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__________________1. What invention in 1960’s changed communication by carrying light along its length
with greater efficiency than metal wire?
__________________2. Who is the inventor of light bulb?
__________________3. What artificial satellite improves our telecommunication services?
__________________4. What is the name of the science fiction writer who wrote the three laws of robotics?
__________________5. This device is used to record electric pulses accompanying the beating of the heart.
__________________6. It is an online photo and video-sharing platform that allows its users to take pictures
and video, apply digital filters to them to make them look like retro, and share them on
variety of social networking sites.
__________________7. Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder of ______.
__________________8. What is the name of the first submarine that could rise and sink designed by the
American David Bushnell?
__________________9. The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this
process called?
__________________10. A particular molecule of carbon made up to sixty carbon atoms received some press
as a structure that shows promise as a basic building block in the area of molecular
manufacturing. What is the whimsical nontechnical name for these molecules?
__________________11. He is known as the “father of radio guidance system” for his pioneering work on
guided rockets and planes during the First World War.
__________________12. It is an instrument used in medicine to photographed stomach ulcers without the
need for surgery.
__________________13. According to National Science Foundation-funded research, what common food stuff
may serve as power for future batteries?
__________________14. What does the acronym ASCII stand for?
__________________15. Which company phone was the first handheld mobile phone demonstrated?
__________________16. When was the World Wide Web born?
__________________17. What Intel Chip was the first to support a 32-bit bus structure?
__________________18. What computer hardware was invented by a Filipino?
__________________19. New development in technology that could be used to clean petroleum spills or
other hazardous chemicals in our waterways.
__________________20. What do we call the invention of Edwin Herbert Land which we used at present
__________________21. Humanoid robot designed to demonstrate the application for passive dyamics
__________________22. How many of the first Apple Computer were built?
__________________23. What is “David and Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web” now famously known as?
__________________24. Who developed an easy-to-use insect identification kits for rice pest and natural
enemies and won him an outstanding scientist award?
__________________25. It is powered by an electric motor instead of gasoline engine. It gets its energy from
a controller, which regulates the amount of power based on the driver’s use of an
accelerator pedal.
__________________26. This material was an organic material derived from the cellulose that once heated
could be molded and retained its shape when cooled. What do you call this kind of

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