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Making a device that detects a moving and a stationary person.

If the device detects the person the

buzzer gives the sound.There is a technology available i.e, converting an audio signal into radio
waves . Transmitter we are arranging needs to be take that signal. With a certain frequency it must
transmit it to the receiver. The receiver will be arranged in the device that a rescue member posses.
After receiving the signal , he will be getting a GPS location of the victim(if arranged) so that
rescue member reaches the victim location. These devices gets charged by Wireless Power
Transmission technique. A part from this project as a part of emergency power source,opted for
mobile charging in case of emergency,cycle dynamo and piezzo circuits both are employed
siultaneously.12V is produced,it is further divided into 2 Ports of 6V connected in series,for 6V
voltage regulator is connected , then a capaciotor,further USB cable ,thus mobile charging is done
while pedalling

Firstly Dynamo cnnection to the cycle must be completed

Then Wireless Power Transmission must be completed

Making a device that detects the moving and a stationary person.

Looking into how audio signals are converted into radio waves

How a transmitter transmits the signals to the receiver.

How GPS can be sent..??

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