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Professor : Dr Frederick W Gomez
College : Education
Department : Social Studies
School Year/Semester : 2019 – 2020 / 1st Sem
Lecture Hall/Rm Nos : 11c/11c/12a/12a
LET Number : 1100345
Cell Phone No : 09266584071
E-mail Add :
Consultancy Hours : MW8-10/TTH8-10/1-4/F8-12/1-5
Publication : (PoS, Res, Philo, Hist, Educ)
Tutorial/Personal Hours : by appointment
Tutorial/ Virtual Hours : Yahoo-messenger/Skype


Course Title Education 5

Subject Discription Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
Course Description CMO No. 75, s. 2017
This course introduces the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century as an evolving social phenomena and shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21st century literacies shall include (a)
globalization and multi-cultural literacy, (b) social literacy, (c) media literacy, (d) finaicla literacy, (e) cyberliteracy/digetal literacy, (f) ecoliteracy and (g) arts and creativity literacy. Field based-
interdisciplinary explorations and other teaching strategies shall be used in this course.
Course Credits 3units
Contact Hours/week 3hours/week
Prerequisite Minor subjects
Course Outcomes /Program 1. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural and historical materials in explaining current issues;
Outcomes 2. Organize communities towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency;
3. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help in teaching or training students who will empower their communities;
4. Integrate local and global perspectives in teaching the principle of the common good;
5. Employ the principle of sustainable development in teaching and learning;
6. Show scholarship in research and further learning; and
7. Display the qualities of an innovative teacher who has mastery of the subject matter.

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)


Course Objectives / Performance Indicators Summative Details

CMO No. 75, s. 2017 Assessment Task
1. a. Relate current events with available historical This course introduces the concepts of building and enhancing new literacies in the 21 st century as an evolving social phenomena and
data to help students develop critical After the discourses shared cultural practices across learning areas. The 21 st century literacies shall include:
and activity to be done (a) globalization and multi-cultural literacy;
perspectives towards social studies; like the chalk-talk, team (b) social literacy;
b. Draw the connections between and among activity, buzzing, (c) media literacy,
people, events and places to analyze local and interactive, discussion, (d) financial literacy;
glbal social issues; individual activity and (e) cyber literacy/digital literacy;
cooperative/collaborative (f) eco-literacy;
2. a. Design community – based activities to help learning are utilized as a (g) arts and creativity literacy;
learners achieve an integrated view of social mechanism for the (h) Field based- interdisciplinary explorations; and
development; teaching learning (i) other teaching strategies shall be used in this course.
b. organized student clubs/activities for processes, the
IGNATIAN When curriculum maker across orientation & discipline build and enhance new literacies in the 21 st century they may contribute
community outreach project; and
PEDAGOGY (CEREA), considerably the creation of the modern system of education. It may helped develop an impartial and democratic attitude towards learners
c. Conduct public assemblies to increase social “Think Piece” and team into integrated personalities. As the curriculum maker by profession are “engineer”whose inclination to education and has a prime
awareness. presentation, “deepening importance in addressing the future needs (physical) of the educational system as to the complexities increasing day by day so it is an
3. a. Train students to be involved in community- and reflection are effective way to cope up with them. Its role is central to know and deal about the problems related to the learners such as the needed
related activities; offered/provided in courses in fostering classroom environment, about individual differences, to identify children with special needs, tackling classroom
support to the individual problems, skills & interest in teaching, effective methods, influence of heredity & environment on the child, mental health, procedure of
b. Established lingkages with govenemnt and and team gaps during the curriculum making, guidance & counselling, assessment & evaluation, maintaining positive creative discipline, academic research,
non-government organizations to promote public facilitation. facilitating context, socialization and professional growth, changing attitude and innovative thinking. Thus, in the building and
welfate. enchancing new literacies across curriculum to teachers, students, administrators and the community to meet the needs of their mainsream
4. a. Access information from local and foreign Assessment & evaluation counterpart. However, intelligent curriculum may help conflict management congenial in social learning environment which results in
tool are provided within effective learning and high academic achievement.
media about social issues to enhance teaching; this OBTLP
b. distinguish truthful from false presentation of Thus, during the investigation made the eight motivating factors for adult learners in higher education revealed that motivating
information from social media. factors on: 1)quality of instruction, quality of curriculum, 2)relevance and pragmatism, 3)interactive classrooms and 4)effective
5. a. Initiate advocacy campaigns towards the management practices, 5)progressive assessment and timely feedback, 6)self-directedness, 7)conducive learning environment and 8)effective
academic advising practices enhancing the will power of students in higher education towards effective learning
attainment of sustainable development goals;
b. Organize initiatives for stweradship of natural However, along with the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY the following discourses will be tackled also: 1) Program of Studies &
resources; Instructional Procedure, 2) Classroom Management & Assessment of the Academic Performance, 3) Support for Effective Instruction &
c. Participate in activities that promote Academic Counseling and Co-Curricular Activities, 4) Mechanism for Monitoring and Review of Curriculum & Graduation
environmental consciousness; and Requirements and a 5) Teacher as a researcher.
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
d. integrate the environmental principles in
lerning and teaching. Thus, the Preparation on the Publishable Paper is also introduce/dsicusss for the student to start their own research paper with an
APA format with the minimun pages of five (5) and to the maximum of fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) papers.
6. a. Participate in research to improve the teaching 1. Introduction
and learning of social studies; and 2. Methods
b. Join seminars, trainings, workshops and 3. Results and discussion
related activities to improve the teaching and 4. References
larning of the social studies.
7. a. design innovative strategies that heighten
students engagemtn in the social studies
classroom; and
b. Produce assessment materials to measure
student’s performance.


