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Rb-87Sr decay equation used to calculate the dating is:


Sr / 86Sr = (87Sr / 86Sr)i + 87Rb / 86Sr (eλ.t - 1) ---------------- equation [1]


where 87Sr / 86Sr = measured value of the sample

(87Sr / 86Sr)I = initial value of 87Sr / 86Sr

If you compare equation [1] to the equation of the straight line y = mx + c, we can
say that –

y = 87Sr / 86Sr

x = 87Rb / 86Sr

m (slope) = eλ.t – 1

c (intercept) = (87Sr / 86Sr)i

See below the isochron plot:

From the graph, we know that intercept = 0.697

we also know that slope = 0.060
Thus, eλ.t – 1 = 0.060
e1.42X10^-11. t = 0.060 + 1
Applying natural log on both the sides,
ln e1.42X10^-11. t = ln (1.060)
1.42X10^-11 . t = 0.0582 ------------ (ln e = 1)
t = 4103444234 yr


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