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el abecedario The abc, [di ei bi ci]

el alfabeto the alphabet , [di alfabet]

Ei bi ci di i ef yi
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg
Eich ai dyei kei el em en
Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
Ou pi kiu ar es ti yu vi
Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv
Dabliu ex guay zi
Ww Xx Yy Zz
Greetings [“gririns”] Saludos
Hola: Hello [jelou] Hi [jai] Hey [jei] (oye)
Good morning [gud mornin] Buenos días
Good afternoon [gud afternun] Buenas tardes
Good Evening [gud ifnin] Buenas noches
What’s up? (what is up) [wats op] qué onda?
What’s happening? [wats japenin] qué pasa?

Farewells [ferwels] despedidas

Good night [gud nait] Buenas noches(adiós)
adiós: Good bye [gud bai], bye-bye [bai bai]
See you [si yu] Nos vemos
Tomorrow [tumorrou] mañana
Later [leirer] después
Next time [next taim] siguiente ocasión
See you again [si yu oguein] nos vemos de nuevo
So long [so lon] hasta la vista
Take care [teik ker] cuídate
bon voyage [bon voyash] buen viaje (francés)
Introduce yourself [introdius yorself]
Presentarse (uno mismo)
Hello, my name is Johnn [jelou mai neim is dyshon]
Hola, mi nombre es John
Nice to meet you [nais tum it yu] gusto conocerte
What’s your name? [wats yor neim]
cuál es tu nombre?
I am Kevin [ai em keven] soy kevin
Nice to meet you too [nais tum it yu tu]
gusto conocerte también
It’s a pleasure! [it’s a pleishor] es un placer
How are you? [jao ar yu] cómo estás
I’m fine thanks and you?[am fain tenks end yu]
estoy bien, gracias y tú?
Welcome [welcom] bievenido
How are things? [jao ar thins] cómo van las cosas?
How are you doing? [jao ar yu duin]
como te está yendo
Bien: Fine [fain] good [gud] Well [wel] okay [okei]
Muy bien: very good [verri gud] very well [verri wel]
Gracias, agradecer Thanks [thenks]
Gracias a ti thank you [thein kiu]
De nada your welcome [yor welcom]
And you? [end yu] y tú?
How do you do? [jao du yu du] cómo te va?
How’s it going? [Jaos it goin] cómo te está yendo?
How’s the family? [jaos de femeli]
cómo está la familia?
Not bad [not baed] bien
Not much [not moch] nada
Not much at all [not moch arol] nada de nada
It’s nice to meet you [its nais tu mit yu]
es agradable conocerte
It’s nice to see you again [its nais tu si yu oguein]
es agradable verte de nuevo
How have you been? [Jao jav yu bin]
cómo has estado?
Long time no see [lon taim no si]
tanto tiempo sin vernos
Conversation “converseishon”
Dialogue “daylog”
-Hello “jelou”
What are you doing here? [wat ar yu duin jir]
Not much “not moch”
How are you doing? “jao ar yu duin”
Not bad. School is going well “not baed skul is goin
Oh is it? That’s good to hear [ o is it? Dats gud tu jir]
What about you? [warabaut yu]
I’m doing okay, although I’ve been sick
[am duin okey, olou av bin sic]
Oh really? That’s too bad [o rili dats tu baed]
Yes and I stayed home [yes end ai steyt jom]
What did you do? [wat did yu du]
I read a book [ai rid a buc]
How are you feeling? [jao ar yu filin]
I’m hungry [am jongri]
Let’s go to eat [lets gou tu it]
That sounds good to me [dat saunds gud tu mi]
Did you have a good time today?
[did yu jav a gud taim tudei]
Yes, well, I have to go [yes wel ai jav tu gou]
I’ve got to go too [ai gare gou tu]
Have a good afternoon [jav a gud afternun]
Have a good day too [jav a gu dei tu]
The numbers (de numbers)
1 one “wan”
2 two “tu”
3 three “thri”
4 Four “for”
5Five “faiv”
6 six “six”
7 seven “seven”
8 eight “eit”
9 nine “nain”
10 ten “ten”
11 eleven “ileven”
12 twelve “tuelf”
13 thirteen “thertin”
14 fourteen “fortin”
15 Fifteen “fiftin”
16 sixteen “sixtin”
17 Seventeen “seventin”
18. Eighteen “eitin”
19. Nineteen “naintin”
20 Twenty “tueni”
21 Twenty-one “tueni wan”
22 Twenty-two “tueni tu”
23. Twenty-three “tueni thri”
30. Thirty “theri”
31. thirty-one “theri wan”
32. thirty- two “theri tu”
40. forty “fori”
41. Forty-one “fori wan”
42. Forty-two “fori tu”
49. forty- nine “fori nain”
50. fifty “fifti”
51. fifty-one “fifti wan”
58 fifty-eight “fifti eit”
60. Sixty “sixti”
65. sixty- five “sixti-faiv”
70. Seventy “Seventi”
80. Eighty “eiti”
90. Ninety “nainti”
99. ninety-nine “nainti nain”
100 one hundred “wan jondred”
101 one hundred and one “wan jondred emd wan”
120 one hundred and twenty “wan jondred end
200 two hundred “tu jondred”
210 two hundred and ten “tu jondred end ten”
220 two hundred and twenty “tu jondred end
300 three hundred “thri junderd”
310 Three hundred and ten“thri jondred end ten”
1,000 one thousand “wan thausend”
1001 one thousand one
1100 one thousand one hundred
1574 one thousand five hundred and seventy-four
19,000 nineteen thousand
50,812 fifty thousand eight hundred and twelve
432,641 four hundred and thirty-two thousand six
hundred and forty-one
862,395 eight hundred and sixty-two thousand
three hundred and ninty-five
900, 000
4 four
17 seventeen
39 thirty-nine
187 one hundred and eighty-seven
295 two hundred and ninety-five
1036 one thousand and thirty-six
2585 two thousand five hundred and eighty-five
15418 fifteen thousand four hundred and eighteen
52121 fifty-two thousand one hundred and twenty-
98339 ninety-eight thousand three hundred and
234,567 two hundred and thirty-four thousand five
hundred and sixty-seven
842,967 eight hundred and forty-two thousand nine
hundred and sixty-seven
911,080 nine hundred and eleven thousand eighty
1,000,000 one million (“wan milion”)
1,000,000,000 one billion (“wan bilion”)
0 zero “cirro” (número)
0 oh (o) (teléfonos)
0 (nada) nothing
Pronombres personales Personal Pronouns
(personal pronauns)

Pronombres Ejemplo

I (ai) I am ill. (ai em il)

yo Yo estoy enfermo.

you (yu) You are tall. (yu ar tol)

tú, usted Tú eres alto. / Usted es alto.

he (ji) He is handsome. (ji is jendsom)

él Él es guapo.

she (shi) She is pretty. (shi is priri)

ella Ella es bonita.

it (it) It is cold today. (it is cold tudey)

ello (neutro) Hoy hace frío.

we (wi) We are tired. (wi ar tayerd)

nosotros Nosotros estamos cansados.

you (yu) You are angry. (yu are engri)

ustedes Ustedes están enfadados.

They are at the cinema. (dei are at de

they (dei)
ellos, ellas
Ellos están en el cine.
Pronombres conjugados con el verbo ser y estar
(Yo) soy muy bueno I am very good [ai em verri
(yo) estoy cansado I am tired [ai em tayerrt]
(Tú) eres joven You are young [yu ar yon]
(Tú) estás aquí You are here [yu ar jir]
Él está Viejo He is old [ji is old]
Él es un amigo mío He is a friend of mine
[ji is a frend of main]
Ella es Americana She is American
[shi is amerriken]
Ella está enojada conmigo She is mad at me
[Shi is med at mi]
Eso /aquello:
El (perro) está sucio/ eso está sucio
It is dirty [it is derti]
La bicicleta /(aquella) está grande it is big [it is big]
Nosotros somos cantantes We are singers
[wi ar singuers]
(Nosotros) estamos cantando We are singing
[wi ar singuin]
Ustedes están locos You (all) are crazy
[yu ol ar creizi]
Ustedes son novios You are lovers
[yu ar lovers]
Days of the week [deis of de wik]
Monday [mondei]
Tuesday [tiusdei]
Wednesday [wensdei]
Thursday [thersdei]
Friday [fraidei]
Saturday [saturdei]
Sunday [sondei]
Months of the year [moths of deyier]
January [yenuerri]
February [fibyuerri]
March [march]
April [eiprel]
May [mei]
June [Dyun]
August [Ogost]
September [September ]
October [October]
November [November]
December [Dicember]
The date (de deit) la fecha
What day is today ? (wat dei is tudei)
qué día es hoy?
Today is Saturday, september 2nd 2017
(tudei is saturdei September second
Hoy es sabado septiembre Segundo
veinte diecisiete –
Ordinal numbers (ordinal nombers)
Números ordinales (ordenan)
1st first (ferst)
2nd second (second)
3rd third (therd)
Numero –th
Except los que terminen en 1 2 3
23rd twenty-third
81st eithy-first
102nd one hundred and second
Today is (tudei is) hoy es
Tomorrow will be (tumorrou wil bi)
Mañana será
Yesterday was (yesterdei was) Ayer fue
The time (de taim) la hora
What time is it ? (wat taim is it)
Qué hora es?
It’s one and half (its wan end jaf)
Es la una y media
7:45 - seven forty-five
11:06 - eleven (oh) six
7.15 - fifteen minutes past seven
- a quarter past seven
7.45 - fifteen minutes to eight
It’s a quarter to eight
5:30 - half past five (jaf past faiv)

