DTDE Chuyên Đề - Giáo Án

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Date of preparation: 10th December 2017 Class: 9A3 Week: 22

Date of teaching: 28th December 2017

Unit 8: Tourism
Session 85: Project
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to persuade sharks to invets money in their company and evaluate
others’ presentation.
II. Class description: 30 students of pre-intermediate level.
III. Teaching content
 Language: Lexical items related to the topic “tourism”
 Skills: Speaking skill
 Attitude: team work spirit and love for the places that they present about
IV. Time: 45 minutes
V. Teaching aids: text book, PPT, poster, brochure (if have), handout
VI. Assumed knowledge: Ss may have alread experienced or known some information about tourist attractions.
VII. Anticipated problem(s): Ss may not have good time-management skill while preseting and be overwhelmed by too much
VIII. Project description
Stages / Time Facilitator’s activities Ss’ activities Teaching aids

I. Pre-project stage 1. Select facilitators Handout:

(The previous 2. Announce the format of the lesson: the lesson - Set up the groups 1. Required format and
lessons) follows a TV show – Shark Tank (there is a - Brainstorm/mind map ideas content of their
board of risky investors who want to back up presentation: landscape,
start-up entrepreneurs; the start-ups introduce people, price and cuisine
their company and product to attract 2. Speaking marking
investment); The winner is the team who gets rubric
the most investment from the shark 3. Useful language
3. Assign task: sts will work in groups of ten to - Discuss and decide who will
create a tour to attract investment. Their task work as a leader, a secretary,
will be done within 14 days. Some tasts are a spokerman and supporters
designed as followed:
+ A leader: manages his team
+ A secretary: notes down his teammates’ ideas
+ Spokerman: presents
+ Technician: Makes PPT slides and operates
the projector and slides - Work in groups
+ Supporters: other duties - Discuss and decide what
4. Guide Ss to formulate their project objectives: tourist attraction to be
+ Create a tour to a tourist attraction presented and how to deliver
+ Present to attract investment by using posters, their project
PPT slides, brochures or video clips within 7
- Brainstorm ideas

5. Help Sts brainstorm/mind map ideas about

the topic
+ Content: landscape, people, price and cuisine
II. During project- 1. Help sts gather ideas:
stage  Work with Ss to decide what tourist - Work in group and interact
attraction they will present with their facilitator to make
 Provide input language: vocabulary to final decision on what
describe people, landscape and cuisine destination and the format of
their presentation
 Draw up the schedule: deadline for outline,
deadline for first draft and for final one
 Stop and check at each deadline - 13th December: deadline for
2. If have: Intervene if Sts’ direction is not the outline; work with their
practical facilitator for advice
3. Offer suggestions to solve problems (If - 15th December: First draft of
arises) presentation
4. Provide help/support if needed
- 18th December: Final script of
5. Presentation
(50 minutes) 5.1. Preparation presenation
 Invite investors
 Check facilities
 Set the scene in the class
5.2. Delivery
 Briefly introduce the whole process of the
(5’)  Deliver evaluation sheet to each student
- Present their product
 Have groups present their product in 7
minutes; then 3 minutes is for Q & A
(35’)  Sharks give questions to companies - Evaluate other groups
(10’) 5.3. Announce the result
III. Post-project 1. Evaluation
stage (Next period)  Collect and analyse feedback from Ss
2. Debriefing
 Emphasize what Ss have learnt during the
 Give comments on strengths and weaknesses
 Offer suggestions for improvement
Experienced lesson Team leader's signature
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