Week Course Content / Subject Matter

l Backgrounder (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum)
week1 (Feb5 Introduction, Nature, concept & Origin – vision – mission – goals
week2 New Literacies and the Curriculum and Curriculum Development
week 3 Basic Curriculum Model
Traditional, Thematic, Programmed, Classical, and Technological
week 4 Curriculum Process
11 The Role of the Teacher in the Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum
week 5 Teacher and the Curriculum
week 6 Role of teacher in Curriculum development
week 7 Program of Studies & Instructional Procedure
week 8 Classroom Management & Assessment of the Academic Performance
lll Support Program in the Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum
week 9 Support for Effective Instruction & Academic Counseling and Co-Curricular Activities
week 10 Mechanism for Monitoring and Review of Curriculum & Graduation Requirements
week 11 A Teacher as a Researcher
lV Research Paper
week 12-17 Preparation on the Publishable Paper
1. Introduction
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
2. Methods
3. results and discussion
4. References


Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Textbooks/References Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Resource Time
(DLO) Subject Matter (TLAs) Task (ATs) Materials Table
Explore & draw the Venn Introduction, Nature, Chalk-talk – discuss & explain the curriculum Submit – individual Computer/printer/ Week1
https://www.slideshare. roadmapping – vision – mission – goals - objectives one (1) whole short Internet
diagram to explain the concept and Origin – net/mobile/valarpink/ curriculum-its- size bondpaper – connectivity
roadmap of curriculum vision – mission – goals meaning-nature-and-scope personal vision &
development according to mission – cursive
their HEIs VMGs. writing
Emphasize the student by allowing New Literacies and the https://www.scribd. Team activity – tell the student to come-up 7 Submit the output of Computer/printer/ Week2
them to create/make a one (1) short size com/doc/103027979/ Curriculum- members in a team to make a collage paper & assign a team with the name Internet
bondpaper for a collage making to Curriculum and Concepts-Nature-and-Purposes a repertoire to present the output. Likewise, revisit of their leader & connectivity
illustrate the curriculum and curriculum Curriculum “New literacies”arise from new technologies to member
development in a particular locale about Development include like text-messaging, blogging, social
the new technologies to include like .../new-literacies-21st-century- networking, podcasting, and videomaking. These Quiz & Exam
text-messaging, blogging, social position-statement.pdf.. digital technologies alter and extend our
networking, podcasting, and communication abilities, often blending text, sound,
videomaking. .../the- and imagery. ... (They change the meaning of
meaning-and-importance-of- “text,” as well.)
Buzzing – let the team select one of the 5 model and allow them to Let the team present Computer/printer/
Select, identify and Curriculum Model & New come-up the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using the Oxford English
Literacies Dictionary definition on, “literacy.” (1) the ability to read and
& submit output Internet
determine the ‘ideal’ lesson/what-is-a-curriculum- write, and (2) competence or knowledge in a specified area such using the CERAE connectivity
curriculum bestly suited in the The five basic types of as: format
given locale. curriculum are Traditional, 1) Computer Literacy - the ability to learn and use
computers and related technology;
Thematic, Programmed, 2) Cultural Literacy - A certain level of exposure and
Classical, and 3)
familiarity with the creative arts;
Game Literacy - Diverse gaming experience and the
Technological ability to interpret games in many contexts;
4) Media Literacy - Interpreting all meaning contained
within media messages;
5) Multiliteracies - Communication fl uency across
cultures, societies, and technological modalities;
Quiz & Exam
6) Multimedia Literacy - Using multimedia tools to

