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Volcanic Eruption
Preparedness The world’s most deadliest
Before an eruption… volcanic eruption in modern
 Build an emergency
supply kit that include
things like non-
perishable foods,
water, flashlights,
goggles and disposable
breathing masks.

 Make a family
emergency plan

During an Eruption…
 Follow evacuation
order issued by

 Beware of mudflows
and avoid river valleys
and low-lying areas

 If unable to evacuate,
remain indoors and
close all windows and
ventilation until ash

After an Eruption

 Stay indoors until ash

has settled and use
dusk masks to help
with breathing.

 Listen for latest

emergency information

The 1883 eruption of
The volcanic island Krakatoa is located in Krakatoa produced the
the Sunda Strait between the island of loudest sound recorded in
Java and Sumatra in the Indonesian modern history.
province of Lampung. It’s one of many
volcanoes located along an area of the
Pacific basin where two huge tectonic
plates meet. The two plates, the Indo-
Australian and Eurasian plates, are
 The explosions could be heard as Krakatoa Today…
constantly colliding, resulting in much
far as 3,000 miles away A new volcano formed from the
volcanic activity. Geologists refer to this
 Over 50 miles of hot ash was fired caldera of the former Krakatoa. It was
area as the Ring of Fire.
up into the air and released over 9 named Anak Krakatoa, meaning Child of
cubic kilometers of magma Krakatau. The active volcano has been
 The force was more than 13,000 constantly growing up to 16 feet per
times more powerful than the year.
History bomb that devastated Hiroshima
Krakatoa has erupted all throughout in 1945 The People
history. But it’s most infamous eruption  Over 165 villages and towns The region where the new volcano sits in
occurred on August 27, 1883 where a surrounding Krakatoa were the Indonesian archipelago is more
series of massive explosions demolished destroyed and 132 more were densely populated with farmers drawn to
the island and created huge tsunami’s seriously damaged rich and fertile volcanic soil in the area.
that claimed the lives of over 36,000 Although scientists are skeptical of
another eruption happening like the one
After the Explosion… in 1883, Anak Krakatoa continues to
rumble and draw in violent
Krakatoa stood 2625 ft high prior to the
thunderstorms. If it were to erupt again,
1883 explosion. However, only a third of
the impact would be far more
the island remained after the final blast.
devastating than which the world
Volcanic debris caused fiery red sunsets
experienced in 1883.
that blanketed the world for three years.

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