7:00 - seven o'clock

7:10 - ten past seven
00:00 – midnight (midnait)
12:00 - midday or noon (midei nun)
Morning (mornin) mañana
Colors [colors] colores
Black [blac] negro
White [wait] blanco
Gold [gold] oro
Silver [silver] plata
Brown [braun]café
Purple [porpol] morado
Red [red] rojo
Green [grin] verde
Blue [blu] azul
Yellow [yelou] Amarillo
Pink [pink] rosa
Orange [orransh] Naranja
Gray [grei] gris
Violet [vayolet] violeta
Beige [beish] beige
Fuchsia [fiusha] fucsia
Peach [pich] melocotón
Crimson [cremson] carmí
Maroon [marrun] marrón
Aqua [aqua] Agua
Turquoise [torcois] turquesa
Transparent [transperrent] transparente
Olive [oliv] oliva
Magenta [mayenta] magenta
Lilac [laila] lila
Royal blue [royal blu] azul rey
Flesh [flesh] carne
Mustard [masterd] mostaza
Ruby [rúbi ] rubí
Salmon [salmen] salmon
Khaki [caqui] caqui
Today is Saturday November 24 th, 2018
Questions [kuestions] Preguntas
What ? [wat] qué, lo qué, de qué, en qué? Cuál?
When? [wen] cuándo?
Where? [wer] dónde? De dónde? A dónde?
How? [jao]Cómo? Cuán? Qué tan?
Who? [ju]Quién? Quiénes?
Whose? [jus]De quién?
Whom? [jum]A quién?
Why? [wai]Por qué?
What for? [wat for]Para qué?
Which? [wich] Cuál?
How much? [jao moch] Cuánto?
How many? [jao meni] cuántos?
How far?[jao far] Qué tan lejos?
How long?[jao lon] cuánto tiempo?
Is there? [is der ]Hay? (singular)
Are there?[ar der] Hay? (plural)
What's your name? [wat’s yor neim] ¿cuál es tu
Where are you from?[wer ar yu from] ¿de dónde
What's your surname/last name? [wats yor sorneim
last neim] Cuál es tu apellido?
Where do you live?[wer du yu liv] dónde vives?
What's your address? [wats yor adres] cuál es tu
What's your telephone number? [wats yor telefon
nomber] Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
What's your email address? [wats yor imeil adres]
cuál es tu dirección de correo?
How old are you?[ ja old ar yu] qué edad tienes?
When / Where were you born? [ wen/ wer wer yu
born] cuando/donde naciste?
when is your birthday? [wen is yor berth
day]Cuándo cumples años?
what soccer team do you support? [wat soker tim
du yu soport] a qué equipo de futbol le vas?
What do you do? [wat du yu du] qué haces? (a qué
te dedicas)
What's your Job? [wats yor dyob] en qué trabajas?
Reading comprehension &
[Ridin compreshon and vocabiulerri] lectura de
compnesión y vocabulario.
Wrecked {wrekt} destrozado
beating down [bitin daun] golpeando
tiny ladder [taini lader] pequeña escalera
shovel [shobl] pala
nod [nod] cabecear
lining up [lainin op] alineando
who were all out to serve [ju wer ol aut tu serv]que
fueron todos a servir
to mount an attack. [tu maunt an atackt] para
montar un ataque
drag [drag] arrastrar
giddy [guidi] mareado
hail [jeil] aclamar, granizo
Gulliver’s travels [golovers travols] / Los viajes de
Verbs in simple present
1. To be [tu bi] ser/ estar
I am soy 1a persona
You, they, we. Are son plural
She, He, it is es singular

I’m your friend [am yor frend](soy tu amigo)

Be my friend [bi may frend] (se mi amigo)
Simple past:
I, She, He, it was era singular [was]
You, they, we were eran plura [wer]
Futuro: will be será, serán [wil bi]
Ella era bailarina She was dancer (shi was dencer)
tú eras muy listo You were very smart (yu wer verri
I will be a doctor (ai wil bi a doctor) sere un doctor
I’ll be the champion (al bi de chempion) sere el
Past participle [past participol] pasado participio
“haber estado” have been [ jav bin]
He sido un niño feliz I have been a happy child (ai
jav bin a japi chaild)
He estado en Canadá dos veces
I’ve been in Canada two times (aib bin in canada tu
Personal Pronouns (personal pronauns)
Pronombres Personales
I (ái) - yo
you (iú) - tú / usted
he (jí) - él
she (shí) - ella
it (it) - eso /ello / ella (objeto)
we (wí) - nosotros / nosotras
you (iú) - ustedes
they (déi) - ellos / ellas
Around the world in Eighty days[orraund de world
in eiri dis] al rededor del mundo en ochenta días
Confindently [confidently] confiadamente
Empty boast [ empty bost] jactancia vacía
Enough (enouf) suficiente
Burglary [borglarri] robo
Chart [chart] mapa (carta de navegación)
rail and steamer [reil end stimer] “en tren y barco”
Riel de ferrocarril y buque de vapor.
set sail [set seil] Zarpar
commit sati, that is, jump into the funeral pyre
[comet sari det us yomp into de fiuneral payer]
comete sati, que es, saltar al pira(estrectura de
madera encendida pirotecnia) funeraria.
Drugged [drogt] drogado (medicado-sedado)
Reach [rich] alcanzar
Headed to (jeded tu) se dirigieron
Toll [tol] impuesto /peaje /factura
Lurk (lork)acechar
Hitch {jetch} obstáculo
realize [rilaz] darse cuenta
shocked [shokt] conmocionado
passing fad [pasin fad] moda pasajera
fad –fashion – style –vouge – trend – mode
at any rate [at eni reit] de cualquier modo
stock brokers{ stok brukers} corredor de bolsa
Simple sentences [simpol sentenses]
Oraciones Simple
I live in Mexico [ai liv in mexico] vivo en mexico
You are not a teacher. [yu ar not a ticher]
(Tú) no eres un profesor.
He has two children [ji jas tu children]
él tiene dos hijos
She is not married. [shi is not merrid]
Ella no está casada.
It is late. [it is leit]Es tarde
It is big [it is big] (algo como una casa) está grande.
We are here to learn [wi ar jir tu lern]
(Nosotros) estamos aquí para aprender.
You are students.[ yu ar students]
(Ustedes) son estudiantes.
They don't speak English. [dei don’t spik inglish]
(Ellos) no hablan Inglés.
Pronombres Acusativos Accusative Pronouns
[akiusativ pronauns]
me (mí) - me, mi
you (iú) - te, ti
him (jím) - le, lo, él
her (jér) - le, la, ella
it (it) - le, lo, él, ella, ello
us (as) - nos, nosotros, nosotras
you (iú) - les, los, os, ustedes
them (dém) - les, los, las, ellos-as
I love Lucy and she loves me.
[ai lov luci end shi lovs mi]
Amo a Lucy y ella me ama.
Can you show me the city? [ken yu shou mi de ciri]
¿Puedes mostrarme la ciudad?
You love Alice and she loves you.
[yu lov alis end shi lovs yu]
Tú amas a Alice y ella te ama a ti.
We want to work without you. [wi want tu work
with aut yu]
Nosotros queremos trabajar sin ti.
I know Paul. I work with him.
[ai nou pol, ai work with jim]
Conozco a Paul. Trabajo con él.
He thinks that I am against him.
[je thinks det i em oigueinst jim]
El piensa que yo estoy en contra de él.
I know Alice - I live with her.
[ai nou alis ai liv with jer]
Conozco a Alice - Vivo con ella.
Where is Susan? - I want to talk to her.
[wer is susan – ai want tu tok tu jer]
¿Dónde está Susan? - Quiero hablar con ella.
The cat is eating. Leave it alone.
[de cat is irin, livi it alon]
El gato está comiendo. Déjalo solo.(en paz)
That house is mine - Can you see it?
[dat jaus is main ken u si it]
Esa casa es mía. - ¿Puedes verla?
We are safe here. Nobody will find us.
[wi ar seif jir nobari wil faind os]
Estamos seguros aquí. Nadie nos encontrará.
We are looking for Bill. He wants to see us.
[wi ar lukin for bil. Ji wants tu si as]
Estamos buscando a Bill. Él quiere vernos.
if you all want to go, I'll take you there.
[if yu ol want tu gou, al teik yu der]
Si todos ustedes quieren ir, los llevaré allí.

