

6th Mystery Seal Shem:

Virtues #46, Ariel [Ps 145:9]; "TOU OUN"
- serves to thank God for the gifts He has sent us
- shows the object's of one's desires in dreams
- reveals the greatest secrets of Nature
- discovers hidden treasures
- invoked to have revelations

Dominat #25, Nithayah [Ps 9:1]; "ANAD AY"

- serves to discover the truth of hidden secrets; rules over all occult
- influences wise men who love peace and solitude
- influences those who seek truth
- gives revelations in dreams
- serves to gain wisdom

Thrones #17, Laviyah [Ps 8:1]; "IMA"

- serves against sadness
- serves against spiritual torment
- rules over high sciences, marvelous discoveries
- gives revelations in dreams
- to sleep well at night

Fortune Seals (5)

- 2nd Mys (Hosts/Dominations)
- 4th Mys (Seraphim & Cherubim)
- 3rd Tab (Water)
- 7th Tab (Mars)
"These, with Mars fortunate, being engraven on an iron plate, or sword,
makes a man potent in war and judgment, and petitions, and terrible to his
and victorious over them; and if engraven upon the stone correola, it stops
blood, and the menstrues;"
- 11th Tab (Lun)
"This, the Moon being fortunate, engraven on silver, makes the bearer
amiable, pleasant, cheerful,
and honoured, removing all malice and ill-will; it causes security in a
journey, increase of riches,
and health of body, drives away enemies, and other evil things from what
place soever thou shalt wish
them to be expelled."

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