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/  To St udy t he Coaguable And Non-Coaguable Milk Prot eins

Published on Oct 05, 2018


whey product s list

prot ein milk

non casein milk

what kind of milk is casein free

whey casein free

Milk is considered an idea food as it cont ains most of t he const it uent s of our diet . It is a rich source of
prot eins and fat s. It also cont ains calcium and phosphorous in sufficient quant it y. T herefore, milk is
considered to be an import ant diet for t he growing children, and pregnant and lact at ing women. T he milk of
buffalo, cow and goat are commonly used for human consumpt ion. Milk is slight ly heavier t han wat er (specific
gravit y = 1.035) and has a slight ly acidic pH (pH =6.7).
T he various const it uent s of milk are

1. Wat er - 87.3%

2. But t er fat - 3.8%

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3. Casein (a prot ein) - 2.5%

4. Albumin and globulin - 0.7%

(Ot her prot eins)

5. Lactose (milk sugar) - 5.0%

6. Ash (minerals) - 0.7%

Casein is t he principal t ype of prot ein present in t he milk. It represent s about 80% prot ein nit rogen of t he milk.
B-lacto globulins and a-lact albumin are t he ot her prot eins of t he milk. Some ant ibodies called immunoglobulin
present in milk are also prot eins.
Casein can be coagulat ed by acid, rennet and heat ing. It is a coaguable prot ein. T he ot her milk prot eins i.e. b-
lactoglubind and a-lacto albumins are called non-coaguable prot eins as t hey can be coagulat ed only by
heat ing.

T he st udy of presence of coaguable and non-coaguable prot eins in milk has been t aken in t his project .

Casein is t he name for a family of relat ed phosphoprot ein prot eins. T hese Prot eins are commonly found in
mammalian milk, making up 80% of t he prot eins in cow milk and bet ween 60% and 65% of t he prot eins in
human milk. Casein has a wide variet y of uses, from being a major component of cheese, to use as a food
addit ive, to a binder for safet y mat ches. As a food source casein supplies amino acids; carbohydrat es; and
t wo inorganic element s, calcium and phosphorus.

Whey Protein
Is a mixt ure of prot eins isolat ed from whey, t he liquid mat erial creat ed by-product of cheese product ion. Some
preclinical st udies in rodent s have suggest ed t hat whey prot ein may possess ant i-inflammatory or ant i-
cancer propert ies; however, human dat a is lacking. T he effect s of whey prot ein on human healt h are of great
int erest and are current ly being invest igat ed as a way of reducing disease risk, as well as a possible
supplement ary t reat ment for several diseases. Whey prot ein is commonly market ed and ingest ed as a diet ary
and various healt h claims have been at t ribut ed to it in t he alt ernat ive communit y. Alt hough whey prot eins are
responsible for some milk t he major allergens in milk are t he caseins.

T he t hermal coagulat ion of unfract ionat ed whey prot eins was inhibit ed by various sugars. T he disaccharides,
sucrose and lactose, were most effect ive, and t he amino sugar, glucosamine, least effect ive in t his respect .
Ult raviolet absorpt ion and light -scat t ering measurement s on t he t hermal denat urat ion and coagulat ion of
bot h unfract ionat ed and individual whey prot eins (b-lact albumin, b-lacto globulin, and bovine serum albumin)
showed t hat sucrose promot es t he denat urat ion of t hese prot eins but inhibit s t heir subsequent coagulat ion.
T hese result s are int erpret ed in t erms of t he effect of sucrose on t he hydrophobic int eract ions bet ween
solvent and prot ein.

1. Milk

2. Test t ubes
3. Rennin t ablet s

4. Millon’s reagent

5. Beaker

6. Burner

Experimental Procedure
1. Take about 20ml of milk in a beaker. Grind a rennin t ablet and add it to t he milk.

2. Warm t he milk. T he milk will coagulat e.

3. Filt er t he coagulat ed (solidified) milk. T he liquid filt rat e is whey.

4. Take a small amount of whey in separat e t est t ubes and t est it for t he presence of prot ein by using Millon’s
reagent .


whey product s list

what kind of milk is casein free

kasing prot ein

casein prot ein

whey out prot ein

Whey gives posit ive t est for prot ein, indicat ing t he presence of non coaguable prot eins in whey.

Cow and buffalo milks cont ains bot h coaguable and non-coaguable prot eins.

• Comprehensive Laboratory Manual in Biology

• Wikipedia

whey product s list

what kind of milk is casein free

bs casein

casein 80

casein aae

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1. Whey Products List
2. What Kind of Milk Is Casein Free
3. Casein Advanced

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