AComparativeStudyOfEfficientLendingByIndianCommercialBanks (54 58) PDF

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Volume-4, Issue-4, August-2014, ISSN No.

: 2250-0758
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Available at:
Page Number: 54-58

A Comparative Study Of Efficient Lending by Indian Commercial

Deepa Damodaran1, Dr. Kalyani Rangarajan2, Dr. P James Daniel Paul3
VIT Business School, VIT University, Chennai, INDIA

level of default. Hence unable to measure Loss Given

ABSTRACT default, Probability of Default and Exposure at Default. The
Higher mobilization of the loans by the Banks mentioned paper discusses about measuring risk of such
indicate the higher level of facilitation and support. However portfolio‟s
higher levels of default indicates the opposite. This study after DJ Hand, MJ Crowder during (2005) “Measuring Customer
the review of over 20 empirical articles, attempts to use the Quality in Retail Banking” describes such a model that
Reserve Bank of India information to assess the credit
separates the observed variables for a customer into primary
portfolio service levels of different types of banks in India.
The study attempts to examine the case using the 1996-2012 characteristics on the one hand, and indicators of previous
RBI data set to understand the credit portfolio choice using behaviour on the other, and links the two via a latent
the secondary data. The study finds the shifting stance of the variable that is identified as „customer quality‟.
credit portfolio preferences over the years from the old PSU E Kocenda during (2009) in their paper “Default
banks to the PSU banks. Despite the lower start the new Predictors and Credit Scoring Models for retail banking”
generation PSU banks are able to contain the risks. develops a specification of the credit scoring model with
high discriminatory power to analyze data on loans at the
Keywords- component; Banking, Non-performing Assets, retail banking market. Parametric and non- parametric
NPA, Public sector Banks in India approaches are employed to produce three models using
logistic regression (parametric) and one model using
Classification and Regression Trees (CART,
I. INTRODUCTION nonparametric). The models are compared in terms of
efficiency and power to discriminate between low and high
risk clients by employing data from a new European Union
Almost 5% of the outstanding loans of the Indian
banking industry are currently NPAs. This adds up to a
whopping Rs 2.4 lakh crore for the 40 top banks –In case of S Hlawatsch and P Reichling (2010) in an article
some banks, the top 30 defaulters account for over half of “A framework for Loss Given Default validation of Retail
all their NPAs by value. For the entire banking system, Portfolios” state that Modeling and estimating loss given
almost 40% of all NPAs come from these top defaulters. In default (LGD) is necessary for banks that apply for the
the case of Punjab National Bank (PNB), the top 30 internal ratings based approach for retail portfolios. To
defaulters owed the bank a total of Rs 1,494 crore on validate LGD estimations, there are only a few approaches
31st March 2011. State Bank of India, the top 30 defaulters discussed in the literature. In this paper, two models for
owed the bank a whopping Rs 8,775 crore – Rs 292 crore validating relative LGD and absolute losses are developed.
for each account. However, since SBI is far larger than The validation of relative LGD is important for risk-
other lenders, these account for just about one-seventh of adjusted credit pricing and interest rate calculations. The
the NPA portfolio. Is there a relationship between the Non- validation of absolute losses is important to meet the capital
performing assets of the Banks and the credit portfolio requirements of Basel II. Both models are tested with real
choice? Can it be measured without a survey? This paper data from a bank. Estimations are tested for robustness with
makes an attempt to use secondary data from a 15 year in-sample and out-of-sample tests.
Reserve Bank of India Data set. The data is subject to Kavitha N (2012), in their article entitled, “An
simple risk analysis and the OLS models to gain the Insight Into Determinants Of Funds Management In Indian
understanding into the data set. This requires a detailed Scheduled Commercial Banks” Analyse the Banks in
review of literature. Over 20 studies are reviewed India, R.B.I., especially SBI Group, Nationalized Banks
Group and the Private Banks Group They use variables
II. SURVEY OF LITERATURE like Government Securities, Assets, Investments,
Approved Securities, Investment, Deposits, Return On
G Sabato (2006) in his article Managing Credit Investments, Debt Equity Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio,
Risk for Retail Low – Default Portfolios analyses Low Term Deposits, Total Deposits, Liquid Assets, Provisions,
default Portfolio‟s are portfolio‟s where there are very low Contingencies, Cash, Deposits, Other Assets, Credit

