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Published on Dec 10, 2018


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To det ermine t he amount of casein present in different samples of milk.

Milk is a mult inut rient fluid and it is t he primary source of nut rit ion for human. It consist s of 80% of prot eins.
T he prot ein in t he milk is classified into casein and whey prot ein. Milk prot ein consist s of 80% of casein and 20%
whey prot ein. T he funct ion of casein is to provide energy to human body. T he name of casein is relat ed to t he
family of phosphoprot eins. T hese prot eins are commonly found in t he mammalian milk. T his st udy deals wit h
t he precipit at ion of casein from t he various milk samples such as cow milk, goat milk, buffalo milk and also t he
samples t hat availed from t he market . T he t echnique of precipit at ion of casein is used to predict t he prot ein
cont ent in t he milk samples.
Casein is t he main prot ein const it uent of milk. It const it ut es about 80% of t he tot al prot ein in cow’s milk and
about 3% of it s weight . It group of prot ein precipit at ed when t he milk is slight ly acidified. It dissolves slight ly in
wat er, ext ensively in alkalis’ or st rong acids. Casein is a complet e prot ein meaning t hat it cont ains all of t he
essent ial amino acids, which t he body can not manufact ure on it s own. When dried, it is a whit e, amorphous
powder wit hout t ast e and odour. It is a mixed phosphoprot ein and occurs in milk as calcium salt (calcium
caseinat e) in t he form of micelle. T he micelle has a negat ive charge. When an acid is added to t he milk, t he
negat ive charges are neut ralized.

Calcium caseinat e + acet ic acid → casein (s) + calcium acet at e (aq)

T he quant it y, qualit y and fat -cont ent from t he various milk samples differ wit h t he t ype of part icular mammals
and t heir fodder. T he composit ion of milk varies wit h according to t he animals from which it comes, providing
t he correct growt h rat e and development for t he young of t hat species. Casein is a slow digest ing prot ein and it
was suspended in t he milk in a complex called micelle. T he micelles are spherical and are 0.04 to 0.03 m in
diamet er. Milk composit ion varies wit h t he st age of locat ion, age and breed. Milk is colloidal nat ure due to t he
presence of prot eins. T he prot eins are heavy molecules; t hey form colloids when dispersed in wat er medium.
T he primary funct ion of prot ein in living cells is to promot e growt h and maint enance. T he nit rogen cont ent of
milk is dist ribut ed among casein 76%, when prot ein and non-prot ein nit rogen is 6%.T he st ruct ure of prot ein
consist of a polypept ide chain of amino acids joined toget her by pept ide linkages. Around t he world, t here are
more t han six billion consumers of milk and milk product s. Over 750 million people live in dairy farming
households. It is used in paint s for fast drying wat er-soluble medium (Figure 1). Casein based glues are
formulat ed from t he mixt ure of casein, wat er, hydrat ed lime and sodium hydroxide

Apparatus and Chemicals
• 250 ml beakers

• Funnel

• Glass rod

• Chemical balances

• Test t ubes
• Filt rat ion flask

• Bunsen burner

• Different samples of milk

• 1% acet ic acid solut ion

• Sat urat ed ammonium sulphat e solut ion


• Take a clean dry beaker, put into it 20cc of cow’s milk and add 20 ml of sat urat ed ammonium sulphat e solut ion
slowly and wit h st irring. Fat along wit h casein will precipit at e out .

• Filt er t he solut ion and t ransfer t he precipit at es in anot her beaker.

• Add about 30 ml of wat er to t he precipit at e.

• Only casein dissolves in wat er forming milky solut ion leaving fat undissolved.

• Heat t he milky solut ion to about 40˚ C and add 1% acet ic acid solut ion drop wise, when casein get s
precipit at ed.
• Filt er t he precipit at e, wash wit h wat er and let t he precipit at e dry.

• Weigh t he dry solid mass in a previously weighed wat ch glass.

• Repeat t he experiment wit h ot her samples of milk

Observation Table
Volume of milk t aken in each case = 20 ml.

T he yield of casein precipit at ed from t he various milk samples of goat milk, cow milk and buffalo milk cont ains
6.4 gm, 7.8 gm and 4 gm respect ively. Similarly, t he milk samples availed from t he market such as milk -A and
milk -B was 6.8 gm and 5.5 gm respect ively. T his shows t hat t he casein precipit at ed from t he cow milk cont ains
more amount of casein prot ein t han t he goat and buffalo milk samples. T he lower amount of casein in t he
buffalo milk is may be due to t he more fat cont ent in it [8]. T he dissimilarit ies bet ween t he milk samples -A and
B is revealed t hat t he market milk -B may be adult ered wit h wat er or any ot her subst ance

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T his st udy clearly indicat ed t hat t he amount of casein precipit at ed from t he cow milk was higher t han t hat of
t he ot her milk samples. T he quant it at ive analysis of casein precipit at ed from t he various milk samples provide
t he ample scope to t he cot t age cheese manufact ure.

According to t he research findings, cow milk cont ains t he largest amount of casein prot ein. T hus, t he cow milk
is suit able for t he best muscle growt h and basic body building achievement s. It was found t hat goat milk
cont ains t he small amount of casein prot ein. Alt hough t he mineral cont ent of goat 's milk and cow's milk is
generally similar, goat 's milk cont ains more calcium, pot assium, iron, magnesium and sodium. All milk has lot s
of casein but t here are different t ypes of casein and for someone who has casein sensit ivit y, goat milk may
provide an alt ernat ive to which t hey do not react .

[1] ht t ps://

[2] ht t p://www.milkfact ion/Milk%20Composit m

[3] Pat ricia Trueman, Nut rit ional Biochemist ry, India, 2011.

[4] ht t p:// m

[5] T Hemma, J Ot t e. St at us and prospect s for small holder milk product ion. A global perspect ive (PDF) Food and
Agricult ural Organizat ion of t he Unit ed Nat ions, 2010.


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casein and whey prot ein t oget her

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