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TERM R20-1


NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: _________________________
TEACHER: __________________________________ GROUP: _______________________


IIA. CLOZE. Read the text and complete it with the phrases from the box. There is one extra
phrase. Use capital letters if necessary.


refused to who is is ready which can has found

will be ready I have off the that will set up

Ash Sharma, a second-year business studies student at Tames Valley University, thinks he
1__________________________ a good way to make money. He needs $5,000 to get his idea
2__________________________ ground, but his father has 3________________________ help.
“My idea is very simple, I already have a small website called On the site, business
students can download essays. At the moment, the site is free, but If I can improve it,
4______________________ change. I want to make the site much bigger and my idea is to make it really
international. 5_________________________ found some software 6__________________________be
translated into sixteen languages.
I need about two months to do the programming. Steven Carson is a guy
7_________________________the expert on programming. When everything 8_____________________
people will pay $2.99 a month to use my service.
Once I said to myself: “I’ll 9______________________ a site that is useful for students at my university …
and here I am”. What is your dream?

IIB. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one.

1. Charlotte arrived at the airport two hours ago.

Charlotte ____________________________________________at the airport for two hours.

2. The city police caught these thieves at around midnight.

These thieves _____________________________________ at around midnight.

3. I won't speak to you unless you apologize.

I will only speak to you ______________________________________________.

4. That is a park. I met my boyfriend.

That’s the park _________________________________________________.

TERM R20-1

IIB. DIALOG. Complete the conversation with appropriate phrases or words.

At a job interview
Interviewer: Good morning. I’ve received your resume and your letter of application and I see

your current job is as a (1) ______________________________ at Gill Motor Co.

Gabriel: Yes, that’s right.

Interviewer: How long (2) _________________________________________ there?

Gabriel: (3) _______________________ years. Since (4) ___________________ university.

Interviewer: Why (5) _____________________________ for this position then?

Gabriel: Well, I like my job, but it’s a small independent company. So, (6) __________________ to

work for a bigger company such as Hyundai Motor Mexico. I was reading that Hyundai Motors (7)

________________________________ by Chung Ju-yung, a Korean entrepreneur (8)

___________________ really hard to start this company. Hyundai’s mission is to create human

values for their employees. So, I think that if we commit ourselves in what we do, (9)

_________________________ more opportunities in the future.

Interviewer: Oh, so you’ve done a whole research about us.

Gabriel: Well. If you want to change jobs, you 10) ______________________ everything about

that new place, don’t you think?

Interviewer: Absolutely. And, tell me, what are some of your main strengths?
Gabriel: Well, I’m (11) ______________________ person and I enjoy working with other people.
Interviewer: Good. Are you able to travel abroad?
Gabriel: Definitely. It’s not a problem for me.

Interviewer: Perfect. Please Mr. Hubert, go to the accounting department and look for Mr. Brown.
It’s the office that (12) __________________________________________ the entrance.
Gabriel: Certainly. Do I have to take the stairs (13) __________________________________?
Interviewer: Down. The accounting department is on the ground floor.
Gabriel: OK. Thank you.
Interviewer: Bring the documents they’ll give you. You are hired.
Gabriel: Thank you very much. I’ll come back then.

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