Talent Management of High Potentials Ex

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Talent Management of High Potentials – Role

Model Example
By ppalme

In my recent survey on High Potentials Steve Jobs (Apple) was most often named as a role
model of a high performing CEO.

So when do you identify these top talents who will be your future leader of your organization?
The survey results show that most companies selcect their High Potentials when they are
between 1 to 3 years with the company (50%) and 30 to 35 years old (39%).

Coming back to the role model Steve Jobs (Apple): What was he like when he was between 30 to
35 year old ?

Steve Jobs was born in the year 1955.

In 1983 Steve Jobs invited John Sculley (Pepsi Cola) to become the CEO of Apple.
When he was 29 years old (1984) his company introduced the first Apple McIntosh.
In May 1985 after an internal struggle with the CEO John Sculley Steve Jobs left Apple.
He then founded the NeXT computer company which build the most advanced computer at its
Yet NeXT was not a market success. The high costs of these advanced computers were
unattractive to most buyers.
In 1986 he bought the computer graphics studio Pixar from Lucasfilm. He was then the
majority shareholder and CEO of Pixar.
When he was 41 years of age he returned to Apple and soon became the interim CEO.

What is said about his management style ?

He was a persuasive and a charismatic director for Apple. Yet some people also describe him as
an erratic and temperamental manager with a demanding and aggressive personality. Reference:

What is Steve Jobs wisdom of success ?

Anticipating the future:
“There’s an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not
where it has been.’ And we’ve always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning.
And we always will.” Reference: Wkipedia

What do those respondents say who have for Steve Jobs about derailment factors:

Most likely derailment factors:

1) Not adapting to new role
2) Inability to manage cross functional teams
3) Difficulties when presenting in front of senior management
4) Over ambitious
5) Arrogant behaviour
Compare to overall answers see the blog post: Talent Management of High Potentials – First
trends below this post.

Least likely derailment factors:

1) As a female having children
1) Working less than full time
3) Not really seeing the benefit her/himself being a HIPO
4) Immobility due to family reasons
5) Risk taking
Compare to overall answers see the blog post: Talent Management of High Potentials – First
trends below this post

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