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The Derelict

This is the first adventure I have attempted to write up in well over a decade. The last was a
purchased but never published module for the OSR game ‘Mutant Future’. I am using what would be a
pretty universal format when it comes to writing this adventure. Anything in italics will be pure fluff,
written for the GM to read to the players. The rest of the text will provide information for the GM to
This adventure will undergo a couple of edits by yours truly, and that means mistakes WILL get
through. If I was writing this with the intent on getting paid, there would be others helping me with the
process – one editor for sure, and maybe a couple of readers to point out any mistakes or
inconsistencies they find. And of course I’m not a professional mapper. You’re getting a hand-drawn
map. Considering that I’m posting this for free, that’s the best you’ll get!
If I find the time, I might do a second, larger adventure. I will be posting hints and data the
players can discover about the potential second adventure. Depending on how well this adventure is
received and the feedback I get (if any), I may or may not write up the second part. If I don’t, this can be
a nasty one-shot or maybe the GM can expand upon what I have created.
Designed for a party of three to six 1st – 3rd level characters, this adventure contains several
different types of Xeno-Necro’s, which I created and posted for free on various Facebook pages, and on
the D-Infinity website. I have also included a couple of weapon conversions. Many of the encounters in
this adventure revolve around skill checks and hazards, not just the Xeno-necro’s.
I certainly hope that you enjoy this attempt at writing an adventure, as I am very much the
beginner when it comes to this sort of thing. Like all skills, the only way to improve is to practice,
practice, and practice!
Unfortunately, the grid from the graph paper I used to draw the map did not show up when I
scanned it. So as such, I have added a brief dimensions description to each of the rooms.
Finally, constructive criticism is always welcome! Feel free to contact me via Facebook and drop me a private message.

Overall Notes
Since the ship has no power, it will make travelling through the shuttle difficult. As a result, the ship has
no interior lights, and as such the PC’s will need a source of light, such as a flashlight, or Darkvision.
Those with low-light vision will need even a slight light source in order to be able to see.
Secondly, if their suits do not have magnetic soles, they will need to make acrobatic checks (DC
10) in order to move half their normal movement rate while the gravity is out. If they fail the check by
less than 5, they are allowed to move only 5 feet. If they fail by 5 or more, they cannot move that round.
If the PC’s have magnetic soles on their suits, then any surface can be used to move, be it a wall,
ceiling and so on. If the PC’s are running across a wall and there are doors or other such obstacles, then
the wall is considered to be rough terrain.
Until power is restored to the ship, the PC’s will have to find another method to open the doors.
All doors are considered to be locked, unless otherwise noted in the description. One way is to jury-rig a
power-source to the door. This requires an engineering check (DC 20 for airlocks / reinforced hatches or
DC 15 for internal doors) and 1d6+2 minutes make the necessary modifications, and it will use a single
battery (from a weapon, piece of equipment or the like). The battery will last for 1d4 uses and then will
have to be replaced. No skill check is required to replace the spent battery. Even once it has been fixed,
the PC’s will still require a computer check (DC 15) in order to bypass the security in order to open the
If the PC’s wish to attempt it, they will be able to force the door open with a Strength check (DC
25 for airlocks / reinforced hatches or DC 15 for internal doors). They can also attempt to blow the door
open. Each airlock door or reinforced hatch is constructed of reinforced steel, and as such as a hardness
of 25, and requires 60 points of damage to destroy (2 inches thick). Interior doors are constructed of
normal steel, have a hardness of 20 and require only 15 points to destroy (they are only ½ an inch thick).

Anytime the PC’s destroy one of the Xeno-Necros, use the following table to determine the loot (if any)
the corpse is carrying:

Loot Table (1d100)

Roll Result
01-40 Nothing
41-80 1 item
80-95 2 items
96-00 1d3+2 items

Random loot table

Roll Loot
1 Azimuth laser pistol (fully charged) – can be rolled only once.
2 Battery (1d4 standard batteries)
3 Serum of healing Mk1
4 Personal computer (Tier 1) – can be rolled only once.
5 Personal communicator – can be rolled only once.
6 Flashlight
7 Tactical semi-auto pistol (2d6 cartridges) – can be rolled only once.
8 Toolkit
9 Personal ID card – can be rolled only once.
10-12 3d10x10 credits

If the Personal ID card is rolled, this will allow access only to the personal locker assigned to the
unfortunate victim. Otherwise, it details the biometric data of the individual, such as name, age, race,
weight and height, planet of birth, citizenship, address and so on. It is mainly for flavor, and has no real
relevant information for the players to use.
In order to keep the PC’s on their toes, several spots on the map have been marked with a
capital A. These are potential ambush points, where either a slicer or a skulker is lying in wait for the
PC’s to pass. Once they have, the creatures will burst out of the location (typically an air duct or panel)
and attack. There is a 50/50 chance of either type of creature hiding in these locations, and each time
the PC’s pass by; there is a flat 35% chance that the ambusher will burst forth. These locations can only
be used once

Approaching the Derelict ship

As you approach the ship, all sensors indicate that it is completely dead. The shuttle floats in the vacuum,
almost lost against the obsidian darkness of the endless void beyond. The only visual indication that it is
even there is the distant sunlight reflected from the scarred and worn hull.
After running your exterior lights over the shuttles shell, view ports are visible, but no light
passes through the dense material. Not a single running light shines in the darkness, no tell-tale flickers
of powered equipment, nothing.
Deep scans reveal that the ship still contains an atmosphere, but it is cold, well below freezing.
Further scans disclose the fact that gravity has been shut-off. No life-signs can be detected, which means
either the crew managed to escape, or they are all beyond caring about the cold and lack of gravity.
You can see two ways to access the ship – one is through the starboard hatch, or through the
large belly hatch beneath the cargo hold.

The PC’s can use a computer check or culture check (piloting), DC 15 to locate the basic
schematics for the ship. They will be provided with the overall layout. This information will also provide
the PC’s with the typical crew complement (6, including a pilot, navigator, two engineers, and two cargo
handlers), and can carry up to 20 passengers, not including cargo.
A successful scan (computer or engineering DC 12) will reveal that the ships power-core is
functioning normally – it has simply been shut down. Turning it back on will restore not only the power
to the ship itself, but it will restore the ships artificial gravity.
There are three relatively easy ways to enter the ship from space. One is to use the external lock
(1), located near the stern of the ship.
Secondly, they can attempt to open the huge doors located on the cargo hold, although this
would require somehow managing to breach the cargo hold, as there are no external controls to open
the door located on the outside of the ship. The only way the cargo hold doors can be opened is from
inside the cargo hold itself.
The final entrance is the relatively hidden maintenance lock located between the two engines at the
rear of the ship (12). This will lead directly into the engineering deck. If the PC’s do not manage to locate
a schematic of the ship, finding the lock requires a perception check DC 14, otherwise they will not see

1. External Lock

Dimensions: 10 ft. x 10 ft. (approximately)

The lock, battered, scratched and with chipped paint shows decades of hard use. The single view-
port appears as if it has been painted over, and no light manages to bypass the barrier. The keypad and
card-reader located next to the hatchway has been severely damaged, and as such bars your entrance to
the interior of the shuttle.

The ‘paint’ is actually a thin layer of blood coating the inside of the airlock viewport. Anyone inspecting
the keypad and card-reader can make an engineering check (DC 12). If it succeeds, they will realize that
it has been damaged by use of explosives, sealing it from the outside.