You all know that I don't want to work with you.

[yu ol now de tai dont want tu work with yu]
Todos ustedes saben que yo no quiero trabajar con
I have two dogs. Do you want to see them?
[ai jav tu dogs du yu want tu si dem]
Tengo dos perros. ¿Quieres verlos?
Where are my books? I can't find them.
[wer ar mai bucs ai kent faind dem]
¿Dónde están mis libros? No puedo encontrarlos.
La escuela The school [de skul]
Objetos del Salón de Clase
Classroom objects [clasrum obyects]
pencil – lápiz [pencel]
pen - bolígrafo, pluma [pen]
marker - marcador, plumón [marker]
eraser – borrador [irreiser]
board - pizarra, pizarrón [bord]
paper – papel [peiper]
book – libro[buk]
notebook – libreta [notbuk]
ruler – regla [ruler]
trash can (garbage can, waste basket) - cesto de
basura [trash can, garbesh can, weist basket]
scissors – tijeras [sisors]
stapler - grapadora, engrapadora [steipler]
pencil sharpener – sacapuntas [pencel sharpener]
tape – cinta [teip]
desk – escritorio [desk]
table – mesa [teibol]
chair – silla [cheir]
computer – computadora [compiurer]
clock – reloj[cloc]
teacher – maestro[ticher]
student – estudiante [stiudent]
backpack [bacpac] mochila
School bus [scul bas] autobus escolar (transporte)
Class [clas] clase
Crayon [creion] color, Crayola
Globe [glab] globo terráqueo
Glue [glu] pegamento (resistol)
lunch box [lonch box] lonchera
sneakers [snikers] tenis
paper clips [peiper clips] clips
Files [faiels] archivero
Folders[folder] carpetas
Correction fluid [correcshon fluid] corrector
Glue sticker [glu stiker] lapiz adhesivo
Notepad [nout pad] bloc
Protractor [protactor] transportador
set squares [set skuerrs] set de escuadras
compasses [compases] compás
course [cors] curso
lesson [leson] clase
school rubber [scul rober] goma de caucho
rubber band [raber bend] ligas
exam [exeam] examen (examination
[examineishon]) test prueba/ probar
color pencil [color pencel] colores
pencil case [pencel keis] lapicera, estuchera
Padre father “fader”
Papá Dad/ Daddy “dad / dari”
Madre mother
Mamá mom “mom” ma
Hijo Son “son”
Hija daughter “dorer”
Hijos children “childre” child (niño)”chaild”
Hermano brother “broder”
Hermana sister “sister”
Abuelo grandfather “granfader”
Abuelito grandpa “granpa”
Abuela grandmother “granmoder”
Abuelita grandma “granma”
Tío uncle “ancol”
Tía aunt “ant”
Primo(a) cousin “cosin”
Sobrino nephew “nefiu”
Sobrina niece “nis”
Bebé baby “beibi”
Nieto grandson “granson”
Nieta granddaughter “grandourer”
Nietos grandchildren “granchildren”
Suegro father-in-law “fader in lou”
Suegra mother-in-law “moder in lou”
Cuñado brother-in-law “broder in lou”
Cuñada sister-in-law “sister in lou”
Padrino godfather “gadfader”
Madrina godmother “gadmoder”
Yerno son in law (son in lo)
Nuera daughter in law (dorer in lo)
Bisabuelo great grandfather (greit gran fader)
Bisabuela great grandmother (great gran moder)
Bisnieto great grandson (greit granson)
Bisnieta great granddaughter (greit gran daurer)
Fruta Fruit [frut]

Lemon [lemon] Limón

Orange [oransh] Naranja
Mango [mengo] Mango
Apple [apol] Manzana
Pineapple [pinapol] Piña
Grapes [greips] Uvas
Pear [pirrs] Pera
Banana [banana] Platano
Pawpaw [papa] papaya
Cherry [cherri] cereza
Kiwi [kiwi] kiwi
Watermelon [warermelon] sandia
Melon[melon] melon
Peach [pich] Durazno
Grapefruit [greipfrut] Toronja
Mandarin [mandarren] mandarina
Tangerine [tanyerrin] mandarina
Strawberry [stroberri] fresa
Pomegranate [promegrenet] Granada
Grenade [greneit] granada
Guava [guaba] guayaba
Fig [fig] higo
Plum [plam] ciruela
Cranberry [cranberri] arandano
Raspberry [raspberri] frambuesa
Blueberry [bluberri] arandano azul
Soursop [saorsop] guanabana
Coconut [coconat] coco
Avocado [avocaro] aguacate
passion fruit [pashon frut] maracuyá
apricot [apricot] chabacano (albaricoque)
Verduras Vegetables [veyetabols]
Zanahoria Carrot [carrot]
Pepino cucumber [cocomber]
chestnut [chesnot]castaña
nut [nat]nuez
papas potatos [poteitos]
cebolla onion [onion]
jitomate tomato [tomeiro]
brócoli broccoli [brocoli]
betabel beetroot [betrut]
pimiento morrón bell peper [bel peper]
espárragos asparagus [esperregas]
alcachofa artichoke [aricouk]
Coles sprouts [sprats]
col (repollo) Cabagge [cabash]
Coliflor [coliflawer] Cauliflower
Apio celery [celerri]
Maíz corn [corn]
Elote corn cob [corn cab]
Berenjena eggplant[eg plan]
ejotes green bean [grin bin]
guisante, chicharo pea [pi]
lechuga lettuce [letchius]
hongo mushroom [moshrum]
calabaza pumpkin [pumkin] /naranja
Calabash [calebash] calabaza
Rábano radish [radish]
Camote sweet potato [suit poteiro]
Calabacin zucchini [zukini]
La comida The food (de fud)

Inglés Español

Dairy: De granja Déari

Cheese Queso Chis

Eggs Huevos Éigs (g de Galicia)

Meat: Carníco Mit

Meat Carne Mit

Beef Steak Bistec / Filete Bíf Steik
Pork Cerdo Pork

Seafood: Marísco Sífud

Fish Pescado Fesh

Poultry: Aves de corral Póultri

Chicken Pollo Chéken

Bakery: Panadería Béikeri

Bread Pan Bred

Cookie Galleta Cúki
Biscuit Galleta Bésket

Fruit: Fruta Frut

Pineapple Piña Páinapl

Strawberry Fresa Stráberi
Apple Manzana Apl
Orange Naranja Ornch
Grapes Uvas Gréips
Cherry Cereza Chéri
Pear Pera Per
Plum Ciruela Plam
Lemon Limon Léman
Peach Melocotón Pich
Banana Plátano Banána
Mango Mango Méingo
Melon Melon Mélan
Watermelon Sandia Uátermelan

Vegetables: Verduras Véchtebls

Peas Guisantes Pis

Corn Maiz Corn
Potato Patata Patéirou
Tomato Tomato Taméirou
Carrot Zanahoria Cárats
Green Pepper Pimiento verde Grín pepr
Red Pepper Pimiento rojo Réd pepr
Onion Cebolla Ánian
Mushroom Champiñon Máshrum
Garlic Ajo Gárlec
Áliv (v inglés no
Olive Aceituna
Lettuce Lechuga Létes
Bebidas drinks