,Deposits, Fixed Assets , Assets, Priority Sector Advances Ratio and Investment Deposit Ratio, Deposits and Credits
and Advances, Ratio Of Borrowings, Funds Management of Scheduled Commercial Banks per Office, Role of
is the first step in the long-term strategic planning process. Scheduled Commercial Banks in the Priority Sector
Therefore, it can be considered as a planning function for Lending, diagnostic and exploratory in nature and makes
an intermediate term,It has also explained the investment use of secondary data. This study is confined only to the
pattern and optimal mix of assets and liabilities of specific areas such as Aggregate Deposits mobilized by
scheduled commercial banks in India. these banks, Loans and Advances, Credit-Deposits Ratios,
Sunil Kumar (2008) in An Analysis Of Investment-Deposits Ratios, for the ten years period
Efficiency–Profitability Relationship In Indian Public starting from the year 2000 to the year 2009. In order to
Sector Banks, Analyse Efficiency–Profitability Quadrants analyze the data and draw conclusions in this study,
using variables relating to production, intermediation, net- various statistical tools like Descriptive Statistics, „t‟test,
interest income, interest expenses, interest income and and Correlation have been applied. This research paper
„efficiency frontier maximization Efficiency profitability reveals that the operational performance of Indian
matrix models. They have explored the relationship Scheduled Commercial Banks has improved since the year
between technical efficiency and profitability in Indian 2000. Aggregate deposits show a constant increase. The
PSBs using the „efficiency–profitability matrix‟ percentage of time deposits to aggregate deposits
Vinod Kumar (2013) in an analysis of the Success mobilized by the Scheduled Commercial Banks was high
Parameters Of Indian Commercial Banks use Secondary in 2009. It was found that there is a positive correlation
data that had been used in the study: · Report on Trend and between demand deposits and time deposits. Credits
Progress of Banking in India, RBI, 2008 to 2012. The deployed and investments made by these banks have
analysis covers data of Nationalized Banks, SBI and its shown significant performance. The Indian Scheduled
associates, Commercial Banks have been more efficient by
Old Private Sector Banks (OPSBs), New Private Sector maintaining the C-D ratios in an increasing trend over the
Banks (NPSBs), Foreign Banks (FBs), Interest income and period of the study
interest expenses of banks, Non-Interest income and Mahipal Singh Yadav (2011), in his study on
operating expenses of banks, Total Income and Total Impact of Non Performing Assets on Profitability And
Expenditure. He has analysed the data using arithmetic Productvity Of Public Sector Banks In India study the
mean and percentage statistical techniques He concludes Non-Performing Asset Of Public Sector Banks, Aggregate
that no bank group is successful in controlling its operating Impact Of Non-Performing Assets On Profitability, Impact
expenses within limits as compared to its non-interest Of Non-Performing Assets In Priority And Non- Priority
income. Apart from this, SBI and Its Associated bank Sector, Aggregate Impact Of Non-Performing Assets On
group and New Private sector bank group are more Profitability With Other Banking Variables,Non-
successful as compared to other bank groups as their Performing Assets And Productvity,Non-Performing
percentage increase in income side is more than the Assets And Productvity use variables like Total Advance,
percentage increase in expenditure side. Gross NPA,NPA of Priority sector, NPA of non-priority
Ashfaq Ahmad,Kashif-Ur-Rehman and Sector value of spread and burden, Priority sector
Muhammad Iqbal Saif (2010), in their article on Islamic advances, Credit–Deposit ratio, Operating expenses, Term
Banking Experience Of Pakistan: Comparison Between deposits, Provisions and contingencies, Value of Non-
Islamic And Conventional Banks find positive performing assets, using Regression Analysis. The study
relationships between service quality and borrower concludes that gross non-performing assets of public
satisfaction regarding Islamic banks in sector banks in absolute terms has shown increasing trend
Pakistan. There will be positive relationships between till 2001 and declined later on, whereas its percentage
service quality and borrower satisfaction. They use shown declining trend. One fourth amount of total
variables like Islamic and conventional advances of public sector banks was in the form of
banks, relationship between service quality and borrower doubtful or non-performing assets in the initial year of
satisfaction, using IBSQL-IBCS model, CBSQL-CBCS nineties, which raising question mark on the credit
model. Correlation, Linear Regression Model, This study appraisal performance of the public sector banks in India.
examined the relationship between service quality and Uma G. Gupta,William Collins (1997), in his
borrower satisfaction by comparing Islamic and study, “The Impact Of Information Systems On The
conventional banks operating in Pakistan. The researchers Efficiency Of Banks: An Empirical Investigation”, use
collected data from 720 respondents. The responses of variables like usage rate of different types of computer
bank borrowers were analyzed by Pearson‟s Correlation technologies, usage of different types of computer
and regression. The results indicate that there is strong technologies, percentage of companies investing in
direct and positive relationship between service quality and software, hardware, system development, system
borrower satisfaction. The magnitude of relationship maintenance, and training, Success in aligning IS with
between service quality and borrower satisfaction is greater different organizational goals, significance of the
in Islamic banks as compared to conventional banks. contribution of IS to different organizational goals,
Syed Ibrahim M (2011) in Operational perceptions regarding different IS-related issues, different
Performance Of Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks-An measures used to assess returns on IS investment, Client
Analysis use variables like Deposits, Investments, Credits, Servers, Vans, Lans, Workstations, microcomputer,
Loans and advances, Reserve Bank of India, Aggregate minicomputers, mainframes, EFT, ATM, optical storage,
Deposits of Scheduled Commercial Banks, Credits EIS, EDI, DSS, Image Processing, GIS, Multimedia,
Deployed by Scheduled Commercial Banks, Investments Expert Systems, Case, software, hardware, system
made by Scheduled Commercial Banks, Credit-Deposit development, system maintenance, and training,

