Web 2

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Web 2.

0 tools
1. Quiz Whizzer https://quizwhizzer.com Quiz Whizzer is a tool that is used to make
quizzes that the students can send answers in real time to or it can be used to make
games for learning. As a teacher I can use quiz whizzer as a fun way to get the students
excited about learning while I can analyze their comprehension on the subject I taught
and am now quizzing them over. The student will use quiz whizzer as they answer
questions from a computer or play a game I created. Advantages of the tool is I can
customize my own game and it can be really fun for the students to be involved in.
2. Story Shares https://www.storyshares.org/books Story shares is a website that has
many books available to read and you can also write and publish a book on their
website. As a teacher story shares would give me the opportunity to let the children
read online and write their own short stories. Student can use this website to get
engaged in reading and use the audiobooks as well, while also being able to write and
improve their skills. Advantages of this website is it gives the students a wide range of
books to read from and an opportunity to practice writing and publish it for others to
3. Step Map https://www.stepmap.com Step map is a website that allows you to create a
map for educational purposes. As a teacher I can create a map for my students to study.
The students can use step map to create a map to study from or for a project they are
doing. Advantages of this website is that the students can make their own map and
while they are making it they are learning where places are through the process.
4. Chart accent https://chartaccent.github.io Chart accent is a website that allows you to
create your own chart to display information. As a teacher I would use chart accent to
create charts for my students to learn how to read charts and graphs. The students
could use chart accent to create their own charts as a project to display information
they’ve collected. Advantages of this website is that it gives students the opportunity to
learn how to make and read charts and they could use it in their future academic
careers as well.
5. Storm Board https://stormboard.com Storm Board is a website that can be used to
brainstorm ideas and organize the ideas onto a corkboard online. As a teacher I can use
storm board as a way of problem solving with my students by everyone giving their
input and putting their ideas onto the storm board. Students can use storm board if they
are writing a paper and they need to brainstorm and organize their ideas. Advantages of
the website is that it’s a great way to collaborate with others in an organized way.


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