Water Agua Uáter
Milk Leche Méalk
Soda Gaseosa / cola Sóuda
Beer Cerveza Bíer
Coffee Café Cófi
Tea Té Ti
Juice Zumo Yus
Orange juice Zumo de naranja Órn-yus
Alimentos cocinados Cukt fud
Cooked foods:

Sandwich Sandwich Sánduech

Salad Ensalada Sáled
Soup Sopa Sup
Fries (US) Patatas fritas Fráis
Chips (UK) Patatas fritas cheps
Arroz rice (rais)
Azúcar sugar (shiugar)
Carne de res beef (bif)
Higado liver (liver)
costilla Rib eye (rib ay)
chuleta de cerdo pork chop (pork chap)
jamón ham (jeam)
salchichas s ausages (soseyes)
asado roast (roust)
a la parrilla grilled (greld)
arrachera skirt steak (skert steik)
albóndiga meatball (mitbol)
cebolla onion (onion)
col cabbage (cabesh)
coliflor cauliflower caolflawer
sal s alt (solt)
pimienta Pepper (peper)
ajo garlic (garlec)
canela cinnamon (cinemon)
mantequilla Butter (barer)
helado ice cream (ays crim)
aceite de oliva olive oil (oliv oil)
yogurt con cereal yogurt with cereal (yogurt with
Weather (weder) Clima
This is the Channel weather forecast for the next
[dis is de chanel weder forcast for de next deis]
Este es el canal del clima para los siguientes días
Today we're expecting a warm afternoon
[tudei wir expectin a worm afternun]
El día de hoy esperamos una tarde calurosa,
the temperature is currently 23 Celsius degrees
[the tempechur is correnli tueni tri Celsius digris ]
La temperature actual es de 23 grados centigrados
Thursday [thersdei] jueves
Friday [fraidei] Viernes
weekend [wikend] fin de semana
by night Temperatures will drop to 12C
(bai nait tempechurs wil drop tu tuelf Celsius)
Por la noche la temperature bajara a 12 grados
For this Friday we’re expecting a windy afternoon
and the highest temperature will be 20º C
[for dis fraidei wir expectin a windi afternun end de
jaiest tempechur will bi tueni Celsius degris]
Para este Viernes, esperamos una tarde ventosa y la
temperatura más alta será de 20 grados
And a cloudy cold night until we get low to 10C
[end a claudi cold nait antil wi guet lou tu ten
Y una nublada y fría noche hasta bajar a los 10
This weekend we might have sunny days with a nice
weather with the highest around 28ºC and the
lowest 14º.
[dis wikend wi mait jav soni deis wid a nais weder
wid de jayest orraund tueni eit digris end de loguest
Este fin de semana podríamos tener días soleados
con un clima agradable con la más alta alrededor de
28 grados y la más baja de 14
You all have a nice day [Yu ol jav a nais dei] tengan
un agradable día
Farm Animals Animales de granja [farm animals]
English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Bull Toro búol
Cow Vaca káu
Chicken Pollo chéken
Chick Pollito chek
Donkey Burro dánki
Goat Cabra góut
Horse Caballo jors
Pig Cerdo peg
Rabbit Conejo rébet
Sheep Oveja ship
Turkey Pavo térki

Sea Animals si animals (Animales del mar):

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Crab Cangrejo kreb
Dolphin Délfin dálfin
Shark Tiburón shark
Eel Anguila íol
Gray whale Ballena gris gréi uéiol
Jellyfish Medusa yéolifesh
Killer whale Orca kéler uéiol
Lobster Langosta lábster
Manta ray Mantarraya ména réi
Octopus Pulpo áktapos
Oyster Ostra óister
Seal Foca síol
Turtle Tortuga tértol
Sealion León Marino sí láion
Squid Calamar skuéd
Seahorse Caballito de mar síjors
Starfish Estrella de mar stár fesh
Angel fish Chiribico éinyel fesh
Seagull Gaviota sígol

Forest animals (animales del bosque):

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Beaver Castor bíver
Bird Pájaro berd
Boar Jabalí bor
Chameleon Camaleón kamélian
Chipmunk Ardilla listada chépmonk
Deer Ciervo díer
Dove Paloma dav
Eagle Águila ígol
Falcon Halcón fáolkan
Geese Ocas / gansos gis
Snake Serpiente snéik
Hawk Halcón jak
Hummingbird Colibrí jámenberd
Koala Koala koála
Mouse Ratón máus
Owl Búho áuol
Racoon Mapache rekún
Skunk Mofeta skank
Squirrel Ardilla skuérel
Armadillo Armadillo Armadélou
Bat Murciélago bát
Bear Oso Béar
Weasel Comadreja uísol
Moose Alce americano mus

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Butterfly Mariposa bárer flái
Dragonfly Libélula drágen flái
Fly Mosca flái
Grasshopper Saltamontes grás jáper
Ladybug Mariquita léidibag
Mosquito Mosquito maskírou
Moth Polilla math
Praying mantis Mantis religiosa préin mántes
Snail Caracol snéiol
Scorpion Escorpión skórpian
Spider Araña spáider
Wasp Avispa uásp
Ant Hormiga ánt
Bee Abeja bí
Beetle Escarabajo bírol
Jungle Animals (animales de la jungla):
English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Ape Mono éip
Baboon Babuino babún
Cobra Cobra kóubra
Chimpanzee Chimpancé chempensí
Gorilla Gorila goréla
Panda Oso panda pénda
Sloth Perezoso sláth
Parrot Loro pérot
Tiger Tigre táiger

House pets (mascotas):

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Goldfish Pez de color oro góuld fesh
Hamster Hámster jémster
Parrot Loro pérot
Cat Gato két
Dog Español dág

Savannah animals (animales de la sabana):

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Buffalo Búfalo báfelou
Cheetah Guepardo chíra
Elephant Elefante élefent
Giraffe Jirafa yeráf
Hyena Hiena jaína
Kangaroo Canguro kengarú
Ostrich Avestruz ástrech
Rhino Rinoceronte ráinou
Zebra Cebra síbra
Antelope Antílope áneloup

Swamp animals (animales de los pantanos):

English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"

Flamingo Flamenco flamíngou
Frog Rana frág
Hippo Hipopótamo jépou
Crocodile Cocodrílo krákadaiol
Duck Pato dák
Desert and arctic animals (Animales del desierto y del arctico):
English / Inglés Spanish / Español "Spanunciation"
Camel Camello kámel
Penguin Pinguino pénguen
Polar bear Oso polar póular béar

Others (oders) otros

Indirect Speech “indirect spich” discurso indirecto
Es un diálogo hablando de una tercera persona.(de
alguien más)
*Say “sei” decir
*He/she/they said to me (Ji/shi/ dei sed tu mi)
el/ella/ellos me dijeron
Tell “tel” contar
Told me (told mi) me contó
Preposición Son palabras que conectan oraciones
Que That “daet”
She told me that I was very handsome
“shi told mi daet ai was verri jendsom”
(ella) me dijo que yo estas muy guapo
Pedro: Hello, How are you doing? “jelou ja oar yu duin”
hola, cómo te está yendo
Samantha: Hey! I don’t feel good at all; I’ve got stomach
and fever. “jei, ai don’t fil gud arol” Hola, no me siento
nada bien
Pedro: Did you go to the Doctor? “did yu gou to de
doctor” fuiste al doctor
Samantha: Yes, I did “yes ai did” sí fui
Pedro: What did he tell you? “wat did ji tel yu” qué te dijo
Doctor, how do you feel?
- He asked me how did I feel,
Samantha: I feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time.
- I said to him
The Students to a teacher: May I come in? “de stiudents tu a
ticher” “mei ai com in”
los estudiantes al maestro; puedo pasar
They asked her if they could come in? “dei askt jer if dei cud com
in” ellos le preguntaron si podian pasar
can poder could podia / podría
Edith: May I seat in front “mei ai sit in front” me puedo sentar
Edith asked him if she could seat in front edith “askt if shi cud sit
in front”
Edidt pregunto si se podia sentar en frente

Él está estudiando matemáticas – He is studying math

El estaba estudiando matemáticas He was studying math
Mi hermano esta jugando my brother is playing
Mi hermano estaba jugando my brother was playing
Él está trabajando con mi amiga he is working with my
Me dijo que él estaba trabajando con mi amiga
He told me that he was working with my friend
Mi primo está comiendo my cousing is eating
Mi primo estaba comiendo my cousing was eating

Make" should be used:

If the multiple subjects are joined by and, then the verb is plural.
If the multiple subjects are joined by or/nor then the verb is

The orange, banana, and the jar always sit on the shelf when it
In this scenario, either Job, Barney, or Rachel runs to Mrs. Norris
and gives her a piece of fish.