After repairing the lock and bypassing the security, the party sees a simple 5x5 chamber. There is
no atmosphere inside the airlock, and globules of a thick, reddish-black substance float in the
microgravity. Streaks of the same substance seem to coat nearly every square inch of the chamber itself.
The light, usually bathing the chamber, has been smashed. Tiny pieces of plastic and metal float just
beneath the light like a smattering of snow.
Located on the opposite side of the chamber is another door, sealed to prevent the atmosphere
from escaping. Unlike the exterior keypad and reader, this one remains intact and a dim glow can be
seen beneath the coating of the viscous substance.

The viscous substance is blood, and anyone making a life science or medicine check (DC 10) will be able
to identify it as such. In order to open the interior door, they will first have to make sure the entrance
door is closed (which can be quite difficult to achieve if they blew the door open!). It is slightly easier to
force the door closed, as long as they used brute force to open it in the first place. This is a strength
check (DC 18). If the door is closed, they can use computer skill check (DC 15) to open the door and gain
entrance to the interior of the shuttle.
If the PC’s cannot close the door due to lack of physical prowess or if they blew it open, the
ships security will be far more difficult to bypass. It is a computer check (DC 20) to bypass the safety
protocols and force it to open to the vacuum of space. The upside is that only the hall past the door will
be depressurized.
If this route is taken, the single Xeno Necro slicer which was inside the hall will be pulled out into
the open airlock. Anyone inside the airlock will be forced to make a Ref save (DC 10) to avoid being hit
by the flying Xeno-necro. If the save fails they too will be knocked out into the vacuum, travelling at the
rate of 60 feet a round. Unfortunately the Xeno Necro will be with them, and always in 5 foot range, and
it will attack!

2. Hallway

Dimensions: 5 ft. x 25 ft.

Read if the power has not been restored.

You enter a short and relatively narrow corridor, which is bathed in darkness.
Read if the power has been restored.

Upon entering, you see a short and narrow corridor. The overhead lights shed a strange crimson
glow on the scene before you.

The PC’s are required to make a perception check. This is an opposed check, their perception
versus the Slicer’s stealth. Read the below, whether they succeed the check or not!

A horrific scream pierces the darkness to your right as a creature suddenly leaps at you. It is
clearly a corpse, possibly a zombie, but it does not move like the shambling dead. It is dressed in the
tattered rags of a flight-suit, with strips of torn and filthy cloth floating at all angles.
The undead monster is a twisted parody of the man it used to be. The lower jaw is gone, and the
eyes are a covered with a milky film. The arms are broken, with one having seemed to fuse to the torso,
while the other has a massive blade of bone, covered in scraps of flesh and blood. A second blade
protrudes from the creature’s shoulder.
It attacks, the two blades slashing towards the nearest target!

As long as the PC’s have a light-source, they will have a chance to see the Slicer Xeno-Necro which is
waiting just to the right of the airlock hatch. It is an opposed check with the Slicer’s stealth check versus
the PC’s perception. If it fails, the first PC through the lock will be surprised and combat will begin. Of
course if the PC’s managed to depressurize this part of the ship, the Slicer will no longer be present.
Read the following after the Slicer has been dispatched. This is relevant even if the light has not
been restored, as long as the PC’s have some method of seeing in the dark.

Now that the creature is truly dead, you can see a total of five hatches leading deeper into the
shuttle interior. Upon further inspection, you can see streaks of a dark substance splashed liberally
against the viewport to the airlock, and strange symbols are painted in the same substance seemingly at
random on the walls, floor and even the ceiling.

Only the door to the bridge is not considered to be a standard hatch. This one is reinforced and is to be
treated like the airlock. The symbols cannot be read, as they match no known languages. The doors
leading to storage and the passenger cabin are unlocked, while the door to life support is locked.

3. Storage Cabinet

Dimensions: 10 ft. x 10 ft. (approximately)

A door without a lock is located next to the hatch to the airlock. A simple latch opens into a small
5 foot square storage room. Inside are four spare Estex suit 1, a single basic medkit, 2 flashlights, 1
lantern 1 toolkit, 12 air bottles and mask combination (allow the user to breathe in toxic or airless
environments for a full hour without trouble), and 2 fire extinguishers. The suits have spare helmets, and
each has magnetic soles, allowing the wearer to walk on any surface, as long as they are metal.
This is just a standard emergency supply locker. The description remains the same no matter if the
power is on or off.

4. Life Support / Medical

Dimensions: 10 ft. x 25 ft. (approximately)

Read if the power and gravity has not been restored.

The door to this chamber is locked. Upon entering the small chamber, you see a single chair
facing a small counsel. Playing your lights over the scene, you notice that there is a single fold-down
table located to the right of the entrance. A flat-screen monitor does not even flicker. Several devices are
attached to the wall. Large globes of a thick, red substance float in the microgravity. Further inspection
reveals that this is the controls for the shuttles life-support system.

Read if power and gravity has been restored.

The door to this chamber is locked. Upon entering the small chamber, you see a single chair
facing a small counsel. The overhead lights reveal to you that there is a single fold-down table located to
the right of the entrance. A flat-screen monitor displays the words ‘On Standby’. Several devices are
attached to the wall. Several pools of a thick, red substance have been splattered on the metal deck-
plates. Further inspection reveals that this is the controls for the shuttles life-support system, which glow
softly, waiting for commands.

Until the ship’s power has been restored, nothing can be done in this room. As is the case with most of
the computer terminals onboard, this one has a security lockout. As long as the PC’s have restored the
power to the ship, it is not as tough as the lockout in the bridge, requiring a computer skill check (DC 17)
to bypass the lockout. If the PC’s are able to access the controls, they can turn up the temperature in the
ship, restore gravity, and restore lighting.
The fold down table is the one emergency medical examination table located on the shuttle. A
simple medicine or life-sciences check DC 10 will reveal the nature of the devices attached to the wall.
They are life support, as well as auto-injection units used to stabilize and keep anyone wounded alive
long enough to get them to proper medical attention. Currently, the device on the wall has enough
healing mk 1 serums for a total of seven doses. The machine can also generate a total of 4 doses of
Sprayflesh, and has the equivalent of an advanced medkit.
Of course the globes are actually frozen blood.
The PC’s can use the controls here to suck out the toxic fog filling the engineering deck, but it
will require jury-rigging a power source to the console.

5. Bridge
Dimensions: 20 ft. x 25 ft. (approximately)

The bridge of this cargo-shuttle is somewhat roomier than most. Three seats are arranged in
front of wrap-around counsel. That is all you are able to see as you are set upon by several creatures at

Unless the PC’s are being cautious, three Xeno-necro’s will gain surprise on them. Otherwise, if
they state they are paying attention and are ready for trouble, roll for initiative as normal. They will have
to battle two slicers and a Vomitter.

Read if the power and gravity has not been restored.

Having dispatched the three undead monsters, your lights reveal that the bridge has suffered
serious damage. Toxic vapors laced with the strong scent of ozone waft throughout the chamber. The
pilot’s chair has been reduced to a puddle of melted metal and plastic. Little globules of melted plastic
and a vile-looking liquid float in the microgravity above the remains.
The engineering counsel has what appears to be extensive plasma burns. Blood coats the
controls at the navigator’s positions, adding a slight tinge of iron to the already disgusting miasma of
odors. The main view-screen has been shattered, and even now sparks spit and sputter from the
exposed wires. Chunks of plasti-glass float in front of the ruined screen.
Upon closer inspection, you can see strange symbols painted in what can only be blood on the

Read if power and gravity has been restored.

