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AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526


Q 1 State the range of laboratory thermometer.

Q 2 How can we measure the temperature of our body?
Q 3 Name the components of clinical thermometer?
Q 4 What is the normal temperature of a human body?
Q 5 What is the use of the kink in clinical thermometer? Q 6 What is the range of the clinical thermometer?
Q 7 Which type of thermometer does not contain mercury as one of its component?
Q 8 Name the process by which heat is transferred from hotter object to the colder object when they come in contact
with each other.
Q 9 What is the process by which heat of sun is able to reach us?
Q 10 What is temperature?
Q 11 In places of hot climate, it is advised that the outer walls of houses should be painted white. Explain.
Q 13 How is heat transferred in air ? In which direction does the smoke go?
Q 14 Define conduction.
Q 15 How does the heat flow?
Q 16 What would we prefer to wear in summers, a black shirt or a pink shirt ? Why?
Q 17 What are conductors and insulators? Give examples.
Q 18 Write two similarities and two dissimilarities between laboratory thermometer and the clinical thermometer.
Q 19 What do you understand by clinical thermometer and laboratory thermometer?
Q 20 Write short notes on
(a) Sea breeze . (b) Land breeze.
Q 21 Write down the differences between clinical thermometer and laboratory thermometer with respect to
temperature measurement.
Q 22 Write down the differences between clinical thermometer and laboratory thermometer with respect to
temperature measurement.
Q 23 Praveen heated a beaker containing water. He took a few coloured paper pieces and added them in the water. He
observed that the paper pieces started moving. Then, he heated a piece of iron, but did not observe any movement of
iron particles. Why? Explain.
Q 24 Praveen heated a beaker containing water. He took a few coloured paper pieces and added them in the water. He
observed that the paper pieces started moving. Then, he heated a piece of iron, but did not observe any movement of
iron particles. Why? Explain.
Most Important Questions
Q 1 Name three hot and three cold objects, you observed today. How you feel that a particular object is hot or cold?
Q 2 How will you measure temperature?
Q 3 Which scale is commonly used in India?
Q 4 Which thermometer you will use to measure temperature of your friend?
Q 5 Which thermometer you will use to measure temperature of the day?

Q 6 Will you use clinical thermometer to measure the temperature of freezer? Explain.
Q 7 How will you measure temperature using clinical thermometer?
Q 8 What is the normal temperature of human body?
Q 9 What is the difference between laboratory thermometer and clinical thermometer?
Q 10 How will you measure temperature of water using laboratory thermometer
Q 11 What do you understand by conduction?
Q 12 How does the heat flow takes place?
Q 13 What is convection?
Q 14 What do you understand by radiation?
Q 15 What is the difference between sea breeze and land breeze?
Q 16 What do you understand by conductor? State one use of conductor
Q 17 What do you understand by insulators? State one use of insulator.
Q 18 Which kind of clothes you use in summers? Explain why.
Q 19 Which kind of clothes you use in winters? Explain why.
Q 1 Give the names of two weak acids.
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
Q 2 What is brine?
Q 3 What do you understand by deliquescence?
Acids, Bases and Salts
Q 4 Which of the following materials is almost neutral? Tap water, distilled water, rain water
Q 5 What is the chemical nature of a compound that turns blue litmus red?
Q 6 What happens when you blow CO2into lime water through a glass-tube?
Q 7 Which base is found in window cleaner?
Q 8 Why do some fruits like oranges taste sour?
Q 9 Where is lactic acid found?
Q 10 Name the acid which is found in our body cells.
Q 11 What is the nature of aqueous solution of metallic oxide? Q 12 Name the organic acid present in tomatoes?
Q 13 What is the nature of soap solution?
Q 14 What is the basicity of carbonic acid?
Q 15 Why is factory waste neutralized before disposing it into the water bodies?
Q 16 Blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution. If it remains blue, what is the nature of the solution?
Q 17 Give reason- An antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity.
Q 18 Name the acids present in the following
(i) Vinegar (ii)Curd (iii)Tamarind
(iv) Citrus fruits
Q 19 Define indicators. Give examples.
Q 20 What is a salt? What is the chemical nature of salts?
Q 21 What are neutral substances?
Q 22 Why does milk get sour on keeping it for sometime?What substances are added by the milkman to keep it fresh?
Q 23 How is acidity of the stomach removed?
Q 24 Which acid is present in an ant‟s sting? What is the remedy for this?
Q 25 What do you understand by acid rain? How is it harmful
Q 26 John has a few bottles of soft drink in his restaurant. Unfortunately, these are not labelled. One customer wants
acidic drink, another wants basic and third one want neutral drink. How will John decide which drink is to be served to
Q 27 Why is Calamine solution applied on the skin when an ant bites.