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
convey information effectively
7) Network Literacy - Navigating, interacting, and
discerning within virtual and human networks;
8) Social Literacy - Thriving in diverse social contexts,
both online and offl ine
9) Visual Literacy - Drawing meaning from visual
depictions; also, to create such imagery;
10) Web Literacy - Handling content and collaboration
safely and productively online
11) Information Literacy - Locating, interpreting,
organizing, and sharing information appropriately;
12) New Literacies - Online reading comprehension and
learning skills social adaptability;
13) Digital Literacy - Working intelligently with digital
tools and data
Lists down the steps, Interactive – during the discourses allow the student Individual Computer/printer/ Week4 to ‘interact’ the discussion & explanation…tackle Internet
procedure and processes on New Literacies and the .../272294503_Curriculum_ down issues & concern raise during the discourses,
“think piece” in connectivity
the making/ creating the 21st century skills and Development_Process_Redesig.. do not leave it hanging or unattended... issues are a short size
curriculum. the Curriculum Process relevant to the curriculum processing… the 21st bondpaper
century skills to be develop are critical thinking;
creativity; collaboration; communication; Information
literacy; media literacy; technology literacy; flexibility;
leadership; Initiative; productivity and social skills. Allow
them to select the skills in processing the curriculum
Quiz & Exam
Aware, illustrate and demonstrate Teacher and the Discussion – the teacher will explain about the topic Submit Computer/printer/ Week5
the role of a teacher in curriculum on the teacher as: 1) person, 2) teacher, and 3) Internet
development as a person, teacher and a Curriculum .../258023165_role_of_ Professional. It should be noted that the emphasis individual connectivity
professional. Role of teacher in teachers'_in_curriculu.. must be on the Thomasite exposition as a person, output in 1 Week6
Curriculum teacher and a professional. Submit individual whole short size
CERAE “think Piece” following the IGNATIAN
development PEDAGOGY(IP). bondpaper
Explore, discover and list – down Team activity – tell the student to come-up 7 members in a Submit team Computer/printer/ Week7
program of studies in a particular course team to submit a preferred specific ‘prospectus’ & assign a Internet
(prospectus) and instructional procedure stable/1169065 repertoire to present the output (IP). Let the student work- output connectivity
Program of Studies & out on the Program Studies (PS) they preferred. Why and
(OBTLP) by submitting the student
how they are going to accomplish this PS. How do they do
respective specific ‘prospectus.’ Instructional Procedure it? How do they crafted the curriculum turn into prospectus?
/text/effective/programs.pdf Are there any representation on the different sector and
counterpart of the school within the community they serve?
Quiz & Exam
What instructional procedure they most preferred. Are they
employing different/variety of strategy/technique/ methods/
approaches? What best practices they’ve done in enhancing
new literacies across curriculum?

