Pre Practicum 1 - Lesson Template

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Pre Practicum 1 – Lesson Template

Name: __Emilia Couture and Heidi DiPersio__ Date: __10/10/19______

School: __Brighton High School___________ Grade: _Math 2_______

Lesson Title:___Conditions for Triangle Similarity_____________________

Starting and Ending Time: _11:47_ to _12:40_


Overarching Goal and Essential Question: How do you see this lesson fitting into
the “big picture” of the students’ long-term learning?
1. In other words, what is the enduring understanding that informs your

Students will understand and be able to compare shapes to one another in order to
determine if they are similar or not.

2. What essential question is guiding your instruction?

How can we determine if two triangles are similar?

3. What curriculum standard informs this lesson?

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.A.2: Given two figures, use the definition of

similarity in terms of similarity transformations to decide if they are similar; explain
using similarity transformations the meaning of similarity for triangles as the equality
of all corresponding pairs of angles and the proportionality of all corresponding pairs
of sides.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.A.3: Use the properties of similarity

transformations to establish the AA criterion for two triangles to be similar.
Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson, (1) what concept, information,
skill, or strategy will the student(s) learn and (2) how will they demonstrate that

(1) Students should know how to apply their knowledge about scale factor in order
to know if two triangles are similar.
(2) Students will solidify their understanding of the scale factor through a Do Now.
They will then complete an in-class worksheet with various examples of similar
triangles. To finish, they will complete an Exit Ticket, which will assess what
they have learned in class.

Language Objective1: By the end of the lesson, (1) what language outcome, relating
to the lesson and lesson content, will the student(s) know or learn, and (2) how will
they demonstrate that knowledge? SEE Language Objective Summary to help you
develop the language objective(s).

(1) Students will understand and know how to apply scale factors. They will also
be able to define the AA Triangle Similarity Condition (AA~), the SAS
Triangle Similarity Condition (SAS~), and the SSS Triangle Similarity
Condition (SSS~).
(2) Students will demonstrate their knowledge by correctly identifying and writing
the proper condition that applies to the various problems on the Do Now,
Worksheet, and Exit Ticket.

Assessment: What specific, tangible evidence will show that each student has met the
two types of objectives?
● Assessment of the instructional objective:
o Students will show complete work and, ultimately, an accurate
determination of similarity on the Do Now, Worksheet, and Exit Ticket
will show that each student has met the instructional objective.

● Assessment of the language objective:

o Accurately labelling and explaining why each of the triangles are
similar using the vocabulary for conditions for similarity on the Do
Now, Worksheet, and Exit Ticket will show that each student has met
the language objective.

Please refer to any read aloud training materials (elementary), academic language materials
(secondary), or any other course materials for decisions regarding which tiers of vocabulary to teach
your student(s). Please note that these materials can help you to develop well-informed planning
habits that support the effective teaching of language and language concepts to all students.
Content: What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?
● Students are coming into the lesson with knowledge of comparing side lengths
and finding the scale factor between triangles. They will learn how to use these
skills in order to determine if two triangles are similar.


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions,
potential vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that
could allow someone else to effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson

Opening (15 minutes 2): How will you introduce the instructional objective to the
student(s), pre-teach/preview vocabulary, establish prior knowledge, and prepare them
to engage with the lesson content? Be sure to connect the instructional objective to
the enduring understanding and the essential question(s).
● We will begin by introducing ourselves and informing the students that we’ll
be teaching the lesson to them today.
● Hand out the Do Now as students enter the room. As we walk around while
students work on it, we will describe that this is a review of their last lesson,
and we will build upon this knowledge today.
● Give them five minutes to complete the Do Now.
● Heidi will lead in going over the Do Now all together as a class.
● While going over the Do Now, we will review the concept of scale factor. We
will use this to transition into the concept of similarity (If two triangles have
the same scale factor, then they are similar).
● Go over the agenda and objectives for the day.
● We will then relate the concept of similar triangles to the real-life example of
shadow lengths cast by trees.
● Heidi will lead in going over the vocabulary for the day (AA, SAS, SSS)
● Pass out the worksheet, describing to students that this worksheet uses the
concepts of scale factors to determine if two triangles are similar.
● Emilia will lead in going over the first two examples from the worksheet all
together as a class.

During Lesson (25 minutes): How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning
process to support the student(s) in working toward meeting the instructional

Planning Tip: To facilitate the pacing of your lesson, try to estimate (and then write down) the
number of minutes for each section.
Provide a step-by-step plan. EX: Instead of stating, “I will facilitate a discussion about
variables,” be more specific. “I will facilitate a discussion about variables by asking
the following questions… and having students complete guided notes using an
outline.” Of course you will state the questions, attach the outline to your lesson, and
identify the specific understanding about variables that you want students to know and

● We will instruct the students to complete the worksheet individually or in

groups as necessary.
● We will ask them to raise their hand if they have any questions.
● As a team of teachers, we will walk throughout the room addressing the needs
of any student while they are working.
o They may need to be reminded of the conditions for triangle similarity.
o They may need to just have their attention redirected back to the
● We will use vocabulary, like AA, SAS, and SSS when answering student
● We will ask the students questions in order to stimulate their learning.
● We will instruct the students to continue working until 12:30.
● At 12:30, we will ask them to put their worksheet in their binder.

Closing (10 minutes): How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so,
review and determine what students have learned?

● At 12:30, we will hand out the Exit Ticket and describe to students that this
serves as a final review of the lesson today, and that it connects what we have
learned to a real world example.
● We will ask that students complete it to the best of their ability with the time
remaining in class.
● This will be the final check for the day that they have understood the lesson.
● We will go over the agenda for the day again, ensuring that we reached our
● The Exit Ticket will provide another real-life example regarding the height of
buildings compared to flag poles to help students connect their learning to their
everyday life.

Classroom Management: If teaching a small group, how will you use classroom
routines, support appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one
● We will consistently reinforce that students should be working on the
worksheet by redirecting their attention to it whenever they get side tracked.
For example, if they are using their cellphones rather than completing their
work, we will ask them a question about the worksheet to get their attention.
● We will do what Ms. Meira usually does with the box of phones in order to
direct their attention to us during our direct instruction time.
● We will keep transitions tight in order to limit talking and distractions
impeding on learning time.
● If students still will not concentrate, we will work with them one-on-one to
make it so they have no other choice but to focus.

Materials: What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-
out before teaching the lesson?
● Do Now
● PowerPoint with class examples
● Worksheet
● Exit Ticket

Follow-up: How will you and/or your SP reinforce the learning at a later time so that
the student(s) continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching goal?
● A future Do Now will continue to assess the student’s understanding on the
conditions for triangle similarity.
● As students progress further into learning trigonometry, this basic
understanding of triangle similarity will help them build a foundation of
Do Now:

Judy is 5 feet tall, and was standing next to a tree. She noticed that she cast a 7-foot
shadow, while the tree cast a 14-foot shadow. How tall is the tree? Use your knowledge
of scale factors.


Exit Ticket:
In the diagram below a large flagpole stands outside of an office building. Marquis
realizes that when he looks up from the ground, 60 m away from the flagpole, that the top
of the flagpole and the top of the building line up. If the flagpole is 35 m tall, and
Marquis is 170 m from the building, how tall is the building?
(1) Are the triangles in the diagram similar? Explain.
(2) Determine the height of the building using what you know about scale factors.


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