Persona Lugar Cosa
Todo Everyone Everywhere Everything
“cada uno” “Cada Cada cosa
Everybody donde” Todo
“cada En todas
todos partes
Parte someone somewhere something
(afirmativa) somebody
Parte Anyone Anywhere Anything
(negativa) Cualquiera Cualquier Alguna
alguien lugar cosa
Nadie (negativo algo
(negativo antes) (negativo
antes) Ningún antes)
Anybody lugar Ninguna
Cualquier cosa

Nada no one Nowhere Nothing

Nobody Ningún nada
nadie lugar

I would like to go to Paris this summer.

“ai wud laik tu gou tu perris des somer”
Me gustaría ir a paris este verano
I would like to go somewhere this summer.
“Ai wud laik tu gou somwer des somer”
Me gustaría ir a algun lugar este verano
Jim gave me this book. “yim gueiv mi des buk” Jaime
medio este libro
Someone gave me this book. “somwan gueiv mi des buc”
alguien me dio este libro

I won't tell your secret to anyone.

“ai wont tel yor sicret tu eniwan”
no le diré tu secreto a nadie

I bought everything at the mall.

“ai bot evrithin at de mol”
Compre todo en el centro comercial

Everyone is sleeping in my bed.

Todos duermen en mi cama.
Someone is sleeping in my bed.
Alguien está durmiendo en mi cama.
No one is sleeping in my bed.
Nadie duerme en mi cama.

I gave everything to Sally.

Le di todo a Sally.
He saw something in the garden.
Vio algo en el jardín.
There is nothing to eat.
No hay nada para comer.
I looked everywhere for my keys.
Busqué por todas partes mis llaves.
Keith is looking for somewhere to live.
Keith está buscando un lugar para vivir.
There is nowhere as beautiful as Paris.
No hay en ningún lugar tan hermoso como París.
DEEM “Dim”considerar o estimar
hoax “jox”farsa
spark “spark” hacer estallar (chispa)

Prepositions In / At / On


Significado: en, dentro, dentro de

Uso (lugar): Se usa para indicar tanto espacios cerrados como espacios abiertos.Lo utilizamos
para indicar que algo está dentro de una cosa, en un lugar cerrado, o en el interior de algo
físicamente. Sin embargo, como vemos en los ejemplos, también se utiliza para indicar que se está
en un lugar geográfico.

I live in Brighton.(Vivo en Brighton.)

The cat is in the box.(El gato está dentro la caja.)

I found your address in the phone book.(He encontrado tu dirección en la guía telefónica.)

My parents arrive in France on Monday.(Mis padres llegan a Francia el lunes.)

Uso (tiempo): Lo utilizamos con meses, años, épocas, partes del día y períodos de tiempo.

Gepetto was a poor carpenter who made his living by making puppets. Once, he was carving a
puppet out of wood in his workshop. Suddenly the wood squealed, “Ouch! That hurt!” The puppet
was alive! Gepetto named the puppet, Pinocchio. Pinocchio wanted to be like other boys and go to
school. Gepetto sold his coat to send him to school. One day, on his way to school Pinocchio saw a
puppet show in progress. He longed to see it but the ticket cost four pence. Pinocchio sold his books
to get the money. He joined the puppets on stage and decided to stay with them. Later that day,
Giovanni the puppet master, a fearsome looking man, needed wood for the fire. He chose Pinocchio
as firewood. Pinocchio begged and pleaded to be spared, telling him about his poor father. Giovanni
gave Pinocchio five gold coins to give to his father to buy a coat. Gratefully taking the coins,
Pinocchio said goodbye to Giovanni and his puppet friends and set off for home.

Gepetto era un pobre carpintero que se ganaba la vida haciendo títeres. Una vez, él estaba tallando un
títere de madera en su taller. De repente, la madera chilló, "¡Ay! ¡Eso duele! ”¡El títere estaba vivo!
Gepetto llamó a la marioneta, Pinocho. Pinocho quería ser como los otros chicos e ir a la escuela. Gepetto
vendió su abrigo para enviarlo a la escuela. Un día, camino a la escuela, Pinocho vio un espectáculo de
títeres en progreso. Ansiaba verlo pero el boleto costaba cuatro peniques. Pinocho vendió sus libros para
conseguir el dinero. Se unió a los títeres en el escenario y decidió quedarse con ellos. Más tarde, ese
mismo día, Giovanni, el títere maestro, un hombre de aspecto temible, necesitaba leña para el fuego.
Eligió a Pinocho como leña. Pinocho le rogó y suplicó que se salvara, contándole acerca de su pobre
padre. Gio-vanni le dio a Pinocho cinco monedas de oro para que se las diera a su padre para que
comprara un abrigo. Tomando las monedas agradecidamente, Pinocho se despidió de Giovanni y sus
amigos títeres y se fue a casa.

There is/ There’s (singular) – hay / existe “incontable”

There are (plural) – hay / existen “contable” numero


There is/ There’s one chair in the room.

(Hay una silla en la habitación.)

At English Live, there are classes 24/7.

(En English Live, hay clases 24/7.)

Last night there was a bird on my window.

(Anoche había un pájaro en mi ventana.)

There were few people at the meeting yesterday.

(Había pocas personas en la reunión de ayer.)


Tomorrow there will be two music festivals in Spain.

(Mañana habrá dos festivales de música en España.)

They say next week there will be lots of parties.

(Dicen que la próxima semana habrá muchas fiestas.)

En la formas negativa e interrogativa

Para formar frases negativas, basta añadir el NOT inmediatamente después del
uso de la expresión.

There are not/ There aren’t enough hours in the day.

(No hay suficientes horas en el día.)

There were not/ there weren’t Astrology books at the library.

(No había libros de astrología en la biblioteca.)

Next month there will not/won’t be any holiday.

(El próximo mes, no habrá ningún festivo.)

Para formar cualquier pregunta en inglés, basta con invertir el orden de la

estructura de las frases afirmativas y colocar el auxiliar delante del sujeto (en el
caso, ‘there’). En el presente y en el pasado, el verbo to be es el propio auxiliar.
En el futuro, el auxiliar es ‘will’.


Is there a drugstore near your school?

(¿Hay una farmacia cerca de tu escuela?)

Were there four or five people on the room?

(¿Había cuatro o cinco personas en la sala?)

Will there be a new season of this show?

(¿Habrá una nueva temporada de este programa?)

The Little Prince

The Little Prince, French Le Petit Prince, fable and modern classic by
French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that was published
with his own illustrations in French as Le Petit Prince in 1943. The simple
tale tells the story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe
gaining wisdom. The novella has been translated into hundreds of
languages and has sold some 200 million copies worldwide, making it one
of the best-selling books in publishing history.

Plot Summary

The narrator introduces himself as a man who learned when he was a

child that adults lack imagination and understanding. He is now a pilot
who has crash-landed in a desert. He encounters a small boy who asks him
for a drawing of a sheep, and the narrator obliges. The narrator, who calls
the child the little prince, learns that the boy comes from a very small
planet, which the narrator believes to be asteroid B-612. Over the course
of the next few days, the little prince tells the narrator about his life. On
his asteroid-planet, which is no bigger than a house, the prince spends his
time pulling up baobab seedlings, lest they grow big enough to engulf the
tiny planet. One day an anthropomorphic rose grows on the planet, and
the prince loves her with all his heart. However, her vanity and demands
become too much for the prince, and he leaves.

The prince travels to a series of asteroids, each featuring a grown-up who

has been reduced to a function. The first is a king who requires obedience
but has no subjects until the arrival of the prince. The sole inhabitant of
the next planet is a conceited man who wants nothing from the prince but
flattery. The prince subsequently meets a drunkard, who explains that he
must drink to forget how ashamed he is of drinking. The fourth planet
introduces the prince to a businessman, who maintains that he owns the
stars, which makes it very important that he know exactly how many stars
there are. The prince then encounters a lamplighter, who follows orders
that require him to light a lamp each evening and put it out each morning,
even though his planet spins so fast that dusk and dawn both occur once
every minute. Finally the prince comes to a planet inhabited by a

The geographer, however, knows nothing of his own planet, because it is

his sole function to record what he learns from explorers. He asks the
prince to describe his home planet, but when the prince mentions the
flower, the geographer says that flowers are not recorded because they
are ephemeral. The geographer recommends that the little prince
visit Earth.

