Actividad 14 Evidencia 5

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Below the explication point for point of the survey template:

.The client only recommends the company in only 50% because he is not a frequent customer and
has not had a frequent commercial relationship.

.the client is not completely satisfied, the reason maybe because he has only madeonepurchase
and from there he starts the commercial relationship with the company.

.When asked about the description of the products, the client states that he liked the qualityand
good price.

When asked about the satisfaction of the products, the client informs that the productsmeet the
need for which they purchased.

When it is consulted about the qualification of the products, the client states that it is veryhigh,
this indicates that we are fulfilling that point of the business.

.When asked about the quality-price relationship, the customer shows an

averagegrade, which indicates that the price of the product is what does not allow thecustomer to
be completely satisfied.

A very important point in this point 7 on the attention given to respond to the client, we seethat
there is a great failure, the client responds that it is not very good.

Because he is a new client, the information he provides is small, he does not have muchbusiness
experience with us, that is why it is better to carry out this survey in the firstbusiness and after 10
orders of purchases, this way we will have how to make a comparativeabout the customer's
opinion and the service.

For the first experience that the client has, we see that you want to continue with thepurchase of
the products, we know that the quality of the products is good and you can seehow it is
encouraged through promotions and improvements in the price.

A point that we see that the customer needs is the variety of flavors on the products, pointthat
must be studied so that the client does not have the need to find another supplier thatcan offer
everythin" he needs and leave him 100% satisfied.

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