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Cleber Rodrigues, Angelo Romeu Silva
Power Electronics Group – ELP
Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory – LNLS
Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro, 10.000
Campinas – SP - Brazil

Abstract – This work presents the newest family of Since this active-shunt PS worked better than expected,
steering magnet bipolar current sources developed at especially in terms of reliability, tests were performed with
LNLS, which will be used to replace the old ones. Unlike modified units feeding steering magnets. The results were
previous models, the new 10V/10A power supplies are satisfactory, what have encouraged to adopt the same
fully switchmode type. The topology is based on a full- topology on the new family of steering magnet PS.
bridge converter using PWM unipolar switching. This
paper presents the first results, such as current ripple, II. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW MODEL OF POWER
stability and time response. SUPPLIES

Keywords – Bipolar Current Source, Full-bridge, Figure 1 shows the new steering magnet PS assembly and
Power supplies, Unipolar Switching. Figure 2 shows four units in a 3U rack. An external off-the-
shelf 24 V/30 A main PS feeds all units. Auxiliary +15 V /
I. INTRODUCTION -15V voltages also come from an external converter and feed
all units. This topology reduces both cost and size. Moreover,
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), in the case of the main power supply, this solution helps to
located in Campinas-SP, has built and operated the first improve the reliability because it has the capability to feed all
Synchrotron Light Source in the southern hemisphere and the units at their maximum output currents, but the probability
only one in Latin America [1]. this happens is low, because the steering magnets PS usually
The synchrotron radiation is emitted by relativistic operate below their maximum output currents. Both auxiliary
electrons in a bending trajectory and this electron beam and main voltages come from a backplane, where the
needs stay in a stable orbit, with a maximum variation of few steering magnet PS connected to.
micrometers during many hours. A magnetic lattice,
involving hundreds of electromagnets, guarantees the stable
orbit. The steering magnets are part of the magnetic lattice,
and their function is to keep the electron beam as close as
possible to the ideal orbit. The current-source power supplies
(PS) feeding the steering magnets are bipolar with typical
output values of 10V at 10A.
Currently there are three families of PS feeding steering
magnets at LNLS, and they all have a linear regulation stage.
The oldest family was built in 1993, and it demands frequent
maintenance. Also, the regulation stage is completely linear,
leading to low efficiency, and the step-down transformers
operate at line frequency, hence their heavy weight and big
size. Finally, future implantation of fast orbit correction
creates the need for a faster step response, a requirement not
met by these old PS. For the reasons expressed above, it was
taken the decision to substitute the units of this old steering
magnet PS in the electron storage ring for a new model.
In [2] it was reported the replacement of the older family
by the third family, involving 10 units. Despite the fact that
this model had presented some very good results, such as
high stability, high power factor and low ripple, it still had
some problems during fast changes in its reference voltage,
damaging the bipolar transistors of the last regulation stage,
which operate in the linear region. Fig. 1. The new steering magnet power supply module.
On other hand, during this time a new PS model based on
full-bridge topology (therefore, completely switchmode) was The main specifications for the new steering magnet PS
designed, built and installed workin as Active Shunts [3]. are summarized below:
Fig. 3. Simplified schematic of the power supply.

Fig. 2. Rack with 4 power supplies.

1) Maximum Output Voltage and Current: 10 V at 10 A,


2) Output current ripple and stability: better than 100ppm Fig. 4. Simplified regulation circuit.
relative to the output range, i.e. 2 mA. For the ripple
measurement is considered the rms value. The stability is The switches are very low Ron MOSFETs, and to drive
measured over a 12 hour period with a temperature variation them were used IR2110 drive. The switching frequency was
lower than 1oC. adjusted in 40kHz, what gives an output frequency of 80kHz.
The output filter is a Praeg type [5].
3) Step Response: faster than 2ms for a 50mA step and to When the power supply output is turned-on (what means
stay within ±5% of the final value, for a 1Ω/30mH load. the load is connected to the converter across two relay
contacts), it is very important that the current go softly to the
The output current can be adjusted by an external voltage, adjusted value. So, when the output is turned-off, the
from -10 V to +10 V, or by the front keyboard, depending if reference voltage is changed to zero, and there is a 10Ω
the power supply is working respectively in remote or local resistance that is connected to the output in order to allow the
mode. The keyboard also allows for choosing which feedback keeps the output voltage close to zero.
measurement will be displayed in the front panel (output
current, output current ripple, output voltage or external III. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS
reference voltage).
A TTL signal indicates some failures in the PS, and it is Initially one prototype was built and tested. Because the
available in the back connector. These failures can be a high results were satisfactory, 10 new units were built and tested.
output current ripple or a high error between the output Eight units have just been installed in the Electron Storage
current and its reference value. Also in the back connector Ring and the first results are been obtained. Some results of
there are two other digital signals: an input signal to turn the these tests performed both in laboratory as in the Storage
PS on remotely, and an output signal indicating that the PS Ring are shown below.
was successfully turned on. The load used in all laboratory tests was a steering magnet
Figure 3 shows a simplified schematic of the power circuit (26mH/0.3Ω) with a series resistance in order to reach the
of this power supply. The topology of this model is based on nominal load resistance 1.0Ω. This additional series
full-bridge converter, using PWM unipolar switching [4]. In resistance simulates the maximum cable loss.
this kind of switching, two identical PWM signals shifted by Figure 5 shows the output current and voltage ripple for
180o drive each one of the opposite switches related to a 10A, with a single unit turned-on. The rms value of the
given output polarity (each switch in a side of the full-bridge, current ripple for all units is lower than 1mA while the peak-
Q1 and Q3, for example). The other pair of switches (Q2 and to-peak is close to 2mA (don’t taking in account the
Q4) is driven by the complementary signals. The main switching frequency peaks). These values are very lower
advantages are lower output ripple, output frequency is twice than the voltage ripple (approximately 1V peak-to-peak) due
the switching frequency, no discontinuity close to null to the load inductance. For other output current values the
values. ripple is the same or even lower.
The feedback is made by a high precision 4-wires shunt, When others units are turned-on simultaneously, the
whose signal is amplified by an isolated operational output current ripple increase, due to the ground loops caused
amplifier. The regulation is made by a PI (proportional- by the main and auxiliary power supply which are common
integral) controller. All these components are placed inside to all units, but also remaining within the specified value
an aluminum box to improve the susceptibility to thermal (2mArms). Figure 6 shows the current ripple, for all units
drift and noise interference. Figure 4 shows a simplified turned-on and adjusted with +10A, in the Electron Storage
schematic of the regulation circuit. Ring, what means with the real load.
Fig. 7. Output Current (Ch1) and Voltage (Ch4), and Reference
Fig. 5. Output Current Ripple (upper trace –Ch1), DC Output Voltage (Ch3) during a -25mA to +25mA step.
Current (medium trace – Ch2) and Output Voltage Ripple (lower
trace – Ch3).