On Earth the prince meets a snake, who says that he can return him to his
home, and a flower, who tells him that people lack roots. He comes across
a rose garden, and he finds it very depressing to learn that his beloved
rose is not, as she claimed, unique in the universe. A fox then tells him
that if he tames the fox—that is, establishes ties with the fox—then they
will be unique and a source of joy to each other.
The narrator and little prince have now spent eight days in the desert and
have run out of water. The two then traverse the desert in search of a
well, which, miraculously, they find. The little prince tells the narrator that
he plans to return that night to his planet and flower and that now the
stars will be meaningful to the narrator, because he will know that his
friend is living on one of them. Returning to his planet requires allowing
the poisonous snake to bite him. The story resumes six years later. The
narrator says that the prince’s body was missing in the morning, so he
knows that he returned to his planet, and he wonders whether the sheep
that he drew him ate his flower. He ends by imploring the reader to
contact him if they ever spot the little prince.
Who am I? [ju em ai] quién soy
How would you describe people? [jao wud yu discraib
pipol] Cómo describes a las personas
Adejctives [ajyectivs] adjetivos
Glad, [Gled] Aelgre joyful [yoifol] alegre
Smiling [smailin] sonriente
Colorful [colorfol] colorido
Young [yon] joven
United [yunaited] unido
Passionated [pashioneit] apasionado

distracted / vague (distraido/ despistado)
Simple-hearted (sencillo-inocente)
Nice /kind

Picky (exigente)
Obtrusive / prying Entrometido/ curioso
Unfriendly /antipathetic /unlikeable (atipático)
Clumpsy (torpe)
To social network, beacuse I like chatting to my Friends
To study, because I live learning new knowledges
To travel, I enjoy to know new natural places in the world.
Outgoing abierto/ extrovertido
Selfconfident cofiado
Organized organizado
Responsible responsible
Christmas Vocabulary
Angel- Angel Charity- Caridad Display – mostar

Artificial tree - Chestnuts – Eggnog- Ponche de

Arbol Artificial Castañas huevo

Bells- Campanas Chill – Frío Elf – duende

Birth – Nacimieto Chilly- Friolento Elves- elfos

Blizzard - Tormenta Chimney - Chimenea Eve - víspera

de nieve
Christmas – Navidad Evergreen - hojas
Blustery - perennes
tempestuoso Christmas card-
Tarjeta Navideña Exchange –
Boots - botas Intercambiofamily
Christmas carol -
Bough -Rama Villancico family reunion
reunion familiar
Bow – Tazon Christmas Eve -
Nochebuena Father Christmas
Box – Caja Santa Claus
Christmas tree- Arbol
Candle - Velas de Navidad Feast
Candy - Dulce Christmas tree stand-
Soporte de arbol de Festival- festival
candy cane - bastón navidad
de caramelo Festive- festivo
Christmastide -
cap - gorra limpieza de Navidad Fir- abeto

card - tarjeta Cider - sidra Fireplace -chimenea

carolers - Villancicos Coal - carbón Firewood - leña

caroling – Cantar Cold- Frio Frankincense

Cookie – Galleta Frosty the Snowman
carols –Cantos – hombre de nieve
navideños Crèche- guardería
Fruitcake pastel de
celebrate - Celebrar December 25 frutas
celebration - Garland – girlanda
Celebracion Decorate – adornar
Gift - regalo
ceremony - Decorations- adorno
gift-giving – dar icy glacial nativity Natividad
ivy hiedra naughty travieso
gingerbread galleta
de gengibre Jack Frost personaje nice agradable
de navidad
gingerbread house nippy agil
casa de gengibre Jesus jesus
North Pole Polo
gingerbread man jingle bells cascabel Norte
hombre de gengibre
jolly alegre Nutcracker
gingerbread woman cascanueces
mujer de gengibre joy alegria
Occasion ocasión
give dar Joyeux Noel Papa
Noel Ornaments adornos
gold oro
Joyful alegria Package paquete
goodwill Buena
voluntad Kings reyes Pageant desfile
goose ganso Krampus personaje
Parade Desfile
green verde Kris Kringle
Personaje Partridge patriota
greetings saludos
Lights luces Party fiesta
guest invitado
List lista Pie pay
happy feliz
Log tronco pine tree pino
holiday vacaciones
Love amor pinecone piña
holly acebo
Manger peecebre plum pudding pudin
hope esperanza de ciruela
Merry feliz
hot chocolate poinsettia
chocolate caliente Merry Christmas feliz
navidad popcorn string
hot cider cidra cadena de palomitas
caliente mince pie pastel de
carne presents regalos
hug abrazo
mistletoe muérdago receive recibir
ice skates patines de
hielo mittens guantes red rojo

icicle rodar myrrh mirra reindeer reno

rejoice regocijo snowball bola de trips viajes
reunion reunion turkey pavo
ribbon liston aprisonado en la unwrap deselvolver
ritual ritual vacation vaciones
snowfall nevada
Rudolph rofdolfo visit visitar
snowflake copo de
Saint Nicholas san nueve wassail ponche
snowman hombre de winter invierno
Sales ventas nieve
wintertime invierno
Santa Claus santa snowy nevado
clos wintry invernal
socks calcetines
Santa's elves wise men sabio (rey
duendes de santa spirit espiritu mago)

Santa's helpers St. Nick san nicolas wish deseo

ayudantes de santa
Star Estrella wonder maravilla
Santa's list lista de
santa Stocking calceta workshop taller

Santa's workshop stocking stuffer wrap envolver

talle de santa regalos
wrapping paper papel
Scarf bufanda sugarplum azucar de regalos

Scrooge personaje sweater sueter wreath guirnalda

Season temporada tidings noticias Xmas navidad

season's greetings tinsel oropel Yule navidad

shopping compras yule log tronco de
toboggan tobogan navidad
skate patinar
togetherness union yuletide navidades
toy juguete
sleigh trineo
tradition tradicion
sleigh bells
campanas de trineo tree arbol

snow nieve trimming guarnicion

Things that fly
No living
Whirly bird elises
Paragliding parapente
Handgliding ala delta
Drone aeronave no ripulada zumbido

Living flying
duck pato
goose ganso
swan cisne
seagull gaviota
eagle águila
hawk halcón
Aves Birds fowl (ave de corral)
owl bhúo
vulture buitre
Raven Cuervo
Ostrich avestruz
Peacock pavoreal
Parrot perico
Pigeon paloma
Hummingbird colibrí
hen Gallina Chiken Pollito rooster Gallo

Todos sabemos que los pajaros vuelan

We all know that birds fly (wi al nou det berds flai)

Por que crees que los humanos siempre han querido volar
Why do you tihink humans have always wanted to fly?
(wai du yu fink jiumans jav olweis wanted tu flai)

Porque quieren saber que se siente volar

Because they want to know how fly feels
(bicos dei want tu nou jao tu flai)

Porque puedes llegar mas rapido a todas partes

Because if you fly you can get faster to everywher
(bicos if yu flai yu quen fuet faster tu ebri wer)

Porque tienes una incredible vista panoramica

Because you have an amazing landscape view
(bicos yu jav an ameizin landsqueip viu)

Te gustaria poder volar?

Would you like to be able to fly?
(Wud yu laik tu flai)

Si me gustaria, para transportarme y evitar el trafico.

Yes, I’d like to transport and avoid the car’s traffic
(yes aid laik tu transport end evoid de cars traffic)
Wich animal you think was first to fly? Cual animal crees que volo primero
Flight vuelo
Limited limitada
Early temprano /primeros
Evolve evolucionar
Glide delizamiento /planeo
Flap aletear
Hollow hueco
Soar elevarse /remontarse
Weight peso
Wingspan Envergadura
Features caracteristicas
Adaptations adaptaciones
Clawed garra
Bony huesudo
Capability capacidad
Mammals Mamíferos

Phrasal Verbs
Los Phrasal Verbs son verbos a los que acompaña un adverbio
(phrasal verb) o preposición (prepositional verb) modificando el
sentido del verbo al que acompañan.
Estas expresiones se forman combinando verbos con preposiciones o
con adverbios. El significado de estos verbos compuestos puede ser
muy distinto al que podríamos deducir del significado individual del
verbo y preposición (o adverbio) de los que se compone.