Organizational goals Increasing productivity Enhancing Hemali G. Broker and Bhadresh H. Senjaliya
borrower service Utilization of existing system Instituting (2013) in the article on “Pros & Cons Of Banking Facilities
cross-functional systems Building integrated information In India”, use variables like FDIC Insured, Getting Paid to
systems, Cash management Product, Borrower Save, Loans, credit, Automated Teller Machines ATM,
information, Retail Banking, Regulatory Compliance, Electronic Clearing Service (ECS), Electronic Funds
Integrated product information, Marketing Research, Atm Transfer (EFT), tele-banking, internet banking etc
Planning, bank marketing, Bank acqisition, media Investors' Trust, Economics of Scale, Resource Utilization,
marketing Their survey confirms the technology Profitable Diversification, Easy Marketing, One-stop
predictions of many practitioners and experts in the IS Shopping The study concludes saying, Banking has
community, namely, the increasing growth of client server become very,the demands of the people are still on the
systems and local area networks. Empirical study which increase and banks are
investigated the contribution of IS to banks in Florida. now thinking of new schemes and policies to protect and
There are several interesting findings that emerged from promote the interests of their Borrowers. The prospect of
this study. First, there is a lack of rigorous analysis and E-Banking is becoming popular day by day. Even people
theoretical frameworks that explore the link between IS who do not have an access to the Internet can perform
investments and a bank‟s efficiency, Second, top IS banking transactions through the telephone. The latest
professionals strongly feel the need for developing more trend in banking is M-banking or mobile banking, which is
rigorous cost-benefit methodologies that will help them a venture now on the test run
sell the technology to top management. Third, traditional After the survey of the literature, The available
measures of productivity, such as decrease in operating indicators for the borrower Choice and the Non performing
costs and increase in profits, continue to be the most assets were collected from the Reserve Bank of India
popular measures of efficiency and return on investments, website The results of the analysis are presented below.
although these measures may not be suitable for
information systems and technologies.
Amarender Reddy A, (2002), in his article, III. ANALYSIS
Banking Sector Performance During Liberalization In
India-A Review , compares performance among public
In this section the graphs of the advances and NPAs are
sector banks for three years in the post-reform period,
1992, 1995 and 1998.Their study covered 70 banks in the
period 1986-91. They analyse variables like Spread,
Income ratio, total assets wage costs. Capital adequacy and
asset quality, Median profit per employee, Non-interest
income to working funds, The ratio wage bill to total
expenses, the cost to income ratio, Cash reserve ratio and
statutory liqudity ratio They conclude that there has been a
decline in spreads and intermediation costs widely used
measures of efficiency in banking and a tendency towards
their convergence across all bank-groups.In short, only
cost effective, costumer focused, technology driven, capital
strengthen banks which follow prudential regulations can
only sustain in attracting depositors and borrowers in the
current competitive environment.
Uppal (2011) in an article E-Delivery Channels
In Banks-A Fresh Outlook analyse the data of Nationalized The area graph indicates that the SCB advances
Banks G-I, State Bank Group G-II Old Private Sector are of greater proportion than that of the PSU or old PSU
Banks G-III, New Private Sector Banks G-IV, Foreign advances.
Banks G-V Computerization in Public Sector Banks,
Branches and ATMs of Scheduled Commercial Banks,
Transactions through Retail Electronic Payment Methods,
ATMs as a percentage of Total Branches, Internet Banking
Branches as a percentage of Total Branches, Mobile
Banking Branches as a percentage of Total Branches, Tele
Banking Branches as a percentage of Total Branches
They conclude that technology is taking place but this
speed is quite slow in Indian banking industry
particularly, in public sector banks. The future outlook
demands heavy investment in information technology.The
study concludes that more developments in technology are
taking place. In the face of the new competitive pressures,
inherent rigidities in public sector banks to enhance serious
challenges. The gap between partially using IT in banks The above graph indicates that the Public sector
and fully using IT in banks has widened NPA is greater than the SCB average or even more than
the Old PSB average.

