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Numerical Analysis (BSI-242)

Contact Hours: Credit Hours:

Theory =48 Theory = 3.0


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

S.No CLO Domain Taxonomy level PLO

1. To describe different numerical techniques in Cognitive 2 1

interpolation, differentiation, integration,
eigenvalues and solution of algebraic and
differential equations
2. To apply these techniques for the solution of Cognitive 3 2
engineering problems


The course is designed so that students will achieve the following PLOs:

1 Engineering Knowledge:  7 Environment and Sustainability: ☐

2 Problem Analysis:  8 Ethics: ☐

3 Design/Development of Solutions: ☐ 9 Individual and Team Work: ☐

4 Investigation: ☐ 10 Communication: ☐

5 Modern Tool Usage: ☐ 11 Project Management: ☐

6 The Engineer and Society: ☐ 12 Lifelong Learning: ☐

S.No Detailed Contents
Error analysis, types of error, condition number

Interpolation: Newton forward and backward difference formula for

interpolation, central difference based interpolation formulae,
Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial.
Numerical differentiation of first order and higher order and its
application in engineering.
04 Numerical integration (Trapezoidal, Simpson’s rules, Boole’s rule,
Weddle’s rule, Romberg integration), Application of integration in
Engineering (Area, Volume, Surface area, length of arc etc)

05 Numerical method for solution of ODE, Picard’s method, Taylor’s

method, Euler method and its variations. Runge Kutta method, Multi
step methods.

06 Solution of initial and boundary value problem using numerical


07 Solution of nonlinear equations: graphical method, bracketing

methods, iterative methods

Solution of system equation by numerical methods, Jacobi method,
Gauss Seidel method.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: power method, Inverse power method,
Shifted inverse power method.

Text book:
[1]. Numerical Analysis: By Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Latest Edition
Reference Book:
[1]. Numerical methods for scientist and engineers by R.W. Hamming (Latest Edition)

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