Q 28 How is litmus obtained? What is the use of it?
Q 29 Differentiate between acids and bases.
Q 30 How does fire extinguisher prevent the spreading of fire? Name the chemical used in fire extinguisher.
Q 31 What are the differences between mineral acid and organic acid?
Q 32 Why do farmers need to treat the soil of their fields with slaked lime before sowing the seeds?
Q 33 How does hydrochloric acid help in the digestion of food?
Q 34 Three liquids are given to you. One is hydrochloric acid; another is sodium hydroxide and third is a sugar
solution. How will you indentify them? You have only turmeric indicator.
Q 35 (i)Name the substance which a farmers add to soil if the soil is
(a) acidic in nature(b) basic in nature
(ii)During neutralization reaction does the temperature of container increases or decrease and why?
(iii)Solution (X) does not change the colour of either blue litmus or red litmus. On the basis of this observation
classify this solution as acidic or basic or neutral.
Q 36 When hydrochloric acid is added to sodium hydroxide solution, sodium chloride and water are formed. (a) Name
this reaction.
(b) What changes in colour will be observed when
(i) A strip of blue litmus paper is dipped in it. (ii) A strip of red litmus paper is dipped in it.
(c) A test tube is filled with a solution (X). When a few drops of phenolphthalein are added to this solution, the colour
becomes pink. Identify if solution (X) is an acid or a base.
(d)How will you test that a solution is acidic or basic using China rose indicator?
Most Important Questions
Q 1 Describe the process of neutralization with the help of an example.
Q 2 Which base is found in window cleaner?
Q 3 Name the acid which is found in our body cells.
Q 4 Which of the following materials is almost neutral? Tap water, distilled water, rain water
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
Q 5 Differentiate between acids and bases
Q 6 What do you mean by neutral substances?
Q 7 What are the indicators and how litmus solution is prepared?
Q 8 Three liquids are given to you. One is hydrochloric acid; another is sodium hydroxide and third is a sugar
solution. How will you identify them? You have only turmeric indicator.
Q 9 Why is calamine solution applied on the skin when an ant bites?
Q 10 An antacid tablet is advised to take when you suffer from acidity.
Q 11 Blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution. It remains blue. What is the nature of the solution? Q 12 Why is
factory waste neutralized before disposing it into the water bodies?
Q 13 John has a few bottles of soft drink in his restaurant. Unfortunately, these are not labelled. One customer wants
acidic drink, another wants basic and third one want neutral drink. How will John decide which drink is to be served to
Q 14 What do you understand by acid rain? Write disadvantages of it. Q 15 Name the acid present in following
Curd, Lemon, grapes, Vineger
Physical and Chemical Changes
Q 1 What is the chemical name of Baking Soda?
Q 2 What is Rust?
Q 3 What type of change is photosynthesis?
Q 4 What do you understand by physical properties of a substance?
Q 5 Is crystallization an example of physical change? Q 6 What is a chemical change?
Q 7 What is malleability?
Q 8 Name four characterstics which are included in the physical properties of matter. Q 9 Write the chemical formula
of blue vitriol.
Q 10 What does slow change mean?
Q 11 What are decomposers? Give two examples.
Q 12 Explain why rusting of iron objects is faster in coastal areas than in deserts. Q 13 Why setting of curd is regarded
as a chemical change?
Q 14 Give two examples of physical change.
Q 15 What happens when magnesium oxide is dissolved in water?
Q 16 How is salt extracted from the sea water?
Q 17 (i)What is galvanisation?
(ii) Why galvanised pipes are used for supplying water?
Q 18 What happens when baking soda is treated with vinegar?
Q 19 Explain why burning of wood and cutting it into small pieces are considered as two different types of changes?
Q 20 Is the burning of candle a physical change?
Q 21 Write two differences between physical change and chemical changes. Give one example of each.
Q 22 Which one is better technique to obtain sugar from sugar solution- crystallization or evaporation to dryness?
Q 23 What happens when a piece of iron metal is placed in copper sulphate solution? Q 24 What happens when an
iron nail is dropped in copper sulphate solution?
Q 25 What is neutralisation reaction?
Q 26 How is alloy prepared?
Q 27 Describe how crystals of copper sulphate are prepared?
Q 28 What is rusting? How can we prevent rusting?
Q 29 When a candle burns, both physical and chemical changes take place. Identify these changes. Give another
example in which both the chemical and physical changes take place.
Most Important Questions
Q 1 What is physical change of a substance?
Q 2 Which all properties are affected during physical change?
Q 3 What is freezing of water?
