Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Jl. PB Sudirman, Denpasar, 80113, Bali

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Community Participation in Community-Based Health Efforts (CBHE) in Gunaksa,

A.A. Sagung Ratu Putri1, Dinar Saurmauli Lubis2

Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana
University, Jl. PB Sudirman, Denpasar, 80113, Bali

Background: One form of community participation in the health sector is Community-Based
Health Efforts (CBHE) . The implementation of CBHE is currently experiencing many
obstacles and problems both in planning and implementationn. The implementation of CBHE
using village funds in 2015-2017 has not been focused optimally according to the needs of
the community. The community is less involved in the planning, monitoring or evaluation
process which results in a lack of village government attention to health issues as stipulated
in the Guidelines for the Use of Village Funds in the Health Sector.
Research methods: This research was conducted in Gunaksa Village, Klungkung by using a
qualitative descriptive approach and triangulation of data & sources, with a total of 6
informants namely the Head of Gunaksa Village, Village Consultative Body, Health Officers
of Puskesmas II Dawan, Village Health Cadres, Public Health Agency and Village and
Community Empowerment Agency of Klungkung . The results of the study were analyzed
thematically based on the Arsntein Participation Ladder framework. In this study also uses
ethical clearance or ethical eligibility permits to protect research subjects or respondents.
Results: The implementation of CHBE in Gunaksa is included in the level of pseudo
participation (takonism) according to the Arnstein Participation Ladder. In the planning and
evaluation stages, participation is in the form of one-way communication, because during the
Village Conference, only involve community representatives to submit ideas without prior
public discussion. While at the implementation stage, community participation in Gunaksa is
involved in working together to improve the health status of individuals such as becoming
health cadres.
Implication: The village's government will provide some space for community participation
in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the CHBE to identify health problems and
the potential of the community, so that health development can be carried out optimally .

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