Having dispatched the three undead monsters, dim and flickering light-panels reveal that the
bridge has suffered serious damage. Toxic vapors laced with the strong scent of ozone waft throughout
the chamber. The pilot’s chair has been reduced to a puddle of melted metal and plastic. Puddles of
plastic and a far-fouler substance coat the floor around the chair. Small tufts of smoke climb lazily into
the air as the substance slowly eats away at the metal decking.
The engineering counsel has what appears to be extensive plasma burns. Blood coats the
controls at the navigator’s positions, adding a slight tinge of iron to the already disgusting miasma of
odors. The main view-screen has been shattered, and even now sparks spit and sputter from the
exposed wires. Chunks of plasti-glass litter the deck for a good three feet around the ruined equipment.
Upon closer inspection, you can see strange symbols painted in what can only be blood on the

If anyone is foolish enough to touch the foul-appearing substance around the captain’s chair, they will
discover it is the acid produced by the Vomitter Xeno-necro. Touching it will cause 1d4 points of acid
damage, and it will continue to burn for 1d3 rounds. It can be washed off with any liquid substance,
instantly ending the duration.
Inspecting the symbols, the PC’s will discover that they match no known language, just like the
symbols in the hall.
Repairing the main screen will require spare parts (which can be found in Engineering). This is a
simple task, requiring an engineering check (DC 10). This will take 2d4+2 minutes to complete. A critical
failure will inflict 1d4 points of electrical damage as the wires shock the PC attempting the repair. This
will happen even if the power has not yet been restored, as the power comes from back-up batteries.
The damage to the engineering counsel is a lot tougher to repair, requiring an engineering check (DC 18)
and 1d4+1 hours to complete.
The navigation station works just fine, although the blood needs to be cleared away.
Two of the three Xeno-necros are the remains of the crew. The two slicers were the former
Navigator and Captain. They are covered in the melted and torn remains of the standard ship jumpsuit.
Thankfully the acid from the Vomitter missed destroying their ID cards, which are amazingly enough still
attached to the bodies. As long as the power has been restored to the ship (or jury-rigged), both of
these ID badges can open any locked door in the ship!
Finally, if the PC’s think about it, they can access the ships computer logs. Here they will discover
that this shuttle is one of three assigned to the ‘Velocity’, a large cargo hauler. Further investigation will
reveal that this shuttle originally had been dispatched to a moonbase on a standard supply and
personnel run. Try as they might, the crew had not been able to make contact with the personnel of the
base. When they landed, they found the containers (located in the cargo hold) stacked and ready to
load. No one was around, and all they found on the landing pad was instructions to load the containers.
Some of the more adventurous members of the crew decided to investigate the landing pad,
and found that not only were the locks leading to the base locked, they had been welded shut from the
inside, and the universal symbol for biohazard were clearly painted on the doors .
A pad with instructions said not to enter the base, as it had been placed under quarantine, and
that the shuttle was to take the containers (said to contain research samples) to the Velocity and then to
the nearest research station.
Digging deeper, the PC’s will find that after the shuttle docked with the Velocity, they travelled
through Drift space for only a week before the cargo hauler dropped back to normal space and the
shuttle was subsequently detached and dropped, at which time the Velocity returned to Drift space.
The GM can easily come up with the co-ordinates for both the moonbase and the research
station the cargo was supposed to be delivered to. Filling out both locations will be up to the GM.

6. Passenger Cabin

Dimensions: 20 ft. x 25 ft. (approximately)

Read if the power and gravity has not been restored.

Before you is a large compartment designed to carry up to twenty passengers. Your light reveals
Five rows of four seats each (two port and two starboard) are separated by a single five foot wide aisle,
allowing for ease of movement. The seats are padded and appear well-worn but comfortable.
Small view-ports are located beside each seat, revealing the star-speckled space beyond. Behind
each seat is a small personal holo-projector, which the passengers can use to watch on-board
entertainment, or link their personal computers or comm-units, in order to enjoy anything they brought
with them.
Overhead compartments are visible, with approximately half of them open, revealing duffle bags
and other similar carry-on items.
Bits of dust and small pieces of detritus float in the zero-gravity, including what are unmistakably
small globules of blood. The only light that penetrates the darkness comes from the ten small view-ports
located on either side of the aisle.
At the far end of the aisle is another door, and despite the lack of visible light, a small panel is
glowing faintly to the right of the door, barely visible in the darkness.

Read if power and gravity has been restored.

The overhead light flickers and is dim, but sheds enough illumination to reveal a large
compartment designed to carry up to twenty passengers. You see five rows of four seats each (two port
and two starboard) are separated by a single five foot wide aisle, allowing for ease of movement. The
seats are padded and appear well-worn but comfortable.
Small view-ports are located beside each seat, revealing the star-speckled space beyond. Behind
each seat is a small personal holo-projector, which the passengers can use to watch on-board
entertainment, or link their personal computers or comm-units, in order to enjoy anything they brought
with them.
Overhead compartments are visible, with approximately half of them open, revealing duffle bags
and other similar carry-on items.
Bits of dust and small pieces of detritus litter the seats and solid metal floor. The unmistakeable
dark-red splashes of blood are visible on several of the seats, as well as splashed liberally on the floor
and bulkheads.
At the far end of the aisle is another door, this one appearing quite sturdy, almost as strong as
the airlock door. In bold common script on the door itself is the caption ‘Authorized personal only!’ A
small glowing pad is located on the right of the door itself.

There is a single slicer in this area, lying prone between two of the seats near the hatchway leading to
the weapons turrets and cargo hold. If it is still dark, the slicer will gain a +4 to its stealth check. If the
power has been restored, then it gains no bonus. It will remain prone, appearing to be nothing more
than a corpse, but if touched, or somehow it remains unseen (use its stealth skill as a contested check
with the players perception), it will spring and attack the nearest target. When this happens, two of the
overhead compartments will burst open, allowing two stalkers to potentially gain surprise on the party.
If the party attempts to search or open the closed overheads, if they open one marked with an
asterisk, then they will have discovered one of the hiding Skulkers. Once one is discovered, combat with
all three creatures will begin.
Once the creatures have been dispatched, if the party decides to search through the overhead
compartments, they will find 3d4+2 random items from the random loot table (ignoring the ‘can only be
rolled once), as well as a Plasma Cutter Mk 1.
7. Turret / Cargo hold access

Dimensions: 20 ft. x 5 ft.

Read if power has not been restored.

This narrow hall has a single door to the port and starboard side, as well as one directly forward. All
the doors are reinforced hatches, and are locked.
Your lights show that the short corridor is clear of debris and blood, although closer inspection of the
floor reveal that it has been used quite extensively over the years. There are no viewports on any of the
doors in this corridor.

As soon as someone attempts to enter either of the turret blisters, a slicer will burst from overhead,
potentially gaining surprise on the party. One will drop from over each of the reinforced hatches to the
turret blisters, attacking without hesitation.

Read of the power has been restored.

This narrow hall has a single door to the port and starboard side, as well as one directly forward. All
the doors are reinforced hatches, and are locked.
You can see that the short corridor is clear of debris and blood, although closer inspection of the floor
reveal that it has been used quite extensively over the years. There are no viewports on any of the doors
in this corridor.