Q 4 What is freezing point of water?
Q 5 What do you understand by melting?
Q 6 How melting and freezing related?
Q 7 What should we do to melt wax?
Q 8 What is evaporation?
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
Q 9 At what temperature water evaporates and what do we call it?
Q 10 What are the characteristics of physical changes?
Q 11 What do you understand by chemical change?
Q 12 What are the side products formed in a reaction along with the main products?
Q 13 What is rusting?
Q 14 Give the equation for rusting?
Q 15 What are the two important conditions for rusting?
Q 16 How can we prevent rusting?
Q 17 What is galvanisation?
Q 18 What is crystallization?
Q 19 Give three example of crystallization?
Q 20 Give an example of galvanization?
Q 1 What is speed?
Motion and Time
Q 2 Define non-uniform motion.
Q 3 Which devices are used to measure time intervals?
Q 4 What is a bob?
Q 5 What is a periodic motion?
Q 6 Define time period of a simple pendulum.
Q 7 What are quartz clocks?
Q 8 What is the use of odometer in a vehicle?
Q 9 What is the use of speedometer in a vehicle?
Q 10 How do we know an object is moving faster compared to another object?
Q 11 What is the advantage of distance-time graphs?
Q 12 A simple pendulum takes 15 seconds to complete 5 oscillations.What is the time period of the pendulum?
Q 13 If a car is moving with a speed of 5 km/h on a highway, find the distance travelled by the car in 3 hours?
Q 14 The distance between two stations is 240 km. A train takes 6 hours to cover this distance. Calculate the speed of
the train.
Q 15 Explain, how motion of a child on a see-saw is an oscillatory motion?
Q 16 What is the nature of distance-time graph for the motion of an object moving with a constant speed?
Q 17 Explain, how in ancient times, a day, a month and a year was measured.
Q 18 Explain the different positions of the bob of the simple pendulum while it oscillates.
Q 19 Priya takes 20 minutes from her house to reach her school on a bicycle. If the bicycle has a speed of 2 m/s,
calculate the distance between her school and her house.
Q 20 What are the points that should be kept in mind while choosing scale for drawing a graph? Q 21 A car is moving
with speed 72 km/hr. Convert this speed into metre/sec.
Q 22 What do you understand by the term 'Uniform motion'? Give an example.
A truck moves with a speed of 60km/hr for 30 minutes. What is the total distance travelled by the truck?
Q 23 A car moving at a speed of 80km/h covers a certain distance in 15 minutes. How much time will it take to cover
the same distance if it moves with a speed of 40km/h?
Q 24 Show the distance-time graph for the motion in the following cases:
(i) A car moving with a constant speed. (ii) A car parked on a side road.
(iii) A car moving with non-uniform speed.
Q 25 The odometer of a car reads 80323.0 km when the clock shows the time 09:10 AM. Calculate the distance
moved by the car, if at
09:30 AM, the odometer reading has changed to 80338.0 km? Also, tell the speed of the car in km/min during this
time. Express the speed in km/h also.
Most Important Questions
Q 1 Name any three types of motion.
Q 2 A faster moving object covers:
(a) Less distance in more time (b) More distance in more time (c) Less distance in shorter time (d) More distance in
shorter time
Q 3 Slower moving vehicle will have
(a) Higher Speed (b) Lower Speed (c) Equal Speed (d) More Distance
Q 4 Define Speed?
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
Q 5 Average Speed is the total distance covered
(a) Divided by distance traveled in one hour
(b) Multiplied by the total time taken
(c) Divided by the total time taken
(d) All of these
Q 6 In a uniform motion
(a) Average speed is the same as the actual speed
(b) The object is moving along a straight line
(c) The object is moving a constant speed
(d) All the three statements are true
Q 7 If the speed of an object, moving along a straight line, keeps changing then, (a) The motion is said to be a uniform
(b) The motion is said to be a non uniform motion
(c) The object is said to be stationary
(d) The motion is said to be a fast motion
Q 8 The time between one sunrise and the next is known as a
(a) Month (b) Year (c) Day
(d) Interval
Q 9 The time between one new moon to the next can be called a
(a) Month (b) Year (c) Day
(d) Interval
Q 10 A year was fixed as the time taken by
(a) The earth to complete one revolution around its axis
(b) The earth around the sun
(c) The moon around the earth
(d) The satellite around the earth
Q 11 Time intervals shorter than a day can be measured by using
(a) Clock
(b) Watch
(c) Stop Watch
(d) Clock, watch or stop watch
Q 12 Periodic motion is the motion which
(a) Repeats itself after a regular interval of time
(b) Repeats itself after indefinite time
(c) Does not repeat itself
(d) Takes same time
Q 13 The most common example of periodic motion is
(a) Digital clock
(b) Simple Pendulum
(c) Moving car
(d) Movement of a pedestrian
Q 14 A simple pendulum consists of
(a) Small metallic ball - bob only
(b) A string only
(c) Small metallic ball suspended from a rigid stand by a string
(d) None of these
Q 15 Periodic motion is also known as
(a) Rectilinear motion
(b) Circular motion
(c) Non uniform motion
(d) Oscillatory motion
Q 16 An oscillation is said to be complete when
(a) The bob of pendulum starts from its mean position
(b) Moves to extreme on one side and goes to the extreme on the other side
(c) Returns to its original mean position
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
(d) The bob of the pendulum starts from its mean position, goes to extreme on one side and then to extreme on the
other side and finally comes to the mean position.