In the first section the descriptive of the schedule Table II Comparison of Risks
commercial banks are presented.
Table I CAGR of Banking Variables Schedule Public
Commercial Sector Public Sector
Banks Banks Banks
S.NO BANKING VARIABLES CAGR Gross Advances 14420.46 628.88 10878.42
1 SCB Gross Advances 19% Net Advances 15383.56 625.91 11738.66
2 SCB Net Advances 20%
Amount 236.61 7.50 188.39
3 SCB Amount 7%
Gross NPA as a
4 SCB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross advances -10%
percentage of Gross 5.11 4.13 5.77
5 SCB NPA as a % of total Assets -8% advances
6 SCB NPA amount 7% NPA as a % of total
2.08 1.80 2.32
7 SCB Net NPA as a% of Net Advances -10% NPA amount 113.26 7.23 107.35
8 SCB NPA as a % of Total Assets -8%
Net NPA as a% of
2.79 3.05 3.10
9 OPSB Gross Advances 16% Net Advances
10 OPSB Net Advances 16% NPA as a % of Total
1.04 1.29 1.12
11 OPSB Amount 4%
12 OPSB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross advances -11% The Standard deviation of the gross advances
13 OPSB NPA as a % of total Assets -9% Indicate net advances of the scheduled commercial banks
14 OPSB Net NPA as a% of Net Advances -14% have the highest risk, the public sector banks remain the
15 OPSB NPA as a % of Total Assets -12% second and the old public sector banks is the lowest. But
16 PSB Gross Advances 18%
when we considered the Gross NPA as a percentage of
Gross advances, Public sector banks rank the highest.
17 PSB Net Advances 20%
Similarly in the case of NPA as the percentage of the
18 PSB Amount 6% Assets, the risk of the PSU banks remained the highest. In
19 PSB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross advances -10% the case of the NPA amount also the deviation was the
20 PSB NPA as a % of total Assets -8% highest in the PSU banks. NPA as the percentage of
21 PSB NPA amount 7% advances also had the highest deviation at the PSU banks.
22 PSB Net NPA as a% of Net Advances -10% But NPA as a percentage of the total assets was the highest
in the old PSU banks. Traditionally the Public sector banks
23 PSB NPA as a % of Total Assets -8%
have always been accused of poor borrower service and the
24 PSB NPA as a % of Total Assets -8%
data analyzed by the article further proves the same.
SCB : Schedule Commercial Bank In order to understand the impact of the NPA on
OPSB: Old Public Sector Banks the asset base of the banks three regression models were
PSB : Public Sector Banks formed. They are
While estimating the CAGR for banking related
variables it was found that the following variables had a Βi = λi + λi δi +
positive CAGR SCB Gross Advances,SCB Net μ………………………………………..[1]
Advances,SCB Amount,SCB NPA amount,OPSB Gross
Advances,OPSB Net Advances,OPSB Amount,PSB Gross Where β is the gross advances; λi is the advances
Advances,PSB Net Advances,PSB Amount,PSB NPA at the ith type of bank. λ is the coefficient / slope of the
amount. equation and δ is the value of the Non performing assets.
While estimating the CAGR for banking related
variables it was found that the following variables had a Table III Regression Coefficients and the fit
negative CAGR
Depen Indepe
SCB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross dent ndent
advances,SCB NPA as a % of total Assets,SCB Net NPA Model Variabl Variab Coeffec
as a% of Net Advances,SCB NPA as a % of Total No Bank e le R2 ient t
Assets,OPSB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross SCB (Const
Gross ant) .778
advance,OPSB NPA as a % of total Assets,OPSB Net NPA Advan a 9438.12 -1.161
as a% of Net Advances,OPSB NPA as a % of Total 5
1 SCB ces
Assets,PSB Gross NPA as a percentage of Gross SCB
advances,PSB NPA as a % of total Assets,PSB Net NPA NPA
86.082 3.433
as a% of Net Advances,PSB NPA as a % of Total Assets. t
In order to assess the risks of different types of PSB (Const
banks, the risk was assessed using the standard deviation in Gross ant) .617 1789.68
data relating to the three categories of banks. The results Advan 3
2 OPSB ces
are presented in the table below.
-53.718 -2.936