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
List down best practices Individual activity – tell the student to list down best Submit Computer/printer/ Week8 practices in the CM & AAP in the observed and Internet
in CM & AAP Classroom Management content/uploads/2017/06/2217- known learning experiences. Tell them to research
individual connectivity
& Assessment of the 7337_v07_n01_p043.pdf the required Quality Standard (QS) needed in a output
Academic Performance conducive learning environment. Allow them to
.../the_impact_of_classroom enumerate the needed facilities in a conducive
_management_o... Physical Plant (PP). How do these affects teaching
and learning? How do these PP contribute the Quiz & Exam
assessment of the academic performance? Allow
them to be ready on the voluntary ‘presentation’ of
their output.
Make a collage paper on the Team activity - tell the student to come- Submit team Computer/printer/ Week9
Support Services for Effective up 7 members in a team to submit a collage paper Internet
Instruction, academic couseling & co- Support for Effective /fulltext/EJ946159.pdf that shows an abstract on the effective instruction, output connectivity
curricular activities using the picture on Instruction & Academic academic counseling and co-curricular activities.
their own available activity. In case Counseling and Co- Expected “diaroma” on the pictorial are the
pictorial are not available, the team may cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article= supervision of instruction, the presence of Outcomes-
be able to utilize on “shared experience”
Curricular Activities Based Teaching Learning Plan (OBTLP), visits to
of the same pictorial will do. classes, informal dialogues with faculty and students, Quiz & Exam
evaluation of tests, and examinations (both of
questions and of the manner of correcting papers).
The faculty should be encouraged to join seminars
and educational associations, and to experiment
where feasible, with new approaches in teaching.

Do this in a 1 whole short size bondpaper & submit

with the name of the leader & member.
List down available mechanism Buzzing – let the team organize the monitoring and Submit team Computer/printer/ Week10
for monitoring and review of curriculum review tool kit by having a checklist instrument on Internet
by submitting the IGNATIAN Mechanism for read/5788/ chapter/6 curriculum review and the graduation requirements. output connectivity
PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think Monitoring and Review Are there regular monthly meeting and weekly
piece.” of Curriculum & management conference? Are there evidence that
.../nacteprocedure_curriculum shows on the proactive “management” after
Graduation identifying available “data.” Are there available Quiz & Exam
Requirements multimedia infrastructure that enhances
communication audit and other relavant “data
mining” reservoir?
Submit a researchable A Teacher as a Cooperative learning- tell the student to gather and Submit team Computer/printer/ Week11 collect data using the RRLS. The team shall explored Internet
title relevant to the Researcher .../reacher-researcher -ultimate- and read the concept on institutionalization and output connectivity
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
internationalization to professional-development-do... internationalization of the school as HEIs (Higher
Eduction Institution). And, explain the role of the
institutionalization teacher as an “angent” on integration in the
10.1080/10862969509547891 classroom.

Thus, recruitment, selection and hiring of faculty

members, the minimum requirements of the Civil Quiz & Exam
Service Commission and the school criteria/
standards are taken into consideration. It is a
systematic cooperative process involving the
administration, dean or department heads, area chair,
HR director, and faculty representative. Selection
process is focused on the applicants’ educational
qualifications, teaching competencies, character,
personality, professional and work experiences, and
health. While it is true that research is an important
vehicle in “data mining” to be utilize in the quality

Read, write and submit research Preparation on the Collaborative research – tell the student to… each Submit team Computer/printer/ Weeks
publishable paper as prescribed in a ring team composed of 7 members – they’ve to assign Internet
bound short size bondpaper (APA
Publishable Paper principal author and co-authors. They’re required to output connectivity 12-17
format- single space) 1. Introduction submit the research output one week before the
2. Methods scheduled final examination. The paper is following
the APA format. It is advise that the minimum of
3. Results and discussion 5pages to the maximum of 15pages ring-bound Quiz & Exam
4. References research paper will be submitted.

F. Suggested Readings and References

Bojuwoye, O., Moletsane, M., Stofile, S., Moolla, M., & Sylvester, F. (2014). Learners’ Experiences of Learning Support in Selected Western Cape Schools. South African Journal of
Education, 34 (1), Pp1-15.

Christie, F. & Derewianka, B. (2018). School discourse: Learning to write across the years of schooling. (Rev.)London: Continuum.

Dunlosky, J., Rawson, A.K., Marsh, E.J., Nathan, M.J., & Willingham, D.T. (2013). Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14 (1), Pp4-58.

Gomez, Frederick W. (2019). Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum. Manusccript

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)

Humphrey (2017) Instructions, observation, description and personal recount shifting to ‘non-technical ideas’ in the everyday domain to ‘ideas of academic disciplines’ (2017, p. 11).