8. Damaged Laser Turret Blister

Dimensions: 15 ft. x 15 ft. (approximately)

Read if power has not been restored.

The ships turret is an absolute wreck! The control panels have been smashed, as if someone in a fit of
rage used a heavy hammer or other similar device to take out their rage on the weapon system. Pieces of
metal, alloy composites and circuitry float in the cold air, and a single arm lazily spins, partially obscuring
the external view. A large globe of frozen and congealed blood floats like an obscene streamer,
extending several feet from the severed end of the limb.
There is no sign of the body which the limb belonged to anywhere.

Read of the power has been restored.

The ships turret is an absolute wreck! The control panels have been smashed, as if someone in a fit of
rage used a heavy hammer or other similar device to take out their rage on the weapon system. Pieces of
metal, alloy composites and circuitry litter the steel deck-plates of the turret, while a single arm is draped
over the smashed consol. Frozen and congealed blood coats the shattered remains and paints the torn
Sparks flash across the ruined controls, arcing from the arm to the chair and back, and seem to be
growing in frequency as you watch!

The damage to the controls has caused it to overload. The party has 1d4+2 rounds to attempt to
bypass the power, otherwise it will explode! It is an engineering check DC 10 to figure out what is wrong.
Each round, an electrical arc will shoot out from the panel, randomly targeting anyone in the
room. This is treated as a ranged attack, with the arc having a BAB of +0 to hit the target. If it hits, the
target will suffer 1d4+1 electrical damage, and it will arc once on a critical hit, inflicting the same
damage to another random target in the room.
Once the issue has been diagnosed, it is another engineering check DC 14 bypass the power, and
if the check fails, the party member attempting to do the bypass will suffer 1d4 electrical damage.
Diagnosing the issue is a single round action, while running the bypass takes 2 rounds.
If the bypass fails, the DC increases by +2 until the party either succeeds, or the control panel
explodes! If this happens, anyone inside the room will take 3d6 P & F damage. A reflex save (DC 12) will
reduce the damage by half.
The easiest way to avoid the encounter is to simply leave and close the door.
No matter the outcome, once the party leaves the turret, another slicer will instantly pounce on
them from the floor. Anyone standing in front of the door must make a Ref save DC 13 or be knocked
prone, and then combat begins. This particular slicer is missing an arm and only gets a single arm-blade

9. Undamaged Missile Turret

Dimensions: 15 ft. x 15 ft. (approximately)

Read if power has not been restored.

Upon entering the chamber the weapon turret appears to be undamaged. A few stray bubbles of
what can only be frozen blood float in the cold atmosphere of the room, just inside the hatch. A large
pipe-wrench floats about five feet into the room, the device scratched and covered in dents that are not
caused from normal wear and tear.
The seat in front of the missile turrets controls contains a single form, which is strapped in and
appears ready to use the weapons.

Read of the power has been restored.

Upon entering the chamber the weapon turret appears to be undamaged. The controls glow
softly in the dim interior of the turret, and upon closer inspection, the missile magazine is empty, all the
weapons having been expended. A few stray splotches of blood spatter the floor, just inside the hatch. A
large pipe-wrench lies on its side about five feet into the room, the device scratched and covered in dents
that are not caused from normal wear and tear.
The seat in front of the missile turrets controls contains a single form, and appears ready to use
the weapons.

The figure seated in the control chair is one of the ships two weapon’s officers. The figure is a female
human, although she is dead, without any apparent cause of death. A medicine or life-sciences check DC
15 will determine the cause of death as from having injected Deathblade poison (core book, pg. 419).
Further inspection will reveal small cuts, scrapes and slight bruising around both palms, from using the
pipe wrench to destroy the controls to the laser turret.
1d4 rounds after entering the room, the form will let out a soul-shattering scream. Anyone in
the room must make a Will save, DC 10 or become shaken for 1d4 rounds after hearing this. On the next
round the body will sprout two large bone-blades from the shoulder, and it will leap up and attack the
nearest target. The former weapon’s officer is also clad in an AEA Mk 1 suit, increasing her EAC by +1
and KAC by +2. Once she has been dispatched, the suit can be removed, cleaned and used by the party if
they so desire.

10. Cargo Hold

Dimensions: 55 ft. x 60 ft.

Read if power has not been restored.

Blackness is all but absolute inside this room. As you try to penetrate the obsidian dark, your
lights reveal row upon row of stacked humanoid-sized containers, and biohazard symbols are clearly
marked on each. Dust and small bits of random dirt and trash float lazily in the micro-gravity, with
nothing but your own passage to disturb them. A trail of frozen blood droplets float in the air, and blood-
splatter are seen running down the aisle. This trail is just to the left, moving all the way to the door in
which you stand.
Each of the containers is held in place by magnetic clamps, and there is an overhead crane
apparatus, a huge affair, which can move to any point inside the chamber. It is clear that this is how the
cargo is placed in the racks.
Even in the darkness, you can see a wide seam running down the center of the hold,
disappearing into the darkness beyond.
A control pedestal rises from the deck plates next to the door you just entered from, the screen
as dark as the night itself.
Horrifying screams and moans penetrate your senses from all around!

Read of the power has been restored.

With the overhead lights illuminating the cargo hold, you can see row upon row of stacked
humanoid-sized containers. There are three per stack and a total of four rows. A quick count reveals
there are easily over a hundred and twenty of these containers, and upon closer inspection, biohazard
symbols are clearly marked on each.
Dust and bits of trash litter the floor and can be seen on a handful of the containers. Even in the
darkness, you can see a thick line running down the center of the hold. A trail of blood and blood-splatter
are seen running down the aisle, just to the left, moving all the way to the door in which you stand.
Each of the containers is held in place by magnetic clamps, and there is an overhead robotic
crane apparatus, a huge affair, which can move to any point inside the chamber. It is clear that this is
how the cargo is placed in the racks.
Thanks to the power and lights, you can see a wide seam running down the center of the hold.
Near the rear of the chamber is the entrance to the shuttles engineering compartment, and even
from this distance, you can clearly make out that at least eight of the containers must have shifted
during flight, as they lay haphazardly on the floor, all damaged and open to reveal nothing but streaks of
blood, scratches and dents.
A control pedestal rises from the deck plates next to the door you just entered from, the lights
glow a cheery green.
Horrifying screams and moans penetrate your senses from all around! No less than six of the
deadly slicers and at least two of the Skulkers are on the attack. That is not the worst of it though, in the
dead center of the chamber the naked body of a human is writing next to several of the chambers. The
flesh splits open, the intestinal tract and organs fly out, deforming as they travel through the cold
atmosphere. When the flesh hits the metal of the containers and the floor, it instantly adheres to the

