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Laboratory Safety

1. Why is it important to know the names and appearance of lab equipment before doing laboratory
a. So you will score higher on the lab test.
b. So you can quickly obtain your laboratory supplies before the lab.
c. So you can follow the lab instructions clearly.
d. So you can make sure everything has been cleaned before beginning the laboratory
2. Flammable materials, like alcohol, should never be dispensed or used near
a. An open door
b. An open flame
c. Another student
d. A sink
3. What is important to remember while you are using heat?
a. Do not heat closed containers.
b. Point the mouth of the container away from yourself and classmates.
c. Always use clamps to hold the container.
d. All of the above.
4. What is the correct procedure to follow when smelling the odor of a chemical substance?
a. Fan your hand over the substance toward your nose which should be directly over the beaker.
b. Place you nose directly over the substance and take a big whiff.
c. Fan your hand over the substance toward your nose which should be centimeters away from
the substance.
d. Place you nose near the opening of the beaker and inhale.
5. Which of the following is NOT a laboratory safety rule?
a. Keep chemicals, glassware, and other equipment away from the edge of the lab table.
b. After removing glassware from a heat source, touch it right away to see if it is cool.
c. Report minor accidents to your lab teacher.
d. Heat chemicals in a flask without a stopper.
6. If you get chemicals in your eyes, you should flush them with water for:
a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. 25 minutes
7. Which of the precautions below is not appropriate for preparing to enter the lab?
a. Closed-toed shoes should be worn
b. Long hair should be tied back
c. Loose clothing should be adjusted or removed
d. Gum should be chewed in order to avoid smelling strong scents
8. Larger spills of a hazardous liquid on the skin and clothes
a. Can usually be wiped off without serious problem
b. Should be dealt with by taking off all the affected clothes immediately, then running to the
nearest shower
c. Require immediate use of the safety shower
d. Splash only the affected area with water.
9. Examples of personal protective equipment do not include
a. Long sleeve shirts
b. Google and long pants
c. Lab coats
d. Contact lenses
10. Safety in the instructional laboratory is
a. The responsibility of the student only.
b. The responsibility of the professor only.
c. A shared responsibility
d. None of the above.
11. Accidents often result from:
a. Failure to use common sense
b. Failure to follow instructions
c. An indifferent attitude
d. All of the above.

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