Q 17 Time period is defined as
(a) The time taken to complete one revolution
(b) The time taken to go from one extreme to the other
(c) The time taken to return to mean position from the extreme on one side only
(d) All of these.
Q 1 Does light travels in a straight line?
Q 2 Can a shiny surface change the direction of the light?
Q 3 Does light gets reflected from a plane mirror ?
Q 4 What is a real image?
Q 5 What is a virtual image?
Q 6 What is a concave lens ?
Q 7 What is a convex lens?
Q 8 Can we obtain an image on the screen by a plane mirror?
Q 9 Which type of lens always forms a virtual image?
Q 10 We can‟t see the flame of a candle through a bent pipe. Explain.
Q 11 How are objects visible?
Q 12 What should we do if we see an ambulance coming behind our vehicles?
Q 13 What do you mean by the reflection of light ?
Q 14 What are the characteristics of the image formed by a concave lens?
Q 15 What are the different types of mirrors?
Q 16 What are the characteristics of an image formed by a convex mirror?
Q 17 While seeing an image of an object in the plane mirror, sides of an object are interchanged in an image formed.
Explain with examples.
Q 18 What are the characteristics of an image formed by a plane mirror?
Q 19 State the characteristics of an image formed by a concave mirror when an object is placed very close to it.
Q 20 Which mirrors are used as side mirrors in scooters and cars? Justify your answer.
Q 21 Explain a rainbow.
Q 22 What are concave mirrors and convex mirrors?
Q 23 What is Newton‟s disc?
Q 24 When Rita looked at her image in the mirror, she noticed that her right appears to be left and left appears to be
right. Why is it so? Also, when she observed the image of her hand in a plane mirror, the distance between her hand
and the mirror is 10 cm. If she moves her hand 5 cm backwards, then what will be the distance between her hand and
its image?
Q 25. What is a mirror? State the characteristics of the image formed by a plane mirror. We know that the rear view
mirror of the bus is a plane mirror. A driver is reversing his bus at a speed of 4 ms-1. The driver sees in his rear mirror
the image of a car parked behind his bus. What will be the speed at which the image of the car appears to approach the
Most Important Questions
Q 1 How do you see objects?
Q 2 State two properties of light.
Q 3 what do you understand by luminous objects? Give two examples.
Q 4 what do you understand by non-luminous objects? Give two examples.
Q 5 What do you understand by opaque objects? Give some examples.
Q 6 we can see though transparent objects but cannot see through opaque objects. Why?
Q 7 What is reflection?
Q 8 What do you understand by real image?
Q 9 What is virtual image?
Q 10 Which kind of mirror you use at home?
Q 11 State different kinds of mirrors?
Q 12 What is lateral inversion?
Q 13 Ambulance is written in a strange manner on the ambulances. Why?
AIMS CLASSES 7278626838/9749176526
Q 14 State the characteristic of the image formed by convex mirror.
Q 15 State the characteristic of the image formed by plane mirror.
Q 16 State some uses of concave mirrors.
Q 17 State some uses of convex mirrors.
Q 18 State two properties of lenses.
Q 19 How will you differentiate between concave and convex lens?
Q 20 State the characteristic of image formed by concave lens.
Q 21 Give some examples where you can clearly see the colours of light.
Q 22 How will you prepare Newton‟s disk?
Q 23 What are constituent colours of light?
Q 24 Light appears white. Why?
Q 25 State two uses of convex lens.
Q 26 We can see through lens but can‟t see though mirror why?
Q 27 Newton‟s disk appears white, when it rotates. Why?
Q 28 My younger sister was playing with soap bubbles. I noticed that the bubbles appear coloured in sunlight. Why?
Q 29 Some images can‟t be obtained on screen. What kind of images are those?
Q 30 Find a word of English alphabet so that the image formed in a plane mirror appears exactly like the letter itself.

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