Like many commercial freighters and shuttles, this particular ship was designed to be modular,
allowing actual cargo ‘holds’ to be attached to the shuttle for ease of transport to the main freighter.
This particular shuttle has a hold, which is filled with dozens upon dozens of human-sized containers.
These are in fact coffins, and contain numerous Xeno-necro corpses. They are all currently in stasis, and
as long as the coffins are not opened, they will remain dormant.
If anyone is foolish enough to attempt to open the caskets, they will first have to bypass the
security lockout. This is a two-step process, as it requires both an alpha numeric code just to unlock a
panel which then requires a key.
Bypassing the code requires a computer check DC 17, and each time the check fails, the DC
increases by 2. If it fails three times, then the computer automatically shuts down and it is impossible to
bypass the security. If the PC’s get past this, then it is a engineering check DC 15 to bypass the lock itself.
Note that in order to find the lock without first bypassing the computer security requires a
perception check DC 16. If the check succeeds, then the nearly-invisible panel is discovered. It can be
forced open with a Strength check DC 18, or it can be smashed open by inflicting 10 points of damage.
Note if the PC’s inflict more than 25 points of damage, they have breached the interior of the casket and
it will automatically open, letting loose the Xeno-necro stored inside in 1d3 rounds. Roll on the chart
below to see what type of Xeno-necro will be released:

Xeno-necro Type table

Roll Type
01-05 Desecrator
06-70 Slicer
71-90 Skulker
91-00 Vomitter

The seam (indicated by the dotted line down the center of the map) running down the center of
the room is in fact a large exterior door. The entire floor of the chamber can be opened using the control
Pedestal, but the room needs power first. In order to bypass the security, a computer check DC 20 is
required to operate the doors.
If the PC’s do decide to open the doors, it requires 1d4 minutes to run the bypass, and once they
are opened, the air will begin to rush out, potentially pulling the PC’s and the Xeno-necros that are
located inside the container.
This is not likely to happen, unless the PC’s have some way to remain hidden and unseen by the
Xeno-necros. A successful stealth roll versus the creature’s perception must be made every minute, or
the creatures will attack.
It is either a Strength check DC 18 or a Ref save DC 20 to avoid being sucked out into space. The
same check goes for the Xeno-necros located in the chamber. If they are ejected into space, they travel
at a rate of 60 ft. per round. If the PC’s are secured to the container using magnetic boots, then the
chances of them getting sucked into space is drastically reduced, each DC check drops to DC 8 and DC 10
respectively. Any Xeno-necros inside the chamber are not so lucky.
A total of 4 rounds are required for the atmosphere to be sucked into the vacuum, although
only a single DC check is required to remain inside. The only exception is that if the PC’s attempts to
move, which will require a new DC check every round!
Any Xeno-necros inside the chamber will attempt to close on the PC’s, and as a result will
require a check every time they move.
This area is designed to be tough. The slicers will simply charge at the party, splitting their
numbers up evenly among the players. The Skulkers will stay on top of the chambers or cling to the walls
and ceilings, and use their ranged attacks.
The creature attaching itself to the chambers (indicated by the capital P on the map) is a newly
forming protector, and as such it does not have quite the same statistics as those provided in the
description. The creature has only 30 hit points, and it cannot produce attack pods. The to-hit bonus is
only +4 and the tentacle damage is 1d6+3. It has not yet hardened, and the DR is 4 instead of 8. Finally
the creature’s perception is only +8 in this instance. For determining experience after defeating the
creature, it is considered to be a CR 3 creature.
Although very unlikely, if the PC’s attempt to open the cargo bay doors, this creature will not be
sucked out into the vacuum of space, as it is securely attached to the chambers.
Enterprising PC’s may attempt to use the controls for the heavy robotic crane are located at the
same panel as the airlock control. The DC to bypass security for the crane operations is the same as to
open the door, and it takes 1d4 rounds to gain control of the crane. The PC’s can use this to grab hold of
any of the Xeno-necros (using the grapple rules, but instead of a +8 it is a +4 to the creatures KAC. If any
of the PC’s manage to catch a Xeno-necro, they can crush it to death on the same round, and the
creature does not gain a saving throw. The PC’s can use this device to destroy the newly forming
Protector as well, and it is a standard to hit roll, as the creature cannot move, so it will be easier to
dispatch the undead monster using this device.
If the PC’s decide to open the airlock, they can use the crane to jettison all the chambers into
the void, although this will take several hours to do so.
After the Xeno-necros have been defeated, the PC’s will find the entrance to Engineering at the
rear of the chamber. It is locked, and the door is considered to be reinforced for purposes of bypassing
the lock.
The major difference is that because engineering is filled with a toxic, flammable fog, using
explosives or fire will have dire consequences. If explosives are used, the fog will ignite inside
engineering. This will have the effect of killing the Xeno-necros that are inside the chamber, but it will
also cause a jet of flame to shoot down a five foot cone through the engineering door, all the way
through to the door leading out of the cargo hold.
Anyone standing in this path must make a Ref save, DC 16 or suffer 9d6 points of damage. In this
instance, evasion will help. If this occurs, it is still possible to get the power online, but the listed DC for
the task is increased by 4!

11. Engineering

Dimensions: 40 ft. x 65 ft. (approximately)

The entire room is not only bathed in the darkness of space. Even with your lights, all you can see
is a thick, yellowish fog. Something happened in here, and whatever it is caused the entire power-
generation system to go off line.

Anyone with dark-vision will still have issues seeing, as the fog, which is in fact a toxic mixture,
obscures vision past five feet. Only things like echo-location will allow anyone to ‘see’ normally. One of
the tanks used to contain the ships coolant was heavily damaged when then Xeno-necro outbreak
occurred. It is a miracle that the highly volatile chemical compounds did not ignite!
If the PC’s use any fire-based weapons (lasers included!) in this room, the chemicals will
explosively ignite! Not even evasion will help, and all those inside the room will suffer 9d6 damage,
although a Ref save DC 16 will cause half damage, but once again, not even evasion will help here.
Anyone with engineering or life-sciences will be able to make a skill check DC 12 and 16
respectively. If it is made, the PC will realize what kind of chemical compound they are facing and can
advise what NOT to do!
If anyone is foolish enough to remove their helmets inside the chemical fog, they must make a
fort save DC 12 or become poisoned. This follows the Constitution poison track, and it requires a single
save to stop the effects. However, if the victim does not put their helmet back on, then the DC of the
save increases by 1 per round. Even if a single save is made, this will not stop the effects of further
As you move through the fog-enshrouded darkness, your light reveals the standard engineering
deck. Control consoles are dead, not even stand-by lights shine to break the abyssal dark.

A total of five Slicer Xeno-Necro’s are hiding in the fog. If the PC’s are trying to be silent, they
can move about without potentially alerting the Xeno-necros. They are located at the X’s indicated on
the map. As soon as one of the PC’s come within 10 feet of one of the X’s, the creature is allowed a
perception check. Even they are affected by the obscuring fog, and have to rely on their other senses. If
the check succeeds, they will move towards the sound, and although they cannot gain surprise, they will
still attack.
Once combat begins, or the PC’s are making excessive amounts of noise, this will alert the Xeno-
Necros to their presence, and they will move at normal speed towards the sounds.

Having dispatched the undead, you now are able to continue exploring the engineering deck. You
finally locate the console, which controls the ships power-generation. Unlike the others you have seen,
this one has dimly-glowing symbols.

