Chapter III Thesis

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This chapter presents the research design, research participant of the study, data
gathering procedures used to analyze the data.

Research Design
This study makes effective use of qualitative research to learn about the underlying
reasons, thoughts, and stimulate through an extensive interview with the respondent. The
concatenations of interviews with the respondent were recorded and cross examined were related
to their involvement as a senior high student who undergoes depression.

Justifying the Use of Qualitative Interview

The qualitative research design was used in the analysis to traverse the life
experiences of a novice who undergo depression in which cannot be guarded by a quantitative
research design. The researchers distinguished that lived experiences divaricate from individuals
who control indicative events that have significant impact on their physical, emotional, and
personal bearing in life. Furthermore, scouting on the responses of the respondent in this study
can administer understanding to other senior high students on approaching depression.

Research Setting
The location of aforementioned study was at Barangay Polangi, Eastern Samar is a
rural district It is bounded on the north by the town of Can-avid and on the south-southeast by
the town of Sulat. Concurrently, Cogon,San Jose, Tacloban City.

The aforementioned is relevant to the resolute sampling in which the analyst
designates the respondent forasmuch as the respondent is a senior high student who undergo
depression and forthwith in the K to 12 program curriculum of the Department of Education.
Additionally, the analyst ascertained the lack of desire of the respondent to attain her studies
while undergoing depression.

Research Participant
The appellant (Student A) was a 16-year-old senior high student. She is studying and
enlisted in the K to 12 program of the Department of Education. In addition, the participant
happens to be part of a middle-class family. Student A is the youngest in the seven siblings
happen to be three female and 3 males. Five of her kin are already working meantime, she and
her other sister is still studying.
Student A declared that she is performing poorly at school and one of the repercussions
are consecutive absences due to financial and boredom. Her monthly allowance is only PHP
500.00 (which is good for one week and still insufficient), school fees. She also stated that she
wanted to transfer because she’s struggling with the subjects and her allowance. She also
expresses that her classmates now are distant to her whereas to her classmates in junior high are
which are friendly there is unity. Furthermore, she discussed that she’s having a hard time
dealing with her emotions and she acknowledged that she barely shares her thoughts or ideas to
people because she is not confident. Student A expresses her sentient to her parents that her
parents reprimand her because of consecutive school fees and she felt that her parents are
scrutinizing her and her sister who is studying engineering and her older sister is allowed to go
out with friends. However, she’s not. Thus, she felt that she will fail every task accustomed to
her. And lastly, she fumbled that she doesn’t belong to the family.

Moreover, Student B was a 17-year-old senior high student. She is further studying and
enlisted in the K to 12 program of the Department of Education. In addition, the participant
appears to be part of middle-class family. Student B happens third in the four siblings to be one
male and three females. Up until now, all of them are studying. Student B discussed that due to
her absences at school are aroused by her new classmates. She recurrently feels out of place with
her classmates because of her demeanor. In addition, she conferred that her grandmother got
stroke, thus she is performing poorly at school. Consequently, she even stated that she lost her
confidence. Student B addressed that she was bullied in grade school, whereas her father left
them. Student B assent to her grandmother when she falls down or need someone to talk to. She
expressed that she establishes good friendship to her now two Grade 11 female classmates.

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