ADD UP totalizar ADD UP TO alcanzar un total

contestar de malos modos ANSWER FOR responder de
ASK ABOUT preguntar por (un asunto) ASK AFTER preguntar por la salud
ASK FOR pedir, preguntar por ASK UP TO pedir hasta (un precio)
ASK BACK invitar a volver ASK DOWN invitar a bajar
ASK IN invitar a entrar ASK OUT invitar a salir
ASK UP invitar a subir
BACK AWAY retroceder BACK OUT volver atrás
BACK UP reforzar BE ABOUT estar por (un lugar)
BE AWAY estar fuera BE BACK estar de vuelta
BE FOR estar a favor de BE IN estar en casa
BE OFF irse, estar apagado BE ON estar encendido
BE OUT estar fuera BE OVER estar acabado
BE UP estar levantado BEND DOWN agacharse
BEND OVER inclinarse BLOW AWAY llevarse (el viento)
BLOW DOWN derrumbarse por el viento BLOW OFF dejar salir (el vapor)
BLOW OUT apagar (se) (una llama) BLOW UP volar (con explosivos)
BREAK AWAY soltarse BREAK DOWN derruir, averiarse
BREAK IN irrumpir, interrumpir BREAK OFF romper (se) (relaciones)
BREAK UP terminar el curso o una relación BREAK OUT estallar (una guerra)
BRING BACK devolver BRING ABOUT acarrear
traer (consigo) BRING DOWN derribar, rebajar
BRING IN hacer entrar BRING OUT hacer salir, publicar
BRING UP criar, educar BRUSH OFF quitar el polvo
BURN AWAY consumirse (el fuego) BURN DOWN derrumbarse (por el fuego)
BURN OUT consumirse (el fuego) BURN UP consumirse (por el fuego)
BUY FOR comprar por o para BUY OVER sobornar
BUY UP acaparar
CALL AT Hacer una visita, hacer escala CALL AWAY Seguir llamando
Llamar (a alguien) para que
CALL BACK CALL FOR Pedir a voces, exigir
CALL IN Llamar (a alguien) para que entre CALL ON Ir a ver (a alguien)
CALL OUT Gritar CALL OVER Pasar lista, enumerar
Llamar (a alguien) para que
Persuadir CARRY OFF Llevarse a la fuerza
CARRY ON Continuar CARRY OUT Llevar a cabo
CLEAR AWAY Dispersar (se) CLEAR OFF Marcharse
Aclararse (el tiempo,un
CLOSE DOWN Cerrar CLOSE UP Acercarse
COME ABOUT Suceder COME ACROSS Encontrarse con
COME ALONG Acompañar, venir por (la calle) COME AT Embestir
COME AWAY Desprenderse COME DOWN Bajar
COME FOR Venir por (en busca de) COME FROM Venir de
COME IN Entrar COME OFF Desprenderse
COME ON ¡Vamos! (en imperativo) COME OUT Salir
Ascender (una suma), volver en
COME UP TO Acercarse a COUNT IN Incluir
COUNT ON Contar con COUNT UP Calcular
COUNT UP TO Contar hasta CRY FOR Pedir llorando
CRY OUT Llorar a gritos CRY OVER Lamentarse
CRY TO Llamar a gritos CUT DOWN Reducir gastos, talar
CUT IN Interrumpir CUT OFF Separar de un tajo
CUT OUT Recortar, omitir CUT THROUGH Acortar por un atajo
CUT UP Trinchar, triturar
DIE AWAY Cesar poco a poco DIE DOWN Apaciguarse
DIE OUT Extinguirse DO UP Abrochar
DO WITHOUT Pasarse sin (carecer de) DRAW AWAY Alejarse
DRAW BACK Retroceder DRAW DOWN Bajar
DRAW IN Economizar, encoger (se) DRAW OFF Apartarse
Sacar, redactar, alargarse
DRAW ON Aproximarse, retirar fondos DRAW OUT
(el día)
Ahuyentar, alejarse en
DRAW UP Para (un vehículo) DRIVE AWAY
DRIVE BACK Rechazar DRIVE BY Pasar en coche
DRIVE IN Entrar en coche, introducir DRIVE OUT Salir en coche, expulsar
DRIVE OFF Alejarse en coche, ahuyentar
EAT AWAY Erosionar EAT INTO Roer
EAT UP Devorar
FALL DOWN Caerse FALL OFF Disminuir, desprenderse
FALL OVER Tropezar FIGHT OFF Ahuyentar
FIGHT ON Seguir luchando FIGHT UP Luchar valerosamente
FILL IN Rellenar FILL UP Rellenar, llenar
FIND OUT Averiguar FIX UP Arreglar (un asunto)
FLY ABOUT Volar de un lado a otro FLY AT Atacar
FLY AWAY Huir volando FLY DOWN Descender
FLY OFF Desprenderse
GET ABOUT Ir de acá para allá GET ALONG Hacer progreso
GET AT Dar a entender GET AWAY Escaparse
GET BACK Volver, recuperar GET DOWN Descender
GET TO Llegar a GET IN / INTO Entrar, meterse
Salir, apearse GET OFF Apearse, bajarse
GET ON Subirse, progresar GET OUT Producir, salir
GET OVER Saltar por encima, recobrarse GET THROUGH Abrirse camino
GET UP Levantarse GIVE AWAY Repartir, denunciar
GIVE BACK Devolver GIVE OFF Despedir (humo, olor)
GIVE OUT Agotarse, repartir GIVE UP Entregar, rendirse
GO ABOUT Ir de un lado para otro GO ALONG Ir a lo largo de
GO AT Atacar GO AWAY Marcharse
GO BY Pasar por GO DOWN Bajar
GO IN / INTO Entrar GO OFF Explotar, marcharse
Salir, pasarse de moda,
GO ON Continuar GO OUT
GO OVER Repasar GO THROUGH Penetrar, sufrir
GO UP Subir GO UP TO Acercarse a
GO ACROSS Atravesar GO WITHOUT Pasarse sin
Quedarse atrás HANG FROM Colgar de
HANG OFF Colgar (el teléfono) HANG UP Colgar (un cuadro)
HOLD OUT Resistir HURRY ALONG Darse prisa
HURRY AWAY Irse rápidamente HURRY OFF Irse rápidamente
HURRY UP Darse prisa
JUMP ABOUT Dar saltos JUMP AT Atacar
JUMP DOWN Bajar de un salto JUMP IN Entrar de un salto
JUMP ON Subir de un salto JUMP OVER Saltar por encima de
KEEP AWAY Mantenerse alejado KEEP BACK Mantenerse separado
KEEP DOWN Controlar KEEP OFF Abstenerse
KEEP UP Mantenerse de pie, resistir KNOCK ABOUT Golpear acá y allá
KNOCK AT Llamar (a la puerta) KNOCK DOWN Derribar
KNOCK OUT Dejar fuera de combate
Mirar atrás LOOK DOWN Mirar abajo
LOOK FOR Buscar Anhelar
LOOK IN Mirar dentro LOOK LIKE Parecer
LOOK OUT Mirar fuera LOOK OVER Mirar por encima de
LOOK ROUND Mirar alrededor LOOK UP Mirar arriba, buscar
MOVE AWAY Alejarse MOVE ALONG Pasar, no detenerse
MOVE DOWN Bajar MOVE IN Mudarse (de domicilio)
No detenerse, pasar a (otro
MOVE OUT Mudarse (de domicilio) MOVE UP Moverse (para dejar sitio)
PASS AWAY Fallecer PASS BY Pasar por (un sitio)
PASS IN Entrar PASS ON Pasar (de mano en mano)
PAY FOR Pagar PAY IN Ingresar (dinero)
PAY OFF Liquidar (una cuenta), pagar PAY UP Pagar (una deuda)
POINT AT Señalar POINT AWAY Señalar a lo lejos
POINT TO Señalar POINT DOWN Señalar abajo
POINT OUT Destacar POINT UP Señalar arriba
PULL AWAY Arrancar PULL DOWN Derribar
PULL OFF Arrancar PULL OUT Sacar
PULL UP Parar (un vehículo) PUT AWAY Poner a un lado
PUT BACK Poner en su sitio PUT DOWN Anotar, bajar (algo)
PUT IN Meter, instalar PUT OFF Posponer
PUT ON Ponerse (una prenda) PUT OUT Apagar, sacar
PUT UP Subir (algo), alojarse PUT UP WITH Soportar
Encontrarse con, atravesar
RUN ABOUT Correr de acá para allá RUN ACROSS
RUN DOWN Pararse (un reloj), enfermar RUN IN Entrar corriendo
RUN OFF Escapar corriendo RUN OUT Salir corriendo
RUN OVER Atropellar RUN UP Subir corriendo
SEE ABOUT Indagar SEE OFF Despedir (a alguien)
SEE TO Encargarse de SEND ALONG Despachar
SEND DOWN Bajar (algo) SEND FOR Enviar por
SEND OFF Despachar,despedir (trabajadores) SEND ROUND Circular
SEND UP Subir (algo) SET ABOUT Ponerse (a trabajar)
SET DOWN Asentar, colocar SET OFF Partir (para un viaje)
SHUT IN Encerrar SHUT UP Callarse, cerrar (una tienda)
Incorporarse, sentarse
SIT FOR Presentarse (a un examen) SPEAK FOR Hablar a favor de
SPEAK TO Hablar con SPEAK UP Hablar en alta voz
STAND BY Quedarse cerca STAND OFF Mantenerse alejado
STAND OUT Destacar STAND UP Ponerse de pie
STAY AT Hospedarse STAY BY Permanecer al lado de
STAY IN Quedarse en casa STAY OUT Quedarse fuera de casa
STEP UP Subir STEP UP TO Acercarse a (alguien)
STOP BY Quedarse al lado de STOP IN Quedarse en casa
Empastar (una muela), tapar (una
TAKE DOWN Escribir al dictado, bajar (algo) TAKE FOR Tomar por (equivocarse)
Quitarse (una prenda),
TAKE IN Engañar, meter TAKE OFF
TAKE OUT Sacar, quitar TAKE TO Llevar a
TAKE UP Subir (algo) TALK ABOUT Hablar acerca de
TALK OF Hablar de TALK TO Hablar con
TEAR AWAY Quitar (rasgando) TEAR OFF Separar (rasgando)
TEAR UP Hacer pedazos (rasgando) THROW AWAY Tirar (algo inservible)
THROW BACK Devolver THROW DOWN Tirar hacia abajo
THROW IN Tirar hacia adentro THROW OFF Echar fuera
THROW OUT Arrojar THROW UP Tirar hacia arriba
TRY ON Probarse una prenda TURN AWAY Mirar a otro lado
TURN BACK Darse la vuelta TURN DOWN Poner boca abajo
Encender (la luz), abrir (una
TURN OFF Apagar (la luz), cerrar (una llave) TURN ON
TURN OUT Apagar TURN OVER Volcar, poner boca abajo
TURN INTO Convertirse TURN UP Llegar
WALK ABOUT Andar de acá para allá WALK ALONG Andar por
WALK AWAY Alejarse andando WALK DOWN Bajar
WALK IN Entrar WALK OFF Marcharse
WALK UP Subir WORK OUT Calcular
Trabajar a las órdenes de WRITE DOWN Anotar
Achived logrado Encompass abarcan
Vocabulary Traits razgos Array formación o
Spread propagar colecición
Aporach enfoque Quarrel pelea Acquire adquirir
Choice decider eulogize elogiar whereas mientras
Internalizing interiorizar praises enzalsar
Discourage desalientar gaze contemplar
Gossip chisme look up admirar
Gabfest podcast politico whereas mientras
title-tattle chisme (hablar trek excursion
mal de alguien) asserts afirmar
chit-chat charla disregard indiferencia
pecking order orden ignorer
jerarquico stake estaca / apostar
hierarchy jerarquia stake out apostar
discontinue interrumpir be solved estar
even incluso solicuonado
but pero, sino aware consciente al
threats amenazas corriente
eaces facilidad Alivio staring at Mirando
neglects descuido fijamente
confined confinado
limitado staring curioso
isolated aislado
nevertheless sinembargo starring protagonizado
afterwards después
somewhat en tanto in order to a fin de
heralding anunciando
tiny diminuto
yield rendimiento so that asi que
figure it out averiguar in despite of apesar de
drop out abandoner
endanger pone en thus asi, en
peligro consecuencia
Diminished Disminuido