Anyone can read the display; it states that power cannot be restarted until the contamination
has been vented from the engineering deck. There are three ways to do this. First, the PC’s can find the
console which controls environmental in the engineering deck and use a power-cell to jury-rig it. This is
the same as trying to jury-rig a key-pad. If the PC’s are successful, then they can start up the rooms
environmental controls, and it will take 10+2d6 rounds for the environmental pumps to clear the
chemical fog out of the room.
The second is to open the room to the vacuum of space. Since there is a heavy airlock located
here behind the power-plant, which is used to access the exterior of the ship’s engines when they
require repair, they can bypass the safety-measures and open the room to space. This will pull the toxic
fog out of the ship in 4 rounds, as well as the bodies of the floating Xeno-necros.
Finally, the PC’s can return to Life-support and jury rig a power cell to the control console there,
and use that to evacuate the fog from the chamber.
As long as the PC’s do not use flame or fire, they will not cause the chemical fog to ignite. When
the PC’s are able to clear away the toxic fog, read the following:

With the threat removed from the chamber, you can now see unimpaired. Your light reveals
heavy damage to several of the tanks, which are suspended off the ceiling. Clearly this is where the toxic
coolant was stored. The room shows damage from small-arms fire, and what could be scorches from
plasma or other similar weapons. Even with the Xeno-Necro’s you destroyed, you see several more
corpses, or at least parts of corpses floating near the chamber’s ceiling. All show damage from an
intense battle.

The slicers the PC’s destroyed were what remained of the engineering staff and crew who were
sent to help them. They defeated the Xeno-Necros but in the end they succumbed to the toxic fog and
after they died, they became Slicers themselves.
Returning to the power generation control console, you are now able to restore power and
gravity to the rest of the ship.

The PC’s will probably want to continue to explore the engineering bay, so read the following:

There are a dozen lockers located against the wall. These are used for storage of various pieces
of equipment and personal gear. Large bins are also easily discernible, and they are filled with common
spare parts for the various ship systems. A large industrial 3D printer is in the center of the room,
surrounded by several work tables and control consoles. The material for the printer is suspended from
the ceiling, located directly above the machine.

The PC’s will more than likely want to explore the room. All the parts they need to make simple
repairs are located in the storage bins, and the ship can even produce additional parts using the 3D
printer, if so needed. Anyone looking through the storage lockers can roll on the following chart to see
what they discover:

Engineering locker loot table

Roll Item
01-40 Empty
41-50 Advanced Engineering Agility Suit Mk 1
51-70 Engineering suit Mk 1.
71-75 Plasma Cutter
76-80 Spotlight
81-85 Tool kit
86-90 Grappler and 500 ft. Titanium alloy cable
91-95 Engineering Tool kit
96-00 Roll three times, ignoring 01-40.

On top of the above, the PC’s will also discover several emergency Advanced Medkits. They are
indicated by an M on the map. There are also several fire extinguishers, located at the F on the map.

New Creatures

Desecrator Xeno-Necro CR 5 XP 1,600

Neutral medium undead (Xeno-necro)
Init +10; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9

Defense HP 40
EAC 20; KAC 22
Fort +4; Ref +12; Will +6
Defensive Abilities heal Xeno-necro, toughened hide ; immunities Cold
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability
Speed 30 ft. or 90 ft. fly (good)
Melee Proboscis, +6, (1d6+1 P plus 1d4 acid damage for 1d3 rounds Crit 1d4 Dexterity loss) or two wing
claws, +2 (2d4+1 S, crit 2d6 acid)
Offensive Abilities Ambush, create spawn, engulf

Str +1; Dex +6; Con -; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +2
Skills Acrobatics +13, athletics +9, piloting +13, stealth +17, survival +9
Feats Fleet, improved initiative, lightning reflexes
Languages None
Gear None

Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins
Organization Solitary or small groups (1d3)

Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The Jugger is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it
to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a
Clinging (Ex) The Desecrator is capable of clinging to any surface, and retains its full movement speed.
No acrobatics check is required.
Create Spawn (Su) As a full round action and by striking a corpse with its proboscis, the creature can
inject it with the fluids and genetic material to create a new Xeno-necro. The type of Xeno-necro created
is up to the GM, but typically it will be a Slicer or Pouncer. This will take 1d4 rounds to complete the
transformation. Smaller creatures such as Skulkers will require only a single round to create, while larger
monstrosities such as the Jugger will require 1d4 rounds per corpse being used to create. It can also
create other Desecrators, but will never create more than two others, and they take the longest to
animate – typically 6+1d6 rounds. The only limit the monster has to creating other Xeno-necros is the
number of corpses available to it.
Engulf (Ex) If both wing claws hit, the creature will automatically be engulfed in a horrible hug. The
creature is allowed an attempt to break free every round (requiring a successful escape task from
acrobatics to break free). Each round the creature will suffer 3d6+3 points of acid damage until it breaks
free. If a target is killed in this manner, the Desecrator will continue to hold on for one more round,
automatically infecting the victim and creating a new Xeno-necro.
Heal Xeno-necro (Su) These creatures are able to heal damage inflicted on other Xeno-necros. As a full
round action, the creature can attach itself to the body of any Xeno-necro and inject the proboscis into
it. This will immediately heal 2d4+4 points of damage sustained. As long as the Desecrator remains
attached to the Xeno-necro, it will automatically heal damage inflicted. It should be noted once a Xeno-
necro is destroyed, the Desecrator cannot heal any further damage.
Energy Vulnerability The Desecrators, like all Xeno-necro’s, are particularly susceptible to energy
attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point
of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone
shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.
This particular type of Xeno-necro is a lot tougher than most of the commonly encountered members of
the particular type of undead. What really sets it apart from the rest of the Xeno-necros is the fact it is
able to inject a recently deceased corpse with the strange energies and toxins, turning the corpse into a
newly risen Xeno-necro.
This creature is created using the body of a single corpse. The head disappears, being absorbed
into the body, while the arms grow large flaps, allowing the creature the ability to fly. The legs shrink
and become a tail, while the rest of the organic material are re-arranged to toughen the hide and are
repurposed for the express task of creating other Xeno-necros.
The Desecrator uses a proboscis like appendage in order to inject a corpse with the energy and
genetic toxins. The type of the Xeno-necro created through this process depends on the number of
bodies available, the sizes, and the overall condition of the remains. Average humanoids become slicers
and Pouncers, while small corpses will become Skulkers. Occasionally it will take the time to pull a large
number of corpses and infect them in order to create a Jugger. If there are only a few Xeno-necros, it
will also infect a single corpse in order to create more of its own type, but never more than three at any
These beasts typically do not like to encounter possible hostiles, but if it discovers a lone
individual, or even a small group which appears to have suffered wounds, or appears to be poorly
armed, it will attack with the full intention of killing and then infecting the victims, creating new Xeno-

Protector Xeno-necro CR 10 XP 9,600

Neutral Large Undead (Xeno-necro)
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15

Defense HP 60
EAC 14; KAC 16
Fort +7; Ref -1; Will +12
Defensive Abilities , DR 8 points against all physical attacks, Camouflage, toughened Hide; immunities
Cold, undead immunities, vacuum
Weaknesses Energy Vulnerability

Melee Two tentacles +12 (2d6+6 B, Crit knocked down Ref save DC 17 to resist)
Space 10; Reach 10
Offensive Abilities Ambush, attack pods, extend tentacles

Str +6; Dex -4; Con -; Int -2; Wis +5; Cha +2
Skills Stealth +20
Feats Cleave, fusillade, great cleave, improved combat maneuver, strike back
Languages None
Gear None

Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins
Organization Solitary

Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The Protector is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use
it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a
Attack Pods (Su) The creature is able to produce a single attack pod as a free action once every second
round. It can throw the pod up to 50 feet from its location as a single attack, or it can use a full round
action and teleport the pod to any location within 200 feet of its position. Due to the Protectors innate
knowledge of its surroundings, it does not need to be able to see the location in order to teleport it.
Camouflage (Su) Each creature is able to use this ability to match the surrounding’s almost perfectly.
This is a full round action, and they will automatically gain an additional +10 to their stealth skill (which
will stack with their ambush ability, above). As soon as they attack, the camouflage drops. They can also
voluntarily drop it as a swift action.
Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Protector, like all Xeno-necro’s, are particularly susceptible to energy
attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point
of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Extend Tentacles (Su) As a standard action, the Protector can extend the length of its reach, increasing
its reach to 30 feet. This does not increase the creature’s space. It can keep the extended reach for as
long as it desires.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone
shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

One of the stranger types of Xeno-necro encountered. What sets it apart from others of its type is that it
is always attached to a particular location, be it on a wall, floor or ceiling, although the majority of the
time it is found on a wall. The body has become fused with the wall, and as such it is incapable of
This particular creature is created by using at least four corpses. There is a single head, which
has the tell-tale missing lower jaw, and the eyes are strangely wide and alert, unlike the other types
typically encountered. The legs and arms have become thinner and seem to have grown to at least three
or four times their usual length. Another strange change is how grossly distended the stomach has
become, and where the navel is on a normal humanoid, there is a large, gaping hole. The skin is the
typical sickly tan-grey of all the various Xeno-necros to be encountered.
One would think that because is incapable of moving, it would be relatively easy to avoid or
defeat. This is not the case. The Protector is fully capable of using a form of camouflage in order to
remain unseen, and in the depths of a starship, especially where lighting is usually quite bad, this can be
a major advantage to the beast. Once the Protector attacks, the camouflage is dispelled automatically.
Furthermore, the creature is fully capable of producing small attack pods, which it can either hurl using
one of its four tentacles, or it can teleport the attack pod. This makes trying to hide from the Protector a
difficult proposition, at best.
No one really knows why the creatures are placed where they are, as more often than not the
location does not seem to have any strategic value, nor does it appear the creatures are protecting
something valuable. It is speculated they are created by Desecrators when several corpses are
discovered next to a wall in a dead-end or narrow passage, but no one knows for sure.

Skulker Xeno-Necro CR ½ XP 200

Neutral tiny undead (Xeno-Necro)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1

Defense HP 4
EAC 18; KAC 20
Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +1
Defensive Abilities Clinging, toughened Hide; immunity Cold
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability

Speed 20 ft.
Melee Tentacle whip -2, (1d6-3 S or P)
Ranged Triple Dart +5 (3d4 P)
Space 2.5 ft.
Offensive Abilities Ambush, deep penetration, enhanced range

Str -3; Dex +4; Con -; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Stealth +8
Feats None
Languages None
Gear None

Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins.
Organization Solitary or small packs (1d6)

Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The Skulker is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it
to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a
Clinging (Ex) The Skulker is capable of clinging to any surface, and retains its full movement speed. No
acrobatics check is required.
Deep penetration (Ex) Occasionally the Skulker will allow a creature to pass within touch range. When
this happens a successful stealth check is required. If it succeeds, the creature will leap upon the target
and make a single attack roll with the tentacles. If the attack succeeds, the tentacles will burrow deep
into the victim, automatically inflicting 3d6+3 points of damage (P). If the victim survives the attack, it
will then detach from the target and flee to the nearest cover.
Energy Vulnerability The Slicers are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma
weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing
this type of attack.
Enhanced Range (Su) The darts of these creatures can be fired at extreme ranges without penalty. The
Skulker has a range of 200 ft., but no more, and there is no penalty for the attack at this range.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone
shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

The most commonly encountered version of this Xeno-necro are created from the corpses of infants and
toddlers. Typically when a colony is over-run by the insanity caused by the Xeno-necro artifacts, the
colony will have its share of infants and youngsters. In the case where none are present, the strange
necrotic energies will instead work upon small dogs and other beasts, of up to twenty pounds, no larger.
On average, the Skulker looks like a greenish-skinned infant or toddler. The mutated creature moves on
all fours and appears to be hunched. The lower jaw has changed, pretty much in the same manner as all
members of the Xeno-necro undead types, becoming more like a mandible. There are visible flaps on
the back of the creature, which will open when it is ready to attack.
The Skulkers always remain hidden, waiting for prey to appear. They will then attack from range,
using their small but deadly darts. The flaps on the back of the Skulker will open, and three tentacles will
appear. Each is tipped with a deadly-sharp dart, and it will fire all three simultaneously. A single to hit
roll is required and if the attack succeeds, the darts will inflict full damage.
It should be noted the Skulkers will often travel with Slicers or Pouncers, in order to use the
larger Xeno-necro’s for protection. When combined with the protectors, these little creatures can be
used with great effectiveness and can typically take down even well-armed and armored opponents.

Slicer Xeno-necro CR 1 XP 400

Neutral medium undead (Xeno-necro)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0

Defense HP 13
EAC 13; KAC 16
Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +4
Defensive Abilities Toughened Hide
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability

Speed 40 ft.
Melee Two slashing arm blades , +1, (1d6+5 S, Crit 1d4 bleed per round)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities Ambush, rend

Str +4; Dex +2; Con -; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Stealth +8
Feats Cleave
Languages None
Gear None

Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins.
Organization Solitary, small packs (1d6), large packs (4d6)

Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The slicer is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to
its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The slicer gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.
Energy Vulnerability The Slicers are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma
weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing
this type of attack.
Rend (Ex) If both of the slashing arm blades hit in a single round, they automatically inflict an additional
1d6+4 points of damage and the target will lose 1d4 points of blood loss per round.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone
shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.
The most common of the Xeno-necro’s, the Slicer is the animated remains of a single humanoid corpse.
The body is modified by the Xeno-necro energies at a genetic level – giving it increased strength and
causing the bones in the arms to elongate into long, blade-like protrusions, which it can use to great
Although not too sturdy, the creatures are fast, and as such it makes them all that more
dangerous. Typically encountered signally or in small groups, they can be fairly easily dispatched using
ranged weapons, and are particularly vulnerable to energy-based weaponry.
One of the favorite tactics of these creatures is to remain perfectly still, using the natural environment
around them (since they are almost exclusively found in space on derelict ships, stations and the like),
and wait for prey to pass near before they attack. Always, ALWAYS check air-ducts, maintenance
hatches, and other similar locations, as that is where they typically are, ready to pounce and rend.
The creatures do not retain any memory of their former lives, and although not completely
mindless, they are incapable of speech or true thought, except when it comes to laying ambushes.
One saving grace when it comes to these creatures is the fact they cannot transmit the Xeno-
necro energies themselves, so being slashed by one will not infect the target.