Fig. 6. Output Current Ripple for 4 units, all with +10A.

Fig. 8. Output Current (Ch1) and Voltage (Ch4), and Reference
The ground loops also cause changes in the average output Voltage (Ch3) during a +25mA to -25mA step.
current value when other unit is turned-on, turned-off or has
its value modified. Ground connections improvements were
made to keep these changes lower than 1mA, even for a 10A
step in other unit. Figure 9 shows the frequency response of the power
Figure 7 and 8 show the output voltage and current during supply for a 200mVpp sinusoidal input voltage, from 10Hz
a transition, respectively from -25mA to +25mA and from to 10kHz. It can be observed that the cut-off frequency is
+25mA to -25mA, in order to get the step response of the close to 450Hz. The PI parameters are adjusted in order to all
power supply. The time to reach 95% of the final value is units have a frequency response very close to this, which
close to 1.6ms, in the first situation, and to 1.4ms, in the presents a good compromise between the output current
second. The results to the same step amplitude but others ripple and the step response time.
output current values are similar and for all units were faster Figure 10 shows the result of the stability test during
than 2ms. almost 16 hours for +10A output current. The output current
Tests were also performed to 500mA and 5A step sizes, was measured using a DCCT (DC Current Transformer), and
for all units. While the result is basically the same for a the reading interval was 5s. The output current error
500mA step, for a 5A step the maximum output voltage (difference between the output value and the reference
becomes important and the time response is greater and voltage) had a variation of approximately 2.5mA. This value
depends of the output current value. But during the normal exceeds the specified (2mA), but the room temperature
operation of the synchrotron source the variations in the variation during this time was close to 3.5oC, as can be seen
steering magnet current never present a value so high, also in figure 10, which is higher than the specified (1oC).
normally staying below 50mA.
The measured efficiency was close to 85%, for the
maximum load (10A/10V). This efficiency does not take in
account the consumption of the +15V/-15V auxiliary power
supply. The main power supply has also a 85% efficiency
(with 4 units at nominal load), so these power supplies
together have a 72% efficiency. If the auxiliary power supply
loss were taken in account, the whole system efficiency
decrease to 68%. Figure 12 shows the input voltage, current
and power for a rack with 4 units at nominal load (10V/10A).
The power factor for this situation is close to 97%, because
the off-the-shelf main power supply has internally a PFC
(Power factor Corrector).

Fig. 9. Frequency Response to 200mVpp Input Signal.

Fig. 12. Input Voltage (Ch4), Current (Ch3) and Power (Matem.)
Fig. 10. Stability Test for +10A. for a rack with 4 units at nominal load.

Because the output current error follows the temperature

variation, with exception of the beginning of the test (when IV. CONCLUSION
we have the power supply warm-up), it is supposed that, for
lower temperature variations, the power supply will reach the The tests performed in laboratory and in the Electron
specifications. This can be proved by figure 11, where is Storage Ring with the 10 first units of the new model of
showed, for the same unit, a stability test during more than power supply were satisfactory.
14 hours, with a -10A output current. In this case, a little Despite of the fact the output current ripple obtained is
lower room temperature variation (3oC) was enough to reach within the specified value, it could be still lower, adjusting
the specification (2mA). the PI parameters. But this would increase the power supply
Stability tests were also performed for 0A output current, response time, what is not desirable. So, the PI parameters
and the result is better than to -10A and +10A. were adjusted to obtain the lower output current ripple with
the time response within the specifications (lower than 2ms).
The stability tests showed that, in a temperature controlled
situation, the output current stay stable better than 100ppm
(2mA). When this temperature variation increases, the same
happens proportionally with the output current variation.
The obtained efficiency, 85%, was satisfactory and close
to expected. Adjusting the switching frequency to 20kHz, it
increased to 87%, what is not great enough to compensate
the increase in the switching frequency ripple.
Reliability tests are been performed yet, but during two
weeks of operation in the real application no problem was
observed. If these units have again a satisfactory
performance, fifty new units will be built to substitute all the
steering magnet power supplies of the Electron Storage Ring.
The main advantages of this new model over the older
Fig. 11. Stability Test for -10A.
ones are the higher efficiency, lower size, weight and costs.
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