Humphrey, S. (2017). Academic literacies in the Middle Years: A framework for enhancing teacher knowledge and student achievement. New York and London: Routledge.

Manichander, T. (2015). Psychology of Learners & Learning. Laxmi Book Publications, Maharashtra, Pp.14-18.

Mangal, S.K. (2014). Essentials of Educational Psychology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Pp. 616-636.

Sogunro, O.A. (2015). Motivating Factors for Adult Learners in Higher Education. International Journal of Higher Education, 4 (1), Pp22-38.

Syomwene, A., Kitainge, K., & Mwaka, M. (2013). Psychological Influences in the Curriculum Decision Making Process. Journal of Education and Practice, 4 (8), Pp173-181.
G. Course Requirements
◘ Reaction/Think Piece Paper (IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY – CERAE) in every major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12);
◘ Option - One Journal Notes (Community Involvement) Major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-Final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12)
◘ Research Paper (to be submitted one week before the final exam.APA format…font size & style TNR 12)
H. Grading System Community involvement activity:
◘ Individual visit on the Barangay Disaster Reduction Group (BDRG) and assess or evaluate their preparedness;
◘ Document domestically geographic incidence and recommend solution (pictorial / qualitative or quantitative research)
Evaluation approaches and methods:
◘ Attendance (related appearances or actual participation designed in the syllabus)
◘ Assignment (related activity designed in the syllabus as feedback to connect the Past & Present )
◘ Class participation (individual and group activity designed in the syllabus)
◘ Quizzes (long & short: Announce and Un-announce measures designed in the syllabus)
◘ Project (Mapping; transectorization; documentary; portfolio; collage; CERAE; Journal; output)
◘ Major exams (Periodical Exam: Prelim, Midterm, Semi-final and Final)
Grading standards:
Class Standing (CS):
◘ Projects (individual and Group Paper) - 5%
◘ Recitation (Asking & Answer Questions) -10%
◘ Assignments -2%
◘ Attendance - 3%
◘ Quizzes (long & short) -40%
◘ Major Exams (periodical; P/M/SF/F) -40%
Formula of the Grading system:
Each total raw score must be converted into equivalent percentage by using the following formula:
Period Exam = 1/3 of the grades
Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 of the grades

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Prelim Grade = CS X 2 + Prelim Exam
Midterm Grade = CS X 2 + Midterm Exam + Prelim Grade
Semi Final Grade = CS X 2 + Semi final Exam + Midterm Grade
Final Grade = CS X 2 + Final Exam + Semi final Grade
Rubric Measurement Guideline
1. General Rating on the submitted CERAE paper
1. Content 20pts
2. Experience 20pts
3. Reflection 20pts
4. Application 20pts
5. Evaluation 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
2. General Rating on the submitted COLLAGE paper
1. Abstract 20pts
2. Theme (pics) 20pts
3. Neatness 20pts
4. Organize 20pts
5. Visualization 20pts
TOTAL…………………… 100
3. General Rating on the INDIVIDUAL & GROUP presentation
1. Punctuality 20pts
2. Content 20pts
3. Trend 20pts
4. Presentation 20pts
5. Activities/interaction 20pts
TOTAL……………………. 100
4. General Rating on the submitted drawing/demo paper
1. Manila paper size 20pts
2. 1 ½ to 2 inches letter size 20pts
3. Replica (image) to reality 20pts

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
4. Modulated voice 20pts
5. Preparedness & mastery 20pts
TOTAL……………………. 100
1. General Rating on the submitted Publishable Research Paper
A. Overall Quality of the paper Covers 40%
1. Clarity of objectives/problems 5%
2. Soundness of the theoretical/conceptual framework 13%
3. Appropriateness of Research Design/ Statistical Tool 12%
4. Coherence of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 10%
B. Relevance and Significance of the Study 25%
C. Organization of the paper 20%
D. Novelty and Originality 15%
I. Classroom Policies ◘ For the MWF classes allowable absences is only up to 10 absences
◘ For the TTH classes allowable absences is only up to 7 absences
◘ Class Hours Lost by Late registration are considered as absences
◘ Unjustifiable late & cuts are considered absent

VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)

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