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The topic of the researchers is the “Impact of pharmaceutical companies’ promotion of

drugs in media on public health”. Pharmaceutical drugs are drug used to diagnose, cure, treat

or prevent disease.

Research Problem

The researchers want to know what the impacts of pharmaceutical companies’

promotion of drugs on media are because pharmaceutical manufacturers must also assume

more responsibility for the public health outcomes from their advertisements. In fact, FDA has

asked drug companies to make their research about the effect of DTC advertising on public

health available in the public domain, but companies have not heeded this request (Fain, K and

Caleb, G. 2014).

Background and Justification

In todays’ world, advertising is a powerful force that plays a significant role in shaping the

attitude and behaviour of people. And as a return on advertisements is high pharmaceutical

companies are having increased spending in medical drugs advertising. Many industries, the

internet and social media are no longer trends, but essential tools for marketing their products.

However, the pharmaceutical drug promotion, in large part because of the uncertainty about

the appropriate parameters for marketing and promoting pharmaceutical products. FDA has

asked drug companies to make their research about the effect of DTC advertising on public
health available in the public domain, but companies have not heeded this request (Fain, K and

Caleb, G. 2014).

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and blogs are the home to

support groups for caregivers of patients with rare and sometimes terminal illnesses.

Advertisement of products are present in our country and very useful because it conveys people

to help the products sold out easily. It is more effective in social media because it informs

people everytime they open their accounts on media.

According to George Washington University School of Public and Health Services,

there are three main concerns about the effects of pharmaceutical promotions on healthcare:

higher-than-necessary explanations, leaving less money for other healthcare needs; the use of

prescription of drugs that are less effective or have more problematic side effects that

alternatives; and inappropriate off-label prescribing.

A study about the effect of direct-to-consumer advertising on public health have not

heeded the request of FDA, so the researchers come up to find out what is the impact of

advertising pharmaceutical drugs on social media.

Deficiency in the Evidence

Direct-to-costumer advertising is very rampant nowadays in the pharmaceutical

company marketing because they believe that advertising is good, and it educates the public

and encourage people to be more involved in their medical choices. With this, the researchers

want to know the impact of pharmaceutical companies of drugs in media on public health.

PARENTS. This study helps the parents to be aware from pharmaceutical promotions

and may be able to guide their children.

STUDENTS. This study can benefit the students in terms of engaging in pharmaceutical

drugs that it has an impact to them.

PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY. This study gives idea to the company on what to

do with their promotions and aware them that their promotion has an impact to the people

seeing and using pharmaceutical drugs or products.

COMMUNITY. This study helps the community to inform that pharmaceutical

promotion has an impact to them.

RESEARCHERS. This study helps the researcher to know the impact of

pharmaceutical companies’ promotion of drugs in media on public health is.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to know the impact of pharmaceutical companies’

promotion of drugs in media on public health. The researchers also, ought to know if the

pharmaceutical companies advertise for the betterment of the public health or just for their own

marketing strategy.

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