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Anaerobes – are bacteria the require zero O2 -Culture – anaerobes are very fastidious as they

tension for their growth(they don’t need it at require to be in an Enriched Medium (ex.
all). The presence of O2 is either inhibitory or Cooked Meat Medium)
toxic to these organisms.
Sporeforming Anaerobes – Clostidrium Family
- The amount of anaerobic normal
: C. tetani(tetanus) , C. perfringens(gas
bacteria outnumber the amount of
gangrene), C. defficile(pseudonmembranous
aerobic bacteria. Ex. Bacteroides
entereocolitis), C. botulinum(food poisoning)
anaerobes outnumber the facultative
anaerobic bacteria (E.coli) by a ratio of Clostridium tetani(tetanus bacilli)
- Two major divisions of anaerobes:
Sporeforming and Non-sporeforming - Gram (+) because they are
sporeforming bacilli, terminal spore
Generally, most of the anaerobes are
with a characteristic of drumstick or
destructive, these lesions may be produced by:
tennis racket appearance
- tissue necrosis – is the form of cell - Most possess peritrichous flagella
injury which results to the premature therefore motile
death of cells in the living tissue - Best method to destroy this bacteria is
- foul-smelling discharges and purulent autoclave
drainage - Normally found in soil, intestine of
- manifestation of gas in soft tissues ; lower animals and humans
resulting into crepitus ( cracking
- They release a powerful exotoxin and
Laboratory Diagnosis:
an neurotoxin known as tetanospasmin
Normally for diagnosis the specimen is taken which specifically targets the tissues of
directly from the site normally sterile the Central Nervous System, also
responsible for the signs and symptoms
Specimens that you cannot use: Voided urine,
of tetanus. Note: This bacteria does not
feces and sputum
invade the bloodstream
Recommended collection technique: Needle
Clinical infection: lockjaw or tetanus or trismus
Mode of transmission:
Used for transportation: special transport or
collection tube(gassed-out tube) - Punctured wood contained with C.
Incubate: using gas pack jars
- Tetanus neonatorum- infected
Procedures for examination: umbilicus (for the newborn)

-Gram staining Incubation period:

- Short IP – 3-21 days

- Long IP – 4-5 weeks
Clinical manifestations: necrosis with the accumulation of fluid and
gas. This can occur in extremities, intestines
- Neuromuscular spasms – lockjaw
and uterus.
- Risus sardonicus (sardonic grin) –
clenching of jaw - Food poisoning:
- Hyperextension of neck and body – This is due to the production of
opisthotonus ; painful muscle spasms enterotoxins (entero meaning inside
often provoked by the slightest “enter”)
stimulation Caused by the ingestion of
contaminated meat
Immunity- non existent
Manifestations appear at 8-24 hours
Prevention and control: after the ingestion, symptoms occur as
abdominal pain and diarrhea that will
- Through the cleansing of wound;
last 12-18 hours.
debridement or removement of
necrotic areas Clostidrium difficile
- Active immunization:
: causes diarrhea or a more severe
Diptheria vaccine- per schedule
pesudomembrane enterocolitis associated with
Tetanus toxoid- immunization of
administration of certain antibiotics (including
pregnant mothers (IgG)
penicillin and ampicillin)
- Passive immunization
ATS; anti-tetanus serum ( horse serum) : this is normal flora to some individuals
Hyperimmune tetanus serum
:Enterotoxin A – promotes fluid secretion
Clostridium perfringens (Clostridial
: Cytotoxin B- damages mucosal membranes
Clostidrium Botolinum
: produces the most potent(powerful) exotoxin
- Causes gas gangrenes
known, a neurotoxin which is responsible for
- Also causes food poisoning
the signs and symptoms of botulism which is a
- Central/subterminal spore (box-car or
fatal neuroparalytic disease.
matchbox shaped)
- Found in soil, intestines of humans and Botulism
- Results from the ingestion of preformed
Clinical Infections: botulinum toxin in contaminated food(
caused by improperly canning or failure
- Wound and soft tissue infections:
to preserve food)
C. perfringens is responsible for 60-90% of - Heating of food destroys toxin
clostridial mynecrosis - Incubation Period is 18-36 hours
- Earliest manifestation:
It is brought by the release of exotoxin
: weakness,dizziness and severe dryness
called a-toxin which is cytotoxic -> then
of mouth
attacks the muscles -> resulting into
:paralysis of muscles of vision and
swallowing and respiration
(dysfunctional respiratory system =
:Death occurs within 3-7 days

Non-sporeforming Anaerobes

- Consists mainly of Gram(+) and Gram (-)

on cocci and bacilli

Bacteroides fragilis

- The most important organism

- Gram (-)
- Important because of foul-smelling
abscesses and ulcers( found especially
in bedridden patients)

Treatment : Cleaning of wound or antibiotic


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