PSB (Const Banks In Coimbatore City Asian Journal Of Business And
Gross ant) .595
a 2461.09 -.416 Economics
6 [5] Sunil Kumar (2008) An Analysis Of Efficiency–
3 PSB ces
PSB Profitability Relationship In Indian Public Sector Banks
NPA Global Business Review
60.317 2.771
[6] Vinod Kumar (2013) Success Parameters Of Indian
Commercial Banks Volume 2, Number 3, July –
The regression results indicate that the SCBs model had
September‟ 2013
a better fit that the other models. The While the constant of
[7] Ashfaq Ahmad,Kashif-Ur-Rehman,Muhammad Iqbal
the PSU model was negative, the constant of the SCB
Saif (2010) Islamic Banking Experience Of Pakistan:
model was the largest. This indicates the lower starts for
Comparison Between
the PSBs rather than the scheduled commercial banks.
Islamic And Conventional Banks, International Journal Of
However the slope of the SCBs and the old PSU banks
Business And Management
were negative while the slope of the PSU banks remained
[8] Umma Salma, Mir Abdullah Shahneaz (2013),
positive. This indicates despite the lower start of the PSU
Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis Of Public
banks, the growth prospects of the PSU banks remain
And Private Sector Banks In Bangladesh European Journal
higher despite the lower start.
Of Business And Management
[9] Syed Ibrahim (2011) Operational Performance Of
Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks-An Analysis
IV. CONCLUSION International Journal Of Business And Management
[10] Mahipal Singh Yadav (2011) Impact Of Non
Performing Assets On Profitability And Productvity Of
This article attempts to prove that the borrower service
Public Sector Banks In India Afbe Journal
need not be measured by the primary surveys but also by
[11] Uma G. Gupta,William Collins (1997), The Impact Of
the secondary data. The findings of the study reveal that
Information Systems On The Efficiency Of Banks: An
the overall scheduled commercial banks and the old PSU
Empirical Investigation Industrial Management & Data
banks had a higher start than the PSU banks. However the
growth rates of the PSU banks are significant and positive
[12] Ahmed J U (2010) Customer Orientation And Service
than the other two categories. While the value of the assets
Quality Of Commercial Banks: The Empirical Evidence
or their risks in the old PSU banks are lesser the risk of the
From State Bank Of India International Journal Of
other banks. This indicates that though the industry as a
whole is facing challenging time with the borrowers, the
[13] Amarender Reddy A (2002), Banking Sector
new PSU banks are able to cope up with the circumstances.
Performance During Liberalization In India-A Review
But the older PSU banks are unable to take cope up with
M.P. Gupta And Sonal Shukla 2002 Learnings From
the requirements of the borrowers.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Implementation In A Bank Global Business Review
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