Fluid Mechanics For CIV Laboratory (CIVFLUM) Department of Civil Engineering de La Salle University - Manila

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Fluid Mechanics for CIV Laboratory (CIVFLUM)

Department of Civil Engineering

De La Salle University - Manila

Experiment No. ____


[ ] Individual Preparation
Student’s Name: __________________________________

[ /] Group Preparation
Group Members: Group 4
1. Sy, Fritz Jeremy G. 4. Roleda, Stephen Ross L.

2. Costales, Jose Miguel Antonio R. 5.

3. Quintos, Maximillian II A.




18-20 points 13-17 points 6-12 points 0-5 points
1. The rationale and The submitted The submitted The submitted work The submitted
methodology of the work manifests work manifests the partially manifests the work does not
experiment were qualities that go required qualities. required qualities. manifest any of
described in detail. beyond the Certain aspects are the
requirements. either incomplete or requirements.
2. The experimental The submitted The submitted The submitted work The submitted
data were presented work manifests work manifests the partially manifests the work does not
properly using qualities that go required qualities. required qualities. manifest any of
tables and/or beyond the Certain aspects are the
graphs. requirements. either incomplete or requirements.
3. The theoretical The submitted The submitted The submitted work The submitted
equations were work manifests work manifests the partially manifests the work does not
derived completely qualities that go required qualities. required qualities. manifest any of
and used correctly. beyond the Certain aspects are the
requirements. either incomplete or requirements.
4. The observations, The submitted The submitted The submitted work The submitted
analysis of data and work manifests work manifests the partially manifests the work does not
conclusions were qualities that go required qualities. required qualities. manifest any of
sound and correct. beyond the Certain aspects are the
requirements. either incomplete or requirements.
5. The report used The submitted The submitted The submitted work The submitted
correct grammar work manifests work manifests the partially manifests the work does not
and tense, and qualities that go required qualities. required qualities. manifest any of
presented in the beyond the Certain aspects are the
proper format. requirements. either incomplete or requirements.
TOTAL (100 points):

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