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Landlessness is directly linked to rural poverty and causes a 'spiral of impoverishments'.

Land is not just a commodity, but an essential component of human dignity and well-being.
The most useful remedy lies in the drafting and implementation of effective land reform
legislation, which seeks to redistribute land fairly and equitably among the rural masses.
Unfortunately, political will to reform property rights in land has been weak. Land reform
legislation in India, where it exists, is riddled with gaps, inconsistencies and loopholes and in
dire need of review and reform. Additionally, a more holistic legal framework is required,
which will emphasise upon a comprehensive package that includes support policies and
protection of vulnerable groups.

To summarize, Land reform is the major step of government to assist people living under
adverse conditions. It is basically redistribution of land from those who have excess of land
to those who do not possess with the objective of increasing the income and bargaining
power of the rural poor. The purpose of land reform is to help weaker section of society and
do justice in land distribution. Government land policies are implemented to make more
rational use of the scarce land resources by affecting conditions of holdings, imposing
ceilings and grounds on holdings so that cultivation can be done in the most economical

It is time we thought seriously of land reforms when especially a "humble farmer" is on top.
If in the new century we still talk of reforms without effective implementation we will surely
miss the bus.

Sambhu Ram Yadav v. Hanuman Das Khatry, 2001 6 SCC 1

State of Punjab v. Ram Singh, AIR 1992 SC 2188

Nortanmal Chauaisia v. M.R. Murli, 2004 AIR SCW 2894

P an Advocate, AIR 1963 SC 1313

Hikmat Ali Khan v. Ishwar Prasad Arya and Others, AIR 1997 SC 864
Shambhu Ram Yadav v. Hanuman Das Khatry, AIR 2001 SC 2509

P.D. Gupta v. Ram Murti and Anr., AIR 1998 SC 283

Prof. KrishanrajGoswami v. Vishwanath D. Mukashikar D.C. Appeal No. 40/1995

In re: Vinay Chandra Mishra, (1995) 2 SCC 534

Supreme Court B

Rape mu sodbhfdn

Pake m dakd

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