Resembles Se parece

Nurture nutrir

Siblings hermanos
Rely confiar
Cope capa pluviual, enfrentarse con
Forestry silvicultura
Droughts sequias
Reach alcanzar
Dean decano professor
Pursued persiguio
Insight visión
Eager impaciente
caught the eye llamar la atención
surplus superávit
reliant confiados
herb stall (establo) puesto de hierbas
break up divider
gall biliares
oozing manar suavemente /rebosar
inflicted impuesto causado
opaqueness opacidad
lens lentes
buoyant flotante/ boyante
I wish I were wearing more confortable shoes Me gustaría llevar zapatos más cómodos.
I wish I were sleeping Desearia estar durmiendo
I wish I was singing deseria estar cantando
I wish I had know that we were going to walk that much Quisiera saber que íbamos a caminar
I wish I had studied more English Ojalá hubiera estudiado más inglés
I wish I had taken more classes
Humdrum monótono
Likewise igualmente
Alter alterar}
Some advice algun consejo
call it a day terminar
laid up guardado en reposo
drop off bajar separarse

Hiking excursionismo
Outgoing extrovertido/ abierto
Self – confident Seguro de sí mismo
Self-conscious inseguro
Unkind cruel

Aire acondicionado Air conditioning
Antena parabólica Parabolic antenna
Aparato de radio Radio
Aparato eléctrico Electrical appliance
Aspiradora Vacuum cleaner
Batidora eléctrica Mixer ; Blender
Cadena estereofónica Stereo system ; Stereo equipment
Cafetera automática Coffee machine
Cafetera eléctrica Coffee maker
Cafetera expreso Espresso coffee maker
Calientaplatos eléctrico Electric hotplate
Campana extractora de humos Cooker hood
Cepillo de dientes eléctrico Electric toothbrush
Cocina eléctrica Electric cooker
extensión Electric extension lead
Cordón eléctrico ; Cable de la corriente Lead
Cortacéspedes eléctrico Electric lawn mower
Cuchillo eléctrico Electric kitchen knife
Despertador eléctrico Electric alarm clock
Electricidad Electricity
Enchufe (hembra, de pared) Socket
Enchufe (macho) Plug
Equipo alta fidelidad Hi-fi system
Equipo de música Stereo system
Escáner Scanner
Estufa eléctrica Electric fire
Exprimidor eléctrico Juice extractor ; Juicer
Freidora eléctrica Deep-fat fryer
Frigorífico Refrigerator
Fusible Fuse
Impresora Printer
Interruptor Switch
Lámpara Lamp
Lavadora automática Automatic washing machine
Lavavajillas Dishwasher ; Dishwashing machine
Mando a distancia Remote control
Máquina de afeitar eléctrica Electric razor ; Electric shaver
Maquina de coser Sewing machine
Microondas Microwave
Molinillo de café eléctrico Electric coffee grinder
Nevera; Refrigerador Fridge
Ordenador personal Personal computer
Picadora de carne Mincer ; mincing machine
Plancha eléctrica Electric iron
Proyector diapositivas Slide projector
Sandwichera Toasted sandwich maker
Secador de pelo Hairdryer
Secadora eléctrica Tumble drier ; Tumble dryer
Teléfono Telephone / Phone
Televisor Television / TV
Tocadiscos Record player
Toma de corriente Plug socket
Tostador de pan Toaster
Lamparas flourescentes Fluorescent lamp
Vídeo Video
Videocámara Video camera
Videoconsola Games console
Videoteléfono Video telephone

Foods That Are Bad for Your Health [fuds det ar bad for yor jeld]
Comida que es mala para la salud

1. Sugary drinks [shugar drinks] bebidas azucaradas

2. Most pizzas [post pitzas] la mayoría de las pizzas

3. White bread [guait bred] Pan blanco

4. Most fruit juices [most frut yusis] la mayoría de jugos frutales

5. Sweetened breakfast cereals [swident breakfast cirrials] Cereales para el

desayuno endulzados

6. Fried, grilled, or broiled food. [frayt grilt o broilt fud] Comida frita, a la parrilla
o asada
7. Pastries, cookies, and cakes. [pastris cukis end keiks] pasteles galletas y

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