Vomitter Xeno-necro CR 3 XP 800

Neutral medium undead (Xeno-necro)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5

Defense HP 23
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +6
Defensive Abilities Toughened hide; immunities Acid, cold, undead immunities, vacuum
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Two slashing arm blades, +2, (1d6+2 S, Crit 1d4 bleed per round)
Ranged Acidic globe, +6, (1d8 E Crit burns 1d6 for 1d4 rounds, 50 ft. range)
Offensive Abilities Acid cone, acid ball, ambush, stench

Str +2; Dex +3; Con -; Int -3; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Stealth +5
Feats 2
Languages None
Gear None

Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins.
Organization Solitary or small groups (1d4)

Special Abilities
Acid Ball (Ex) Once per day, the Vomitter is able to create a large ball of acid. The ball is one foot in
diameter and it can be spit at any point within 50 ft. The ball will then explode, covering a 20 foot radius.
All creatures in the area of effect are allowed a Reflex save (DC 15). Those who fail will suffer 4d6 acid
damage, and will take an additional 1d4 points of acid damage per round (for 1d3 rounds) after. Those
who succeed will take half damage and will not be affected by the lingering acid.
Acid Cone (Ex) Once per day, the Vomitter is able to generate a massive cone of acid. The cone is 30 ft.
wide and all creatures in the area of effect are allowed a Reflex save (DC 15). Those who fail will suffer
2d6 acid damage, and will take an additional 1d4 points of acid damage per round (for 1d3 rounds)
after. Those who succeed will take half damage and will not be affected by the lingering acid.
Ambush (Ex) The Vomitter is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use
it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a
Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Vomitter are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers,
plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice
when facing this type of attack.
Stench (Su) The creature has a powerful stench of sulfuric acid. If anyone comes within 15 feet of the
creature, they must make a Fort saving throw (DC 15) or become nauseated as long as they remain
within the area of effect. It should be noted anyone who comes within 60 ft. of the creature will notice
the stench, and as such the creature will lose its +4 bonus to stealth.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone
shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.

Created from the remains of a single corpse, the Xeno-necro energies reanimate the body. In some ways
it takes on an appearance very similar to the slicer, except the arms tend to retain the finger bones. The
creature can still slash with the arms, but they are not quite as effective as the slicer.
These creatures often mingle with groups of slicers, acting as their ‘ranged infantry’, staying
back and spitting globs of powerful sulfuric acid at anything within a 50 ft. range. They have two
additional powerful attacks they can use once per day – an acid ball and an acid cone.
Anyone who gets too close to the creature will not only be subject to its physical attacks, but the
powerful stench emanating from the Vomitter can be quite debilitating.

New Equipment

Advanced Engineering Agility Suit (Light Armor)

Model Level Price EAC KAC Max AC Speed Upgrade Bulk
Dex Penalty Adjust slots
AEA Suit Mk 1 2 500 +1 +2 +4 - - 2 L
AEA Suit Mk 2 7 5,900 +7 +9 +5 - - 3 L
AEA Suit Mk 3 12 32,500 +12 +14 +6 - - 4 1
AEA Suit Mk 4 17 225,000 +20 +22 +7 - - 5 1
AEA Suit Mk 5 20 800,000 +22 +24 +8 - - 6 1

Many times engineers and technicians found that the standard Engineering suit was too cumbersome
for them to use, especially when they needed fine tactile touch, and the ability to move freely. By
sacrificing some of the protection, the suit allows for more freedom of movement.
The flexible metal has been replaced with a suppler fiber-carbon laced material. It is not quite as
strong, but is easier to move and weighs significantly less! As is the case with the regular engineering
suit, this one is air-tight and can easily be sealed against hostile environments and the killing vacuum of
If there is a downside, the suit is not quite as resistant to harsh chemicals and electrical damage
as the regular suit, only gaining half the level (round down) in damage resistance to both acid and

Engineering Suit (Heavy Armor)

Speed Upgrade
Model Level Price EAC KAC Max Dex AC Penalty Bulk
Adjust slots
Engineer Mk 1 1 200 +2 +4 +3 -2 -5 ft. 2 1
Engineer Mk 2 5 3,000 +7 +10 +3 -2 -5 ft. 2 1
Engineer Mk 3 8 8,700 +11 +15 +3 -3 -10 ft. 3 2
Engineer Mk 4 13 54,000 +17 +22 +4 -3 -10 ft. 4 2
Engineer Mk 5 17 210,000 +23 +27 +4 -3 -10 ft. 4 3
Engineer Elite 20 850,000 +26 +31 +5 -2 -5 ft. 6 3

These suits are universally worn by maintenance and technical staff across known space. The suits,
although never intended to be used as armor, have proven to be quite effective in this role. The average
suit is made of thick, stiff fabric, reinforced with plates of flexible metal on the outside, and sturdy rods
of light-weight metal along the limbs and torso. The fabric itself is air-tight and when combined with the
helmet provide protection against vacuum and other such hazards. Furthermore, the fabric has been
treated with special chemicals to counter most toxins such as acids and other corrosive substances.
Finally the suit also contains copper and other conductive metals woven into the outer-skin of the suit,
allowing direct electrical contact to flow away from the wearer, providing excellent protection from such
hazards. This translates into Energy Resistance equal to the level of the suit against acid and electrical
This is the only type of heavy armor that can be worn by Mechanics who have not taken the
Heavy Armor feat. If they do not take the feat, then the suits have the same statistics for them.
However, if a mechanic does take the Heavy Armor feat, they will gain increased benefits while using
this armor. The wearer gains a +1 and +2 to both EAC and KAC, and the energy resistance is increased by
50% (rounded down), and max dexterity bonus is increased by 1.

Plasma Cutter (Small Arm)

Weapon Level Price Damage Range Critical Cap Usage Bulk Special
Plasma 1 300 1d6 30 ft. - 20 1 L Penetrating,
Cutter E&F professional
Mk 1 (engineer)
Plasma 5 3,250 2d6 50 ft. Wound 20 1 L Penetrating
Cutter E&F (special) professional
Mk 2 (engineer)
Plasma 10 22,000 2d10 70 Ft. Wound 40 1 L Penetrating
Cutter E&F (special) professional
Mk 3 (engineer)
Plasma 15 142,000 3d12 100 ft. Severe 40 1 L Penetrating
Cutter E&F Wound professional
Mk 4 (special) (engineer)
Plasma 20 750,000 8d10 100 ft. Severe 40 1 L Penetrating
Cutter E&F Wound professional
Mk 5 (special) (engineer)

Originally designed as a tool for use in mining and construction, it was discovered this particular device
was quite handy in battling the various outbreaks of Xeno-Necros. After researching the effects the
energy had on the flesh of these undead monsters, it was discovered the plasma energy was in fact
quite useful against all manner of undead – as long as the undead were laced with negative energy.
The caster is a light-weight, one handed weapon which can fire either vertically or horizontally,
depending on the user’s wishes. It uses a laser designator in order to make sure the wielder cuts exactly
where she needs. This has been found to be quite useful when using the weapon against a living – or
unliving – target.
Plasma produced by the weapon is incredibly hot and like other plasma weapons burns and
causes electrical burns. This weapon has also been modified to use standard batteries, with the
maximum capacity listed. Unlike most other weapons, this will inflict critical damage against undead and
Xeno-necros. When it is used against Xeno-necros or other physical undead, this pure fire and electrical
combination tends to rip limbs right off the target when a critical hit is achieved. Note that insubstantial
undead are immune to all amputation effects. See the chart below for the wounds inflicted on Xeno-
necros or undead. If used against a living or non-undead target, use the regular wound and severe
wound charts.

Wound and Severe wound critical effect table (Xeno-necros only)

Roll Location Save Effect
1-10 General - Double damage
11 Eyes REF Blinded
12-15 Arm REF Amputated – cannot use two handed weapons, and loses a natural
claw attack (if any)
16-19 Leg REF Amputated – loses a leg, - 10 to land speed, must make Acrobatics
Roll (DC 20) every round or be knocked prone.
20 Head REF Amputated – creature is instantly destroyed.

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